The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-06-07, Page 13ouxgw jifflp xas^er, ' safer milking with Increased produc­ tion. (adv’t) -------------~ ......... -....'................MU.,!. * Garages Sunday And Evening Service Open tips Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week; Larry Snider MOTORS Report On Grand Bend find Season ** **** ..........•... With Social ber 18, at the home of Mrs. E. i. Exeter Senior Citizens brought .ir... ! ihe season to a. close with a sac-A . fruit salad luncheon was mi evening in Legion Memorial prqvide4 by Miss Ye- and Mrs. I Hall Tuesday night at which the Orpha Clyti 1 On Tuesday evening the mem- *-eowm bers of the Orpha Club were en- * tertmed by Miss Mary Yeo at Wa™ Des^arS. her home. The purpose of the gathering was to arrange for the displaying and selling of tickets for the doll, basinette and ward­ robe, the draw for which will take plage on Labor Day week­ end. All members were supplied with tickets for the draw, the proceeds to be used for needy children. It was planned to. hold -the meetings for the coming season in different homes of the mem­ bers, the next regular and open­ ing meeting for the. fall season to be held on Tuesday, Septem- » Looking For A GOOD INVESTMENT ARE YOU. GETTING - • BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SERVICE? Buy 5% CO-OP DEBENTURES If you have -money which isn’t working for you at present, or which is earning you a low rate of interest, United Co-operatives Of Ontario Debentures can well be what you’ve been looking for The interest rate is good 5% .on 20 year debentures,.4Y2% on 10 year debentures, 4% on 5 year debentures—and in addition, your mdiiey is invested soundly! Your dollars will help co-operatives provide even better services for Ontario faTmers, and you will also be receiving a profitable return on your investment » . . For further information, contact the manager,of your local co-op. Exeter District CO-OP PHONE 287 EXETER I Times-Advocat* * THE SCOUTING ThfTtow-Adv^tf#, Jun* 7/ 1^6 ....................................... vw».iui'mRwiwiw»3^>W!im»»u time case, in troop policies and personnel. Although the last scout column was fairly blunt and was in- the politicians say, *‘It’s for a change” or in our quite a few changes, both Although the last scout column ! attendance was 125. ' | Featurec on the program werej with Mr. and ] several ^winners in Be^JSoulh uauguiers, ana iurs. iviae lion wmc vevjvl! ; , ; ty T- Lijrji J? e _e ^Ir. , AJiLah All. I deserved it. WA rnnwt ACCURACY still hoping. An open meeting for all parents and other inter­ ested persons is being considered for July or l^te June. And Doug Wedlake of the Group Committee is enquiring into the possibility of a Sheaffer Pen tour. We still hope to have a. troop four-day camp during the suyir mer and also a few overnight hikes should the weather ever warm up. All we need now is more boys to attend Mondays meetings. Is your son attending regular­ Personal Hams Sunday visitors wun w. ana ] «««*«.Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and Huron Music Festival, Playing daughters, and Mrs. Mae Holl Pnm trio numbers were David and Mi». L« Gerometie were Mr. I ELton «i»d Mo-s,. ■ .««♦»and Mrs, Jack Riddoch aL fam- Ulster who topped this filfiSS at ^md it, we have to report ily of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. th.e festival; Sandra Walper, top {Jn'v®5q m®eve?’al. ol.dcr Jack Holt of North Bosanquet I winner in the piano solo^ class^ u°ys have deserted us Just when Mrs. Stewart Ravelle is a pa- contributed two. selections; and weie counting on them help (lent in St. Joseph’s Hospital, ............ ‘-----5“ *^lfo1 lhe s” af,bvif’''c London. Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Flear and son of Dorchester spent the weekend visiting with Mr. Flear’s parents and brothers, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Flear, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flear and Mr. Kenneth Flear. Mr. and Mrs. E. Whiting and family of Parkhill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sturde­ vant and family and celebrated family birthdays. Miss Pauline Mason and Mr. Jack Roit of London spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dorey sold their cottage in Beach O’ Pines last week. Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Turnbull last week were Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Eagle- son and daughter, Sharon, of Parkhill, Miss Donna Turnbull visited with her grandparents for ..the weekend.. ; Mrs. Mary Gill, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Colin Love and Mr. Love at Shipka, is now staying with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Love, and Mr. Love, and js reported to be in fair health. Mrs, Melvina Gratton 1j ill at her home with heart trouble. Mrs. E. Finan entertained a numbey of friends and relatives at her home last week, displayed a number of gifts received by her daughter, Sheila, as token of esteem ;pn her recent gradua­ tion from St. Joseph’s-Hospital School of Nursing in London. Mr. Warren Patterson and son, Gary, of Sarnia spent- Sunday With Mr, Patterson’s mother, Mrs. Wm." Patterson, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs. Patterson’s daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of Sarnia visited’with her, Mr. Wm. Bradt of London last week purchased the cottage formerly owned by Mr. Jack Haberer of Zurich. Rev, E. A. Holley of London has been called to the pastorate of Grand Bend and, Greenway United Churches, and will take over these charges commencing Sunday, July 1. Rev. W. C. Smith? who has been pastor of these charges for the past fiye years has been called to the pastorate, of the United Church at Port Stanley. . Misses Madge Evans and Eli­ zabeth Evans, aunts of Rev. and W. C. Smith of Toronto are visitors Lt the manse this week, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cundscho and Misses- Patsy and Judy Cundscho of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull. Miss Donna and Mrs., Arthur Pollock spent Friday and Satur­ day visiting . friends at Lion’s Head. Mrs. Frances Clark, and son, Kenneth Clark, wife anJ family, Gary and. Sandy were guests of Mrs. Mary RaVelle and daugh­ ters, Doris Mr. baby with Baird. The annual memorial service for Grand Bend cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 17. Father's Day Service is being held in the United Church on Sunday morning, June 17, at which a baptismal service will be held. ■ - Several Grand Bend people the festival; Sandra Walper, top « w*s m vam. Several older -..lx__ AC J _ * . ’ tV « nnvs hava rlnonnlnJ MO ! Carol McCurdy, a winner in the|-°f summer activities, vocal class, .sang two .solos ac-' companied by Mrs. Coates, Adding humor to the program were Helen Hendrick with a read­ ing and Mrs. Lgs. ’Gibson, Mrs. Harry Beaver Gardiner who in which Miss sie, borrowed her neighbor ........ I Beavers) including her fiance whom she couldn’t return be­ cause she had married him. Mrs. Gibson portrayed Miss Clarabel’s cook. ’ Called back for several encores was a male quartette from Wood­ ham who sang barbershop har­mony with touches of humor ad­ ded. Making up the quartette were two of the Mills brothers, Bill and Ray, Norris Webb and Glenn Copeland. • . . Walter Cutbush was program chairman. J. M. Southcott thank> ed the entertainers and mem­ bers of Caven Circle who assist­ ed with ’the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall and Tom Walker provided dance music. , The door prize was won by Bill Mills. Next meeting of the club will be held in October when the pro­ gram committee will include Mr., and Mrs. Wes. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Westcott; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Passmore. and Mtes Mary presented a skit Gardiner, as Bes- everything from Clarabelle .(Mrs. Mrs Harrison and Miss over the weekend. and Mrs. Norris Athill and of Kirkton spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whalen WA At Centralia Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, W.A. president, opened the meeting and presided for a short business session on Wednesday afternoon of last week in the schoolroom of the church with the Whalen ladies as guests. Mrs. R. Squire, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Finkbciner of Whalen took charge of the. devotional part of the meeting and Used, the twenty-third psalm as their theme. Mrs. Milne Pullen and Mrs. R. Squire favoured with musical selections and Mrs, Mor­ ley gave a reading. Miss Frances Clarke closed the meeting. A salad supper was served by the Centralia ladies. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Abbott of Detroit visited with their aunts Mrs. Parsons and Mts. Kershaw on Saturday. Miss Hettie Sweet of. London was a visitor at the home of M’ts. Clara Abbott on Tuesday after­ noon. A number, from here attended the anniversary service in the Whalen church on Sunday morn­ ing, Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Morgan returned home the end of the week and are taking up resi­ dence with Mrs. Morgan’s fath­ er, Mr. Wellington Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. If. Hodgins at­ tended the funeral of the late Carlyle Taylor in Grand Bend on Tuesday afternoon. We don’t consider this quite j fair as most of the leaders’ time Was spent on these older fellows during the winter and now we are left to assume that, as well as wasting our time and theirs, they just wanted the warmth and entertainment that the Scout hall offered. A final word to these boys; Scouting has been going for 49 years now and always have Scputs lived by the Scout Law which you seem to have forgot­ ten. We wish you would remem­ ber that you once "made the Scout Promise and swore on your Scouts Honour tb live up to the Law of the Scout Brother­ hood. We want you fellows hack; but only if you want to come hack as Scouts. Now to more general interest news. The Huron District Camporee which was held last weekend went over suprisingly well con­ sidering the weather, Sixteen patrols from the district attended and we arc quite pleased with the showing our boys made. For ; most of our patrol, it was their first camp and they adapted themselves very well. Congratu­ lations lads! Through the Camporee we dis­ covered that our troop camping equipment is far below par. This, we hope,, will be remedied by the proceeds of our next paper drive which is to be held on Saturday June 16, weather permitting. Should it rain or snow we shall postpone the drive. We scouters have received no official word on the father and son banquet as yet but wg are Horseshoe Enthusiasts Don't miss the competition at the ZURICH CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS, July 3. Mimeo Available At THE Times-Advocat© DOBBS for DODGE The month of June always makes you think of summer, so fid not wait before vacation before preparing your present car for summer service or purchasing a new Dodge for all-round economy. We are prepared to do the above suggestions properly at a reasonable price and in a reasonable time. We can offer you a variety of new-car choices and, if you so desire, a used car that we .can recom­ mend, We list a few of our better cars: DEPENDABLE Dodge Royal 4-Door Sedan .... .....$1,595 Dodge 4-Door Sedans (3), ydur choice $1,395 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan, A-1 ..... . Pontiac 4-Door Sedan ..................... Mercury Convertible.' Coupe With the extras ............................... 51zs—Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac Your Choice .....,............................. »—Meteors, Chevrolets, Nash ...... . i 5 995 945 695 $ $ OLDER MODEL CARS AT CHEAPER PRICES We will gladly demonstrate . New or Xlsed at your convenience. I Give Him Gifts He Can Wear * TIES A > JEWELLERY * SOCKS. * BELTS Gress shiRts * t^hirts ★ sport shirts ★ INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS > SWEATERS * SPORT JACKETS> SWEATERS Don't Forget Air Force Day This Saturday Check These Weekend Bargains SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip, Lg. 32-Oz. Jar <....830 : INSTANT COFFEE, Chase A Sanborn : 2-O± Jar 570, 6-Oz. Jar .... $1.72 AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL A 20-Oz. Tins .............. 2 for 590 W NATURE'S BEST PEAS ,r 15-0z; Tins......................v... 2 far 230 RED ROSE TEA BAGS Price ............................ 60 Bags 700 AJAX CLEANSER New Giant Size ...tHiHUMM 160 Tih ■ PHONR 16 SULTANA RAISINS Price ......... ......... TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE Large 48-OZ. Tin ............. 430 « SHREDDED WHEAT Price ............................. 2 Boxes 310 AYLMER FORK & BEANS 20-02. Tills .... ...................... 2 for 59# & Lucan Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Frank Hardy included and Mrs. Charles Talfson cf troit and Mr. and Mrs. John Knight and family of Kin tore. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins spent last weekend in. London, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins. Mr. Leroy Revirigton has tak­ en over the Revington Meat Market and his brother, Fred, .is at present on an extended trip to Calgary and points west. Mrs. Fred Ford who has been assisting her sister, Mrs. Irene Coursey for the past week, re­ turned hoine to Detroit last Sun­ day.Mrs. • Harold Hodgins has re­ turned home after a twb-week visit with her daughter Mrs. Don Ankers, Gamp Bqrdeh. Last Friday afternoon the ex­ ecutive of the- Lucan United Church W.M.S. were entertain­ ed by .the president, Mrs. Warn­ er McRoberts at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and family Of Detroit spent two days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Casey. Mr. and Mrs. D. (Guiney and family of Windsor were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mts. B. Drehnan. Mrs. J, C. Davey of Woodstock was a Sunday guest with her ‘sister. Mrs. Mitchell Haskett and ‘ Mr, Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. J. S~. Lackle of Waterloo were Wednesday guests with Mrs. M. O. Smith. < Dodge Mayfair V*8, 4-door Sedan from the Church of God and others went in a Guenther bus oft Sunday to attend the services bein'; held at the present time by ReV. Oral Roberts in Detroit. Mrs. Ethel ArmstrOng-Collins of Toronto, organizer for the Business and Professional Women’s Clubs of Ontario, gave a challenging talk on Wednes­ day evening to a group of women from Grand Bend and Exeter at the home of Mrs. Monetta Menard. Mrs, Collins presented the in­ ternational, national, and local program of the Canadian Feder­ ation Of Business and Profes­ sional Women’s Clubs. She also informed the group tha', Canada now has 142 clubs with a mem­ bership of 7000 and that 78 of these clubs are in Ontario with a membership of 36oo. Huron County is now the only county in Ontario without such a club. A committed of the whole was formed with Dr. Judith Brigham as temporary chairman. Nights 762-W or Phone 200 Days Enjdy big-car comfort in a low-priced car Here’s your chance to step up to the big-car class without even a squeeze on your budget. Step into a Dodge and yo.u’ll be driving the biggest car in the low-price field. Size it up. You’ll find Dodge is almost a foot longer than competitive makes. Stretch .out inside, there’s room to spare, because this beauty’s a big car inside, too! Take the wheel and let’s go for a big-car ride. You’ll be quick to agree that driving a Dodge is a travelling treat. Oriflow shock absorbers smooth out the road and those deep-cushiohed seats feel like your armchair at home. Dodge Wraps lip all this comfort—plus new V-8 or Six power—in the trend-setting beauty of Flight-S.weep stylifig. Why not see for yourself how easy it is to fit a big Dodge into your budget? Your Dodge dealer has some good news for you right now! / Manufactured hi Canada by > Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Get Dodge, the BIG BUY In driving easel Nothing compares to push-button PowerFliie for sheer driving ease. Just touch a button . , . step on thd gas . . s and go! Mechanical operation of the push-button controls is simple, smooth, assures lasting, trouble-free service. Get Dodge/ the BIG BUY in safety! Dodge puts your safety first. You get dual-cylinder front-wheel brakes, Safety-Rim wheels, electric wind­ shield wipers plus 12 other ‘'safety- first” features as standard equipment in a Dodge. Get Dodge/ the BIG BUY in performtmc<l Choose the big, new Six ot a V-8 engine with up to 200 h.p.^and high torque at all speeds. You’ll get the take-off and passing power you need to meet any traffic emergency safely. ZZ A' TlfB BtGGBST CAB, fJV T/f/J LOIV-PJUCJE JFlEiB EXETER MOTOR SALES Exeter • Phone 200 ■***«**WATCH CllWAX-SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV, CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE ANO TIME1 t