HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 6rtf* ♦Th* Timw‘A<lv«c*t»f July lfr Ifti Dot’s Beauty Shoppe I will CLOSED July H July 23 LOTION SHAMPOO pi- SHAMPOO & MAKE-UP CAPE $1.75 VALUE $1 H A FOR ONLY LZ7 Holidays July 23 " Aug. 6 SPECIAL OFFER! Marjorie Dilkes Your Hairdresser fl PHONE 144 Middleton's......... i Drugs $Phen* 20 THe seNsat- °l the Closed For i' s a NEW! Hair Styling by I for Tinting, and .Manicuring rat >qg. rust ’Y GO BY Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. Individual- Styling, Permanents Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 Kipfer provided a humorous —JS~- "Levinsky Goes to a Miss Neeb was the and VNal air* Feminine Facts And Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Reeders of The Times-Advocate Shower Presents : On Zurich Bride ' Mrs. Cecil Kipfer was hostess ■ at her home Thursday evening ■ [ for a presentation for Miss Lyla ■ | Neeb, of Zurich, bride-elect ofj Saturday, July 21, when 20 rela-i 1 lives and friends met to honor Mr. G. W. Montgomery, agn- i her with a miscellaneous shower, j cultural representative of Huron ' Presentation address was read • County, was guest speaker at the by Miss Arlene Hanson, Strat- July meeting of Ehmville ford, and gifts were presented I Women’s Institute on Wednes- ; by Lynda Jane and Dorothy day when the members of Credi- i Kipfer im a decorated basket, ton and Kirkton Institutes were Pink and white streamers and guests. The program was con- balloons were used with much j vened by the Agricultural and effect for the house decora- ’ Canadian Industries committee lions. j of which Mrs. Newton Clarke is A recreational period was held 1 convener. in charge of Miss Hanson. Mrs, r. • , ■ ’ ’ ------------ reading, Vedding”. _ ..... ........... recipient of many lovely useful gifts. Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cochrane and Bobby of Renfrew visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dinney and family. Mrs. Myrtle Bossenberry, of Grand Bend; Mrs. C. E. Ache­ son and Sally of town are visit­ ing with Capt. W. E. Sills and Mrs, Sills and -family and with Mr. and Mrs. T. B, Acheson, of Hensall Winnipeg. The speaker commented on dif­ ferent branches of agriculture in the county stressing the value of 4-H Clubs for boys and girls. ‘•It encourages them to stay on the farm" he said. He mentioned the testing of soil—a number of years ago it was seldom done, now practically every farm ’./here there is u 4-H Club mem­ ber is soil tested. , He particularly urged any in­ stitute’ that wasn’t sponsoring such a club to "get busy” and organize some. "You do not know what you are missing” Le remarked. He was introduced by the president, Miss Ruth Skin­ ner, The motto "It is fine to pray for a crop, but keep on shoeing” was commented on by Mrs. Harold Hunter. Mrs. M. Doupe of Kirkton. gave a demonstration on making puff pastry using 3 cups of sifted pastry flour. Take out % cup of the flour and. shake well with Vz cup of water and 1A tsp, salt un­ til thoroughly mixed. To remain­ ing 2Vz cups of flour cut in Vz LASS ereenim IT’S GLASS! * won't $ won't * won’t * easy to make your own scr**ffl FS-62|.'L Ethel’s Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND, BEND Open Daily — 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday Evening to 9 p.m. PERSONALIZED - HAIR STYLING By Margaret Stephan, Eleanor -Wasnidge and Ethel Desjardine, Prop. fyowt nuwtel , j /! * Mgs “"Wn9„eil, 4ppilAN cup shortening anti H cup lard until like coarse crumbs. Then add water and flour mixture. This makes enough pastry for 2 double crust pies. Mrs. Bishop^of Crediton con­ tributed two solos and. readings were given by Mrs. Earl Neil of Creditor and Mrs. 4Buddeh of Kirkton. Mrs. Clarke presided for the program and hostesses were Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mrs. Harold Taylor, Mrs. Jas. Earl, Mrs, Horace Delbridge and Mrs, Wm. Routly.»- Discusses Food Mrs. Earl Mills of Walton was guest speaker at the July meet­ ing of Klppen East Women’s In­ stitute held at the home of Mrs. Harry Caldwell on Wednesday. Mrs. Mills gave a comprehensive talk on “Food Control.” She was introduced by Mrs. John Cooper and thanked by Mrs. Ross Chap­ man. The program was under the direction of the Home Econom­ ics and Health committee. Mrs, Norman McLeod commented on the motto "Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings,” Roll call was an­ swered by a cure for the blues. Cedric Smith of Kitchener, who was a guest tf Mr, and Mrs. S. Doig in McKillop, .and, who has won many awards in public, speaking, spoke on "Alexander Graham Bell.” He goes to Tor­ onto in the Fall to participate in a public speaking contest.. Joan Sinclair contributed two solos accompanied by her mother at the piano. Reports on the District Annual were given by Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Russell Brock and the Dist­ rict Directors’ report was sub­ mitted by Mrs. Stewart Pepper. Tribute was paid and. one mtn­ jute’s silence observed for Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. W. Doig Who recently passed away and who were valued .members of the Institute. Mrs. Campbell Eyre, president, conducted the business session. A lengthy discussion, was held on the district' project "Beautif­ ication” and a committee com­ posed of Mrs. Harry Caldwell, ........' Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. W. Mei­ lis and Mrs. Wm, Kyle were ap­ pointed. to interview the councils of Tuckersmith and Stanley - re­ garding the project. Members were requested to bring in their aprons at the Aug­ ust neeting for the booth, which the $roup are having at the Bean Festival in Hensall on Labor Day. A good display of old Christmas cards wer.e brought in by the members which will*be forwarded to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Verne Aiderdice conduct­ ed contests. Mrs. Workman was co-hostess. Lunch was convened by Mrs. Robert Gemmell and her assistants,. Urge Wills Mrs, Wm, Garrett was guest speaker at the July meeting of Clandeboye Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs, Alan Hill on Wednesday. Mrs, Garrett spokfi on "Wills”, s.tr e s s in g the importance of every woman having a properly drawn „ will and of keeping it up-to-date. She gave many examples of the difficulties a widow encounters if her hus­ band failed to make a wifi and also how the estate is divided in that case. Each member answered the roll call by telling “Why I am Proud to be a Canadian.” The program committee included Mrs. Rupert Williams, Mrs. George Simpson and Mrs. Gor­ don Eaton. A piano solo was contributed by Miss Marilyn Eaton and a reading by Mrs, Williams. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Simpson and won by Mrs.' Alex Macintosh with the lucky prize going to Mrs. Cecil Carter. Plans were made for a trip on August 9 to visit the Pinecroft Ceramic Art Studio near Aylmer, and also the exhibition of Can­ adian Arts and Crafts. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs, Alex Mc­ Intosh and daughters, Elizabeth and Nancy. , There will be no- meeting in August. The next meeting will be on September 19 with the iClub Girls entertaining. / -...'■■^7- — Carmel Society Plans Quilting The July meeting of the Wo- pian’s Missionary Society of Carmel Church was held at the home of Mrs. Sam Dougall, president of the organization, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. J. Cameron^ took the chair and gave the call to worship. Mrs. L, Purdy and Mrs. John Forrest led in devotions. Mrs. Higgins of Bayfield contributed a solo with Mrs. M. Dougall as accompanist. Mrs. C a m er 0 n gave a meditation‘ on Foreign Missions. The president presided for the business session. Mrs. Inez Mc­ Ewan reported that $180.00 had been sent in June to the Presby- terial treasurer. Mrs. B. Ed­ wards displayed ' a top for a quilt all hand done, and lining, gift of Mrs. A. E, Northey, of Cameron, Ont. (the former Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensall). Mrs. Edwards offered her home for the quilting. Mrs. Cameron introduced the group to the book, “Wilderness Missions”, by Mrs, Gray of London. ’ Hot idea for cool proifts—T-A Want. Ads! ¥ Paula Vogdt ’ - ft Our new, hair stylist has had 14 years’ experience in Europe and Canada. Get a new style YOUR hair, McKenzie PAINT STORE MAIN ST. NORTH EXETER we haus running water now-thanks to the . (J3) Budget Plan/ Let us install a new Duro Water System and get, all the water you want, instantly, at the turn of a tap. It costs you only about lc per 1,000 gallons. ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and our installation charge Our' all-incli^ive EMCO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete system-pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all your buildings and the cost of installa-. tion. You can enjoy the comfort, savings, ‘ leisure and safety of water while you pay . / for it. a CUBIC FOOT, MODEL ONLY MM THAT GOOD MILK FROM HI6HLANtfWUpAIICf WILL GIVE YOU THAT EXTRA LIFT YOU NEED FOR .OS EVERY r-m DAY DUTIES. IRENE ’ .'We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the.cost of V s i? SUPERIOR STORES Always Happy To' Hear From You Prices Effective July 19, 20, 21 ----------EL-; NABISCO Shr'd Wheat 2PKSS,31c DEWKIST CHOICE . Green Beans 2 f0R31c VEG, OR TOMATO Ca bell's Soup 2 hns25c HEINZ Tom. Juiced 2 for 25c Oldtowne Sweet Mixed Pickles large 4bdz.par 55c BLUE DUZ 71 n With Tea Towe), W Off, G’ant Pkfl, ill# PINK VEL DETERGENT 41r ■ Tin Ajax Free, Larqe 20-Oz, Tin .. “ ’ * DESSERT PEARS 1K^ Globe, 15-Ojt, Tln» ................... IvW SMART'S APPLE SAUCE 1 Large 20-02.’ Tin I**’#1 Robin H'd Cake Mix Deal J White und 1 Orang* iQ’fQ 'MONTMORENCY PITTED CHERRIES (22-Lb. Paili), Delivery Expected Next Week—Please Book Before Set. Night, July 21 A---------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------L The Best Place To Shop After All J. H. Jones Groceries Fraa DeliVRtry * Kirkton Vows St, Paul’s’ Anglican church, Kirkton, decorated with summer flowers, ferns and candelabra was the setting for the marriage of Gwendolyn May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dobson, R.R. 1 Kirkton and William Charles, son of Mr. ,and Mrs, Charles Waghorn of Exeter, on Saturday, July 7. . ' 1 Rev. R. A. C, Mills, Watford, officiated at the 12 o’clock double ring .ceremony. Mrs. Harold Davis played traditional wedding music: Mrs. Clayton Ross, Lon­ don, was soloist’choosing to sing the Bridal Hymn and "0 Perfect Love,” Bride In Whit* Lac* . 'For her wedding the bride chose a dress of white Chantilly lace and net over white satin with lace jacket featuring a beaded collar of pearls and se­ quins. Her finger tip veil was held with a lieaddress of shirred net and sequins. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations, She was given in marriage by her father and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Clifton Jaques, R.R. 1 Centralia, as matron of honor. She wore a dress of tur­ quoise nylon -hiffon over net and carried a bouquet of pink roses and white carnations. ■ Mr.. Clifton Jaques was grooms­ man and ushers were Kenneth Blackler and Clayton Ross. Honeymoon In N. Ontario The reception was held in the church parlors, decorated with baskets of summer flowers. The bride’s mother received her guests in a blue lace gown over taffeta. .with white accessories. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a printed silk crepe dress with white accessor­ ies. Both wore a pink rose cor­ sage. For a honeymoon spent in Northern Ontario the bride don­ ned a navy blue dress with white accessories and corsage of Sweet­ heart rose. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Waghorn will reside on R.R. 1 Kirkton. Guests for the wedding were present from Detroit, London, Seaforth. Lucan, St. Marys, Med­ ina, Exeter and Woodham. Doctors Marry Margaret Joan Hopper, elder daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. E. Russell Ilcpper, was united in riiatriage to Victor Norman Kyle, ' Please Turn’ to Page 7 HAYTER Open Monday to Friday 9 to 'Saturday' 9 to, 1; Tuesday and Thursday Evenings' to 9 pan. - PHONE 178 GRAND BEND 6; labour and materials.. Phone dr come into our shop and ’ see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can be. . EXETER LINDENFIELDS Limited ONTARIO Empire Brasa Mfg. Co. Limited i£ JUST A FLICK OF THIS MAGIC SELECT-O-MATIC* DIAL & PRESTO! {Proudly {Presents THE MOST AMAZING AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG IN ALL SEWING MACHINE HISTORY! <Sr s . - ' ,..Jmk — hch«^^' ■e Phone 532 ■Mt All Dresses IRWINS / t Hentali *Exeter Of Summer Ladie,s' Wear All Cotton Skirts All Cotton Blouses LADIES' WEAR SEWS ON BUTTONS MAKES BUTTONHOLES BUND HEMS SEWS ZIG-ZAG EMBROIDERS APPUOUES (fill1 MGHOGHAMi '-Z DARNS BASTES, ETC Guarantied by VGbod HousekeepingI fi .PARENTS? MMASMj. IOfc MOTNlM V^;>* \ whet « Situational Sewing Machins 1 THE NEW SELECT-0-MATIC « .......mm/mrii /irun8 ujtrx V // InuZlfX © 100% AUTOMATICZIG-ZAG We waited 7 years for this new Brother to be developed, but it was Worth it. This is the ultimate in automatic sewing tot the home. Only 10 minutes of easy instruction, you’ll sew like an eXpert. You’ll do things that even the professionals can’t do on ordi­ nary machines. Mechanically, there’s no . Other machine in the world like this Brother' Select-o-matic* From the engineering laboratories of the1 most ingenious manufacturer In ttto world has coftie the Ultimate in simplified sewing. The Select-o-matic* uses ho awkward or. ft complicated attachmcnt-yet it tewi zig-zag qr straight, makes buttonholes,'embroiders, darts* monograms, etc., with just a flick of the amazingly simple Select-o-niatic*' Dial, •as easy to Use as a dial telephirtie. There is hot a single Stitch you’ll ever need that your Brother does hot do perfectly. *. quickly »., and with the ease and simplicity of 100% Completely automatic operation. . Brother is guaranteed (tn writing) to give a lifetime df pleasurable SeWing satisfaction! There is nothing finer than a Brother! SOLD AND SERVICED FRGM COAST-TO-CO AST PHONE 18 YOU GET ANY ONE OF HUNDREDS OF DECORATIVE Stitches Automatically I No Wheels! No Disc*1 no awkward attachments, a» Easy to use as a Dial Phone! YOU SEE THE STITCH YOU CHOOSE Before You Start to Sew! All guesswork has been completely eliminated! y * Trade MarkGWARANTfED for a uniiMf ____ £3C • MICID IIN UNI WITH ORDINARY STRAIGHT STITCH MACHINES 4 .,. and H ' can b* putchaud an | EASY / LTERMS I PHONE SNELGROVE'S NOW rut fKU nui in rouK own Not0*f* fa bb//g«rf foB of eovr— f Snelgrove's ■ ■ ■ EXETER