The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-28, Page 7lonor Pack Members WTo^arry
At Brownie Banquet
Members of the 1st Exeter
pack, their mothers, leaders and
guests enjoyed a Mother and
Daughter* banquet in the Sunday
School room of Main Street Un
ited Church last Wednesday night.
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Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. Look for
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The Times-Adypcjite/ June MMM gI own lopics—-
Items of Social »nic| Peiwiil Interest In and Ar<?und Exeter
Th# Exeter Tlmex-Advocate i» always plH-ted io »ut>ll»h these Items,
We and our reader* are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770.
Jolly Jills Group
Discusses Food
In New Chapel.
The firaf1 wedding in the chapel
at the new Y.M.-Y.W.C.A., Lon-
_ , , . , . . don was solemnized on Thursday
Baskets of peonies and1 iris evening, June 14, when Dorothea
v»ere used to decorate the room "--------- ’ ■
while the Guide colors of blue
and gold were carried out in the
flowers and candles which dec
orated the tables.
District Commissioner Miss
Lauretta, Siegner, Guide Captain
retary, Mrs, Kirkby, Brownie
leader, Mist Norma Veal and
her assistants, Mrs, Allan Neil
and Miss Alice Carter, Mrs. Wil
liam Veal and Mrs. Emilie Cart
er were seated at the head table.
Miss Siegner commended
Brown Owl, Miss Veal, for the
enthusiasm with which she has
lead the Brownies and asked for
volunteers to assist her. By at
tending meetings of the Mother’s
Auxiliary all the mothers would
lend their support to <the girls
groups, she said. She urged the
Brownies to be proud of their
uniforms and what they stand
for and to be a real help to their
mothers. '
In an impressive ceremony
Miss Veal and the Commissioner
received four pew members, Wil
lie Berenda, Sharon Baynham,
Marten, Gilmer and Jeanne Dzi-
oba into the Pack,
Captain Mrs. Robert- LUxton
presented first year service stars
to Elizabeth Cochrane, Jane Det-
tmer, Ann Fairbarin/ Elsie Go-
zar, Helen. Hendrick, Judy Mc-
Kerral, Diane Miller and Dawn
Spencer; second years star? to
Diane. Jory, Kathy Smith, Sue
Svendsen and SusaniDinney and
third year stars to Shirley Gent-
tner, Barbara Janke and Carolyn
Simmons. , *
Seated in a circle the twenty
eight Brownies were lead in a
lively sing-song by Miss Veal
and Mrs. Luxton. SharOn Sanders,
a member of the'-pack who 'at
tended the banquet in spite of a
fractured ankle,, was given the
"grand howl” as wa§ Brown Owl,
Miss Veal.
Mrs. William .McKenzie re
sponded to a vote of thanks given
by Miss Veal on behalf of those
present at the banquet to those
who -served it.
Helen Passmore became the bride of Morrison. Mann Caswell.
The bride and groom met in
January at a party at the °Yn
where hoth were residents.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore,
Mrs. Robert Luxton, Badge Sec- Exeter and the groom is the son
Electrical repairing
motor rewinding - .
: of Mr, and Mrs. George Caswell
[ of Brantford.
I Rev, Erla Currie of Sheddeh
• performed the double ring cere-
• mony assisted by Harvey Spar
ling of London. Pink and white
[ carnations decorated the chap&L
J Bride In Blue y '
j The' bride chose a ballerina
length blue gown, fashioned on
' princess lines with bouffant skirt,
! lily-point sleeves and low scal-
J loped neck line. She wore a pill
J box headdress trimmed with
y forget-me-nots and seed pearls
and carried a white Bible crested
with pink Sweetheart roses.
Miss Nancy Jane Passmore
was her sister’s attendant wear
ing an identical gown in pink
with picture hat trimmed with
rhinqstones and carried a bou
quet of carnations and sweet
peas.... — . -
•Jack Caswell of Brantford was
groomsman for his brother. •
To Live In London
Guests were received by the
bride’s' mother, wearing a gown
of dusty blue lace over taffeta
with white accessories, The
groom’s mother chose a blue
grey dress with navy accessor
ies. Both wore corsages of pink
For travelling in points south
the bride donned a white figured
silk dress with matching duster,
white accessories arid pink rose
On their return Mr. and Mrs.
Caswell will reside ip Lbhdori.
' Thigves entered the apartment
of the bride the night previous
to the wedding arid stole a wied-
'ding, ring, the bridesmaid’s gift
and other valuables. Another
ring had to be purchased-Thurs
day morning.
n Loofc just like regular
' "nylons on your legs.
, 4ou will never ago ’
. feel. lldifferejit.”
A fullr<irige:bf |Ofher Bauer & Black
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bko qvalfaljie; <
£ At-*. .... *'
Group At Caven
Studies Jericho
The June meeting of /Caven.
Auxiliary Woman’s Missionary
.Society was held at the hori&' of
Mrsv James Taylor on Thursday
with’the president, Mr^ Wvin
Moir in the chair and Mrsi ’^red
Simmons, and Mrs, Learn Assist
ing the hostess. .
Mrs. Moir'conducted the study
of. the Jericho Jftoad, a Christian
mission .in a • revolutionary
world..She was assistediiay<$MfS.
Miller, Mrs. Gilbert Dow-;/ Mrs.
Samuel Kerr and Mrs. Taylor.
Mrs. Jack Pryde conducted
the devotional period reading the
Parable of the Good Samaritan
with meditation. \.
Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith,/leader
for 'thfe- C.G.I.T., rcporteMiree
■girls would be 'going , to . Cahip
’■in Julyr and a weiner- roast .at
Riverview Park wil conclude the
season’s activities.
Mrs. Pryde reported for the
Mission Band that a picnic had
been held in Riverview Park to
close their activities for thi sum
mer months. She was assisted
by Mrs. -Wallace Seldon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carr.and
Mrs1 and Mrs. Preston Dearing
spent the weekend fishing at
Miller Lake on the Bruce Pen-
inslua and motored up to Tober
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Ford have
returned home to Regina after
visiting with the former’s bro
ther, Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ford,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson
and Mabel visited on Sunday
with relatives in Parkhill*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Kestle
and Margaret Ann, Mrs, Albert
Kestle jand. Mr§« Milo Snell visit
ed over the weekend with friends,
in Wiarton, * , . .. •
Mrs. David Freuchtel and son,
David, of St, Petersburg, Fla.,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs,
Hilton Ford.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Watspn, Ameroid, Sask., and Mr. and
■Mrs. M. J. Kumkel, of Regina,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, W. Blair arid Mrs. Jarries Smith,
Main Street.
Mr, Clifford Quance spent the
weekend in Buffalo.
Mrs. Cal Beckler, 'Jon arid
Leigh, returned hoine on Sunday
having • spent', a week in Fort El
gin dtqe to the illness of the,for
mer’s mother, Mrs." Win'. Blowes.
Mr.'arid Mrs.'John Brintri'eH'
and family of Port Perry visited
for the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Hilton Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle
holidayed for two weeks with
the latter’s brother, Charles
Hodgert of Iroquois and other
points of interest along the St,
Laurence Seaway,
• Mr, and Mrs. E. 0, Boddy,
Sandra and Bruce of Kitchener,
viisted on Sunday with Mrs.
Charles Harris. ■ .. .
Mrs. Kennard of Brucefield is.
moving .to Exeter to reside. .
.Misses -June. ‘.Gordon ..and ,-V._
Bailey, of Toronto,„ spent the
weekend with T,‘ 0? and’ Miss
Stella Soufhcott at their summer
cottage, Grand Bend.
Russ. Snell and Ken Hocke'y, of
the Exeter Bowling Club, won
the second event, the John A-
Nash trophy, at the annual
Scotch Doubles tournament at
the Thistle Club, London, Wed
nesday .of last'week. They de
feated three London rinks and a
rink from Clinton.
. .Mr, .and,.-Mrs.. Stanley . Love
arid Mr- a.nd Mbs. Alvin McBride
leaye, .b£. motor .on.ZrhtA’sday -for
Victoria B-C-' .a,ttending. the Cal
gary Stampede' en 'route /
Mr. and Gordon Cudmore
have returned from a week’s
motor trip to Iroquois, Morris-
bwg and points on the St. Lau
rence Seaway, and New York
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweet of
Sarnia visited with the former’s
brother( Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Sweet of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther
and Mrs, Bert Bissett attended
the Luther reunion in Sandusky,
Mich., on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates,
Wilma and Keith motored to Mt.
Clemens, Mich., on Sunday and
visited with Mr. arid Mrs. R. i
H. Doherty and Denise. I
Miss Janice Hamilton leaves
today (Thursday) for London!
where she has accepted a posi
tion with® the London Life As
surance Co.
Ii V 1 * * ■ A *! The Jolly Jills 4-H Homemak-
: ing Club held their fifth meeting | ................. *..-
I answered to the roll by nailing | AWAY ^7
a supper dish containing vege-;
I tables. j
‘ Canada's food rules concern-1
ing cereals and • bread* was dis-1
' cussed.-
j Mrs. Bruce Tuckey demonstrat-1
j ed the making of tea biscuits,
lA tossed salad was made to eat
with the biscuits.
Friday last. Sixteen members.
r thata&dut
'W fl C w *7
Fresh Daily I
Hot idea for cool proifts—T-A
Want Ads!
«&<? ///> Bargain Here Today
... ...
dairy chest
and cheese
fresh longer
Marion Brock Honored
''A• miscellaneous shower in .the
form of ‘a'treasure hunt was held
at the home of Miss “Mildred
Ballantyne on Tuesday for Miss
Marion Brock. ‘
, Mrs., Ross .Hodgert gave . a
reading arid contests were en-
ipyrid., ' '.'L-
- <3*. '■ • " ‘ J * ’
Zurich Church
Scene Of Vows
Lighted candles and baskets.of
apple blossoms, tulips and ferns
formed the setting for'the wed
ding in Evangelical United Breth
ren church, Zurich,. Of Donna
Marie Bullock, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Elmer Bullock,
to Russell Glen Thompson, son
of Mr. and Mrs: Ellison Larry
Thompson, Parkhfll. ’ *• 1' '
The Rev. A. M. Arttacher of
ficiated at the .double ring.,gere-
mpriy, Mj.s- Milton,Oesch.provid-
ed .the w.eddihg\ irtUsj6’\and..'Mrs.
Newell Geiger* wa§. soloist. •
Given in marriage by her fath
er the bride wore a castillan
style, waltz length.gown- of Chan
tilly lace over slipper satin feat
uring nylon tulle * yoke outlined
in scallops and .embroidered in
irridiscent sequins and seed
pearls, small lace collar, lily
point sleeves and billowing skirt
Of.tier on'tier of Chantilly lace.
Her finger tip veil of French il
lusion was arranged from a head
dress of sequihs ‘arid pearls and
she 'carried'‘a’ white 'prayer book
crested' With 'an 'drehid' and 'Til'y'
Of the valley’and siiver"stre'airi-
ers> ‘ “ 7
Bridal Attendants ’ '
Mrs. 'Jan Lagerwerf',. Parkhill,
twin sister of .thp groom, was
matron of honor in a nile green
waltz length gown of embroider
ed tulle outlined with silver
threads, strapless bodice edged
with tulle ruffle and .matching
bolero. The bouffant embroider
ed skirt extended into three tiers
of tulle. "She wore matching hat
arid 'gloves and ;carried- a nose
gay of American ,:Beauty- roses and; sweet peas 'with nile stream
ers, ’ ' : (-The-bridesmaids, Miss.-Shirley-
Prance of - Thedford, • and- Miss
Georgina Smith of Grand Bend,
cousins of the bride wore maize
and orchid, gowns identical to
that of the maid of honor and
carried rioSdgayg of roses and
sWeet prias in contrast to their
gowns; r
Janet Lagerwerf, Parkhill,
iiiec6-of the groom, and' Paula
Siebert, -Zurich, wore floor length
flocks of blue and yellow nylon
respectively with flower head-
, dresses and carried < crocheted
baskets’ of ;pink roses arid sweet
peas.- i ■!. 4?' ■- » * . - •
Eldori • Bullock,- brother-, of s the
bride, and David Biebert; Zurich,
Were ring bearers. t
■ J4n Lagerwerf,- Parichill, was
best man arid ushers wrife Don
ald Thompson, AilSa Craig, broth
er of the groom, arid John Bui-
ldtk Jr.,, brother of the bride,
Honaymoon In U>S.A,
Receiving guests at the church
parlor the bride's mdther wore
a navy nylon sheer dress with
orchid end white accessories and
a corsage df yellow carnations
and- sweet • peas,. Assisting,; the
groom is mother chose a dusty
rose crepe with white accessories
and a cdrsage of* yellow carna
tions arid sweet, peas.
For the wedding trip tri United
States the bride donned A navy
Crepe .dress with white nylon
shortie coat, white and pirik ac
cessories and an orchid corsage.
The couple will west
'boys? ’from
served. The sports committee
Mr. .....................
Topics From
16.Oz. Tiris
2 for 23c
Ch'ry Morn Coffee 89c
Sunday School Picnic
Seventy five attended . the,
Whalen Sunday School picnic
held-at-the Park at Stratford.
Dinner and supper were both
and Mrs. Wm.
...... afid Mrs. J. Fink-
beiner, and Mr, and Mrs, Ken
neth Hodgson.
Prize winners were: races up
to five years, Carol Johnson; 6
to 10 years, Carl French and
Helen Heather; yOung men’s,
Donald Pullen; young ladies,
Donna Parkinson; married
men’s, Wm. Morley; married
ladies,. Sara Squire; ladies kick
ing the., .slipper,-Audrey Hodgins;
men’.s kicking" the slipper, Paul
Schrier; 3 legged race, Bill Hea
ther and Gary Parkinson,
* Paper ’ plate'' race, Laverne
Morley and Milne Pullen; bal
ancing lead pencil, Murray John-
.son; drawing face on .paper,
Sara and Rol. Squire; jelly bean
contest, Murray Johnson,
The youngest person present
was Donald Neil and the oldest
person present was Mrs. Camp
bell. Sports were followed by a
ball game.
Personal Items '
-Mr..and Mrs..Ray Wilcox and,
family of-Port Burwell, and Mr.*
and-Mrs. Murray . Johnson and
family were Saturday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, the
occasion being the 36th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and ' Mrs.
Miss Jean Arksey visited on
Friday with Miss Dorothy Spear
in, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Blackler
and grandchildren, Philip and
Wendy, Kirkton, were Wednes
day visitors of -Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Baillie. On Saturday Mr,,
and Mrs, Clark Switzer of .Mitch-
011 glSb;/visited.--the Baillie’s.
Miss/lMarlbif Morley and Miss
■■ Jane Thom aa were
weekeWf'yM$^7ofrthe former’s
parenSZ, Mwarid Mrs., Laverne
Morley) '?/ ' ,
Mr.'and Mrs. Melville Gunning
and Muriel visited -on Sunday
with,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker,
8th line.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flanni-
gan and family, London, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Squire,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rawlings,
London, spe:.t Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alton Neil. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hudson
of Nilestown,.-;Mr.' and Mrs.
Nelson - Squiyg,- Farquhar, Mr.
Pastor's Parents
Wed Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knox,
both 82, celebrated their diamond
wedding anniversary at the
home of their son, Rev, N. D.
Knox, this week.
The couple, both natives of
England, farmed there for a
number of years before coming
to Canada. Mr. Knox worked as
a landscape gardener in Toron
to and district for 25 years be
fore the couple retired in Lan
sing, Ontario.
Besides the Exeter minister,
the couple have two other sons,'
Harold of Wellington and’ Cohn,
of North .York. ...
Among the visitors to the Knox
home during the celebration
were Mrs. R. Pyeburn, of Vai
D’Or, Quebec, and Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Wood and Mrs. A. Hale,
of Toronto.
and Mrs. F. Squire, Prospect,
were Monday guests of Mr. ■ and
Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgson
and family were in London Sun
day with Mr, and <Mrs. Wm.-,
Hodgson; ■ - •? .
Mr. and Mrs;-Hamilton ^Hod
gins and family -Spent Sunday
with the former’s ■ mother, Mrs,
Oscar Hodgins, Lucan.
Mrs. Milne Pullen, attended a
shower in honor of Miss Marion
Brock on Friday evening at Mrs,
Tom Brock’s honi’e, Zion.
Cliff Lumsden
■ Swim Suits
All the swim stars pick. Cata
lina for. perfect fit, style and
comfort. We have one that’s
right for you-!
Tubules? and Tube-Type,
Bladk dr White Sidewalls .
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- trade-in
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Border/s Milk 2 for 25c
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Choice Halves, 20-Oz.' Tins
Peaches HENLEY 2- for* 37c
Trfee Sweet, 20-Oz. Tins ■ •
Orange Juice 2 for 39c
Nnw Instant-save 16(1 ’ ........ .
Chocolate Milk 37c
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Burns Meat Balls 35c
Burns, 15-Oz, Tins
Ch'kwagon Dinner 37c
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