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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-09, Page 11
Mrs. Ella Chaffe Dies In Mitchell Funeral services will be con ducted on Friday at the Heath funeral home, Mitchell for Mrs. Elia Chaffe, 74, who died in Stratford General Hospital on Tuesday. She was the former Ella Kemp of Fullarfon Township. After her marriage in 1900 to Harry Chaf fe they farmed on concession six of Logan Township until retiring to Mitchell in 1936. Mr, Chaffe died in 1945. Surviving are three sons, Wil iam and Norman of Logan; Jdwin L. of Exeter; one daugh ter, Mrs. Raymond Robinson, Logan. Interment will be made in Woodland cemetery, Mitchell. W. J. Beer Merchant The funeral of the late William J. Beer, 70, who died at his home at Grand Bend early Sunday morning, was held u ofh the Hop per-Hockey funeral home Tues day afternoon conducted by Rev. Harold Snell. Mr. Beer was for many years a prominent businessman of Exe ter, Early in life he learned the harness-making with the late Peter Frayne. After a short per iod in Seaforth he returned to Exeter and began business for himself in a brick building on Main St. that was sold and torn down to make room for the pres ent postoffice. At that time he purchased the building now. oc cupied by Russell Electric and to the harness business He added electrical fixtures and supplies. Following a heart attack in 1941 he disposed of the business to R. E. Russell and moved to a home at Grand Bend. He was a member of the Grand Bend United Church; past mast er of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. &A.M.; a member of the Scottish Rite, London, and a member , of the Exeter lodge of Oddfellows. . He is survived by his wife, the former Lida May Quance, and one sister, Mrs. Edith Young, of London. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. , . Pallbearers were R, E. Russell, Gerald Skinner, Maurice Quance, W. R. Perkins, J. A. McAlister and J. M. Southcott. » > I John W. Beatson Brinsley Granton Farmer By MRS. CECIL ELLWPOD Mrs. Markle and her brother, Walter Lee, of Detroit spent a week’s holidays with Miss Mary Amos. Mr. Gordon Banting of Lucan visiteJ his brother, Hilt Banting, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fenton, on Thursday, Miss Sandra Manqucn of Buf falo is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, David Morley. Miss Sharon Fenton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George ‘Ferguson near London. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Morgan of Sarnia' spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Watret of Beechwood. The Cravin picnic was held at Cantata Park last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Shaddock of London, Mr. and Mrs. * Art Hodgson spent the weekend in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. E.rJ. Dundas of Detroit visited withwr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood also with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan. Mr. Ernest McKenzie of Strath- roy, his brother, Tom McKenzie, and son of Wisconsin, visited with, Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon spent the weekend in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Les Howland. The Corbett picnic was held on the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett of Lucan on Sunday. A good crowd turned out for the occasion. Mrs, Harold Cunningham spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Morgan. Mr. and,Mrs. Marwood Prest arid sons spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs,. Harold Knapton .of Thorndale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton on Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Morlock of Ottawa and Miss Bertha Becker of Lon don spent few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Lee and children visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Young and Linda and Paul Young of Lucan spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Scott Trevetliick. John Beatson, 75, of Granton was found dead in his car on Highway 7 about 2’/a, miles south Rannoch about 11 p.m, Friday night. It is believed he ^suffered a heart attack. No injuries were apparent. Mr. Beatson vas born in 1881 on a farm near Granton on con cession 10, Biddulph. He lived there until his retirement to Granton in 1938. His wife, who died in 1938, was the form-er Minnie Bevington, Lucan. Surviving are one sm, Derwin on the home farm; two daugh ters, Mrs. Kenneth (Velma) Sholdice, A i 1 s-.. Craig; Mrj. Carman (Willa) Rinn, St. Marys; one mother, Joseph of Granton, one sister, Mrs. Charles Foster, Granton.. The funeral was held frorii the home of his son, Derwin, Bid dulph Township on Monday with Rev. J, P, Pre‘st rector of St. James church, Clandeboye, of ficiating. Interment was in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. Report From Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS The Want-Ad Results Are Hot Too! CLASSIFIED RATES T FOR RENT NOTICES 25 words or less 70 Moro Than 2.5 Word# —. 20 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS Moro Thon 25 Words — 1’/20 Per Word 200 OFF . ad paid with, order or Saturday following the last . insertion Semi-Display (Restricted to Firs’t Insertion Subsequent 840 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at nopn, 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, self- contained, unfurnished, available now, Apply John- Ward, phone 348. if 400 by Classified* one column), 980 Per Inch Insertions FOR SALE 10 PIGS. 9 weeks old. Apply D. J. Toonk, Highway 4, 1 mile north ofHensail. . 9 5-ROOM APARTMENT with 2 bed rooms, hot and coJd water; just remodelled. Apply to D, C. Jpynl, phone 62 Hensall, Ont. z2ti:9c APARTMENT—Living room, bedroom, kitchen and nathroom. On front of Main street. Apply May- fair Bakery, phone 52 Exeter._______19tfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone IDO, Zurich. 9tfc APARTMENT—Centrally located. 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished; separate entrance; rent reasonable; immediate possession. Apply 343 Andrew St.. Exeter, 31:28:5:12:19^9c 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, tor rent at once, W. C, Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter. 12tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on ShiPka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. Ibtfc NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS * Property owners in subdivided areas in Huron County are 'hereby | notified to destroy noxious weeds on their property before August 13th, 1936. After tills date proceedings will he taken to have the weeds destroyed in accordance with the Weed Control Act.W. R. DOUGALL. Huron County "Weed Inspector..9c SERVICES PIANO LESSONS—Anyone interested in taking piano lessons, contact Mrs. Harold Stive, A.W.C.M., Dash- wood, phone 37-W.' PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H, WALKER Phone 553 --________Exeter t CUSTOM WORK — Swathing and 1 combining. Self-propelled swather; satisfaction guaranteed. Apply E. J. Walker, Cromarty, phone 12-r-13I Dublin. • 26:9:16* AUCTION 8ALES AUCTION SALE Entire Household Effects . 232 William Street, TOWN OF EXETER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Including 3 bedroom suites; beds, springs and mattresses; chests of drawers; dressing tables: quantity of pillows, blankets, quilts; com bination hed studio - couch; daven port: china,cabinet; secretary desk; living room ceiling light fixture; dining room table and. 8 chairs: coffee table: card table: several small tables; 4 rocking chairs and several occasional chairs; 2 sewing machines; clock, new; Sunshine heavy duty range, new, Astral re frigerator; kitchen tahle and chairs: hot plate: cooking utensils; dishes: lamps; mirrors; pictures; washing machine: lawn mower and garden and other tools. TERMS: (’ash. MRS, MARY CORBETT, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk ' Of 9c Excellent Opportunities For Young Men / Permanent office employment, with every possibility for advancement in this rapidly growing company Regular salary increases based on personal initiative and development Staff benefits include life insurance, sickness and accident coverage, and pensions 5-day week Cafeteria Applicants should be high school graduates between 17 and 22. Please apply in person, between 8:30 and 4:15 Monday to Friday, to the Personnel Department. LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Dufferin Avenue at Wellington Street London, Ontario Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Murray visited in .Toronto last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Kaye, Willowdale, Mr, Lloyd. Greenley of Sand usky, Mich., arid Mr. Henry Hodgins of Corbett called on Mansell Hodgins Friday of last week. Mrs, M. Desjardine of Grand Bend has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ridley. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and xai-ily and Pat Westfall all of Lucan were Sunday visitors at Mansell Hodgins’ and both families enjoyed an outing during the day at Severne Park, Grand Bend Mrs. Thos Johns Dies In Hospital The death .occurred in St. Marys Hospital, London, on Sat urday, July 28 of Mrs. Thomas Johns, 78. Mrs. Johns suffered a frdetured hip in a fall in Jan uary of this year and has been hospitalized ever since. Mrs. Johns was the former Anne Makins of Exeter. , She married Thomas Johns of Exeter who died in 1926 at Kippen. Surviving are one daughter Mabel. Mrs. Albert Shirray, Hen sail, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. ' Funeral ’ services were held from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensail, on Monday conducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel, interment was in Baird’s cemetery. Bearers were; Jim Bengough, Sam Dougall, Lloyd McDonald, Alex Munn, Ken Eldgr and Lorne Chapman. 1951 METEOR, in real good shape, clean, custom radio. Hayter’S Garage, Dashwood, 9c ONE-WAY DISC, 4-ft„ 7 plates, 3-point hitch, has had very -little use. Phon.e Glenn Cameron, 25-r-6, Dashwood.' 9* Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 3tfc NOTICE TO TURNIP GROWERS I have a new Hi-Boy Sprayer for spraying turnips only, it has never been or never will be used for spraying 2-4-D Weed Killer. Do not be misled into thinking maggots are not working in turnips here this year, as I have found several farms that are badly tested, and I can spray them maggots and water core at same time at the one cost of plication. L, V. Hogarth, phone REAL ESTATE In for the TETRA PETKUS RYE Mill Ltd, Cann’s 9c BINDER, 7 ft., Massey-Harris No.5. Apply William Rohde, phone Ex eter .173-31. 9* FRAME HOUSE, 1^-storey for moving or wrecking; also, steel wheeled wagon, flat rack. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. ■ , ' .9 RYEGrown from genuine Tetra Petkus; cleaned and bagged: $2.00 per bus. Apply Llpyd Reynolds, phone 177-r- 4, Exeter, —9;16c NORGE OIL HEATER, complete with tank. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. . --..One WHEAT STRAW,- 10' acres,’ and spine baled hay. Apply Times- Advocate. • 9c 1939 CHEV, 1949 PONTIAC, covered with accessories; also a one wheel car trailer. Apply W. J. Clement, Hensall. , _______9c APPLES- NOW READY,’ Astrachan and Duchess; $2.00’ per bush'd, J. C. Fuller & Sons, .Lake Road W„ Forest, phone C14-.41, '________9* SPIRALATOR WASHES, Easy with pump and cement laundry tubs with taps. Bob Sangster, Heri- sall, phone 80-W._____. ■_____• 9* OAK DINING TABLE, chairs, china cabinet, dressers, beds, .linen, other articles. Estate of Mrs. M. D. Ketchen, R.R, 2 Hensall. Phone 683R32 or 297-W, Seaforth. 9* WORK HORSES—Good sound team of work horses. Apply Clement .Boland, Alisa Craig,' R.R. *3, phone 162-r-4, Dashwood. ____ 9* RANGETTE. in good condition,Pho’nb 602-M Exeter.- 9c WARTIME BUNGALOW, complete in every detail; redecorated inside and out: very low mortgage pay ments. This house must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 512-J. WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be. made. Bill Watson, .Dashwood, Phone 35-V-19. 7:12-ll:15c 9* HOMES—C, V, PICKARD—HOME? CREDITON Brick house, near centre of village, modern kitchen, bath up and down, good basement with furnace; extra lot. This pro perty Is ih good condition through out. Moderate price.EXETER—Cash $1,500.1)0. No, this is not the total price, but this amount- down will give you possession of comfortable four-bedroom home-with all modern conveniences including oil heat,. Balance in easy payments. . ' •EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick ih best of condition. • This compact home has a dining room. It is oil heated and has good garage. Price re duced. EXETER—3-Bedroom Brick Cottage. Very nice bathroom and kitchen. Choice location. Well treed lot. Immediate possession if desired.EXETER—$3,600.00 full price for Hi storey frame covered with asbestos shingles.. Close to schools, 3-piece bath. - Good basement. Pos session to suit purchaser, ’We have several other homes in a wide price range. It you wish to buy or sell see C. V, ’Pickard, 394 Main -St,, Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 7:26 CUSTOM BALING and combining, square bales. Also manure loading. Apply Norman "Whiting, phone Exeter 655-W, evenings. 12tfc HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set' today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St; E., Exeter, phone 454.______________________ 7c SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lu- can, phone 108 or 130-W.______8:2 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls »Are Used" •For artificial Insemination infor mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the‘Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton. Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M, We haye all breeds available —top. quality at low cost 4:26tfc HELP WANTED GOODYEAR Official Dies In Stanley Funeral services for Elmer ,J. Webster 56, of Varna and ex- reeve of Stanley township were held Sunday, July 29, conducted by Rev. T. J.-Pitt of Varna un der auspices of Varna Orange Lodge. ' . He farmed in Stanley township until going to Varna January of this year and taking- the position of road superintendent. He was interested in church and community affairs and was a member of-the United Church. He was a director of Hay town ship Fire Insurance, Company, director of South Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Associa tion, past master of South Huron L.O.L. director of Huron County Hog Producers Association and a member of( Hensail, Bayfield and Clinton fair boards. Surviving besides his wife are his mother, Mrs. Robert Web ster, Clinton; a son, Grant, Stanley township ;a daughter, Mrs. George Clifton, Kippen; two brothers, Watson and Melvin of Varna. Burial was in Baird's ceme tery, Stanley twp. HONEY—We can supply you with No. 1 extracted clover honey. Bring your own containers to be «a. lb. J. HabererSons, 'Zurich, 3, blocks south of Hotel Zurich,_____ __________9;16c ’54 CHEV 4-DOOR SEDAN: '53 Chev Ton Pickup, privatelyowned.' Both vehicles are in new car condition-. Can arrange finance and. will accept trade-in. Phone 1.16-J Hensall.________ 9* CEMENT MIXER, 3^ cubic foot, on rubber; wheelbarrows and forms, all nearly new. Apply to Thomas Lawrence, phone 27 Blyth. 9:16c A SPENCER is far more than a, , garment made to "average" measurements—each is designed io support the figure “as it should be”—not as it is. Mrs. Pearl Bayn- ham, phone 171-W Hensall.____9 ROLLING HOME, sleeps 4, good condition. Apply Bill Chambers. R.R. 3 Exeter.- 9* HIGHWAY 200 ACRES,, brick house, bank barn, silo, driveshed. 150 ACRES,. brick ■ house, ’bank barn, driveshed. 100 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, driveshed,75 ACRES, frame house, bank barn, silo. . ■ .50 ACRES, insul-bric house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Ex eter;_________________ ______19 tfc CREDITON—Brick house, ‘2-stbrey, •furnace, bath, attached garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman.______. 31 :tfjraAND’"E!END^3-bedroomy'cottage, full bathroom, winterized; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter._____- ___________ 14 tfc SMALL FRAME HOUSE, reasonably priced. A. Whilsmith, phone 270-J. 19 tin NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. ' tfc MAINTENANCE MAN for Huron County Home, Clinton. Applicant must have Fourth Class Engineer’s papers. Apply in writing to the undersigned, stating experience and salary expected.’ A. H. Erskine, Huron County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario,_____■_____ ________ 9c KITCHEN HELP, part-time.- Apply Reiher’s .Coffee Shop,_____’ 26:9c BEAN PICKERS, children. 12 years or over, or adults. Apply, Leslie Thomson, phone, 400-W. ’ 7tfc GIRL OR BOY wanted for coffee bar. Must be neat and, clean. Also girl for kitchen. Apply Armstrong’s • Restaurant. _____ 9c SALESMAN & MECHANIC wanted at Reg Armstrong Motors. ____7c START a permanent' year-round business. You begin earning goOd money the first day. Strictly your own boss. All families are custom ers and users of O'Ur many products. Openings in .your surroundings. Write for details. Fam ilex, Station C, Montreal.'__________■ 9 HOUSEKEEPER, to care for home while mother teaches; good hours; sleep out preferred, but room avail able if necessary. Children all at school, Phone 508 Exeter or write care of Box 172 Exeter. WAITRESS, for balance cif season. Apply Holiday Inn, Grand Bend, phone 158. . 9c Estat* AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 50-Acre Farm, Residential Property and Automobile The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by Public Auction on the premises, time and place as stated, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 50-ACRE FARM, consisting of South Halt of Lot 15, Con. 12. Hay Township, Hi miles west of Zurich and Hi miles south. All tillable clay loam and in good state of cultivation, well drained, never failing water supply, small orchard, There are no buildings pn this farm and it will be offered for sale on the premises at. 2 o’clock p.m., Saturday, August, 18. . RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Village of Zurich, Hay Township, Lot 14, Vauthier Plan 4, Goshen Street North, well-built brick house. Main floor consisting of living and dining room, one bedroom and kitchen; second, floor, 3 bedrooms and closet; good cellar; large cistern; home Jn good state of repair. Also good- sized barn used for garage and hen stable; goo’d garden land. Property very nicely situated. Will' be offered for sale on the premises at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, August 18. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale a 1946 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan, .in all- around good condition, low mileage. Terms on Car—Cash; on Real Estate—10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject, to a reason able reserve bid. Possession of farm and dwelling to be announced day of sale. % MRS. MYRTLE DIETZ,KAY ORTWEIN, Executors fpr the Estate of th,e late Jacob OrtweinALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer . 9:16 t twilight AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, Tools and Prgporiy For GARNET V,. PIERCE In McGillivray Township BRINSLEYMONDAY, AUGUST 13, T'.IE P.M* HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Kitchen, cabinet; old fashioned kitchen aid a* board; dining room extension glass bookcase; quantity of books,, including encyclopedia; 4 small .tables; library table: $ centra tables; 4 dining room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs: kitchen rocker; good steel ’ ‘ •ress: steel rors; steel Victor ___kitchen, stove; wood heater; quan* tity of dishes and kitchen utensilsl quilts: blankets; wash tubs; boileri fi pails; 2-hurner hot plate, nearly new: gas lantern; 2 coal oil lamps; small set of scales; electric toaster; 3 extension cords; 2 antique shot guns; 4 shovels: 3 hand saws; Swede saw; good level hammers; quantity of chisels; 3 squares; brace .and bits; number of wood augers; 2 axes; set of hew hedge clippers; caulking gun; quantity of nails and bolts; 3 jimmy bars; t good tool chests; saw table; 3 step ladders; 2 extension ladders; iron kettle with stand; set of scale?; wheelbarrow; 5 forks; power lawA mower; scythe; quantity of garden, tools, etc.; 'quantity of. basswood, lumber; II bunches of wooden shingles; 3 turn cedar posts; num ber of cedar posts and other ar ticles. PROPERTY: At the same time and place .there will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bld, tha following - property: Consisting of Ha acres of land on which is erect ed an ■ 8-room 2-storey brick hous» in good condition, with new roof, full basement, attached garage, hydro and small shed. This is * very desirable property. TERMS: Chattels, cash; Property. ten per cent down on day. of sale, balance of half of purchase price in 30 days, term? for balance can be arranged.J. R. McLEAN, THOS.uW. DIXON Auctioneers. WILLIAM AMOS, Clerk «4 bed viith springs and. matt* wooden bed with .springs, bed; dresser; 3 stands; 3 nur- chest of drawers; daybed! lawn' hammock; good RCA table model radio; rug; BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAT CAN SUPPLY what you need for egg - broiler - markets. (Order Ames In-Cross in advance.) Still & wide range. Mixed. Cocke* rels. Pullets. Some started. Order broilers now late summer. Full in* formation, agent—Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W._____ 9a STOCK WANTED Use T-A Want Ads for quick results. DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Sevens day week service for horses, cattle* sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy,; phone collect 168-W Lucan or Ex-' eter 285. ■ 12tfe I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phOne S3, Exeter. , ' 12tf* PRICES '50 '50 '50 100 RED BRICK, new, $75, Apply William Dace, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. , 26tfc R/ANCH STYLE HOUSE, new. basement, living room, kitchen,. 3 bedrooms, full bath; acre of land; priced down, owner going West. Duplex, separate entrances, 2 full baths, kitchens, new oil. furnace. Rents at $110, Price $6,300. Some terms. ' NICE BRICK HOUSE, having all conveniences, including oil furnace: good barn and building lot. William Pearce. Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole', Salesman; 14 tic NOTICES TO CREDITORS '50 APPLY EDGAR CUDMORE Phone 171-r-14 Exeter 19tfc SPECIAL OFFER on Maclean’s and Chatelaine, two of Canada’s best magazines, 40 issues (28 Maclean's. 12 Chatelaine) $4.00; 60 issues (40 Maclean’s and 2ft Chatelaine) $6.00. Limited, time—subscribe now. Exeter Times'-Advocate, phone 77<i. <12tfn FREE MAP qf Queen’s Realm with new subscription to Maclean’s magazine, only $2.00. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 12tfn—-------................ .... FREE!—"New Household Hints" or "Decorating Your Home" or "363 Home Tested Recipes" with 24- issue subscription, to Chatelaine, only $2.00. Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 770. 12tfn Guaranty Trust REALTOR ■ ‘ BRUCEFIELD Brick cottage, one floor, hath, pres sure system and garage. Priced for quick sale with terms. Low taxes. Well worth investigating. ------------------ ---------- , f, .■——* In the Estate of Jane Davis, deceased.All. persons having claims against the estate of Jane Davis, late of the Town -of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 16th day of July. 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell ’& Laughton, so licitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 25th day- ‘ of August, 1956, after which date the estate will be dis tributed, having regard only to those ciaims of which notice has been received; Bell &. Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter - Ontario 9:16:23c FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT, upstair, 2- piece bath; available immediately: S25, Phone , 7 Exeter,. ______ 9c SEPTEMBER 1 — Small modern home at 61. Hill St, Phone 7 Exeter.• 9c APARTMENT, unfurnished, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Peiihale Apartments, 70 John St. East, phone 294-R._______ 9c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnish ed, heated, hot and cold water, private . bath. Peiihale Apartments, 70 John St. East, phonfe 294-R. 9c. APARTMENT, unfurnished, hot and Cold water on tap, private bath with shower; available September 1. Phone 400-W (evenings). 7tfc worth investigating. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL street location — solid brick‘ .............. ' finer Main s.. —..—home, hot water' oil heat, modern kitchen. One of Hensall’s homes. Terms available. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL brick, two bedrodm______ home, kitchen and- new furnace.Solid modern _____ __ __Available with , terms; ☆ ☆ ☆ HENSALL Frame .cottage--r-main .street tion.. New modern bath and rewired throughout. Extremely low taxes. Terms available. Guaranty Trust REALTOR •R. B. Paterson — Phbne 51 Hensall loca- I9tte , z TENDERS WANTED E. L. CHAFFE AND SONS R.R, NO. 1 CENTRALIA, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER Rods installed in furnace ex haust stacks, incinerators and other air polluters promise to end the smog problem. Largely composed of alumina, the oxide of aluminum, the rods not only ignite waste gases but release heat that goes back to work in the plant, Iri everyday items like aircraft furniture and frying pans, ant in riiany an unseen job as well aluminum makes living mow pleasant for all of us. In fact, Canadians have become the world’s fourth largest pet capita users of this modern metal. Our aluminum industry not only -supplies this home market, but Is the largest exporter of alu minum for the Free World, too, ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) ELLIOT "APARTMENTS T,he 12-suite si earn-heated apart ment building Jn the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, refrigerator. (sdnie fully furnished); Janitor service ; plenty of hot water and.' parking Space for cars; very reasonable rates. One will be vacant August 15, itSANDY ELLIOT Phone 476 or 787-J Exeter t 8:9t£c 2 APARTMENTS, upper and lower, both newly decorated, in Centralia village, hot and Cold Water, Phone ?32-J3 Exeter. 26;9:16c LOWER AFAKTMENT, unfurnish ed, heated, On William Street, near downtown, 4 rooms and Mtn, entirely private, separate hot water tank, range wiring, nicely decorated,' Fhbne 232-M Exeter, 26:9c A pious but cranky old lady, who'lived alone, was quite put out because her neighbours had not invited her to their picnic, on the morning of the event one of theta called to ask her to go along. "‘It’s too late,” she snapped, ‘tv© already prayed atM................ ....... :r . FIRE WELLSTenders will be received by/the undersigned by August 18. 1956, for the construction of 2 fire wells in' the police village of Crediton. For information, c. o n t a c t town trustees. Cement, and digging to be supplied, by. village.ALFRED SMITH, Secretary of Trustees town 9:16c TOWNSHIP OK STEPHEN , Tenders Will be received by the Township of Stephen for 11.400 cu. yds, of open drain excavation on the Adams Drain. Plans and Profiles may be seen, at the office of the Clerk. Tenders must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than August 31, 1956, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ,F, W. MORLOCK, Clerk of the Township of Stephen 9:16:23c WANTED NEW WHEAT, 3 of I tom Phone Grantoit 72-r-7,..............................9e WALNUT TREES,, 7 ft, and Up ih length, free of limbs, 16 Inches and lipin diameter, 16 inches from ground. E. S. Thompson, • Mt. jy.vdgcs, phone 21. , 9 ;I6:2,>c PIANO, used, in good edndithm. Phone Ross Armstrong, 605-M4 Ex* otcr,........................ 9* WANTED TO RENT—A 2-bedroom house, ‘preferably east dr Main St,, mi* A client (couple). “W* C» Pearce, In the Estate of Jessie A. Bell, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Huron, Retired, deceased.Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send particulars of same to the undersigned Solicitors for the Executor on or before the 31st day of AifgUst, 1956, after Which date- the Estate will be djs- tibuted having regard only to Claims of which. notice has been received, Moorehouse, Shortt & Feo, 383-Richmond Street, London, Solicitors for the Executor.9:16c HILLMAK SEDAN AUSTIN COACH DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC COACH PONTIAC COACH PLYMOUTH SEDAN '48 PONTIAC COACH '48 <46 '46 '47 MERCURY SEDAN INTERNATIONAL 1-TON PANEL Yes! Save On These USED CARS See These Today At EXETER Phone 200 Motor Soles Exeter V; Maple leaf salmon 7g4-Oz. Till ............ 470 ✓ WHOLE kernel corn Niblets, 14*0z. Tins ............2 for 350 NUCOA MARGARINE Price .............. ............. . 2 Lbs. 590 SWEET MIXED PICKLES ’ Old Powne, 16-Oz. Jar..................230 SALAD DRESSING , Miracle Whip, 8-Oz. 270, 16-Oz. 470 TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE 48-Oz, Till ............................ . 450 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Large 16-Oz; Pkg. ............ 310 YORK BOLOGNA 12-Oz. Till........?........... .. 330 FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI 20-Oz. Tins ................ ..........2 for 390 BREEZE Large Pkgs. ......... .............> 2 for 770 GOULD & JORY PHONE 15 EXETER