HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-14, Page 13Brighter Stars
- feu?Drive-inFiewers
Your favorite movie star’s smile
beams three times as clear and
bright from an aluminum screen
recently developed for outdoor
The new' screen has won the
praise of both audiences and
owners. Little wonder the latter
like it; one operator found his
receipts increased by $40,000 in
two months after he replaced his
conventional screen with the
highly reflective, weather-proof
aluminum job, .
And so it goes,,. Still ahother
improved product, still another
use for this versatile modern
metal,, The result: everybody
gains by production from Cana
dian smelters that already ac
count for a quarter of the world’s
primary aluminum.
Legion Auxiliary
Plans Activities
Hensall Legion Ladies Auxil
iary met in the Legion Hall Tues
day evening for their June meet
ing, presided over by Mrs. E.
JR. Davis, president. Mrs. Elsie
Cornforth was initiated into mem
bership into the Auxiliary.
An invitation was received
from Goderich Legion Auxiliary
to be guests" at their birthday
party, June 26, and also an in
vitation was received from the
Hensall Bowling Club tp attend
an evening of bowling Friday,
June 15. plans were outlined for
a draw, prizes io include an
electric fry pan, steam iron, and
electric heating pad, draw to be
made October 9 at the annual
birthday party, In charge of the
tickets for the draw are Mrs.
Jim Clark and Mrs. J, Simmons.
A motion was passed to give all
new babies born to members of
the Auxiliary a $1,00 bank book,
The president informed the
group that she was going to
organize a mystery bake sale
during July and August."
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Maude Hedden. Bingo was
The fall
Wins Gold
Miss Helen Dunlop, of' Kincar
dine, who graduated at Stratford
General Hospital on June 6 in
a class of seventeen won the
gold medal for general profic
iency in bedside nursing.
She is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Arthur Dunlop, Kin
cardine, and granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper, of
meeting will open in
with a pot luck sup-
There were 765,000 television
sets sold in Canada in 1955, com
pared with 624,000 in 1954 and
30,000 in 1950.
'•M i>liiiiliilllil>lliii|llliltiiiitMlllliitll>IIHi>Hi«iiHiii<lltiliilMiuilliiinililill>iii>liliiiiiiiHiilliiilltiiii)>i!iliiiliir^
Soft Ice Cream Treats
/ “The Aristocrat of Frozen Dairy Products” .
★ Cones . -A- Sundaes ★ Floats
El Hott's Dari-Delite
No. 4 Highway At Brucefield
" Open 1 to 11 p.m, *
Weekend Specials
'' ' . r» f 1 •. b
Meat Specials
Beef and Pork Sausage ...............,......
Fresh Side Pork ............................
Minced Hani .......... ................................
Sliped Pork Steaks......... ......................
Home Rendered Lard, I’/z-Lb. Carton
Hensail And District News
. 29£Lb.
39f Lb.
> '590 Lb.
. 590 Lb.
.. 170 Lb.
Grocery Specials
McCormick's Sodas, 1 Lb., Salted or Plain ...... 28£
Birdseye Frozen Turkey or Chicken Pies ........ 300
Moaning Cheer Coffee Beans, 1-Lb. Bags ,.... 950
Canada Packers Klik............................................. 370
Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee, 6-Oz. ........ $1.59
Al's Groceteria
And Meat Market
Hensall On,ario
.................................................................................""""""... .
Dr. Carey Joynt.
Receives Award
Dr. Carey B. Joynt, formerly
of Hensall and a graduate of Ex
eter High School and Western
University, now a faculty mem
ber of Lehigh University, Betnle-1
ham, Penn., was honored recent
ly with the Alfred Nobile Robin
son Award. j
This annual award is given
for outstanding performance in
the service of the university.
Carey is now associate professor
of internati9nal affair? at Lehigh.
Kippenette Girls
Hear Economist
The Thrifty K i p p e n e 11 e s’
seventh meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Lloyd* Lovell on
Tuesday evening. Mrs. D. Fil-
singer, home economist for’ Hu
ron, and Bruce, was present. The
roll call, “One characteristic of
a good tea biscuit,” was answer
ed by .19 girls. Club members
then displayed the biscuits they
brought to the meeting,
The leader, Mrs. W. B. F, Bell,-
spoke on the standards of a
good tea biscuit and. told the
girls, to keep on making tea
biscuits as they would have to
exhibit four tea biscuits on
Achievement Day, July 11, at
Seaforth. A demonstration a
floral table setting— was follow
ed by a talk, on table manners
and etiquette.
Mrs. Filsinger then spoke to
the girls on tea biscuits, build
ing menus and judging‘menus,
the activity for Achievement
Day. Arrangements were made
to entertain mothers ajt the next
dub meeting, Saturday, June 16,
to a buffet slipper prepared by
the girls.' The meeting closed
with the 4-H pledge.
Police Constable
To Be Married
A wedding'of unusual interest
will take place at Blind River,
Ont., Saturday, June 16, at St.
James The Creator Church,
Blind River, at 9 a.m. when P.C.
,Ralph W. Smith, third eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert.
§mith, who reside three miles
south of Zurich on the Goshen
Line, will be married to Audrey
Cecelia Doiige, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Dodge, Blind
Rev. Father Skillen will per
form the ceremony. The bride
will be attended by Miss Shirley
Rouque of Blind River, while
the groom will be supported by
his brother, Gerald Smith, of
Constable Smith has been on
the police force for five years
and has been stationed at Sud
bury, Sault Ste. Marie, White
River and Blind JRiver, where he
is now stationed.
Community Salo Pricts
. prices at Hensall Community
Sale on June 4 were:
Weanling Pigs
Chunks ................
Feeders ................
Sows ....................
Holstein Cows ...«
Durham Cows ......
Holstein Calves ...
Durham Calves ...
A reception' for Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Riiey (nee Grace'Forrest)
was held in the town hall Wed
nesday' evening. The hall was
filled for the event. They were
presented with a gift of an elect
ric washing machine. The pres
entation address was read
Gerald Casey.
Norris orchestra furnished
music for the dance.
Posted To Grand Bend
F/O George Sangster, F/O
Ray Stewart, F/O Andy Leitch,
F/O G. V. Johnson, all from
Winnipeg and area, who have
been stationed $t RCAF Station,
Crumlin, have been posted to
the RCAF Station at. Grand Bend
knd spent Thursday of this week
visiting with relatives and friends
of F/O Sangster. Mrs.’ Sangster
and son Daryl, of Portage La
Prairie, left Thursday to join,
her husband at Grand Bend.ABingo Winners
Winners of the Legion Bingo
on Saturday night last were:
Sam DougaU, Mrs. Mae Mc-
Lollan, Mrs. John Young (2),
Mary Foster, Sam DougaU, Mrs.
Bert Wren, Mrs, Tom Kyle (2),
Cecil Vaiihorne (2), Alice Snell,
Mrs. Jim Clark, Mrs. Bert Wren,
Fred Kennings, Mrs. J. Clark,
Mrs. Ray Foster.-
Jkckpot next Saturday will be
worth $60. in 52 calls.
Anniversary AAi<cir%« Cnrla+w
Anniversary servicer were ob-, rw»i»arivi3
served at’Hensall United Church r r> _ i 3 »
Sunday tor which w Backs Crusade gregatmns wer$ present the i . •-
church was decorated with sum- ine June meeting of the Wo
men blossoms, men s Missionary Society of Hen-
Guest speaker for the morning: TuesdavtedM2,Ww
( service was Rev. R. C. Wmiaw,; £^esday. Mrs, w, Dilling and
’ B.A.B.D., Toronto. (His first Mrs. L. Eller arranged the de-
| sermon since his ordination ser Pr°sram and study book
[vice at Stratford last Thursday with Mrs. Dilling m the chair,
i evening.) For his sermon topic; Jbe worship service was con-
he spoke on tlfe theme “The Lord ’ ?yc',e<*, by Mrs, J, Walker and
in His Church”. . "*rs’ W. R, Stephenson.
The choir, under the direction • Mrs, w. R. DougaU reviewed
of S. G. Rannie, with Miss Greta i a chapter from the study book
Lammie at the organ , console, “Not strangers but fellow citi-’
rendered two numbers. zens,” centering around New
I At the evening service. Rev. Canadians; Mrs. Eiler favored
Dr. Charles Krug, of CKNXjwith a solo, accompanied at the^
Radio and TV fame, was guest j p,ano by Mrs, T sherritt.
minister. A male chow led the ? Thservice of praise, assisted by i 1hlrs«i,^e<>/ge
Goderich Harbouraires, who|^mstrong, took the chair for
sang four selections. The business period. Mrs. W« R.
bourairps were under the direc- p^^stin Save a paper on cit-
tion of Mr, Ed Stiles and Mr. }?en notes, dealing wfth resolu-
J, Buchanan. ’ ' ---------------- ‘
A special baptismal
was held in the church
Brownies Attend CempThe Hensall Brownies. ..ILB ... +, w
panied by Brown Owl Mrs. E. i. ■
LaXnde?"Mrs°WR “simSl PlMS
Miss Margaret Gordon London* baby band party to b&
and two Guides, Miss Pat Rowe Jjjld in the' clyrch ornthe after-
and Miss Geraldine Harburn, „Jun®
enjoyed a weekend at the Angli- piOpiam are Mrs,
can Church camp, six miles Stephenson and Miss M.
j south of Bayfield. Twenty at- Ellis, baby band superintendents,
tended, including 14 Brownies, i ^unch committee named were
Linda Noakes received the prize H^rs; E. Cook, Mrs. R. M,
for the outstanding camper for Feck and Mrs, Stephenson,.
the weekend. . I The Jt,ly meeting will take the
Personal Items -! form of a picnic meeting pn the
ivr^c pdnh Tin/ioM > church lawn, weather permit-Mich ’ was aGhousp’ micst last Itingf Mrs‘ H‘ McMurtrie, Mrs.
JSS.-JR’.A h?U5w ®LIS' N- Jon=S,_MrS. L, Mickle and
Mrs. W. R. Stephenson.
Mrs. w. R. DougaU reviewed
I “Not strangers but fellow citi-'
zens,” centering around New
5.‘ Mrs. Eiler favored
The president, ,Mrs. George
' Former Resident
Finds Lost Wallet
Lloyd Horton, of Listownl,
formerly of Chiselhurst, brother
of Bert Horton, of the village,
lost his wallet containing $300
two years ago. He had the pleas
ure of finding it and what was
left of the money in disintegrated
cash and cheques, while cultivat
ing in a field recently.
A fortune teller told him he
would find it and that wheels
would be involved. Parts of seven
$10 bills are cemented together,
He hopes to find a solution which
will separate them without dam
aging, the ferial numbers. J
(Evening Auxiliary!
I Completes Study i
1 The Evening Auxiliary'' met j
Monday night in the schoolroom j
I tions that.were presented at the,
service Goderich Conference Branch
at 2-30 ■ meeting held in the early spring.
Mrs. E. Geiger led in a special
I prayer for the codling South
Huron Crusade for Christ, to be
accom- held in Zurich, June 17 to July
Th a Huron County TB Association Mass X-Ray Suivey is now
■completed. jtaal-figures,’which appear elsewhere
that the response from one end of the County to tile other was mos
encouraging. . f
- These results were possible only because of the wholehearted
qnnnnrt and effort which men and women throughout Huron by.the
this support the results, of cOUfse, would have been negligible.
Because of the numbers “ A ^ow-
a major contribution to the war against tuberculosis. _
Huron County TB Association
Mich,, ~ ____ .......
week with Mrs, J. W. Bonthrob.
Mrs. C. Young and Mrs, Mac
Greer, London, spent Monday
with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J.
Bonthron. , ‘ ,
Mrs. E. Rowe Will leave Mon
day, June 18, for Toronto where
sne will attend three presenta
tions, on June 18, 19 20, in honor
of her daughter, Dorothy,, a
bride-elect of this summer.
Decoration Day services will
be observed on Sunday, June 17,
under the auspices or the Hen
sall Legion and I.O.O.F. There
will be a short service at .the
cenotaph, followed by a service
at Hensall Union Cemetery.
Mrs. Ernie Chipchase‘was the
lucky winner of the Sunbeam
Mixmaster in a draw at Brown's
LG. A. Store, her ticket number
was 8927.
Mrs. Myrtle Thon of Saska
toon, is visiting with Miss Greta
Lammie, , ;
Mr. and Mrs.. R. Y. McLaren,
are spending a week with their
daughter, Mrs. Dorland Evans
and family, of Waterloo.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie,
B.obby and Jean, Mr. and Mrs.
George Dunn, of Centralia, Mr,
and Mrs, J. Ferguson; of Chisel
hurst, spent Sunday with Miss
Greta Lammie.
Miss Mihnie jteid of London,
attended the funeral of the late'
Miss ‘Hannah Craig oil Mp^y.
Mrs. George Hess, visited With
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. McCloy .and’
family, Toronto,, she was accom
panied by her brother and sister-
inJaw, Mr, and Mrs. Pettigrew.
Ed Fink, Hensall businessman,
was the lucky winner, of ,$1,000
in a draw Monday night at a
$5,000 dinner at $50 a plate, at
Hotel London, sponsored by the
Shriners of London, and attended
by three hundred local shriners.s
Mr. Fink is.Marshall of the prov
ost unit of the Mocha Temple in
Mrs. James Wright and Frank
were in Acton attending the fun
eral of Mrs. John Stewart, a
cousin of Mrs. Wright,
Funeral services were conduct
ed by Rev. Donald MacDonald
at the Bonthron funeral home
Moriday for Miss Hannah Craig,-
86, who died at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Swaim.
Interment was in 'Baird’s ceme
tery. ,
Mrs. M. Traquair will form the
lunch committee.
Coach Plant
Treats Staff
Employees of the General
Coach Works were entertained
at a banquet and dance in the
Goderich pavilion on Saturday
evening, with about three hun
dred attending. Mr* Wm.‘ Smith
was master of ceremonies, Those
attending from Marlette, Mich,,
were president John Atkins,
vice-pres., Riley Ramsey, vice-
pres. in Charge of sales, Geo.
Niechart, sales manager, Ward
Hendricks, secretary .treasurer,
Guy Arnold,
Other guests-"attending were
Mrs. Brightrall, Mr. A. Y. Mac-
Lcan, and R. H. Middleton presi
dent Chamber of Commerce,
Hensall. i
Dancing was enjoyed to John
ny Downs Orchestra of London.
Door prizes were won by Roy
Smale, Mrs. Len Noakes and
Mr. Brown, Seaforth.
Presentations - were made by
Mr, James Taylor to Mr. and
Mrs. James Sangster, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Boyd who were
recently married. -r
Personal Hems - *
Miss Marguerite McDonald of
London spent the weekend with
Mrs. Pearl Case.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stan and
family of London were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles
and family of London were re-,
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Len Noakes.
i of the United Church for their
last meetins for the season. Mrs.
E. Chipchase, president con
ducted the meeting. Mrs. Pearl
j Passmore conducted the devo
tional assisted by Mrs, D, Mc-
Kelvie, Mrs. Passmore and Mrs.
C. D. Daniel, Nelson McClinchey
contributed a piano solo.
Mrs, Brighton Ferg presented
the study, the closing chapter
of the book, "Welcoming of New
Canadians,” Mrs. Doug Cook,
and Mrs- Chipchase wiJL assist
Mrs. Jack Corbett in looking
after the Mission Band during
Sunday morning church services.
Mrs. Lillian Hyde favoured with
a reading.
The president announced, that
a pot luck supper would open the
fall meeting- in September, and
that the Harboiiraire Choir, of
Goderich, will present a program
in the fall, Mrs. Howard Scane
and Mrs. Robert Cook were host
Roy Ryckman, 53
Detroit Druggist
Roy Ryckman, druggist, of De
troit, Mich,, who passed away
suddenly in Detroit on Thursday
night with a heart attack was
in his 54th year. Born at Chisel
hurst, east of Hensall, son of
Mr. Grant Ryckman, and the
late Mrs. Ryckman,* he attended
school at Lumley, Seaforth High
School and School of Pharmacy,
Surviving are his widow, two
sons, his father of Hensall, one
brother, Mervyn, Druggist, Flint,
Mich,; tWo sisters, Mrs. T. J.
Sherritt, Hensall, and Mrs, Ben
Case, Exeter. Mr. Ryckman, Mrs.
Sherritt and Mrs., Case attended
the funeral in Detroit.
Personal Hems
Mrs. Herb Stretton and Peggy
of Lucan, are visiting with Mrs.
Stretton’s mother, Mr§. Minnie
Miss H.-Craig
Born In Ireland
Public funeral services were
held, for Miss Hannah Craig,
highly esteemed resident of the
village, from the Bonwron Fun
eral Home. Monday. Rev. Donald.
MacDonald, minister of Carmel
Presbyterian Church, conducted
the service. Burial was in Baird's
The late Miss Craig, 86, passed
away Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm, where she had made
her home fof the past two years.
Born in Ireland, sue came to
Canada with her mother, (her
father having passed away in
Ireland), a sister and two broth
ers, as a small child. They lo
cated in Stanley Township and
lived in the area many years,
then went farming in Moose Jaw,
Sask., for fifteen years, returning
jo Hensall some 30 years ago.
A sister Jane, Mrs. Tom Par
sons passed away in 1896, and
her brothers William, died in
1938, and John,-in 1948. Surviv
ing are a nephew, William John
Parsons, Winnipeg, Man., who
flew here for the funeral, a niwe
Mrs. Tilley Myles, Regina, Sask,,
and a cousin, Joe McCully, of
Miss Craig was’ a member of,
Carmel Church, member of the
W/M.S. and Ladies’ Aid.
Personal Homs - -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kreiser and
i family, who have spent the past
two and a half years in Ottawa,
where Mr, Kreiser attended uni
versity receiving his degree for
school principal, returned to
their home in Moose Jaw, Sask.
Tuesday of -this week, after visit
ing with Mr .?nd Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and family. Mrs.
Kreiser is .a sister of Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb of Tavis
tock are visiting with their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Brown this week.
Mr. Bruce Glenn of Toronto
visited last week with his par
ents, Mr/ and Mrs. John M,
—Continued from Page 7
and Mrs. Stan> Whiting and fam
ily of Centralia, Rev. Parrott
officiated at the baptismal serv
ice for Patricia Irene Cann and
Larry John Whiting,
Mr. Ezra Faist of town marked
his 85th birthday on Monday.
Mr. Faist does not enjoy as good
health as his friends would wish.
Mrs. John Smith who on Sun
day marked her 86th birthday
was honored by a family dinner
at her home, with all members
of her family present.
X Hensall Public School
Re Kindergarten Pupils
| Any children who will, have reached the age of five j
I before December 31, 1956, are asked to register with i
| the teacher, Mrs. H. Scane, before. June 21. " i
5 / i
I JI......WM......
Sales A £«rvk*
55 Dodge
4-Door Sedan, One Owner,
Very Clean, A-l Mechanic
al, Two-toned.
Only $1,395
'53 Dodge
A Beauty, Two-toned,
Radio, Heater, Whitewall
Tires, Low Mileage.
51 Dodge
4-Door Sedan, Showroom
Condition, Automatic
Transmission, Radio,’ Turn
Signals, Heater, Fully
Only $1,095
Comments About
Middleton's Drugs
"It'S Our Pleasure To Serve You"
'51 Dodge
4-Door Sedan, Excellent
Condition, H e a t e r,, Sun
Visor etc. - ..
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton
and family of Stratford spent
the weekend with his mother,
Mrs, M. Houghton.
Mrs. E. H. Payne, Moosejaw,
Sask, is spending a fdw weeks
with relatives here. x
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew McLachlan during the
week were Mr. *T. Hay, Mitchell
and Mr.» and Mrs: Hugh’Mc
Lachlan and Mr. and Mrs. Ldwis
Tebbutt, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and
family and Mrs. E. MOore mot
ored to Lindsay on Sunday to
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Moore, Mrs. MoOre- remaining
for a visit.
W.M.S. Meeting
The June meeting of the Wom
en’s Missionary Society was held
in the church with Mr. M. Hough
ton, who is Home Helper’s sec
retary, presiding and leading in
devotional exercises.
Mrs, T. Laing had charge^ of
the Study Book, the subject be-
:ing “The Jericho Road" with
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Houghton, Mrs.
T> L. ScOtt, Mrs. Sarsdhhl and
Airs. Allen assisting.
Slides were shown on “India
Today” and a film “From Fear
to Faith” was also shown.
Plans were made by the Lad.
ies Aid to serve dinner to mem
bers of the Stratford Presbytery
which meets in Cromarty Church
on June 19.
Bride-Elect Honored
Mrs. R. D. Sadler, Staffs, en-"
teftained in honor of Mips Mar
garet Walker, bride-elect of the
week, on Wednesday, evening,
when a number of girl friends
presented her with a cup and
saticer shower, An address was
read by Mrs, Harold Fischer,
Games and. contests were en
joyed. „ , ,
On Monday evening a large
number of friends of the bride
Cleet gathered at her homo ana
(presented her with a miscellan
eous shower. The arrangements
were sponsored by Missess
Anita and Alice SorsdahL Mis
ses Shirley ami Wilma Hatpef
and Miss Patsy Ramsey.
■ A sing song yas led by Mrs-
T. L. Scott, who also sang a solo.
Readings were given, by Miss
Olive Spearo and Mrs. Walter
An address was read by Miss
Patsy Ramsey and a well laden i
basket of gifts was presented to
| Margaret by Sharon and Karen
Hnterestihg talk on Christian Scott. After which sne thanked
Citizenship. all those who had m any way
Mrs. Verne Aklordice -gave, the.! contributed to the evening’s...en-
Get your cosmetics at Middleton’s" where prices
are what you caii afford to pay. The quality .is backed
by years of research. YOU omy buy what you need
for present use. Our saleslady Will advise you.
BURY’S MAX FACTOR products! It pays to use these
tested cosmetics.
Special Deluxe, Only 36,-
000 Miles, Spotless Condi
tion, One Owner.Message From
Personal Item*
Mrs. R, McRride, Mrs. Eadie
McBride and Sharon, Mr. and
Mrs. N< Dickert and Merle at
tended graduation exercises at
the General Hospital in Stratford
last week, at, which Miss Donna
McBride, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin McBride Was one of
the graduating nurses. Miss Mc
Bride is a graduate of Clinton
High School.
, Mrs. Alec McGregor and Mrs.
Edward visited last week with
relatives in London.
Recent visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Dawson were Mr. Daw-
son’s sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Stag-
ville, Toronto, • and Mrs. Wright
of Kennelworth.
Mrs. Arthur Anderson is some
what improved in health but
still confined to Scott’s Memor
ial Hospital in Seaforth. ,
Mrs, Prustap of near Mitchell
Was a -recent visitor of her fa
ther, Mr. Robt, Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Edwards of
Sarnia are visiting their daugh
ter and sori-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Alec McGregor. Mrs. Edwards
is remaining A month and will
visit her daughter, Mrs. Reilley,
Of Seaforth", aridher mother,}
Mts. Edgar of Varna.
Sunday visitors of Mr. and ■
Mrs, Norman Long were Mt. and i
Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy, j
also Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran
ail of Lucknow,
W.M.S, Meet
The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s
United Church, Kippen, met on
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Russell Consitt with Mrs.
Ralph Turner as co-hostess with
over forty present. Mrs, Emer
son Anderson presided,
Mrs, Bert,Faber was in charge
of the worship. ,
Mrs.' Elmore Keyes, Mrs. El
mer llaytcr and Mrs, Bob Pfeok
of Goshen sang two numbers ac
companied by Mrs. Bruce Keyes.
Mrs, Stewart Pepper gave an
Scourex Tablets for Calves
$1.75 and $Q.OO
Sulfa for Fever — 60 Grs. Tablets
GArgatex for Mastitis—$1.00 a Tube
Middleton's Drugs
„ I
Radio, Heater. Sharp 11
the word. Only $795.00
See and Drive this Ont.
Only $695.00.
★ Sportswear
’A* Pyjamas
* Tidts Belts Jewelry
Sweaters Hose Hets
-A- Underwear ★ Slacks t * Sults
Phone 62
June .17 Is
Give DAD
Locally Owned, Low Mile
age, Excellent Condition*
Enter the Father^ Day Contest . . . tty for $100
wardrobes. . . fill in the official form at out store
and drop it in our ballot box.
Tam Ce«t«, Prop.
L.n McKnight, Stitt Ktp.