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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-12, Page 3
McGillivray Township Joins Defence* Group McGillivray council, at a meet-1 and West Williams and Ailsa - '-L .... Craig. Council also approved the pur chase of a plaque commemorat ing the names of past reeves of township councils. The memorial was purchased from R. C. Cling er, St. Thomas, at a cost of $2.00 per name. By-law for the repair of the Sitter Municipal Drain was given its final reading. Council voted to postpone the reading of the engineer’s report on the McGregor-Young Muni cipal Drain until the next meet ing, Thursday, July 26. Fox bounties wpre paid to Frank Hicks, three; George At kinson, two; George Hicks, Jas. Lockhart, Roy Thomson, B. L. Larkin and Bruce Lockhart. Payments for dog damages in cluded $84.46 to K. Pickering and $60 to Thomas Hall. Council paid $99 to William and James Schram for their work in installing the township .vault. Reeve Fred Hearn an presided for the meeting. All councillors were present. ing last week, approved the for mation of a joint civil defence organization involving four other neighboring municipalities. Council gave third reading' to a by-law authorizing the organ ization of the township’s partic ipation in the defence scheme, which takes in Parkhill, East Ar® You Looking for Prompt and Efficient Watch and Clock Repairing Why Not Bring Or Sand It To Us Albert Hess ZURICH, ONT. Certified Watch. Maker and Jeweller 36 Years’ Experience r 4. Mrs. E. Harvey 1 Native Of Paris Private funeral service was held on Monday at the Dinney funeral home for Mrs. Ernest C. Harvey who died in South Huron District Hospital on Friday, July 6.Mrs. Harvey the former Stella Gillies, was a native of Paris but had moved to Exeter with her family at an early age. She was a member of James St. United Church. Surviving besides her husband, is one brother, R. G. Gillies of Midland, who, with Mrs. Gillies, attended the funeral. Interment was in Exeter cemetery with' Rev. Alex Rapson officiating. • Pall bearers were: Dr. H. H.. Cowen, Victor Kestle, C. V. ■ Pickard, Dr, Truemner, W. C. i Allison and K. G. Lampman. Message From Greenway By MRS, CARMEN WOODBURN We Do All Our Own Work Lily: “I’ve been asked to get married dozens of times.” Billy: “That’s so? Who were some of them? Lily; “Mother and dad.” E L.S.M.F.T 2 2 REVIVE ORANGE LODGE—Orange Lodge in Exeter was revived Friday night when a new lodge was formed at a meeting in Trivitt Memorial parish hall. The former town lodge, which disbanded almost 20 years ago, was one of the most active in Huron and officers of the new organization hope it can grow to be as strong as the original. Officials at the meeting included, left to right, Addison Hicks, of London, County Master of Middlesex; Carl Smith, Kitchener, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge pf Ontario West; Oliver Jacques, newly - elected master of Exeter L.O.L. No. 3249; Joe Caldwell, Grand Bend, County Master of South Huron; and Robert Taylor, Master of Stanley District. Reorganize Orange Lodge, Dormant Almost 20 Years A new ' orange Lodge was formed in Exeter Friday night in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall when about 75 members of the order from district centres gathered for the occasion. This new lodge will replace No. 924 which went dormant i about 20 years ago. Exeter at one time had one of the best Orange lodges in the county; officials hope the new lodge will be just as strong in a few years. In his acceptance address, Oliver Jaques, the newly-ap pointed master of Exeter Lodge, said: “I feel that the town of I Exeter needs the support of the Orange order which stands firm in its true belief of the protestant faith. Too many people of today forget whajt the word ‘protestant’ means to them and to their children.”' He elaborated upon a niottp of the order, “One school, one flag with equal rights io all and special privileges to none.” “We should never break, away from the'British Empire and our beloyed. Union Jack,” he said. Carl' Smith, of Kitchener, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, presented the dispensation to the brothers of Exeter ancjLconducted the meeting. A. team from Clinton, under the leadership of Jim Turner and Mervin Falconer, confirmed the degrees of the order. Other important visitors at the meeting included Joe Caldwell, Grand Bend, County Master of Tht Times-Advocate, July U, I9&6 Pag® 3 a £We've Got IT! By “it” we mean supplies, for home and office! Check these items for things you’ve been wondering if we had in stock. 1 I X z 2 X ’54 MONARCH SEDAN, automatic, radio, etc. $1,995 ’54 FORD SEDAN, a nice one ........................ $1,695 $1,595 $ 995 $ 995 $ 895 ' $ 795 Your Choice $ 695 . $ 595' $ 400 $ 400 CHEV COACH, low mileage ...... MONARCH SEDAN, nice one > METEOR COACH ........................ METEOR-COACH ...;.....-............. FORD COACH .............................. 5 £i ’54 ’51 ’51 ’51 ’50 ’50 STUDEBAKER 'COACH ’49 METEOR, COACH ....... ’49 FORD COACH ,............................................... ’49 FORD COACH,' good motor and tires ...... ’47 FORD COACH, a beaut................................. STUDEBAKER STARLIGHT COUPE ........ Overdrive, radio CHEV SEDAN ................................... Your CHEV COACH .............. Choice DODGE SEDAN, slightly motheaten ........ ’47 ’48 ’47 ’42 $ $ 295 95 South Huron L.O.L.; Addison Hicks, London, County Master of Middlesex; A. S. Kaufman, Hes- pcler, past County Master ol Waterloo ;and Bob Taylor, Varna, District Master of Stan ley, ' Officials installed for the balance of 1956 were: Worship ful Master Oliver 'Jaques; De puty Master Douglas Triebner; Secretary, A. Brintnell; Treas urer, Ted Pooley; Chaplain Herb Broom; Lecturers, A. Sanders and E, Harness; Marshall, Reg Taylor; committee, Russell Brintnell, Herb Broom, John i Webster, Roy Triebner, William Snell and Harry Page. Carl Smith, in his address, said the new lodge, with such men as the mayor of the town and the chief of police, should prosper. He praised the work of the Clinton degree team and the Exeter members for their ef forts in forming the new lodge. 1 The Exeter members made I plans to celebrate King William’s victory at the Battle of the Boyne in Seaforth, on July 14. Lunch was served by Mrs. O. Jaques, Mrs. D. Triebner and i Mrs, E. Harness. Mrs. J. R. Wellman of Ar lington Heights, Ill. is visiting with Mrs. R. L. Sheppard and ’ other relatives.' j Mr, and Mrs. Louis Doan and Cynthia of London spent the ‘ weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ( Lawrence Curts and Eleanor. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wareham; of Sarnia visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Pollock. Miss Mary Lou and Master Victor Winterburn of Toronto are visiting with their grandpar ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. George Gollen entertained a number of rela tives and friends on Saturday evening in honor of their eldest daughter, Ileen’s, birthday. Miss Sophia Young is confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper of Sarnia spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. Seibourne English of De troit spent last week at his home here. Royal Typewriters Typewriter Ribbons Bond Paper Copy Paper Writing Paper Mimeo Paper Carbon Paper Pads Envelopes Staplers and Staples Pencil Sharpeners Adding Machine Rolls Counter Check Books Restaurant Pads Magic Markers Stamp Pads Table Paper in Roils Script© Pens and Pencils 3 aI I S TRUCKS FORD 3-TON, combination dump Drily- 9,000 miles, save $1,300 at .’52 REO TANDEM DUMP, real workhorse .. $3,500 ’54 FORD PICKUP ......... ...................................... $ ’53 FORD PICKUP ...........................,.................. $ i ’49 DODGE PICKUP ............... ,....... $ •’47 FORD PICKUP ............................................. $ ’55 $4,000 995 850 495 295 i 2 ft Ifi JiSPECIALS Th® following 30-day units to be reduced per day until sold. CHEV COACH, a good olie CHEV SEDAN ..................... DODGE COACH ....’........... PONTIAC SEDAN, nice ..... $10 i The Times-Advocate Report On Grand Bend By MRS. E. KEOWN The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Letter From ’ Creditor! By MRS. J. WOODALL Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and Ruth Ann of Lon don called on Saturday evening. Miss Carol Ann Latta observed, a birthday on July 6 with a birth day party at the home- of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon ald visited with their daughter, Joyce, at. Grand Bend on Sunday. Miss Joyce McFalls spent a few days this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mrs. A. Greenlee and. family of Brinsley were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Greenlee. Larry Greenlee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green lee, returned home to Brinsley with them for a few days. Mrs. W. J. Davis and Mrs. Fred Davis spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Woodham. Sunday School Picnic The Sunday School picnic for St. Patrick’s Church was held in Riverview Park, Exeter, on July 8. Sports were convened by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins and Mr. and Mrs.'Earl Greenlee. Races: children under 8‘, Leroy Maguire, Sharon Davis, Larry Greenlee; 8 to 13, Whyne Carroll, Clayton Kooy; wheelbarrow race, Leroy Maguire and Wayne Carroll, Car ol Ann Latta and Larry Green lee; Sharon Davis and Kenneth Latta; kicking the slipper, men, Clarence Davis; ladies, Mrs. Clarence Davis; bursting bal loon, Hugh Davis, Mary Kooy. Oldest member was Mrs. Fred Davis, youngest, Michael DaviS. ' ---------------—----------- The Grand Bend Library is ton County Library on Tuesday ; morning. The new books will be j available during library hours on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown enter tained at a. luncheon on Wed nesday when they had as guests Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Miller, Mrs. Paul Zebe of Detroit, and Mrs. J. Whiteford Of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston and son of London and Mrs. Wm. 'Romey of London visited with their sister and brother-in- Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Des jardine and daughters, Pauline and Joan. Miss Joan Chapman attended the United Nations’ Seminary at the University of Western On tario last week. Misses Nancy Broderick and Carole Chapman enjoyed a motor trip through the Eastern States and New Brunswick last week; returning home by Trans- . Canada Airlines. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webb and daughter Heather, of Lansing, Mich., spent ‘the weekend with relatives in the district. William Arthur Kendall The Grand Bend Library is On Wednesday, July 4, William holding an exchange with Lamb- Arthur Kendall, infant son of ' — 71 ~ T ~ Arthur and Beatrice Kendall pas sed away at his home north of Grand Bend.’ Private service was held at the Hoffman funeral par- ■■ lor, Dashwood; * on’ Friday, July 6, Rev. E. A. Holley officiating/ interment in Elma Centre Ceme tery. Left to mourn his loss were his' parents, eight sisters and four brothers, Margaret, Anne, Jane, Mary, Leota, Irene, Shir ley, Barbara, James, Russell, Wilfred, and Janies David. Presentation On Tuesday evening about forty friends and neighbors of Mr.- and Mrs. Mervin Johnston paid, a surprise visit to their home. Mrs. Johnston was the for mer Jean Coddy of Walkerton. After* a friendly social evening Was spent, Miss Pauline Desjar- dine read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston; and Stanley and Freddie Desjardine made a pre sentation of an occasional chair, Miss Mary Johnston, an end ta ble with candle stick set and holders and little Joan Desjar dine, magazine rack. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston made suitable replies of appreciation a f t e r which lunch was served by the guests. Several residents of this dis trict attended the strawberry tea, at Greenway United last' week. Rev. and 'Mrs. E. A. have ’taken up residence United Church manse. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and baby, and Mr. Warren Patter son and son Gary, all of Sarnia, were guests of Mrs. V.'m. Patter son, over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence John son and daughters, Neva and Nancy, attended the Johnson re union at Poplar Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford and daughter, Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ford and. son Bobbie and Miss Jill Ford, all of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ’Arthur Ford, also Miss Faye Ford of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Aiken Merriott of Kincar dine and Mrs. Harry Appleton of Mt. Carmel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holt. Miss Charlotte Smith of Petro lia is spending part of her vaca tion with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vanner spent a few days last week with Mrs. Vanner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird. Miss Pauline Mason and Mr. .Jack Royt of London spent the weekend with Miss Mason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Mr. and Mrs and daughter, Montreal are week’s vacation Gill’s parents, Fred Brewer at Southcott Pines. Messi's. Wm. SET SET FOR AIR “i • = SSIls COMDITiONINS I AT • —to—NO EXTRA COST I ss~ =(Lennox cooling j ---- ---------- units use Mme | blower and duels ! • as the 11 Lennox heating i1 system you buy)I J Don’t wait till raw December reminds you how bone-chilling an improperly heated home can be. Make certain of *. winter comfort now with Lennox Warm - Air Heating. It's the modern comfort, system that warms, freshens, cleans^; humidifies, distributes air to every corner of every room—-and does It all so automatically there's never^ any work for you! Ask about 1 The Lennox Easy-Pay Plan. Come in or phone us todftyl Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Mor- lock of Ottawa are vacationing at the., home of the former’s par ents, Mr. an'1 Mrs, Gordon Mor- lock. Mr. Clarence Fahrner, who suf fered severe injuries in an acci dent a few weeks ago, returned on Wednesday from St. Joseph’s Hospital, much improved. Mrs. John Wein, who has been ill. at her home for some time, was removed to St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale and sons Donald and Ted of Bramp ton were weekend.' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Rev. and Mrs. Glen Strome are attending Youth Camp Meeting in Minnesota and visiting with friends in U.S.A. Mrs. Ruby Molitor, is visiting with friends in Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Julien (nee Trellis Hodgins) and sons, Gaylord and Paul, of Boston, Mass., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. .Clinton Brown and Ross and also with Mrs. Julien’s father, Mr. Alonzo Hodgins of London. Mr. Hodgins visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey left on Friday for Midland where they will enjoy a vacation. Mrs. Edward Morlock a,nd Miss Ella spent a few days this'week with Miss Lulu Morlock in Wind sor. Mrs. M. Faist is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs.' Lewis Faist in St.'Thomas. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Insley of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Insley and daughter, Susan,, of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.'Insley. Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Morlock, Eldon Smith, Mrs. Irvine. Fink- bciner and Donald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Spar ling in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dtthrly, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Dams of Cass City, Mrs. Arch Millar of Pigeon and Mrs. George Millar of Sagi naw spent the weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill, Mrs. L. Dams. Mi*-. A. Millar and Mrs.. G. Millar are spending the Week with their sister, Mrs. C. Hill. Miss Gertrude Beaver of De troit spent the American holiday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner of Sudbury visited oh Monday with Mrs. Charles Fahner and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Morlock. They were accompanied from Sudbury to London by Mrs. Fahner’s mother Mrs. J. R. Thompson,. who wilt This Week In Church By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Lindenf ields Ltd. Phone 181 Exeter YOUR CERTIFIED LENNOX DEALER-EXPERT Thursday’^ Price ................. $1,225 .................. $ 855 .................. $ 655 ................. $ 225 .................. $ 50 .................. $ 925 ’53 ’52 ’51 ’46 ’47 MONARCH SEDAN*.. ’53 FORD 3-TON ............ Chassis and cab, new — ’53 DODGE PANEL, new motor, solid ............ $ ’52 FORD PICKUP, good .................................. $ ’48 FORD 3-TON STAKE .................................. $ New motor and licence ’52 FORD 3-TON ..................................................'$ Chassis and cab, you’re robbing me . FRONT ATTACHED BUCK RAKE, power lift $ licence 775 675 550 415 95 TRACTORS ’50 FORD, with front end loader, low hours .. $1,095 . $ 595 . $ 225 125 ,95 ’47 LH “A” and Scuffler SET OF HALF TRACKS STIFF-TOOTH CULTIVATOR, used very little $ TWO-FURROW I-H DRAG PLOW, adjustable . $ I Travel Torture Vibrations and Noises Cause Trouble Special Offer REPACK WHEEL BEARINGS CHECK UNIVERSAL JOINTS $1.25 Larry Snider Motors Your Ferd-Menarth Daaltr Holley in the , James McGill Mary Joan, of spending three with Mrs. Me- Mr. and Mrs. their cottage in .................... and Samuel Sweitzer spent Thursday m To ronto, on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Mathers of ParkhilJ. and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mathers and family of London spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown The Women’s Association of the United Church lwld a suc cessful bake sale on Saturday af ternoon,Mrs. R. J. Book and. daughters. Janice and Debra, of London ate spending the summer months with Mrs. Boek’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. WMnwri&ht. .. ..... Miss Margaret Bray of London and Miss Agnes Bray spent a few days at Grand Bend. • Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace of Dearborn, Mich., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. William Rolide, Douglas, Glenn, and Calvin at tended the Turnbull reunion at Riverview Park, Exeter. Mr .and Mrs. Mark Strapp of London, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray and Robert were Sunday evening guests with Mr,, and Mrs-. Johri Bray. Rev. W. J. Moores and Marilyn are spending their holidays at Five Oaks at Paris and Hamil ton. Mr. and Mrs. Rober Urquhart; of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ! Jeffery spent Sunday at Turn bull’s Grove. iW.A* And W.M.S. Meeting The July meeting of the W.M-S. was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday ; evening. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, • president of the W,A., was in charge of the meeting' which opened with a Dominion' Day {reading. The Topic/ “A Quiz on ; Canada” was given by Mrs. Reg j Hodgert With Mrs. Mac Hodgert, (Mrs. Stanley Coward, Mrs. Wil liam Elford, Mrs. Wiseman. Mrs. Carl Hume, Mrs. Floyd Stewart, Mrs. Vic Jeffery assisting. Miss Doris Ellford sang the National Anthem of Newfoundland, read ings: The Story of the Union Jack, The Canadian Coat of Arms, and the Population and Religion of Canadat were given 1 by Mrs. Mae Hodgert. I Lunch was served by group No. 1. Tired, Weak Men! ,60 ( Gel stroa&th, pep iind oaeteyihft atticlc easy way that tma&fta thousaiids! Try Osttes Toaie Tablets today. ustk.midou'ia.tired- tsut feeling due to lack re iron «t 40, SO, St 60. conditions you ffiiy call "getting old". They tHfittilite, fauigorite, revitalize and eaergsiie j I j { fI I * Blouses Buy Now! Skirts Hot Food Buys For Hot Weather INSTANT COFFEE, Chase, & Sanborn t RED ROSE TEA BAGS 6-0z. Jar .... $1.72, 2-0z. Jar .... 57? Price .............................. 60 Bags 700 ORANGE JUICE HONEY POD PEAS Treesweet) 48-Oz. Tin .................. 45< I Stokely’s, 15-Oz. Tins........2 for 350 RICE KRISPIES ! YORK BOLOGNA S’/a-Oz. Pkgs......................... 2 lor 3J« 12‘0z. Tin ............................. 3ty SWEET MIXED PICKLES AYLMER PEACHES. Red Seal, Large 16-0z. Jar..... 270 20-Oz. Tins.................. 2 for 49# CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING CHEER SOAP POWDER Price .................................. 2 Lbs. I Large Size .... 34.0, Giant Size 47#