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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-12, Page 7
WontfiflI Blanshard ■ ■|1|||F||| By MRS. GLADWYN HOOP1 Used Cars '56 METEOR SEDAN Automatic transmission, fully equipped, 2,300 miles, yellow, black and white. ifc4 METEOR HARDTOP (very extra you can think of, 15,000 miles ,• '53. PONTIAC HARDTOP Badio, two-tone '51 CHEV SEDAN Just like new, 2,700 miles '42 CHEV SEDAN Runs just like a Chevrolet '52 GMC i/z-TON TRUCK Cleaner than the day came out of the factory it HQffPER Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang ford and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thpmson and family spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Hooper and family. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dann, and Nancy attended the Mills reunion, at Stratford on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ladbrook, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family attended the Waugh reunion on Sunday which was held at Dr. and Mrs. John Blat- ty's, of London. Mrs, Waugh, of London, spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Thacker and Mr. Thack er. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thacker, Mrs. Orville Langford and John of Centralia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred P.attison. Mr. and Mrs. George Givens, John, Barry and Mary Ellen, spent, a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Mossey. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Martin of St,, Marys, spent Sunday even ing with Mrs. Jas. Mossey and Kathleen. Mr. Ronnie -Perkins and Mr. • Robert Barton, of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson. South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Aged Nine came into the room where his mother was enter taining her bridge club. “Mom didn't you say that baby had your eyes 'and dad’s nose?” , . • “Yes’ she beamed, “what of it?” ; .. “You better watch him- He’s got grandma’s teeth now.” ' -4 imH Brinsley Ry MRS. CECIL ELL WOOD Mrs. Ida Frost is visiting her brother, Wes Morgan in HsmiL ton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Won^stpek also Rill Smith and. David Owen ,qf Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Lewis of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lewis over the weekend. Visitors with Mrs. B. Dixon for the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Van Tassel and daughter, Heather, of St. Johns, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. A. H^ss of Zur ich visited Mrs. Hess Sr„ who is staying with her daughter, Mrs. i Jas. Trdvethick, on Thursday | Mr. and . Mrs. John Morgan i and family of Guelph are holi- ’ daying at their farm home on J concession 4. ; Miss Carplyn Odd of Lucan’ visited her grandparents over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fenton and: family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton on Wednesday, i Mrs. Kennedy of Georgetown i is visiting her daughter, Mrs. i Wes Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fentori. and family attended the Becker' reunion held In Exeter on Sun-! day. ! /■'■.■■■mill l .................... . I,..........rm......— ■ss X z 3 iHWST IN SHORT TERM Ontario Loan Debenture* Issued fur 51 Off and Upwards MP ANNUM * YEARS *> 3Z. *£* Annum49 V4yO 3 and 4. ff.EAlR.W- Interest is P^yafite My Coupon or My ChRUt ENQUIRIES WELCOMED THE | ONTARIO LOANS DEBENTURE CO. (Af Market Lan* *nd M*rk«t $qy«r«) DUNDAS ST., LONDON, ONT. | In the Heart of the Shopping Dhtrlef i A LONG ESTABLISHED SAVINGS CORPORATION ■X 3 s z St QUART 5UPEROYL 10-30 Heavy Duty Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil i? best fqr your car 12 months in the year, in every season—in all temperatures. Lets you forget Spring. Summer and Fail-Winter changeoven. ^SUPEROYL 10-30 IS TODAY’S BIGGEST BARGAIN IN EXTRA ENGINE PROTECTION SUREROYL J fl-30 Pyre Pennsylvania Is the superlative netf Sumpter-Winter Heavy Duty Oil. SUPEROYL 10-3Q Is as free-flowing as the lightest 1O-W winter oil tn zero weather . » . prevents cold oil "engine drag". Yet it gives full-bodied* protection •f SAE 30 on hottest Summer days. SUPEROYL 10-30 gives premium gas performance . to regular grade gos. The high detergency level of Heavy Duty SUPEROYL 10-30 makes it the perfect lubricant for all cars, regardless of age or condition. DO-IT- YOURSELF—Change your own oil so you’can be sure you've got the world's finest. You saya money, tool * . Moto-Masler V.l. 100 +Heavy Duty Cleans as it lubricates—Eliminates valve-lifter,sticking. Refined 1 -rAi M ** from 100.% Pure Pennsylvania and fortified wit^ carefully <’• 39 UAl"‘ 1.49 aeleeted high detergency additives. Save $ J on every oil change. NUGffLD MOTOR OIL— ot. ,27 Gfu .99 PAINT PLAYGROUND OFFICE—One of the first projects of the. new trades camp group at Exeter Kinsmen Playground was to paint the office from which the activi ties are organized.* The building is owned by Exeter Agricultural Society and loaned to the playground during the summer. The painters include, left to right, Ed Roelop, Dale Turvey, Bill.Heywood, Supervisor Bill Pollen, Dick Plantenga and- Frank Boyle. SUPERIOR % The Best Place To Shop After All Prices Effective July 12, 13 and 14 » > MAPLE LEAP SALMON 4 “5 ftFancy Red Sockeye, 7%-O?. Tin .... “WW WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 12-Oz. Bottle .... 21 C 24-Oz.39c winter^ SUMMER 1 By JUDY ROSS Last week, “Get, Aquainted Week,” started off well with a registration of 191. Marilyn Marshall supervised a varied program , at Queen’s Playground and had' an exceed ingly good turnout for that area. Shirley Wurm and Pat Cahn held the interest of the children at Victoria Park. Robin Smith' supervised the .six to eight-year-olds and Nancy Boyle the nine to twelves at Kin Playgrqupd.’ Bill Ppfien conducted the older boys in various projects of trades camp. Their main work last week was the painting of the. fair board building which we use as our playground head quarters. Many interested planned in trades older girls bytp , ance is needed to makp it more successful. - Church service? i___ kkkl -1 all playgrounds followed by the choosing of a King, and Queen. Joan Dettmer and Eddie Kol- loff were chosen at Kin Play ground and Elsie Gosai* and Gary Wedlake were chosen at Victoria playground while Helen Hailey and' Fred' Smith reigned at Queen’s playground. The kings and. queens received crowns which they 'krp entitled to keep and wear’in all parades. A council ring was then held at Kin Playground with such stunts as a gab fest, hand wrestling, buck walk,l bull-dog pull, bear and crab walk and -a cock fight etc, ,The afternbon was spent in a swim meet at, Riverview Park with girls and boys teams com peting for watermelons which Were the prizes for the water polo contests. This week is Carnival Week on the playground and we all are working toward the parade and penny carnival' bn Friday after noon. The parade will assemble at the arena at 1:45 p.m. and will projects were camp for the larger attend- Were held at commence down town. They will return to take part in the penny carnival at 2:30 p.m. All parents are invited to take part in the carnival. , A new feature ‘ this year is having films on Tuesday evening. This week films will be shown at Kin Park (or in. the arena in event of rain) on July 10 at 8:4.5 p,m. Track and carnival contests are to take place on Wednesday. Thursday will be used to pre pare the booths for the penny carnival. On Friday moving there will be a church service; efippsing the carnival king and queen and a penny hunt., Don’t forget the parade kids! So let’s try to think of some costumes now and have a big turnout on Friday afternoon, Next week is Cowboy and Im dian Week which is one of the favorite weeks featuring a pa rade and a weiner roast in the evening and camp-fire .ceremon ies at ..Riverview Park. MARMALADE Breakfast Club, 2.Frylt, 24-Oz. Jar , INSTANT COFFEE Cl Maxwell House, 154 Off, 6-Oz. Jar ■ iw*F Mazola, 16 Oz. Bottle ....370 i J I V Aylmer Catsup, 11-Oz. Bottle .... 210 >'*< < J I HENLEY PEACHES 9 pliplpe ‘ HAlVet,- 15 C?z, Tins CAKE MIX DEAL Robin Hood, 1 ©hoc,, 1 Whit?, Interlake Toilet Tissue .. 2 Rolls 250 Gerber'? Mixed Cereal, 8-Oz. .... 190 - MONTMORENCY CHERRIES ‘Booking Now — Approximate Delivery, July 20th to 25th PITTED—In 22-115. pails (20 lb. cherries, 2 lb sugar).These are under con- ' stant refrigeration from the packer to you. BASKETS—6 qt. Careful selection, at the peak of the season. . BK r i'/ IB C" i * ?■* « & t News Of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Champion Sedanet ) 5-GAL. DRUM 5,20 ' FAST-FLOW OIL FILTER Add years to* the lifeAdd years to* the life ef thd engine. Keep out dirt and abrasives. • Complete for most Ford ft ft" and CheY. .... WnvV r.f all A new your ~ FILTER CARTRIDGE Perfect replacement fer c’ors and trucks. .* filter will protect engine. 1 10 ”1.89 HEAVY DUTY BRAKE FLUID For all hydraulic brake systems, equal to. and mixes with any original brake fluid. ft A 20*«- ............ »UO CARBURETOR CONDITIONER Removes water, varnish and dirt from carburetor, fuel pump and gas lings. ft ft 20-”‘ ................. Rev, C. E., Ladd of Stratford was in charge of thee Sunday service .at St. Paul’s church. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Amos left Saturday on a motor trip to the Pacific Coast and will see the Cajgary Stampede on the way. Mr. arid Mrs. Thos. Evans of Stratford 'visited in Kirkton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ross of London attended the Waghorn- Dobson wedding Saturday. Joint services of the United Church-were held at Mt. Pleas ant on Sunday. Rev. Cook of Lu can Was in charge. Fred Cowdrey and Harold Switzer were at the boys’ camp at Bimimi. i « A /,$6 •Z-S J cflnflDifln ti 436 Main St Exeter . Phone 451 Milfon R. Robbins CONTOUR AUTO MATSHIELD Jiffy Inslolletian—easily removed for ‘ alennlng. Brightens car Interior, saver wear and tear on arlffnal equipment, far front Black 41 AO Sky Blue, Coral Green ' or each Blue-Grey,* each.. *j«55 ATE s Report From Harpley By MISS M’. HODGINS Mr. and Mrs. Glen hove spent the weekend With friends in Lon don. Mrs, , Lillian MacLcan and daughter, Maty Ellen, of Detroit visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. Mary Ellen remained for a visit with Miss Linda Hayter. Miss May Hodgins of Toronto is at the home of her brother, Mr. Mansell .Hodgins, for the summer holidays.- Master Tommy Hayter, son of Willis Hayter of Detroit, is visit ing with his auht, Mrs. Fred Mc- Clinchey. Miss Mary Dougall and friend Of London spent the weekend at Mr. Glen Love’s and at Grand Bend. , . Mrs. Ray Gooding of Parkhill is visiting Willi fieri parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. 1 ■5™;-x:. •J >■' >X I) f ‘ Champion 2-door Sedan In the 16w price field only Studebaker can offer so much for so little * . . Single Jin© silhouette styling»■ *,■ carefully finished interiors >. . complete ease of handling . . . power to meet your every need and economy that has become a Studebaker hallmark. And, you save two ways, first when you buy and then you drive—day after day—mile after min —safely, dependably. Come in to your Studebaker Dealer today! $ee and drive the Car that stlyii ahead in value—Studebaker. I & STUDEBAKER-PACKARD OF CANADA, LIMITED—WHERE PRIDE dF WORKMANSHIP STILL COMES FtRSt * GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORSExeter Ontario iin io liiiiiriiffiiiiMW^