HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-05, Page 3List Promotions At Exeter School The Timti-AdYOCtU, July £ 3 Promotions at Exeter Public School were announced this week by Principal A. B. Idle, who termed the results " factpry.” The principal pleased with the has been made year, GRADE 1 (Mrs. R. D. Jermyn) Susan Bailey, Raymond Bea­ ver, Donald Campbell, Wesley Chambers, Michael Cooper, Wayne Edwards, Garble Fritz, James Gifford, John Godbolt, Roberta Grassick, Brenda Hall, Joan Heywood, Mary Lou How­ ard, Merle Idle, Gordon Jones, Helen Jory, Barbara Leitch, Catherine Mather, Benny Moul­ ton, Paul McKillcn, Donnie Nixon, Cheryl Parsons, Robert Precious, Richard Rylko, Barry Southcott, Paul Swartzentruber, Danny Wilson, Randy Weber, Gary Wurm. GRADE 1 (Mrs. Kleinstiver) Barbara Biggart, John Bruls, Donald Bunjevac, Gary Camp­ bell, Judy Cowan, Ann Creech, Judy Cutting, James Darling, David Dettmer, Ronnie Durand, Thelma Dykstra, Judy Estey, Billy Fairbairn, David Frayne, Jill Harness, Lynn I-Iitsman, Di­ anne Link, John Loader, Dennis Miller, Ronald Moore, Louise McBride, Gordon Page, Gwen Penhale, Renny Plantinga, ’Pen­ ny Preszcator, Raymond Riddell, Paulett Schroeder, Gail Ship- man, Barbara Skinner, Eddie Smith, Arlene Smyth, Eleanor Stanlake, Glenn Stire, Honey Wein, Pauline Wells, Dolly Wild­ man. GRADE HA & 2 (Miss Haberer) Douglas Beavers, Anne Bell, John-Bierling, Willie Denomme, “very satis- said he was progress which by pupils this SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances tor Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 Richard Dinney, Judy Dyck, Elizabeth Elleringtpn, Pamela Ersman, Gary Ford, Richard Frayne, Detlef Fritze, Victor Fulcher, Susan Gibbons, Randy Jonas, Ruth Knox, Bonnie Mc- Killen, Robert Mickle, Bobby Moore, Terri Nixon, Yvonne Penhaie, F i” e d d i e Simmons, Christine Spencer, Norman Thomson, Bruce Van Goozen, Donna Walper, Linda Wells, Randy Witte, Hans Zeehuisen. GRADE 2 & 2V2 (Mrs. Mousseau) Linda Blanchard, Mary Coch­ rane, Brenda Dinney, Doerr, Gould, Allan Green, ______ Green, Betty Jean Hamilton, Larry Hockey, Grant Hooper, Judy Krause, Sheila Keller, Peter Lawson, Eddie Lindenfield, Ruth Ann McKillen, Dianna Mc­ Leod, Uilke Nagel, Darlene Par­ sons, Wendy Petch, George Plan­ tinga, Danuta Rylko, Chris Shaw, Sherri Smith, Elizabeth Snell, Eric Swartzentruber, Douglas Taylor, Barbara Wells. . GRADE 3 (V. Ballagh) Brian Baynham, Billy Beaver, ■Bobby Beaver, Paul Brintnell, Marion Carscaddcn, Helen Cole, Cathy Corbett, Leroy Edward, Johnny Elliott, Susan Goman, Henk Gossar, Linda Hammond, Karen Heywood, Patty Heywood, Karen Jermyn, Michael Keay, Terri Laughton, Sue Ann Linden­ field, Phyllis Madge, Paul Ma­ son, Margaret May, Ricky Me- Donald, Brian McLean, Roger Noil, Roman Orenczuk, Hende- rika Plantinga, John Pryde, Kathy Riddell, Mary Jane Sand­ ers, Margaret Snelgrove, Dar­ lene Snell, Jane Southcott, Lynda Stire, Joanne Tennant, Heather Ward, Donny Wolfe. GRADE 3 (Mr, Baker) George Armstrong, Joyce Arm­ strong, Gerry Bonnallie, Nancy Brady, Freddy Brintnell, Ronny Broderick, David Cowan, Bazil Crawford, Bill Dinney, Mary Lou Edwards, Tommy Gillard, John­ ny Grassick, Gordon'Greenacre, Sandra Harvey, Kenneth Hein- buck, Brian Hopkins, Philip Huntley, Jimmy Huxtable, Joy Jupp, Ernest Kerr, Dianna Knox, Elizabeth Knox; Patricia Makins, Barry McKnight, Gloria Moul­ ton, Lynn Page,. Jimmy Parsons, Lee Precious, . David Robinson, Joy Seldon, Paul Sims, John Spencer, John Van Balen, Karen Wade, Delton Walper, Morris ____ Wendy Eddie Dykstra, Larry i, Bonnie THE SENSATIONAL NEWB SWP ONE COAT REPAINT WHITf Now Available Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER YOUR LOCAL SHERWIN-WILLIAMS DEALER I & Wedlake, Sherry Wein, Larry , Willert. GRADE 4 (Mrs. Turvey) David Beavers, Ross Beaver, Marion Bentley, Sheila Ben- naille, Larry Brintnell, Lizzie , Cochrane, Ray Cockwill, Mary Corbett, Ronnie Cornish, Ronnie Cowden, Michael Cushman, Lin­ da Edwards, Dennis Hockey, Brian Hogarth, Stephen Hons- berger, Sandra Hunter, DavidS- Morenz Reunion Ends With Rain The Morenz reunion was held Sunday, July 1, at Riverview Park. There were over 100 that sat down for supper which ended very quickly in a -hustle and bustle when the wind and rain came. Up until the rain an en­ joyable time was’had at dinner and an afternoon of sports with prizes. Due to the rain there was no business meeting as it was sug­ gested the same officers take over for another year: president, Roy Morenz, Dashwood; treas­ urer, Nelson Kahle, Stratford; secretary, Mrs. Laverne Wolfe, Bornholm. Next year the reunion will be held again the first Sun­ day, in July, at Mitchell Park. The prize for the eldest lady went to Mfs. Mary Stephen, Dashwood; the eldest man, Mr. George Sieman. There was a tie for the youngest baby, both were boys born May 31: Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, London and Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Morenz, Brampton. The person coming the farthest ■ was Mr. Albert Morenz, of Detroit, Michigan. The couple having the largest family was Mr .and Mrs. Bill Jeffery. The winners of the children’s races were: babies crawl or walk, 1 year and under, Ronny La Croix, Marlene Jeffery; 2 years and under, Andrew Jef­ fery, Doug Watson; 2-4 years, Marie McIntosh, Billy Jeffery; 4-6 years, Marion Jeffery; 6-8 boys, David Schellenberger, Billy Morenz; 6-8 girls, Phyllis Madge, Gloria Adams; 8-10 boys, David Schellenberger, Billy Morenz; 10- 12 girls, Betty Ann Stephens, Carolyn Rode; Boys 12 and under David Schcl- lenberger; girls, 16 years and under, Martha Hinz, Betty Ann Stephens; boys 16 years and un­ der, Harold Rode, Ernest Morenz; girls up to 20 years, Carolyn Rode, Martha Hinz; boys up to 2‘', Don Wolfe, Harold Rode. Adult races: women 21 and over, Mrs. Jean Beuerman, Mrs. Doreen Watson; men 21 and over Lome Wolfe, George Morenz; men’s potato bag race, for 30 years and under,. Don Wolfe Lome Wolfe; men over, Bill Jeffery, women’s kick the Jean Beuerman, Morenz; women’s Carol Kahle, Donna Feltz; men’s minute race, Walter Rode, Alvin Schellenbeger; women’s minute race, Greta Stephens, Mrs. Stan Kaufman. Couple’s games: three legged race, Dianne Shelley and Carol Kahle, Harold Rode and Harold Stephens; blindfolded search, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wolfe; breaking the balloon, Mr. apd Mrs. Laverne Wolfe; throwing the orange, Donna Felts and Ross Kahle. Johnston, Lana Keller, Bobby MacDonald, Nancy MacTavish, Robert Mathers, Danny WtcKd- len, Bryan Marriage, Dianne Miller, Gary Parsons, Billy Pen- hale, Sharon Sanders, Donna Smythe, Peter Snell, Linda Snider, Dawn Spencer, Douglas Stanlake, Brian Sweitzer, Bobby Taylor, Kees Zeehuisen. GRADE 4 (Mrs. D. Hughson) Mary Bakker, Sharon Bayn- ham, Willie Berends, Joyce Bowers, Helen Campbell,. Don Cowan, Jane Dettmer, Jimmy Dixon, Jeanne Dzioba, Sheila Fahner, Anne Fairbairn, Ted Farr, Yvonne Fisher, John Gib­ bons, Barry Greenacre, Leroy Gould, Greg Harness, Marlene Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR DOBBS for DODGE 1 31 years and Roy Morenz; slipper, Mrs. Mrs. Roy orange race, See And Drive These Cars • \ Budget-Priced For You! '53 DODGE ROYAL SEDAN, Red Ram engine, New tires, automatic transmission, tinted glass '53 DODGE SEDANS (3) green, maroon and two-tone All fully equipped, low mileage, first class condition $54 a a month month '53 PONTIAC SEDAN Blue, 30,000 miles .....$49 a month '52 DODGE SEDAN Blue ........................$47 a month '51 SEDANS (4) All clean and ready for the road, your choice '50 AUSTIN SEDAN Neat, economical, first class condition .......... $44 a month '50 PONTIAC SEDAN Grey, a special at..... '50 CHEV SEDAN Grey, perfect condition ... '50 NASH COACH Clean as a whistle '49 DODGE SEDAN Your best in transportation ... $23 $29 $41 $41 a a a a a month month month month month '47 PONTIAC COACH Like new, only ...........a month School Picnics The annual picnics of School Sections No. 5 and No. 6 wer? held on the grounds of each school on Tuesday evening. Supper was served, followed by games and sports for the pupils after which they entertained with programs of music and readings. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, Jane and Catharine, of Wallace­ burg, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoggarth and Arlene. Miss Margaret Coleman, Staf­ fa, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbiss, of Georgetown, spent the weekend holiday with her parerits, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey. Mr. and Mrs. William McKaig-, Marilyn, Marjorie ’ ‘ ' of Sudbury; spent weekend with Mr. Kaig and Mr. and McKaig. •Master Richard ______ Mitchell, visited over the week­ end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey, of George­ town, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. Houghton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming, of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Mc­ Kellar, Seaforth, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar. Mrs. Bessie Howe and Alice visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, Walton. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace attended the Centennial at Car­ lingford on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and Linda, of Dorchester, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. and Shirley, the holiday Angus Mc- Mrs. Calder Binning, of Mrs. Amos Doupe Active In Group A native of Usborne Township and a resident of Kirkton until 15 years ago Mrs. Amos Doupe, 91, passed away in St. Marys Hospital on Tuesday, June 26, after being a patient there for three weeks. She was the former Eliza Jane Kirk born the Usborne side of the Blanchard Usborne townline at Woodham on May 31, 1865. In 1896 she married Amos Doupe, well kno^vn resident of Kirkton, who predeceased her thirteen years ago. She was a member of Kirkton and St. Marys United churches, was a life member of the W.M.S. and active in the Women’s As­ sociation. Mrs. Doupe was.the youngest and last survivor of a family of twelve. She is survived by two sons and one daughter: Reg H. Doupe of St. Maryt; Marguerite, Mrs. Herman Paynter, Kirkton; and William Doupe, Stratford. There are five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral services were con­ ducted Thursday by Rev. R. D. Crosby in the L. A. Ball funeral chapel. Interment was in Kirk­ ton Union Cemetery. Harness, Bobby Higgins, Linda I Hunter-Duvar, Douglas Huntley, Larry Johnston, Larry Jones, Jimmy Kerslake, Freddy Learn,, Laura MacMillan, Gary Moul­ ton, Sheridan Penhale, John Plantinga, Ricky Schroeder, Alie 1 Van der Worp, Paul Van Goozen, I Freddy Wildman, Robert Wolfe, j GRADE 5 (Mrs, Jory) | Wayne Baynham, Ricky Boyle, Wayne Butson, Jimmy Carscad- den, Donny Wray Cooper, Ross Cooper, Susan Dinney, Susan Doerr, Patricia Ferguson, Gary Ford, Shirley Genttner, Marlene Gilmer, Elsie Gosar, Neil Hamil­ ton, Johnny Harness, Lester Heywood, Larry Idle, Barbara Janke, Laverne McCarter, Judy McKerral, Billy Perry, Lydia Roelofs, Robert Shapton, Glenn Shipman, Carolynne Simmons, Freddy Smith, Kathy Smith, Larry Stire, Sue Svendsen, Shir­ ley Taylor, George Tryon, Ray­ mond Ward, Marion Walker, Freddy Wells, Kenny Wood, Donny Wright. GRADE 6 (Mrs. R, C. Mahon) Kenneth Armstrong, Robert Broderick, Jerry Cooper, Joan Dettmer, Philip Dzioba, Thomas Ellerington, Donna Ersman, George Godbolt, Loretta Haley, Brian Hall, Carolyn Harris, Helen Hendrick, Bill Heywood, Margie Howey, Linda Johnston, Dianne Jory, Peter Knox, John MacNaughton, Kenneth McCar­ ter, John Nagel, Richard Neil, Douglas Penhale, Richard Plan­ tinga, Marilyn Riddell, Dianne Schwartzentruber, Donald Scott, John Snell, Bonnie Turvey, Charles VanderNeut, Linda Wal­ per, Angela Webster, Brian Wedlake, Gary Wedlake, Ted Wilson, William Wright. GRADE 7 (Mr. R. Heimrich) Sharon Appleton, Junior Bloodsworth, Donald Cann, Roger Cann, Veronica Francois, Mari­ lyn Frayne, James Gould, La- vern Gould, Helen Haley James Hannah, Anne Hockey, Douglas Hodgson, Bonnie Hogarth, Gloria Honsberger, Beverley Irvine, Marion Kerslake, Martin Kon- ing, Peter McFalls, Eddy Roe­ lofs, Brian Sanders, Fred Sand­ ers, Ted Sanders, Lloyd Schwartzentruber, Doris Scott, Wesley Sims, Verla Smith, Judy Snelgrove, Gordon Snell, James Sweitzer, Mervin Taylor, Dale Turvey, Robert Wareing, Dianne Willert. | GRADE EIGHT Harold Blanchard, Marie Brintnell, Eileen Cooper, Diane Delbridge, Betty Dixon, Bonnie Doerr, Ross Gould, Jacqueline . Hannah, Bill Harvey, Howard Henderson, Shirley Henderson, Wayne Hockey, Wayne Honsber­ ger, Carole Hogarth, Don Jer­ myn, Jim Jones,”Helen Krause, Robert Marriage, Barbara Mc­ Donald, Grace McKenzie, Dean McKnight, Barbara Moore, Katharine Page, Enid Pale- thorpe, Peter Plantinga, Ted Sanders, Robert Schroeder, Mary Shaw. Carolyn Simpson, Carol Smith, Sandra Snider, Jack l Stephen, Judy Tennant, Lome Turnbull, Teena Vander Neut, Annie Van de Worp, Fred Ward. PROMOTIONS TO GRADE ? Robert Armstrong, Marion Belling, Martha Cochrane, Carol I Gibbons, Jack Harvey, James Hennessey, Dorothy Heywood, Eleanor Heywood, Marjorie Hod- gert, Barbara Hodgson, Robert Johnston, Robert Jones, Lome Keller, Douglas Kelson, Norman Knox, Sharon Krause, Donald MacDonald, Ronald MacDonald, Marlene MacMillan, Gerald Mc­ Bride, Carol McCurdy, Phyllis Merkley, Myrna Murphy, Simon Nagel, Dianne Ryckman, Shirley Schwartzentreuber, Paul Seldon, Ronald Truemner, Albert Van de Worp, William Van de Worp, George Wade. WOOD MIXED SLABS ........ $2,50 HARDWOOD SLABS $3.50 MIXED WOOD ....... $5.00 HARDWOOD ......... $6.UO News Of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Miss Mildred Cowdrey has ac­ cepted a position at Maxwell’s, St. Marys, after graduating from St. Marys District Collegiate In­ stitute. . Due to the severe wind and electrical storm, the Decoration Service of the Union Cemetery was held in the United Church on Sunday evening. Rev. Charles Lewis of Wind­ sor, a former pastor of the Kirk­ ton charge, delivered a very in­ spiring address. The Woodham quartette rendered two selec­ tions. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doupe on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe of Exeter, Miss Elehnor Doupe, V.O.N. of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and Alvin of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts of Toronto and Mrs. Florence Tufts of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamill and soil, Terry, of Creemore and Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Evans of Stratford visited with Mrs. Fred Hamilton on Sunday and also with Mr. Fred Hamilton who is a patient in the hospital in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. R. Norris of Humber Summit spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Durgin and Mrs. F. Hamilton. Master Ricky Wiseman of Bur­ lington is spending two weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman. Kirktort ball team played in the tournament in Mitchell on Domin­ ion Day. The first game was played against Staffa and Kirk­ ton won by the score of 10-8. In the second game the team .^.4. », A A A A CORD, DELIVERED CORP, DELIVERED CORD, DELIVERED CORD, DELIVERED Phone 623-r-3, Ailsa Craig SALE v; Your Best Summer Food Buys INSTANT COFFEE (Mother Parker's) 200 Off Reg. Price, 4-0z. Jar .. $1.13 McCORMICK'S SODAS 1-Lb. Box ....................290 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE 20-Oz. Tins ......................... 2 for NIBLETS—Whole. Kernel Corn 14-Oz. Tins ......................... 2 for PEANUT BUTTER Gold Medal, 16-Oz. Jar 290 350 SHREDDED WHEAT Price ................ 2 Boxes 310 AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP llrOz. Bottle ................................. 210 CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 20-Oz. Tins ......................... 2 for 350 TULIP MARGARINE Price.................................4 Lbs. $1.00 INTERLAKE TISSUE Price .............. 2 Rolls 230 GOULD & JORY PHONE 16 310 EXETER J There's no iirthe low-price field DODGE COMPARE THESE VALUES!DODGE CART’CART” ' OVER-ALL LENGTH—Dodge is longest by far- for extra room inside! . 208.4“198.5“197.5" PUSH-BUTTON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CONTROL—for driving at its easiest! YES NO ,NO FULL WRAP-AROUND WINDSHIELD-wraps • around at top and bottom! YES * NO NO SAFETY-RIM WHEELS—help grip tires to wheels in case of blowout! YES ‘NO NO SAFETY DOOR LATCHES—help to keep doors . tightly locked even under impact! YES YES 1 1 YES ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS STANDARD— operate at constant speed, never slow down! * YES NO NO ORIFICE-TYPE SHOCK ABSORBERS-for a velvet-smooth ride on any road! YES NO NO . DUAL-CYLINDER FRONT WHEEL BRAKES— assure more even braking action! YES NO NO RESISTOR-TYPE SPARK PLUGS- last up to 5 times longer than ordinary plugs! YES NO NO INDEPENDENT PARKING BRAKE- a second braking system for greater safety! YES ’■ NO NO BONDED-TYPE BRAKE LINING—provides up to 50% more usable lining area for lohger life! VIES NO 4 YES FLOATING OIL INTAKE—insures entry of only the cleanest oil! YES NO Nd TOTAL BENEFITS 12 1 2 Come in now! Put your finger on the Big Buy in driving ease — Dodge push-button PowerFlitel Before you put your money on any new car, take a close look at the BIG BUY OF THE YEAR ... the big, new Dodg*. You’ll see, for instance, that Dodge is th« .Big Buy in big-car siz’e. It’s almost a foot longer than the other low-priced cars— bigger inside, too. You’ll discover that Dodge is the Big Buy in driving ease, too .. . With the exclusive convenience of push-button PowerFlite. You just push a button... step on the gas —and go (powered by a Dodge V-8 with, up to 200 h.p. or the famous Dodge Six)! There’s no buy like Dodge for safe motor* ing, either. Besides Safety-Rim wheels, Safety-Lock door latches and dual­ cylinder front-wheel brakes, Dodge offers 12 other outstanding safety features as standard equipment. All this—and more—can be yours today on even the most modest budget. Drive in soon and let us show you how easy it is to drive out in a glamourous new Dodge! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited ............/v