HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 15In Biddulph
. ,N. Conlin, principal * of
Patrick’s. School, S.S; No.
Biddulph, announced the follow
ing promotions: n
Surnames arranged ‘alphabet
ically. H—honours.)
To Grade 9: Mike Dewan H,
Kees Serrarens H.
To Grade 8: Hugh Conlin H,
Noreen Conlin H, Theresa Da-
men H,. John Damen, Frank
Loyens, Harry Manders H, Nell
i Menders, Elizabeth Van Bussel,
wMienk Van Bynen H, Mientjie
^^■an Leishout H.
|^WTo Grade 7: Bert Damen H>
-TPAnita- Gignac H, Patsy Harrigan
H, Helmie Van Bussel II, Andrew
Van Bynen, Joe Van Dun.
To Grade 6: Mary -Brown H,
Jacquelirie de Block, Jerry Har
rigan, Susan Seifried H, Leny
Van Bussel H, Antonetfce Van
To Grade 5: Tony Damen,
Tony Loyens, Anny Serrarens,
Nell Serrarens H.
To Grade 4: John Damen H,
Ed HArrigan, Edward Loyens,
Peter Manders, jack Van By
nen H, Frankie Van Leishaut H,
Margaret Van Dun H.
>. To Grade 3: Julia Ann Brown
H, Joe Cajdler H, Maureen
Harrigan, Barbara Nagle H,
Christine Serfarens, Nancy Sei
fried H, Sharan Van Bussel H,
John Van Bynen,
Grade 2: John Cajdler,
Billy Damen H.
Grade 1: Harry Damen, Joe
Van Bynpn. -
Promotions at S.S. I, Biddulph
Grade 8 to 9: Dorothy Holmes.
Grade 7. to 8: Dianne Hitch-
1 cock, Louise Holmes, Raymond
Grade 4 to 5: Helen Hodgins,
’ Ted Lodewegen.
Grade 3 to 4* Lois O’Neil,
Margaret, Smibert. ■
Grade 1 to 2:' Mary Stokman.
mean Ana District News
Comment« About;
Crediton East
'.f By MRS. W, MOTZ
Mr. and'Mfs. Alvin Sims, Ger
ald and ‘ Geraldine moved their
-' trailer home to Sault Ste Marie
on Monday where Mr,.Sims has
been working for some time.
Mr. .and ..Mrs, Jim Edwards
and daughter, of Walkerton,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Sims and other rela
tives. , - ,
Mr. Sam Baynham returned
from St. Joseph’s, London on
Thursday and is improving nice
Mr. anj ^rs- Murray Neil left
Sunday morning on a motor trip
to the West.
Topics From.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and1 Mrs. Milne Pujlen
. and Donald , were guests at the
LMorgan-Brock ..wedding/,on' Sat-
■fartlay- in .the .Centralia United
JKchuroh, ~
Recent visitor^ with Mr..and
Mrs. Alex Baillie were; Rev. G.
G. Burtqn and Mr; William
Hodgson,' London; Mr, Norman
Brooks, Norman’ and Ross, of
New' Jerisey; Mr. ahd Mrs, E.
Squir.e, * Exeter, and Mr. and
Mrs. ’ George Squire. '*
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Morley,
Jr,, and family and. Graham
Thompson. visited on Sunday
with Mr. A. Pym, Exeter.
Mr. Stewart T.h 0 m p s q n is
spending a Week at Port Bur
well with Mr, . and Mrs, Ray
Carol Langford of St. Marys
Is holidaying with Sue Ann
• Squire;,
Mrs, Eva Stevenson, Thorn-
'dale, is visiting with Mr. and
' Mrs. Frank -Parkinson. • - •
Mrs, S. Thompson is spend
ing a few weeks at St. Catha-.
vines with Mr. . and Mrs. . J>
Bekerly. ' ..
Mt, ’■ and ' Mrs.: Harry Ogden,
Vancouver, B.C„ Mrs,,Armitage,
Miss Jean Ogden and Mr. James
Ogden, London,' called on old
friends in the community re
Jackie and' Joan Finkbeiner
are holidaying at Listowel with
their....grandmother, Mrs, Fink-
. beiner, .
Visitors -during' the week with
Mr./ and Mrs; Whelihan were:
Mr.. Alfonso Mackey, London,
Mrs.*’-Dennis Hunter and Miss
Alice McClentOCk, of Dearborn,
Mich’,,. Mr/ and Mrs, Charles
Wh'alOn and Valerie, London,
and Miss. • Josie Whelihan and
Mesrs/ Ffank and Jerry Wheli-
/ han, Lucan. <
Mrs. Howard Morley a Carolyn
and Kathleen,* of Hazel Park,
Mich., spent last week with Mr,
and Mrs. William Morley and
Elva. I-Ioward spent the week
end with the family also. ,
Other visitors during the week
at the Morley home were-Mr.
and-Mrs. Elmore Carson, To-,'
. rontO, Miss Maud Carson, Los
Angeles,1 California, Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins and family/ Clandeboye.
* Mr. Marshall Squire, Billy and
Marshall of Big Beaver, Mich.,
returned home, having visited
with Mr. ana , Mrs. Norman
Hodgihs and Other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millson
and family,- London, -were week
end visitors of- Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Squir.e.
Showtr Bridt-Eltcf
The ladies of St. James’
Church and community met on
Tuesday evening in the school
room of the church to honor
Miss Jean Simpson, bride-ddet
of Saturday, July 21,
Mrs. Mbrvin Carter presided
for a short program of readings
by Miss Aggie Northgrave and
Miss, Carole Cunningham,' sing
songs and cbritesfcs,
Mrs. Carter read- an address
rind Misses Carole Cunningham
and Donna Blake, on behalf of
the group, presented Jean with
a French Provincial' step table
in fruit wood and other gifts.
Miss Simpson was previously
honored on Thursday evening
when Mrs, Emily" Tomes, Mrs,
George Noyes and Mrs. David
Butler were co-hostesses fop a
miscellaneous shower. Following
a flower contest many lovely
gifts were presented to the bride
A pantry “and kitchen gadget
shower and china and crystal
showers were held in Sarnia
where Miss Simpson is a mem
ber of the public school teach
ing staff.
Trousjtau Tea
Mrs. Maurice Simpson enter
tained at' a trousseau tea in
honor of her daughter, Joan,
The bride-elect and her mother
were assisted in receiving guests
by the groom-elect’s mother,
Mrs. William Banks, of Sarnia,'
The lace-covered tea table was
centred with an attractive floral
arrangement of pink arid white
carnations with baby’s breath,
offset by- tall lighted tapers.
Presiding over the tea cups in
the afternoon were Mrs. Wag
horn' and Mrs. Max Mott of
Sarnia arid in the evening, two
aunts of the bride-elect', Mrs.
Gordon Maines, Dorchester,, and
Miss Sybil Stephenson, of Ailsa
Craig. Assisting were Miss
Gwenneth Tomes, Miss Carole
Parker of Harriston, Mrs., .Lynn
Sawyer, Petrolia, and Miss Pen
ny Stephenson, Ailsa Craig.
The trousseau was displayed
by Miss Betty Cooke, Sarnia,
Miss Patsy Stephenson, of Ailsa
Craig; linens and shower gifts
by Miss K. Fisher, of Sarnia,
and. Miss Shirley Rogers, Kirk
ton; -the wedding gifts by Miss
Alice Haggar, Lucap, ana Miss
Marion Hill, of Sarnia.
Following the wedding re
hearsal on Friday evening, mem
bers of the bridal party were
entertained by Mrs.. Simpson.
Ritchie Reunion '
The third Ritchie reunion was
held on Sunday afternoon at the
home *of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Lynn. After an afternoon -of
sports and races a picnic sup
per was enjoyed. Mrs. James
Ritchie was the oldest member
Those attending from a -dis
tance were Mr. Carl Ritchie
and Miss •' Ethel Huntzberger,
Mr, and Mrs. T)on Lawrence, all
of Baden; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hunter and Pat Ann of Niagara-
bn-theLake; Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Johrison and Tim, of Stratford;
Mr. and" Mrs. Jack Eagleson
and Michael of Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs., Will. Ritchie,
Sandra and-'Sonia, Mrrand-Mrs-.-
Cliff »Ritchie and Glen, Mr.
Clare Ritchie arid Miss Eleanor
Curts, all of Parkhill;, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Harper and Joan,
of St. Paul’s; Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Brock.and Karen', Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Hern and Ivan, of Gran-
tori; Mr., and Mrs, Wilfred Cun
ningham and Joe, of Clandeboye,
and Jill Merrington-, of Windsor,
Patronal Festival
A ,-special service will, be held
on Sunday, July 29 at 11:15 a.m.
for the anniversary of St? James
at "St. James’ Church,. Clande--
boye, with the rector, 'the Rev.
R-. M. Weekes, Grace Church,
Thorndale, as special speaker.
. The Rev. Edgar RoulSton of
Clandeboye United Church is on
holidays. The Rev. E, M. Cook,,
former pastor, will conduct the
services in his absence.
■ Miss Nancy - Scott 'has re
turned from, spending a week
with her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs/. Bill Gilmour - and
family,, at Fort Erie. • ■
Personal Items
, .Mr.,and Mrs, Victor Thatcher,
Betty Lou and Ronald visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Chiasson of RCAF Station
Clinton. ■'
Mrs. Jim Hall and son, Jo
seph, have returned from a trip
to Falconbridge. Miss Mary
Jane Hall, who taught school
there, returned with them. They
also, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McCullough, former resi
dents of the village. Miss Hall
Will teach at Windsor itt the
School of the Precious Blood for.
the new term in the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Cunning
ham and family visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Man-
son of Embro.
Mr. and Mrs, Rea’ Neil spent
Sunday with Mrs. Neil’s brother,
Mr. and ’ Mrs. Orton Leather--
lahd and Diane of Leaside, To
ronto, Who are spending two
weeks at Grand Bend;
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ainslie,
Mary and David, of St., Marys,
visited on Sunday with Mr. Ward
Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins arid Victor. . ‘ - •I'" ....................... . ’ ’ '
and _____ „ ______
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Paton.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodg-
•son, Jr., and family of Detroit,
returned home' after visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan
and Myrna of Thorndale visited
Mrs. J. H. Paton.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodg
son, Jr., and family of Detroit,
with Mrs. Eslie Hodgsbn and
9 * 2,
Experienced men to put your i-oof on
See us before you buy your baler er binder twine.
1 Phone 43 . Onf.
Rev, J. A. Graham
Moves To Milton
Rev. J, A, (jrahiiun will preach
his farewell service in the Lucan
Pentecostal Holiness Church next
Sunday. Jt will also be the last
Services of Riv. apd Mrs, A.
Alan Alaimo of Brooklyn, N.Y.
who have been holding services
all week.
It was with deep regret the
people of Lucan learned of Mr.
Graham’s resignation here to
take" up duties at Milton. Rev.
Graham and family came to
Lucan in July 1948' arid up until
August 1955 held services in the
Orange Hall on William St. The
new church on Main St. was
built almost entirely by volun
teer labor. Much credit for this
building goes to Mr. Graham
who worked untiringly night and
Mr. Graham will leave many
friends among the other church
es as he always joined willingly
in all union services. Both he
And Mrs. Graham had planned
to assist in the Vacation School
next, week but find now 'they
will have to move,
Personal Itoms *
Key. and Mrs. Harold Dickins
of Rochester and Mr. and Mr$.
Alf Dickins of London were Sat
urday guests with Mt. and Mrs.
Bob Coleman. ,
Mrs, Irving Gibson and Mrs.
Les Woodward spent last Wed
nesday ip Kippen, the guest of
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Jones and
brought home the latter’s son,
Ronnie, who had been holidaying
with his cousin-
.*. ... -----j..................
. Lucan Personal items
Construction Teacher, Bride
Progresses T° G.® J ®rica
"■ In a setting of fern:. and suiIn a setting of ferni, and sum*
mer flowers in the Faith Tab*
ernade, London, on June 30,
Dorene Evelyn Hardie and Syd-
- Lewis Bros, report the Lucan
Motor Sales building should be
completed in about three weeks,';
Work on the Legion Hall wUl Lrt„ __T„, „ . „ . „ .
continue this week with the erec-l ne^ Thomas Lowndes exchangeci
tion of the walls. j marriage vows. Rev. A. G. New-
Steve Storey’s house, which is i kirk officiated and was assisted
next door to the one recently" " “ ~ —
purchased by Bob White is al
most completed so the two hockey
players can talk hockey over
the side fence (if there were one).
Frank Van Bussel and son re
port that Dr. C. IL George’s
house should be completed in
about Six weeks.
Walls on the new Fina Gas
station are progressing rapidly.
The building, of cement blocks
and stucco will add much to the
entrance to Lucan from the
Mrs, D» A. Ashworth’s cement
'block, double’ garage on Alice
St, is also nearly complete^.
Bnstball News
The Tuesday night’s game at
St, Marys was played to' a'4-4
tie. Thursday’s Thames Valley
League game here, with Evelyn
and the “Irish Nine vs. Old Tim
ers-” on Friday night were, both
rained out.
Purchases Residence
Harold M. Corbett and son
C. P. Corbett, have purchased
the T. S, Hili' residence on the
corner of Main and Alice Sts.,
opposite the Bank of Montreal
and are converting the building
into offices and an apartment.
Mr. Charles Haggar, Lucan’s
post master, is now on vacation.
Rev. Byrne! Graham, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Graham, a
graduate of Holmes Bible Col
lege, Greenville, South Carolina
is taking/over the pastorate in
Ottawa. At the annual conference
of the Pentecostal Holiness
Church in- Toronto last week he
was licensed to preach,
Mrs. EL Donaghy of Stratford
spent last weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. ■
So large is the registration for'
Lucan’s Vacation School that
Holy Trinity Church will not be
able to accommodate them all.
As a result classes for pre-school
children will be held in the Un
ited Church basement.
Mr. Joe Hay of London has
leased the Hub Drive-In rest
aurant for five years.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Haskett-and
family arrived1 home Sunday
evening after a motor- trip to
Mrs. Gailey Johnston of St.
-.Catharines is visiting- her. sister,
Mrs. John Park and family.
Mr. and Mrs'. Alex McFarlane
attended* the McFarlane picnic
at Shelbourne and had as guests
last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don McFarlane from Michigan.
^,Mr- AhdI‘Mrs> W.J- Smith and
"family -spent last weekend in
Oakville and Rockwood where
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
P. 0. King and Mr. and Mrs.
David McFarlane. > •
’ Rev. and Mrs. J, A. Graham
attended a Pentecostal Confer
ence in Toronto last week.1
* Weekend' visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Myron . Culbert included
Mr. K. A. Culbert of Granby,
Quebec, and Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris Hern of Zion. - -
Rev. J. P,; Prest spent a few
days' last week in BerVie visit
ing his old parishioners who lost
buildings in the recent storm.
' Mr.1 and Mrs. Sam Earle and
family of Woodstock dropped
their daughter, Rose Marie, off
at her grandmother’s, Mrs. Wes
Hodgins, picked 5 up Mr, Hod
gins and took him to Owen Sound
for a weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe. Hodgins.
Clifford Acheson,/son of Mr.
and Mrs.- Lloyd Acheson returned
to Saskatoon .with Mrs. Lew
Pickett and Will^ holiday there
till some time in August.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Strasser
at Port Franks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drennan are
happy to. announce the birth of
a daughter, Joann, in Victoria
Hospital, July 12; a sister for
Bonnie, Jimmie and John Paul,
Moves To Milton
Mr. Robert . R. Hamilton, ac
companied by his two sons from
London and Guelph and his sister
Mrs. McPheeters from Cooksvil
le, are enjoying a motor trip
through Eastern Ontario and
New York State. At Glen Falls,
N.Y. they will enjoy a family re
union at the home of gn older
sister, ’Mrs, Pellatt and. will
bring home to Laurel, Onf.r his
sister, Miss Eva Hamilton.
Little Mike Culbert who has
been yery sick in South Huron
Hospital expects to be brought
home- this week.
A committee is being set up
ahd a canvas will be made of
the Lucan area for, funds to as
sist those who lost so heavily
in the recent electrical and ‘wind
storms. Mr. J. C. Steacy, of the
Bank of Montreal,' has offered
to take contributions at *the bank.
Miss Hattie Hodgins is spend
ing a few days with her sister
Mrs. Alvin McLean, while het
cousin, Mr. Alfred Hodgins is
away,Patsy Hodgson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hodgson
•is holidaying with her grand
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Eldon
Hodgson, Alice St.
Rev. George Eizinga (son of
Mr. and Mrs. Meine Eizanga of
Lucan) has been transferred
from Forest to Elmira. .
Miss Edith Frost of Buffalo
Spent a few days last week with
her brother, Mr. W/J. Frost and
•family. -
Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs. Will
Dickins and Mrs. Bob Coleman
attended the. Hunter .picnic at
Exeter, last Saturday. '
Mr, and Mrs. George Cham
bers are happy to announce the
arrival of their son, Edwin Al
len, on July 8 at St, Joseph’s
Hospital. • ' t
Doreen Garrett, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett,
has accepted a position as play
ground supervisor at one-of the
London schools for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook of
Brantford spent last Monday with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Haskett. They left Barbara
and Bobby 'for. a vacation with
their grandparents and cousins.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Ivan Hearn and
family spent last' Sunday at
Motherwell, the guests of Mrs:
Hearn’s father, Mr, Jas, Brown.
• Mr. Bob Watson is recuperat
ing'at the home of his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Watson, after
his recent operation in St*. Jos
eph’s Hospital/ '//''/.*
■Mrs. Arthur King . of. Toronto
and Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. King of
Oakville were recent guests with
Mr. arid Mrs. W/J. Smith.
Miss Annie Brander of Dun
barton left for Forest last Wed-
neesday after spending ten days
with Mr. .-.nd Mrs. Myron Cul
Mrs. Warner McRoberts re
turned home on Saturday from
a pleasant, trip' to Georgetown
and Harrowsmith where she was
the guest of Mr. and -Mrs. W,
McGowan and Mr-, and Mrs. W.
Gowdy. The latter took her on
a trip to Ottawa and New York
State. Last. Sunday she spent
With her brother, Mr. Theron
Creery of Woodham,
For the 17th year Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Reilly have rented
the same cottage at .Dun clfurch.
This year,-, for' the second week,
they were joined by their, dtuigh-
ter and family,? Mr. and Mrs.,
Erie Haist of Ridgeville. They
report the fishing was good.
f /
Mr.,and Mrs. Murray Hodgson.
Other gdests were the Rev. and
Mrs. Bett HOdgson, Michigan.
' Mrs, Sidney HddginS suffered
a stroke on Tuesday of last
Miss Debbie Williams, Sarnia,
returned home after spending
some tithe with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert wil
liams. Sandra returned with her
add spent a week in Sarnia. Miss
Jackie Williams returned with
her and spent the weekend with
her parents. *
Mrs, Emily Neale, of Harriots*
ville, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Aimer Hcndrie.
by the Rev. H. D. LayzelL The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. P. Hardie, R.R. 1
Thorndale, and the groom is the
son of Mrs. Sydney Lowndes of!
Wiarton and the late Mr,
Gerald Kelsey provided tradi
tional wedding music and -Miss
Martha Lowndes, sister of the
groom was soloist.
The bride wore a gown of
white lace and net with a should
er length veil and carried a
cascade bouquet of red roses,
Miss Donna Hardy was maid
of honor for her sister, and
bridesmaids were Miss Sybil
Lowndes, sister of the groom,
and Miss Rose Marie Hardie,
sister of the bride. Sharon Rose
Layzell was flower girl.
The maid of honor and brides
maids wore similar gowns of net
and lace over taffeta in pink
and blue respectively, and car
ried bouquets of tinted carna
tions in contrast to their gowns.
The flower girl wore a blue frock
of figured nylon and carried pink.
At a reception at the “SeVen
Dwarfs”, London, the bride’s
mother received in a dress of
dusty rose crepe and lace with
navy and white accessories and
a corsage of pink roses. The
groom’s mother chose a dress of
powder blue crystal satin with
white accessories and a corsa'ge
of roses,
The bride donned for travel
ling, a pink crystalette dress,
white accessories and corsage of
blue carnations. Following a wed
ding trip to Vancouver, Mr. and
Mrs, Lowndes will leave for
Kenya, East Africa to take up
missionary duties ; there, Mr.
Lowndes taught Grades 5 and 6
in Lucan Public; School for the
past- two years.
Minister Busy
Over Saturday
Saturday, July 21 will be a
red letter day in the ministry
of the Rev. J. P. Prest. At 2
o’clock in St. James he will of
ficiate at the Banks-Simpson
wedding; at 3.30 in Holy Trinity
he will officiate at the Avery-
Holmes wedding, and at 6.30 in
Holy Trinity he will officiate at
the Blevins-Howard wedding.
Old Landmark •
To Disappear
‘ Another of Lucan’s nearly cen
tury-old landmarks, the post of
fice and dwelling of -the late Mr.
William. Porte, will soon be but
a-memory to the people of Lu
can arid vicinity.
Over 90 years ago when the
post office was moved from Alice
St. (which was named after’ Mr.
Porte’s daughter, Alice) to Main
St., Mr. Porte erected a dwelling
and office at the.-corner of Main
and William -. Stl There he, his
son? Fred, and daughter, dda,
served the community until 3,908
when his son erected the present
red Brick buildingt ’
The old structure was moved
on lo a lot at the south end of
Main St., veneered with brick
and rented as a dwelling. The’
last tenant was Mr. F, W. Young
and family; When, the Fina Gas
Co. bought the property recently
the house was sold to’ the con
tractor, Mr. Frank Van Bussel,
who has taken, it down to his
property across from the St.
Patrick’s Church, Biddulph, on
No. A Highway. There it will be
re-bricked and again used as a
Mr* and- Mrs, Kenneth Lang*
ford and family attended the
Trewartha' reunion at Seaforth
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson,
Murray ahd Barry spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rmn
of St. Marys.-
Mr. Carl Murphy of Kitchener
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Mossey,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey
and Cheryl of London spent Fri
day evening with Mr, and Mrs.
Wes Mossey.
Miss Anne Thomson returned
home on Tuesday after spending
a week with her cousin, Miss
Lynette McNaughton of Strat
Miss Elizabeth Thacker is.
spending this week at Bimini
Master John Langford of Cen
tralia spent a few days with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Pattison.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walz and
family of Glengowan spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Thomson and family/
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
and family visited on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Har
vey Spearin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stephens
of Science Hill spent Sunday
with Mrs. Jas. Mossey and Kath
Mrs. Cecil Mpssey spent Tues
day with,Mrs. Walter Jones of
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Waugh
and family of Brantford spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs,
Leonard Thacker.
z s r
insect damage to
your grain
Spray bins with
: 1
4* Do»i Not Harm Grain.
,r- Has Prolonged Killing Action.
—• Costs Less Than ,1/10^ Par Bushel
The Story In
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Kooy were Cpl, M.
and Mrs- Lustig, and' sons of
Camp Borden, Miss Hilda Pat
erson of Birk Hills, 4 Sask., and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon
Mr. 'and Mrs.. Phil Mpthews
and Phyllis of Byron visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis.,
Mr. and Mrs.. James Tprner
visited with the latter’s sister,
Mrs, W. Carroll of Parkhill on
Friday. ’ ..
Miss Almarie Davis of Victor
ia Hospital School of Nursing,1
London, spent the weekend at
Ridgetown, a gilest of Miss Beth
Buchanan,, and will be at the
home of her parents for a couple
of days.
Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mrs.
Harvey Latta, Carol Ann and
Kenny are spending the week
at Grand ./Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. dames Barker,
Joan and Gary were Sunday eve
ning guests with Mr. L. Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green
lee, were Sunday guests with Mr.
ana Mrs, Gordon Davis, Lon
don. < ■ • -.
Mr. Parker of London was in
char'ge. of the Sunday •'Service
at St. Patrjck’-s church.
«; ’ ----— - ;
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eizanga
are happy to announce the birth
of a son, Michael Allan, born at
Victoria- Hospital July 7,
Master Wayne Culbert has re-
turned home after holidaying
with his grandparents,.Mr, and
Mrs. Lome Beattie, of London.
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Horne
and family have moved mto Mrs.
Harold Emerick’s apartment on
Alice St.
| Phone 210 .
SEDAN,-two-tone blue.
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Ontario Loan Debentures
Issued for $100 and Upwards
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Interest is Payable By Coupon or By Cheque
See the beautiful samples of
wedding stationery and./ Other
items for your, big: day at>>-
Tii r n t
(At Market Laqe and Market Square)
’ In the Heart of the Shopping District
5 »
Who will come to you each week with
a different reason why you should heat