HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-28, Page 12PW.H Th* Jvnt .If* 1H6 Lucan And District News are Mr. Mary Blackwell Former Teacher Miss Mary Etta Blackwell pas- led away June IB in her ssth year at Penetanguishine. She rested there, at the home of her brother. Dr. Blackwell, for a private funeral on Mondayv June 18. Interment was in Mount pleasant cemetery, Toronto. Daughter of the late Mr. and Hrs. Benjamin Blackwell she lived in the Lucan and Clande- boye district for a number of years where she taught school. She later moved to Toronto but of late years has madfe her home in Penetanguishine. She is survived by two brothers William Walter B, Blackwell of Cheboygan, Mich., and Dr. Ben­ jamin Allen Blackwell of Pfene- tanguishine. Eighty-Eigh1j Birthday Mrs. W. T. Banting celebrated her 88th birthday quietly in her ewn "home here last Monday, June 18, She and Dr. Dinting celebrated their 60th wfedding anniversary in 1952 but the Doc­ tor died the next year. Though hard of hearing and confined to a wheel chair from rheumatism Mrs. Banting is Otherwise in good health. She is particularly cheerful and loves callers. A number were in dur­ ing Moriday to offer congratula­ tions. Others sent cards and small remembrances. Personal Items Karen arid Nancy Evans visiting their grandparents, and Mrs; Pewnfey. Mrs. B. Stanley of Preston apd Mrfe. C. Norton of London called an Lucan friends last Monday. Mr. F. W. Young and family, • Main St,, S.,Jhave moved to their •few home near Lucan. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Coleman, MrS. Will Dickins arid Mis's Gora Neil attended the Dickin’s two- meal picnic At Springbarik last Saturday, Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw, Mrs. I. D. Orme and Mrs. T. C. Mc: Farlane were guests of Mr. arid Mrs, Clare Norton, London, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley and Carol of Denfield were Sun­ day visitors with Miss Lina Ab­ bott. Lucan pupils of Miss Bette Leake last Tuesday took part in a recital at the LOndori. Public Library: Dann Culbert, Heather Acheson, Ilene Donaldson, Eliza­ beth Parkinson, Beth Black, Bon- pie Drennan, Frank Egan and Gary Revington. ■ Miss Margaret Ashworth, R.N. e£ Sarnia spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., D. A. Ashworth. Dr. and Mrs. J. H.^Skaling (nee Luela Mowbray) and Mr. and Mrs.- Keith Harper (nee Ed­ ith Mowbray) of Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr. arid Mrs. . Doug Ewen, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mr. and Mrs.; John Park. Joan and Karen Haist of Ridge­ ville are spending a week witli their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. RfeUly, while their parents ■•rd in Atlantic City. Mr. arid Mrs. H. Ritchie and Mr. Harvey Haskett were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett and family. Mrs. T. D. Orme, Mrs. S. Chown and Mrs. Walter Gibson were guests of MrS. C. E. Zur- brigg of Exeter last 'Monday and attended the Cooking School at the Legioft Hall where, Mrs. Orme and Mrs. Chown each wori baskets of groceries. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. McGoun and Gwen of Georgetown were Satur­ day guests with Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mrs. Stewart Park is relieving at the poist office while Mrs. A. E. Reilly is on her three-week vacation. Mrs. Walter Ricfe Of Oklahoma U visiting her mother, Mrs, Jack Sprowi. Rev. E. M. Cook preached his ferewell sermon in the Lucan United church last Sunday morn­ ing before a large congregation. The choir provided special mu- •ic. . Mr., and Mrs. Jack Eizenga (nee Pauline Graham) are happy to announce the birth of a,sori, Marshall John, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,. June 21. Mr. Alex Sceli returned home •n Friday after spending a few days in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Poolfe •nd family of London are stay­ ing with Mrs. Harold Coursey Hyfiile Mr. Coursey is in the hoi- Eital. Mr. Coursey is making sat- jfactory recovery. Mr. • Chas. Fenn has sold his Mouse on Main St. north to Mr. Gordon Hillard of London and will probably move to London In August, Mr. and Mrs. Roy •nd family spent last With Stratford arid friends. • Miss Gora Nfeil has home after a week’s <............ her brother, Mr. R, H. and Mrs. Neil. , Mr. G. Chisholm Is a patient In Westminster Hospital and his •on, Pete, is home from the West. Mr, and Mrs, Pert Thompson •hd family spent last Saturday lri St. Thomas, the guests of Mr. •rid Mrs. F, M, Brown. Mrs. Mel Culbert and Mrs. Art Black attended a lecture by Dr. Ivan Smith at Victoria Hospital •n cancer last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins •rid Helen stient list Sunday iri Seaforth, guests df Mr. Hatvay Jiudie. Mrs. Ida Carroll of ParkhiU, formerly of Lucan is a patient n St Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. W. C. Parkinson and fam­ ily moved to ColIingwOOd last Week to join Mr, Parkinson who was transferred to the Rank of Montreal as manager there some Mme tge. Mrs. Parkinson re- Biained till the children wrote aek Murray •nd family of London were week- end visitors with Mrs, Joe Mur* J&L—.2... ...... J H»Ct Wiener Roast Last Saturday night 2? mem­ bers of the “Jli-C" class of the Lucan United Church and their, guests including Mr. and Mrs.' Cliff Culbert enjoyed a wiener roast at Prospect Hill. Th! party left the church at 7 p.m.A swim, a ball game .and a vesper service conducted by the leader, Mrs. Murray Hudgins, as­ sisted by Heather Stanley and Douglas Solomon preceded the wiener roast. Present Awards At Holy Trinity At the morning service in Holy Trinity church Miss Ljna Abbott presented the fourth year League of Loyalty report. Thirty-nine children were enrolled as mem­ bers for having attended five consecutive church services. Of these, 32 were on the Honour Roll for having attended at least the second five consecutive serv­ ices. Nine children, Pat Egan, Frank Egan, Hugh Elliott, Rosfe Wilkin­ son, Peggy Elson, Arthur Wilk­ inson, Graham Elliott, Frank Hardy and Helfen Hodgins re­ ceived awards for having at­ tended 80% or more of the Sun­ days of the year/The first five children received'a special prize for nOt missing more than two Sundays, Baseball News Lucan Irish Nine broke evert in the Thames Valley League this week defeating Divides 8-4 on Tuesday night at Devizes but were defeat 4-2 sit home Thurs­ day night by St. Pauls. • Church Servlets Beginning next SUriday, July 1, and continuing through the month of July, morning services in Holy Trinity Church will begin at 9.30 a.m. There will be no evening services during the months of July and August, Explorer News The 15th expedition of the Lu- can-Clandeboye Explorers was Held in the .United church par­lors. last Monday evening. Pre­ ceding the meeting, dodge brill arid coffee grinder were played on the church grounds. During the business session, Counsellor Iva Hodgins was vot­ ed Honorary Counsellor, on her retiring. Counsellor Kae Haskett led in the worship service. Explorers were taught proper table setting. Plans were made to held a nature hike on Jurie 28. Flower Display Institute Feature The Lucan W. I. held their June meeting in the Anglican Parish Sall last Thursday eve­ ning with the president, Mrs. Murray Hodgins in the chair. Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs. Erwin Scott at the piano, and Mrs. A. Philpott, Mrs. Sheridan Revingtori, Mrs. Stewart Park and Mrs. H. B. Langford as host­ esses. - The motto for tlje meeting was “What., is sb rare as a day in Jurie, Then if fever Come perfect days,” The whole pofem was read by Mrs. J. p. Prest. Each of the 32 members pres­ ent answered the roll call by thfe naming of a flower beginning with'the first letter of her given mime. Ip honor of Mrs. Alice Berry, president of the Associated Coun­ try • Women of the World, who spoke,, at Fanshawe on Wednes­ day the president read the words of Australia’s national song, fol­ lowed by the music by Mrs. Lang­ ford. Owing to the inconvenience of the kitchen it was voted to re­ turn to the arena for future meetings- A tour to Sovereign Potteries and Jackson’s Bakery in Ham­ ilton was planned. Mrs. Warner McRoberts, in her Community Activities and Pub­ lic Relations report spoke highly of Mrs. Alice Berry’s address. Seventeen members from1 the Lu­ can branch attended the meet­ ing. Mrs. Warner McRoberts, Mrs. George Paul and Miss Hattie Hodgins were named a nomin­ ating committee in case an emergency arose during the year. Mrs. MitcHfell Haskett will have charge of the Penny Health Bags this year. Mrs. Art Black read a letter re last year’s do­ nation arid also distributed liter­ ature on the Cancer Society. Mrs. Wes Hodgins read, not orily hfer own report on the Dist­ rict Annual at Ailsa Cfaig, but also Mrs. Gordon Banting’s, (the other delegate). In reporting the H6pe Ghest winners, Uderton came first winning $5, Komoka second with $4, Cloverdale, third $3. and Lucan, fourth $2. The president suggested Lucan W. I. eriter at London, pain this year. The -highlight' of the meeting was Miss .Muriel. Carling’s dem­ onstration of flower * arrange­ ments; baskets arid small coh- M " ......... r..........„...... Former Resident I Dies In Alberta I The death of Mrs. Alphonsus 1 Mcllhargey of Edmonton in her —62nd year occurred recently. I Mrs. Mcllhargey, the former '.Sadie Alberta Mowbray was the j daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mowbray of Alice St., Lucan. She attended the Lu­ can Public and High School and clerked in one of the local stores for years before. her marriage. She was a member of the United church here. Besides her husband, she is survived by four sons and two daughters, Cecil and Ross of Vancouver, Keith of Victoria, Dale at home; Mrs. R. V. Crowe and Mrs. J. Fairweather of Ed­ monton; also four sisters and. one brother, Ross Mowbray of Oshawa, Mrs. J. Skaling (Lu­ ela) of Winnipeg, ' Mrs. Keith Harper (Edith) of Toronto, Mrs. William Rosewarne (Ethel) of Detroit, Mrs. R. Hodgins (Pearl) of Woodstock, also 11 grand­ children. C. G, I. T. News The Lucan C.G.I.T. held a suc­ cessful tea at the home of the retiring leader, Mrs. Art Black last Saturday; Miss Marian Ashworth (leader) and Diane Hickson received at the door. Mrs. Warner McRob­ erts, president of the W.M.S and Mrs. B, J. Roberts, a former C.G.I.T. leader, poured tea. C.G. LT., members did the serving. Tweed Bird Race. Last Saturday 151‘birds were liberated from Tweed in 21 lofts. The race was won by Mr, Norman Hi rdy of Lucan in 884.5 yds. per minute. Mr. Jack Hardy came second, Mr, Clar­ ence Hardy sixth and Mr. Frank Hardy twelfth. Lucan Children Confirmed Aririe Marie Murdy, Marie Whitehead, Sheila Iredale and Frank Hardy of Holy Trinity church were confirmed by Bish­ op Townsend at St. James Church, Clandeboye, last Friday night. Executive Plan Farewell On Wednesday night the exec- utivfe of the United Church W. A. met in the church parlors to discuss plans for a congregation­ al farewell gathering for Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Cdok and also a reception for thdir successors, Rev. and Mrs. Edgar J, Roul- Ston of St. Thomas. Plans were also, discussed for the annual strawberry and, ham supper to be held in the church parlors Tuesday’, July 3. Give Prizes To Winners The Lucan Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 540 held their last euchre of the season last Tuesday in the Le­ gion Room. Prize winners were: ladies’ high score, Mrs. A. E. Reilly; lone hands, Mrs. T. Brooks; low score, Mrs. W. Stocks; gent’s high, Mrs. Roy Stanley (acting gent); lone hands Mrs. D. A. Ball (acting gent); low score, Mrs. Ralph Smith (acting gent). The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the sea­ son’s prizes. The lucky winners wer Mrs. *. ♦ Chisholm-a table lamp donated by Ontario Furni­ ture Co.; a pair of onyx gold cuff links donated by Peoples’ Credit Jewellers, won by Mrs. Roy Stanley. ' Consolation prizes donated by Udies of the auxiliary went to Mrs. D. A. Ball, Mrs. W. Stocks, Mrs. J. Murphy, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. J. Smibfert, Mrs. R. Downey, Mr. J. Little and Mr. Chisholm. The mystery ’prizes were won by Mrs. Murphy and Mr. Chisholm. The president, Mrs. A. E. Reil­ ly, made the presentation of prizes.' Hostesses were Mrs. H. T. Bond (convener) Mrs, D. A. Ball and Mrs. Ralph Smith. Baptism David Wil am Knight, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Knight, Elizabeth St., was bap­ tized at the morping service in Holy Trinity Church la:? Sunday by the Rev. J. P. Prest, The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. William P. Whyte. Retires After 20 Years' Service Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Who has done a wonderful service as Ex­ plorer Couns ellor for oyer 20 years at Metropolitan Church, London and at Lucan has had to retire owing to her duties as president of the Lucan W. I.. To show their appreciation the Lu- can-CIandeboye group have made her Honorary Counsellor. UC Junior Choir Honors Leaders Nearly all of th? United church junior choir members met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Dave Park, on Wednesday for a 5 pic­ nic. A number of games were played on the lawn before re­ freshments were served by Mrs. Park and her organist, Miss Reta Chown. During the evening the choir presented Mrs. Park with a cup and- saucer and Miss Chown with necklace and ear­ rings. PS Board Hires Three Teachers Only two of last year’s Public School jeachers, Mr. J3. H» El­ liott and Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, will return to school in Septem­ ber. Mr. Sydney Lowndes is go­ ing to Africa as a missionary, Miss Margaret Baigent has ac­ cepted a position on the Sand­ wich staff - and Miss Margaret Henry goes to pakville. To replace these vacancies the board has secured Mr. Wesley Clow of Lobo, Miss Maxine Bdw den of Centralia and Mrs. Arth =H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. A Cuirnish/ L« F» Cornish, D. Mitchell LONDON, ONT. T £ |s X I 264 DUNDAS ST. ihiihhi 11 mm umi ti m mom m. ii i Mi i io <l iiuhmim h mitmi utt um m mm m m m.mw mi ill i.i mi m » h mi m h i m m w A i s s. PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING s ON HAND Experienced men to put your roof.on . PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT = 5 See u» before you buy your baler or binder twine. SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone 63 . . * .ucan, Ont. ............................................................................................................................................................uiuiiiuti.i'' Schluter weekerid Linwood i returned Visit ’with tainers. After the demonstration a number of her arrangements were sold by auctidri, the presi­ dent acting as auctioneer. / EXETER #»hoh« 71 PONTIAC- BUICK - GMC TRUCK DEALER Phone 608 SUPERIOR Propane Limited, Your Distributor for Propane ‘6a$. arid Appliances for Farnij-'Home' jsnd Industry. Call Stratford 4174. Zurich A OCMMAl MOTORS VALUE PEARSON MOTOR SALES GOOD/-YEAR Tubeless and Tube-Type, Black or White Sidewalls —available at sale prices. NO MOUNTING CHARGES NO EXTRAS OF ANY KIND trader!*, E.L.CHAFFE AND SONS R.R. NO. 1 CENTRALIA, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER & W- . at