HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-09, Page 8li'
Pa#< * Th# Times-Advocate, Avgust 9, 1W
Husbands! Wives!
Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger
Thousands of couples are weals, worn-out, ex
hausted just because body lacks iron. l>or new
younger feeling after 40, try Ostrex Tonic
Tablets. Contain iron for pep; supplement
doses vitamin Bj. “Get-acquainted size costs
little. Be wise, set pep, new health, quick
thrifty way. Try Ostrex today. At all druggists.
Ar# You Looking for
Prompt and Efficient
Watch and Clock Repairing
Why Not Bring Or
Send It To Us
Albert Hess
Certified Watch Maker <
36 Years' Experience
We Do All Our Own Work
Happy Motoring
Ahead For You
Many miles of safe
smooth motoring await
you when your car's
been serviced RIGHT!
Make our station your
home base for all ser
Bob Moloy
Supertest Dealer
Cor. Sanders & Main
New Well At Crediton
To Supply Ten Houses
By MRS. J. WOOpALL i of London called on Mr. and
Gerald Schenk of Crediton and;Mrs. Green - i and
William Dale of London, who, Mr. and Mis. John ^Bishop and
were engaged to drill the rock-Sharon are spending this week
well for King street residents Iln Lexington, Mich.
were successful in their opera-! F/O and Mrs. Robert Palmer
tjons. ' ‘ jand daughter, Shirley Louise, of
A flow of seven gallons per Claresholm, Alta., are visiting
minute was obtained after dril- with Mrs. Palmer’s parents, Mr.
ling a depth of 121 feet, which ’ ’ ”...........
was accomplished in four days.
The committee in charge, com
prising Alfred Smith, _ Albert
Gaiser and Lawrence Hill, ex
pects to have the lines laid short
ly to the ten homes being served.
Personal Items
Rev. and Mrs. H. Hagelstginj
I and Mrs. Emmery Fahner.
! Calvin Fahner of Arnstein
! spent Tuesday at his home here
; and left for Colorada Springs to
j attend a summer conference.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Morlock
and family of Rochester, Minn.,
I visited, on Friday with Mr. and
-Mrs. Edward Morlock and Miss Rev. and Mrs. it. ^ageistem Eda jyiorlock. Miss Lulu Mor- .1W?dnfn J wn y lock of Windsor spent several
Zorn, who graduated this year'
with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Hill.
Mr, aid Mrs. J. Galloway and _UJluav v.s.tu.a w,... ,,,, auu family spent Sunday in Platts- kjrs_ Emmery Fahner were Miss I
V1 le’ .. -a i Edna Merkley and Mrs. Lila
Recent visitors wit-i Mrs. A.,Davey of London, and Mr. and
M., Berry were Mr. and Mrs.ikj-rs_ Ees wood, Judy and Des-
Gcorxic Glenn and and Mrs. ♦ nnnn wHa hnvn YDfui'n. 1
days at her home here.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
!Ordain New Minister
For Dashwood Church Writ#* Blue Write? Green — Write? Red
A capacity crowd witnessed
the ordination and installation
, service for Rev, Kenneth Zorn
! at Zion Lutheran Church on Sun- 'day, July 29.
I Rev. Cecil Klages, Moncton,
'preached the sermon and conducted the. ordination installation
1 assisted by Rev. Phillip Fiess,
i Stratford, Rev. Theodore Luft,
Hanover, Rev.. John Woelfle,
Mitchell. ‘
A reception . followed in the
church basement at which time
Rev. and Mrs. Zorn were pre
sented with a shower of grocer
ies from the congregation Rev.
C. Klages was also presented
with a gift in appreciation of his
acting as supply pastor,
Zorn, who graduated, this year rfrom the Concordia Seminary at'A/lTS* 1. WatSOn
St, Louis, Missouri, was recently •
ordained minister of Zion Evan- |J|f>C In Detroit qolinal U.K Church nash,„Artd 1,1 **1 1 W1 1
St, Louis, Missouri, was recently
___J ___ ____________ _'*» r*? . . *
gelical U.B. Church, Dashwood.
Born at Oakshelle, Sask., Rev.
Zorn atttended Concordia Col
lege in Edmonton. He is married
to the former Eileen Getzinger,
George Glenn and Mr. and Mrs.; annGt wko have recently return- °L Spruce Grove, Alberts,
Bert Nichols of Strathroy. i ed froni Q00se Bay, Labrador.
Miss Ellen Veale of Hazleton, I Mr and Mrs> Lorne Fink.
Pa., is visiting with the Cham-^ j r and Feg and
bers family. - - -
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist and
Charles of Kitchener spent a few
days last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, E. Faist.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill
entertained at a family dinner
on Sunday with 30 present.
Among the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. George Neil and family of
West Lorne.
Mr. J. R. Wolfe of Detroit is
holidaying at’ the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfe, Robert
and Mrs. M. Faist visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Faist ’in
St. Thomas. Gregory returned
with them and spent several days
with Mrs. Faist.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink
beiner and son Tommy of West
Virginia spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver.
Miss Harriet Bowen, London,
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Green.
Mr. William Oestricher spent
last week in Fort Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson, Eliza
beth and John of Collingwood
called on friends hero recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszler
of London spent last week at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Roeszler.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benninger,
Gayle and friend of Detroit, vis
ited here last week. Mrs. Lam
port, who had spent some time
in Detroit, accompanied them to
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenzel spent
Sunday in Simcoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney
and Morris, Detroit, are spend
ing this week with' Mrs. J. Hirt-
zel and sons.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Hey spent
a few days recently at Port El
Mrs. E. Gunn, Mary V.
Joseph Gunn, and Terry
spent, the weekend in
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
daughter and friend of Fenwick,
spent the weekend with Mrs. H,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and
Randy of St. Thomas visited on
Sunday with Mrs. M. Faist.
Gregory returned home with them
after holidaying with Mrs. Faist.
Those attending camp at God
erich last week were Rev. and
Mrs. G. Strome, Jean Krueger,
Janet Morlock, Shirley Gaiser,
Howard Hendrick, David Gaiser
and Roy Smith. *
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Green of
Montreal are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Green.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brouth
Report On
- bemer ana Keg, Mr. ana Mrs. ^ar ■ ■Ross Haugh and family spent F1O RfitHn
! the weekend at Bracebridge and > Wl Bdrwl IV*
E"' MRS- B- KEOWNMr, and Mrs. Allen Faulhafer
of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Faulhafer of Tavistock and Mr.
Allan Becker, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bender and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock
and Donald Finkbeiner accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard
Sparling of "Walkerton are hol
idaying at Huntsville and Al
gonquin Park and also enjoyed
a cruise on the Muskoka Lake.
This .Week In
Thames Road
Personal Items
Miss Alberta Fenton of Hamil
ton spent a week with Rev. W.
J. and Mrs. Moores.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayo of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Mac-
Hodgert spent a few days with
Mrs. C. Hodgert of Bowman-
ville and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Hodgert of Iroquois.
Mrs. Norman Knight of Sea
forth and Mrs. Ernest Pym are
spending two weeks in Hamiota,
Mr. Kenneth Featherstone of
St. Thomas spent the weekend
at the manse. On Sunday morn
ing during the church service
Mr. 'Featherstone contributed a
violin solo “Bless This House”
accompanied by Miss Marilyn
Moores at the piano. t
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leitch
and family of Dresden spent the
weekend with .Mr. and -Mrs.
Victor Jeffery.
Mrs. Lorne Listoen, Danny
and Marilyn, of
a few days last
and Mrs. Aimer
Mr. and Mrs. .
df Hamilton spent the holiday
with Rev. W. J. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery,
Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Luther. '
The McDonald picnic was held
in Riverview Park, Exeter' on
July 21 with a fair attendance.
After supper sports were held.
Mr .and Mrs. Ross Broafoot of
Kippen were named president
and secretary for the picnic in
1957. .
Crediton spent
week with Mr.
S. McFarlane
For Better ...or Worse
You Have To Live With 'Um
You have to live with the car you buy, for better, for worse, in sickness and
in health! We have some recently divorced July brides who will obey your every
wish and touch.
PHONE 178'if
Motor Sales
'56 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN, tri-tone .......................... $470 DISCOUNT'
'56 DODGE 4-DOOR HARDTOP, V-8, W-W tires, styletone ...; $525 DISCOUNT
'56 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP, automatic, radio, W-W tires .. $720 DISCOUNT
Buick Super Sedan
All power-equipped ..
Dodge 4-Door Country
Sedan, automatic, etc.
Ford Ranch Wagon
Extras, a beauty ........
Pontiac Sedan, one owner $1,365
Chev 210 Sedan
An,original .......... $1,375
Dodge Coronet Sedan .... $1,385*
Plymouth Coach *
A real buy ...
Austin Sedan
Spend a little, save a lof $ 889
Chev Sedan
All'new tires, good as new $1,175
Ferd Custom, Coach
Radio, two-tone, etc. ...... $ 850
Prefect Sedan
Open for offers
Studebaker Sedan
V-8 automatic, ru$f free $ 995
? ?
'49 Olds Sedan
Tops in beauty ................• $760
'49 Monarch Sedan
One owner ........................- $675
'49 Ford Coach ....................... $599
'49 Meteor Coach ....................■ $665
'49 Meteor Sedan
Needs a paint job ...........■ $450
'47 Plymouth Sedan .... .........
> $340
'47 Olds Sedan ....................... 5 375
'47 Dodge Custom Sedan
Needs Some work ............. $160
'47 Nash Sedan .....................■ $299
'46 Buick Super Sedan
Radio, etc. ........................ 5'449
'38 Chev Sedan, none better $99
'38 Chrysler Sedan .... .......
. $75
Motorcycle, Harley Davidson .. $150
'49 Chev Vi-Ton Pickup
Top? in quality .......r $469
During the month of August,
Rev. D. W. Williams, a former
minister in Grand Bend, will be
in charge of the services in the
United Church. Rev. E. A. and
Mrs. Holley are 'on vacation.
On Sunday morning two very
inspiring duets were rendered
by Miss Mary Gill and Mr. Ro
bert Bettridge, of Brampton.
The flowers in front of the pul
pit , were placed by the family
in memory of Mrs, William
O’Brien, of Zurich, grandmother
of Mrs. Morris Webb.
Mr, W. F. Jennison and ne
phew, Mr. Jimmie Desjardine,
are on an extended motor trip
to British Columbia and Alaska,
stopping off at Winnipeg to visit
another nephew. At White Horse
they expect to board a plane
and tour Alaska.
Mrs. William Patterson re
turned on Friday after spending
a week, along with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Scott, of Sarnia, with her
granddaughter, Mrs. Allan Barry,
and Mr. Barry, at Haileybury.
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Patterson were Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Scitt and family, Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patterson,
of London, and Miss Laura
Leask, of St. Catharines, who is
spending the week with Mrs.
Miss Janice Imanse, London,
spent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Clark Kennedy.
Little Janice Book had the
misfortune two weeks ago to
fall on the roller skating rink
and fracture her left arm in
two places. Janice has been
spending her summer holidays
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. IL»Wainwright,z-
Mr. Pat Harrisonr of Tprohto,
spent the weekend at his home
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phinn,
of Detroit, and daughter, Betty
Ann, visited with Mrs. (Major)
Campbell on Wednesday on their
way .to Nova Scotia, and will
stop off at Gagetown, N.B.,. and
visit Major Campbell.
Mrs. Olive Ebert is spending a
couple of weeks in London.
Miss Adell Dowdall, of Toron
to ,and Mrs. F. Leonard, of St.
Marys, spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown, v
Sunday visitors with Mi. and
Mrs. William Rendle were
and Mrs. Douglas Coulson
daughters, of London, and
and Mrs. Allan Guenther __
son, of London. Misses Patty
Coulson, and Nancy Brooks, of
Toronto, are spending this week
with their grandparents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Rendle.
Rev. and Mrs. If. Keeney and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Carter,
of London, and Mr. William
Nevins, of Rice Lake, Wiscon
sin, visited, with Mr.< and Mrs.
J. Whiteford on'Friday.
Miss Nancy, Chamberlain slip
ped on wet grass on Sunday and had the misfortune to fracture
her left leg. It was the second
time within the past few months.
Mr. William Lochner has been
appointed by the Lieutenant
Governor aS a Commissioner for
the taking of affadavits, oaths, etc. for the Province of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc
Murray, of Toronto, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown last
Damage $3,000
In Cottage Fire
About $3,000 fire damage was
done to the cottage of Samuel
Truscott in the B*each-’O-Pjnes,
Grand Bend, on Tuesdajr evening,
July 31, ’
The cottage was unoccupied at
the time the fire was discovered
by a neighbor, Mrs. Jack McKin
non, The fire Was confined to
the rear wall, roof and attic
but smoke damage was heavy.
Firemen said flames started
in a garbage pail at the rear of
the building.
Our. Provincial legislators in
Ontario know what dangers lie
in uncontrolled liquor sale. They
know too that there is little use
expecting social responsibility
from brewers and distillers.
Over and over again they have
proved their real interest to bo
in profits not people.
One of their specious pleas is
Bob Cook Motor Sales
Located Next Td CNR Track **' Saksmah Phones; Blighton Ferg 159-W; Bob Ceck
PHONF lift rm : err rw^ liekicai i
that because their busi.___
legal it merits freedom in ad
vertising. But there is a vast
difference between beer and
bread, or whiskey and wheat.
Why control laws for alcohol
beverages and' not for food and
furniture? We are all coming
to realise more and more that all
kinds of people are getting hurt
through insufficient control of
this liquor business, indeed, we
.< are led to ask whether we have
"control” or "promotion” when
we read such figures as these,
Last year the Ontario Govern-
fflfent. received55.000.01)0 dollars
Mrs. Frand Watson, the former
Hazel Snell, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell of Dash
wood passed away in Detroit,
Mich., on Saturday, July 28, in
her 55th year.
Besides her husband she is sur
vived’ by one son, Jack, one
sister, Mrs. Windsor Mathews of
London and a brother, Charles
Snell of Dashwood.
The body arrived at the Hoff
man funeral home Tuesday and
services were held Wednesday
at 1.30 p.m. conducted by Rev.
W. Krotz. Interment was in Exe
Bearers were: Art. Haugh,
Mervin Tieman, Vernon Schatz,
Martin Laub, Sydney Baker and
Erwin Schade.
Open Bandstand
During Tattoo
Dashwood Citizens and their
colorful majorettes, Exeter
Legion, Zurich Lions girls ’and
boys, Thedford, London Police
Boys and Centralia.RCAF bands
featured the tattoo.
Thos. Pryde M.P. for South
Huron assisted by Thos. Klumpp
and Sidney Baker cut the ribbon
Which officially opened the band
stand. A plaque donated by
Pryde and son of Exeter was
unveiled by Gerald Martene,
president of the band,
Howard Klumpp was master of
ceremonies and introduced the
speakers., V. L. Becker and Jack
Morissey, reeves of Hay and
Stephen who spoke briefly.
James Hayter, chairman of the
Dashwood trustees,- addressed
the assembly as well as Martin
Boundy, leader of the Police
boys band.
A booth sponsored by the
wives and mothers of the Dash
wood band members did a thriv
ing business. All in all the whole
affair was a success.
Personal Items
Mrs. Martha Baker returned
to Windsor with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Bruce of Windsor, Sunday
where she is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Loraine Smith.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Courtney Burmeister last
week were Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Knetsel and girls of Kitchener,
Mrs. Mary Schmiet and Connie
of New Dundee,’ Mr. and Mrs.
George Gilbert and Miss Ellen
Gilbert of Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Griffin and Betty
Lou 'of Stratford and Mr. and
Mrs. John Neeb and girls of
Mr. and* Mrs. Lloyd Weido,
Shirley, Danny and Lori of De
troit were weekend visitors with
Mrs’. Fred Schlundt and Mr. and
Mrs. Vyrne Weido'.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and
family were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill at
Grand Bend.
Little Annette Zimmer
Zurich is visiting with
cousin, Helen Zimmer.
Mr. and Mrs.” Ward Kraft and
family of London were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Koehler and family.
Miss Virginia Koessel of Lan
sing, Mich., is spending the sum
mer with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper
and girls of Ingersoll were week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Fassold.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and
family of Kitchener visited with
Mr .and Mrs. Herbert Miller.
Mrs. Harold Bauer and Patri
cia, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta,
Mr. Howard Weiberg and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg all
of Waterloo were weekend visit
ors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Menno Otterbein
of Riverdale, Mich., were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Greb and family.
Mr. Ervan Greb, Preston, re
turned home after spending two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Greb and family.
Miss Marlene feller is holiday
ing with Mr. and Mrs, Jake
Deichert, Zurich.
Mr. Keith Keller, London, and
Mrs. Max Learn and Debbie of
Exeter were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Keller.
Mrs. Renata Wahl from El
mira and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Al-
lemand and family of Niagara
Falls were holiday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemay-r
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Peifer of
Chatham visited with Mrs. M.
Peifer Monday evening.
Mr: and Mrs. Ervin Brandt
and Mr. Nelson Brandt of Kitch
ener, Mrs. Henry Becker (Sr.)
of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
Lome Becker*and family spent
last Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Becker.
Miss Ruth Weber of Red Deer,
Alberta, is vacationing with her
parents, . Mr. and Mrs.. Dan
Weber. /
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber and
family, Miss Ruth Weber and
Mrs. Clarence Schade of Zurich
left Saturday for Uxbridge where
they will visit Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Weber and family and at
Arnprior with Rev. and Mrs. C.
B. Carr and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson,
Carl and Sharon of Detroit were
visitors-with Mrs. Lucinda Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear,
Gail, Gary, Pamela, Anita and
Suzanne of -Detroit returned
home after vacationing with Mrs.
L. Mclsaac. Anita is spending the
remaining holidays here,
The Times-Advocate
News Budget From
Persortal Items - /
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, ’
of .Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Carter and Mrs. Effie
Jameson, of Clinton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Vic Sawyer and Vic
tor, Jr., of Brampton, were Sun
day evening guests of Mr. M.
E. Hooper.
Mrs. Orville Langford and
John, of Centralia, spefit Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patti
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langford
and family and Mr. Herb Lang
ford of Granton were Sunday
guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn
Langford, of Dorchester.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Rinn and
girls spent the weekend with
Mr. and ' Mrs; Lloyd Thomson
and family.
Mrs. Fred Thomson spent
Tuesday at Blyth with Mrs.
Mrs. Gordon Jones and Mrs.
Alvada Hopkina spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mist Fred Thom
son. _Misses Dorothy and Margaret
Irvine spent the weekend, in To
Miss Elaine Spence spent a
few days with her grandmother,
Mrs. Melville Hern, of Exeter.
Mrs. John Beatty and family
of London, Mrs. Waugh, of Lon
don, and Mrs. Jack Morgan and
Philip, of Guelph/ spent Wednes
day with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard
Miss Linda Mills, of Prospect
Hill, 18 spending a few days with
her cousins, Marion and Sharon
. Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
and family spent Sunday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
Saakcl of Mitchell,
New Orthopedic Shoes V.
Oeodytar Watt
/ a.iur.t healthy, *nug M.
Packard Shoes
Approved by
Scuff-proof tees—-
rugged construction.
Th*r*’» th* right
PACKARD SHOK for *v*ry child’s fo*l»
S«* th* complete lino of Packard Boots and
shoos for Children, on display att
Wuerth s Shoes
Phone 252 Exeter
CHOICE st For ‘57!
NEW rcaVictor console
21-inch “LIVING-IMAGE”
Completely Installed
Fully Guaranteed
PICTURE with new RCA “Sil-
verama** aluminized picture tube
for bright cleat pictures, easier
The Winfield. 21-Inch console available
In walnut, mahogany or limed oak finish.
, Model 21TC200.
You get brilliant) better-than-ever TV re-
ception even in problem or fringe areas with
this beautiful new RCA Victor console. The
Winfield is truly a masterpiece of TV eft-
gineering. Come in and see it, hear it, today I
r Models!
See Them On Display Now