HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-28, Page 13n«w» ouagur rrom.......... Blanshard Ry MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Winchelsea Students AfmouncementS Visit Huron Museum The Tlm»»’Adwc<f># June M IW Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngson and Beverly spent Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ktnnetb Langford. Mrs. Trewartha of Holmes­ ville is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs,’ Ken Lang­ ford, ana Mr.. Langford, j^frs. Fred Pattison spent Wed- ®sday with Mrs. Mowat Driver ■ the Mitchell Road. ' "Mr's, Mae Stephens of St. Marys, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. E. Rathburn Of Sunday evening and Mrs. Alex Mr. and Mrs. Thorndale were guests of Mr. Irvine, ' Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom- s6n and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gordon Jones of Glendale. Mr. Lloyd Mossey and Cheryl of London spent Friday with Mr. Mnd Mrs. Cecil Mossey. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen returned home on Sunday atfer spending a few weeks with Mrs. Clarence Martin of St. Marys, while 'Mr. Martin was a patient in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Parkinson and family, attended Granton an­ niversary and were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcom SpenCe, * ■ Mr. Hatvey Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picket spent Sunday at Wallaceburg. fttrs. Bob Thomson, Sharon and Judy spent five days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Per- kin§, of Toronto.' a—.—................... „B Fred Thomson Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week: Exeter Motor Sales ■ x The pupils Of grades one to four of Winchelsea school enjoy­ ed a motor trip to Goderiph on Tuesday. They met their guide at 10 a.m. and went through the newly erected courthouse. From there they toured another new building, the Knox Presbyterian Church. i Due to difficulties arising, they were unable to get their free boat ride hs scheduled in the morning, so they journeyed to the park for lunch. Each pupil brought his own picnic lunch and was supplied with free drinks and ice cream. The afternoon program began at 1 p.m. in the Huron County Down To Earth —Continued from Page 9 The only feed in the stalkThe only feed in the stalk is in the skin. The cellulose in the pith is hard to digest and can be ruled out’as of any great value, Can M*k« Money Management of hay can make’ money, The minerals/ proteins and carbohydrates are stored in the leaves and if they are lost for any reason before the hay reach­ es the manger it means they must be replaced from the grain, bins and in bags of protein sup­ plement. There are many good reasons why it is hard to get at the hay­ ing in time. Usually the v first Week in June is much Wetter than the last week. This year we had no. hay to cut then. Also there is other farm work in the way. There are beans and corn to cultivate, beets and turnips to hoe; greeh peas to harvest repairs to make to the barn. However, the ha^it of letting hay go, until there is time for it, is costly indeed. If possible get at it as early as you can. DID YOU KNOW? Legumes are not as good as soil-builders as they credited. A 3V5: ton fall a hay takes out . _ __ __ lb. of phosphates and 6i lb. of potash—more than a grain crop, tibility go downhill after seed­ making: gets under way. The real cause of the’loss, of feed value is cellulose which mdst livestock can digest but the production of indigestible lignin as the crop matures in­ creases rapidly, according to the latest research reports. They sug-' are usually crop of* al- the soil 33 ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST. PHONE 719 I Heating, Plumbing, Sheet-Metal Work | — Oil Bunr^rs —> ? - . | L.S.M.F.T. I . FORD SEDAN CUSTOM LINE’55 ■ RMio, low milfeigd ’53 ’53 FORD SEDAN, radio, abOVO average., good .................. OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, a steal ........... METEOR COACH, I’m being robbed METEOR COACH, ydur choice of two...... tfORD COACH, above average ................... STUDEBAKER SEDAN, see this one........ FORD COACH, a good one ............... :........ CHEV SEDAN/ottly ....................................... /fORD SJSDAN ...4,............................a............... FORD SEDAN, automatic, rhdiOj iiicb .» _________ ,,_______ ’53 CHEV COACH, She’l ’52 ’52 ’51 ’50 ’50 r49 ’46 ’47____ ,................................... ’46 FOblTiAC' SFDAN’...................;....... ’46 PLYMOUTH- SEDAN .................... ’42 DODGE SEDAN, good tires and motor .. TRUCKS ’52 FORD 3 TON STAKE DUMP . Above average FORD 3 TON ,. DODGE PANEL, vety godd ’53 FORD PICKUP . ’52 FORD PICKUP ’49 dodge Pickup $ 950 $ 795 $ 750 $ 595 $ 3$0 Your Choice x i ’53 ’53 Pioneer Museum. Herbert Mc­ Neill, the curator, guided the children around in groups, show­ ing them 15 ways of making flour from ancient history to modern ways and different cus­ toms in other countries. They also viewed the ancient fire engine of Crediton, the fire bell which was located at the north .of Exeter and many other an­ tiques and ancient machinery and dress. From here they were taken through the Sheaffer pen factory, shown, how a pen is made from pen nib to final packaging. Next stop was the Sifto Salt factory where they saw the salt heated from the brine to the looose salt ready for table use. Each pupil was given a-pound box of salt to take home. . , To conclude the day’s fun, everyone enjoyed the free boat ride around the harbour. The pupils of W i n c h e 1 s e a school in grades five to eight enjoyed a bus trip to Detroit on Tuesday and toured the museum and zoo at Greenwich Village. Mrs. ThomaS Bell and her brother, George Hannah, of Cal­ gary, Alta., visited 'Sunday with atMr. and Mrs. Harry Webber Kirkton,' Beef Program • -Continued from Page -9 up this year and prices strengthen. would A number of Huron County producers, including Gordon Greig, fieldman for the Feder­ ation of Agriculture, attended the^conyention. Harold Huffman, of Blenheim, is president.. Thames Road —Continued from Page 8 Detroit visited oh Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone. Added to those who sent greet­ ings for the seventy-fifth anni­ versary of Thames Road church as mentioned last week were Mrs. Harry McCullugh • (nee Nena Monteith) pf Vancouver, Harvey Borland, Regina, Mrs. Stewart (nee Jessie Russell) of Burlington, Miss Anne Baxter, Dungannon, a former teacher, Mrs. Victor Kfestle, Exetfer, Mr. Hal Brown and Sistfer of. Credi- ton and Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Ob tawa. ■ .z Lucky Winner —Continued ffom Page 1 delivered the first baby born in the three-year-old institutiori. Prizes presented to the winner and his moth&f deludes port­ raits, a hairdd, tdilfet trainer, al­ phabet book, fcfrib buttress, niirs- firy laftij),. & mbttth’fe free lauhdiry and dty elfeanmg'sorvice, feiecttic bbttlfe Warfhfer, teddy bear, IdWel SSt, baby shawl, Silver spb&ii aim cup, bed sprfead, feeding s£t, shoes, diaper pail, flowers, tea ’ pot, lotions and soaps, ev­ aporated milk, housfeebat and slippers, diapers, cbmb and bihish‘' sets; Baby book, eight-bbttlb StfeT* iiiz^h, paper edhtaibfer fob baby fddds and a- treasure book. . Fiffits' contributing the priZbS fyere Jack Dbeht, Maejerie Dilkess SfehverS hardware, Cnoosa B&bk Shop, Brady Cleaners and Laufid- eteria Ltd., Hbpper Hockey Fur­ niture, Dinney Furniture, Mac­ Millan’s . Mid - Town . .Cleaners, Gould and Jory, Traquair Hard­ ware, Smyth’s Shoe store, Lin­ denfield’s, Chainway, Greene’s Variety Store, Reder’.s Florist). Jack Smith Jeweller, O’Meara, Stafford Foods, Diamond Drugs, Texpack, Ferranti Electrick, Fishbt* dfid BUrpe Ltd.) JbhriSWft and Johnston’ Ltd., Bailey’s Flor­ ist, 'Canada Packers Ltd., Ab­ bott Laboratories, Wyatt’s Drugs, Dean Russell Drugs, Utility Pa­ per Co. and Welder’s Service. V i Birth, tM»th anh NetjoM >»r« inaWH m’f’’ ’ pt Thanks coat Tic, In, Mamorlam • Halloas 7*0* f°r ounhia versa, as« axtr> for each atfoltienat vofm; antf En»«8«mant Natlooo IW# TOO’ BIRTHS DIETRICH-Mr. And Mrs. LeOnaM ptetrich. Dashwood, annomi-ce the birth pl their dawiiter at South * Huron Hospital, June 22, 1955. HEDDEN—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedden, St. Caiharines, hnnoumte the birth of the.lv son, Michael Dean, at St. Catltarines General Hospital, June 24, 1956—a brother for Robin; grandson lor Mg and Mrs. Vernon Hedden, st. Catha­ rines, and great grandson for Mrs. Catherine Hedden, HbnsaU» PASSMORE—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Passmore, (nee Leona Duncan), happily announce the birth of- ihfeir daughter, Janet Marie, on June 13, 1956, at Elgin General . Hospital, St. Thomas—a sister for Laird. SPROUT—Dr. and Mrs. W. R. • Sproat are happy to announce the birth ot their son, James Willihm. -(Jamie), at Windsor bn June 21/1956—a brovhfef for Jknet Elizabeth and a grandson tor Mrg. Earl Sproat, Hensall. VERKERK—Mr. and Mrs. Cornel­ ius Verkerk, R.R. 1 Exeter, an* nounefe the birth ot. their twin sons—Cornelius and Boost,, at South Huron Hospital, June 25, •1956. " PURVEY—Waynft and Jean Tur- vey, Exeter, announce the birth of their son, Danny Wayne, ht South Huron Ho&pithi, June 21, 1-956—special thanks to Dr, Read and Staff, Robinson — Arthur and Emily Robinson, of 96 Bruce st., Lon­ don, are pleased to, announce the birth of a- daughter, Kathryn Dianne, at St. Joseph's Hospital,. London, on Friday, June 8, 1956. WEIN—Mr. and Mrs. Gftrald Wein ■ (ne® Butler), LOndOn, are -happy -to announce the birth of a daugh­ ter, , Monica. Lynn, ht Victoria Hospital, London, bn " "" 19^56, ■ DEATH'S DOUPE—At St. Mary's Hospital on Tuesday, 1956, Eliza Janfe Kirk, neioveu. wife of the late Amos Doupe, in June 17, Memorial June 26. beloved. ....................................................... her ninety-second year. Reatink at the L. A. Ball funeral chapel where funeral service will be held Thursday. June 28. Interment in Kirkdpn cemetery. . . .. GEDDES—At South.. Huron Hos­pital on Friday, June '22. 1953, Albert Luther Geddes, ’in "JUs eighty-first year. . LOW — Terry Jacqueline, daughter of^S^t. - on ' June 20, 1956. jenuc, infant daughter of Sgt. Janies .and Mrs. Lo5y (nee Barbara Dinn6y), born on June 6, passed away in Longueuil Hospital, Quebec, .June 20, 1956. Interment June 21 in Batesville Cemetery, Quebec. ROLLINGS—Passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lojndon, Wed­nesday, June 27, 1956, John Rol­ lings. in his eighty-fourth year. • Funeral service will be held from the Murdy Funeral Homer Lucan, on Friday, Juno-29 at 2.00 p.m. Interment in St. James’ Ceme­tery, Clandeboye. ENGAGEMENTS . Mr. and Mrs. CeciL Dobson, Kirk- ton. Ont., wish td announce the MtgalfdtWt of -fheir ‘ y d U-n fest daughter, Gwendolyn..May.,. td.Mr. WilliAm Charles ■ Wighorn; only son ol Mfr. strict Mrs.' Charles Wag­ horn, Exeter, Ont. Wedding to take place on July 7 in St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Kirkton, at 12 noon. , 28 CARDS OF THANKSx Mr. Alid Mt's. Edwlil fieavefr tyiMl to ih&fik Ml who so kliiatvrfeiitehibetfed Mi'S, ,g HVH1 frith cat'ris, ilwefb Mia ifeais Wife a pattent in st.. JOsfeph's HospiHl arid feinee rfewi'fthia h&m. as* Wfe would like to thank All 4hdsfe who. rOmembefrfed ufe with flowfers. treats. Cards, gift s and visits during our stay in S&uth Huron Hospital .and -since .o’feturnin'g home. Special thinks to Dr. Scrimegeour, murw, -stall.'. bL,Souuv;Smcp.iv Hd&JpitiL.— Audrey Desjaf-dihe And baby, Dfebri. r . 28*Constable and L- TfiMby and fafflily of St..Marys Wifeli tb OxpffeSs .kincere theiftks Alia • Ap­preciation for tlife, many l&ttfers, cafcte and. callS t& 'tltelr-'y&Ufig febn, Matthew, -Whilst lit st. Marys hos­ pital and sineb returning- home. 2S Mr. Aimer Stewart wishes to express his sincere thanks to all Who sent cards, flowers and treats and who visited him while a pa-, tlent in South Huron Hospital, with special' thanks to'Miss Clay- poie and her staff for thfeir many acts of kindness during that time. 28* Mrs. Albert. .Geddes wishes'-to thank- relatives,! friends, pall bear-' ens, Dr. Read and. Rev. N._ D.' Knox for floral tribute’s, messages of sympathy and assistance in her rdeent'hereavfemeflt. , ■ , 28*I would Jikfe tb IMftk my b-tends for remembering me with flowers and cards when I was a patient in South Huron Hospital and Vic- torial Hospital, London. Special thanks -to -Miss Claypole and staff and Dr. Butson. RineyKeller. Rev. W. J. Moores, Pastor. SPECIALS Thl following 30-da? Uhitfc to bft rfeduced $10 per dhy Jhtil sold. > ■ ’54 CHEV COACH ................. ’52 CH^V SEDAN .................. ’51 DODGE COACH, a beaut ’4^ MONARCH C(?ACH ......... ’49 AUSTR SWAN ............. MONARCH SEDAN ......... PLYMOUTH SEDAN ....... FORD 3 TON STAKE, now motor FORD 3 TON C & C........................ FORD PiCRUP, she’s O.K. ............ ’47 ’46 ’48 “’52 ’50 « ThiiFifi&y'i Pritb $1,300 $ 965 $ S6S $ 520 $ 175 $ 100. $160 $ 660 $ 535 $ 460 .«< 4. i j> • » * 1- * M»V»' E 3 3 i ’52 Sh A ’50 E >4 TRACTORS OLIVIA MTRAC WITH DAVIS LOADDR, a beaut ......................... J6$N DfeERE “B”, like new ...... ALLIS CHALMERS 60 COMBINE < 3 FURROW JOHN DEERE PLOUGH ......... $ Hydr^ulie lift ’ ; STIFF TOOTH FORD CULTIVATOR.......$ Utfed vfery littlfe BUCK RAKE, Wt mounted i o -I i h * n r* 700 425 150 125 115. I s i •f * ’ I ■Classified Directory FOR SALE *REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED THAMES ROAD: UNITED dHURCH SChc4iilfet of Services for July July 1 hrid. 8—Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A., S.B., London. Jiiiy 15 m 22-ChurchCs CibShd July; 29—To Be Announced ’ Serviced &t regular hours—10:bi) a.fft. hnd 11:15 a.m. , Calvary chuRCh Evangelical Uhited Brethren DASHWOOD -R«v. W. F. Krotz, Minister * MrS. Ken McCrae, Organiit • Sunday, July I, 195& 10:.6b a.m. — “RightboUkOSfe Ekalteth a Nation” 11:05 a.m.—Sunday Sfihdbl .................. i-r-if, MAIN STREET United Church Of Canada Riv. Alex'r Rapson, Miniittr MH. A. Willard, Organist 10:00 a,m.—Servicte of Worship (Beginners (ages 4-5) will .fviliL draw during the second hymn.10:00 a.m.—The Nursfery Class. Ages 1-3, In. the •primary Department. 11:15 a.nf.—The Church School Uhioh Service With Jfemfefe Street A Wfeltbnte tb AU CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rfev, Sarnufel Kerr, B.A./ B.D Minister AhL*—Sunday School * 10:00 4.m.-Morning Worship. S 6, r in o n Subject: "Martha. Mary and Lazarus” Larry Snider Motors Ybur Ford • Monarch Dealer | PHONE * EXETER 5 I ! THAMES ROAD MENNONITI MISSION . txiBTER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 ajh. "Teach M« Thy Truth, 6 UH" Supt.: Stanley sauder, Zurich PENTECOSTAL: TABERNACLE Sunday, July 1, 1958 9:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—-Morriing Worship (Communion) Evening services cancelled r__ . ZZ7ZZZ.Z ,Z. ZZTZ.ZZ RlV,: Lt W. Krause, Paster 2 t.t ft. J. in favor' ’Of. CRUSADE,~ ZURICH. ■"ii ifir nr.K7?... i........... . ZION OHukCH gvahgislicil United UrdHtten Gftfcbl'tON Riv. Glen III Sttfemk, -Miftiitfer 10^0 ’ft.m.—Worship, §6rVi6b " iLob a.m.«-sttna>y Mbbi ■hiiirYi ill ‘iiiiii-rrifrf. ‘lt.iftit.iW, - r .........V. ZIDN LUTHERAN CHURCH - DASHWOOD Hkfot: Mmicfon 7:45 9:00 A.fh.-^Suftday Sfchool .............. h . ■ ,i,. ■ , lit; i THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Sunday, -July 1, 1956 10:00 a.m.—Morhing Service Rov. G. J. Hoytema (Dutfch) 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Service Student W. Lootsma (English) All Wfelcqmb THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Nt Dt RM Ou Rector Trivitt Memorieb Exetbr 'Setvicfes JBufiftg July July I. 11:30 i.tft. «- ildly Com- iftUhidh.July i, 11:80 a.m,’ MdfflH Pfayof, July 15, 11:30 A.m Prayor. July 22 and 29 Services Can­ celled.During July, IM Rev. M. R EWn will bl FrifeH in Charge. MoiTlirtg STANDING HAY, J8 Acres, mixed. Apply J a,me» a. Turner, R,R. 1 JUueftM. 38:5* ■ MR. FARMER 11 don’t think it : pays, to buy leri ilizei* to grow weeds! Do yoiu? If not, call L. V. Hogarth and have clean graiif and, corn even if your grain is seeded out. Call L, • V* Hogarth, 266 Exeter. , ’ 28c SWEET CLOVER, loo acres, yellow blossom, fresh. A p ply D o u g a 1 Clarke, Lucan, phone w-r-2 Lucan. , 21:280 STANDING MIXED, HAY, 10 acres. Apply Lloyd Johns. R.R. 8 Exeter, phone J.Oi-r-15 Kirkton. 28* WINDOW boxes, painted and filled whir mixed, plants; ready to Wry away;. 83.50. wood black swamp soli in bushel baskets. Bailey s Florists. 28c COAL & WOOD RANGE, Clare Jewel, with low back, in good con­ dition. Also a Sunshine 3-burner electric range. Apply Alvin Ginger­ ich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 28c BALER & BINDER TWINE-—Bel­ gium, Danish and Brantford. Cann’s •Mill Ltd. 28c ICE, ICE. ICE—Any quantity. De­ liveries Tuesdays and Saturdays. Apply .Edgar Cudmbre, phone 171-r- 14 Exeter,. 7tfc KELV1NATOR, 17 cu. ft., double doors, lockable handles and -Deep freeze compartment; excellent con­dition, and new appearance. Phone 4,1, Grand Bend. ' 28* ’A - TON PICKUP TRUCK, 1950 Chev, with racks, 32.000 miles, good Condition. 1951 1-ton .Ford truck, 47,000 miles. Apply YVally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood? 28;5c 30 WEANER PIGS—Apply Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 28c MIXED HAY, 15 acres. Will share crop. Apply T. Simpson, 1 mile west of Whalen on Town Line. 28c SWEET CLOVER HAY-, 600 bales. Appply John Arts, R.R. 2 Crediton. 28* KITCHEN SUITE, wooden, with 4 chairs. Phone. 552-W1 Exeter. 28* 1954 CHEV 4-DOOR SEDAN.; 1953 Chfev H*ton pickup. The above are privately owned, hnd in perfect Shape; low mileage. Will accept trade-in and can arrange finance. D, E. MacKinnon, Hensall, phone 1162, , 28* BATHROOM SHOWER CABINET with .all fittings: JUst used a shbfrt time. Would suit camper. Apply E. A. Dilling, Granton P.O. 28:5* USED HAY BALER. Massey-Har­ ris, P.T.O. driven; also 6’ power mower to fit Allis-Chalmers CA tractor, Exetfer Farm Equipment, phone 508. 28c 13-PIGS,-9-weeks old, Apply Matt Finkbeiner, Crediton. 28* FOR RENT 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, bath, separate fentrance. Apply 287 Hurdn St, W., phdne 592 Exeter. 28c 5 LARGE APARTMENTS, unfur­ nished; One Upstairs, one down- -feIAih,tt bStli. private entrance, nice­ ly dfeedrated; in good location. Phone 441-W Exeter. 28c 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, modern, private. downstairs, heated, all ’0bhy6ntenc.es. Pertly 'furnished if RfeBirfett1;4-private^ efl ti-aime; 1 «r r adUltS. jApply 145 Victoria St. 28* LOJVBR APARTMENT, unfurnish­ ed, lifted, on William St., near dbwfltatvn, 4 rooms and bath; entirfeiy private; separate hot water tAliki range wiring; nicely decorat- 63. Phone 232-M. 28c APARTMENT, 3 rooms and 3- piece bath, furnished. Available now. John Wai-d, phOne 348. 28* 4-RO0M HOUSE; nice, quiet and bright Ideation. Apply at 48 Main St., North End. Available July 1. 28 3:BJSDROOM;-'HOUSE, large living room, dining -(room, large kitchen with built-in-cupboards, new batb­ room. hot -aiid cold water, level floors, full.—-basement, new fully automatic dll /-furnace; completely remodelled fe.nd insulated; close to schools; pbfesessl&n July.!., See it at 316 Anul'few St. on Tnlirstily or Friday afternoons. 28* _ HENSALl Lower ,5-rbbm brick apartment, nicely decbrat fed, jnsidfe water arid bath.- Apply Mrs. MAt-y Steph&h, Zurich. 28c REAR AgARTM- elderly lady bi July 1. Pfidhe 2 4-Room ^Apartment, ’ upstair, 2- pip.ee. bath. Available immediately;.-Phone, 7 Exeter. 28tfc MoD^'RN^A^AMI’MENT., furnish­ ed or unfurnished. BeaVers Hard- Waxe, Exeter, phone 86. . 3tfC ___ _ ___ small, at 308 Andrew sSt. Especially .sUitabm for ’’ '________br coUple. AVS.ila.ble 'libhe 226. ' 2S-.5* APARTMENT—Centrally located. 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished; separate entrance; reiit reasonable; immediate posses­ sion, Apply 343 AndreW St., Exeter. 21:28c 2 APARTMENTS—Aftply Tastp-Nu Bakery, phdne 100, Zurich. 9fcfC APARTMENT, inttlte Ellibt Apart­ ments. Fhone 7aTaJ. You’ll like this one. _____ 24tfb § LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap- t)ly‘ Mayfair . Ap&.rUrtents, phone 52. ' ■»- , 19tfb 3 ARARTMI&NT&, unfurnished, for rent at once'.'W. C. Pearce.Rftal- tor, Exfeter.- 12tfo APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, tdilet, hot and cold water, On ShipkA highway. Phoftfe 6-J Crediton, 16tfC■ ■ ---- ' - ---- Floor Sanders Fibdr Ed^fers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Clfeanerfe, Tools, Etc. sfeAvERs Hardware, EXtTEfc sewing Machines — Electric portables, by the week. .Hopper' Hockey Fbrniturfe, •phone 99, eter. . RANCH -style house, new.• basement, Jiving room, • kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full bath; were of land; i priced down, owner going West. Duplex, separate entrances, 2 full f baths, kitchens, new oil. furnace, f Bents at fill). .Price 86,300. Some j terms. Inice brick house, having *u j conveniences, including oil furnace; i good barn and building lot. William Pearce. Realtor; Earl Parsons, b'rad Cole, Salesmen. iftfc GftAND BEND—S-bedtoom cottage, full bathroom, winterised; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. ’ V. pjekard, Realtor, Main st,, Ex­ eter. lltfc CREDlTON-^-Briek house. '2-stprey, Xumaee, bath, attached garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Karl Pgispns, Salesman. „ .31 ..... ......... EXPERIiWCED MAN - or boy io help on farm for summer mpnths. Phone Sfl-r-Jl Kitktoji. ' 28c- WAITRESSES, full*-and part-time-. Apply at Sunset Terrace, Grand Bend, phone 192: 28c WAITRESS (short nrder). R.C.A.JA Centralia Snack Bar. Night work and weekends; good wages. Write Box “R", Times-Advocate. 28c 2 GIRLS, 1 for kitchen and one for store; steady work, full time; experience not necessary. Apply Mayfair Restaurant, phone 52 Ex­eter,_______<___________________yse ,?50- TO .8100 WEEKLY can* ba yours. Join our dealers. The line sells jtself. Write for- free eata« 'logpe, to Dept. D, Familex, Station C. Montreal.' 28c STOCK WANTED DEAD. DISABLED 8TIX3WBMMI* day week service for ho-r»e».sheep pigs, calves.—qien K«nn&dy, pboiu collect 158-W Lucan or Eat*, -alter 235, ,................ '131fc I AM IN the MARKET ter ah kinds of horses, any sue, any gra. —G. J. How, phone .S3, Exeter. min AUCTION SALES EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD HOUSE, schools; garage. S3.6Q0.. I 3-BEDROOM BRICK, in best ot condition, oil heated; nicejy treed lot, with good garage; immediate possession, Reduced piles make.s this property particularly good buy. 4-BEDROOM HOUSE-LThis home IS nicely decorated throughout; hardwood floors and fireplace; forced oil heat; extra lots, beauti­ fully’ treed; garage. Prick $7,500.00, with very ‘easy -terms. • • •• 3-BEEROOM hRIGK COTTAGE, vfery attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3- piece bath, permanent laundry tubs. This comfortable home is par­ ticularly well located on a beauti­ fully treed lot. Qwner leaving town. <iuick possession. 2-STOREY -BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including nW oil burning furnace and tvatfer soft­ener.. Extra large lot is nicely treed.. Brick garage. Possession Ar­ ranged. . If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St.. Exeter, phpnfe 165 and .628.. 12tfc 3- or 3- bedroom, near bathroom, full basement, Quick possession. Price 100-ACRE FARM, - onfe of Huron's' good quality, .farms, .. well-' under- draijied, good barns, -silo, , good house with conveniences; Exeter area, -William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 16tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with Oil furndee; feast side jbf Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, <7 John St, . ttc SERVICES CUSTOM BALING—Square bales. Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, Phone ‘655-W, evenings._______21tfc HAVE YOUR BUILDING, remodel­ ing, Alterations, kitchen cupboards, roofing, fete. ■ done' by' Koning' and Penning^. For free estimates call’ 404-.T or 487 Exeler. 7~:14;2J.i2S HAVE- YOUR SAWS • sharpened andtset today,-the-Foley automatic way. Stew’S Shat-pteping. Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exetfer, phone 454. 76 SEPTIC 'TANKS pumped out.- Im­ mediate service. Butler Bros.. Lu- ean, phone 108 or 130-W, 8:2 LLOYD A CARL’S ' Painting And Decorating Free Estimates ' PHONE i5-R. EX.ETER. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION J’Wherfe Better Bulls Are Used’* For artificial Insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterlob Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:3(1 and 0:30 A.M. We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4;26tfc 28k MANURE L OADING—Apply Nor- hiAn Whiting-, Exfeter, phone 655-W. 12tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS ----------- ------------ X . ' In the Estate of , ■ Ada Andrew deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ada Andrew, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, whi) difed on or about th’e 16th day of June, 1956, ttre required tb file particulars Of same with Bell and Laughton, Solicitors bf Exeter, Ontario, by thb 14th' day bf July, 1956. after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice hafe been rfeceivfed. Bell St Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ontario.- . 28:5:12 AUCTION SALE Consisting gf Church Shed On the Premises, s Zion, ViUteiF Church) ’ .. .-.les Ee pcntiaiia, < The undw •structed to FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 20 Shed co; structure, of repair various pi TERMS: Ml WOODHAM -■ i ast of No. 4 Highway, or 21 n Miles Routh or Winchelsea. - ■rslgneri auctioneer, is ln« * -sell by Public Au’ction Department of National Defence (Air) at . . CENTRALIA, ONTARIO . CLERKS,’! — $1620.;-$2070; CLERKS, 2A — $1956.-\ 52550.. 'Fpr further particulars see" post­ ers displayed at Post Offices and Offices of the National . Employ­ment Service. 'Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed with the Civil Service Com: 25 St. Clair Avenue, East, 7, Oniario. NOT EATER JULY 9, 1956., . Please quote competition 56-T957 for 'Clerks, 1. Please quote competition 56-T958' for Clerks, 2A. Application forms. mission. Toronto THAN number number 28c WE REQUIRE a young lady or young man for office work. Must have a good knowledge of book­ keeping and typing. ;• Apply- in Writing -or-person io <Jed,>.T, •Mtekte <$ nSon.(c-Etd,, HgRsalJ, "Ont., .21128 YOUNG MAN 'to Jea’rn grocery -business; fuJl-lhnetemploymeitt. -Ap­ ply Dutch -Boy Food Market, R.C.- A.F., Centralia. - 28’ EARN 830 A WEEK for 4 after­ noons or 4 evenings- each week. Car essential. For details apply in ■Writing -to Box K, Times-AUvocate. 21:28c at 7:30 p.m. mists of well built frame 40x65 ft. ' . . and c irnoses. _—..... Cash.NORMAN Building Comm... ADVIN WALPEB in good state an be used for EROCK.tree Chairman :R, Auctioneer METEOR SEDAN Better than new, only 9,000 miles. PONTIAC HARDTOP... Excellent conditicHp two- tone, radio. ’ '•’S'-' CHEV SEDAN . Immaculate condition! CHEV SEDAN Two-tonq, builtin radio. BABY CHICK FOR SALE ASK US FOR BRAY complete list chicks available. For prompt ship­ment they have pullets, dayold and started, including Leghorns and Amfts. ■ Mixed chiclxS,: broilers—Jet's have your Order, in advance.- Full information, agent—Erie Carsca-d- den, Exeter, phone 246-W, 2Sfe..--_____Dusias.;.. ■■ TENDERS WANTED ’ - ,-We, -the provisional • committee appointed by- the Hog Producers ot Huron County call for applications for the position as m'-------- irJ suitable buildings ’ for yards at Blyth, Clinton sail, according to the down by the Ontario duners Markftiing Board i Also applications for up of hogs at the premises when, requested and livbred to- the assembly yard. State price expected for yards, managing and pick-up. All applications to be in the hatids of the secretary not later than. July 10. ALBERT BACON. Chairman ALBERT H. AVARN.ER, Secretary ' , R.R. 1 Bayjield, 280 ianager and i* assembly 1 and Hen- policy laid WE STILL HAVE THAT PHENOMINAL '3* FORD FOR $65 SPECIAL^ ,1954 Meteor 2-Tone Hardtop Loaded with extras; - ■factory reconditioned. Service , Russ and Chuck’SnelU :4 PHONE 328 ixETER E «/ Investors Syndicate / of Canada, Limited Investors Mutual of Canada, Limited Zurich, Phone 168 GIRL, 2l years pt age, would like work In hotel or housework. wages Am per week. Apply Ruth MS Eg- RIDE TO WINDSOR- — Thursday bight 6t‘ EHSfey morning.-Apply 48 Main St. Nbrtli. 2f EMPLOYMENT WANTED Bloftt Arinfet^drtk M6tbM...... M »2sfi 3-R00M AIjARtMENT, on ground floor, hfe&tfed, hot and Cold WAter, large Bfetl-slttinfe ✓f'bOhi, kltbhfen and private bath room. Pehlialfe Apart­ ments, 70 John St. E., phdnfe 294- R.- * 14tfn irritt ...........- ,,i a... ■■ T-1 * A'lUifa-—...... 4 ROOMS— Heated, hot and (-did water, lottf of storage space, im­mediate possession. v> S. Overholt, Centralia, phone JExeter 732-J12, 3-ROOM *- Heated.Uhrmraishfed, with hath, hot ana v.blct Water, own „ eatfance. freshly 'daeoi-ateat ’ graunft hMb Available Jmte lb. carling St., ph&na sir after 6 p.m. 28 'tfiJ.tii 'ii'i i-.iUJVJr).1 ,n,'i WANTED