The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-21, Page 13Minstrel
in the Zurich Arene, Tuesday,
July 3, at Zurich Cantannial
«[Roller Skating
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Evenings — 8-11 p.m.
Admission 350 and 250
Skates Supplied
Refreshment Rooth — Hot Doas
French Fries, Ice Cream, Etc,
• Roller Skating Saturday After*
noons, starting June 2, 2 to 4
p.m. Admission 150 and 250,
Huron County
Crop Report
The extreme dry, hot weather
has resulted in poor germina
tion of. such crops as turnips
and white beans, Considerable
flea beetle damage' has been re
ported on turnips and leaf hop
per damage to white beans,
The first irrigation system in
Huron County was used last
Monday by a Clinton farmer to
irrigate sweet corn and turnips.
The making of grass silage
started in the county during the
past week. These farmers report
twice the acreage needed Xo fill
the silos this year,
Message From
Lucan And District News
Grand Bend
Every Saturday
Cliff. Scanlon
It's New!
It's Sweet-Smooth!
It's Terrific!
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brpwn
and Stephen of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mrs. John Brpwn
and Miss Elda Brown .
The Strawberry and Ham Sup
per of the United Church which
was advertised for Friday, June
22, has been postponed to Wed-
day July 4.
Miss Lillian Rivers of Essex
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs, Carman Woodburn and
The men and women pf the
Berean Bible Class enjoyed a
bufj trip to Goderich last Tues
The teachers and pupils of the
West School and Taylor's schools
took a bus trip to London and
Sprinkbank last Friday.
Mrs. Albert Pollock is spend
ing this week at Anderson, Indi
itiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii!iii>'iiiiiiiii|uitniiifiiiiilittiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiim!iiiii liiniliiiiiiiiiiiiiii<iiiitiiiiit!>4
Comfortable Feeling
Just Part Of Our Service
• • Last Saturday was hot: A farmer friend who
uses from one to three lockers phoned he was having
mechanical trouble. We had just killed and pro
cessed a beef for him,- part of which he had taken
home. We offered, to store everything he had, im
mediately. Being a good mechanic he found the
trouble later on. IT WAS A COMFORTABLE FEEL
on all retail purchases., of $1.00 or more. You
soon pay for the cost of a Locker—83ySa cents
Special This Week Only
29(1 Lb.
- Baby beef -heart—liver, and tongue. We have
sold an extra supply of EXETER BABY BEEF. BUY
Introducing ~ Meadow Gold
''Silverwood’s Delicious Ice Cream—2 Bricks for
59?—6 Flavors including Cherry, filled with cherries.
Exeter Frozen Foods
Phone 70 ' A6«!n St.
; ‘ _ X
\ 7
r i.
grow 0
k •
Phone 33-J Exeter
Urges Welcome jCGIT Group jFive Churches
To Newcomers J1
The postponed June meeting of
Holy Trinity Woman’s Auxiliary I
was held last Wednesday after- i
noon at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Brownlee. The president, Mrs.
T. C. McFarlane, presided and
led ip the devotional assisted by
Miss Lina Abbott and Mrs. Har
old Corbett. '
During the business session it
was decided to secure pictures
on the Study Boek for September
5 and postpone the regular Sep
tember pot-luck dinner till Sep
tember 12. There will be no July
meeting and the date of the Aug
ust meeting at the Corbett farm
will be decided later.
Mrs. Jack Murdy reported two
new members for the Little
Helpers. Mrs. T. C. Hqdgins re
ported on the parcel sent to the
adopted minister and his family.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins offered to
relieve her on the packing and
storing of articles for the next
Rev, J. P. Prest spoke briefly
and suggested that sonie form of
welcome be extended to new
members to the church. He also
said the branch would be invited
to attend the next W.A. meeting
at St, James Church.
Mrs. McFarlane reported on the
meeting at High Park which was
followed by a resume of the next
chapter of the Study Book by
Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Hostesses
were Mrs. Wm. Brownlee, Mrs.
Roy Hamilton and Mrs. Wes At
Institute Ladies.
Tour University
Last Thursday afternoon, 18
members of the Lucan W.I. met
at the Parish Hall for a tour
through Western University.
Only one of the 18 to'ok an
umbrella and only one took a
coat. Before arriving in London,
the sky darkened and the light
ning flashed. By the • time the
university 'was reached it was
really raining, hailing and blow
ing. They had to sit in the cars
for at least 20 minutes before
making a rush for a door where
Dr. Robinson met them for a
two-hour tour of the buildings,
including observatory, Thames
Hall, swimming pool, science
department and green houses.
Many, were presented with slips
at the green houses.
On -arriving back to Lucan it
was as dry as when they left.
Local Farmer Injured
Mr. Lome Barker sustained
serious leg and arm injuries last
Monday when he was partially
run over by a manure spreader.
When trying to control a run
away team a rein broke and Mr.
Barker was thrown from the
spreader Which hit him on the
arm and leg.
EoServe FofreU l|Wya I CIU | The vacation School executive
Marie Whitehead, 0. G. I. T.; wet at the rectory to make furth-
i president Dresided at the C G ! plans for Vacation School rm -.4’L® J? July 23"27-. Mrs. Harvey Langford
I.T« and Explorer Mother and r was appointed secretary-treasur-
Daughter” banquet in the United 'er. To help defray expenses it
Church parlors last Wednesday I was decided to charge a 100
night, which was catered to by TfntS^Sh ^ee c°k
thZ w m « lection each day. Each child will
me vy .AYi.p. ■ be asked to bring his own plastic
Merry Roberts proposed a toast cup for freshie each day at 10,30
to the church which was follow- when cookies will also be served-
ed by the singing of the bymn ‘ '
“The Church is One Foundation.”
Mrs. Cliff Culbert responded to
Beverley Butler’s toast to the
mothers, Counsellor Iva Hodgins
conducted a cord and cutlery
contest after which the C.G.I.T. -
leader, Miss Marion Ashworth in
troduced the guest speaker, Mrs.
G. A. Moore, nee Alice Stanley,
a former Lucanite and young
peoples’ worker.
She begap by saying she kept
in* touch with Lucan C.G.I.T.
and Explorer activities by the
Exeter paper, sent to her by
her mother each week. She gave
an interesting talk on her hus
band’s five churches at John
Wesley, Holy Trinity, Lestock,
Wishart and Kellifer, Sask. She
told of the people in these,iso
lated regions, of the weather
conditions, bad roads and person
al inconveniences with which she
had to contend.
Mrs, Art Black led in the
C. G. I. T. re-affiliation candle
lighting service. She was assist
ed by Marie Whitehead, Jeap
Cochrane, Marilyn Culbert, Di
ane Hickson and Mae Cobleigh.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts, presi
dent of the W.M.S., presented
the World Friendship Ensignia.
Mrs. Sheridan Revington Assist
ed in. the ceremony. The Ex-
lorer affiliation service was led
by Counsellor Kae Haskett with
Shirley Sherwood, Bonnie Dren-
an, • Dana Culbert, Elizabeth.
Parkinson and Judy" Haskett as
sisting, Judy presenting the
Treasure Box to Mrs. McRoberts,
Wins A Car
Mrs. J. Jensen of Lucan was
the lucky winner of a Morris
car in a draw last week in Lon
The following groups will have
charge: Monday, Holy Trinity;
Tuesday, Lucan United; Wednes
day, Pentecostal; Thursday, St.
James church, Clandeboye; and
Friday, Clandeboye United. The
•children will be taught a theme
song and will also learn a grace
to be said in unison before re
freshments are served.
Zone Rally
Nine members of the Lucan
Legion Auxiliary attended the
Zion Rally at Wyoming recently.
One-half hour previous to their
arrival a storm had swept through
the town leaving considerable de
bris on the streets. On their re
turn to Lucan another storm was
ir. progress there.
Miss Lismore of Westminster
Hospital, London, was guest
speaker at the rally. Seventeen
auxiliaries attended.
Lutan Horses Win Races
. Pauline Vola, owned by the
Hardy Bros, of Lucan, won a
first and a fourth at Clinton
last Wednesday. Meanwhile on
the same day at the Buffalo
Raceway speedy Howard Rose
croft, a three-year-old owned by
driver Bud Gilmour and Sheridan
Revington ran the fastest half
mile ever posted at Buffalo
Raceway beating six others in
a class B pace.
Council News
AU Lucan streets are ‘being re
gravelled. The Lewis Bros,
making 4’x2’ tile to be used
culverts and bridges,
Eadies' Legion Auxiliary
At the June meeting of
Lucan Ladies’ Auxiliary to the
Canadian Legion held in the Le
gion room it was decided that
no meetings or bake sales would
be held in July or August. .
The next meeting will be held
the first Tuesday in September^
At the close of the meeting theH
Dog Wins Firsts
In Toronto Show
Mrs. Eileen Currie can raise
prize-winning dogs as well as
prize-winning budgies and can
aries. At Scarboro on June 16
she showed her Samoyed puppy,
Ziska’s Arctic Star, at the G. S.
D.'B.A, show and won three
first prizes.
She won Junior Puppy female
prize, the novice female prize
and the best Canadian bred pup
py in breed. Star’s daddy, cham
pion Ziska’s Nansen owned by
Mrs. Betty Dixon of Dorchester,
won best in Samoyed breed and
won fourth in the working group.
M .a r rtv.
Lucan Personal Items
Mrs. L. Hoos was taken to St.
Joseph’s Hospital last Friday.
A.C. Douglas Stone has been
transferred to the Training Com
mand Headquarters at Trenton
and spent last weekend with his
parents on the Coursey Rd.
Howard Schlotzauer, now teach
ing at Beal Tech, has been ap
pointed a public school inspector
in Middlesex county. He will
be associated with the present
inspectors, R. G. McNaughton
and Harold Griffith.
Wendy Lee and Coleen Weir,
small children of Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Weir of London spent
a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar McFalls.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer
of Petrolia were Sunday visitors
With Mrs. M. 0. Smith.
* Mr. Harold Coursey is a pa
tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. McGowan of
(Georgetown were’Saturday visit
ors with Mrs. Warner McRob
erts. >
Mr. Fred- Revington has ac
cepted a position in the Hudson
Bay store in Calgary.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Weller and
family have moved back to the
house they recently sold to Mr.
R. Schluter and Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Sprague and family of
London are moving into the house
they vacated at the rear, of the
Ivan Qulbert store.
Mr. Bob Carroll of Woodham
was a Saturday guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. ’
Mrs. Les Woodward, after a
week in St. Joseph’s Hospital is
able to be home,
MrS. C. W. HaWkshaW and her
cousin, Mrs. Pearl Wallis', of
London, have returned home
from a five-day trip to Bay
City, where they visited a num
ber of cousins.
Mrs. Walter Gibson of Hamil
ton is visiting Mrs. T. D. Orme
and other Lucan friends.
Rose Revington, who has been
attending Alma College in St,
Thomas, successfully passed.her
exams and intends attending
business college in London this
Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent
last Sunday with her brother,
Mr. Theron Creery, Woodham,
and her sister, Mrs. Mac Lam-
mond, of, Cromarty. (
Mrs. M. 0. Smith is- on the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate
and son, Jackie, of Dearborn,
and Mrs. Allah McMann, of Ed
monton, are spending a few
days with Mr .and Mrs. Cecil
HPdgins, a
Mr. Will Havekost of London
was a weekend guest with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. MaFalls.
Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl Houch of
London have moved into their
new house built by Mr. Les
Woodward hear the comer of
Con. 2, Biddulph, and Nd. 4
Mrs. Los Franey and children
‘of Waterloo £ were Saturday
guests with Mrs. M. 0. Smith.
Misses Fat Watson and Bar
bara Marshall have returned
home after a two months’ trip
to California and Mexico.
, Mt. .>hd„ Mrs...Mitehell...Has-,
D. A. Ashworth and. Mr. Scptt.
Gurrett were among the Lucah-
ites who attended Birr Anglican
Church decoration service last
Sunday where the guest speaker
was Rev. Charles Langford, for
merly of Exeter.’
With rain falling all around
Lucan, it wasn’t till Saturday
that Lucan finally got its mil
lion dollar down-pour.Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw played
the organ at the morning service
in Holy Trinity church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson
spent last weekend with friends
in Lexington, Mich.,
Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent
Sunday- in Ingersoll, the guest
of Miss Jean Coventry.
Mr. and Mrs. H.‘B. Langford,
Mrs. John Park and Mrs. Clin
ton Haskett have returned from
a two-week motor trip to Sask
atchewan.Mrs. Frank Hardy spent last
weekend in Kintore, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Knight and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer of
Thamesford called on Lucan
friends last Friday.
Mrs. J. Barnes of Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson
of Guelph were recent visitors
with Mrs. Oscar Hodgins.
Messrs. Frank iHardy and Wil
mer Scott spent last week in
Hamburg where they attended
the races.
Miss Vivian Fairies and three
friends left -last week for a
week’s motor trip to Ottawa.
Mr. T. S. Hill, who has been
made station agent at Woodstock
moved last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fairies
and’ family of Stratford were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Annie
Miss R. Rowatt of London vis
ited With Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Amos last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ford of Kit
chener called on MrS. M. 0.
Smith Sunday evening.
Grade VIII .pupils visited Med
way School last Thursday.
Baseball News
The Lucan Irish Nine won two
more victories last week. On
Tuesday night they defeated
Harrington 9-0 at Harrington and
Thursday night defeated Thames
ford 8-4 in Lucan. Up td date
the Irish Nine have only lost
the one game, their first, when
they were defeated at St. Pauls.
Building Booms -
Around Village
The Lewis Bros, have the con
tract for the 90’x60‘ cenent block
Lucan Motor Sales Building.
Work on the walls began last
Week. With their 13 employees
Work is progressing rapidly. The
fdoting for the Legion Hall has
been poured and basement will
be started this week. *
Steve Storey’s house is neat-
ing completion and two mote
houses in their subdivision are
contemplated. They also have
the contract* for a ranch type
for Mr. Bert Keates of the organ
factory now being erected at
TheMartin Rowell
Former Reeve
Funeral services for Martin
Rowell, 72, were conducted from
the C. Haskett and Son funeral,
home, Lucan, Friday, June 15, j
by Rev. A. H. Harrison. Inter
ment was in Medway Cemetery.!
Pall bearers were W. Eedie; Al-i
vin Marshall, William Hack, ’
Austin Bunn, Charles Rudd ands
Roy Shoebottom. 1
Mr. Rowell, who died sudden-j
ly at his home, Concession 15,:
London Township, June 13, was ,
a well-known farmer, He was ’
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris-i
topher Rowell and was born in-
Camlachie. He moved to London
Township 61 years ago. He.(
served on the London Township!
Council and also acted as reeve!
for a short time. He was a _
member of Birr United Church I =
and past r -esident of the On-; j
tario Municipal Association. His ■ =
wife, the former Lillie Wilkin? e
predeceased him last October.
His only survivor is one sis
ter, Mrs. Milton Reese (May),
of Wyoming.
P.S, Staff Entertained
Last Tuesday night Mrs. Warn
er McRoberts entertained the
members of the Public School
staff, also Miss Doreen Hardy
of London, Mrs. Roy Hamilton
and Miss Lina Abbott of Lucan.
During the evening Miss Hardy
entertained with several solos,
accompanying herself on the gui
Miss Lina Abbott conducted a
Lucan-name contest which by an
odd coincidence was won by Mr.
S. Lowndes and Miss Hardy who
are to be married June 30 in
London. They were taken by
surprise to learn their prize was
a beautiful large lace table-cloth,
a gift from other members of the
Archie Richard Ebsworthy
Archie Richard Ebsworthy, 54,
died ,at St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Sunday, June 10, He was the son
of the late Samuel and Emily
Ebsworthy. He lived for a num
ber of years on Main St., South.
Funeral services were conduct
ed Wednesday from the Need
ham Memorial Chapel, Dundas
St., London with interment in
Mount Pleasant cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Florence Dixon, one son,
Ronald of London, and one broth
er, Percy, and one sister, Mrs.
Eve Yanthe, both of London.
H. J. Cornl.h, L. F. Cornish, D. Mltch.ll ■ I
W, fW f 'For Safe
Experienced men to put your roof on.
| Sea us before you buy your baler or binder twine*
Phone 63 i-ucen, Ont
x £
ladies had ‘ coffee at Harry
Wong’s Shamrock Gardens.
MARK ANNIVERSARY—Members of the Ladies -Orange
Benevolent Association, Clandeboye, celebrated their
thirty-fifth anniversary with a banquet in Lucan Holy
Trinity.Church Monday night. Above Past Mistresses Mrs.
J. H. Paton and Mrs. Winnifred Brook light birthday
candles. —T-A Photo
Victoria LOBA Lodge
Observes Anniversary
The members of Victoria
Lodge 387 of the Ladies Orange
Benevolent Association Lucan,
met for their banquet at Holy
Trinity Church, Lucan, with
visitors from Edith Canell. 285
London and Agnes Watson" Mem
orial 1167, Woodham, and the
Rev. J. P. Prest of Lucan, guest
speaker, and Mrs. Prest. .
The Ladies Guild of the church
catered. The tables were attrac
tive with candles and flowers"
in the lodge colors. The head
table centred with a three storey
tiered cake decorated in design
of the lodge emblems which had
35 candles which were lighted
by the charter members. P.M.
Mrs. W. Brooke, cut the cake.
W. M, Mrs. Arnold Lewis pro
posed the toast to the Queen, A
toast to the M.W. Grand Lodge
of British America which is now
in session in Winnipeg and the
Provincial Lodge of Ont. West
proposed by P.M. Mrs. T. Flynn
responded by P.M. Mrs. Robert
Woods of Edith Cannell, London.
Mrs. L. Hern of Woodham pro
posed a toast to Victoria Lodge
which was responded by P.M.
Mrs, J, H. Paton who represent
ed to the. charter members
present. Mrs. W. Brooke, Mrs.
T. Flynn, Mrs, M, Coursey. Cor
sages of carnations and button!-
erq to J. H. Pafon, also recalling
many memories
There are six
with the order.
K.M. Mrs. Mary---------—
is living at the McCormick
Home, London, again after beiftg
confined for some time in Vic
toria Hospital, presented to
the lodge a framed Scroll with
names of Worthy ^Mistresses and
secretaries as a reminder Of
the 35 year’s history. D. M. Mrs.
Wilson Hodgina proposed d toast
the visitors which was responded
by P.M. Mrs. G. Davis of Wood
ham lodge,
Guest speakei* was the Rev.!
Frost. Later the group met in
the Lodge Room where Mrs, L.
Hern gave a report of the R. W.
Grand Lodge of Ont. West which
was hold recently in Hamilton.
during the 35
still associated
One member
Armitage who
roll your own
This is the time of year to check your heating
We have a complete line of furnaces and,oil burners
from which to choose."
New Oil Furnaces
three controls aiid accessories? 200-gallon tank Rai
electrical wiring, from
$495.00 And Up
FREE ESTIMATES on alterations or new work.
a draw were Mrs. L. Hern; Mrs.
M. Coursey and Mr. George
W.M. Mrs.
D.M. Mrs.
Arnold Lewis and
___ ___ -Wilson Hodgins
poured tea from a table covered
with lace cloth and decorations
in same lodge colors.
On Sunday evening the L.O.L.
493 and L.O.B.A. 387 held their
annual Church service with the
Rev. J. P. Prest taking the serv-
ive in Holy Trinity Church,
Lucan. Hackett Band, Fife and
Drum Band, London, led the
parade. t
More Clandeboye News
On Page 15
[ffllllT r,v ■
Economy Notes:
Do you know how important a good draft regulator
Do you know the value of a visi-float air guide iB
cutting fuel costs?
Lindenfields Ltd.
Phone 181 Exetfr
Tubeless and Tube-Type, NOW ONLY
Black or White Sidewalls
"r-available at sale prices. ®
.T'l. I