HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 8Rw I The Times-Advocate, July 19, 1956 Cameras & Films Flash Flash Brownie . Holiday CAMERA Flash Camera Flash Unit .... SAME CAMERA-NO FLASH $3.93 Brownie Hawkeye CAMERA Camera Unit $8.75 $4.75 Color And Black & White FILMS For all'Still and Mpvie Cameras BRING US YOUR FILM FOR RAPID MERCURY DELOPING AND PRINTING' SERVICE Phone 50 s IGet set for winter with Exeter rz. last Pecember-r? Don’t wait till raw December reminds . you how'bonerchilling an improperly heated home can be. Make certain of • winter comfort how with Lennox Warm . Air Heating.Jt's t’he modem comfort' system that warms, freshens, cleans,; ‘ humidifies, distributes air ’’ to every corner of every room—and does it all so automatically there's never any work for you I Ask about The Lennox Easy-Pay Plan.,' • ' ' ' • ■ "ty Come In or Rhone us today! . - <7 Hensall And District News • ... ■ x s. 8 ”ALF ANDRUS ANDREW ST. PHONE Heating/ Plumbing/ Sheet Meta! Work — Oil Burners —■> Comments About Cromarty By MR$. K. McKELLAR 403Over 700 Attend ! Vacation School Bible Vacation school continues for tins week at the^ United Church. Closing ceremonies for the school are to be held at ill a.m. Friday, July 20. Assisting Margaret and Carolyn Smillie in the junior room is Mary Scane; Gwen, Spencer is helping Mary Ann Rannie with her group, Marian Pepper and Norma Pass- more, is assisting” Mrs. Robert Cook with the seniors. Over 70 have enrolled ' Honor Newlyweds Hensall town hall was filled for the reception for Mr, and Mrs. John Taylor, Friday evening. Mervyn Eyre read the presenta­ tion address to the couple and presented them with a Daven­ port and a’ purse of money, Music was provided for the dance by Desjardine orchestra. Brid«-Elect Honored A very pleasant time was spent at ths home of Mrs. Robert Elgie on Saturday evening when a number of friends gathered in honor of Mrs, Bert Barrie (nee Miss Helen Moir) of London. Bingo games were enjoyed af­ ter which the bride was pre­ sented with many gifts. A social hour wau ■ spent when refresh­ ments were served. Friends were present from Hensall, Exeter and Grand Bend, jList Bingo Winnsrs j A good attendance was re- (ported at the Legion Bingo here on Saturday evening last. Lucky winners were, Mrs. Wes Vender; Mrs. Tom Brintnell; Miss Carol Brown; Roy Kenny; Fred Ken­ nings; Mrs. Alf Clark; Mervin Desjardine; Mrs. Wes Venn er; Mrs. Jim Paterson; Mrs. Wm. Bell; Tom Kyle, Don Bell; Mrs. Robert Simpson; Mrs. Workman; .Mrs. J. A. Paterson; Mrs. M. Dougall; Miss Sherin Foster; Mrs. Wm. Gilfillan; Mrs, T. I Brintnell. i Jackpot next Saturday will be $85.00 in 57 calls. I Attend Union Service ■ Union services in the United j Church Sunday morning was (largely attended. For his ser- j mon topic Rev. C. D. Daniel ; spoke on “Power of the’ Gospel”. IA vocal duett was rendered by ! s. G. Rannie and Mary Ann. Miss C. MacDonald Funeral services for Miss Christina MacDonald, 66, who died in St- Joseph’s Hospital, London, will Le held today (Thursday) from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, Miss MacDonald was born at Tiverton but had lived in Hensall for the past 20 years. She was an active member of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church. • Surviving are one brother, John, Indian Head, Sask.; and one sister, Mrs. John Mac­ Gregor, Hensall. r Rev. Samuel Kerr will con­ duct the service with interment in Exeter cemetery, General Coach Lists Winners Three persons won door prizes at the open house held by Gen­ eral Coach Works, of Canada, Ltd., Hensall, in connection with its new $80,000 addition. .. ‘ Mrs. Goldie Graham, of Bruce- field, won a cooled Etta Hog­ gart, R.R. 1 Clinton, was award­ ed a camp stove; and Mr, and Mrs, William Lamport, R.R. 1 Hensall, received a gas lantern. Seyer al, hundred from the disti­ nct visited the plant, now the largest of its kind in Qanada. Personal Items. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mary spent the weekend nt Schady View, on the Blue Water Highway, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark. Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at her home here. Carmel Church Sunday School and congregational picnic was held at Riverview Park, Exeter, Wednesday, July 11, but unfor­ tunately was rained out as the heavy downpour of rain and storm came at the time the picnicers were gathering for the event. Kareri Geiger, Toronto, is va­ cationing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Betty Cameron, of Mr. and Mrs. who has been ill Hospital, London, Miss Marian Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, of Kippen, spent last week attend­ ing the Bible School at Auburn as a helper. 137 attended the Bible School. While in Auburn Marian was the guest of her aunt, Mrs,. W. J. Good. Miss Mernice Dilling, of Sar­ nia, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Dilling. Mrs. F. G. ville, is the Mrs. William Mr, and Mrs. George Ibbot- son, Robert, Beverley, Mildred and Murray of Armour, .visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper, recently, Mrs. Irma Harris of Detroit, spent the weekend with her bro­ ther and sisiter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rannie and family. The Legion Picnic scheduled for Sunday, July 15, at the local community park was postponed until a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Guelph, are visiting with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mrs. R, S. Hopkins of Chicago, III, Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie, Mrs. Chas. Robinson of Hensall,. and Mrs. Ross Dick of Exeter, visited their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; A. E. Northey of Cameron, Ont., and their brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cochrane of Toronto, and also attended the Cochrane re­ union picnic at Bayfield on Satur­ day. Miss Cleo Robinson of Calgary, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson of Hensall. Mr: and Mrs.- Harold Bonthron attended the funeral of the form­ er’s cousin, Mrs.' Robert Lippert, at Hanover last Thursday. Mrs. Lippert was killed in a plane accident.•ir_. z .. .......' Mickle and Ann spent Wednes-' day in Ridgetpwn visiting the former’s grandmother, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle. Mrs,. Minnie Sangster spent the weekend at.Ipperwash Beach with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarlane. Sgt. ■ .Ronald MacKinnon, Mrs. MacKinnon and Garry of Sussex* N.B." are1 holidayipg. 'Witlf the .'former’s parents, Mr., and Mrs. D. E. MacKinnon. Mr.v and Mrs. Ray Ormstein and family of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. Ormstein’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Lome MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zuefle of Windsor are holidaying with the former’s sisters, Mrs. Nellie Buchanan and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mrs. Wm. Brown; Billie and Carol are holidaying this week with. Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb in Tavistock. Mrs, Edna Corbett of Exeter visited this week with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. Messers. Donald and Harold Bell * returned to • Toronto * after .visiting with .their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. „ Miss Gale Cunningham of Lon­ don and Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Blackburn, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Janies Campbell and' family. Miss Barbara -Duncan of To- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton, , Mrs. W. B. Cross, and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Robinson of London visited recently with relatives at Chesley. Geiger, little daughter Doc Cameron in St. Joseph’s is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens, of Hawks- guest of Mr. and Pepper, Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER t llLgjy Cl JI IV. JLYaXm*Miss Betty Mickle, Mrs.-Laird^ere hostesses. Among recent hostesses hon­ oring Miss Mildred Greer whose marriage to Ronald McGregor took place Wednesday evening in St. Paul’s United Church, Sarnia, was Miss Joy Nicholson who ar­ ranged a dinner party, at her home and presented an automa­ tic toaster to the guest-of-honor. Silver was presented to Miss Greer when Miss Muriel Collins, Mrs. Arthur Teasdale,-, and Mrs. Grant Carswell were joint host­ esses at a picnic supper in Cana* tara Park. Mrs’. George Hartley was host­ ess for a miscellaneous shower at her ^Kathleen Avenue home. Another shower was arranged at the home of Mrs. William. Thompson in Mooretown, with Mrs. K. P. Leckie .as co-hostess. Personal gifts were showered on the bride at the home of Mrs. Allen Rawlings when Mrs. Rawl­ ings and Mrs. John Struthers Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitznian, Niagara Falls N.Y. are visiting among their many relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace ahd Mrs. Thos, Scott Sr. were entertained at the home of Bey. and Mrs. S. Kerr, Exeter, oh Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. E. Storey ahd daugh­ ters, Laurehe and Marlene,, are spending a few days at Sheppard* ton Beach. Mrs. M. Houghton and Billy, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar visited on Wednesday with Miss Currie at the home of Mr. and ?"r.s. J. Young, Wood- stock. 'Many members of the Scott connection attended the family reunion at the Lions Park, Mitch­ ell, on Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Howe Jr. and daugh­ ter, Alice, have moved to Strat­ ford where Mrs. Howe has taken a position in Avon Crest'Hospital. Mrs. Jas,. Howe and Alice and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan visited recently with Miss Snow­ den, Varna. The annual Vacation Bible School* opened on Monday in Nj. 6 school with 82 children and6 school with 82 children young people in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lindberg their two children, Judy Keith, of Saskatoon, Sask.,__ visiting with' Mrs. Lindberg’s aunt, Mrs. Annie Thompson,'and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lamport and Marion of the boun­ dary. ’ • Mr. and Mrs. Cayl Walker and Carolyn and Mr. Oswald Walker visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley Jr. Seaforth. I I and and are ■J 5 * JS. I Middleton s Drugs HENSALL PHONE For Prescriptions and Medical Needs 3 3 Summer • SUN GLASSES • bathing hats • deodorants • INSECT REPELLENTS • IVY TREATMENTS • PICNIC PLATES TRUSSES ELASTIC STOCKINGS To Obtain The Highest Prices FOR YOUR POULTRY Self To The s p Riverside Poultry Co., Ltd. LONDON ■» Hensall Personals Miss Marilyn Erb of Grand Bend wag a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Erb. Mr. Merney Twitchell returned hpme from, a trip to Calgary where he attended the stampede. • Mr. Robert Drysdale is holi­ daying with Mrs. Drysdale, Jer­ ry and Paul at their summer home near Turnbull’s beach. Betty Cameron, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Doc Cameron, is ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, where she is receiving treatment. London 7-1230 * Rhone Collect ' Hensell 680R2; Mid-Summer MADE-TO-MEASURE Discount 1 PHONE 62 ,P % JOLLY RADIO, T.V. A ELECTRIC Phone 187 Exeter • M Fast Work . . . Low Rates Choir Unites At Brinsley A reunion of Ebenezer £hoir of some forty years ago was held, at the home of Mrs. Dan Lewis in Ailsa Craig. on Sunday. Fif­ teen former choir members at­ tended to renew acquaintances, The lawn . and tables were nicely decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Wm. Smith . (nee Lizzie Darling) of Woodstock, the form­ er " organist. of. the old* church, was. present. Gordon^ Banting of. Lucan was master of ceremonies for a program of speaking' and Singing, after which all sat down to".Supper. All joined in thankihg Mrs. .Lewis for her hospitality. Next, year they are invited to the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley of Brinsley. .Personal Items , Mr. and. Mrs, George Prest. and 'sori, Mr. Maurice Morgan and Mrs. Caefer Atkinson of Clandeboye spent Sunday in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Badgsley and children of Bad Axe, Mich., Mr .and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. - and Mrs. Wm.'Baker at Grand Bend. Mr. ■ and Mrs.Ken -Tweddle and children visited on-. Saturday with Mr., and1 Mrs.- George Prest. Miss Olive McCormick of* Hen-= sail- spent the • past week with Mr. and Mrs; Earl Dixon. Miss Marlene Thompson spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Dixon. * Visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Earl Dixon on Sunday"were Miss Mary. Lou Eaglesbn, and Mr; and Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot of Centralia. . ( . ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton and family attended the Knapton re­ union on Sunday at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knapton at Thorndale. At the annual dinner of t the staff of Hanna Memorial .Scliool, held at The summer home of'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ford, crystal was presented to the popular bride to be. Before the finish of the school term the bride’s class at’Hajina arranged a- surprise party 4,§nd presented her with .a hammered- aluminum tray, ' Personal Items Miss Joan and Master Michael Smith of Hamilton are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mts. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Miss Vera* Linden of Denfield visited one evening last, week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par­ sons. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Pollard in Guelph: on Tuesday. Mr.and Mrs. Norman Long, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis and Mr. ’ Robt. Thomson visited on Sui$ay with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran in Listdwel and Mr/and Mrs. Webster in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Sproal of Exeter visited recently With Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Meilis. Mrs. Alex • McGregor- and Katheripe spent last week at Sault Ste. Marie. The former’s mother, Mrs; Edwards, returned with them and will Visit Mr. and Mrs. McGregor and also her mother at Varna. Quite a number of local child­ ren are: attending Bible School in Crom'arty for two weeks spon­ sored-by the Mennonite church of Zurich. ■ The Bible School in St. An­ drews United Church concluded on Saturday morning. The child­ ren enjoyed a treat of ice cream, dixie cups which were donated. An excellent opportunity to buy that new fall suit from a complete range of samples.by Saville Row. •During this sale we are offering to you a', 257® DISCOUNT on , . ■ , , ’ * SUMMER T-SHIRTS • SPORT SHIRTS . BATHING SUITS • WALKING' SHORTS For Men and Boys ’ S\our TV needs. We handle everything from installations of roof ■ antennas to servicing; your; set. Ask about out screen conversions.GET SET FOR - I AIR J CONDITIONING } AT I NO EXTRA COST | (Lennox cooling I units use same J blower and ducts I - as the Lennox heating system you buy) Ltd. Phone 181 Exeter YOUR CERTIFIED LENNOX DEALER-EXPERT• « f, DEPENDABLE 2 '53 '52 2 '51 '50 AUSTIN SEDAN '49 DODGE SEDAN '47 DODGE SEDAN See PONTIACS, Sedan and Coach DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDANS DOBBS DODGE 4 '53 DODGE SEDANS 2 'ST PLYMOUTH SEDANS '51 PONTIAC SEDAN '50 NASH SEDAN ■ '4? PONTIAC COACH Quality Cars Use T-A’Want Ads for quick results. Weekend Spedals '50 PONTIAC COACH '5C DODGE SEDAN ................... '50 PONTIAC SEDAN 850 HILLMAN '51 CHEV HALE-TON TRUCK, Spotlight and all PHONE 200 'X Z----1—............................................. 1 I .......... Meat Specials ---------—— Hamburg ................ 3 Lbs. $1.00 Rolled Pot Roast ....................................... 350 Lb. Spare Ribs .............................................. ... 350 Lb. Fresh Veal Cutlets or Chops ............... 650 Lb. Veal Shoulder Roast ................................. 390 Lb. Veal Patties ............................................. k-.-. . . 550 Lb. j -J ....... .. — 1 M Grocery Specials Bananas ..................2 Lbs. 290 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, ................... 2 Boxes 290 Kraft Mihiature Marshmallows ..................... 270 Velvet Pastry Flour, 5 Lbs. .......................... 350 Mother Parker's Tea Bags FrOe Earring*/ 60's ................................ 750 3 s X.J i 5i i / i E&ETElt | ...-..... -.-J 3 I- cr I cet I Ontario | CANADA, it has been said, is a country which has • policies favourable tn importers. First, because our customs tariff is low, with many items on the free list. Secondly, the rapid growth of the country is expanding our home market at a pace Canada never x has known before. ' The steel industry here in Canada has expanded ' somewhat, fasten than has the home market, so that 'today Canadians need.to import less of most kinds of steel than in fearlier days. On occasion, steel from other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian costs. This occurs when there are prolonged or temporary ’ surpluses else- . where. uBut a pickup in demand in the country reduces or extinguishes these * sources of supply, exporting external. That is why, year hi and year out, the producer is the most reliable source of supply. •s St I Canadian .1