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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-12, Page 4
The TlmwAdveeal*# July 12, 1956 SPORTS By Pon "Boom Boom" pravott It was a warm and sunny afternoon some weeks ago when HAROLD KELSON, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, his son DOUG, and BOB DINNEY came trudging up to to the ninth tee at the Oakwood Golf Course at Grand Bend. Harold, who hasn’t played much golf this season yanked an iron from his golf bag and hit a beautiful golf shot that split the narrow fairway in two and car ried straight for the waving flag 207 yards away on the ninth green. After Doug Kelson and Bob Dinney had teed off, young Doug was anxious to see how close his father had hit his ball to the pin? Everyone in the threesome knew that the golf ball would be on the green and should be close to the cup. As the trio left the tee and walked towards the last green of the out going nine, tension was naturally mounting. Doug hurriedly scampered up’ and down the few imall hills that stood in his way until he could finally see the green clearly from a bank where he was stand ing. Much to Doug’s astonishment he saw the ball leaning up against the flag pole and screamed. “Hole in one Dad! Look a hole in one!” Mr. Kelson and Bob came on the run at the pleas of Doug and sure enough, there was a ball caught between the flag pole and the edge of the cup. As the three approached the flag to get the ball, much to Kelson senior’s amazement he spotted an other little white ball a few feet from the pin in the shade. When the balls were checked it was found th'at some culprit had placed a ball next to the pin. Harold still had a seven-foot putt to sink. What a letdown after a big buildup. Did this ever happen to you? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * AROUND THE HORN ... A big question in the world of sport is who are the players of the de cade? .. . Here’s three of the more prominent in the running , . . STAN (the man) MUSIAL, now playing with the St. Louis Cards of the National League; TED WILLIAMS the famed Boston Red Sox slugger with the keen batting eye in the American League; JOE DIMAGGIO, star centrefielder of the New York Yank ees who fans say does' everything right.on and off •the field but now has retired from the baseball world as an active ball player ..... HORSE RACING . . . There’s a big choice here as horse of the decade .... With a little horse sense pick your winner .... The Calumet marvel CITATION . . . NATIVE DANCER (not the rhumba)... NASHUA ,the son of Citation . . . FABIUS or NEEDLES .... Ouch! .... THE BOXERS .... “ROCKY MARCIANO,” who was unbeaten in 49 fights and let only six-opponents go the distance with him or “SUGAR” RAY ROBINSON who fought on two long victory skeins that went 91 and 40 without losing ..... ★ ★ ★ * . , * * ■ ’ SOFTBALL BOBBLES: . , . Exeter, the newest en try in the Lieury Softball League are knocking off all opposition . . . Three homers featured an overtime win on Tuesday ..... MURRAY BRINTNELL belted two of the round trippers. while DOUG BRINTNELL hit a two run homer in. the tenth inning to cop the win.............EXETER GREYS have pushed 48 runs across the plate in two games which shows that they will be a real title* contender when the season ■ closes . . ★ ★ ★ ' * ★ ■ BOUNCING SHORTS ... All of Exeter MINOR LEAGUE TEAMS have swung into action and. are . playing, their .schedules off at a fast clip . . . It’s too bad the youngsters haven’t got more onlookers at their games as they really give it everything they’ve got . . The KINSMEN MIDGETS are rolling , , . keep up the good work boys . . . After a couple of bad games, it looks as though HOWARD HOLTZ- * MAN’S” BANTAMS are starting to roll after that 21-14-lacing they gave Zurich. ★ ★ ’ ’ DIGGING. DIVOTS ... To all golfers participat ing in. these coming-tournaments, w.e want to wish the best of luck ... So to all GOLFERS, GOAFERS arid CADDIES remember the TUFFY TURF SLOGAN to keep the courses in shape: “I don’t care how hard you lace me, Just so long as you replace .me.” FORE! CAP--fW£S That Funny Scraping Noise In The Back Is Your Garage Hooked To The Rear Bumper... Most times, “what’s wrong” wit,11 a. car Isn’t quite so obvious* But our mechanics will find it and make it rlghf, pronto. 0 Hunter-Duvar H. J. CORNISH & CO CERTIFI^p PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish/ D. Mitchell LONDON/ ONTI 264 DUNDAS ST. B * • Zubyk. at, short, also looked Lumber Kings Catch Dashwood, Two Teams Tied For Top Spot- • bjr the Kegionaires. Bill Gatenby arid Doug Aitchi- son got the other two Mitchell safe blows’, Jim Hayter, Borne Kleinstiver and Raymie Wein were the only Tigermen to solve Malcho’s of- ferings .for singles. The seven hits in the ball game were all of the single variety. j Good outfield '’aiches were i featured by both teams in nip and tuck battle. | Line Score Mitchell ,. Dashwood Batteries: ter; W. '* The Huron-Perth intermediate 1 until the seventh when the tribe ■ ‘baseball league has turned into 1 a two team cat and dog fight, j I Zurich Lumber Kings, who j : have been surging for several' j weeks, climbed right into a first1 place tie with the Dashwood I Tigers. ' | Mitchell Legionaires, who have ; i finally snapped a long losing i I streak, thumped Dashwood 3-01 [ right in Tiger town to cause J Dashwood to share first place j with the Lumber Kings from . Zurich, who in turn walloped Exeter Mphawks 10-2. Both the .Lumber Kings and record wfor ~14 points. third place in’the"standing’s" even (was the first man to face’ him. with their victory over Dash- j Jim Loader got on with an er- wood. < ror charged to Don O’Brien at four behind the league play on Playing Coach Bob Me- —- ’ ■ ' " ' ........: :..j runs for the visitors. Jim Attrill gave up two hits fell apart. Four Zurich hits, two > good defensively as he rushed. Mohawk errors and four free • a number of slow grounders to tickets to first resulted in the . get the big hop for an easy put- Exeter nine suffering their sixth ‘ loss as against only three wins. The visitors took a two-run Kxelei. ....... 20000000, lead in the first inning and play- (Zurich ono 2112 6x—-io L.,". 'A.” Wllt..v........ Attrill and T. Raw- when the Lumber Kings staged' k- Mitro, 1. Ford (7) and B. a number of slow grounders to out at first. Line ^core: Exeler .....................................„ . ,............,ed perfect ball until_ the fourth • . Batteries;. J ! a two-run outburst to tie things i up- 1Zurich went ahead in the sixth I inning by producing two more’ 1 runs to take a 4-2 lead up to | that point. _ _ „„„ j In the first half in.ang' of the the Tigers have a 7-2 win-loss game Exeter scored' their two record for 14 points. A’uns and didn’t get a hit, Jim Mitchell Legionaires remain in Attrill walked Bill Oberle, who third place in the standings even, was the first man to face him. with their victory over Dash- j Jim Loader got on with an er- wood. i.i_. ~ ‘ They have 10 points which is first base. Later a fielder's choice only four behind the league play on Playing Coach Bob Me- ieaders and four ahead of their [ harg and a fly scored the two closest challenger — the Exeter; runs for the visitors. Mohawks. j Jim Attrill gave up two hits Hensall Coach didn’t see any i in. the eight innings he pitched action over the.week and thW and allowed two walks. He re- fore still remain m the cellar I corded ten strikeouts in posting without a victory and nine; second victory in a row over losses. . i Exeter, 5Ayeek could pro-j Steve Mitro, who left the pitch- yide major upsets in the stftnd-1 jna mound in the seventh hsd ings if Mitchell. Exeler or Hen-1 E m0Lina in tne sevenin nao sail could knock off one of the top teams. Ten teams will go into action with Dashwood Tigers and Mit chell Legionaires going to the diamond on three different oc casions,Zurich Lumber Kings will see action twice while Hensall Coach and the Exeter Mohawks will dress for only one game. Zurich Kings Scalp Tribe Zurich Lumber Kings rallied for six big runs in the seventh inning Friday night lo scalp Exe ter Mohawks 10-2 in Zurich. The game was a close affair R 2 H E 2 .7 8* 2 H a 10 E 5 0 Ast; at Exeter at. I.Ucan al Centralia Huron-Perth (Intermediate Baseball 'League) Last Week’s Scores: Zurich 10, Exeler 2 Mitchell 3, Dashwood 0 Mitchell at Exeter Bpd, Zurich at Hensall Bpd, (Wet Grounds) I t 0Gan Vets Break Loss String Mitchell Legionaires snapped month-long losing streak Friday night by whitewashing the league leading Dashwood Tigers 3-0. The gam 2, which was played on the Dashwood diamond, was a hustling affair as each team showed plenty of punch over the [•eight innings. Both pitchers star red as the winning hurler allow ed only three hits while the loser gave up four safeties. "Whitey" Malcho, who toed the1 rubber for Legionaires, -received j credit for the victory as he went the route by striking out six Dashwood batters and allowing only two bases on balls. iem,w>rvne Raymie. Wein walked three j men; fanned eight Mitchell .hope- &ichOuimber Kings fuls and gave up four singles Mitchell legionaires . in his losing pitching perform- Hensall Coach • •’--••' -ance for Dashwood. Exeter Mohawks .... All the damage, as far as the I Games Thi? Week: “ July 12—Hensall at Mitchell | 13—Exeter at Daslnvbod. f 16—Zurich at MitchellDashwood fat. Mitchell 18— Dashwood, at Zurich EXHIBITION BASEBALL Centennal Day at Zurich Zurich S, Dashwood 1 Ladies' Softball Last -Week's Scores: Exeter Greys 30, .Lucan Irish.7 Centralia al Lucan. Ppd. STANDINGS Exeter Greys ..... Centralia Flyers ,. Dashwood Tigers . Lucan Irish ...... Games This Week: July 11—Dashwood ’ 17—Dashwood 19— Dashwood Lieury Softball Last Week's Scores: Lieury IL West Corners 13 Mount Carmel 10. Denfield 8 Exeter 26, Greenway 6 Exeter 10, Credit on 8 ■ Greenway vs. Brinsley Bpd. STANDINGS - Exet er .............. Brinsley .. ........ .. .. Lieury ............. Greenway ............... West Corners ..... Mount Carmel .... Denfield ................ Crediton ................. Games This Week: July 11— Mt. Carmel vs. W. 12—Denfield vs. Lieury 16— Crediton vs. Greenway 17— Brinsley vs. Exeter’ , 18—Lieury vs. Mount Cannel Minor Ball BANTAM BASEfeALL LEAGUE Seaforth 10, Exeler 0 Exeter 21. Zurich 14 Future Games: July 12—Exeter at New ‘Hamburg 17—Mitchell at Exeter ■ a ...... son non ....... 000 000 uu— u ,» a..... R. Wein and Jim Hay-Malcho and Sawyer. Baseball Standings and allowed two walks, He re- I ing mound in the seventh had j nine strikeouts to his credit. ; Seven errors made by his team mates hurt his cause consider ably. Irv Ford came in as a re lief pitcher and fanned one man. j Catcher Tom- Rawlings and | righthander Jim Attrill led an t eight-hit attack for the Lumber Kings by collecting two hits a- I piece. Attrill hit a ground rule double in the sixth that bounced over the short left field fence to give his club the lead for the first time in the game. Bill Zubyk hit the other extra base blow for the winners in the middle, of their big seventh in ning uprising. He doubled to right field to gain credit for an R.B.I. Pete ]\Iasse was on base at the time. Three scattered singles were hit by Bill Yuiygblut, Don Doug O’Brien. Don Taylor and Coach Meharg lashed out the only Exeter hits of the game, harg’s clout was a long double to right centrefield that was good for an R^B.I. Harry Holtzman, centrefielder I for the tribe, pulled off a spark- j ling one-handed running .catch.” in the third inning to rob Bill Zubyk of at least a two-base hit. Fielding gems were pulled off by Zurich’s second sacker, Doug O’Brien, who picked up hot grounders to his left on several occasions to make the out. and Bob two Me- I Tigers were concerned, ‘was done |J in the first half inning of the i game as Mitchell scored, all three runs to chalk up their fifth -vic tory of the year as against three setbacks. Nine men came to face-Wein’s hurling in the first inning’stanza- Two singles, two errors, a sac rifice and a pair of walks spelled trouble for the home team. Murray Colquhoun started things off with a single. . Art Wright sacrificecT’Murray to'sec-' ond. An error on. a bounding grounder gave Keith. Walther life on first and let Colquhoun go to third. Bill Gatenby singled. Col quhoun scored and the runners moved around, the bases. Doug Aitchison filed, out to centre field; Wein walked Link Rohfritiscli;' and the second Tiger error let Walther score. With the bases loaded, Raymie Wein walked Charles Westman on four balls and. forced in a run. “Whitey” Malcvlio, the ninth Mitfchell bat- ter ended the inning by ground ing out. Thirty-two-year-old Murray Col quhoun was the sparkplug in the Mitchel] attack as he collected two of the four hits picked up (Raln) Grays Cop First Place Clip Irish With Homers ! However, from there on, the Greys poured on the coal and ! rallied for five runs in the third. They added four more in the fourth and eleven in the fifth, their biggest rally of tpe game. Eight runs in the last of the sixth put the finishing touches on the outcome as the Irish were held scoreless in the sixth and sev enth innings. The 23-hit barrage saw every girl on the Greys get at least one hit, “Broom Broom” McKnight had another four for six everting with a pair of singles and a. double thrown in with her second homer of the year.- Roxanne Be’avers, Pat, Tuckey and Donna Wells all had three safeties in six tries.' Roxanne Beavers recorded her second winning effort of the year as against no defeats. Both of her victories have come at. hands of the Lucan Irish. Elston was the losing pitcher Lucan. Wednesday, July 11, will the next home game for Exeter Greys. Dashwdod provide the opposition. Line Score: R* I Lucan Irish .... 011 23(1 0— 7 .. Exeter Greys .. 205 4118 0—30 23 4 Batteries: K. Beavers and ' n. HOyWOod; M. Elson and G,’ Bond. Exeter Greys, a combined junior and intermediate team, swamped the visiting Lucan Irish to the tqne of 30-7 to cap ture their second victory in' as many starts. The win moves the Exeter team info first place in the standings, two points ahead of the second-place Centralia Fly ers. 1 Six home runs were featured in the free hitting contest with Exeter getting credit of the six. Donna Wells led the winners at the plate as far as distance is concerned as she smashed out two homers and a three-bagger. Dorothy Heywood, Mary “Bnoom Broom” McKnight and; Roxanne’ Bbavers all connected for a round tripper. ‘ Jean Taylor, who guarded first base for Exeter, lined out five hits in six official trips to the plate. All of Taylor’s hits were of the single variety. • ■ First sacker M. Revington of Lucan Hit the only circuit blow of the game for the Irish in the second inning' with nobody on base. In the game which went only seven innings, the Greys take a two-run lead in the first in ning. M. Bevington's bonier in the second frame cut Exeter’s lead to one. • Seaforth Blanks Legion Bantams Exeter Legion Bantams suffer ed their third consecutive loss on. July 5 in Seaforth when the hometowners triumphed 10-0, Lanky Bob Reith proved once again to be the mainstay of the Seaforth club as he pitched his second victory in a row over Exeter. The fourteen-year-old hurler, in his best performance of the young season, gave up a single walk, allowed only three hits and fanned 14 of the Legion Bantams at the plate. Bob’s teammates gave him perfect support in the field, The Legion Bantams, mostly players that have moved up from pee wee ball’last year,-had'five errors' chalked up against them behind losing pitcher Jim Mc Donald’s ten-hit hurling. Righthander ? McDonald re corded five strikeouts and allow ed nine men to reach first base by the bases on balls method. Three different players on the Exeter team collected their only three.hits. Frank Boyle and Ron Heywood each hit singles while Jimmy McDonald lashed out a triple. Gord. .Ferris and Bob Reith led the 10-hit assault for Seaforth with Ferris getting two safeties and Reith three. Line Score: r Exeter .............. OflO 000 fl— 0Seaforth ........ 131 023 0—10 Batteries: B. Reith and G. J. McDonald and B. Irvin. Legion Bantams Post Initial Win Exeter Legion Bantams scored their first win of the year under Coach Howard 'Holtzman Tues day night in Exeter as they but- scored the visiting Zurich Ban tams 21-14 in a free wheeling affair. 1 Zurich, who had defeated Exe ter in Zurich 7-4 previous to this game, took it on the chin as the Legion Bantams produced runs in each of the six innings that were played. Zurich had two big innings which produced all of their scoring. Six runs in the second and eight more in the sixth pro vided the visitors with their four teen run total. The third and fourth innings were good for the Legion Ban tams as they pushed home seven counters in each frame. Jim McDonald was the winning lief pitching in the fifth "from Ron Heywood. I"____U ;.„d five strikeouts to his credit and he unleashed power at the plate by hitting two for four. In the fourth inning Jim tagged a high pitch, for what looked to ..... ,IK,OU UUJUlclj) be good for a triple, but good take up the fourth and fifth, pfts- base running brought the young jfions with seven and six points pitcher all the way home te gam respectively. CrrSU2i^ Mount Carmel and Denfield 1 eacb have two wins for four fhr ■points whilG C1'editon brings upStephem Sb Armstrong, Bob JthVe*/ w’th its one, victory and Jones, McDonald and Gordon Strang- all were credited with two hits in f the M- for be the will H E l>. 10 Battle Royal Brewing In Brinsley Ball Loop There is a real battle rdyal brewing id the Ljeury Softball. League betwefin the eight teamsv/ K V. V A • pi 1 M. Y’ Cl M v,l A vx »Y A i LJ.il. 1I p. I , ~ 4. i Y ♦ ’pitcher although he needed re- Entered in the grouping. , i:*f — .... .. ~ ..... Exeter, the latest team to join McDonald had i the loop, > enjoys a four point ~ lead' oyer th ft rest of the pack. Brinsley and Lieury are dead locked in the second slot with eight points each. Greenway and West Corners a tie for three points, ,/l5je vreuiLvu wim , Exeter, under the guidance of two hits in the game for the Coach "Bunhy I ord, won one of winners. Shortstop Doug. Kelson 1 .^4 os-<?u ^0flies on Tuesday " ' ' i than four nl£ht with home runs. Crediton, who boasted several top notch air force softball play ers, carried the game into the tenth inhing before giving way to. the powerful local nine. Features of the game saw picked up no Jess walks. John Denonme^of Zurich un corked a bases-lpadcd triole which scored three of the eight runs in lb ft big sixth. Koh Deich- ert arid John Dftnorime led the losers at the plate with two hits apiece. ZURTGH: Earl Wagnw. s.*; Ron DMfhetL 1h; Brian -Tefftfey, 3h; John DAnomma. ef: Paul wftidd, t'f; G- Bedard, rf: Dill Wafcner, 2 b: Paul Tuftffblui, If; Dennis Amdcken, c; John Masse, n. EXETER: Gordon Jim. McDonald, p; Eon HAvwood, cf; Dou«f Kelsrm, as;_... ....... f: Keith „ Modulus, tf: Dean KriJght, 2b; jack Stfeffin, 2b. Scoro by InhlnOss ft Zurich ......... (HkrMfk-M Exeter ............. 23? 72x^21 Sh'artff. -lb: Boh jotw?, Ih: Frank Boyia, If; Boh Armstrong, ' • Me ©g EXCLUSIVE! MIDGET BASEBALL LEAGUE Exeter 21, Goderich 2 Future Games: July 13—Ely th at 'Exeter ■ 16—Bly th at Goderich JO—Goderich at Exeter lo more and more people in- this, community .the fact that ’ we offer a used car for sale means that,, the car is sound- ~ mechanically and Safe to drive. Car for car, our prices ar© usually lower, Come in arid see for yourself. ... r WSWKiirBy’tM KtW TM«-A«vSem iM" “«f: » H £ ft K15 8 Jcfft-rvleave in I Murray Brintnell hit two rouridi trippers while Doug , Brintnell carhe up with the big blow in the extra inning with 6nft on base as he smacked out a well earned hrime’run. Exgler WOri two game's ovftr the week while Mount Carmel and Lieury each picked Up' single victories. The loop leaders play only one gamft this week arid that is slat ed for July 17 ’Wheri. they tackle the second-place Brinsley club. All. game's arc played at McGil livray . softball diamond under the lights at 9:00 p.rti. Magic Markers The slick sign writer for only $1,00 at THE TlMES‘At>VOCATE UMtocb Gtuna PtAY-BY-FLAY C«v<r«gt by KEN ELLIS af Washington SAtuCdAy, July 14, fj.m, Datroif lit haltiitidr© Sunday, July 16, i:d& j>.m< 1955 Chevrolet.Sedan' * Overdrive/ Two-Ton©/ Signals, See This . 0ns 1953 Chevrolet Coach TurK Signals, TWo-Ton© Finish 1953 .Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, Good Condifien 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan Radio, Sun Visor / I Suciciri hhb • Chevrolet %- i io, Overdrive ■ #1 c-up MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Get Our Prices Before You Buy * 1 Snell Bros. Limited " PHONE 100 CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE*EXETER