HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-31, Page 12Pag* 12 .11.1! 'IB' The Exettr Times-Advoe^tf, May 31, 1956 ONTARIO'S CHAMPIONSHIP Fiddlers' Contest Hensall Arena Fri., > 1 June 8 8 p.m. Come And Hear Ontario's Best Old Time Fiddlers For Free Press Trophy $300 IN PRIZE MONEY Five Classes by Ages and Best Trick Fiddler Fiddlers Send Entry To K. K. Christian, Hensall Dance In Hall Admission 750 and 250 ALDON THEATRE Shower Girl At Elimville A shower for Miss Florence Heywood, bride-elect of Satur­ day, was held on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ross Skin­ ner. Mrs. Howard Pym began the evening’s entertainment with a humorous game. Readings were given and the address was read. Atfer opening her gifts, Florence thanked everyone. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. James Heywood attended the wedding of their only granddaughter, Miss Arleen Skinner, to Norman Morgan in Centralia United Church on Sat­ urday. Mrs. M. Routly of St. Marys is visiting a few days with MT, and Mrs. William Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and family of Kirkton visited on Sunday with Mr. Charles Stephen an’d Mrs. Thomas Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and family of Shipka visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake. Miss Anna Routly had a suc­ cessful year at Ryerson Institute of Technology, passing all exams in the Home Economics course. News Of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Fathers Wed Couple At Centralia Church Utter From ’’’ ’ P Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD s Grand Bend COMING EVENTS FRIDAY A SATURDAY June 1 and 2 "We're No Angels" Vistavision Color by Technicolor ★ Joan Bennett ★ Humphrey Bogart ★ Aldo Ray COMICS Two Shows Nightly-—7.30 &. DANCE REVUE — By popular demand, Land of Fantasy, Dance Revue, by Mrs. R. Broderick and pupils, Town Hall, Hensail, Fri­ day, June 1, 8:15 p.m. Admis­ sion: Adults 600, children 350. 31- COOKING SCHOOL — Monday, Tuesday, June 18 and 19, Exeter Legion Hall. Special door prizes —-M o n d a y night, Pyrexware; Tuesday night, R.C.A. Victor Radio, courtesy of Snelgrove’s. 9.30 PAPER DRIVE — HensaU Girl Guide Paper Drive, Saturday morning, June 2. Tie securely or place in cardboard boxes. 31 a Thames Road United Church 75th Anniversary 1881-1956 Sunday, June 17 MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES — GUEST PREACHERS — a.m.—Rev. .A. W. Gardiner, B.A^ B.D. of Alvinston, Ont. 7:30 p.m.—-Rev. C. A. Gowans, M.A. B.D. D.D. of College St. United Church, Toronto. Special Music " ' ' A Sketch of the Church History has been prepared in booklet form. Social ' gathering at close of evening service on Sunday night and Congregational Supper on Monday evening. £ LYRIC THEATRE May 31, June 1, 2 "DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI" Lax Barker, Patricia Medina "APACHE AMBUSH" Bill Williams, Adele August June 4, 5, 6 "RANSOM" Glen Ford, Donna Reed June 7, 8, 9 "INSIDE DETROIT" Pat O'Brien, Dennis O'Keefe "BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES" Gene Autry, Pat Buttram Barbecue And Open House SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, June 5 (In Case Of Rain June 7) Chicken Will Be Served On The Lawn 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Tickets $1,25 On Advanced Sale INDOOR PROGRAMME COMMENCES'AT 8.15 P.M. No Admission £ s s •S 5 I I s B .............................................................................................................................................. s s Kirkton Community Association PRELIMINARY Juvenile Contest ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.) 8 Mrs. Joan Gaffney, Mitchell, Adjudicator Open To All Public School Pupils Entries close May 30. For extra entry forms or information apply to Mrs. T. A. Ctagd, R.R. 1, St. Marys. Phone 27-1--2 Admhrions Adult* 250 Children 150 CohUsUrifi and Actontpantef* Free Garden Party WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 Miss Colleen Stovo of Tees- water was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Payn­ ter.Mr. Roy McNaughton, of Cane, Ont., was in Kirkton on business la'st week. Mrs. Amos Doupe will cele­ brate her ninety-first birthday on Thursday, May 31. She is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Herman Paynter, and Mr. Payn- ter. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Williams and Gayle, Woodstock, Owen O’Brieh of St. Marys, Mrs. E. Jardine and Mrs. C. McBurney, London. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Exeter visited Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Denham, and Mr. Denham, and attended the baptismal service of their granddaughter, Lynda Dalyce. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Doupe of Port Credit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Doupe and relatives. Annual May Flower Show The Kirkton Horticultural So­ ciety held its annual flower show in Aberdeen Hall on Thursday, May 17, with 115 present. The hall was decorated with spring flowers by decorator convener, Mrs. James McDougald. Mrs. Pearce of London Horti­ cultural Society showed colored slides of various floral arrange­ ments used in her own home. Another London member, Mr. Smith, a florist, then gave a demonstration on potting house plants, using spaghum moss, making this very informative to people interested in potting glox­ inias, tuberous begonias and many other types of plants. Everyone present felt they had received something worthwhile from these London visitors. A program followed consisting of violin solos by Doris Levy; piano solos by Janice Christie; vocal duet by Margarea and Doris Johns; readings by Mrs. Ed. Hacking; piano duet, Mrs. Fred Switzer and Robert Ander­ son. Draws for potted plants and dahlia roots as door prizes were made. Pot luck lunch was served bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. i The wedding of Miss Elaine | Love and Rev. J. Ewart Clarke of Perth, Ontario took place on Saturday, May 19 at 12 o’clock noon in Wesley United Church, Ottawa. The fathers of the bride I and groom officiated at the cer- [emony. The bride is the daugh­ ter of Rgv. and Mrs. A. J. Love i of Ottawa aqd the bridegroom is the son of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Clarke, Centralia. The wedding music was play- j ed by Mr. Melvin S. Yeo and {Mr. Ronald Medlyn of St. Thom- i as, cousin of the bride, was the ■soloist.I Mr- Stafford Love gave his sister in marriage. Miss Flor­ ence Clarke, sister of the bride- groom,. was maid of honor, Miss Marlene Love, niece of the bride was bridesmaid and Miss Alli­ son Clarke sister of the bride­ groom was junior bridesmaid. Miss Jacqueline Love, niece of the bride was flower girl and Master John Love, nephew of the bride was ring bearer. The bridegroom was attended by Rev. J. H. Seeley as best man and the ushers were Mr. Selby Love, Mr. Bernard Love and Mr. Donald Love, brothers of the bride. A floor length gown of im­ ported rose point lace was chos­ en by the bride. It was designed with a long torso bodice, scooped neckline accented with seed News Budget. From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Topics From Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Personal Items Mrs. Marion Moeller and Mrs. Clifford Huebner, Detroit, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Morley, Sr., and Elva. Mrs. ’Chalcraft, Mrs. Elizabeth Dunwoodie, of London, Mrs., F. Squire, Prospect, and Mrs. Alex Baillie were Thursday guests of Mrs. George Squire. $ Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Froats and Paul, London, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil and Donald, also Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson" and family, were in London Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hodgson. Mr. George Earl, who has been staying with Mrs. Milne Pullen for some time, is now staying with Mr. and Mrs. An­ gus Earl, Zion. Betty Duffield spent the week­ end with Janey French. On Thursday Mrs. French entertain­ ed in honor of Janey’s thirteenth birthday. Mr. Ronald Squire visited on. Thursday in St. Marys with her aunt, Mrs. RiddelK Mrs. George Squire visited on Friday with Mrs. J. Dickins, of Lucan. Mr .and Mrs. Norman Hodgins attended anniversary services at Saintsbury church on Sunday morhing. Duffield Bros, attended New Hamburg horse races last Sat­ urday. Mrs. Ferguson and Dorothy spent Tuesday with Mrs. Austin Gowan, London Township. Mr. Ronald Squire attended the Masonic District Divine Ser­ vice at Hensall United Church on Sunday evening. The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS I s 5 I .5 Farewell Sermon Anniversary service was held in St. Patrick's church on Sun­ day. Rev. R. Mills preached a farewell service to a full church. Mrs. Tom Kooy was organist. There will be no service in St. Patrick’s on June 3 as St. Paul’s Kirkton are observing their anniversary. Anniversary Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Adel- bert Morley, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Rev. R. and Mrs. Mills and girls with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Latta. Mrs. W. J. Dickins, Lucan, with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Me Donald. ' « Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan, Miss Rowena Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and Ruth Ann, London, and Mr. Cliff Ings with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrbll. Mrs. Fred Davis with Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mf. and Mrs. George McFalls and Joyce and Mr. arid Mrs. Ross McFalls with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mr. arid Mrs. Robt. Coleman, Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs, Wil­ lard Garrett, and Mrs, R. Dick­ iris with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Misses Almarie Davis, London and Alexia Davis, Exeter spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. Prod Dobbs Jr. attended Personal Items Mr. Siegfried Miller o£ Water­ loo spent-the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family were Sunday callers with Mrs. Ada Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Pat­ terson and girls, all of Grand Bend. Mr .and ' Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Restemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Willert and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg at­ tended the Keller-Bregman wed­ ding in Exeter on Saturday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg were Mrs. Harold Baeur, Patricia and friend, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wdiberg and ^Howard Weiberg all of Waterloo. Sunday ^visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fleet were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Campbell and Ken­ neth of Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Maters and Wes of Palmerston.* xMr. and Mrs. Louis Reste­ mayer yisited with Mr. Henry Weigand Sunday evening. They were former neighbours on the 14th concession of Hay. Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Becker who were married 26 years on May 24 celebrated it quietly on Sun­ day -with a family dinner. FIow- were were placed in Zion Luther­ an Church by the family in 'hon­ our of their parents. Miss Barbara Becker of St. Thomas spent the-weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp motored to Malton airport on Saturday and joined with Mr. Carl Wein of Sudbury in meet­ ing the latter’s fiancee, Miss Irene Sunderland who. arrived by T.C.A. from Bradford, Eng­ land. Mrs.’Amanda Schumaker cele­ brated her 84th birthday, Wed­ nesday, May 23, with a quiet family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wolfe and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. George An­ derson and family at Thedford. Guests of Miss Nancy Tiernan -at convocation on Saturday at the U.W.O. were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. H. Hoffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae and Bonnie Heather, Miss Helen Nadiger, Miss Jean McAllister and Miss Kathryn Hunter of Lon­ don, Mr. and1 Mrs. R. Eckstein and Miss Lily Hoffman, Mr. arid' Mrs. G. Quantz and Mrs, D. Wurham of London and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Lynda. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tieman were Dr. and Mrs. Lome Tieman and David of Middletown N;Y., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Suzanne and David of Riverside. Mr, and Mrs. K. B. Streets of Clin­ ton and Mr. S. Stormes Stanley. The T.B. X-Ray Clinic DashiVood yesterday and 600 visited the clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin _____ and daughters, Pauline and Pat­ sy, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Adams, Lcudon. 2 2 I pearls and sequins, lily-point sleeves and a flowing skirt ex­ tending into, a chapel train. Her bridal veil was of embroidered silk illusion with sequins. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The reception was held in the church hall. Later the couple left on a trip to Glen Rocks, Rosseau, Ont. and points in Southern Ontario. Travelling, the bride wore a navy blue suit, pink flowered hat and navy blue accessories, Iler corsage bouquet was of pink Sweetheart roses and her only jewelry was a pair of gold ear­ rings, a gift of the bridegroom. . The couple will make their home in Perth. Out of town guests were pres­ ent from Windsor, Lambeth, St. Thomas, Centralia, Woodstock, Hamilton, Freelton, Lombardy, Hannon, Toronto, Perth, Smith Falls, Larder Lake and Kings­ ton. Personal Items Mrs. Mooney of Kingsville was a visitor at the home of Mrs, Clara Abbott on Thursday eve­ ning of last week. Miss Ann and Master Danny Shoebottom visited over the weekend with relatives in Lon­ don. Rev. J. Ewart Clarke and; Mrs. Clarke were guests at the! home of -Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Clarke on Monday. Miss Flossie Davey returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls returned home on Saturday af­ ter spending the past few weeks with their daughters in London. Miss Marina Bowden has re­ turned to her duties at the Lon­ don Life after spending a week at her homie. Miss Olive Banting R.N. and Mrs. Stonehouse of Sarnia and Mrs. Ken Banting of Pontiac called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Daley have returned from a. trip to Ken­ tucky. , , Mr. George Mercer and son, Bill, motored to Toronto on Sun­ day to bring Mrs. Mercer and Arthur home who have been vis­ iting in Toronto for the past week. Mrs. Marwood Prest entertain­ ed in honor of her husba nd on Thursday evening. A large number took in the shower for Mrs. Mooney of Kingsville w h o formerly was Mrs. Ed. Faulder. Mrs. Albert Armstrong and Mrs. Melville AUison visited on Sunday with Mrs. B, Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Cullpas of Kit­ chener spent the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick. Mrs. B. McNevin left for Tor­ onto to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs, McKel­ vey, prior to going to her home in Lindsay, K TURKEY DINNER Grand Bend UNITED CHURCH Friday, June 8 Commencing at. 5.00 O'clock Adults $1.00 Children 500 Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. M^KELLAR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubert, Stratford, visited on Sunday wit. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn, Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont, London, and Mrs. Allan McLean, Film ore, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sors- dahl. A group of the Y.P.S. members enjoyed a' weiner roast on ‘Fri­ day night. Miss Alice Howe and friend, Miss McNaughton, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. H. and Linda, London, __ ___ J. Currie and daughter, Jill, Winnipeg, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Otto. Walker. Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Scott and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Beckler, Zurich. . , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Emman, ■Winnipeg, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig. The sacrement of the Lord’s Supper was observed at the Sun­ day morning service with a good attendance. At the preparatory service on Friday evening, seventeen young people were re­ ceived into the membership of the church, eleven by profession of faith and six by certificate from other churches. Mrs. Mac Lamond is a patient in Stratford Hospital, having un­ dergone an operation. Miss Ina Grace Scott is a pa­ tient in Seaforth hospital having suffered an injury to her leg, Auspices ofUnder the Grand Bend W.A. .......... lll|l , HI Brownie's annual zone Drumhead Service ZONE Cl OF THE CANADIAN LEQIDN Sunday, June 3 at 2.30 p.m, z Community Park, Exeter Guest Padre: H/Major The Rev. Joseph .Cardy, London, Chaplain, Western Ontario Area | a 5 Parade Legionaires from 13 branches in the zope, accom­ panied by several pipe bands, will parade to the grounds prior to the service. = s□ THE PUBLIC IS INVITED | t s ANNOUNCING THE OPENING Corbett Community Sales Arena LOCATED 5 MILES NORTH OF PARKHILL' On Highway 81 At Corbett Tuesday, June 5 . 8.00 p.m,. We have a choice variety of pig?, calves and cattle on our'hooking list for our first sale— June ,5. . Your business will be greatly appreciated. For Further Inforrnation Phone 604-r-31 Pari.hill s D. H. MacGREGOR, PROPRIETOR | sMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|ii|>iitiiiitiiiiiiiuliiiiihiniiiiiii*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiliiiiittiniiiiiiiiiiil>liiiii|iiliiiuiii|ilir^ ■ ’ ' s This Friday! FAIR featuring Cattle Classes Baby Show School Parade STARTS AT I P.M. of Pt. Adams NATIONAL J Support Your Kin Clubs x s X X I R. Currie and Mrs. 2 Children Under 12 in Car* Free CLINTON, ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 8 p.m» First Show at Dusk Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear THURSDAY A FRIDAY May 31 and June 1 "VANQUISHED" ★ John Payne ★ Jan Sterling TWO CARTOONS visited around SATURDAY & MONDAY June 2 and 4 "TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR" ★ Cornel Wilde ★ Constance Smith TWO CARTOONS News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HQOPER Hensail Spring Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack­ er and family attended Zion East anniversary on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack- ‘er and family spent Sunday af­ ternoon with Mrs. T. Waugh of London. Mr. John Robertson of Crom­ arty spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. • . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dann and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. George ' Dann were Suiiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dann of Bryan- ston. Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Mar­ lene of Granton visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Bryan and family spent Sun­ day at Niagara Falls and Buf­ falo. Miss Lorna Dann of London spent the weekend at her home. Hensall Feeder Calf Clubs Watch 50 district boys and girls show their calves for judging and auction at the fair. | Kin Week I S 4 ' Horse Show TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY June 5 and 6 "NIAGARA" (Color, Adult Entertainment) ★ Marilyn Monroe k Joseph Cotton ■ TWO CARTOONS Exhibits Band ADMISSION 500 SATURDAY JUNE 9th Centra"0rCAF StationK***' aND 5 PM between ■ d Disjs|ay. Brins The WhoW Everyone — ( WinnersAll Stations For AIR FORCE IN action ThriWinB F'Vln9 SoW.Min9 For Fro* Shows