HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-19, Page 3Enjoy Your Vacation
£ * ’ 4
I Rolls On Like A Magic Carpet
Speeding, Noise , Of Auto Jockeys
Still Major Complaint In CouncilI I Personalized
or write to
Nelson Street, Sarnia, Ontario
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Supertit* 24 gauge Roll Roofing and Siding cuts application
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.' For Full Details and Prices
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apply it
Speed and noise of cars racing
around town continue to be
major complaints aired at coun
cil meetings.,Councillors wrestled
with the problem for an hour
Monday night but didn’t get any
Two main protests this week
came from South Huron Hospital
authorities and from picnickers
at Riverview Park.
Cars roaring around the hos
pital block late at night disturb
patients there and council has
received numerous requests to
take action to stop the practice.
Apparently, it isn’t as easjf as it
In June, council erected “hos
pital” signs at the four corners
of the block to give police autho
rity to prosecute against noise
makers. Hospital officials felt,
however, that these signs aren’t
sufficient and asked council, in
a letter, to. change them to read
‘Hospital Zone, Quiet” Council
The board alpo requested that
stop signs be placed on William
Street at the corner of Huron
and Anne streets to discourage
racing around the block. Coun
cil, however, -felt this would only
create more noise with .the' stop
ping and starting of cars.
Said Councillor Glen Fisher!
“They’ll make' more noise pul
ling away from the stop sign
than going around the corners.”
Reeve William McKenzie op
posed stop signs because, he
charged, police, aren’t enforcing
them. “There’s no use putting
up any more stop signs until
police enforce the one’s we’ve
got. “He said not one car in five
stops at dhe signs on Andrew
street, at Gidley and Vittoria
streets, and there’d never been
any convictions that he’d heard
about. Councillor Alvin Pym
agreed enforcement was the pro
Councillors delayed action on
the request until they determine
what effect the new “quiet”
signs will have on traffic in the
hospital. area.
Councillor Ross Taylor re
ported complaints of speeding
along the park road and said one
child was struck there Sunday,
Council authorized the placing
of 15 mile-per-hour signs in the
Constable John Cowen, who
was called into the discussion
later on in the meeting, said he
had patrolled the hospital area
numerous times and had watch-
Comments About
At Larry Snider's
• k
’56 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN,automatic,
radio, power brakes, very low mileage ..$2,775
. ’54 FORD SEDAN .......................$1,695
’54 CHEV COACH, a good one $1,595
, ’52 DODGE SEDAN >...................Youn Choice
’52 FORD SEDAN ........................Of’These $1,095
’52'FORD COACH .................................. Beauts
’51 CHEV COACH.................................... Choice $895
’50 FORD COACH ..................................... Choice
’so fori5 sedan............................ Of Two $750
’49 FORD COACH ......................................... Your
’50 STUDEBAKER COACH ................... Choice $695
’49 METEOR COACH ................................Again
’49 FORD COACH ......................i $550
Overdriye, radio ................................... Your
’47 FORD COACH..................................... Choice $375
’47 CHEV COACH ......................................... Your
.’46 CHEV COACH ................................. Choice $295
■ ’48 CHEV COACH ...............................$'250
’37 PLYMOUTH COACH, it runs ......................$35
I ’52 REO TANDEM DUMP .............
I ’54 FORD PICKUP .............................
j ’53 FORD PICKUP .............................
I ’49 DODGE PICKUP;.........................
I ’’49 DODGE EXPRESS..................
I ’47 FORD PICKUP ............... ....
’46 FORD 3 'TON STAKE ..............
I .
., Choice
$ 995
$ 850
295 s
Report On
ed from inside the hospital but! against offenders. He thought if
haunt seen or heard any speed-1 court action, was taken against!
eiIr« t » i 4.4.U i home of the youthful drivers, the
He also said he was at the parkJ i,-Sunday and saw no evidence pf [Problem would soon be licked-;
dangerous driving. I " -J...........
Councillor Bill Musser insisted Try Surge for faster, safer,
the only way to stop traffic vio- milking with increased produc-!
lations to jay charges fion, (adv’t)
1 ' Over 50 beautiful and novel styles of personal-
| ized napkins and coasters are now available to. you
I at The Exeter Times-Advocate. Come in to see our •
= new portfolio of “Personally Yours”, Clever Infor- :
| mals and thank-you notesv-all reasonably priced and !
| “Personally Yours”. f
i ■ J
............ $
............ $
............ $
The following 30-day units to be reduced $10
per day until sold.
’51 MONARCH SEDAN, a nice one
’51 METEOR COACH ..........................
’52 CHEV SEDAN .......................... ......
’46 PONTIAC SEDAN, a nice one ,
’53 FORD 3 TON
'Chassis and cab, new license ......................
DODGE PANEL, new motor, like nbw ....
FORD PICKUP, she’s O.K...............................,
New motor, new license .................... ..
You’re robbing me ...........................................
o -
Used very little ....................... •••
.’41 FORD, she’s O.K, ........................ ........
' A steal ............................................t.
FOR 3 POINT HITCH, almost new........
$ 595
$ 295
Larry Snider Motors
Your Ford-Monarch Coaler
—««««»»r.w,n,w. raaairi-arim-Mot'tiiviirtnEEHtni'iinifnrrtMJUtiiiiiiUhJuiqnitru'UrruJKiEnnrtuiiiin’tnTuim't
Bus Trip
The Evening Auxiliary of the
Woodham United Church are
sponsoring a bus trip to Hamil
ton on Tuesday of this week.
They plan to visit the Westing
house and Windsor Wafers Ltd.,
Botanical Gardens and Rock
Gardens ■ and other places. , A
number of -the W.M.S. ladies
will, accompany them.
Personal Items
A number from the village
were at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Miss Noreen Walkom was a
weekend visitor with her mother
Mrs. Walkom at Russeldale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, of
Kirkton, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs.- W. L..Switzer.
Ronnie and Barbara, of Shipka,
Mr., and Mrs. Ray Sweitzer,
were' Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Belding
and family; Mr, and Mrs. Beld
ing, Sr., of Detroit, were Tues
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Wheeler.
Mrs. Dave Steeper, St. Marys,
was a weekend visitor at the
home of her son, Jack Stephens,
and Mrs.cStephens.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rodd,
Marian and Edith and Mr. and
.Mrs, John Rodd visited in Gode
rich on Sunday.
Jimmie Hazlewood has re
turned home after visiting with
his aunt, Mrs. George Levy, and
George at Mount Pleasant for a
The Woodham quartette,
Messrs. William and Ray Mills,
Norris Webb and Glenn Cope
land, sang at an. open air ser
vice - at tile United Church,
Grand Bend, Sunday' morning.
Mrs. A. Belch, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mills, of Omemee visited
last week with Mrs. T. Doupe
and Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens
and Dbnald enjoyed a motor trip
through the States over the
Mr. and Mrs/ Robert Rundle,
Jim and Jack visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Crane at Em-
bro on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Switzer
of Detroit were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Downs of i,
Toronto were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe
and Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy.
Miss Grace Doupe is spending
this week at Bimini Camp as :
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and :
family, Mrs. Myrtle Copeland
and Jean, Miss Verla Wheeler, '
Mrs. Ray Mills accompanied the ;
quartette to the Bend on Sunday .
and attended the services.
Mrs. A. Chatten is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Coleman at :
Prospect Hill this week.
Mrs. Clarence Mills spent the
weekend with, her sister, Miss '
Annie Youngst'on, at Paris.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills of
Barrie called on their uncle, Mr. !
W> L. Switzer, and Mrs. Switzer
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Heth, ,
Helen and Ruth of Toronto visit-
ed with the former’s brother, :
Arnold Hern, and Mrs. Heril on •
Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webber :
of Rochester, N.Y., were week- 1 end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Webber. * ■
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers, of
Kirkton, were Sunday evening
visitors with their aunt, Miss ‘
Amanda Shier. :
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly
of Kirktdn visited with Mr. and :
Mrs. E. Voddeh on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Cope- j
land, Donna and Murray, Mr. ;
and Mrs. Murray May of Loil- ;
don attended the Switzer re- ■
union held in Stratford Park on
Saturday last.
Dr, George P. Morphy and 1
Mrs. Mdrphy, accompanied by
their three boys, Donald,. John
and NelSon, left Thursday, July
5 -by motor on an extended trip '
to the coast. ' . , ■
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy, j
Marie, David and Margaret 1
Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy >
attended tho Marshall reunion at '
Seaforth on Sunday last. i
Joan Webb. Elizabeth Thacker '
and Ruth Miller are spending '
this week at Bimini camp, <
Mrs. Archie James of Perth,
Mrs. R. Wells ofBlyth and Mrs.
A, Wells of Londesboro were
weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. George Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tripp,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tripp and
Gary were holidaying for a
couple of weeks with relatives
in Ottawa and Prince Edward
County. Following their return
they received word of the death
of Mr. Tripp’s father, Mr. Dan
iel Tripp, and they returned to.
Wellington to attend the funeral
on Thursday of last week.
Mr, and Mrs, L.' B. Hodgson
visited for a few days, with their
sister-in-law in Belleville.
Mrs. Milo. Snell and Mrs. Geo.
Westcott of Exeter were visitors
with Mrs. Ernest Abbott ’ on
Thursday of last week. (
Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar were
in Kitchener on Sunday having
received word of the sudden
death of their friend; Mr. Varga;.'
Mrs. Wm>. Spence of St. Thom
as accompanied by her daughter
and granddaughter were Sunday
callers at the home of Mrs. E.
Saturday visitors with’Mr. and
Mrs. George Hicks were Mr.
James Marshall, Mr. W. Hali-
han, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar
shall and Robert of Blyth, Mr.
J. Stewart of Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Yungblut of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank-Hicks.
On Sunday they had as. their
guests Miss Ruth Moore, Miss
J. Ribbink and Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Ribbink of Perth. '
Mrs. J. Ridley of Elimville
was a visitor at the home of
■Mrs. T. Willis on Tuesday.
Mr. and - Mrs. Norman Tripp
and Gary have Returned tq the
village to take up residence at
the home of the former’s par
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tripp.
Master Danny and Miss Anne
Shgebottom ■ visited over the
weekend with their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy. John
son ,in, London. Larry Johnson
accompanied them home andeis
remaining for' some holidays.
Second Line In
Personal Items
Mrs. Inez Dickey and Miss
Joyce Dickey- were delegates
from Lucan Pentecostal Church
at the Toronto Conference held
at the Evangelistic ■ centre
Church last week.
’ Recent visitors with Mrs. Mary
Staley ivere Mr. Peter Staley
apd Mrs. Carry Rhoar and Mr.
and Mrs.' Geo. Zwick and'Ronald
of Tilsonburg. *
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Willard and
Bbtty Ann of Mount Hope (near
Hamilton) and Mrs. Roy Wil
lard and baby of Barrie were
weekend visitors with Mrs. Jes
sie Lewis. Mrs. Don Thomas,
Mrs. Joe Burgie and son Joeie of
Windsor are spending a few
days with Mrs. Jessie Lewis and
Mrs. Sarah Connor.
Miss Janet Blair is spending
,her summer vacation in .Milan,
Michigan with her cousin, Mary
Ellen Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford
and John and Mrs. Frank Lang
ford spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McRoberts,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stever and
Billie of North Lonawanda spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Fischer.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mi’, and
Mrs. L. Stanlake and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Peckman, Mr,
and Mrs. Otto Meyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Fischer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mordush. Mr.
and’’ Mrs. Lloyd Fischer and
bos, and Miss Lorraine Black
all of London.
Misses Sheila Jane Elston,
.Wendy, Judy and Bonny Blair,
Neil and Dale McAllister and
David Elston are attending Sum
mer School which is being held
in the McCurdy School P.M-Q>
Centralia this Week and next.
Mrs. N. D. Knox and girls
spent Saturday With M. H. and;
Mrs. Elston.
Mrs!. Lome Cameron (hoe
Marie ,Buswell) of Kitchener is
spending a few days with h:r
brothers, Messrs. Allan and
Melville Bushwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair and
family, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Blair and family attended the
Hicks reunion Which was held
at Mitchell on Saturday,
Traffic Signals
—Continued from Page 2
council has already built another
road io givd motorists access to
the summer resort from the
highway. Although it doesn’t go
as far as the lake, it does come
within a block of it. During week
ends police have tried to direct
more traffic down this new road
to, relieve congestion at the mam
corner. ...._____
3 s
when you BUY
Ford Truck prices are scaled right
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(Certain, feafates illustrated or mentioned a.re "Standard ’
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