HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-09, Page 7Donald and belt contest, I DEPENDABLE And Dependable Deals! $1,695 1,345 f 845 PHONE 200 EVCTED LOnses and professional services in connection e with eyeglass feature available only through your ophthalmologist, optometrist, or optician. HUNTLEYS Phone 50 DRUG STORE Exeter ;<gTHE SUMMER?: V IS THE ^axcaSTIME ( TO MEND I YOUR. FURMACE, LET US FIX IT, FRIEND the amazing new >! ’Oiedt" ■Here's what Imperial does with its money last year, more than half went to buy raw materials, such as crude oil Ferguson Clan Meets In London The Ferguson clan held their reunion at Springbank Park on Sunday, July 29. behbie Smart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smart, was the youngest child present and Mr. Joseph Linden of Denfield was the oldest person at the gather­ ing. Following a ball game a pro­ gram of s orts was conducted by Mr.- and Mrs. Grant Gowan: lock of Lambeth. Winners for girls 6 years and under were Carol Ashworth, Joyce Ferguson; girls 10-12 years, Joanne Carter, Bernice Carter; young ladies., Edith Carter, Joanne Carter; young men, Harold Parsons, Harold Blanchard; married la­ dies, Velma Gowanlock, Ollie Ferguson.; married men, Russell Ferguson, Norman Ferguson; Three legged race, Harold Parsons and Marie Carter, Jo­ anne Carter and Bernice Carter; ladies time race, Leita Ferguson; men’s step, Art Ashworth; gum race, Cliff Blanchard’s side; bedside race, Lloyd Ferguson’s side; pie plate race,_Harold Par­ sons; shoe race, Margaret Smart; Norman Ferguson. Lloyd Ferguson, named ■ president Hensail, was for 1957 with Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson as secre­ tary-treasurer; sports committee, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Wade and’ Mr, and Mrs. Don Smart, Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Car­ ter, Clandeboye; table commit­ tee, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par­ sons, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques both of Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ferguson, Ilderton, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ferguson, Exeter. and administrative jcosts GINGERICH’S,/^ HEATING7 ENGINEER. • LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Inc, the road taxes in the various provinces ■ (ffd/LoJfcC GINGERICHS HeatiNg-Ughting-Plumbing <01L BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTS, SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING zuriot^ M0T0R REW,ND,NG 5fcfl£222£10-ih-l eyeglass hearing aid Wear it as an eyeglass hearing aid—or any number of other ways! At least twice the power of the average eyeglass aid! 10-Day Money-Back guaran­ tee, Other Zenith aids from S50to$150! COME In TODAY! Ssso Announcements BIRTHS — Mr. and Mrs. B$n. ’enualia. announce, the their daughter, Mary South Huron Hospital. 1956—a sister for Anna John, Bill and Gerard. DIETRICH Dietrich. < arrival of Ague.-. at July 30. 1 Marie, Ji>«m, Special thanks to Dr. Butson and nurses. FRITZ--Mr. and Mrs. Ei'-lc Fritz, John St East, Exeter, announce the arrival of their son. John, at South Huron Hospital, August 1, 1956—a brother for Dalfal, Garble and Charlie. Thanks tp Dr. Gans and nurses, GLENN—Ardys and Gerry Glenn are happy to announce the ar­rival of their son. Randal Ale- Falls, at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, July 28, 1956. GREENACRE—Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Greenacre, Exeter, announce the birth of their son, .Rodney Frede­rick, weight 7 lbs., 10?i ozs., at South Huron Hospital. July 26, 1956—a brother for Barry and Gordon. GUENTHER—Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Guenther, Dashwood, announce the birth of their daughter, Jane Anne, at South Huron Hospital, August 5, 1956—a sister for John. MOERMAN—Mr. and Mrs. John Moerman, 243 William St., Exeter, announce the birth Of their son, John, at South Huron Hospital, July 26, 1956—temporarily living here serving the Reformed, Church for the summer months as student pastor. PEARSON—Cpl. K. L, and Mrs, Pearson, Springfield, Ont., an­nounce the birth of their daugh­ter, Brenda Jean, weight 6 lbs., 15 ozs., at South Huron Hospital, August 3, 1956 — a sister for Heather and Ricky. SMITH—Air. and Mrs. Leonard Smith, R.R, 1 Lucan, announce the birth of their son, David John, at South Huron Hospital, August 2, 1956—a brother for six daughters. TALBOT—Mr. and Mrs. . Robert Talbot of Bayfield (nee Margaret Reid) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Harry Ed­ward, 7 lbs., 10 ozs., at Alexandra Marine and General, Hospital, Goderich, Friday, July 20, 1956, & grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Nor- val Reid, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Talbot, Bayfield. THOMSON—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomson (nee Edith Love), R.R. 3 Kippen, are happy io announce the arrival of a daughter in Clin­ton Public Hospital on July - 31, 1956. TRIPP — Mr. and Mrs. Norman' Tripp, Centralia, announce the birth of their daughter, Veida Pauline, at South Huron Hospital, July 26,'1956—a sister for Gary. WESTLAKE—Mr. And Mrs. Wil­liam H, Westlake, Exeter R.ft. 3, announce the birth of their sriri’, Calvin Emil, at South Huron Hospital, July 28, 1956. DEATHS BEER —' At his late residence, Grand BOnd, on Saturday, August 4, 195G, William J, Beer, beloved husband of Lida May Quarice, In his seventy-first year. DAYMAN—In South Huron Hos­pital, Exeter, on Saturday, July 28, 1956, Cora Madeline iPerkljih, beloved wife of Alwyn Dayman; of Grand Bend, in her slxty-nlntli Year. WATSON—In Detroit, Mich., on Saturday, July 28. Hazel Snell, beloved wife of Frank Watson, in her fifty-fifth year. ’ ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Ex­ eter, announce tile engagement of their daughter, Alice Hanna, to Mr. William Allan Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Leslie Walker, of London. The marriage to take place on Saturday, August 25, in James Street United Church. 9c Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Becker, of Dashwood, wish -to .announce the engagement of’ their daughter., Margaret Jean. Christine, to Mr. Claire Bertram Deichert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert, of Zurich. The marriage to take place August 25, 1956, at 3.00 o’clock, in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood. 9Mr., and Mrs. Ross Richardson, Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mar­ lene Beatrice, - to Mr. Robert Mc­ Laren Bell,* sori of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, of Hensall. The wed­ ding will take place the early part of September. 7c. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mathers, of Alisa Craig, wish to fanriounce the engagement of their daughter, Alma. Dorothy, to 'Reginald J. Mor­ rison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison of Kirkton. The marriage will t.ak6 place September 1. at 2 o'clock, at Crediton United Church. 9*Mr. and Mrs. N. Kucher. Vernon. B.C., announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Naida -Frances, to Constable Uel Joseph Schroeder, son of Mr, " William. Schroeder, of venuaim, Ont. The wedding will lake place at Queens Ave. United 'New Westminster, ’ B.C., at p.m., September 8, 1956, Rev. E. Fullarton officiating. ANNOUNCEMENTS TROUSSEAU TEA — Mrs. Hugo SClienk is entertaining at a trous­seau tea On Wednesday evening, August 15, 7-10 p.ni., in honor of her daughter, Jeanette, whose mar­ riage takes place on Saturday. August 18. 9 and Mrs. Centralia, /.2. r Church, 7:00 W.9’ DOBBS for DODGE FORt) SEDAN/ tan, radio, seat covers, air conditioning, turn signals, tinted glass, 17,000 miles ...................,............ PONTIAC COACH, blue, radio, air; conditioning, white wall tires, 32,000 miles ................................................................ DODGE SEDAN, green, slip covers, new tires, air condition- , ing, heater ........................................................... ........ DODGE SEDAN, two-tone, maroon and white; radio, slip covers, air conditioning, back-up lights ......................... DODGE SEDAN, green sunvisor, slip covers, new tires, air conditioning........................... ...... ........................... ....... '52 METEOR COACH, two-tone, automatic transmission, radio '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, blue, slip covers, air- conditioning ... '51 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio, air conditioning, slip covers ...... '51 CHEVROLET HALF-TON EXPRESS, spotlight and Signals CARDS OF THANKS I would sincerely like to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for their cards, visits, flowers and treats during my long stay in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks'to Miss Claypole and staff who Were so kind, also Dr. Fletcher, Rev. Slade and Rev. Moores.—Mrs. Lawrence Mills, 9*• I wish to thanlo all those who reprembered m6 with cards and visits while a patlint ih St. Jo­ seph's Hospital and since returning home.—William Warren. 9c The family of the late Mt's. Me­lissa, Kestlfe wish to express their appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages, of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes re­ceived during their recent bereave­ ment. Special thanks to Harry Hoffman, Rev. Krotz. and Dr. Fletcher, 9 c Mr. AlWyp Dayman wishes to express his sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors: of Grind Bend and Usborne ' ToWnship for the kindness and sympathy extend­ ed to him. during ills bereavement, with special thanks to Drs. M. C. Fletcher and R. W. Read and the hospital staff. .9* The family of the late Mrs, Mary Cook Wish to thank their friends and neighbors . for the kindness shown them during their recent bereavement, 9c, Mrs. Albert Morenz and family of the late Albert Morenz wish to thank their many friends, relatives and all (lie neighbors for the kind­ ness And sympathy shown them during their recent sudden be­ reavement in the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather. Special thinks to Rev. Hollfey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, pall­ bearers, and those Who helped In any Way. It was deeply appreciat­ed. 9* 9» L* Portable Ft the CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. William Martin and family wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during theh ‘ * the beautiful and letters.Mrs. W. J. Young wish cere thanks from Grand the numerous acis of kindness and expressions of sympathy extended during Mr. Beer’s long illness ana recent sad. berea-vement, for floral tributes, cards 9c Beer and Mrs. Edith to express their sln- to the many friends Bend and Exeter for 9cin their bereavement. IN MEMORIAM FISCHER—In loving memory dear wife and mo the?, Mrs. Fischer, who passed away 5 ago,-.August 15, 1031.You left us auletly, Your thoughts unknown, gut you left a memory we are proud to own. Though absent you are ever near, Still loved, still missed and ever dear. —Ever remembered and family, REEDER—In loving ,......Elmer Reeder, who passed away August 6, 1952. There is a home not made by hands.Beyond its1 golden door Awaits the one who's now away, Kot lost, just gone before.And In that home, not made by hands,The Master will prepare A place for me and when He calls I will join my loved one there. —Always remembered by your wife Ethel, daughters, and son-in- law. &* GARDINER—In loving memory of our sister, Stella Gardiner, who died two years ago, August 7,1954. Unseen, unheard, but always near, Loved, remembered and ever dear, Every day in some small Way Memories of you come our way. —Always remembered by her sis­ters, brothers, Ruby, Gib, Edna, Rose, John. 9* KERSLAKE—In loving memory of dear mother, Mrs. Walton. Kers- lake, who passed away one year ago; August 8, 1955. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, , That we do not think of you. —Ever remembered by her two sons, Carter and Everard. -“%9* BUTLER—In loving Ethel C. Butler, away one year ago, on 1955.“Safe, in the Arms of —Lovingly remembered by and daughter, Margaret. of a. Mary years by husband9c memory of memory, of who passed June 29, Jesus" husband - 9* Mrs. Wm. Lovie •' Dies In London Funeral services for Mrs. Wil­ liam R. Lovie, 79, who died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, August 5, were held from the Hoffman funeral home, Dashwodd, on Tuesday with in­ terment in Grand Bend ceme­ tery. Mrs. Lovie was the former Hettie JStatton. Following her marriage to William Lovie, they farmed near Grand Bend for many years. Her husband died in 1942. She went to London to live two years ago. Surviving are two sons, Ken­ neth, Hamilton; Wilbur, Park­ hill; two daughters (Gertrude) Mrs. Gordon Ulens, and (Edith) Mrs. Wilfred Mathers, London; one brother, Frank Statton, Grand Bend, and two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Holt, Grand Bend and Mrs. Rhoda Batty, Sarnia. Re* fTh* TimMrAdv?cat*, August f, 1954 f ■ * Obtain The Highest PricesTo FOR YOUR POULTRY Sall To Th* Riverside Poultry Co.^ Ltd* London 7-1230 LONDON Phon* Collect Hensail 680R2 2 s a Z s i s s ■I ’I SUPERIOR SPORES * Good Buys For This Week-end Prices Effective August 9, 10, 11 Kellogg's Corn Flakes wXpkd. 29c Shirriff's Jelly Powder assorted 3 PK0?. 26c B'ty Cr'ker Cake-Mix cX 3 PKQS. $1.00 Heinz Tomato Ketchup b’ot°tle 25c Welch's Gr'peJ'ce bot°tZlE 21C Bot°tlE 39c Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 9ROLLS$1.00 CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE 2/a°rz' 57c LARGE 6-OZ,‘ JAR $1.59 ST. WILLIAMS ■ ASSORTED JAMS OR. MARMALADE 9-OZ. JARS 2 for 39c Nabob Coffee Cl C 1- Lb. Bag ............ <hlv 2- Fruit Marmalade 27CBreakfast Club, 24-Oz, Jar < fa ■ Peanut Butter Ellmarr, 16-Oz. Jar VVV Golden Corn O 27C Cream Style, 20-Oz, fa for fa 1 W Vel Liquid Detergent Off Can ............................ WWW Orange Juice 2flC Treesweet, 20-Oz, Tin .... faV’* Niblets Corn p ^>7 <*Green Giant, 14-Oz. fa for V I V Old Dutch O 07rCleanser, Good Vai.fa Tins fa ■ ** GIANT FAB FREE Guest Towel PER'’77rPKG, i I U BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK 2 u#N°se 25c The Best Place To Shop After All J. H. Jones Groceries Free Delivery Phon* 532 ; We ikink ofyou ; In that STELLA GARDINER >- I rr I tliink of you.my iear Of wJiatyov were io me’ We miss you so muck Al OTHER Where ever we may Jbe’ . I don't forget my CRAA2MM. N o.m atter where we roam. |rX, S Ijhls big, beautiful Dodge • was tagged for success from the very beginning I Take the keys and see for yourself why this year’s Dodge Is the fastest selling car in Dodge history! DODGE with the Forward Look MANUFACTUREb IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPbRATlON OF CANADA, LIMITED BOWS THE TIME TO SEE, Here are just a few of the many reasons why._ _ _ more people are switching to Dodge than ever before! • Dodge gives you Flight-Sweep styling, the only new note in automotive design this year! • Dodge offers push-button PowerFlito! Just push a buttoxi . ♦. step on the gas.», go! Make's all other automatic transmissions seem years behind the times! • Dodge is the biggest car in the low-price field-—measures almost a foot longer than other cart in its price Class! a Dodge provides the dash of a high-t'orque V-S with tip to 200 h.p.-—or the reliable performance of the Dodge "Big Six:*’ I • t)odge has 15 outstanding safety features as standard equipment oh any inodel you may choose! ♦ Dodge delivers all this—and more—for a price to fit the lowest budget! Your Dodge dealer will show‘you how you can afford to own a glamorous, new Dodge! DRIVE, AND DEAL FOR THE BIB BUY! *