HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-09, Page 10Ff 10 ' thf, 'Wits-Adwattr. August 9, 1956
Playground Patter
Olympic Festivities; Tours
Keep Kin Playground Busy
i anne Willert; Queen’s Park,
David Frayne and Marlene Har
ness.This week is Hobo, Pirate and
Gypsy Week. Wednesday the
seniors made a pirate raft and
gypsy caravan and on Thursday
: a hobo den was made. On Thurs-
; day the best athletes in each age
group will participate -in a track
1 and swim meet at Centralia.
A big parade is planned for
Friday afternoon.
The next and last week of the’
playground will be Circus Week
Olympic week was a very busy
week op the playground. Through
out the week athletic tests were
tried by everyone. Keen com
petition was shown Wednesday
and Thursday when mock and
regular track meetings and re
lay contests were held.
Yells and shouts for lions,
tigers, wolves, bears and panth
ers could be heard everywhere.
In the end, the lions were vic-
those people who eon- SYbigVght is'b^la’S
■ *>£. everyone. Playground, awardsFund, the playground wishes to
extend thanks for their help.
Sixty dollars has been forwarded
to- the fund.
On Friday morning, Rev. H.
J. Snell was the minister for our
churOh service.
Olympic Week was closed with
a torch ceremony. The lighted
torches were carried by runners
from the town hall to the grand
stand where a large torch was
Kings and queens for the week
were then ’crowned: Kin Park,
Fred Wells and Judy Snelgrove;
Victoria Park, Ted Farr and Di-
The Stary In
Mr. Eric Coward from New
Westminister, B.C. visited with
Mrs. Thos Bell and Mr, Chas.
Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Alderson
from City Mines, Nova Scotia,
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Webber.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
Carol- Ann and Mrs. Philip
Murch visited on Sunday with
Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Reilly of
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis McCallist
er of Sudbury visited on Wednes
day .evening with Mrs. Thomas
Bell and Mr. Charles Stephen.
Mr,. Keith Heywood of Cal
gary. is visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood.
Mri Earl Gossfe of Port Col-
borne visited last week with Mr.,
and Mrs. Lloyd Webber.
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl of
Zion visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Rien Westdorp.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Ford of Eden.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis and
Neil of Toronto spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly vis
ited last Sunday with Mr. T. 0.
Southcott and Miss Stella South-
cott at Southcott Pines, Grand
Bend. *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alderson
from Kitchener visited for a few
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Webber.
Mr. and Mrs. Deinfer Skinner
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Johns at Kenworth Lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley vis
ited on Sunday with Mrs. Thos.
Willis of Centralia.
Mr. George Smith of Detroit
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd' Webber.
Mr. and “Mrs. Clifton Jaques,
Yvonne and Dalton visited on
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Rdss Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun
ning of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Knight of Woodham vis
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Cooper.
Mrs. M. Johns of Toronto vis
ited on Tuesday with friends in
the community.
Mr. Harry Jaques of Zion spent
the weekend with- Mr. Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunning
ton visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. 0.- Miller of Clande-
Miss Shirley Jaques of Zion
visited for a few days with her
grandmother, Mrs. Philip Murch.
Mrs. Fred Cunnington return
ed home on Saturday from St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London.
Miss Jo-Anne Miners spent last
week at the Girls’ Camp at God
Sheridan Penhalo of Exeter is
holidaying with his grandpar*
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pen-
will be presented at that time.
The week of July 23 to July
27 was suitably named “Child
ren’s Choice”.
Periods were set aside at the
beginning of the week for the
children to decide what they
wanted in the program. •
During the week the various
groups visited the Times-Advo-
cate. Mr. Southcott kindly show
ed us through the offices and the
press room. He explained the
making of the Advocate, right
from the editing, to the finished
Tournaments 1 n ' ping-pong,
skipping and quoits were held.
Wednesday morning a success
ful scavenger hunt took place.
All these special events led
up to Friday. Rev. Rapson was
our guest minister at the weekly
church service.
Margaret Howey and George
Tryon were the Kin Park king
and queen; John Nagle and Judy
Tennant were the Victoria Park
king and queen; and Dianne
Swartzentruber and Leroy Ed
wards were the Queen’s Park
king and queen. • . r ■
Friday afternoon we concluded
with a country fair. The winners
Pet Show
| Don Cann, largest. (horse);
Ruth Knox, smallest (butterfly);
Dawn Spencer, nicest (dog); An
gela Webster, unusual (goat); Victor Fulcher, best dressed
Flower Show
Fred Wells, largest; Joanne
Whilsmith, prettiest; Fred Wells,
smallest; Judy Coates, nicest
Vegetable Show
Judy Coates, carrots; Judy
Coates and Shirley Genttner,
beets; Shirley Genttner and Lin
da Hunter-Duvar, onions; Judy
Coates and Barbara Wells, rad
ishes. •
Doll Show
John Nagle, comedy; Linda
Wells, largest; John Nagle,
smallest; Marlene Harness, best
dressed; Elizabeth Knox,
Hat Show
Elizabeth Knox, largest;
anne Knox, comedy; Joanne
Whilsmith, most' original; Linda
Hunter-Duvar, fanciest; Margaret
Howey, smallest.
Gun Show
Norman Howey, matched guns;
Dick Pantinga, best single gun
and fastest draw.
Marg Howey won the craft
show with wood fibre flowers.
Message From
Rev. D. W. Williams of Wal
laceburg, a former minister of
the United Church will have
charge of the Services in the
United Church during August
while Rev. Holley is on holidays.
Mr. and Mrs,. Cleve Brophey
and Glen of London spent the weekend 8with.- .Mr,, and Mrs.
Lloyd Brophey.
' Mr. Claude Dettloff of Detroit
•spent the weekend with his aunt,
Mrs. Albert Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pickering
and family of London visited
last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Brown and Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Brown and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Pollock and family
of Chatham.
Miss Karen Murray .of St.
Thomas spent a few days with
her grandmother, Mrs. W. T.
Ulens and Miss Lillian Ulens.-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. English of
Cairo, Mich., visited last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks.
Miss Betty Giousher visited
last week with, relatives at
Mr. and Mrs. George Appleton
of Rochester, NY., are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown
and family.
Mfs. George Bullock is a pa
tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies of
Berkley, Mich., spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. William
A number of families in this
district attended, the Steeper re
union at Poplar Hill on Civic
Mr. Russell Pollock of Lon
don spent a few days last week
with his mother, Mrs., A. Pollock,
Miss Ruby Pollock and Mr. Har
old Pollock.
Mr. Edward Bullock passed
away at his residence in McGil
livray township on August 6.
Chiselhurst UC
Enjoys Picnic
The annual picnic of the Chisel
hurst United Church was held at
Seaforth Lions Park on Wednes
day, August 1 with a good at
Winners in races for children
under five were Joyce Ferguson
and Donald Cole; 6-8 yrs., girls,
Karen Sararas, Janice Wright;
boys, Bruce Drummond; 9-12
yrs., girls, Margaret Hoggarth,
Patricia Harris; boys, Bob Munn,
Douglas Upshall: 12-15 yrs., girls,
June Munn, Dorothy Parker;
boys, Jim Hamilton, Douglas
Eyre; young ladies, June Munn,
Dorothy Parker j young men,
Douglas Eyre, Jim Hamilton;
Married women, Mrs. Tom
Brintnell, Mrs. Jim Drummond;
married men, Russell Ferguson,
Ross Sararas; wheelbarrow race,
Douglas Eyre and David Brock,
Russell Ferguson and Jim Drum
mond; kick the slipper, women,
Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Alvin
Cole; men, Alvin Taylor, John
Jacobi; elimination race, Mrs.
T. D. Wren; youngest child pres
ent, Larry Ferguson.
Grain Elevator 5
To Receive And Store
Your Wheat And Barley
Hoist Unloads 5 ■ Grain
Our new elevator is one of the few in Western Ontario
which can offer a hydraulic hoist for fast unloading. It
is designed to speed up the unloading of trucks, semi*
trailers and wagons. The 25’xlO* platform will raise from
level to 35 degree angle in 44 seconds'-—it lowers in 20
■econds. It’S lifting capacity is 50,000 pounds.
Top Prices And
Fast, Efficient Service
Grain Elevator
Comments About
The Woman’s Missionary. So
ciety will entertain the members
of the Baby Band with their
mothers, and the Mission Band
in the schoolroom of the church
on Tuesday afternoon, August 14.
Mr. Verne Essery of Winnipeg
and Miss Doris Essery of Tor
onto were weekend visitors with
their aunts, Mrs. Parsons and
Mrs. Kershaw.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn
returned home after spending a
week at Port Burwell with Mrs.
Dunn’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Kathy McCoy of Toronto visit
ed for a few days with Jean
Mrs. Merton Sholdice had the
misfortune to fall,. recently, and
fracture her arm. She was taken
to South Huron Hospital where
the fracture was reduced by Dr.
R. W. Read and Dr. Gulens.
Mrs. George Hicks was a week
end guest with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Wells in Londesboro and
attended the Morris Township
Mr. and Mrs. Harris West and
Bette Lou have returned home
after holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Talbot in Grand Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley and
daughter of Toronto were week
end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Dunn. David Paisley re
turned home with his parents
after visiting for a couple of
weeks with- his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn in
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham
and Master Wayne Baynham at
tended a family reunion at Lieury
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson
and Mrs. T. Boyes were Sunday
visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Powd in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Macaulay and
family of Montreal are holiday
ing at the home of Mrs. Ma
caulay’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Hicks.
Mrs. George Godbolt of Exeter
was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur McFalls on' Tuesday.
Miss Marilyn Morgan is hol
idaying with her sister and broth
er-in-law, Mr. -and Mrs, R. Wil
son in Ridgetown.
Misses Elaine and Marie Powe
are visiting in Lucknow and with
relatives in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Dunn,
Kathy and Ronald of Toronto are
spending their vacation with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Dunn.
Mrs. W. J. Parsons was taken
to Victoria Hospital on Tuesday
for X-rays. Her sister, Mrs. Ker
shaw, accompanied her to Lon
don and is visiting with her niece,
Mr, and Mrs. E. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom
and family are holidaying with
the former’s parents in Parry
Rev. J. T. Clarke is On vaca
tion for the month of August.
Mrs. Richard Hill of Crediton
was a visitor at the homo of
Mrs* Ernest Abbott ort Wednes-
d3Mr. Burrall of the RCAF sta
tion will be guest speaker at the
service, id the United Church on
Drive it with
Where a fine car mat tars'•
Monarch belongs
its performance
does you bnoocL!
You enjoy far more than ordinary pride when you own a
Monarch. For here is beautiful, contemporary styling I hat is
distinctively different,, with an air and flair that set Monarch
apart from all the others. And here is power that gives you •
masterful control in every driving situation-proud performance that
'brings an extra thrill of pride time and time again. The way a *
Monarch obeys your every desire without hesitation is something
you have to feel to believe—but once you’ve sampled this trigger
quick responsiveness you’ll nfcver be satisfied with anything less 1
Let your Monarch dealer send a car to your ddor f6r you to try,
You’ll revel in the magnificent performance of this finest of . „.
modem automobiles..» and experience the ultimate in effortless
driving with a full complement of power-assist features.4
. Your Monarch dealer is as near as your phone. Now is the time
to call him... for now is an advantageous time to buy!
anywhere!nothing like it
•iCertaln feature;, UlustraM or mmlitmeA art “Stat/lMi" tn ttme moiclt, optional at extra eo»t tn ethert.)
Where great performance counts
Monarch excels
This is your imitation to take a rewarding drive at your Ford-Monarch dealer’s
You Get More For Your Money
When You Deal At Larry Snider's
’55 MONARCH SEDAN .......................$2,600 TRUCKS
Overdrive, comfort with economy
’55 FORD SEDAN, low mileage .........•..................1,995 ’54 FORD .PICKUP, a nice One.................................... . 895
’54 FORD SEDAN, a steal ...................1,595 ’49 DODGE 1-T0N EXPRESS ............................,............ 395
’53 FORD SEDAN, radio, a beaut ..................1,495 ’47 FORD PICKUP ......... 1........................ 175
’52 BUICK SEDAN, Dynaflow, radio 1,395
SPECIALS’52 DODGE SEDAN,- radio .................995
’51 MONARCH SEDAN ....................The following 30-day units to be reduced $10 .per day
’51 FORD COACH ........................................ Your ’ until sold:Thursday’s Price
’51 CHEV COACH ...................................... Choice 895
’53 AUSTIN CONVERTIBLE ...............
’51 METEOR COACH ...............,...................
’52 CHEV SEDAN ............................... .......
’51 METEOR COACH ..........................
’50 CHEV SEDAN ............................
Your Choice Of
These Beauts 750
.................... 715
............... 645
’50 FORD COACH ...................................... Choice ’50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN ........... ........................... 585
’50 FORD SEDAN ...............................Of Two 695 ’51 DODGE PANEL,- new motor................................ 565
’49 FORD COACH ...................................... Two
TRACTORS’49 METEOR COACH ............................Lovelies 595 -
’49 MERCURY COACH, radio ................................550
’51 FORD, low hours ...................................
’49 PONTIAC SEDAN ............................. Your 800
’47 STUDEBAKER COUPE ...................IHlillMtl .... Choice 295 ’48 FORD ........................... ..........UIU.III.450
’47 CHEV COUPE, five*passengbr, needs fenders ......225 ■>41 FORD .................... .................>•>.>>> 295
3 g5
Exeter,Phone 624