HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-14, Page 15ucan And District News
Plans Under Way
For July School
Registration has begun in the
Lucan and Clandeboye Public
Schools and nther schools in the
community for candidates fob
the Vacation School, July 23-27.
The securing of age and sehool
grade of each child will prove
a big asset to. the committee in
determining the number of teach-
required as well as the type
^■nd amount of supplies neces-
I^Vsary, *
Plans are being discussed for
a Soap-box Derby for the boy?
and a Doll Parade for the giris.
Minstral Shpw .
Last Wednesday a. Minstrel
Show sponsored by the Granton
Masonic Ledge wgs held in the
Lucan Community Centre and
was much enjoyed. The show
was presented by the Perth
County Junior- Farmers and Jr.
Institute and was directed by
Mrs. Joan Gaffqey of Mitchell.
Scouts And Cubs
See RCAF Show
Scout master Harold Whyte, 14,
cubs and 10 scouts attended the
Air Force Day display at Cen
tralia last Saturday where A.D.C.
Jack Corliss presented John Con-
lin and Keith Frost with Bronze
Arrow certificates.*
Special, thanks goes to Mrs.
Stewart Park, Mr. Art Black,
Mr. Mel Culbert and Mr. W. J.
Smith who offered transportation
as well, as to Rev. J, P. Prest,
Mr. Harry Bond, Mr. Murray
Hodgins and Mr. Harold Whyte
who drove their cars, On the
way home the party enjoyed a
supper outing on the river flats.
W. I* New*
The Lucan W. I, held a des
sert luncheon in the Anglican
parish hall last ■ Thursday after
noon, followed by a five-table
euchre and four-table bridge.
The prize'winner for the euchre
was Mrs. C. H. Porter. Mrs.
Chas. Windsor and Miss Lina
Abbott tied for the bridge prize
but Mrs. Windsor won in the
draw. Mrs.. George PauPwon the-
nlystery prize;
Mrs. Erie Young was convener
and was assisted -by Mrs. Arth
ur Black, Mrs. George Raul and
Mrs, A. Philpott. \
Grand Bend
. Cemetery
Sunday, June 17
I at" 1 O'Clock
A program is being prepared
consisting of band music,
special speakers, etc. Every
body welcome. ’ /'
r Baseball News
The Lucan Irish Nine chalked
up two more victories, last week
d6fefated ThamAsford
s niiufL Thamesford on Tuesday
, night and St, Pauls 4-3 in Lucan J hL?u;sday The neS
’ fame will be Thursday
■ when the homej team will meet Thamesfotd.
Marvyn Hodgins'
Marries In Lob.o
.. ..wreath and pink" and
white tulips formed the setting
m Lobo Baptist Church for the
twilight June 1 wedding of Don-
nf GTSham, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Gra
ham, Komoka, and Marvyn Loft
Hodgins, Denfield, son of Mr
nndr^s'm2Iar^nce J* Hodgins^
Denfield. The Rev. W. J. Bing
ham officiated and Miss Elaine
Hodgins, cousin of the groom,
provided wedding music and ac
companied the soloist, Mr, Ed
DAlgity of Komoka,
The bride wore a waltz-length
gown of lily-of-the-valiey brocad
ed satin styled on princess lines
and carried a cascade of lily of
the Valley and orchids,
The maid of honor was Miss
Joan Romey. Miss Marie Hod
gins, sister of the grdom
bridesmaid and Miss Lynn
ham, sister of the bride
junior bridesmaid. They
matching gowns of blue' crystal-
ette over taffeta and carried cas
cades of yellow roses and lily-
John Graham, brother of the
bride, was groomsman and Rob
ert Douglas and Donald Medd
were ushers.
At the reception held in the
Ilderton Community Centre the
bride’s mother wore a dress of
blue nylon with pink applique,
white accessories and a corsage
of pink roses. The groom’s moth
er chose iiavy mesh With white
accessories and corsage of pink
For a honeymoon trip to Ni
agara Falls, Toronto and points
Easj; the bride donned a beige
ana brown- polished, cotton • cost
ume with a corsage of orchids.
On /their return the. couple will
reside in Chatham.
The bride’s .grandmother, Mrs.
James F. Campbell,- wore rose
crCpe with black accessories and
a corsage of rose carnations.
Lions Club Dinner
Mrs. Guy' Ryan’s group of
Holy Trinity Church catered for
the Lions Club dinner in the
Anglican church basement last
Monday evening. The speaker for
the meeting was Scout-master
Harold Whyte who gave an." in
teresting resume- of the - Scout
fleeting at Clinton.
Addresserette Donated
* An. anonymous donor presented
Rev. J. P. Prest with an ad-
dresserette which will curtail
time and labor in -circulizing bul
letins for use in Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan, and in St. James
Church, Clandfeboye.
Grand Bend
‘June 15 and 16
A Lawless Street
★ Randolph Scott
★ Angela Lansbury
Randolph in his top gun role.
2 Shows Nightly—7.30 & 9.30
Our* Usual Monthly Calendar
Of Shows Out June 20
In Person
On Lucan Farm
The marriage of Enid, Leone
Westman daughter bf Mrs. West*
hian, Granton, and the Ute.
Clarence Westman and John
Joseph Mellhargey son of Mrs.
Mellhargey, Lucan, and the Ute
John McBhargey was solemnised
in St. Peter’s rectory by the Rev.
Fr. Peter McCabe.
The bride chose a ballerina
length gown of white Swiss or
gandy. Her shoulder tip veil was
held by a lace cap with floral
embroidery. She carried a. white
prayer book crested with white
baby mums and red Trises,
Miss Amelia Westman was
maid Of honor wearing a baller
ina length ice blue crystallette
gown and ^carrying a bouquet
of pink roses and white baby
Edward Spring was grooms
For travelling, the bride don
ned a blue and White nylon dress
and pivy eoat with white acces
On their return the couple will
reside on the groom’s farm near
Lucan. . s.
Scene of Nuptials Clandeboye
White mums, gladioli end ferns |
decorated St;. Marys Roman Cath
olic Church fob the weddlM df
Donna Marie Ryder of London
and Kenneth Cecil Clark. Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Ryder of Lucan
Ire parents of the bride and the
groom is the son of Mr, and
Mrs, F, B- Clark of London.
The Rev. Fr* W. T« O’Rourke,
officiated and Mrs. Dorothy
Wright provided the wedding
The bride wore a floor length
gown of Chantilly lace and nylon
tulle oyer slipper satin. The lace
bodice, which extended to deep
.points, was styled with a Peter
Pan collar outlined -with seed
pearls and lily-point sleeves. Her
fiijgfertip illusion veil was held
by a pill-box of flowers and seed
pearls and she carried a white
prayer book crested, with white
carnations and ivy.
Miss Leona Ryder of Toronto
as maid of honor for her sister,
ehose a gown of pink nylon, net
over taffeta and carried white
gladioli. The flower girls, Pat
ricia Ann, Ryder and Leslie Eliz*
abeth Watson of Grand Rapids,
Mich., were gowned in yellow
and green net over taffeta and
carried nosegays of white carna
tions. *
William Clarke was grooms
man for hi$ brother and ushers
were. Vincent Ryder of Lucan,
brother of .the bride1; and Ray
mond FOrestOr Of Toronto.
Receiving guests, the bride’s
mother chose a light blue crepe
dress With pink carnation cor
sage. The groom”s'mother wore
a navy two-piece taffeta dress,
with pink carnation corsage.
For travelling the bride don
ned a blue shantung dress, white
and navy duster coat, matching
accessories and a pink carnation
corsage. - *
On their return the couple will
live id London,
Evening Auxiliary
Discusses Plans
Evening Auxiliary, of Holy
Trinity Church met at the home-
of Mrs. B; H, Elliott last Wed
nesday eve with the president,
Mrs, Norman Hardy, in thn
chair, Mrs. Jack Elson led in
the Litany.
During the business session
Mrs. Harold Hardy wa’s appoint
ed to take charge of sending,
sympathy and congratulation
cards. The sum five dollars
Was voted for the sending of
summer clothing to the adopted
minister’s family. f
The group discussed entertain
ing the senior W.A; having a
shower of tea-towels and kitchen
Equipment for the Polish family,
who are building a house at NO.
4 highway and.Concession 2 Bid-
dulph; the payment' of member
ship fees for children ■ attending
Church camp at .BAyfield, arid
welcoming now families in the
Congregation with a basket of
fruit or some other means of wel
Rev. J. P* Prest asked -the
branch to sponsor, one day, of the
Vacation -Bible school in-- July
and also to assist with the lunch.
.Mrs. B, H. Elliott had. charge
ot the Study Book taking the
chapter “Assistance to Indian
Schools” and also of a contest
Which was won.by Mrs, Herb
Hostesses, for the meeting in
cluded Mrs. Arnold Lewis, Mrs.
J. W. Smith and Mrs. Harold
Personal Items
Mr. George Strass§r of Long
Beach, Cal., is visiting liis par
ents, Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Stras
ser, and’his siStfer,-. MrS. Cecil
Hodgins-.and family* '.
The average size of Canadian
families, is 3.8 .persons. New
foundland has largest families,
average 4:,5 personsBritish
■Columbia has -smallest families,
3.4 persons. ■ .
fxrtw TIEN TIM!
WA Backs Move
Against Beer Sale
The Woman’s Association of
the Lucan United Church met
on Wednesday evening in the
Church Sunday School rooms
with Mrs, C, H. George, presi
dent in the chair.
Mrs. Alex Young, treasurer of
the flower committee reported
proceeds from the Blossom Tea
of- $54.35’.
The president reported for the
parsonage committee and read
a resolutions letter from the
Christian Citizenship secretary of
the Dominion W.A. Council, re
the sale of beer in grocery
Stores. The resolution was up
held unanimously.
Members offered' to place
flowers in the Sanctuary as fol
lows: Mrs. M. H. Hodgms, Miss
Doris Weir, Mrs. C. H. George,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs,
Alex Young, Mrs. JOhn McLean,
Mrs. Howard Kew, Mrs. Don
Maguire and Mrs. Harvey Lang
Mrs. Ivan Stanley as group
convener lead in the worship
service, assisted by Mrs. H. Kew
and Mrs. J. McLean. Miss Don
na Stanley shrig a solo, accom
panying herself on the piano. .
Mrs. Allen” Ryan, as guest
speaker told of her trip to Eng
land last Fall, showing many
picture’s of interest, two lovely
lAce cloths, and a mounted coin
. collection. «
The W.A. voted $10.00 toward
the new projector recently pur
chased by the« Church School.
Pigeon Race
On .Tune 1 the Forest City
Pigeon Club liberated 177 birds,
23 lofts at Peterboro. Though the
entry Of Mr. F. Dohnelly of By
ron won the event, averaging
1175.2 yards per minute, Lucan
entries were not far behind-:
Harry Hardy 1109,6,. Norman
Hardy 1109.2, Jack Hardy 1101.8
and C. Hardy 794.4.
Explorer News
Lucan and Clandeboye Explor
ers held two meetings last week
in the United Church parlors.
On Monday night Counsellor Kae
Haskett-took the worship ser
vice Abd read part of the book
“Do As I Pldase House.”
On Wednesday after school
meeting four new members were
enrolled, Susan Bridger, Barbara
Ready,”Barbara Park and Mar
garet Cobleigh. Favors, for the
mother and daughter banquet
Were completed, *
C.G.l.T. Mooting ?
Owing to a play at the arena
on Monday. evening the Regular
C.G.l.T. meeting was hrild oh
Saturday evening, June 9* in the
United ChurCh parlrirs. During
the meeting favors dor the moth?
Ar add daughter banquet were
Completed* and a practise on .the
program held. , ,
Plans .were made for a tea.
at the home of MrS. Art Black
on June 23. • ' " . ..
Lucan Personal Items
Guests'"with Mr. and Mrs, W.
T. Ariios last week included. Mr.
juid Mrs. T. Lazenby from Trail,
B.C., and, Mr,', and Mrs. Clayton
Arrtbs of London.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris, par
ents of Mrs.’A. L. Kernick, have
returned to Kitchener to spend
the summer with their daughter.
Miss Gertrude White has re
turned home after spending the
winter in Parkhill .with Mrs.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson spent a
few days last week with Ker sis
ter, Mrs; Leia Beadle of ’Sirat-
Mrs. Harold Emerick.has puf-
chased, and moved into the
house vacated by the death Of
Mrs. William Sceli of Alice St.
Owing to the illness of Miss
Margaret Henry, Grade 1 and 2
teacher, Mrs. Warner McRoberts
supplied at the Public School
last Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards
have returned from their honey
moon and spent last Sunday with
the bride’s mother, Mrs* Irene
■Coursey and sisters*
At a Scout and Cub meeting
last Monday night, Peter Prest,
son of Rev. J. P. and Mrs. Prest,
was invested.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L6e, Lucan
and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Barker,
Harriston, attended the funeral
Of Mrs. Ken Bowley (Mrs. Lee’s
niece) at Strathroy last Satur
day* . .
. Mr. W, C.- ‘Parkinson of CoL
lingwood spent last weekend with
his family here. ’
Mr. ’ Lawrence Grose of’ the
Tillsonburg Collegiate staff was
A weekend guest with his uncle,
Mr. Ernest Guest of Elgmfield.
Both were callers of Miss Lina
Abbott’last Saturday evening.
..Mrs, Don Revington has been
busy ringing door bdlls for the
past week, taking the 1956 cen-
Mr. and Mrs; Aljoe . Culbert
attended the 25th wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Culbert of Ripley on Saturday,
Jund’’2 and spent the weekend
at Boat Lake,
Mr. And Mrs. Charles Windsor
have returned home from Cass
City, Mich., where they Were the
guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs.
Ralph Loney, for a few days.
• Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mrs.
Jack Murdy, Mrs. Frank Hovey,
• Mrs. Irene Coursey, Mrs. Roy
Stahley, Mrs, B6b UdlomAn,-Mrs.
Erwin Scott, Mr^.? J*. Ttcatson,
Mrs. Wilson Hodgins, Mrs., G.
Noil, Miss K- Bowyer, and Mrs*
Jarnos Hodgins of Trinity Ang
lican Auxiliary attended the West.
Middlesex Deanery at Hyde
Park last Monday.Mr. and Mfs. J. W*.. LockyOr
of Market St.-' Lucan are happy
to Announce tho birth of a daugh
ter, Jean Kathleen, at St. Jos
eph’s Hospital, London, Thurs
day, May 24, a sister for Jane
Mr .and Mrs. George Paul Sr,
of LaChute haVe been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. George Paul for
, the last two weeks;
Mrs. C. , Porter and Miss Gora
Neil have retUrnfed from a ten-
clay visit with Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Neil Of Thornhill.
Mr. E, M. Grose 6f Toronto
called on Lucan friends last
Mrs. V, N. Prest of London is
visiting her s6n, the Rev. J.P.
Prest and family at the rectory.
Among those attending, last
Wednesday, the Blossom-Tea and
hearing Mrs; M. C. Fletcher- of
Exeter give her interesting talk
on Mexico at St; Patrick’s church
Saintsbury, were Mrs. Sheridan:
Revington, Mrs. Bob Coleman,
Mrs.. Rdy Stanley, Mrs. ,Jack
Murdy, Mrs. T- C. McFarlane,
Mrs. Henry Hodgins;- Mrs, War
ner McRoberts, Mrs. Roy Ham
ilton, Mrs. William Brownlee,
Mrs. Will Dickins and Miss Lina
Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Stanley
Spent last weekend at Bruce
Beach ,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack; Cummins
of Toronto wrire weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has
kett* ,
Mr. and Mrs, Alex McFarlane
.have returned home after visit
ing in Rockwood for a month.
Mr. and. Mrs. Art Haskett of
Toronto were weekend guests
with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Haskett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and
family sprint last weekend at
Grand Valley, ,the guests,of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hall. The pre
ceding ' weekend they had as
gurists Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ray
of Hamilton.
Janet Kehl, daughter of -Mr.
and. Mrs. Robert Kehl of Eliza
beth St. entertained 13 of her
little girl friends last Saturday
to celebrate her tenth birthday.
■^Mr. H. Ritchie, Mrs. H, Parker
and two children visited Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Haskett one day last
--Airs. H. Childs of Lohdon was
the guest speaker at the annual
Flower Sunday in the United
Church last Sunday, The Junior
choir sang.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Worthy and
Mrs. H. Chlds of Lohddh were
Sunday guests With Mr. .and Mrs.
N. WaShidge. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Stretton
and family spent last weekend
in Hensan, guests of Mrs.,
Shawn Banting Killsm, infant
sen of1 Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Kil-
lam of Richmond Hill was bap
tized in the United Church last
Sunday morning.
Mrs* R. Stevenson ana Mrs.
Chas. George of Ailsa CrAig
were Saturday visitors with Mr.
And Mrs. Gordon Banting.
Work has begun onrJ the new
Lucan MotorSales building which
is being set back from the street,
it will not only cover the site of
the building destroyed by fire
but will partially cover the site
of Mrs. Emma Downing's home
and store,
Mr. Gus Gannett was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London, last
At (he Clandeboye United
Church the Rev. E. M, Cook,
minister, received into church
membership, at a special re
ception _ service on Sunday:
Sandra Williams, Marilyn Eaton,
Ruth Donaldspn, Helen Kestle,
Xommy. Abel, Jeanette make,
Keith Simpson, Ralph Simpspn
and James Scott.
Mr. Carl Ritchie, of Baden,
visited on Sunday with his mo
ther, Mrs. Ritchie at the home
of his sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Cunning
Mr. and Mrs. E. Trudgeon and
family of London visited ■ with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton 6ii
Sunday ,
Paton Reunion
The Paton Reunion was held
at Spring bank Park on Sunday
with too in attendance from
Cleveland, Grand Rapids, De
troit, Flint, Stratford, Port Elgin,
Thorndale, Parkhill, London,
Kirkton, St. Marys, Clandeboye
and Ailsa Craig. The eldest per’-'
son present was W. L. Paton,
Parkhill; from farthest distance,
Mrs. Arthur Carley, Cleveland;
youngest child, Kathryn daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs, Donald
Paton, \ .
Mrs, Robert Croilin gave a his-’
tory of the -clan, dating back to,
1850 in Scotland from where the
late John Paton and Mary came
over to Canada and took up resi
dence in McGillivray township,
in 1951.
Officers of next, year include:
president, Harry Crellin; see.,
treas., Mrs, AileOn Riehl of
Ball game and sports followed:
boys, 3 years arid under, Paul
Crellin, David AllisOh; girls 3
years and under, Grace and Syl
via Paton; boys, 6 years and un
der, Bob Riehl, Van Bruaene;
girls, 6 years and under, Myrna
Logan, Joyce Norman; boys, 12
years and under, Paul- Martin,
Bruce Carley* girls 12 and under,
Joan Crrillin, Peggy Paton; giris,
terin age, V6neta Ririhl; boys
teen age, Clare Paton; boys’ bal
loon race, Harold Paton, Douglas
Crellin; married ladies ballOon,
Evelyn Hriaman, Eleanor Alli
son. * v
Next year the clan are to merit
the third Sunday in- \ June at
Springbank Park. . ,
W.M.S. And W.A. Matting
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins entertain
ed the ladies of the United
.Church on Thursday evening.
Mrs. R6a Neil, president, pres
iding for the W.M.S, .Mrs. -Nriil
and Miss A. Northgrave had a'
panel discussion from the Study
Book on. “Coming our.Way” Mrs.
Arnold Blake assisted in the Wor
ship service.
Mrs, Macintosh, presided for
the W.A. meeting.. After sthe.
business was Completed, Mrs.
T. Collins, on behalf of the mem
bers presented Mrs. E, M. C.ook
with a cup and saucer, in appre
ciation of her assistance in the
work' of the church at Clande-
boye, •< during- the- six years of
her association. •
On July 17 the Rev. E, M. Codk
will conduct his farewell service
at the anniversary service in
the. Clandeboye United Church.
Personal Hems'
Mr. Bill Atkins has .the base
men dug for a Aew^houso.juSt
north of the house where he ndw
Miss Sandra Williams and Miss
.Marilyn. Eatdn, students At the
North Middlesex High School,
were successful in passing the
grade 9 course on their years
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and
Clare, ahd William Allwright at
tended the Paton Reunion on
Sunday-at Spriiikbank.
. Miss Anne McKehiig, R. N. of
Chatham spent the- weekend, with
Mr. add Mrs. Aimer Hriridrie.
Friday, June 15
All members meet at arena
at 8;$0 p.m.
Bring musical instruments,
, weiners and rolls.
Admission: 25^
will Joe held in
Stratford Park
Thursday, June 28, on the lawn’
of Trivitt * Memorial Church,
watch for further notice, 14c
Legion Hall, HCnsall, Saturday,
June 16,. 9 p.m. $60.00 jackpot
in 52 calls; $5,00 added each
wiek until jackpot won; 14 regu
lar games, 104 a game. No ad
mission. Sponsored by Hensail
Legion. 14
Please Bring Lunch Basket,
Cups and Silverware
Roller Skating
Wednesday# Friday & Saturday
- Evenings — 8- IT p.m.
Admission 350 artd 250
Skates Su001lftd
Refreshment BOeth — Hdt Dog*
French Friea, ide Creim, Etc.
• Roller Skating Saturday After
noons,# starting June 2, 2 to 4
p.m. Admission 150 and 250.
Box Office Open's at 8 p.m.
’ First Show at Dusk
2 Shews Nightly, Rain or Clear
Children Under 12' in Cars Free
Juno 14 and 15.. ...
A1 Gona Tiarnty »
★ Leo Genn
June 16 and 18
* Jdhn Wayne
★ Ella Raines
June It and 20
★ Robert Ryan
★ Stan Sterling
RCA fiTAfl
IJ| >.m*
l,M. p.m.
Dogr Friz*—RCA Victer RgiNB
Court«»y. Of Sn*lgrov»*«
Of Gr»cOri*s and PHw
' FrixtA I*ch Ni0ht
$pon»cr*d By
Ix«ter Chapter No. 2tt
Admission 51#
Grand Bend
Every Saturday
Cliff, Scanlon
It's Niw!
It's SwBBhSmMthl
It's TerrificI
Usborne Fed. of Agriculture I
| is invited to the Huron County Federation of Agriculture |
Picnic - Fri. Evening, June 15 |
I Picnic Supper 4>;30 p.m. Spdrte Afterwards
i Please Bring Picnic Baskets, Cutlery and. Dishes
j Beverage Provided
| Everyone Welcome
? ■ S
‘ ” Have your hearing Aid checked oven
by a fully trained acoustician.
Service and Batteries to all Makes of Hearing Aids.
sThurs., June 14-2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
See the New Eye Glass Hearing Aid—Also .7 Other Models
$49.50 9
225 A Front St. N*, Sarriia Phone DI-447MI
£ z z
IFor Sale
Experienced men to put your rbdf on.
See us before y6u buy your bal*r Or binder twine.
Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. i
DROOM—Herb mid, Hlairte Droom,
Exet&F. are* ha.ppv.tb announce
■uio'birth, of- a aon, Herbert borne, at ' .Mayfair Hospital, Toronto,
s June 1. 195S.
CRONYN Mr. and Mrs. ’Larry Cronyn, Centrally, announce the birth of. their daughter , at South Huron .Hospital, JUhe 12, 1956—
a, sister for Gayle.
DESJARDINE—Audrey and Byron Des Jardine, Parkhill .K.R. 3, wish
to thank. God for the safe arrival
of their daughter, Debra Ann
(Debby), at Sbuth Huron Hos
pital, June 10. 1956..
JEFFERY—Spencer and Doris Jef
fery (nee Kercher), Staffa, are
very pleased to a announce the birth of their daughter, Buth
.Elizabeth, June 7, 1956, ht South
Huron.Hospital—a sister for Judy.
LEATHW~-Mr. and MrS, Gordon
- J. Leather, 301- Algonquin Enve.RGAF Centralia, announce the
birth of a eon, DOHdid. Gordon,
at South Huron HosplUL JUhfe
5, 1956--a brother for Debbie and
Darlene.MEYER—'Don and Dorothy Meyer (liee SqUire) announce the arrival of their Son, Garry Wayne, at
Victoria. Hospital, June 7 — a brother *foC Gloria. „ ,OZENCHUK—Stephan and ., Elizabeth ’Ozenchuk, 126 Main St., Ex-
Otftr, announce the birth, of a son, stefaru Dohdah, a,t South
Huron Hospital, June 5, 19a6—a brother for Thor—thanks to Dr,
FA.QCETTE—Mr. hhd Mrs, D., A.
Paquette, 186 Columbia Drive. RCAF Centralia, announce the
birth of a. son, Paul James, At South Huron Hospital, June 6,
1956.SKINNER—Mr. mid Mrs. fidverly
Skinner, EXdter, announce the birth qf their son, NOel Jeffery, at South Huron Hospital, June
' 12, 1958.,' • ' .OGLlb—Irene and Tom Ogle (Brock)
Wish to announce the arrival of their son, Edwin Murray, at Victoria Hospital. London, June 8.
jfttCKS—In St. ‘Joseph’s Hospital,
LbndoA, on Saturday. June 9, 1956, Daniel E. Hicks, late of Vs-
borne TdWftship, in bls eighty-
„ fourth y<5Ai‘. . ...Fallis—-At her late residence, 437 North Eucrid Ave., Ontario, Cali
fornia, on June i, Greta Mane
Fallis, beloved, wife of the late Fred G. Fallis. Interment, in the
,T. b. Draper Chapel then te BeUvue MauBdUum on June 4. ,Keown—passed, away in Bdisse- vain, Manitoba, on Monday, June
II, 1956, Kobert Winfred Keown, In lils seventy-fifth year. Brother
of Mrs, Rose Simpson, Clandeboye? Mrs. Jdhfi Cf. Ldvife (Lillian!, of I.Ondon, and Ei’iiist; Keown, of
Grand Bond, Interment in Roisse-
vain cemetery.
Mr, and Mr®.. D. N. WinslaxlA of
Montreal wish to Announce the dngagemdnt Of their only daughter,
Doldres Anne, to Robert S. Parsons, son of Mr. Roy Parsons And the lAte Mrs, Parsons Of Exetir. The marriage will ,.take place On June 30 at 12.00 o’clock in London.
•3 f ' 14*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock, of
R.R. 1 Granton, wish td Announce the engagement of ’their eldest
daughter, Marion .Lenore, t6 Mr. Burton Lloyd Morgan, son of Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd M. .Morgan of Cent
ttalia. The, wedding to tgke place On Saturday, July 7. at 2.00 p.m. m CCntralia United Church. 14*
Mr. and fill’s. ClarencA FAhner
and family wish to express ’their
heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness and fOr the cards received during th.e passing of their
dear father and grandfather, special thanks to the neighbors and Rev.
strdme. “ ’ . 7
Mr. and Mrs, W^s'cy Dearing
wish, to thank their fainily and friends for the cards, gifts And expressions Of appreciation during their fiftieth anniversary '‘celebra
tion. 14*
COLEMAN—In loving mompty of a
dear son and brother, Gerald,
coierban,, who passed away June
19, 1055. ’ • 4 ■ .We little knew when we woke that
morn,The sorrow Ute day would bring.
For the eAlt wa« sudden, the shock
I’d part with one wo loved so dear. Sonieilines it's hard io understand
why some things have to be,But in his wisdom, God has planned
Beyond our power to see;God gave ys strength to' fight it
And courage to bear the blow,
But whAt it meant to lose himNo one will evesr know. 4 w —L 6 v i n g 1 y rdm6n\bored, by his
mother, dad, brothers, sister-in-
law, ,14c
HAIST—In loving memory 0/ a
dear wife and. mother, Mrs,
Martha Haist, Who pissed- away
two years ago, June 13, Whose .memory wo will always treasure,
dffie joys we shared together
Are the memories we hold dear,
As the happiness, you gave usKeeps you forever near.—Lovingly, remembered by hus
band and family* 14*
HADiGteK—tnlovihg memory mf a
dear husbAnd and father, William
Nadlgfer, who passed away one
year ago, June 15, 1955.The pearly gates were open,The Master’s voice said “Come'»
And With farewells unspokenHe gently entered home.
—Ever remembered by the famiiy-
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