HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-08-09, Page 4w Th« August J 95 A' SPORTS By Don "Boom Boom" GravottJ i*.. - WATER WONDERLAND is the slogan seen on Michigan State license plates and front what this corner could see, that’s exactly what it is. While taking in the DETROIT-YANKEE series ever the holiday weekend in the State of Michigan, rain fell hy the bucket fulls. In fact we, along with 30,000 or so fans, were even lucky to see the ball game because of the heavy downpours before starting time. KALINE vs. MANTLE could have been the head­ ing used for this series as dashing Al and powerful Mickey each connected for three round trippers. Kaline made a couple of phenominal catches out in KALINE’S CORNER OF BRIGGS STADIUM to take the heart right out of the New .York club as they tried everything to break their six-game losing streak. MANTLE, the Yankee wonder boy, polished off the third and final game of the series with a tre­ mendous blast up onto the facade in right centre­ field that holds up the light standards. Shortly aftei* we saw the home run of Mantle’s, we happened to. see. BILL MUSSER coming up the runway with a big smile on his face. You wouldn’t, be rooting for CASEY STENGEL’S boys would-you Bill? A lot of local people from EXETER and sur­ rounding district were eye witnesses to the Sunday game. HAROLD WOLFE, BILL McLEAN, ROYLANCE WESTCOTT and a few others we saw at a distance seemed to be enjoying the rain filled affair. From what we could gather after the game the YANKEES seem to be set in every position except on the mound. • DETROIT is riding a hot streak at the moment and will no doubt simmer down although they were full value for the wins over the league leaders. For the second year in a row we have seen the TIGERS sweep a three-game series, from the YANKS about this same time. It’s remarkable -how one team seems to have a jinx on a higher club in the same league. Zurich New Huron-Perth Champions, Three Teams In Round Robin Series ★*★*★* HOCKEY NOTES . . . The first meeting of the' EXETER MOHAWK HOCKEY CLUB will be held on Monday, August 13 at the- Exeter Town Hall with the starting time at 8:30 sharp ... All fans interest­ ed in how the future looks for the tribe this winter j are welcome to come and sit in on the meeting . . . ‘ GODERICH SAILORS hold a meeting every Monday I night . . They’re out for blood this year . . . AYL- j MER TROJANS, TILLSONBURG PAN DRIEDS, MITCHELL and POINT EDWARD are reported to | have filed applications to enter the WOAA INTER- ’ MEDIATE “A” grouping . . . Don’t be surprised'if some of the old faces on the STRATHROY ROCKETS turn up back in this league with POINT EDWARD if they can gain admission. ★★★**★ HURON-PERTH BEAT . . . There will be. ___ a< lot ' of interesting baseball games played in the local Iht. league before the playoffs are over. ZURICH and DASHWOOD are hot and heavy every time they clash and from all reports -MITCHELL haven’t any sympathy for either team. Eans who- want to see these, action filled games can find the schedule, on. . another 'section of the sports page ... A hearty thanks should be in store from the HURON-PERTH LEAGUE'-to COACH BERT HORTON and his team from HENS ALL. Although they didn’t win a game all through the season, they stuck it out even-though it must have been disheartening on many occasions. With CLINTON COLTS and the EXETER MOHAWKS folding the Hensail club was needed to form a decent four .team league ... So we salute you BERT HOR­ TON- and your PLAYERS for a job weir done. ★ ★ .* ★ -Ar GOLF TELETYPE —. Draws will be made this week for club members to team up for MATCH ‘ PLAY competition. "RED” SCOTT is putting up the’ trophy,for which sdme 30 golfers will compete . . , Members will be notified by the GAMES COMMIT­ TEE .who they are playing and when the match has to be completed . . . MITCHELL GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB is the next course for the fifth EXETER GOLF CLUB TOURNEY which, will be played this week­ end. I New Champs, Mitchell Win Playoff Openers Mitchell Legionaires came from behind twice to edge out the visiting Lumber Kings. 5-4 in a round robin H-P Intermediate baseball fixture held in Mitchell I on August 8. ’ The nip and tuek battle had : Zurich holding a two run Jead ' until the third inning when Mitch- i ell rallied for three runs on three ’’hits and a Zurich error. | The lead was held until the fifth frame when the Lumber Kings pushed two more runs j across the plate to take a 4-3 edge in play. One inning later I the Legionaires tpok a 5-4 lead to win the ball game. Centrefielder “Link” Rohfritsch led the Mitchell club with a single and a double. Bill Gaten- by, who started,,on the mound ; for Mitchell, got a pair of singles . _ . /.J Ross Wrightin operation between the. top ’ tagged a double. Singles fell to th..oa .foornc +a dcniru whn will j Ritchison and Charles meet in the grand championship ; Westman. series. . Zurich picked up six hits in l?ai?„<ln<?1\cL,.1l0Uud Kobl";the seven_ inning affair. Short- there isn’t much to choose from i tie" and a^Vingle? Coach" Tom among the three clubs. I Rawlings lashed out two singles Each team has its power hit-! whtie pon O’Brien and Bob' Ko- ters <as well as good pitching . . - . - . staffs and-if any one club should! hit a hot streak with their pitch­ ers and ■ batters connecting to­gether, it could make it rough' for the other two teams. j Mitchell Legionaires and the I Dashwood .Tigers will be out to | even the count in this series I against Zurich by trying to put! them out of the running after winning the league title, The top two surviving clubs will play a three-out-of-five series for the grand champion­ ship of the Huron-Perth League. All games are slated to start promptly>-at 6:15 and umpires must see that they do. In case of rain, the game that has been washed out must be played the next day. The final series will get under way on Monday, August 20, with the’following games on Wednes­ day, Aug. 22, and on Friday Aug. 24. If more games are ne­ cessary they will be staged on August 25 and 27. Trip Mitchell To Win Title The power - packed Zurich Lumber Kings, who had a rough time at the start of the season, by dropping their first, two games, •have soared back to capture first place in the Huron-Perth Intermediate Baseball League^ The well-balanced club tripped Mitchell Legionaires 5-3- Friday night in the final game of the season which decided first place in the group standings. The game was played in Zurich. Two runs in the bottom of the eighth and final inning gave the Zurich crew its winning margin. : Mitchell took a 2-0 lead in the second inning but the Lumber Kings tied it up in the third. Zurich scored a run in the fifth to go ahead temporarily, only to have the battling Legionaires register a single tally in the top half of the eighth to tie it up once again. Bob Kovacic. of Zurich and Gary Hopf from Mitchell were the mound choices of rival coaches Tom Rawlings and Bob Sadler. Garv Hopf, who was tag­ ged with the loss fanned five Lumber King batters and gave up seven safeties. Speed: ball artist Bob Kovacic - - , - ■■. -■ -----allowed, .only three hits, one of | dule> have captured first place which was a home run, and'in the ladies softball league by whiffed a ‘ third' strike past tenj edging out a 10-6 victory over Mitchell players. - the Centralia, Flyers, on July 26 Bill Gatenby of Mitchell, con- in Pashwood. . necting on one of Kovacic’s fast- The Dashwood nine opened the balls in the eighth inning, tied up run scaring column in the se­ ttle ball game as he cleared the c°nd frame with, a single tally, fence with a long fly. i Six more runs were added in the The other Mitchell safeties fell I third, two in the fourth and one t Murray Colguhoun and Tom! tn the eighth. Sawyer. I The visiting Flyers,registered Righthander -Kovacic led his ! fjye tkeir•jix. runs in a last a?he picked uFa*pai/of Tingles/! f°ur( runs behind the league Don and Doug O’Brien, Tuini1'*“J' T'“"' ' Rawlings. Benny Gignac and Bill! players to register in 'the hit.— column. ; - The visiting Legionaires booted ! C three fielding chances while the’ winners- were guilty of one mis­ cue. Dashwoftd. Mitchell and Will ndw enter a round series and the top two grand " By gaining three straight vic­ tories in a week’s activities, tty {Zurich Lumber Kings powerei i themselves to the league title, ’ 1 edging out Mitchbll Legionaires, I by two points in the final and de- ’ jciding game in Zurich on Julyi '31. j I Lumber Kings, who have i ! shown plenty of power at the (plate with their home run blast and with their exceptional field-' i ing plays, knocked off Dash­ wood, Mitchell and Hensall to gain the top 'rung. Hurlers Bob Kovacic and' Jim Attrill held their own over the schedule after a slow start while their teammates bats kept booming out those base hits. Dashwood Tigers ended a good third, only two points behind the j I second place Mitchell team who i competed 16 points over the! season’s play.Hensall Coach, although they i didn’t win a game all season, made the stronger clubs look up i)lu on several occasions with their by fighting team. • : . A round robin playoff is nowjwhile teammate j.. K-4----------- 41.. ’ ’’ j three teams to decide who will' Doug series. ! Zurich picked up six hits in Any team in the round robinlthe seven inning affair. Short­ senes is apt to take it all as: stOp Bill Zubyk led with a dou- there isn t much to choose from i bie and a single. Coach Tom among the three clubs. iRawlin_gs lashed out two singles ; vacic, the losing hurler, each | contributed a single safety, j “Whitey” Malcho relieved Bill l Gatenby of the mound duties in {the sixth inning for Mitchell to* I stop the Zurich crew. | The loss leaves the Lumber i Kings with, a win and a loss J while Mitchell boasts a 1-0 rec­ ord and Dashwood a 0-1 in the sta'hdings. Score by Innings ZurlHi .........- * Mitchell ....Batteries: RawltnR's: B. ---- . , (6) and S, Henderson. Renew Rivalry With Dashwood Zurich Lumber Kings made known on Aug. 3 that they are I real contenders to walk away with everything as they trampled the visiting Dashwood Tigers 10- 1 in the first game of a round robin series between Mitchell, Dashwood and Zurich. • The game,- which was staged in Zurich, featured that old rival­ ry all the way through as feel­ ings ran high between the two clubs. Pitchers from both teams were throwing their assortment of of­ ferings close to the batters in an attempt to, keep them loose at all times in the batter’s box. Jim Attrill hit catcher Jim Hay;' ter twice and Dick Re'gier dneb* with his fancy throwing. . Boh Tanner, whb toed the- rub­ ber for Dashwood, dusted, off Attrill when he came.to bat with a couple of inside pitches to sho\y the hurler what it was like. , ... All in all one thing led to an­ other and feelings were running high in the lively contest. Bill Yungblutt apparently, didn’t let the hurling bother him as he hit one of the longest home runs ever seen in Zurich' in a number of years. The husky thirdbaseman lash­ ed out a Mickey Mantle tape- measuriiig home r.un to right. E 3 . . . 5 B. Kovacic and T. Gatenby, W. Alalclio : R 200 020 0—4 003 002 X—5 Kovacic and H 6 it t I Midgets Cop First Tilt, Split Goderich Series i i 1 i centrefield that sailed over 400 ’ I feet and ended, up on the far side > ; of the race track. Yungblutt also i kpicked up a single for a 2-for- 4 evening at the plate. Bob Kovacic also had two hits, one of which was good for two bases. Pitcher Bob Tanner, Rammie. Wein and Jim Hayter were credi­ ted with the three- Tiger hits picked up in the game. All were I singles. Attrill, Don Hesse, Benny Gig­ nac, Bill Zubyk and the. two O’Briens all hit singles tp round Out the Lumber Kings’ ten-hit attack. A seven-run first inning gave Zurich a commanding lead as the first nine men to come to bat hit safely. The lone Tigei* tally came in the top of the seventh frame. . The Lumber Kings, who seem to have the best balanced in- j field in the league were sparked ’ by their young shortstop Bill Zubyk. Zubyk, a good glove man, seemed to cover half the infield, by grabbing off hot grounders hit to his left and right for fine defensive plays. Score by Innings: Dashwood ........... 000 Zurich .................. 700 ... _ . Batteries: B. Tanner and .1. Hay­ ter; J. Attrill apd T. Rawlings. E 5 1 Kinsmen Midgets Post Second Win Exeter Kinsmen Midgets re­ corded their second victory, in a' row over the 'Blyth Midgets by a score of 13-4 on July 26, The visiting northern .club held a 3-1 lead in the second inning but the Kinsmen Midgets ex­ ploded for 12 runs in the final three innings to win the five- inning contest. Crafty Fred Hunter, in a fine relief role, fired a third strike past seven Blyth batters after he succeeded Elmer Ince who started the game on the mound and had four, strikeouts to his credit. George Oster, who was charged with his second defeat in two tries against the local team, fan­ ned eight Kinsmen batsmen and gave up seven hits. Oster did his best to help his pitching efforts by lashing out a double in the second inning that was good for two RjB.I’s in a three-run rally, Larry Walsh, the other spark­ plug on the Blyth roster, smash­ ed a triple in the third; frame with no one- pn base.- Fpr Exeter,, .redhead-, Jim Hen­ nessey punched, out two singles* While . centrefieldGr Simon Nagel whalloped a double and a single to lead the local’s seven-hit at­ tack. Single hits fell to Barry Glover, Fred Hunter and Ken Jackson. . The Exeter team, under coach Alvin Willert, will play a series of exhibition games while wait­ ing for further playoff competi­ tion. Score by Innings: R H E Blyth ....................... 031 00— 4 5 3 Exeter ...................... 1.04 62—13 7 2 Slatteries: E. Inoe, F. Hunter (3) and D. Sillery; G. Oster arid L. Walsh. Dashwood Tigerettes re Dashwood Tigerettes, with one game remaining in the sche- L» 3 4 5 T P n is o 16 o it 0 0 00 Standings Huron-Perth Last Week's Score*: Zurich 14, Dashwood. 0 Zurich 10, Hensall 2 Zurich 5, Mitchell 3 FINAL. STANDINGS TEAMS W ■ Zurich .. .• 9’ Mitchell ............................ 8 Dashwood ............... 7 Hensail ............................. o ♦Exeter ............ 0 ♦Withdrew from League ROUND ROSIN SERIES Aug. 10—Mitchell aU’Dashwood 13—Dashwood, at Mitchell 15—Zurich at Dashwood 17—Mitchell ht Zurich Scores To Date; Zurich 10. Dashwood 1 Mitchell 5, Zurich 4 T-EAMS n * W Mitchell .......... I Zurich ......... 1 Dashwood. ............... 0 EXHIBITION BALL Sarnia 4, Zurich 4 '(10 innings) lj 0 •1 1 T F f) ■ 6 0 •1 2 0 Ladies' Softball Last Week’s Scores; ' Exeter 12, Central la 3 Dashwood 10, Centralia 6 Exeter 2ft, Centralia 10 Lucan At Dashwood Bpd. STANDINGS W L T F A ‘ 0 0 82 41 2 0 95 53 ........ 4 0 45 67 ... 0 4 0 34 93 postponed game. FINAL TEAMS Dashwood .... Exeter ....... ♦Centralia .... ♦Lucan ......... ♦Did not play Future Gamest .Dashwood and ............ ..... for trophy. (Dates to he arranged.) Lieury Softball Score# from July 25 to Aug. 8: West Corners 23, Greenway 9 Brinsley 21, Denfield 12Brinsley 32, Mount Carmftl 22 Lieury 16. Green Way 10 'West Corners 9, Exeter 3 Greenway 10, Mount Carmel 5 Brinsley 17, Lieury 3 Denfield 16, Lieury 14 5 4 1 P 10 8 *2 Exeter to play off Gamis This Week: Aug, 9—W, Corners vs, Cr.editdn 10-JExefer vs. Denfield , •1.3—Denfield vs., Lieury 14— Crediton vs. Lieury 15— Mount Carmel vs. Exeter STANDINGS W L T P Brinsley .................8 3 0 16 Lieury .........>...........7 5 0 14 West Corners ............... 6 2 0 12 Exeter .............................6 5 0 J2 Green wav ..............4 8 1 9 ♦DenflMd .. ........ ....3 6 0 6 Mount Carmfel ...........,.3 7 0 6 ♦Cred 1 ton ..................25 1 5 •Last game not included. Exeter Kinsmen Midgets put five doubles Mong with Jim Rus­ sell’s two-liit pitching to swamp the visiting Clinton Colts 17-Q in the first game of a two-out- of-three WOAA Midget playoff series. Jim Russell, making the start­ ing debut in the first playoff game, was in complete control all the way as he sent eight Colt players down Via the strikeout route in the six inning contest. Barry Glover led the batting attack with two singles and a double. Simon Nagel, Jim Rus­ sel, Allie Rundle and Jim Hen­ nessey all cracked put two bag­ gers in a 13-hit attack for Exe­ ter, Catcher Doug Sillery, Cy Blom­ maert and Simon Nagel got hits apiece in the game for winners. Clinton’s Ken Livermore Jack Finley were the only players to flash the hit sign off of big Jim Russell’s offerings. A big fifth inning rally saw all nine Kinsmen Midget play­ ers cross the plate at least once in-a ten-run barrage to salt the game av/ay. Hurlers Ray Gautreau and Ken Livermore issued bases on balls between them while four Clinton Colt batters reached first via the walk. The second game of the series will be in Clinton on Friday August 10,Score by Innings:* RHE Clinton ......... 00000 0— 0 2 4 Exeter ........... 0 5 2 0 10 x—17 13 1 Batteries.: .T. Russell and T>, Sil­ lery; R. Goutreau, K, Livermore (5) and. V. Denomy, Split With Goderich Goderich Midgets and the Exe­ ter ’ Kinsmen Midgets split two exhibition games over the past week, The lake crew polished off a two the and. two 5-2 victory in Goderich on Aug,3 after the Kinsmen Midgets ran ’ up an even dozen runs to win 12-6 in Exeter on Aug, 1, Jim Russell pitched the 12-6 win’ for Exeter while lefty Clair Harman absorbed the loss. Jim Russell had three hits, one of which was a double, while Doug Sillery-, Gy Blommaert and Simon Nagel got two hits apiece to lead the hitting attack for the winners. Percy Garick, playing second base for Godprich, picked up two of the four hitls collected by the ■ visitors. Over in the port town, Clair Harman pitched his club io a 5-2 victory to even the two-game series at one apiece, Doug Sillery, Barry Glover anti losing pitcehr Fred Hunter got the only three Exeter safeties. Sillery’s hit was a well tagged triple, Frank Miller of Goderich hit a double for their only extra base blow of the game while singles fell to Bill Fritzley, Percy Garick, John McKenzie, Art Peachy, Clair 'Harman and Don McArthur. ■<K Dick Watson s Net 66 Wins Golf Tournament] Dick Watson, local taxi cab driver,, carried honie the hon­ ours in the low net category of the fourth Exeter Golf Tourna­ ment held, at the St. Marys Golf and Country Club on Wednes­ day, August 1. Watson put together a 55-591 which. With his handicap of 48, gave him' a four-under-par 66. Don Gravett won the low gross laurels by shooting a 42-45 nine hole totals for- an 87. "■ Second'low'gross went to'.Mor­ ley Sandbrs’ as he played a 47- 45 game for a 92. Hal Hooke, who gets better as the tourf^ys go by, fired a re-' spectable 93 and' was the second low net winner with a 22 handi­ cap which ■ brought him. in with ' -ijp? one-over-par 71- ■■ i Reeve Bill McKenzie -and Jack 1 Fulcher came home with low! CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ■■....... ' 1 ...... ...........n ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST. PHONE 719 Haating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work — Oil Burners —c Minor Ball MIDGET Gdderich 5, Exeter 2 Exeter 12, Goderich 6 LISTOWEL PEE WEE TOURNAMENT . New Hamburg 12, Exfeter 6 Walkerton 5, Dashwood 2 . Exfeter 6, Port Elgin 4 Dashwood 10, Kurksviile 4 bAntAM Playoff^'1 Seaforth 15, Exeter ft (Seaforth leads the best-of-three series 1-0.) MIDGET PLAYOFFS Exeter 17, Clinton 0 (Exeter leads bfest-of-threO series 1-0.) • Friday, Atlg. 10—Exeter at Clinton <■" ’ ■ ..................................... '... \ » EXCLUSIVE! Gtwi PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Saturday, August 11, 3:00 p.m. Sunday, August 12, 3:00 p.m. - Chicago at Detroit Chicago at Detroit Go First Class With An OK four hits. For Centralia, Gail MSthCsdn and Doris ListOOn each tagged the Dashwood pitching staff for three safeties. Cora Munn cracked out a double for the Flyers in their uphill struggle. Marion TylOr started the mound duties for the winners but waS1 relieved by Marie. Salmon who came in to stop a four run Centralia outburst in the eighth. • Ann Koehler looked after the catching duties for Dashwood. Marg Chandler and Millie ; choices while F<v Cddk received their offerings.. * Score by Innings: RHE (le.ntiAlia........... 000 100 041— 6 15 6 Dashwood .... 016 260 01X—10 19 4 BattAries*. M. Chandler. M. Nixon (3) And E. Cook; M. Tylir, M. Sal­ mon (8) and. A. KftShler. vrrtivuuy ui imicneu, con-i , ,,necting on one of Kovacic’s fast- The Dashwood mne opened the balls in the eighth inning, tied up run sedring column in the se­ ttle ball game as he cleared the £9nd frainewith. a single tally. .nk.^ w,uu <1 ivug xiy, > ....... ... The other Mitchell safeties fell < third> two in th6 fourth and one t ~ ’ ' - - "----- SaWyer. tea^in^th^hitttng VdepartmCnt j two inning spurt but were still, Nixon were tile Cdiitrilia mound La 'I frtiir* lMih'C T»£»hmrl fho lAorrttA ’ nls/Mn/ic wlitiA ‘’Tv’ f^AAtr t’AnAlvArl D”on~ and"-Doug" O’Brien^"Tom jfading Dashwood crew. Rawlings, Benny Gignac and Bill I Ruth Schade led the winners Yungblutt were the onlv other !at the P^e b7 pounding out ONE OWNER USED CAR i - 1954 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan JPbwer Glide, Tinted Glass, Tw6-T6ne Finish, Spotless Condition ”* 1954 Chevrolet Coach Lew Mileage—See This One t net totals of 72 and 73 respective- • ly to capture the final prize! berths. McKenzie’s handicap was i 32 which subtracted off the two nine-totals of 104 gave him a 72. Jack Fulcher took nine less strokes on the back nine for a 5 to put with his previous 61 for a 113. A 40 handicap gavfe Fill-; cher the fourth place prize. ’ Seventeen golfers turned out for the tourney and to many St. Marys proved to be a tough course with all its hazards and narrow fairways. The best nine hole scores of the day were turned in by Hal Hooke and Don Gravett. Hal fifed a 41 back nine While Gra’- vett recorded a front nine total of 42. The next tournament will be held on the mine hole Mitchell layout. Members will be notified by the games committee,r Greys Three Tilts Exeter Greys triumphed 20-10 over the visiting Centralia Flyers on August 2 at the Exeter Com­ munity Park to assure them­ selves of a second place finish .in the ladies softball league, i A nineteen-hit Exeter attack featured the victory as Joan Thomsen, Dorothy Heywood and [Mary McKnight each picked up four hits apiece. “Broom Broom” McKnight clouted three triples and a double. Jean Taylor and lead off bat­ ten Donna Wells wore credited with three hits each-while the I final safety fell to Joan Guilford. A'll nine players on the Cen­ tralia tfcam picked Up a single hit off the combined pitching efforts of Donna Wells and Joan Guilford, • The visitors’ big hits name off i the bats of Lois Vallance and pitcher Marg Chandler. They each poked out a triple to pro­ vide the only extra base hits of l the game for Centralia. Jean Taylor hit the only circuit clout in the final eighth inning as she hit a line drive to right i centrefield. Donna Wells smack* | ed out a triple in the seventh to hK Sin/1 irirtK* i #cms were turned in tn t ? 11wftul I at second base by Barb*Brint- ,1c11 caught several line add cleared the right field fen Donna Wells# ip centre- came In to pitch, 30> T955-*th6 wee’kehd\ ‘ ......' " ' Dr. IUISCRIFT1ON RAW (In Adv«ne*)~Can«hi $3.00 Far Year; U.S.A. $4.00........... AaJ . Name of Player* Dick Watson....j.,..,...... Hal Hooke ..... ...... Bill McKenzie, ............. Jack Fulcher .....j....... Don Gravett ................ Glen Robinson ......... Nick Dosjardihc ,........... Stan. Frayns ............. Mortey .Sanders......... Claude Harrow ............ Bud Freeze a tor............ tfoyd Ford ... Don Southcott; .............. Wayne Welsh ;6.,...... Chuck Snell .. .............. Pald-in-Advanc« Will nlaydff for the pionship. Score by Innings: Mitchell ..Zurich ... Ba 11 cries; Rawlings; Sawyer.I -- Zurich robin clubs cham- 020 062 R 000 01 .............. . 616 02 .. Bob .Knvaeic and Gdry Hopf and ■5 1953 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan Two*Toner kadid, Lbw Mileage Abase hits. Mary McKnight madfe some good backhand. pickups at short. Score by Inrtlngs: RHE CfenfrAlla ...... 121 051 00—u 9 4 Exeter ............. 303 402 4<—120 19 8 'Batteries: Marg Chdndlftf and Eve CftcJk; .T. Guilford, D. Wells (5) And D. HeyWdftd. Whip C«ntralia 12-3 •At Huron Bark, Centralia, on July 30, Exeter Greys nailed down a 12-3 decision over Cftn« itralia Flyers in a scheduled la­ dies softball league game. Five big runs ift the 'Second inning gave the visiting Exeter club a commanding lead which they never lost in the nine in­ ning encounter. Jackie Northcott started, on the ihound for the plyers and was hit for ten tuns in five frames before getting relief from team* mate Marg Chandler who finish­ ed the game oii the mound. Exeter’s R o x a ri ji e Beavers threw an eight-hitter at the Cen- traliaiis a n d registered four strikeouts, Joan Thomson, Barbara Brifit* nell, Roxanne Beavers and Catch* er Dorothy Heywood led the hit­ ting attack for -the Greys by get­ ting two hits apiece. Barbara Brlhtneil smashed out a two-ruft homer in the fourth intiihg for one ox het two safe­ ties in the game, ‘ The only other extra base blow for the winners came off the bat of Dorothy .Heywood as she hit a two bagger in the seventh, “r, Salbury’s Laboratories. w ■ThA Exeter Band motored to u < »v» , 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Clean As A Pin 1952 Chevrolet Coach Radio, Turn Signals, Low Mileage{Kings Drub (Tigers 14-0 A 13-hit attack, which featured! two home runs, a triple and a double, hung the whitewash sign on Dashwood $igers as they ab-i sorbed their worst beating of the year in dropping a 14-0 ver­ dict to the Zurich Lumber Kings. Bob Kovacic and third base­ man Bill Youngblut sparked the Zurich club • to victory aS’ they each hit a home run and added singles for a two-for-four per­ formance at the plate, IKovacic drilled a line drive to ' left cehtrofieid that rolled to the softball screen on the far diar- inond. 1950 D<e Deluxe Sedan Radio, Good Condition 1st 9 2nd 9 Total Han.Net 55 59 114 48 *66 52 41 93 22 71 55 49 ■104 32 72 61 52 113 40 73 42 45'87 13 74 59 55 114 39 75 48 53 101 24 7? 60 52 112 34 *281 il 45 92 13'99 48 50'98 18 80 6X -57 118 38 80 61 59 120 40 „80 51 52 103 22 81 50 49 15 84 62 59 119 35 84 Circulation 1* oF September 1949 Chevrolet 3/£-Ton Pick-up 1956 Chevrolet 7a-Ton Pick-up Get Our Prices Before You Buy Snell Bros. Limited ♦HONE IM CHEVROLET ANO OLDSMOBILE • Arthur Fraser , Exeter |FHON1 141 EXETER * •«< ZURICH