HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 14■rw i*Tht July ' 1M6 BABY CHICK FOR SALE Costing You Too Much? Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVgRS HARDWARE, EXETER FOR RENT REAL ESTATE LOST WANTED STOCK WANTED REAL ESTATE Main EMPLOYMENT WANTED X 1NOTICES TO CREDITORS Guaranty Trust I , Then Save Money "With A DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect 16S-W Lucan or Ex- eter 235._________________12tfc WILL LOOK AFTER BABY by day or week while mother works. Ap­ ply 220 Marlborough St., Exeter. 19* REALTOR R. B.' Paterson — Phone 51 Hensail SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupijer- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­ eter. Stfc APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. lbtfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter.12tfc 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for< rent at once, W, C. Pearce, Real- I tor, Exeter. _____I-Me VOLKSWAGEN HENSALL — Lower 5-room brick apartment, nicely decorated, inside water and bath. Apply Mrs. Mary Stephan, Zurich. 12:19c kitchen.. One of Hensal’l's homes, Terms available, ☆ ☆ ☆ HENSALL brick._ two bedroom home,2-BEDROOM HOUSE, modern, oil furnace, good location. A. Whil- | smith, phone 270-.J,__________19tfn I Use Want Ads For Vacation Cash FOR SALE FOR SALE PICKUP TRUCK, 1950 Chev U-Ton, 52,000 miles, good tires; pries $300. Apply Wally Wein, Dashwood, phoner 54, « ' 19;26:9c ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 high, speed elements, fully automatic oven. I Phone 712-W or apply 408 William Kt. 19 FOX TERRIER PUP, 4 months old. Apply William Walters, Winchel- «ea. 19* KOTO-BALER, Allis-Chalmers, in good, shape. Apply Bert Borland, Centralia. •_________19c REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft. Kelvin- •tor. self-defrosting. '56 model, used 3 days only; $379.95 new; 5- year guaranty; bargain; reason for selling — .have moved to P.M.Q.’s with frig supplied. Apply D. Hat­cher, 102 Parkdale Ave., R.C.A.F. Centralia. ______19c » WEANER PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Amos Wright, phone 730- W12. ________19c SMALL ELECTRIC FRIDGE and Move; good condition. Suitable for summer cottage. Apply 138 Empress Ave., Centralia.____________19* CLEAN WHEAT STRAW, 100 acres. Apply Hubert Dietrich, Lu­can, phone 50-r-S.______ 19:26c SPENCER’S STRAPLESS BRA— Created just for you by expert de­signers. Call Mrs. Pearl Raynham. 171-W Hensail. 19 APPLY EDGAR CUDMORE Phone 171-r-14 Exeter '19tfc SEWING MACHINE, treddle, Ray­mond; Coleman space heater, small Mize; kitchen cook stove, small >ize. Phone 352-M. 19* REFRIGERATOR, 4 eu. ft., ’ like new, $40.(10. Apply 112 ’ Empress Ave., P.M.Q., RCAF Centralia. 19* TRAILER, 4’x6’x3’ box, solid con­struction. removable tail gate, steel tow bar, ball hitch. Apply 106 Andrew St. or phone 102-W Ex­eter'________________ 12:19c COWFLy POWDER—Get the new­ est sensation in fly killer! Use Howard's Cowfly Powder with 2- week killing action. Easy to apply. Only $1.55 a tin. Exeter District Co-op, phone 287. __________19c BELL PIANO, with matching bench, in new condition, fully guaranteed, $98.00. W. Martin, Exetfer South. ___________19 14 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Also fresh Holstein heifer. Apply George Poor- tinga, 1 mile south and 1 mile east of Hensail._____ 19* SPECIALS IMS, FORD COACH 1949 HILLMAN MINOR SEDAN 1961 PREFECT SEDAN 1941 PACKARD SEDAN TOUR CHOICE $295.00 Reg ARMSTRONG Motors / Phene 216 Exeter Get Results From A T-A Want-Ad 20 WEAKER PIGS—Phone 21-r-3. Urediton. 19* BABY CARRIAGE, grey, in good condition, reasonably priced. Phone 706 Exeter. 12* CLIPPER? COMBINE, Massey; Case tractor and rubber tired wagon. Apply Hai:ry Taylor, Hay P.O. RASPBERRIES—Orders taken now. Ewart Pym, phone S3S-J Exeter.12:19* CHERRIES—Montmorency cherries now on. Bring and pick your own at Orchards, 1 mile north I on Blue Water Highway, ing July 16.I---------------------—— I cherries containers Govenlock of Forest commenp- 12:19* SPECIAL OFFER on Maclean’s and Chatelaine, two of Canada’s best magazines. 40 issues (28 Maclean’s, 12 Chatelaine) $1.00; 60 issues (40 Maclean’s and 20 Chatelaine) $6.00. Limited time—subscribe now. Ex­ eter Times-Advocate, phone 770. 12tfn FREE MAP of Queen’s Realm with new subscription to Maclean’s mag­ azine, only $2.00. Exeter Times- Advoc&te, phone 770._______■ .12t(n FREE!—“New Household Hintsj” or "Decorating Your Home” or "363 .Home Tested Recipes” with 24- issue subscription to Chatelaine, only $2.00. Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 770.__________________T2tfn 7- FT-. BINDER, Massey-Harris. Would make excellent, swather; $55.00. Apply. Bert Faber, R.R. 3 Kippen.____________________12:19c FREE POTTERY KICK WHEEL. Pay for ad and take away. E. Blake MacDonald, Sharrow Sub No, 2, Blue. Water Highway. 12:19* Bargain Buys '48 FARGO CAB AND.* CHASSIS Long wheel base, 825x20 tires, good condition. '47 INTERNATIONAL KB5 10x7 steel box, 700x20 tires, very good condition, needs valve grind. 8x7 STEEL GRAVEL BOX AND HOIST Five yard, 12x7 Side STEEL BOX Suitable for trailer. RUBBER-TIRED WAGON Timken bearings, 600x16 tire3. GLENN’S AUTO WRECKERS Phone 418 Exeter After Hours 693-W ' SUGAR BEET BOX drums. • Ammonium Nitrate For Pastures arid Corn Prices Reduced ■ $5.00 A Ton Buy Now! EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Phone 287 Collect FOR RENT 19c WINTERIZED COTTAGE, 2 bed­rooms. inside accommodation. Phone 46, Grand Bend.____________.19nc STORE . IN EXETER, 24x38, full basement, immediate possession, next to town ha.ll. Lloyd Ford, phone 299, Exeter.________19c APARTMENT—Living room, bed­room, kitchen and. bathroom. On front of Main street.’ Apply May- fair Bakery, phone 52 Exeter.19tfc COTTAGE,’ at .Grand Bend, sleeps four. Apply Long Sam Cottage, corner d»f Warwick and Oak Sts., Grand Bend.___ 19c MODERN APARTMENT, on Main street. Reg. Armstrong Motors, phone 216 Exeter._____________19c APARTMENT, In Exeter; 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, newly re­decorated, partly furnished, private entrance, reasonable rent. Apply Douglas Gill, phone 177 Grand Bend. 19:26* APARTMENT, 3 rooms and 3- piece bath, furnished. Available no. John Ward, phone 348. 19* 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. Everybody's Trying To Get In The Act! APARTMENT—Centrally located. 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished; separate entrance; rent reasonable; immediate posses­ sion. Apply 343 Andrew St.. Exeter. 21:28:5:12c 3-R00M APARTMENT, on ground floor, heated, hot and cold water, large bed-sitting room, kitchen and private bath room. Penhale Apart­ ments, 70 John St. E., phone 294- R. 14tfn BRICK HOUSE, l’’2-storey, at a bargain price. Upstairs is re­ modeled into a lovely apartment, with private entrance. This would be cheaper than renting. Phone 441-W, 19c---------------------------------------j— SMALL FRAME HOUSE, reason­ably priced. A. Whilsmith, phone 270-J. __________19tfn HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, hrick house,. bank barn, silo, driveshed. 150 ACRES, brick house, bank bairn, driveshed..100 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, driveshed. 75 ACRES, frame house, bank barn, silo.,50 ACRES, insul-bric house, bank barn, silo, driveshed.William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, Ex­eter. x 19tfc WARTIME HOUSE, 4 - bedroom. Apply Darling’s P.G.A. Food Market.,19c FRAME DWELLING. 2-storey, im­mediate possession, large, lot. small barn, corner Sanders and Carling Streets, Exeter; oil furnace, 3-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. For particu­lars call Exeter 14 or 177-r-16.(' 12:19c GRAND BEND—3-bedroom cottage, full bathroom, winterized; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter. 14tfc CREDITON—Brick house, 2-store.v, futnace, bath, attached parage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons., Salesman. 31 EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD HOUSE, 2- or 3- bedroom, near schools; bathroom, full basement, garage. Quick, possession. Price $3,600.- . ’ ’ 3-BEDROOM BRICK, in best of ..condition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good garage; immediate possession. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, very attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3- piece bath, permanent laundry tubs. This comfortable home is par­ticularly well located on a beauti­ fully treed lot. Owner leaving town, quick possession. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water soft­ener. Extra large . jot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession ar-, ranged. If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 12tfc HOUSE IN ZURICH, built 3 years ago, 2(1x23, instil brick siding, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath, clothes closet, built-in hoards, basement, oil furnace; lot 60x100. Call Joseph Gelinas, phone Dashwbod Sl-r-16. 12:19c $1500.00 CASH PAYMENT will give you possession of good home with all modern conveniences. Moderate monthly payments will handle the halajice. c. V. Pickard, Rector; Mam St., Exeter. 5tfc RANCH STYLE HOUSE, new. basement, living room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, full bath; acre of land; priced down, owner going West. Duplex, separate entrances, 2 full baths, kitchens, new oil furnace. Rents at $110. Price $6,300, Some terms. NICE BRICK BOUSE, having all conveniences, including oil furnace; good barn and building lot. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 14tfc Guaranty Trust REALTOR BRUCEFIELD Brick cottage, one floor, bath, pres­sure system and garage. Priced, for quick sale with terms. Low taxes. Well worth investigating. ,worth investigating. ' , ' ☆☆☆ ' * HENSALL ----- street location — solid brick home, hot water oil heat, modern „ , finer Solid ........ ..................... modern kitchen and new furnace, Available with terms,. ☆ ☆☆ HENSALL Frame cottage—main street loca­ tion. New modern bath and re­wired throughout. 'Extremely low taxes. Terms available. 19tfc TENDERS WANTED COAL' Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 4 for supplying 8 tons of No.. 4 Blue Coal to bins of S.S.tf’No. 14 Cen­tralia. Supplying 35 tons of marked Cavilier Queen stoker coal to bin of TJ.S.S. No, 16 Dashwood. Coal io be delivered on school holidays) Lowest or any tender not neces-. sarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Sec-Treas. Box 181 Crediton, Ont.19:26 AUSABLE IRIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDERS FOR ----- Sealed tenders marked Morrison Dam” will by the undersigned _ ___ _Ontario, up until 12:00 o’clock Noon E.D.T. on 31 JULY, 1956 for construction of an earth fill dam with reinforced concrete spill­way near Exeter, Ontario. The con­struction includes placing approxi­mately 40,000 cubic yards of earth fill and 1.600 cubic yards of rein­forced concrete. Information 'to*'®! d’d er s, TlanS, specifications * and form of tender, may be had on deposit of ,$25.00 for each set from the Consulting Engineers, M. M. DTLLON & CO. LIMITED J 41 Maple Street, London, Ontario. Each tender must be accompanied, by a certified cheque in the amount of ten percent of the hid lump sum. The successful tenderer Will be required formance bond.equal to 100% Price. DAM ‘‘Tender for be received at Exeter, to- furnish a per- for an amount of the Contract tender not nebes- BRAY has wide range pullets. Dayold, started. Prompt shipment, including Ames ln-Uross (more eggs, legs feed). Mixed chicks. Broilers for Sept,.-Oct. should be on order* FullErie Carscadden, Exeter, .phone 246-W ■Vicinity of Shipka part German Shepherd ...J. c.„ “’.-“Llags; wearing ag and,' rabies tag. Answer ” “ Call Roy Ilatz, 165 DOG- Collie, ....... black and. tan mark) eollai. )_...to ‘‘Tally'Dashwood. USED BOYS’ BICYCLE—G. Nagel 92 Huron Street, Exeter. 19 WANTED TO RENT—A 3-bedroom house, preferably east of Main St., for a client (couple), W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 1! GOOD USED COOK STOVE, coal or wood. Apply In evening 166 Andrew St. « In the Estate of Harper Cecil Rivers late of Exeter, Ontario, Retired Butcher.Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned executor on or before the 28th day of July A.D. 1956, after which date the estate’s assets will be‘ distri­ buted, having regard only to claims that haye then been received. The Canada Trust Co, London, Ontario, Executor. By BELL A. LAUGHTON• Solicitors, . Exeter, Ontario, HELP WANTED SALESMAN wanted to sell an up and coming home improvement .for a local business ill this district. Experience preferred put. not neces- sary. Apply at Times-Advocate.. 19c WOMAN to relieve on night duty. Also . woman for part-time or by day caring for elderly people and, doing other work. Only those.' in­ terested need apply. Work'immed­iately, Phone 22-M Exeter. 19c CANADIAN CORPS OF COMMISSIONAIRES (London Division) Has One Vacancy Permanent employment at RCAF Station, Centralia, Ontario, with • security guard for veterans of navy, army or air force. Rate of pay 95£ per hour._Age groups 50 to 60 years. Must be physically fit. Travelling allowance of duty shift. Applicants must produce at time oL applying, the following: (a) Honorable discharge certificate .(•b) Medals awarded for service (c) Character references, local and recent (preferably from former employment)* Interviews with applicants at -Corps Office, 201 King Street, London, Ontario, (DVA Building). Telephone 4-2443. • 12c Are you keen on riding in easy comfort, -yet would like to have a means of transportation'that is downright cheap to operate? If such is the case, the Volkswagen' is exactly what you’re Jooking for. 'Technicians the world over say the Volkswagen is the most sensible automobile ever built and that it is years ahead in design, Drive one yourself, today! HUNTER-DUVAR & SONS LTD.Phone 38 Exeter a; 12:10:26 GALLON 2 MEN -required xfor general work in grain elevator; good, wages, steady work, pension and health insurance plan. Also several men required for harvest months, July to October. Apply W. G. Thomp­son & .Sons, phone 32 HensalL ■ ___________________ 13:19c lowest or any sarily accepted.H. G. HOOKE, Secretary 19c QUART NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John SERVICES WHITEWASHING .& CLEANING—Arrangements can be made. BillWatson,- Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7:12-ll:15c STORE GIRL, full time, steady work, Mayfair Bakery, phone 52, (Exeter. 19c WHY GAMBLE with the chance that your turnips may have mag­ gots. For llir per bushel an ave­rage crop, you may be free of them by spraying your turnips with Aldrin or Heptaclor. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter.___________12:19c HOW to make it possible to pro­ vide "extras” that make life more enjoyable? Become our dealer in your locality and surroundings. Write lor free catalogue and sales plan. . FAMILEX, Dept. 3, Station C., Montreal. ' 19c CUSTOM BALING, square bales. Also manure loading. Apply Nor­man Whiting, phone Exeter 655-W evenings. __________________12tfc COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER, for 2 adults. Send full particulars ■ to ~ ~ .____ 19cP.O. Box 573, London. •ARMADA-” GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT—Made from the overspray and residue of the finest appliance enamels as used on-’ refrigera­ tors, automatic washers, eic. Contains "titanium”, the long- wearing "whitest white”. Specially blended to produce a satisfactory house paint, at an exceptionally low price. Plan Io get ahead With your, home or summer cottage paint job this week-end—at these/, extra savings. i also , Tile Dark Gloss ARMADA HOUSE PAINT—Is available In Cream, Bright Red, Red, Medium Grey, Dark Green, Brown, Aluminum, Interior White and Interior Flat White—All at the same low price. » Save $1.50 a GALLON—SUPCR-LASTIC Automobile EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTSalesman $3,495 ’55 ’55 $1,875 $1,460 $1,395 $1,375 $1,325 899$ 625 $995 & Phone 178 Must work. Apply HAVE YOUfe SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way, Stew’s . Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. 7c Preferably with experience, be energetic and Willing to Good- wages o,r commission, Bob Cook Motor Sales, phone 78, Hensail, Ont. SEPTIC TANKS pumped out, Im­mediate service. Butler Bros., Lu- can, phone IPS or 130-W.____ 8:2 Phanii Collect — W<1l Come Down Any Darn Fool Can Give 'Em your own T8HM n 436 Main St. Exeter Phone 451 Milfan R. Rabbtnt Self-cleaning—stay* whlte^ One coat does a perfect two-coat job on pre- viously painted surfaces In reason­ ably good condition. Cuts labor la halt—saves paint, loo. exterior Away And We're The Biggest In Town '56 DODGE 4-DOOR HARDTOP, new, with extras .. $3,225.00 '56 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP, automatic, boss' car $3,630.00 ’55 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Fully equipped ..... ...... CHEV V-8 SEDAN 210 Series, 2-tone ........ PONTIAC COACH Radio, etc. .................... $1,990 ft $1,875 ’55 DODGE 4-DR. COUNTRY SEDAN, automatic, etc. . $2,600 ’54 MERCURY SEDAN Radio, etc; ..................... ’54 FORD 'COACH One owrier ...................... *53 CHEV BELAIRE COACH Radio, etc.......................... ’53 CHEV 210 SEDAN An original .................... ’53 PLYMOUTH COACH Priced to go.................... ’53 AUSTIN SEDAN Jet black ..................... *51 PREFECT SEDAN Make us an offer, ’49 DODGB COACH ............ ’51 STUDE SEDAN V-8 • Automatic ........... Our Price $2,725.00 $3,000.00 ’50 FORD SEDAN Radio, etc. ..... ’50 PONTIAC Like new, radio ’49- MONARCH SEDAN ’49 FORD COACH .... ’49 METEOR COACH ’49 METEOR SEDAN ’49 AUSTIN SEDAN Large series ..... CHEV SEDAN DODGE SEDAN OLDS SEDAN NASH SEDAN Your price it. BUICK SEDAN, super WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING’ ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:3(1 A.M. We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc house PAINT ’47 ’47 ’47 ’47 ’46 ’46 PONTIAC SEDAN Big job ................ ’40 PONTIAC SEDAN A beauty ............ ’49 CHEV Vs-TON TRUCK A beauty ............. *46 FORD Vz-TON TRUCK 460 399 Bob Cook Motor Sales Sulwman Phone*: BligMon Ferg 159-W; Bob Cook lit Hensail HOME DECORATOR HOUSE PAINT —La­ boratory ■ tested materials — rich, bodied pigments blended to produce a breather-resistant finish that gives greater beauty and extra sur­ face protection. Your choice of 72 attractive colors. Quality-tested —at big savings. GALLON TINTING TUBES Outside Gloss White, Shutter Green, Bright Bed. QUART 1.65 GALLON 5.75 One Coat EXTERIOR WHITE “One Coat” White HOUSE FAINT Quart 1.79 Gallon 6<40 1