HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-12, Page 10iKif IB ». a i ? -<4 Wk * ______________... ...... ENTERTAIN LONDON CHILDREN—Members of the airmen’s lounge at RCAF Station Centralia entertained 30 children from the Protestant’s Orphan Home and Salvation Army hostel, London, Saturday in Riverview Park. The airmen, who treated the kids to a picnic supper, hope to make the outing' an annual event. Above, left to right, are LAC Barney Baileyt chairman of the lounge; Nancy Spencer; clowns Peter Kend­ rick and Ken Rodda; Corinne Bossenberry; Ian Fenning, organizer of the event, and Linda Dickey. —T-A Photo And Pet White Rat Too Airmen Entertain Thirty underprivileged children from London-and their pet white rat-were treated to an outdoor picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter, Saturday 'by members of the air­ men's lounge at RCAF Station Centralia. WHAT A MILK PUNCH/ WHAT A MILK PUNCH.’ HE CALLS IT HlS MILK PUNCH BECAUSE > HE 6ETS HIS STRENGTH " FROM DRINKING HIGHLAND HILL MW .. MILK. Shipka m/nwonvane/y jhuw Features Area Talent The children, from the Protest­ ant’s Orphan Home and Salva­ tion Army Hostel, London, were transported to town in a convey of 10 cars, specially decorated for the occasion. London police, with sirens wail­ ing, escorted the flotilla out of the city. The white rat, a pet of one of the children, cS,me along for the jaunt, too, and got its share of the treats. Airmen organized games for the youngsters, then treated them to a picnic supper. Food was do­ nated by district firms. 'Lunches were made up by the airmen’s wives and crowns for winners of contests, were sup­ plied by supervisors of Exeter Kinsmen Playground. this pro- Promotes Pupils At Hay School Mrs. Anna. Ellis, teacher, week announced .the list of motions at S.S. No.. 2 Hay. To Grade 9—Florence Wild- fOng '(honors), Wayne .Ford. - To Grade S'—Lloyd Simpson. To Grade 7—Karen Tinney (first class honors), Eugene Webber. To Grade 5—Gex’ril van Doorn (honors). To Grade 4—Elaine Bieber (honors). . To Grade 2—Marlene Bieber (honors), Jane Russell (honors), Lynne Faber (honors), Ha vid Proutly., - 3 I To Obtain The Highest Prices FOR. YOUR. POULTRY Sell To The if* Riverside Poultry Co., Ltd. LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect Hensail 680R2 5 5 c5 STOP $ 5 insect your grain iI t- Spray bins with 5 i g x HOWARD BINTREAT Does Net Hariri Grain. Hass Prolonged Killing Action. Costs Less Than .1/W Per BoshaL HOWARD BIN TREAT i:On Sale At Cann's Mill PHONE MS EXETER Two airmen dressed as clowns, LAC Peter Kendrick and LAC Ken Rodda, entertained the kids. LAC Barney Bailey, president of the mess committee, and LAC Ian Fenning, who organized the picnic, said the men hoped to make the outing an annual event. Among the firms making dona­ tions were Ersman’s Bakery, Tuckey Beverages, Coca - Cola Ltd., Silverwood’s, Canada Bread and Wonder Bread. i Personal Items _ j Mr. and Mrs.’ Lloyd Halpenny of Regina, Sask., and Mrs. ! Ernest Keyes of Exeter were i Sunday ■ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and .sons.Miss Kathryin Love is holiday­ ing in Port Elgin with her cousin, Miss Barbara Loye of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink­ beiner spent Sunday with rela­ tives in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons visited with • relatives in St. Catharines ovejr the week­ end and attended a family re­ union in Vineland on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer Jim and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Mil-1 x- ,, wiTrnn SJel^Cr aM SandPa WaltP ■the McPherson reunion in Vum land on Sunday. (Intended for last week) | al classes at the festival, will Visitors over the Dominion Day perform “AU the Nice Girls Love holiday were: -■ la Sailor.” Mr. and Mrs. W, Bundcho, Pat Betty Dixon, Carole Hogarth and Judy of Kitchener with Mr. Land Mary Shaw, Exeter will pre- and Mrs. Karl GUenther and I sent a piano trio. Janet. [ 1 -----l'~" c'---'v Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Sanders, Janet and David, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Humphreys, Ann and Barbara, Mrs. Gilmore of Wel­ land, Mr. and Mrs, John Mc­ Kenzie and family of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink­ beiner and .-Mrs. Mclvoy. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bi Collette, Catharine and Robert, of Oak­ ville, with Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Mr, J. O. Lamport at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Ted, Leadley and •Donna, Mr. Jack Leadley and Miss Winifred • Windatt of Fen­ wick with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart ■ Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, and Mr. and* Mrs. Jack Pickering and families. Mr. and Mrs. V. Denomme of London at the home‘of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pick­ ering. Mr. and Mrs. McTeer, and Bil­ lie of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner and Mrs. Me- Ivoy. ' Mr. and Mr A»’ Charlie Brown of Bothwell with Mr. and Mrs, Chris Baumgarten. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Charlton, newlyweds of Ilderton, with re­ latives here last week,' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, Doug, Tom and Bruce with re­ latives in Essex and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarke, Brenda Billie and Richard, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Winegarden. ‘ , Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Katz, Joan and Paul, attended/the wedding of her brother in London recent­ ly. . Master Jimmy Sweitzer is visiting in Fenwici^. Twenty-six talented young en­ tertainers from the district will’ compete for $55 in prizes in the I juvenile program • of Kirkton Garden Party Wednesday evening July 18. The youngsters, many of them from South Huron, will perform before at least 3,000 people at the popular* Kirkton show, which has been attracting huge crowds since it was organized in 1945. The 1G acts in the. juvenile program were picked from a total of 49 numbers which com­ peted in the community associa^ tion’s preliminary contest. Several, of the acts feature ioutstanding performers from if. i Music Festival, I Sharon Walters, the attractive little Winchelsea girl who re- ■ ceived the highest marks in voc- I al classes at the festival. [ A member of one of South i Huron’s most musically-talented family, Kathleen McCutcheon, •Centralia will render an alto horn selection. Other acts from this area in­ clude a vocal dhet. by Dorothy and Joyce Dickey S,S. 7, Us- borne; recitations by Helen Hend- rick, Exeter,, and Connie Mar- shall and Jack Rendell, S.S. 11 Bishard; vocal solo by Larry Lewis, S.S. 7 Biddulph, and a marimba number by Leroy Bran, of the same school; and a quar­ tette by the Stephen Brothers of S.S. 1 Blanshard. v » Gerald Paul, of the famous Paul Bros, professional vaude­ ville act, will emcee for the pro­ gram* Mrs. Joan Gaffpey, Mitch­ ell, is adjudicator, Lee Paul will introduce the vaudeville program which in­ cludes the Vaudette dancing girls, Jack Bateman, Alex Read,. Gloria Peebles and the Busy B’s, Hal Bee, Frank’Palmer and an orchestra. The Kirkton Community As­ sociation, composed .of repre­ sentatives from numerous organ­ izations in that area, uses the proceeds to assist local projects. Rpss Marshall is chairman; Mrs. George Switzer, secretary. A softball game will start the evening show. f .€Ii | E I 403 * * '* < ■E Z Russell, Detroit. Clarke, Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON (Intended for, last week) Dominion Day weekend activit­ ies included: Mr. and Mrs, Sam Skinner and Karen at the Pym Picnic Sunday at Riverview Park Exeter, 'also' the Bell reunion at Exeter.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lester, Brigden with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFalls. Mr. ancj Mrs. John^Gregus and baby also Mr. Frank Gregus, London,„and Mr. and Mrs. AngUs Gregus, Exeter, with their uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs, John Spacek, Mr. and* Mrs. Dean Gibson at the Howick centennial celebra­ tion, Mrs? Annie Gonglik, also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gonglik and three children of Bellaire, .Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. . Mrs. Frank.,Langford with her sister, Mrs. Eldon McRoberts of Lucan. • Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang­ ford and John at the Hazelwood Reunion, Stratford, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Isaac in Kincardine with the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc­ Iver, Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Abbott and family of Clarkson, Mich., with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac. Miss Heather Davis and Mich­ ael Davis with their' grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc­ Falls-. Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Hodgins, LUcah, attended the funeral of their brother, Mr. Reginald Hodgins, Windsor. Visitors with theif mother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis, were Miss Barbara Lewis, London, and' Mr. and- Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and family of Ailsa Craig. ' The Steuer Reunion was held On Sunday at Springbank Park with 85 members present. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher , and family attended. With Mr., and Mrs. C. Fischer were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisch­ er and family and Lloydie Stan- lake, London. Miss Joyce Fischer spe.nt Thursday with her sister, Mrs.* Lloyd Stanlake, London. -MTS. J. Davis, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. M. H. Elston, and i Sheila spent Wednesday after- i; noon with Mrs, Clarence Fletche- er, Woodham. Mrs. M. H. Elston, with Mr. i-ahd Mrs. John Veall of, P.M.G. j Centralia attended the Paris cen- ! tenhial. celebration Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston,. David and .Sheila attended the | Highland ga- iOS at> Embro Pupils, Mothers Honor Teachers A pleasant afternoon was spent the last afternoon of the school year of S.S, No, 9 Biddulph when the children gathered at 1 p.m. for a ball game, Their teacher Mrs, Creasy, was umpire, i The ladies of the school see* i tioti gathered at' 2 p.m. for a i social hour and presentation of am eldetric tea kettle to the re- a. tiring teacher. An address was •I I read by Mrs, M. H, Elston on € • tjpeau uy mrs, ivi. ,n, uniawii WMiuimraw«mmnottnHmftwmi5niwiiiriiinHinriw>4niiiii*rmiHttiiiinnHiitrmmii»iimiii|tiiiii)iiii»iinmi«<r | behalf of the school section. * t ALF ANDRUS I ANDREW.ST. PHONE 71t J H..tlnf< Plwmbins, Sh«.t M.hl Work . 8 w OiL .ftvrniirr I T, Harry Hoffman Funeral Home Funeral & Ambulance Service PHONE 70-W DASHWOOD Hoffman’s, add additional service for surrounding communities by having an 'extra ambulance located at Grand |Bend during the summer months and also one at Dashwood. Portable Oxygen Equipment. When the need arises call us immediately. Phone Dashwood 70-W or Grand Bend 20 X s Little Mary: *-Mother, they are going to teach us domestic silence at school now.” Mother: "You mean domestic science, don’t you?” Father; “There is a bare hope our little girl means what she is saying.” o 1 \ ■—— ----- . .. * Ml Wl • i******* ..Ki*''"''"''’’""'/''''''/"'/'.'. 7 CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTO N& HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ! >■ US Made-to-measure Suits We have a large stock to choose from, Motors9 Phene 216 Exeter I 1 % $ USED CARS DEAL . SEE OUR CARS MAKE US AN OFFER I ✓/ III ........- $ r dJJ Your choice of our complete range -of cloths at substantial savings. Heirloom flannels, reverse twists, weft weaves, and all of the present popular fabrics, patterns and shades, loomed in England and hand crafted by Regal Clothes. Regularly $59.50 and $69.50 :i . . THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 12 All-Ladies^& Misses' Spring & Summer For powerful pull, you can’t beat ■' husky Fargo trucks, From the ton express with its economical. 6’ - to the 220-h.p, V-8 that powers the mighty F^rgo tractor at 65,000 lbs, G.C.W., you get big power for every job. For example, the Fargo K8 illustrated gives you more power in • the 21,000-lb. G.V.W. class than any . ‘ competing' make. Its new engine design is the most efficient, in the industry—lets you use regular gas, ' gives you maximum gasoline econ­ omy. See your Fargo dealer soon. BIG CHOICE u J In power, payload, and body styles^ • Fargo gives you a big choice. Select the right truck for your job from 28 separate models, 19 different wheel­ bases. For instance, Fargo express models offer you 3 body sizes: Vi-ttfri, TOB^-wheelhttsfc ftitfcfel hat 49'^Wlcle body. 116?/-wheelbase mod*I hot 90"4ong, 54z/-wide body. 1-ton, 126z/-wheeibase model hat 108#*loh^ 54/z-wide body. CHOOSE THE ONE YOU NEEDI^ & <3 4 < ESt :$ i :%■ ; ' i i Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited S Lz Jj * w 4 j-Z i W BUILT TO FIT YOUR JOB 5,000 lbs, G.V.W. to 46,000 lbs, G.V.W,.... Up to 65,000 tbs. G. C.W. REG ARMSTRONG MOTORS • Phbne 2*16'Exeter Phdhe 216 * WATCH CL1MAX-«HOW1R OF STARS WEtKLY ON TV. CHICK YOUR NKWSpAPfcR FOR OATS ANO TlM£ h-miltl— jfeftX.M'tOSW.....Vt-f... r mmagjgigiBiaaHH