HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-14, Page 1212 Th* Timt»-AclvQc«t*/ Jun* 14, 1W6 Starts Ministry At Anniversary Mervyn JL Love, B.A., B.D., was one of the seven new mem- jbers to he ordained into the United Church ministry at a cer­ emony Thursday night at Strat­ ford, at the 32nd annual London Conference of the United Church. Mr. Love, formerly of Grand Bend and Barkhill, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love. He received his education at S.S. No. 10 Stephen Township, Parkhill. High School, University of Western Ontario and Emman­ uel College, Toronto, He served id the Canadian Air Force dur­ ing the Second World War, He has been given the charge of Rydal Bank in the Algoma Presbytery. Among, thofee attending the service at Stratford were his wife and son, Allan, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilfillan, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin, Miss Sand- r. Lee Jory and Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. ' Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Children At Dashwood Conduct EUB Service nor of district A-l of Lions International, installed officers of the Grand Bend club in his first official act since he won the office. lie congratulates new Grand Bend president Wally Des Jardins, centre, and past president Cam Chapman, left, after the ceremony. Main project for Grand Bend Lions this year is raising funds for the construction of a youth centre. In co-operation with Exeter Lions, the Grand Bend club is raffling a cottage. —Noseworthy Photo New Lions Club Governor Installs Grand The Grand Bend Lions Club held their last meeting for the 1955 and 1956 season at the Bren­ ner Hotel on Thursday, June 7. The meeting was devoted to the presentation of the financial re­ port and the installation of of­ ficers for 1956-1957. District Goyern.or-Elect, Jacob Sweitzer conducted the installation. Wally Desjardine was elected president .with vice presidents, Kenneth Young, Win, Schegel and Wm. Sturdevant; secty.- treas., Wm. Rendle; tail twister, Melvin Gaiser; lion tamer, David Jackson; 1st. year directors: Ross Desjardine and Lee Jenni- son; 2nd.- year directors, Ted Stanlake and JEmerson Desjar­ dine. “Dream Home*’ is finished with all furnishings in place and open for inspection. Proceeds from the'xaffle. will be used to erect a youth centre for the sum­ mer resort. On Wednesday the Wardens of Lairfbton County held their an­ nual picnic at the Brenner House, after - which a ball game was held in the ball field on the lake.. The following declared them­ selves as in the field for election for Wardens for 1957:-Fred Marton, Reeve Thedford; Fred Gallie, Reeve Forest; John Mc­ Lean, Reeve Clinton Twp; John Lea, Reeve Pt. Edward; Lome ■■■.. —■ Garages Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week: Hunter-Duvar • AND SONS, LTD. ■ " i ' .................... •. ■ Henderson, Reeve' Enniskillen Twp; John Hayward, Reeye Moore Twp; Alton Freer, Reeve Petrolia. The Exeter Lions Club and their ladies, held a dinner’meet­ ing at the Imperial Hotel on Wednesday, with several mem­ bers of the Grand -Bend Club joining them, A former resident of the Park­ hill area, Robert Keown was married to the former Margaret Lightfoot, who survives. A sister, Mrs, William Light­ foot, predeceased him. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Donald Scott and son .of Sarnia spent the weekend With Mr. Scott’s grandmother, Mrs, Wm. Patterson. Mr. Dennis Finan of Toronto' spent the weekend at the parent­ al home in town. Rev. Mervyn Love, was the guest speaker at the morning service in the United Church on Sunday. ■ Mr.- Love 'was ordained into ,the ministry at the U.C. Confer­ ence held in Stratford last week, several of ’ his relatives and friends from the -district, attend­ ing the ordination service'. Rev. Love has been appointed to take over a five-point charge in the area of Bruce Mines in Sault Ste. Marie district. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoggarth and daughter of London spent Sun­ day visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Langley, Snr., their grandson, Keith, Mr. Harold Langley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langley hnd daughter, Carolyn, MisS Esther Langley and Mfs. Edith Mackay, all of Dear­ born, Mich., spent the weekend at the Langley cottage. Mr. Billie Baird of London spent the weekend with his, parents. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and Ruth at their cottage in Green Acres were Miss Beverley Smith of London, Ron Smeaten of Duns- ■‘ford,-*and Don Ruscan of Lind­ say. Miss Fassold a*d her aunt, Mrs. Miltor. Ratz, of Shipka, are leaving for Edmonton, Alta, this Thursday. Officers Ernest Keown left by plane on Monday evening for Boissevain, Manitoba to attend the funeral of his brother, Robert Winfred Keown. / Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Light­ foot, Barry and Ian, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker. > Mrs. Lulu MacGregor' of Greenway spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Turnbull, Mrs. Elizzie Hey of Zurich is spending this week at her cot­ tage. Dr. H. Godsell and Mrs. God­ sell, and Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Truscott of 'Detroit .spent the weekend at their cottages in Beach O’Pines. •* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sweitzer, Ronnie and Barbara, of Shipka, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweitzer and Brian of Exeter and Mrs. L. Sova of Timmins were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. ■ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle were Mr. and Mrs.1 A. Guenther and' family, Mrs. E. Yealland and Mr. and Mrs. E, Holland, all of London. Over 300 guests partook of the turkey dinner at the United Church on" Friday evening, and ardund $200.00 proceeds were realized. > The annual Sunday School pic­ nic for the United Church will be held in Turnbull’s Grove on Friday, June 22. A quilting bee was held at the home of Mrs. Lulu MacGregor on Tuesday at which several ladies of the Church of God Missionary Society attended, Mrs. Wm. Rendle, and Misses Carol and Sandra Bossenberry and Carolyn Tiedeman attended the Junior Auxiliary Rally of Anglican Churches at London on’ Saturday. The annual Decoration Day service at Grand Bend cemetery will be held on .Sunday next, June 17, at 2 p.m. The guest speaker for this service will be Mr. Robert McCubbin, M.P.P. of Strathroy. Dr. H. Godsell and Mr. S. J. Truscott of Detroit will render a duet and Dashwood Band will be in charge of the music. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McFalls accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hern, Zion, spent the weekend in Clio/ Mich., with Mrs, Irene Hicks when her fam­ ily entertained in honor of their mother’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McFalls, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls, Mrs. Lea Carley of Cleveland and son Mr. Leonard Carley, and sons of Flint, Mich., Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Frost-of Lu­ can, Mrs. Ken Kirk and tdaugh- tors of Thorndale, Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and" family of Ailsa Craig, Miss Barbara Lewis, Lon­ don, Mr. Roy Harrisfin of Cen­ tralia visited Sunday with Mrs. Jessie Lewis and .family. Mr. and Mrs, G. W* Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gibson and children of Wroxeter spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Dean Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and family and Mr, Ted Lyons of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. John GreguS and baby of London spent Sun­ day with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Langford and John spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Bev West­ man of Granton. Mrs. Edna Langfdrd spent Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Lindsay of Granton. - Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Smith and Mrs. John Smith. Mt. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg and Earl of Dashwood, visited on Sunday with the WeibOrg fam­ ilies. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.- Bob Blair were Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Fisher and-Mr. and Mrs.' Glen Fisher and girls of Exeter, Mrs. Harold Rowe And family, Thames Road. The Story In Shipka Magic Wax Wash Gives Your Car That Polished' Look ... Takes Only 5 Minutes Never before have you s6en a car washed in this MAGIC manner. Our Choldun “Auto-magic0 Carwasher, just • installed last week, uses a now and ‘'modern method which thoroughly cleans your car. “WAX-WASHING” with PURPLE • MAGIC gives your car that POLISHED look No more piling dirt on dirt, positively protects your car’s lustrous finish. it takes only five minutes to get this MAGIC WAX WASH. And, the cost isn’t any more*,than an ordinary car wash. Try it today! * ' Costs Only $125 WHITEWALL TIRES EXTRA Datars Sunoco Service _ Phone 88 Ort Bluewater Highway Grand Bend flWiBHiBhiu H.I. ULih ill I ; ... . •< - ■- Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Ken Westman and Barry and Miss Dorothy Harlton, .R,N., and friend, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sherritt gnd Mrs. Portice, of ParkhillJ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther and Janet were guests with Mr- and Mrs, Herbert Harlton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons visited relatives in Essex on Stmday. ® • Mrs. Milton Ratz left by air Wednesday to visit with her Sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Russell *Catt, in Ed- mdnton. Miss Ruth Ann Fassold of London accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Kathryn attended the ordination services at the United Church in Stratford on Thursday when the former’s brother, Rev. M. J. Love, was One of the ordinands. Master Jimmy Sweitzer had his appendix removed in St, Joseph’s Hospital last week. W. A. Plans Picnic The June meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Ratz. Mrs. Major .Baker, assisted by Mrs. Chris Baum­ garten and Mrs. Jacob Ratz, conducted the devotions. * Mrs. Jacob Ratz took charge of the business. June 20 was the date set for the picnic at River­ view park, Exeter, with Sunday- School, the day school teacher, Mr. K. D. Flear,, and pupils and their parents invited. This; Week In Winchelsea By MRS* F. HORNE Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McLag- An, Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Mc- Lagan, Mrs. James Roy, all of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson of Woodham, visited with Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ford on Sun­ day evening. Mr, and Mrs, Elson Lynn and Larry attended the funeral oh Monday of the former’s mother, uliose death occurfid at Owen Sound on Friday last. Mrs. Jack Wicks and baby daughter returned to London on Sunday after visiting for a few days with hei* parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and son, also Miss Donna Gilfil­ lan of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin’ Gilfil­ lan. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Del- bridgOfr Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock and boys of Crediton nvisif.<?.d on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. «Wilma Walters and Kathleen Horne of London spent Available Through The Exeter Times-Advocate Topic From • FULL 19-INCH Double-Edga Cutting Blade s • FAMOUS CLINTON ENGINE — Full-powered 2-eyel* • REVERSIBLE HANDLE — Mows both forward* and 'backward* • ADJUSTABLE CUTTING HEIGHT — Cuts tall grail and weed* • ELIMINATES HAND TRIMMING - Cut* dote to tree*, etc. • RUBBER TIRED 6" WHEELS - Ea.y-r.lling, non-skid * • MULCHES GRASS TRIMMINGS - No raking needed 18-IN. 4-CYCLE, RECOIL START, 2 H,P* -IN., 2’/2 H.P., 2-CYCLE SUPER-SIZE *-,**>., 2-CYCLE, 18-IN., P/4 H.P. RECOIL START SELF-PROPELLED Streamline Your Work ♦ Imperial gallon capac* 3*:- NO DOWN PAYMENT Term* Io suit y»ur budget lav The combined Sunday School and morning worship service on June 10 at the E.U.B. Church was taken by the children. In the service they were under the direction of the pastor who acted aS chairman and the teachers of-the junior Sunday School classes. The theme of the .service was ‘’Telling the Story of Jesus.” After the organ prelude, the congregation sang “We’ve- A Story To Tell To The Nations” while the children filed into their places in the church. The call to worship and the scripture lesson was read responsively by the junior and primary classes, The Sunday School superintend­ ent, Mr. Jack Gaiser, led in prayer.The nursery class, under the direction of Mrs. H. J. Keller­ man, took the first part of the service. A -number of recita­ tions and a solo were presented and Mrs. Kellerman demonstrat­ ed a flannelgraph, “Feeding of the Five Thousand”. The primary classes, under the direction of Mrs. J. M. Tie­ man, were, in charge “of the second part. With pictures and verses they told how the story of Jesus is being preesnted all around the world. Mrs. Tieman told the story of an African boy and the children sang a suit­ able number. The junior classes took the closing part and presented a tableau showing how down through the centuries the story of Jesus has been told in lands all over the world. Their part was closed with a hymn of con­ secration. The offering was for Missions, Pupils Visit Niagara . The pupils of Dashwood Public School grades 3 to 6, accom­ panied by their. teachers, Mrs. A. Desjardine and Mrs. Ketta Taylor, area trustee, Syd Baker and Mrs. Baker and a few parents, enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara. Falls last Friday. They also visited Brock’s monument and the locks. . . Walther League Officers The Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church held their elec­ tion of officers for the 1956-57 season Wednesday, Jjme 6. Pauline Becker was elected president with vice - president, Barbara Koehler; s e c r e ta r y, Carol Becker; treasurer, James Becker; .Christian Growth chair­ man, Margaret Becker;’ recrea­ tion committee, Donald Gentt- ner and Ronald Merner, Personal Items Mrs. Elmore Thiel of Zurich spent Sunday with Mrs. Louis Ki aft. Miss Barbara Becker of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V, L. Becker. A number of the Dashwood W.I. members attended the Dist­ rict. Annual at. Zurich, June 5. Mr. Howard Weiberg, Water­ loo, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Misses Anne Taylor, Carol Webb and Lois Gaiser, all of London, spent the weekend at their homes here. Mr. Robert Wein of Sudbury spent , the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Herb Wein. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mrs. Shaw of Arthur spent a few days last week with .Mr. apd Mrs. Wes Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cameron, Royal Oak, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knox were Monday vistors of Mri and -Mrs.-, Alex lxVixie» . ■ "*■ ' <♦ f* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson ‘ add .family were Sunday guests of Mr. John Rinn of Baseline. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of Tillson- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence and family spent Sunday with Mrs, Melville Hern ■ of- Exeter. Mrs. Shaw of Arthur, Mrs. Wes Mossey' and family visited on Saturday with Mrs. Jas, Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. George Dann, Mr. and Mrs .Joe Dann and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson and family spent Sun­ day at BayfiOld and Goderich. Mrs. T.. Waugh of London vis­ ited .for a few days" with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Thacker. By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Mr. and Mr^?. Warren Brock attended Wesley Anniversary on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson.. Mrs. Wellington Brock visited Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. TOm Ogle and baby at Victoria Hospital, London. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman were Mr. and Mrs. Miller,McDowell, Gary and Susan of Galt, and Mrs. Merton Lovegrove and Harry of near Elginfield. Mrs. Tom Brock and Mrs. Harry Hern visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern at­ tended HOnSall anniversary on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsman, Kippen. ■ Misses Ruth Meikle, Olen God­ kin and Jane Dykeman, of Exe­ ter were Tuesday evening visit­ ors .with Mrs. Jud Dykeman. . --Mrs. Wellington Brock and Mrs. Tom Brock attended the “Blossom Tea” at Saintsbury on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Daniel Hicks a life long resident of this community, pas­ sed away at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital on Sunday. The Story In Saintsbury * By MRS* h. Davis The annual .tea and bazaar at St, Patrick’s church, Saintsbury was held last Wednesday after­ noon with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MoDon-; aid and Joyce attended the Neil picnic at Grand Bond last Sun­ day^ Mrs. Earl' Atkihsoh and Mrs. Maurice McDonald attended the Perth Deanery held at Listowel on Friday. Mr. Wayne Carroll observed his birthday on Friday with a family gathering, x Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson were recent visitors with Mr» and Mrs. James Stctzer of Jack- son, Mich* Earl Atkinsoh and Harvey Lat­ ta attended the mooting with the Bishop of Huron on Saturday as USE RUBBER STAMPS ‘............... ■ ' I THE BUY OF THE YEAR! You’ve never before seen the big 19r-inch Power Mower at so low *•***! LATEST 1956 MODEL Limited Quantity REEL TYPE, 18-IN., 4-CYCLE 71.95 72.75 62.95 67.50 TANK Approx. 3-lm. Ity heavy galvanized ite|l lank; electric • welded leant*; bra** pump, 24” bra** extehddn, 26^ hoie, bras* nozzle. Top value,....... I’/a-Gal. Sprayer... DOST,GUN Fat quick and con­ venient dusting to con­ trol insect pests in flbwer border or vege­ table garden. IO” ex­ tendon 9 1Q included.... A* I w ■8 New :.. GARDEN HOSEJPRAYER , No mixing no lank to carry. Simply iniert W«ed-ki|i*r or initcfieide cartridge and turn op the hole. Up lo 25-ft. range. (leu cartridge*) . CARTRIDGES — For above* each. * * ...WWW 3-Prong CULTIVATOR .Only 3'/i* wide — made extra narrow to get between plants without disturbing the roots. Long 1 AA handle...........I rvv GRASS SHEARS . 8* Sheffield forged and tempered steel blades; hard- *1 1 A wood handles I ■ I v “SQUEEZE-GRIP" GRASS SHEARS 5" blades, non-tiring 1.89 ♦ WEED SLASHER 816* double-edged serrated steel blade. | Use it like a golf club x to eut fall weeds. :L 30" •5 handle... DUTCH HOE Sharp thin steel blade, for cutting weeds and dull mulching. Long hahdle. <4 aa 7” blade***. I iW Safety COMBINATION WEEDER. CULTIVATOR 3 sharp prong* loosed soil; sharp 4’’ scuffle-hoe blade cut* weed reefs below surface. a a A Leng handle*......... I «wO A T E SPRINKLER AND SOIL SOAKER Perforated vinyl-plasfic ibiw give* deep soaking iRrlnkiihg^jk 20-ft. ■ 40-ft.1.65 2.59 * STORE I % . 436 Main St. £xeter Phon* 451 z Milton R, Rabbin*