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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 13
... JHUH NOW For Super Values I Streamline Your Work I USE RUBBER STAMPS , I Av<ii*bl« Through \ Jp * 0 JB The Exeter Times-Advocate t« '<,l'M<<MMI!<Mi<MM<|<Ml!HMI.llMH«H<<UMMMH<IMIWMMIMMMHM<M<MIMHOM<ll<H<«MMMIIMMHM,<MMIIOM<I<M<M<<< Summer Hardware BEACH TOYS Electric Fans 20% Off! Camping Supplies .COOLER CHEATS • THERMOS BOTTLES PICNIC BASKETS Beach Equipment WADING FOOLS' • SWIM FINS Lindenfield's Ltd Phon* 181 ”, Ex*t*r 11 Mrs. W. A. Davis Born In Usborne Funeral services are being held today (Thursday) from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home for Mrs. William A. Davis who died 'in South Huron Hospital, Mon day, July 16/She is being buried on .her ninety third birthday. • Mrs. Davis was the former Jane (Jennie) Fisher, daughter of the late Pratt and Mary Fisher of Usborne Township. After her marriage to ’William Davis they lived in London for a time before moving to Hamil ton where Mr. Davis passed away in 1929. Eight years ago Mrs. Davis and her sister, Miss Vina Fisher, came to Exeter to make their home with their „ niece, Miss Verna Coates. Miss Fisher died in December 1953. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. Alex Rapson with interment in Exeter ceme tery. Pall bearers will be Clark and Charles Fisher, Charles Way, Harry Coates, Jack Coates’and Whitney Coates. News Of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Switzer, Ralph and Alvin of Hastings spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Clarence Switzer and at tended the Switzer reunion at Stratford Park, They also visit ed Mr. and Mrs,.William Stock. Mr. Clarence Switzer left July 5 with a group of 120 of the Soil and Crop Improvement1 Associa tion from Ontario on a good-will tdur. They will visit Cornwall and the St. Lawrence Seaway and on to the Maritimes and Annopolis Valley. The party was piped into Cape Breton. They Will arrive home July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HazleWood and Billy of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Revell Pearson of Colling wood were guests of Mr, and ■Mrs. Gep. Hall. A couple of our stately trees were cut down this week. They were reportedly 80 years' old and recent storms had left, them unsafe. Mr, and Mrs, G. H. Burgin, George and Harold Burgin spent Saturday and Sunday at Brace bridge, guests, of Rev. and Mrs. J. H.' Anderson, Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Williams, Mrs. Norman Williams and baby of Stratford and Mr. Thurlow Williams of - Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. John Williams last week. — Entertain Children . The Class1 That Counts enter tained the children at a picnic on the church lawn, The pro gram; included races and con tests. Town Topics— Items pf Spclal end PtrwnM’ Interest In end Around Exeter Th* Exeter Tlmes-Advoipate U »iw» pleaded to publish these Hems, We and our readers ar# interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chamber- lam and two gons, of Toronto, who have been on a motor trip to Nova Scotia, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pooley. They will be accompanied home by Mr. Edgar Sprague, uncle'of Mr, Pooley, who has .been visiting here fop about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Murray and daughter, Rena, Jim Hopper, Seaforth, and Mrs, Jas. Howe Sr, of Cromarty, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Howe and family at their cottage at Kings ville. Miss Mary Kerr of ’town and sister, Miss Grace Kerr of To ronto, daughters of Rev. and’ Mrs. Samuel Kerr are enjoying to the British Isles and will visit on the continent before .their re- ■ turn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Legg and Mr. and Mrs. Art Parr of Wind fall, Indiana, visited at the home a lrip to the British Isles and will visit oifi the continent before their return. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walper, Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Parsons and family over the weekend. Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Woodham, Mrs. Margaret Hawkins of town called on their aunt, Mrs. John Fletcher on-Saturday. Miss Norma Veal of the post office staff is on holidays. She and her mother, Mrs. Wm. Veal are visiting in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton, Carol and Larry, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Shapton spent Sun day in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ollen-Bittle and Karen. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Smith and children from Guelph spent last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A, Smith, Main St. Mr. and Mrs, Carfrey Cann and Donald returned on Sunday after spending two week’s - holi day at Southampton. Mr. and Mr?. Lome Johnston, Bobby and David visited on Sun day. with Mr. and Mrs. George Braithwaite of Hanover. Bobby remained for a week’s holidays. , Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Prouty of Dundas visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty. .Misses Elaine and Marie Powe visited last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacGregor of Parkhill, and at tended the Vacation Bible School at Grand' Bend- Miss Florence Russel1 of Mit chell, Miss Wilma Coates, Lon don, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Do herty and Denise of Mt, Clem ens, Mich,, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Whitney Coates and Keith, Mr. Mark Mitchell is visiting his-mfece and also -his sister, Mrs. F. Sweet of Sarnia. f Mr. Fred Ripe of RCAF Moose jaw, Sask, accompanied by Mrs. , Rice and family visited the lat- . ter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. They were enroute to Trenton where Mr. Rice will take a special course, Mr. Norman C. Hern of Nor wich visited with his sister Miss Olive Hern and with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hern and attend ed the Hern picnic last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dinney and family motored to Hamilton and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Keller and fam ily. Mrs. Keller and sons return ed with them for a few days, Mr. i? and Mrs, Donald Jeffery and Douglas of Preston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs, Andy Anderson have returned home after visit ing with Mrs. Anderson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Cole, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sovak, in Calgary. They also at tended the Calgary Stampede, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons and family, of Oak Park, Mich., are holidaying with relatives in Exeter and community. Mrs, -Don Southcott, Michael and Mary are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Burk hart of Cleveland visited with the former’s grandfather,- Mr. Joseph Davis, over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nixon, Terry ajid Donnie have returned from a two weeks’ vacation in New Brunswick. Miss Lena Steinhagcn; Cleve land, is visiting at the home p£ Mr. Joseph Davis. Dr. Dpnald Davis of Uxbridge visited recently with his grand father, Mr. Joseph Davis, Ex eter North. Mr? and Mrs. Whitney Coates, Wilma and Keith attended the Hodgert reunion in Stratford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norm am Han nigan and two sons of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Doherty at their summer- home near Bala, Muskoka, Miss Heather MacNaughton is visiting with relatives* in Winni peg and Brandon. Mr. and ’’rs, James Pringle and three children* of St. Catha rines visited for a few days last week with Mrs, Pringle’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Hicks. Miss Claudia Elliott of London spent a few days this week with her grandmother, Mrs. C, Wel lington. Walper's Mens Wean Presents Another Outstanding MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE An 11-Day Bargain Spree — Thurs,, July 19 to Tues., July 31 o • -----------------------—■ Men's ■ ‘WORSTEDS, FLANNELS, GABARDINES All Sizes—Values from $7.95 to $24.50 $598 And Up DON'T MISS THIS SALE! ’*—! Summer Hats Straw St Cldth CO QQ Reg. to $3,75 Sport Shirts Long and Short Sleeves, $3.95 to $6.50 $2.95$4.49 T-Shirts Silk, Cotton, Terrycloth # Regular $2.95 to $3.95 $1.98$2.50 I M ( 'Cotton Shorts To $1.95 79c & Sox * Suspenders - Belts Pyjamas - Cuff Links Tie Bars - Wallets * . 4 Stock i Season’s Newest and Smartest Shades and Styles — All Sizes Regular to $59.50 Sport Coo/s BLUES, GREYS, BROWNS Sizes 3 54 td 44 Regular $29.50 to $34.95 $22.49 $26,49 Sport Jackets $9.95 SPECIAL RACK . * HALF PRICE! 1 £ I ,"'1 I 1 S White Shoe Clearance Ex*t*r j Brush Cut Price To Be 90 Cents Effective Thursday, July 19, ’ 'i the price of brush cuts and crew cuts for adults will be hiked .] from. 75 cents to 90 cents in local barber shops. For children 12 and under, the brush cut rate will be 75 cents j and 85 cents on Saturday. I Regular haircut prices will re main the same: adults 75 cents, : children 60 cents and 70 cents Jon Saturdays. I Local barbers, all members of the Ontario Barbers’ Associa tion, include G. Flynn, G. Smith, C. Green, E. Hamess and N., Hockey, Prospective father-in-law to his daughter’s young man: “And what are your prospects?” “Oh, pretty good,” came the ; cheery reply. “Unless your I daughter has misled me.” | All Women’s and Children’s White Shoes Piuhps,' Straps and Sandals Buy Early while there is Still a GOOD SELECTION Phon* 376 20% OFF / z. Special Clearance On 27 Suits 27 THREE DAYS ONLY July 19, 20, 21 Styled for the Stars of Hollywood Worn by Cliff Lumsden Regular $2.50 to $3.95 Prizes were given for the old est and youngest person present and the nearest birth date. Lunch was served in the basement of the.church. Dress Shirts Arrow Striped or Plain Regular $4.95 Men's and Boys' * BOYS BARGAINS 1 , , ___ „ , Radio, You get a free chance with every $1.00 worth of merchandise purchased from us. Try Our WIN-A-DRYER Contest A brand new Automatic bryur Is being given away every Friday over CKNX Socks . . . 3 pr. $1.00 Odd Sizes — Regular to 98d Pants .... ’/2-Price! Regular to $7.50 — All Sizes T-Shirts . \ . Vi-Price! . All Sizes and Shades f Take a these. CATALINA • OPENING SPECIAL BOYS' SUITS 507o OFF! FARMERS - SAVE 257© ON WORK CLOTHES! WALPER’S MEN’S Phone 81 Exeter