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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-14, Page 11
Kirkton Juvenile Contest Described As Best Yet' The Timo»-A<|v»catfr Jun» 14, 1»5< Ppf g| f‘The best yet” was the corp- ment heard, most frequently fol lowing the , entertainment in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Friday evening, June 8. This, was the occasion of the, preliminary con- tesl when the numbers were chosen to appear on the juvenile program at the eleventh K.C.A. Harden Party on July 18. The hall, as^ always at this ey.cnt, t. . U4 w JS, frlJenfls recitation by Helen Hend' calibre, presented Vy" 58 chilcT-i ren from 32 schools. The 49 entries were divided into 13 vocal, 19 instrumental, including piano, cornet, accordion, alto horn, marimba, trumpet and 17 specialty —■ recitations, dances and baton twirling. Mrs. Joan Gaffney of Mitchell, Who has charge of the Perth! Junior Farmers’ choral group, was adjudicator and handle’d her -r, ■ Tdifficult task very capably. For , ^ev;„and Mervyn Love the final contest she chose: Iand. Allan j)f .Toronto are hoh* Atwell of Belton, Stephen Bro thers of Anderson, Larry Lewis of Granton and Lloyd Monteith of Belton. Instrumentals hy Leroy Bryan of Granton on the marimba, Lloyd Monteith on the piano, Betty Dixon, Carole Hogarth and. Mary Shaw of Exeter on the piano; Kathleen McCutcheon of Centralia, on the alto horn., „ - Specialties: a song and: dance Was filled to capacity by Sandra Walters of Winchel- enjoyeH a concert t>f highjrich of Exeter, Scotch dance by Joan and Eleanor Fitzsimmons of Thorndale, recitation by Ron nie Marshall and Jack Roundell of Kirkton, a dance by Karen i Harvey and Jane O’Rourke of St. Marys,. I Gerald Paul was master of J ceremonies for the contest which j was in charge of the juvenile; program'committee—-Mrs. T. A.i Crago, Mrs. Gerald Paul and Mrs. Fred Switzer.At the Garden Party on July | 18, Mrs. Gaffney will present i cash awards to the winners. FOR SALE Want Ads Are Hot, Too __poww lift tractor; 12-ffc- swather. KI-bush el me Lal grain bo# in thrower' attachments;• ■ - • ' j. cow ' foot? Apply" Wally ■4 Dashwood.....14:31c CEDAR POSTS; also tile, and large. Apply Freeman Winchelsea. 14 2-ROW CULTIVATOR for W.C ’ I.H.C.; I will: giv,., 5-yeac-old registered Hereford with calf at foot. A""’" ’ Wein, phone............ RED small Horne, 100 PULLETS, Rock and Red. months old, starting to lay. Apply Melvin Desjardine, R.R, X Grand Rend, phone 52-r-la._________ lie Town Topics— Items'of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times.Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. COOK STOVE, While enamel, $25.0 or best offer; 1929 Model “A motor. Phone Lucan 161-'r-13. 14 CALF—Andy Bierltng, Exeter, It € Ml AAltHM MARRIA&E BRINGS A .LOT OF CHANGE INTO 'A MAN'S LIFE-AND IT TAKES A LOT OUT, TOO GRAIN’ FEED SEED 735 >■ Cb&Ni&zs 35 R IS Wanted '54 METEOR 2-DOOR TwoTone, just like new. '54 DODGE SEDAN Factory. reconditioned. CHEV BEL AIR Two-tone, covered accessories. with '50 '49 AUSTIN SEDAN i Perfect running condi- tio’n, new’tires. CHEV SEDAN Extra nice. '47 FORD COACH Black, radio, spotlight. H. Bierimg »of town,. Miss Joan Batten of London, and Mrs. A, Campbell of Sarnia.left last Sat urday for. a three-week motor trip to California. Air. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne spent the Weekend with Air, and Mrs. Oren Moir of'St. Catha rines. Afr. Walter Herbert of Bell ville, Alich,, attended the funer al of the late Daniel Hicks and spent a few days with relatives and friends in the community." Miss Mary Van Camp, London, Spent the weekend .with Mrs. Rd, Dickens. ’ " .Mrs; R, H. Russell attended the golden wedding anniversary of Air. and Mrs. William Grif fiths of Londcsboro on Saturday, June 9. Mrs. Norman Passmore and Miss Della Peart are visiting in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs, Rus sell Pass .lore and family.- Mr. and Airs. George McFalls, Air. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Ford of. Stephen, spent the weekend in Flint and Clio, Michigan and at tended a surprise birthday party for Mrs,.Irene Hicks. Mrs.,R. J. Keller who has been, a patient in South Huron Hospi tal for two weeks has been transferred to Victoria Hospital, London where she underwent an operation on Tuesday. Airs,. Frank Whilsmith left by plahe, x>n Friday, June 1 to spend the summer with her sisters and brother in England." Air. arid Mrs. D. Greenslade and two children and Mrs. Greenslade’s parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel King, St. Thomas, took in Air Force Day ;at Cen tralia on Saturday and called on friends in town. Mr.; and Mrs. William Pearce, of town, and Mrs. . William Gaiser, Crediton, attended the funeral of the former’s brother- in-law, Mr. A. E, Willson, in St. Thomas on Saturday. Callers .at’the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce last Sun day .were Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Silcox, of Iona,’ who were re turning from Benmiller after at tending the golden wedding cele bration of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller; Mr* and-' Airs. Otto Brown, accompanied by Mr. and Airs. Norman Brokenshire 'ofi Talbotvillc. Mr, and Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore and Mr. and Mrs. Robert'' South- cotjt attended the A.O.T.S. na tional converition at Muskqka Beacn Infi, Friday to Sunday. Arthur Whilsmith is erecting, a new house on Carling St. Mr. J. W. Powell returned •home on Friday evening after spending three weeks in St Jo seph’s Hospital, London. He is convalescing at his home. Jane $outhcott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-Robert Southcott, VORK hog, fell on Saturday at the home of her. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber, Varna, and broke her collar bone. 14 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply A< E.Willard. Hay, Ont. 14* FASHIONS make great de- on your figure. See Spencers FREE figure analysis. Mrs. Baynham, H'ensal), phone 14c NEWI inands I today,Pearlj 171-W. ! BABY CARRIAGE, grey. Also play pen. Apply Mrs. Don. Jolly, phone 1'87 Exeter. ______, 14* JOHN DEERE .TRACTOR, with i mounted mower, also disc and- plow.Will trade for grass cattle and some eash. Apply F. J. Shortt. Parkhill, phone 165. ______14:21* 25 CHUNKS—Apply Charles Prout. phone 378-W1, 1.4c POWER LAWN MOWER, 18” cut. Phone 166-.J, Exeter. ____• 14c x,/.ivxv nvU, 2m years old; 8-ft. stock rack (with floating shut®) to fit any Ford pickup. Apply Harry Hern, R.R, 1 Granton, phone Kirk- ton 4-r-ll, 14c Trucker Fees Packer Stops! I 5 SERVICE BOAI5S, Yorkshire, 'g months old, Apply J, H, Paton, Clandeboye,____ ____ 14 2 HOLSTEIN COWS, ■ sprihging. carrying third calf; also 2 fresh ■Jersey heifers; 10 little, pigs. 6 weeks old. One mile south and 1 mile east of Hensail, G, Poortinga.A « ELECTRIC STOVE, Sunshine,' 4- burner, heavy duty, white enamel, with broiler pan, automatic oven control; used onlyi 1 year. Apply to ’ ’ ~ r” —.....................-.............. . ____14* Insufficient supplies of hogs on the open market have resulted in one of Ontario’s processing -------- ---- ---- - -....... - plants offering to pay higher hog BHnlvllle> phone. Kirk prices and to discontinue their under-the-table- payments to ; twine—Danish hinder and baler drovers if the Ontario Hoff Pro- twine at lowest possible prices for their hog requirements. i------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------k Charles McInnis, president of the Ontario Hog Producers’, As sociation, is announcing the of fer from an Ontario packer, said ’that another packer in Ontario is currently entertaining a simi lar offer. The hog organization presi dent said that’it was regrettable tha,t despite the Hog Co-opera tive’s present opportunity to se cure better province-wide prices if more hogs were shipped to the open market, still there is a short supply in that market. “Under the present system of our established stock yards at Toronto, Kitchener, Russ add Chuck Snell . PHONE 328 EXETgR Times-Advocale7 I* FOR RENT 1 2 . LARGE APARTMENTS with private entrances: ong. upstairs-and. one dowustairs; both nicely dacornI ated. Phone 411-W Exeter. • 14* i FAMILY APARTMENT, 3 stories, «’4-piece hath, also hasetnent,-garage• and very reasonable rent. Apply ’ Mrs. w. Armstrong, 414 Albert St., ’ | phone .no-W. 14:21c, j APARTMENT, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, private entrance, reasonable1 rent. Apply Mrs. W, Armstrong, | Phone 375-W. 14:21c! 1 "....■ ■ - I . . .. . ■ . .. ■ ■- ■ 1 APARTMENT, 4 rooms, self-con- J tamed, heated, unfurnished, stove , and frig sup'pHed, on Main St.,Exeter. Available July-1, Phone 216, Reg. Armstrong Motors. J4c' -■---r ... .. REAR APARTMENT, small, at 308 Andrew St. Especially suitable for elderly lady or couple. Available July 1. Phone 226. 14* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cuphoards, use of laundry for washing, private entrance, Blatphford Apartments. « 14* 8-ROOM HOUSE—3’A miles west of Hensail, with furnace, running water and built-in cupboards. Ap- py Cliff M’eldo, R.R. 2 Hensail, Phon? SS-r-22 Zurich. 7:14:21c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnish ed, consisting of living room, kit chen with built-in cupboards, down stairs; 2 bedrooms, large clothes closet and 3-piece bath* upstairs. Also garage available. Apply 88 Sanders St. AV., . or apply Mrs. Whitney Coates, phone 39-V-3 Kirk ion. 31.'7:14c APARTMENT—3 rooms and 3- piece bath, furnished: also bedsitting room and bath, furnished. Both ..available June 1. John Wardi, phone' 348. 14* APARTMENT, in the Elliot* Apart ments.. Phone 787-J. You’ll like this one. 24Mc 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52. , 19tfc———j_____ . ... 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, tor rent at once. AV. C. Pearce, ReAitor, Exeter. „ 12£fc APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on •Shipka highway, Phone 6-J Crediton, 16tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers. Aracuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc.. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER MAIN STREET APARTMENT— Over Gould & Jory store;, living room, bedroom and kitchen; hydro and water provided; available April 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advoqate. 22tfc SEAVING .MACHINES i- Electric portables, by the week. HLpper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. Stic FURNISHED APARTMENT1, in Centralia, 1 large bedroom, dll heated; also unfurnished apartment, bath. Both have running hot cold water, separate entrances. Phone 880-J3 or apply Mrs. Kbn Hodgins, Centralia. 14c ' STOCK WANTED Dead. DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, . calves.—Gleri Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Ex eter 235., - , - • ' 13trfc r AM IN THE' MARKET for al] kind? of horses, any size, any age, —G. J. Dow, phone’ 83, Exeter,,litfc WANTED TO RENT—3-bedroom house, centrally located, fairly modern. Posses sion July 1. Phone 493-J Exeter. 14* CATTLE TO GRASS—Apply Times- Advocate. . 14c ROOM’& BOARD—Elderly gentle man would like room and, board,in •or around Exeter. Reply stating address and. phone to Box ’’RD”, Times-Advocate. 14:21c REAL ESTATE ■ RANCH STYLE HOUSE, new. basement, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full bath; acre of land; priced down, owner going AVest. Duplex, separate entrances, 2 full baths, kitchens, new oil furnace. Rents at $110. Price $6,3,00. Some terms. NICE BRICK HOUSE, having all conveniences, including oil furnace; good barn ail’d building lot. William Pearce. Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole. Salesmen. 14tfc GRAND BEND—3-bedroom cottage, full .bathroom, winterized; nicely treed area. Price $5,000. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St, Exeter. : 14tfc CREDITON—Brick house, 2-storey, furnace, hath, attached garage. AAT. C. Pearce, Realtor; Eatl Parsons. Salesman. ■* . "31. ’ - HENSAtjL Brick home with good location. Two. bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, new' furnace. Priced reason ably, with terms. Inquire at once. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada . Brokei' R. B. Paterson. Phone 51 ,* Hensall, Ontario 19tfc TENDERS WANTED HELP WANTED PAINTING Sealed tenders for painting the exterior of S.S. No. -g Hibbert will be accepted by the undersigned until July 1, 1956. Work to be com pleted during summer vacation. Lowest tender not. necessarily accepted. mrs, jessie g. mcculloch, Cromarty, Ontario, Secretary-Treasurer, 14;2I SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Exeder, Ontario. ADDITION TO SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL SEALED 'Fenders on a Stipu lated sum basis, plainly marked ‘ITender for Addition to South Huron District High School, Ex eter, Ontario" will be received at the < office of the Architects until 12:00 noon. E.D.S.T,’Tuesday, June 26, 1J56. Plans and specifications may foe obtained from tlie Architects on de posit of a -cheque for $50.00 payable to the Architects, • This cheque.will be returned ■ -upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. ■ ; Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • PAGE * STEELE. Architects, 72 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. 14:21 , BABY CHICK FOR SALE BRAY CHICKS in’' a wide choice breeds,- crosses, available, dayold and started. Pullets, including Ames In-Cross (Increased egg profits at less cost).. Year round good markets from the right, chicks. Ask for complete list. Ageftt: Eric. Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 246-AV. lie NOTICES TO CREDITORS GIRL or .young lady wanted for light housework in, country home. No baking. Write P.O. Eox 218. St. J51aj-ys. Ont. ■ 14* COOK-r-Experienced' cook pr person interested in learning to cook. Armstrong's, Phone 538, Exeter, lie GRAND BEND—Required for September, experienced intermediateteacher, modern 5 rooms, salary schedule, minimum $2,400, allow ance for experience. Apply, stating qualifications and name of last inspector, to Mrs. Ediths Maijpre. secretary. Grand Bend. , 14c. BEST TIME of year for oui* business. You can earn front $50 to $100 ’Weekly representing nationally known .firm.,.. Good openings available. Dept B, Famiiex, station C»; Montreal* 14c; AUCTION SALES • • • ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ................... IN hall tree with puhTorr dressers commodes; couch; bird c#ge; bed ding; mats; quilts; large variety irf silverware: fancy antique dlWJte; sets of dishes; g-lassware; kitchen Utensils; kitchen Clock; lurge milk can; cream cans; pails; iron wedges; bushel red clover seed: new hewn mower; chains; shovels; barrel*, garden tools. Many- articles toe numerous to mention.No Reserve—everything- wjU IN sold. TERMS: Cash.HENRY LINK. Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer / , ' '......................7:U AUCTION SAME Of Household Effects THfj VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, JUNE '» At 1;30, P’ClPPk.Three-piece chesterfield suite; 3 bedroom suites; dining room eufte; daybed; annex; 2-burner heavy duty electric stove; Beatty washer; bookcase; office- kneehole desk: kitchen table and 4 chairs; metal verandah swing; end tables; porcelain fable;, hall treq; floor lamps; table lamps; rugs; mats; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; garden tools and numerous other article®. CECIL VAN HORNE, Prop. P. L. McNAUGHTON, Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer __________14:21k AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALI* SATURDAY, JUNE 16 At 1:00 O’clockThe Estate of the late Mrs. la M. Johnston.Frigidaire frig,; Beatty washing machine; 3-piece chesterfield suite; Singer sewing machine; McCaskey steel safe; 2 radios; spool bed; bed springs and mattresses; di-essers; wash stands; book shelves; bureau; sideboard; rockers;, odd chairs; small tables; kitchen table; couch; electric fan; wardrobe; bedding; mats; pillows; dishes; silverware; electric clock; kitchen utensils, mirrors: . pictures; sealers; copper boiler; lawn mower( new last year); all sorts of garden tools and other articles too numerous to mentiop. MRS. DOROTHY .GALLIENNE, ExecutrixP. L. McNAUGHTON, Clerk ED. CORBETT, Auctioneer 14c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Implements, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Lot 20. Con 15, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1^4 Mlles West of Dashwoaad and 1’1 Miles South■The Undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1956 Commencing at 1.00 P.M. Sharp .HORSES; Team of horses, mar.e and gelding. IMPLEMENTS: Tudhope - Anderson rubber tire wagon, like new; 16-ft. flat hay rack, like new; double harness; 2 sets single har ness; set of sleighs; .wheelbarrow; buggy; cutter; new roll of page fencing; roll of barb wire; snow fence; 25 cedar posts; 2 cross-cut saws; 2 axes; spades; shovels; forks, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MIS- CELLANOUS ITEMS: Singer sew ing machine; 2 beds, complete with springs and. mattress; -dining room table with 6 matching chairs; kitchen table and chairs; rocking chairs; .. 3, centre tables; settee; organ; cupboard; sideboard; kitchen. Sink; organ; Window washer; IN THE ESTATE OF Catherine Mabel Ferguson., All persons havimr- claims against the,Estate of CATHERINE MABEL FERGUSON, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about -the 4th day ,of May 1356. are -hereby notified ■ to send particulars , of same* to ’ the undersigned at 70 Richmond Street West, Toronto, on or before the ,30th day of June, 1956, after which date -the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under signed shall then'have notice, and the undersigned shall npt.be liable to any person of whose Nairn they shall not then have notice. DATED (at Toronto, this 30th day of May, 1956. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Executor r ’ ‘ By'BEUU A LAUGHTON .. j. Its Solicitors Herein. ■ 31:7:14 iWiWlh. Wl Get OnSLIDING HAY RACK, one-man, in good condition: complete with track and inlaids. Gerald Prout, phone 172-r-4 Exeter.________________14c %-TON TRUCK, 1947 Cher., good running order. Apply Carman Dark, R.R. 1 Kirkton, phone 9-<-7. 7:14* CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizinff. Apply Carl OesfreiCher, phone 57-r-23, Dash- wood.___________________1612-17:6 STARTED PULLETS—14-week-old, Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leg horns. Hubert T. Miller, phone/ 57- r-7 Dashwood, 22tfc ICE, . ICE. ICE—Any quantity. Deliveries Tuesdays and Saturdays, Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r- 14 Exeter. 7 tfc PULLETS—400 Sussex Cross Red Pullets, 7 weeks old. Phone''143 Credlton. 7:14c ’ ________i EMPLOYMENT WANTED F E'MALE—Grade 11 .student re quires position for summer months. Available now. Apply Box D, Exeter Times-Advocate. NOTICES The Band Wagon Z1 | S s 3i RE: RIVERVIEW PARK, EXETER Reservation for picnics may be made with Mr.’ AV. Doupe at the park or -through the clerk’s .office. No charge is made but donations toward the upkeep of the park will be appreciated. C.- V." PICKARD,’ Town Clerk ... . ,v.. . .» ...,3:14c _____, _______, Stratford, London and Windsor, plus the hogs directed through our Coun ty assembly points, we have a much larger number of hogs out in the. open for competitive bid ding than we have had for jihq- past ten years. We still neect greater numbers if we- are to meet the requirements of pro cessors -in undersupplied areas. These processors are willing to pay higher prices to get. their supplies.” stated Mr. McInnis. Mr. McInnis charged that be cause of a maze of'agreements and general understandings in volving under-the-table payments from certain large packers, drovers were ignoring their high er prices which Ontario hog pro-- ducers could, secure through their co-operative marketing agency on the open market, with these incentives, drovers jn their own interest, and ignoring the interest of producers, are de livering hogs direct to proces sor plants. "On behalf of Jake Kohler, our Hog Co-operative manager,” Mr. McInnis said, “I urge all pro ducers throughout • Ontario , to .order their transporters to de liver hogs to the Toronto stock- yards or to otir assembly points. Producers across this province have to., assume more responsi bility in seeing that their hogs get into the open market im mediately. We’ve got to show the drovers that we mean busi ness. It’s time we rid Ontario’s hog industry of drover-packer Control or producer marketing.” In conclusion # Mr. ' McInnis staled that the. increase in hog prices across Canada during the last few weeks has been spear-. ( Spray' At Competitive - Prices'**** BINDER & BALER TWINE EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Phone 287 Collect < . 7c ft FOR RENT MODERN APARTMENT,' furnished or. unfurnished. Beavers Hard- ware, Exeter, phone 86.______3tfc. 3-ROOM APARTMENT, on ground floor, heated, hot and cold’ water, large bed-sitting room, kitchen and^ private bath robm. Penhale Apart ments, 70 John St. E., phone 294- R. ___ _______________lltfn LOWER APARTMENT, on William St., near downtown, Unfurnished, 4 rooms and bath, heated, range wiring and -separate hot water tank, entirely private. Phone 232- M,__________________, , 14c UPSTAIR APARTMENT, furnished, has phone, Apply 357 Carling Si.______' __________________14c 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, living room, kitchen, bath, furnace, heavy wiring, newly decorated, witli garage. Apply Times-Advocate.t4tfc I APARTMENT—Centrally located, 4 light, airy rooms. bath, hot. water, part furnished; separate entrance; rent reasonable; Immediate possession. Apply 313 Andrew St., Exeter.- 14* The POULTRY London 7-1230 I 1 2 APARTMENTS—Apply. Tastp-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. Otic t Prices Sell To The LONDON Phone Collect Hensall 680R2 NOTICES s 5 Vor the balance of June, July and August, out Exeter offices and warehouse 'will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons Closed Saturday Afternooha 14 E‘ Z C ar nival Of Deals S s. DRIVE HOME A BARGAIN! L.S.M.F.T headed in Ontario by the pro ducers’ marketing agency, and price increases have been more evident here than in other prov inces. RE: COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall Fri day, June 29, fpora 3 to 5 p.m. and 7.30 to 9 p;m. and Saturday, June 30, from 3 to S' and 7.30 to 9 p.m. Please arrange to make payment, on T>r before this .date and avoid penalty. ” \ERIC CAKSCADDEN, Tax Collector 14:21c NOTICE In accordance with No. 14 By-law of the Coroporation of the Village of. Grand Bend, all operators' or owners renting Homes. Cabins (or Motels for tourist accomodation must, obtain a licence, from the Vlljage Clerk. This goes into ef*- fect immediately. ' •HERBERT WAIN WRIGHT, Clerk 14c SO MANY "THINGS THAT PAINT CAN DO, BY COLOR STYLING ROOMS FOR YOU EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD HOUSE, 2- or 3- bedroom, near schools; bathroom, full basement, garage, ’ Quick possession. Price $3,600. 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of condition, oil heated; nicely treed lol, with good garige; immediate possession. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy, 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home is nicely decorated throughout; hardwood floors and fireplace; forced oil heat; extra, lots, °beauti fully treed; garage. Price $7,500.00, with very easy terms. 3-BEDROOM BRICK COT'J'AGE. very attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3- piece hath, per m a n o, n t laundry tubs. This comfortable home is particularly well located on a. beauti fully treed lol. Owner leaving town, quick possession. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water softener. -Extra large, lot is nicely treed. Brick garage, Possession ar ranged. If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St.. Exeter, phone 165 and 623.12tfc WARNING Parents and ■ other interested parties, should take notice that there will be no supervisor of swimming at Riverview Pai*k, Exeter, until after July 1. . ’ •C, V. PICKARD, Town Clerk14:21 ' LOST AND FOUND COLLIE DOG. black and white. Owner may have same by .proving property and paying for advertise- ment. Phone Kirkton 21-r-lfi. 14* WHtTE STEEL TAPE, 6-ft., in vicinity, of MarlboroUjrh or Ann streets. Rhone 679-W Exetei'. lie SERVICES © LOCAL IRAOEMARKS. Im' Let Us Help You Select Your Point our wide selection of colored kinds* 100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron’s good quality farms, well under drained, good barns, silo good house with conveniences; Exeter area. William Pearce. Real tor; ♦Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. IGtfc the WbbHr^CH VETERAN MOTORCYCLIST AT AGE OF 9^With help of his 14-year-old sister, Pauline, Paul Booth, of Galt, displays just two of the many trophies he has won as Canada’s youngest motorcyclist. Ever since lid was three years old, Paul now nine, has been riding a smaller edi* tion of the big bike on.a special'track laid out by his father among fruit trees in their backyard. The youngstet j rides only in the yard and in. exhibitions at motdrcycle .!.:4lir»t„b-.-WtaAiltf....'U'iit, .tirViAn rtwwi. nn ;> ,t villi'rvllir. NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter: close to schools, IL E. Calkwill, 47 John St. , tfc HAVE TOUR BUILDING, remodel ing. alterations, kitchen cupboards, roofing, etc. done by Koning and Pehnlnga. For free, estimates call 4O4-.T or 487 Nxet’er, 7:11:21:28 HAVE YOUR SAWS . sharpened and set today, the, Foley automatic Way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 195 Sanders St. E.» Exeter, phone 451. • 7c SEPTIC TANKS Dumped out, immediate, sendee. Butler Rrds.'. Lli* can, phone 108 nr ISfi-W.______Sd! WATERLOO CA TTf.E BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Bettor Bulls Are Used" For Artificial insemination information or service from all breeds of cattie, phono, the Waterloo Cattle RreOdlnc Association nt; Clinton Hu 2-2.111 between 7:3ftt<And 9:3ft A.M. Wo have, all broods Available, -—ton quality At low cost. 4;2fttfc MANURE LOWING—Apply Nor- mAn Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W.12ffc 5ft ACRES —Bluewai er Highway, Bayfield, nice square 50 acres; good soil, suit gardener or hobbyist; bank barn; good brick house, could be duplexed; good' wells; hydro; OUiOk possession. William Pearce, Realtor: Earl "Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen.................... , 26tfd DUPLEX HOUSE, separate ent rance.*, 3-piece, baths, kitchens, oil furnaoft, heated, heavy wiring; easy Mobile Disposal Contracting Septic Tank Cleaning „ Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc, New Installations dn Cement, Septic, Tanks, . Drainage Tile and Drains s s a £ FORD COACH—Only 11,000 miles PLYMOUTH COACH—A good one .... CHEV COACH—Clean ...... .................... MONARCH SEDAN ................................. DODGE COACH ........................................ CHEV SEDAN .......................................... FORD SEDAN—Above average ......... FORD COACH ................................... MONARCH COACH................................. Your Choice Of Two Nice Ones ..... ..........Your .............. Choice MONARCH SEDAN ......................... Your PLYMOUTH SEDAN ...................... Choice PLYMOUTH COACH—Like new .............. ’55 ’53 ‘ ’53 ’51 ’51 ’52 ’50 ’49 ’49 ’47 FORD SEDAN.................. ’47 CHEV COACH ........ ’46 PONTIAC SEDAN ........... ’46 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ’47 ’46 ’41 If TRUCKS ’53 FORD COMBINATION DUMP ................. ’52 FORD 3 TON STAKE DUMP Above average FORD 3 TON C & C...................... .............. DODGE PANEL—New motor, very nice . FORD PICKUP ................................................ FORD PICKUP—Real good ........................ ’53 ’53 ’52 ’51 ’48 FORD 3 TON STAKE—Good BIG license ’50 FORD PICKUP ................................................ $2,100 $1,395 $1,325 Your Choice $ 995 $ 795 $ $ 650 550 350 295 195 150 $1,550 $1,050 995 895 795 695 695 550 SPECIALS "• The following 30-day units to be reduced $10 per day until sold. ThUraday’a Price FORD SEDAN—Nice ......................... $1,965 FORD COACH—You’re making me weep $1,550 $1,420 $1,130 $ $ $ ’55 ’55 ’54 ’53 METEOR COACH ’49 ’49 ’52 CHEV COACH—Above average DODGE SEDAN—You’re robbing me AUSTIN SEDAN—She’s good ........... FORD 3 TON C & C............................. You’re stealing me blind TRACTORS a 365 295 650 f S s 3 z J i ’50 ’41 ’54 ’50 ALLIS CALMERS 60 AU Crop Combine .. $ FORD TRACTOR ...................................... A SET OP RUBBER HALF TRACKS ... 6-FT. DEARBORN REAR ATTACHED MOWER....................................................... FORD PLOUGH—Like new ................. FRONT POWER LIFT BUCK RAKE FOR TRACTOR ......................... . $ $ $ $ $ 450 295 225 225 125 115 Larry Snider Motors LTD* Yeur Ford * Monarch Dodftr X f ? /J3 5