HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-31, Page 11Legion Auxiliary Acts On Building Six’ member^ o( the Ladies Auxiliary of the Exeter branch to the Canadian, Legion were phosen to* apt oh the‘Building Committee of the Legion at the meeting on Monday evening, It was also de­ cided to purchase a piano and. a refrigerator. The member? Voted to give the. Junior* Band organization ^their support in ahy way possi- An invitation from Goderich IPTAuxiliary to attend -its birthday party on June 226 was accepted. The members were asked to parade at the Drumhead service on Sunday, June 3, The president, Mr?. G< Law* son, and the secretary, Mrs,’ Graham Mason, are. to attend the convention in London, Sep­ tember 24-27. Mrs. Howard Preszcator was initiated, In place of thfc June meeting it Was decided to have a weinep roast Jund 19 and the.September meeting is to be preceded by a pot luck supper. Mrs. Gerald' Lawson conducted the business. Mrs. 1$. Reynolds won the mystery prize. Mrs. P. Cameron Native Of Kippen Mrs. Peter Cameroiv Of. Kin- dersley, Sask., ' passed, away suddenly in Kindersley hospital on Wednesday, May 16. . She was the -former Carrie Meilis, daughter of the lite Mr. and Mrs,-Thomas Meilis of Kip­ pen. She was born and raised in this community. She was a ' member of St. Andrew’s United ’ Church up to the time ■ of her marriage to Peter- JCameron of Stanley township some 40 years ago. They made their home in the > Kindersley district where they farmed practically all their life. Mrs.' Cameron was a life mem­ ber of the W.M.S; and was active in other organizations. She is survived by her hus­ band, one daughter, Jean; one brother, Wilfred Meilis, of Kip­ pen, and two sisiters,. Mrs. Ed­ win Cudmofe' of Lulu Island,’ B'.C., and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi­ son of St'. Thomas. The funeral' took place from the Kindersley United Church with interment in Kindersley cemetery. ~ Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Art: Ashworth and Carol .of near Denfield were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi­ son of. St. Thomas are visiting the latter’s brother and sister- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. W* L. Meilis. Mrs. Sain Cudmore is con­ fined to Victoria Hospital in London. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Hewlett and Karen and Marlene of -Toronto ■ spent a few days las,t week with ’ and Mrs. Alec McGregor.JL Mr., and Mrs..N-. Dickert visit- MHfed Sunday with relatives in Mel- v ” iiourne. , Mr. Bob Love of St. Cathe­ rines spent the weekend with his parents, Mr." and Mrs. Ross Love. 1 Mr. Edward Gackstdtter of near Zurich/ Mr. and Mrs. R. Denomme, Jean Ann- and Willie of Exeter and Miss - Ina Ropp were Sunday visitors of Mr.1 and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mohawks Whip Hen sal I Lose To Mitchell Team —Continued, from Page 7 sail’s second pitcher Ken Parker, Gerald Bell went to play first base as the two exchanged po* sitions. The 12 batsmen were good for 7 runs on onlj&-4 hits. Batten, Russell, McFalls and Mitro all hit singles. ' .., _ four Hensail errors helped the tribe’s cause considerably. Hensali did not score any runs in the sixth but did get three in their half of the seventh. J. gangster led off the inning and was fanned for the fourth time in the game. Moir was is­ sued a free ticket to first. Gerald Bell smacked his third hit of the game to centrefield to pusli Bruce Moir to second.’ George Parker flashed the hit sign when he sent a high bouncer over Steve Mitro’s head at third Jer­ ry Rannie struck out but Mur­ ray Venner dropped in a Texas league single. Jack Baker drib­ bled a slow roller to third and beat it out for a hit but Venner tried to come home from third and was- tagged out by McFalls to end the ball game. Irv Ford hit a long ball,, in the seventh inning that should have been a double btit was called out when the speedy runner mis­ sed touching first base. Three walks and i lined out to Mitro at short. Doug AitchisoR who had cleared the bases with his triple was left stranded on .third. In the near-freezing weather, Mitchell scored a run in the first and added six in the big second inning to take a commanding lead. Three more runs were scored in the fourth to add insult to abuse. Mohawks pushed across their only two runs in the last half of the fifth inning on four walks, a single and a costly error by third-baseman George Coveney to spoil the visiting pitcher’s shutout; The first man to face starting pitcher Chuck Wheeler in the first' inning was tobacco-chew- i n g Murray Colquhoun, H e promptly smacked a double in­ to left centre field. ___ fritsch was walked and Walther hit into a fielder's choice play to score the first run of the ball game. Don Wells elected to get Rohfritsch going into sec­ ond. Ted Smith dropped a single to right after Bill Batten was issued a free ticket to first and . Jun Haley had struck out. What looked to be a sure Mohawk rally in the first inning was I quickly nulified by Aitchison as “Link” Roll Exeter-Mohawks had the only ?U1C/1 y nPUed Altfhls™ as two extra base blows of the and got Meharg game. Steve Mitro and DickTaylor each had a double to his ;?3;ry Middleton. Credit, HENSALL (a) K. Pai-ker, lb, p 3 :1 0 9 " ------ - ’ ' - i o 12 80 00 The second inning massacre on the tribe ’ for six runs was The Exeter Times-Advocate, May 31* 1956 11 New T-A Classifieds Work Fast! ✓ FOR SALE FOR SALE AUCTION SALES REAL ESTATE TENDERS WANTED 3 SHORT HORN BURRS, 3 reds and a roan, 1 year old; also a number of females. Phone Ifib’-J**;!. Exeter, or apply Edgar Monteith. R.R. 3 Exeter. ____ 31:7* FURNACE—Used New Idea 218-1A steel furnace, forced air , with damper control. Also, used oil burner. Alt Andrus, phone 719, Ex­eter. •________________J1G BROWN FELT MAT, 12’ x 8lj’, for recreation room. Phone 595. 31c- CLIPPER SEED BEANS — Apply Ben Djetrlcli, phone 378-W3, Ex­eter. 31c KITCHEN CABINET. China cabi­ net, both in excellent condition, cheap for cash. 168 Main St. North, Exeter, 24:31* See Us For Pfister or Jacques HYBRID SEED CQRN Early, Medium, Late EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 10:17:24:31 *52 FORD, in good condition, cheap. Phone 465 Exeter_____________31c BED with springs and mattress, in very good condition. Aiwly Mrs. Harold Elliott, 9| Alexander St.. Exeter. ___________________sic NATURALLY WVELIER! You will iooi years younger when your fig­ ure responds —as it will —to the Spencer foundation and bra de­signed for jou. Mrs. Pearl Bayn- ham, phone J71-W, Hensali, ___«H PUREBRED HOG, Yorkshire. 6 months old. Apply to William J. Johns,' R.R. i Woodham, phone Kirkton 41-ifi. 31* 1951 CHEV.” 4-Door Sedan, turn signals, air conditioner, heater, nearly new nylon tires. 1951 Pon­ tiac Chieftain 4-I)oor Deluxe Sedan. The above cars are privately owned and in new car condition through­ out. Will accept trade-in and can arrange finance. Why pay dealer’s price? D. E. MacKinnon, Hensali, Ont. Phone 116-J Hensali for de- monstration.__________________31* STAKE TRUCK, 1937 Chev. 2 ton. with tight, racks; in good condition; cheap. Will trade foj- cattle. Also 3-burner Coleman gas stove with oven. Clare Masse, phone 82-r-7, Zurich. ___________ 31* B. Baker, cf ............ 4J. Sapgster. If ........ 4i B. Moir, 3b ........ 3' (b) G. Bell, p, lb .. 4G. Parker, c ............ 2J. Rennie, 2b .......... 4 M. Venner, ss ...... 4Jack- Baker, rf' ......... 4 t Me*. LXlUv Aul x txilo SV do ab r h po ai an the visitors needed to salt i 3 1 0 3 2 fhn tfenta ntnnv 1 0 1,1 10 11 ii i10 i3 1 0 Totals ................ 32 7 8 21 19 EXETER AB R HVPO A Cliff-Laye, If .. Bill Batten, lb t f'* *5 1 2 0 041,1 8 0Bob ■ Meharg, ss 4 2 0 0 0Steve Mitro, 3b 4 3 3 0 1'Bob Russell, p 4 3-2 1 142Irv Ford, 2b ..‘ ?8 1 .1 0Dick Taylor, H ...»5 2 4 1 0Jim Haley, cf 4 1 0 0 0Richard McFalls c 4 1 3 11 0 Totals ..........37 15 16 21 19 Line Score By .1 nplngs Hensali DOO’130 3-7 8 5Exeter .............122 037 0--15 16 6 Canadian income to farmers from sale of . dairy products reached $438,090,0(10 in 1955. Errors — McFalls, Ford, Mitro 2. Batten 2, Venner, Rannle 3, Moir, 2-base hits, Mitro; stolen bases, Bell, Raye, Russell, Ford 2, Taylor, Haley; strikeouts, by Russell .11 In 7 innings, by Bell 4 In 5 innings, by K. Parker 1 in 2 innings; BB, off Russell 3 in 7, Bell 3 in 5,' Parker 3 irf 2 Innings: winning pitcher Bob Russell (1-1), losing pitcher Gerald Bell (0-1), Lose Opener To Legionaires Exeter Mohawks dropped their second consecutive game in the Huron-Perth Intermediate Base­ ball League on Thursday night to the Mitchell Legionaires in Exeter by a 10-2 score. Doug Aitchison, the 180-pound righthander for the Legionaires, tanied the locals by throwing a neat three-hitter. The year-round athlete helped his own cause in the fourth inning by smashing a long triple to right field with the bases loaded for three well- earned R.B.I’s. Chuck Wheeler, starting pitch­ er for the tribe, ran into trouble in Mie second inning when he faced 10 men before the side could be retired. Chuck was finally relieved by Jim Crocker in the fourth with only one away and the young righthander quickly struck out Westman and retired Tom Saw­ yer on ‘ three pitches ' as Tom , THAMES ROAD [ MENNONITE MISSION EXETER ,, Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy Truth, O Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Roy. N.. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 8:30. a.m.—Holy Communion (In the Chapel) 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Choral Communion — Church Open- For .Prayer — Monday, June 4—Special Vestry Meeting ' . CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, June 3 10:00 a.m.—“The Way of Faith” 11:05’ a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—“Christ’s Friends” the .game away. Charlie . Westman started the •nriing off with a single through the bo£ into centre field. Tom Sawyer got on through the er­ ror sign on Don Wells, Wheeler struck out Ross Wright but George Coveney and Ralph Wiet- erson greeted him with a back- to-bapk’ single tmd double. Col­ quhoun, who incidently wasn’t retired once in his three trips to the plate, received his base after being hit on the arm. “Link” Rohfritsch filed out to Batten in centre field for two away but playing-coach Walther lined a single for an R, B. I. Doug Aitchison was hit by the pitcher to be the second of the half inning to get a base in this manner. Westman, appearing for the second time in the in­ ning struck out to finally retire the side. Big Doug Aitchison, mainstay (Of the Mitchell Ditching staff, bore down only when he had to. Although he walked 10 men, he was tough in the clinches. Only two hits were allowed by Doug in the first, four innings. One of the hits was a double by right-fielder Jim Haley who reached for a high fast ball and sent it well over the centre­ fielder’s head. Mitchell added .three more runs to their total with a triple by Doug Aitchison with the bas­ es loaded in the fourth. A walk, to Colquhoun and singles by Roh* fritsch and Walther loaded the bases before Aitchison’s appear­ ance at the plate. The long triple ended Wheel­ er’s stay on the mound. Jim Crocker came in and with very effective relief pitching retired the side. Jim struck out three of the six batters he faced ip one and two-thirds innings. The only two Exeter runs came in the last half of the fifth inning. Coach Bob Meharg started things off with a walk. Steve Mitro beat out an infield single and then advanced to third on a wild throw to first by thirdbaseman .Coveney. Mid­ dleton walked and Russell went to first on his grounder as the play went to second to force Gary Middleton. A pair of walks to Irvin Ford and Haley loaded the bases. Bill Batten came up with the bases loaded but the Mitchell firearm bore down, and sent a third called strike by Bill to end the game. L. Walther was the only play­ er on either team to get two hits. Steve Mitro of the .Mohawks and Colauhoun of the Legion - aires each had a perfect one for one at the plate. Irvin Ford, second sacker for the Mohawks, looked good on a couple of tough plays to his left, as he made pickups and throws to first in time to get the run- R 3 CRIB QUILTS—Take a drive out 83. rind see junior and crib, quilts at Andrew Christie’s. 1 mile west of Russeldale, cottons, flannelette, plain or fancy, $3 and up. Phone Kirkton lft-r-7,__________ 24:31c 2,000 SUSSEX RED PULLETS, 12 weeks old; 1200 Red Rock, 500 Red Sussex, 5 months on May 22. An­drews Poultry Farm, Seaforth. phone 647-r-3._______ 17:24:7* I. HAVE . AMPLE SUPPLIES Of Amine and. Ester, ■weed-kills, also brush-kill, and Heptachlor and Ald­rin for maggot control of turnips or cabbage at very reasonable prices. I have also Orchard Spray material and am open for contracts to spray your fruit trees, your grain for weeds, liquid fertilizer, the fence bottoms- for weeds or brush and pasture fields or for twitch grass or any other spraying you require. --L, V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266, .______ 36:17:24:31c CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom’ capohlzing. Apply Cari Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dash- wood.___________________16:2-17:6 STARTED PULLETS—13-’week-old. Foreman Leghorns and Hock Leg­ horns. Hubert .T. Miller, phone 57- r-7 Dashwood, 22t£c This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Measles are on .the rounds in the community. Rev. W. J. Moores returned home on Saturday ‘from South Huron Hospital, much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. William Fergu­ son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson of Chis­ elhurst. Miss. .Margaret Bray of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, • and Mrs. John Br.ay. - ,, r, Mrs. Percy Passmore of Exe­ ter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore. Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN The Harmony Class of the Un­ ited Church will hold their meet­ ing ‘on. Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eagleson. ,L.O.L, will ho’d tlieir service on Sunday at Grace Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Gillies of Mr. Dawson Woodburn of Tor­ onto spent the weekend at his home. The Berean Bible Class of the United Church are planning a bus trip to , Goderich on June 12. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H[ Filcie, Supply Minister Sunday, 2 p.m.—English, Service All Welcome MAIN STREET United Church,Of Canada Rev. Alex'r Rapson, Minister Mrs. A» Willard> Organist 10:00 a.m.—Service' of Worship The Beginners (4 and 5’years) will withdraw from the service during the second hymn, 10:00 a.m.—The' Nursery Class years and under) in the ■primary Department. ■J15 a.m.—The Church School A This I*-Your Church. Enter, Worship and Be At Home. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service Rev. G. J. Hoytema (Dutch) 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Service Student W, Lootsma (English) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN ; CHURCH R*v. Samuel Karr> B.A., B.D. Mihiiht 9:00 a.m.—Sunday School , 10:00 a.m.—Mdrning Worship a JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. i". Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Muscial Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Bible and Stewardship” Anthems by the Junior Choir A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All PLEASE NOTE: First Junior’ Choir practice Thursday eve* hing. Men’s Choir practice following the morning service. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CRED1TON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship "Fact or Fancy” 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Vespers Monday—Mission Band Thursday—W.S.W.S, PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday, June 3, 1956 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship (Communion) 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Fri., 8 p.m.—Christ’S Ambassa­ dors "You” Are Welcome Rev. L. W. Krause/ Pastor ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pallor: Rev. 0. Klages, Moncton .I?. ...J» . ................. MITCHELL M. GolqulioUn, (a) Aikins, 2bL. Rohfritsch, < (b) Wallace, clL. Walther, lb D. Aitchison, pC. Westman, stT. Sawyer, c . R, Wright, If .G. Coveney, 3bR. Wieterson, i Totals ........ (a) —played 2t fifth, , , .(b) —replaced Rohfritsch in cf fifth. EXETER J. Haley, rf .............B, Batten, cf............” Smith, If ..........B, Meharg, c ..........S. Mitro, ss ............. G. Middleton, lb ....D. Wells, 3b ............(a,) B. Russell, 3b .« i* JD CM Cl f .^0(b) C. Wheeler, p, rf- - - - • p ,,,, o2b AB 1 HPO A 1 1 0 0 0 1 df 2 1 1 0 O' f 0 0 0 0 0 • <3 2 2 4 0 fit*2 0 1 0 10 s T t » 4 3 1 1 1 0 3 1 fl 9 ■0 tiff 3 0 0 1 0 t -1 f 3 1 1 0 0 rf ....3 1 1 0 0 < i *,23 16 18 15 12 nd for Colquhoun In in i AB T. o 3 2 1 1 1222 0 R 0 0 0 11 00 0 0 0 0 HPO A 1 0 10!1 ft0 fl. 0 fl 0 91 17140 0 1 00 00 1102 02 34 I. Ford, 2b ... C. “I.___ (c) J. Crocker, Totals ...................... -- (ri)—replaced Wells in (b) —went to(c) —pitched for Wheeler Score by Innings ........... 160 30—10 ................. 000 02— ,2 — Meharg 2. _ R. B.I. — Mitro. ---------Aitchison 3. Westman 2,Coveney, wieterson 2. 2B COldUhoun, Hriley. 3B hits—S. B,'— Smith. Strikeouts 1, 9 in 5 ih.. Wheeler Crocker 3 in 1?$ in. Hit\ — by Wheeler " ‘ 19 2 ______ 3r, right field ; 3 •d. in in IS 13 4 th4th n •183 Colquhoun, Russell, Mitchell Exeter . Errors Wells 2. Walther, Sawyer, hits — < AltChlsoi.. . by* AitChiSO) 3 in 34$ ih.,’_____ ___............ by pitcher — by Wheeler, Aitchison And Colquhoun. Hits off WheCler, <5 iii 31$ in., Crocker o in 1~$ in., Aitchison 3 In 5 in. WP—Aitchison. Walks by Wheeler 2 In 31$ Im. Crocker ft in 1’$ in., Aitchison 1ft in 5 in. Winning pitcher—Aitchison fl-0). Rosing pitcher—Wheeler (0-1). Umpires—Archie Hubert behind the plate and Frank Boucher on the bases. ., Crocker o In 1"$ I 3 In 5 in. WP~A:l..I;. Passenger traffic of urban transit system in the full year 1955 was lighter by four per cent than in the previous year while revenues cased to $120,144,000 from $120,238,000 despite in creased fares in some places, j n- l-u-i. n.- i--. mtiti Announcements BIRTHS BOURNE—Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Bourne, .321 Huron St. W., an­nounce the arrival of their daugh­ ter, Starr Louise, at South Huron ' Hospital. May 24, 1956-r-a sister for Paul Morris. Thanks to Dr. Butson and staff ’nurses. JOYNT—Mr. and Mrs. Don .Toynt. Hensali. announce the birth of . their sdn, Donald’ Patrick, at South Huron Hospital, May 29, 1956.MONK Mr. and Mrs. Newton Monk, Grand Bend, announce the birth of their daughter, Beverly Ann, • at South Huron Hospital. May 27. 1956.REYNOLDS—Marion and Jack Rey­nolds announce the birth of their sori, Jeffrey John, at Victoria Hospital, London. May 28, 1956— a. brother for Susan. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Margaret Jane, to Mr.- Robert Earl Hullhy, son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, Wal­ton. The marriage to take place on June 16 at 4 p.m. In Cromarty Prebyteriari Church, , 31 CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in St, Mary’s Memorial’ Hospital- and since my return home. Many thanks to Dr. Smith, MiSfe Dickson and her staff of nurses. All was much appreciat* ■ ed. Thank you.—Mrs. F. C. Squire^ I wish to thank my frieinds and neighbours for remembering me With flowers, cards ‘ ’ -,-”-while a patient in Hospital,. London. — Plumb, KippetMt, -------- . Wish to express their those Who‘sd kindly helped to re- build their barn, f ........ Mi. .....I wish to thank my many friend;1 for th.......... .. ’ ' ----- was a rind sfi Bailey. Rev. thank ______________ ____ With, cards, fruit, treats, flowers and plawts While a patient in South Huron Hospital, With special thanks to Miss A. Claypole and her staff, ahd .Dr. F. J. Butson, the congregations of Thames Road and Bllmville, thO 3M Club and the Eiiriiville Farm Fortnn. 31* I wish to take this opportunity to thank.all those who so kindly i‘6« meniherea me With cards, treats, flowers and visits While a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- tiirMing' hofne.’—Flossie Davey.. 31c Donna Mitchell wishes to thank , all, those who so klndlv.ramemhAxad. LAWN MOWERS—Power and hand models. New and used. Fisher's Hardware, phone 29, Exeter. 31 BARGAIN—No. 1 Cockshutt 4-row beet cultivator with standard equip­ ment; 4 pair disc wee.ders, eight 1U" teeth, five 8” sleep teeth, -I pair side knives; brand new at $135.00 See tills at E. L. Chaffe & Sons, No. 4 Highway and Credi- ton Road, phone 548, Exeter. Your Cockshutt Farm. Implement Dealer. 31c REFRIGERATOR. 8 cu, ft. Kelvin- ator, self-defrosting,’ '56 model, used 3 days only; $279.95 new; 5- year guaranty; bargain; reason for selling — have moved to P.M.Q.’s with frig supplied. Apply D. Hat­cher, 102 Parkdale Ave., R.C.A.F. Centralia. 31c SERVICES SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING— Houses, barns, roofs, etc. Arrange with us early. Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 53, 17;24:31:7» SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­mediate service. Butler Bros., Lu­ can, phone 108 or 130-W. 3:10:17:24:31:7 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M, We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc MANURE L OADING—Apply Nor­man Whiting, Exeter, phdne 655-W. 12tfc PAPERHANGING & ‘PAINTING— 40 years’ experience. Quality work­ manship. Wallpapers available. Bert Clark. 430 Albert St., Exeter. 12tfc FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Slew’s Sharp­ ening Service. 105 Sanders St., Ex­eter, phone 454. 3tfc Mobile Disposal Contracting "Septic Tank Cleaning Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc.New Installations on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains To Meet Your Requirement Phone 205 Grand Bend Phone 205 10:17:24:5:12:19 FOR RENT APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, heated, modern, unfurnished, stove and re­frigerator supplied; centrally locat­ ed; garage if desired: available now. Phone 323-W, Exeter. 31c. PERMANENT PASTURE available for 15 cattle. Contact S. D. Wein at Lakeview Hatchery. 31c 2 APARTAIENTS, furnished, all conveniences; phone upstairs and down. Apply 357 Carling St., Ex­eter. 31* 4-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnish­ed, • running hot and cold water, 1-piece bath, Phone 8'30-J3, Exeter. 31c 3-BEDROOM HOUSE — Close to school and business section. Avail­able June 15. Apply 316 Andrew St., phone 894-J. 31c 4-ROOM APARTMENT—Consisting of living room, kitchen With built- in cupboards, downstairs; 2 bed­ rooms, large clothes closet and 3- piece bath upstairs. Also garage available. Apply SS Sanders St. W. or apply Mrs. Whitney Coates, phone 39-r-3 Kirkton. 31c TRAQUAIR APARTMENTS—Lower apartment, 3 rooms and bath, fur­ nished. heated, private entrance. Available June 1. Apply 59 John St. East. 31c APARTMENT—3 rooms and 3- piece bath, furnished; also bed­sitting room and bath, furnished. Both available, June 1. John Ward, phone 34S. 31* PRECISION TURNIP SEEDER — Harold Dignan. Hensali, phone Zurich 91-r-lS . 31:5*5:7* 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, heated, hot and ► cold water, built-in cupboard, Use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Blatchford Apartments.31* APARTMENT, modern, lowet, un­ furnished, heated, private entrance­ private bath: no children. Apply 103 Huron St. E,, phone 225-J, Exeter. . ’ 31:7* APARTMENT, in the Elliot Apart- ’ments. Phone 7S7-J, You’ll like this one. » 24tfc. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate' , and Household Effects On the PremisesIN THE VILLAGE OF EURICHThe undersigned auctioneer is in­ structed to sell by Public on SATURDAY, JUNE 9, at 1:30 p.m. Sharp the following:REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 47 and 48, Knell Survey, on which Is situated a newly-built 1’b* storey insul brick dwelling with all modern conveniences. This home is very nicely also good garden land.inspection invited before sale. Terms of Real Estate: day of sale, -balance in t. — Sold subject to a reasonable re­serve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ches­terfield; studio couch; dining room table; 6 dining room chairs; 2 kitchen tables: drop leaf table; 3 rocking chairs: china cabinet; new complete bedroom’ suite: 4 centre tables; 2 end tables; electric. Sunshine 4-burner electric like new; 400-day clock: silverware; glassware; .. drapes; curtains: quilts ers; pillows; full utensils; sealers: crocks; der; lawn mower; gc___fernery; electric- lamps.No reserve—everything will sold. TERMS: Cash.JOSEPH GELINAS, Prop. R. F. STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 31:7 CHERITON—Brick house, 3-stoi'ey, furnace, bath, attached garage. W. C. Pearce. Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 31 i HIGHBOY SPRAYER for your weed-kill problems, at a very reasonable price. Contact me for rates and dates. L.> V* Hogarth. Exeter. , phone 266.______10:17:24:31 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap- ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52. 19tfc Auction 1956 of part ■ located; ; day .of 10 r/ on 30 days. fan stove. , gas stove; 6 pair new . _; comfort­ line kitchen step lad- ;arden tools; be Clearing* AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises. Lot 8 VILLAGE OF CENTRALLYThe undersigned auctioneer re­ceived instructions tp sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 1 at 7 p.m, Sharp REAL ESTATE: Cdnsists of Lot 8, Victoria Street, Village of Cen­tralia, on which is situated a fi­ room. frame dwelling consisting of kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom, full basement, ample water supply and best of garden land. Property in good state of re­pair. Terms of’ Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re­ serve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3-plece chesterfield, oak dining ropm table, R dining room chairs, tapestry rugs, Quebec stove, McClary 2-burner rangette, 2 buffets, kitchen table and chairs, s'ettee, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, 3 beds complete with springs and mattress, dining room suite, like new; centre tables, rocking chairs, arm chair, pictures, Sparton electric, radio, antique knit­ ting machine, mirrors; utility table, 2-burner hot plate, cupboard, chest of drawers, toilet set, large Se­ lection of dishes, some antique; ironing board, alarm clock, kitchen clock, silverware, sealers, crocks, extehsion ladder, step ladder, lawn mower, garden fools, selection of masonry tools. Many articles too numerous to'mention.No reserve—everything will be sold. Please note time of sale— 7 p.m, TERMS: Cash.MRS. ALVIN ESSERY.Executrix xfor the Estate of the late "Charles Isaac GARNET TUCKS. -Clerk’ ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer ,-. »24:31 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Main St,, In the VILLAGE OF DASHWOODThe undersigned auctioneer re­ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1:30 P.M.v Complete solid oak dining room suite,’like new; -studio couch and chair; Frlgidaire electric stove, like new; Westinghou’se refrigerator, rocking chairs; linoleum Tug; Ax- mlnster rugs, 6x9, 9x12, 9x9; hall tree,; 3 complete bedroom suites with new mattresses; chest of drawers, wheel chair, a nt ifltie dresser; Sparton electric radio, like new; coffee table; end tables; 3 Ax- minster mats, curtains, quilts, com­ forters. pillows, electric iron and toaster, hanging lamp, kitchen table and chairs. 2 rugs, 7x9, 9x12; toilet set, sealers, small cream separator, power lawn mower, Simplicity gar­den tractor, complete with all at­ tachments, like new; garden seeder, like new; sprayer, wheelbarrow. 2 new Goodyear Suburbanite white tubeless tires: garden tools; ice cream freezer (2-gal.). Many articles too numerous to mention. No reserve—everything will be sold.TERMS: Cash.ARTHUR ALLEMAND. Prop. GLEN WEBB, Clerk ' ALVIN W’ALPER, Auctioneer ___________________________24:31 AUCTION SALE At the Trading Post in GRAND BEND SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 12:30 P.M. Chest of drawers, blanket chests, washing machines, beds, dressers, end tables, child’s play pen. child­ ren's desks and chairs, music cabi­ nets, wash stands, rocking chairs, dining room chairs, odd chairs, small tables, chrome chairs, * gas range, mounted deer heads, tea. wagons, ice boxes, mirrors, pictures and frames, step ladders, ferneries, lawn mowers, hall seat and mirror, magazine stand, deck chairs, lawn chairs, clothes rack's, sewing stand, record players, large assortment of odd china and glass dishes, pots and pans, cutlery, electric table lamps, oil lamps, clocks, liana tools, antique rocking chairs, 2 with cane scat and back; dry sink; antique chest of drawers; some antique china,- glass and iron Ware, and hundreds of other items too nume­rous to mention. W. WILLIAMS, Prop.BILL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 24:31 HEN SALL • Brick home with pood location. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen and' bath, new furnace. Priced reason* | ably, with terms. Inquire at once. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Broker R. E. Paterson, Phono 51 Hensali, Ontario llltfe CENTRALIA — Comfortable 3-bed- room home with llj> acres o£ good laud. This house is In good repair and nicely decorated; inside toilet; garage. Price $3,500.60. L*. V, Pic- kard. Realtor, tfc EXETER HOMES—C. V, PICKARD 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of condition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good, garage; immediate possession. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home is nicely decorated throughout; .hardwood floors and fireplace; forced oil heat; extra lots, beauti­fully treed; garage. Price $7,500.00, with very easy terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME—Exeter North, with one acre. A clean home at the very low price of $1,900.00. Immed­ iate possession. ,, 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, very attractive living room, dining , room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3- piece bath, p e r m a n e n t laundry tubs. This comfortable home is par­ticularly well. ‘ located on a beauti­ fully treed lot. Owner leaving town, quick possession. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in• wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water soft­ener. Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession ar­ ranged. If you wish to buy or sell, see ■C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and< 628. 12tfc 100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron's good quality farms, -well under­drained, good, barns, silo, good house? with conveniences; Exeter area, William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 16tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St.______________ ____________tfc 7-R00M HOUSE, in Grand Bend, right on river front, completely winterized, all modern conveniences, 2i’x28', full basement, gas furnace— $4,200. Gerald Grattan, phone 6, Grand Bend.____________ 17:24:31 50 ACRES — Bluewater Highway, Bayfield, nice square.50 acres; good soil. , suit gardener or hobbyist; bank barn; good brick house, could he ' duplexed; good wells; hydro; quick possession. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen._______________ 26tfc DUPLEX HOUSE, separate ent­ rances, 3-piece baths, kitchens, oil furnace heated, heavy wiring; easy terms. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­men. 24tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Catherine Mabel Ferguson. All persons having claims against the Estate of CATHERINE MABEL FERGUSON, late of the. Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died., on, or about th® 4th day of May.,1956. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned at 70. Richmond Street West, Toronto, on or before the 30th day of June, 1956, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under­signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Toronto, ■ this 30th day of May, 1956. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Executor By Bell & Laughton Its Solicitors Herein ■j 31:7114 Ont.and Mrs. HUbei to express 2—.arid rippreciatiott and visits St. Joseph’s Mrs. Frank 31C ,*t McKeever sincere to all ___ _______ Special thanks to Alonzo McCann, _ , their cards and" visits’ while I patient at Victoria Hospital ice returning home. — Joe W, ,T. Moores wishes to all Who renlembered him fruit, treats, flowers 3• APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W, .C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. ............. 12tfC toilet, Shinka . lfitfc APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, hot and cold water, on highway. Phone 6-.T Creditor 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Pen* halo Apartments, 70 John St. East, phone 294-R. 24tfc AUCTION SALE Of Furniture IN' CREDITON (Third House West of Town Hall) SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1:00 P.M. Consisting of: Refrigerator, stove, desk, dresser, 54” box spring, spring mattress, single bed, small radio, iron, ironing board, tub stand,, van­ity table, some dishes, scalers, 2 mops and wringer,, tools, wheel­ barrow. rake, shovel, 2-butner hot plate, dishes of all kinds, and othet articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, CLARENCE McDONOUGH, Prop, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer , . 24:31 Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER HELP WANTED 2 • APARTMENTS—Apply Tristp-Nu Bakery, phono. 1 flfl, Zurich. 9tfc MAIN STREET APARTMENT— Over Gould & Jtriy store; living room, bedroom rind kitchen; hydro and water provided: available Apt-11 1. Apply Exeter Tlmfes-Advocate. 22tfC SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter. Stfc ORGANIST, CHOIR LEADER—Ap­plications will be accepted until June 15 for position oi Organist and/or Choir Lcadet* for Ontario Street United Church, Clinton Ont. Fl ease state qualifiatlons, exper­ience and salary expected. Reply to Elwin Merrill, Box 406, Clinton, Ont. STOCK WANTED DEAD. DISABLED STOCK—Seveh- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, cAlvcs.-Glen* Kennedy, phone collect IftS-W Lucan or Ex* cte.r, 235....... 12tfc X AM IN THE MARKET for a.11 PAINTING Scaled tenders, plainly marked, will bo received by the, imtferslgnew up to.June 20, 1936, for the paint­ing of the interior of g.$, No. IS McGillivray, The ceiling and walls are to be cleaned and the paint to be applied by brush. Painting to be done around August 20. 1956. Lowest or any tender not neces­sarily accepted. .DAVID N. HENRY, Scc.-Treas. R.R, 1 Clandcboye, Ont. 31;T BABY CHICK FOR SALE WHATEVER your market, Bray chicks are available. A wide dioic# of standard breed, dual purpose, cross, or specialized in-breds. Fairly prompt shipment mixed chicks, pul­lets, Started pullets should b» ordered a bit in advance. Ask for full information, pricelist, agent— Eric Uarscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W, 310 NOTICES BICYCLES It is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks of the Town of Ex­eter. Police are being instructed to enforce the covering by-law. Citi­zens are asked to govern them­selves accordingly. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk 24:31 WANTED CATTLE TO GRASS—Apply Times-Advocate._____________________31C SHARE CROPPER needed immed­iately for 30 acres cash crop land. Contact S, D. Wein at Lakeview Hatchery. 31a Special MEN'S Roller Skates Sizes J and 8 $10.98 Wuerths Shoes Phone 252 Ixeter UNCLE^zWsEZ LOT OF PARENTS PACK UP THEIR TROUfiLESp AND SEND THEM OFF-J’ TO A SUMMER CAMP,*/ □RIRV PHONE 33IJ 21UPERTE5I it’s the Powerhouse of the Highway CAR WASH GREASING Corner Main and Sanders LUBRICATION TIRE REPAIR Moloy Exeter the new continental due, mu, grey, greeii and’white, from Try our short-sleeve cot­ ton and nylon mesh See of in our complete range