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Hensall Dance Revue
Attracts Full House
Hensall Town Hall was packed
to capacity on Friday evening
for the presentation of “Land
of Fantasy”--a dance revue stag
ed by the pupils of Mrs. R,
In scene 1 of The Enchanted
Forest, the Animal's Clog was
participated in by Linda Hill,
Cmjcyl Little, Joan Sinclair, Dj-
McKinley, Suzanne Kyle,
McLean, Phyllis Granger,
Marilyn Keys, Nancy Consitt,
Marjorie Consitt, Kathy Amus,
Helen Granger, Anne Mickle,
Sharen Riley, Karen Jermyn,
Gail Sangster, Marcia Little, II-
ene Garrett, Dianne Stone, Ken
neth Bullis and Carol Reichert.
The frogs of the orchestra
were Nancy Kyle, Suzanne Ren
nie and the turtle, Jimmy Tra-
quair; the fairy, Carolyn Smil
lie; little girl, Brenda Smillie;
Fairies’ soft shoe, Gwen Spenc
er, Jane Horton, Beth Goddard,
Joan Kerslake, Carol Brown,
Peggy Goddard, Norma Pas
more and Kathleen Roszel; re
turn of Robin Hood, Sharon
During intermission Doris
Johnston favored with a marim
ba solo, Joyce Weber, a tap
dance Joan Sinclair, a solo and
Marlene and Darlene Frayne, a
In the second scene in Toy
land were the Irish dolls, Dutch
dolls, Kewpie dolls, sailor dolls
and many others taken by the
pupils already mentioned, and
Billy Jermyn, Dickie Lobb and
Ruth Townsend. The pupils of
S.S. No. ,3 Tuckersmith with Mrs.
Friends Shower
Marie Pullman
Miss Maja Roobol was hostess
at her home Monday evening for
a presentation for Miss Marie
Pullman, ,bride-elect of this Sat
urday, with Miss1 Marlyn Eyre
acting as mistress of ceremonies.
It was a surprise shower when
sfime fifteeen girl friends of the
guest of honor met to present
her with many lovely gifts.
Presentation address was read
bv Miss. Marlyn Eyre, and the
gifts were brought in a decorated
basket and presented by Miss
Maja Roobol and Miss Greta
Pfaff. Pink and white color
schemes were used for the chair
decorations. A sing-song and
a piano duett by the Misses June
and Faye Ross, and contests
highlighted the affair.
Carmel Ladies
Aid Girls Home
The Ladies Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met at the
home of Mrs. Alex McGregor.
The devotional and social part of
the meeting was taken by Mrs.
A. Orr’s group. Mrs. W. R. Bell
assisted in the worship service.
WS, Bonthron rendered a
and a saxophone solo by ABBiOfr, accompanied by Mrs.
M. f)ougall, was enjoyed. Of
fering was taken by Kathryn
MacGregor and Eleanor Wright.
Mrs. M. Dougdll, president,
took the chair for the business.
The Bible given Brian Bonthron
for eight years of regular Sunday
School attendance is to. be do
nated by the Ladies Aid. The
final donation $107 for “Army
Pfesbyterian Girls Home” was to
be forwarded. Mr. Alex Mc
Gregor was to arrange for lay
ing the floor in the manse
kitchen. Plans were outlined for
a booth they are sponsoring at
the. Hensall Spring Show, June
Rogerson as teacher were west
ern dolls.
Mrs. Wm. Brown was pianist
throughout the revue. The cost
umes were made by the mothers
of the pupils, the stage decora
tions by Mrs. Walter Spencer,
Mrs. Clarence Smillie and Mrs.
Broderick, the lighting by Robert
Cameron and William Fuss and
programs by Mrs. T. Lavender,
Mrs. R. Simpson and Mrs,
At the conclusion of the pro
gram Mrs. Broderick was pre
sented with a gift by Caroline
Smillie on behalf of the students.
The production will be repea
ted in the Hensall Town Hall on
Friday evening,
Hensall Lodges
Attend Services
One hundred and forty MasonS
representing South Huron Mason
ic District attended Divine Serv-
ice in a body at the United
Church Sunday evening and were
addressed by the Rev. C. D.
Daniel, district chaplain of South
Huron, assisted by Rev. H. T.
West district chaplain of North
Rev, Daniel chose for his ser
mon topic, “The Temple.” A
trio composed of Messrs. S. G.
Rannie, Nelson McClinchey, and
H. W« Horton sang. Frank
Wright District Deputy Grand
Master for South Huron directed
. Members of Hensall Lodge
223 I.O.O.F, and Amber Rebekah
Lodges attended the Indepen
dent Order Of Oddfellows an
nual church service for Huron
District No. 8 at Brucefield
United Church, Sunday evening.
Rev. Sydney Davison, minister
of the church, spoke on the sub
ject “Friendship.” Ralph Hen-
derson of Goderich was soloist.
Wins Child's Jeep
Edwin Kerr, of 58 Main St.
Exeter, who is teaching in To
ronto, was winner of a child’s
Fina Jeep, valued at $30.00 in a
draw at the Fina Service Station,
on 4 highway, south of Hensall,
recently opened, and owned by
Elmer Johnston. Reeve Norman
Jones drew the winning ticket
on Monday evening. There will
be another draw in the near
Guides ’ Conduct
Church Service
The Guides and Brownies of
this village are to be commended
for the way they conducted the
church service last Surtday af
ternoon at St. Pauls Anglican
Church. Miss Gwen Spencer wel
comed the parents and friends
and also introduced the speaker,
Rev, Norman Knox, Who gave
a very interesting talk on the
characteristic of hands, linking
his subject up with the hands
of our Saviour, which showed
scars of sacrifice. Elaine Keys
led in the repsonsive psalm and
Miss Jane Horton read the scrip
ture, „
Guide and Brownie hymns
were sung, Nancy Kyle and
Patsy Schwalm took up the of
fering 'which will be forwarded
to" the World Friendship Fund
for Guides.
The Guides Captain and
Brownie Leaders wish to thank
Miss Lauretta Siegner, District
Commissioner of Exeter for
coming and showing an interest
in the company and pack, also
Mrs, R. H. Middleton. for the
time she gave in rehearsing the
girls, and Mrs. W. C. Goodwin
for the flowers which added to
the service.
Misses Joan Kerslake, Patricia
Rowe, Gail Cunningham, Gerald
ine Harburn, and Judy Elder
formed the color party.
Fiddler's Entries
Are Pouring In
Entries for the. Ontario Cham
pionship Fiddler’s Contest being
held at Hensall Community
Arena Friday, June 8, are poring
in. Up to date entries have been
received from Brampton, Sarnia,
London, Parkhill, and Strat^roy,
K. K. Christian, secretary-treas
urer of the Chamber of, Com
merce stated today.
Plan Bean Festival
Extensive plans were outlined
at the Kinsmen Club supper
meeting last Thursday for the
Coming Ontario Bean Festival,
Thursday, June 14 will be ladies
night, and the husbands will en
tertain their, wives at the Knot
ty Pine Inn, London. President,
Wm, Mickle, presided.
Completes Course
Bill Fink has successfully com
pleted his 5 years’ course at the
Beal Technical School, London,
in sheet metal, drafting, etc.
and will now be oh the staff of
the Ed Fink Plumbing and Heat
ing permanently.
Hensall District Couple
Observe Anniversary
A family dinner at the Domin
ion Hotel, Zurich, Wednesday
evening, May 23, marked the
golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reichert of
R.R. 2 Hensall, with thirty mem
bers of the family, brothers and
sisters attending. Turkey, with
all the trimmings was the menu
served, the bridal table center
ed with a three'.- tier wedding
cake, flanked with roses, and
pink and white tapers.
Later a reception for 80 invited
couples was held in the town
hall; For
ler __ _____________
dress, and the honored couple
were presented with many gifts
including a chest of silver, oc
casional chair, chrome rocking
chair, wrist watch and gold tie
clip, two sets of table lamps,
clothes hamper, smoking. stand,
hassock and other gifts. Des-
receiving Mrs. Reich-
an ensemble of prirtt-
with which she wore
corsage. Glenn Kofih-
the- presentation ad-
jardine orchestra furnished mus
ic for the dance.
Their marriage of fifty years
ago was solemnized at the home
of the bride’s parents, the late
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fuss, un
the Goshen Line, south o£,.JZur-
ich. Mrs. Reichert was the form
er Lavina Fuss, The bridal at
tendants of 50 years ago, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Reichert, were
present for the celebration. Fol
lowing their marriage they mov
ed to Hay Township, west of
Hensall, wherfe they have since
They are members of the
Lutheran church, Zurich, and
Mrs.. Reichert' is active in the
Ladies’ Aid. They have three
sons, Orland, Hay Township; Er
vin, Hensall; Ivan, at home;
one daughter, Mrs. Frank Fields
of Hay Township and seven
grandchildren. They were also
showered with cards, flowers
and congratulatory messages.
Dance Revue
Hurondale Dairy Now Offers Its Patrons
A Richer Flavor
For You . .
To maintain the progress
which marks the dairy indus
try in Ontario, HURONDALE
DAIRY proudly announces that
it is now making available TO
—processed and bottled right
in our own dairy plant.
fresh pasteurized milk which
is processed by special equip
ment so that the cream (or fat)
globules are broken up into
tiny particles. These are so
finely distributed through the
milk that the cream cannot
collect and rise to the top of
the bottle. There is no ‘'cream
lino” on homogenzied milk and
it has a richer flavour.
No need to shake up the
cream in a quart of fresh milk
for the youngsters!
Hurondale Dairy proprietor, Ron Mock, delivers the first
bottle of homogenized milk to Mrs. D. J* McKelvie, Hen-
sall. Daughter Anne enjoys Hurondale’s chocolate milk,
Drink More Milk For Health
PHONE 27 Ron Mock/ Proprietor1 HENSALL
Ulcers? - Goodbye!
Meads Baby Cereals
Regular 25f NOW ONLY 18^
1 1
Ball Standings
TEAMS Dashwood Tigerg .,
Mitchell Legion. <.., Exeter Mohawks ...
Hensall Co^ch ..... Zurich FlyCrs ......
Scores To Date
Dashwood 9, Exeter S
Mitchell 10, Exeter 2 Daghwood 3, Zurich 2 . Exeter 17, Hensall 7
Future GamesMay 31—Zurich at Exeter June 1—Mitchell at Dashwood June 4—Dashwood at Mitchell
Crediton ..........Lieury ..............
West Corners ,,
Exeter ........ .
Brinsley ........
Greenway ....... Denfield ...........Mount Carmel . .
Factory Cheese, Medium
Th* Exeter Times-Advocate, May 31, 1956
Mohawks Defeat Hensall,
Lose Opener To Mitchell
The Exeter Mohawks won their
first intermediate game of the
young Huron-Perth schedule in
Hensall on Tuesday evening by
15-7 count.
Bob Russell hurled an eight
hitter for the winners and struck-
out 11 Hensall batters. Bob' was
in command all the way except
in the fifth inning when the home
team put together four of their
eight hits for three runs.
Southpaw Gerald Bell was
practically the whole show for
the Hensall crew. Besides chalk
ing up four strikeouts, he col
lected three hits in four trips to
the plate.
Dick Taylor, Exeter right
fielder, smashed out three sing
les and a double in five times
at bat while Richard McFalls
and Steve Mitro each had a
spectable three-for-four in
Mohawk 16 hit attack.
Exeter scored one run in
first; added two in each of
second and third frames; scored
three more in the fifth and
routed pitcher Ken Parker for
seven in the sixth.
Hensall pushed across one run
in the fourth and added three
more in each of the fifth and
The Mohawks got off to a good
start in the first inning when
Cliff Laye, a new left fielder
from Parkhill who shows plenty
of speed, beat out a throw for
a hit. HC took second on a pas
sed ball. Coach Bob Meharg
grounded out second to first
moving the runner to third.
Steve Mitro, who had worked
a 2-2 count on the pitcher, struck
out but not before Gerald Bell
was charged with a wild pitch
enabling Laye to score from
third with the first run of the
ball game.
In the second, hurler Bob Rus
sell led off with a walk. Irv
Ford laid down a beautiful bunt
to move Russsell to second.
Dick Taylor, then lashed out a
single for ah R.B.I. Taylor stole
second base on the second pitch
and Richard1-’ McFalls came
through with a timelv single to
make the score read 3-0.
In the bottom half of the in
ning Hensall started to threaten
Gerald Bell singled and
George Parker walked. However
all their hopes were nullified as
Jerry Ranme hit into a double
play going from Russell to Bill
The Hensall club duplicated
the double play in the third in-
nirig when they stopped cold at
Exeter rally.
HensaU got into the run column
in the fourth inning. Bill Baker
received new life on first when
Mitro pulled the first sacker off
the bag with his throw. Sang-
ster struck out and Bruce Moir
went down 4 to 3, Gerald Bell,
who was a deadly batter all
night, lined his second consec
utive single to give his team
their first run.
Each team scored three runs
in the fifth stanza.
Steve Mitro hit a high fly ball
to right centrefield which the
wind seemed to carry and it
went for a double. Bob Russell,
followed with a single and Irv
Ford laid down his second per
fect sacrifice bunt of the ball
game. Dick Taylor lined a single
for two R.B.I.’s, Jim Haley
grounded out to portsider Bell
vamp the schedule that was
drawn for a six-team loop,
who in turn fired the b^ll to Ken
Parker at first for the putout.
Exeter-Hens all game continued..
Me Falls kept things going as
he punched his second single
out between short and third.
Cliff Laye ended the inning when
the left-handed batter popped out
to the pitcher.
The Hensall club put together
two hits; a walk; a fielder’s
choice play and took advantage
of three Mohawk errors to score
three runs,
Murray Venner and Jack
Baker each singled to open the
half inning. Ken Parker was
walked' which left the bases
loaded. Bill Baker hit a grounder
to Mitro, third sacker for the
tribe, and he let it get through
him. Two more errors by Ford
and Batten allowed Hensall to
collect two more runs.
It was a wierd sixth inning as
no less than 12 men faced Hen-
—Please Turn to Page 11
Hf«Rn|/ Plumbing/ Sheet Metal Work
— Oil Bunrers ws
I It's oyr pleasure to serve YOU!
| Our spacial is your saving,
Take Exul Tablets''
Says "Joe DiMaggio"
"Now I can eat anything."
Come in and ask for EXUL.
Treatments will be 'explained.
Hensall Personals
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bonthron
motored to Barrie this week and
visited with the former’s sister,
Mrs. Edith MacM&rtin.
Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exetfir
visited this week with her son
and • daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Corbett and Wayne.
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London
spent the weekend with his mo
ther, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mr. Thos. Chuter of Hamilton
spent the past week here, where
he is erecting a dwelling.
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Don Gooding,
Debbie - and Donnie of Parkhill
were recent, visitors with Mrs.
Gooding’s parents, Mr. and Mi%'.
Ed Munn,
Miss Vera Currie of Stratford
was a weekend visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh McEwen Jr.
Miss Campbell and friend of
Parkhill were recent visitors
with the former’s brother and
sister-in-law, Mr .and Mrs. Jim
Campbell and family.
Mrs. Charles Watson is a pa
tient at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, in the interest of her
health. Mrs. Watson is the mo
ther of Mrs. W. F. Riley, and
Mrs. Jack Sinclair.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn, of
Seaforth, spent-Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick.
Mrs. Robt. McLean, who has
’been very ill at her home with
a heart condition, is improving
slowly. . . ,Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle
and Pamela, spent Sunday in
Galt, with the latter’s sister .and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Robertson and daughter,
Mrs. “E. Geiger who has speiit
the past two weeks in Toronto,
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Roobol visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ant. Gelder-
land and Ron of Ridgetown. ,
Mrs. C. L. Jinks, who returned
home from South Huron Hos
pital, Exeter, last week recover
ing from a fractured hip is suf
fering with pneumonia.
Mrs. Lome McNaughton spent
a few days last week with her
brother arid sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Roy McLaren of Lou
Mr. George Ibbotson of Kincar
dine visited his mother, Mrs.
Wm. Pepper, last week.
Members of Hensall-Chisel-
hurst Young Peoples Society of
the United Churches enjoyed a
weiner roast at Pert Biake on
Friday evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson
and Bobby of Sudbury, are visit
ing this week with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Lome
Anne McKelvie, little daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McKelvie,
had hfir tonsils removed at Clin
ton Community Hospital, Monday
morning of this week.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary
held a successful bake sale in
the Legion Hall Saturday after
Miss Mary Buchanan, Toronto,
spcht the weekend with her sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs-
George Armstrong.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs* Leoriard Noakes were F/O
George Sangster, R.C.A.F, Sta
tion, Cehtralia, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Peebles and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Vic Stan and son, Lon
don, Mr .and Mrs. John Sangster
and family of Clinton,
Mrs. Coleman Honored
Mrs. Wes Coleman, Of Hay
Township, Who recently sold her
farm to ROss Corbett, ah’d has
taken up residence with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Morenz, of near
Grand Bend, was honored at a
presentation arranged by neigh
bours and friends of s.S. 10, Hay.
Mrs. Coleman was presented
with a table lamp, clothes ham
per, and wall bracket, hdr daugh
ters, Shirley received a cup and
saucer, and Sadie, a sweather.
Clinton Folds
From League
Huron -Perth Intermediate
Baseball League suffered a stag
gering blow last week when word
came down from Clinton that
the Colts baseball team was fold
ing for the season.
With the loss of Clinton the
league will have only five teams
remaining in the running for
baseball titles. These teams will
include Hensall, Dashwood, Zur
ich, Exeter and Mitchell.
The Colts, who had a junior
team entered in the league last
season, used to be one of the
powerful clubs in the Huron-
The team was forced to drop
oqt when only a handful of play
firs turned out for practices.
The loss of righthander Bill Mc
Donald was a big blow to
club. Large offers lured
away from playing with
.Wally Wein, president of
league is making plans to
—Continued from Page 6
week Crediton ran all over Exe
ter with a 19 to 12 victory in
five innings of play. Greenway
and Crediton on Tuesday night
played to a 19-19 tie, while Exe
ter crushed Brinsley 21-10.
The next time Exeter will take
the field in Lieury will be on
Tuesday night, June 5, when
they will play the strong Lieury
1 1
1 0
Let's Talk Sports
—Continued from Page 6
were received on the Senior “B” situation for the
Rockets. This one gave us a chuckle. “Why are they
going Senior B? They can’t even win the Int. “A”
title! They should stay in their own class or they’ll
Rumours ‘have it that the MILVERTON DO-
MINION ROYALS will be strictly homebrew next
’’ year . . . Maybe we’ll see" a league, with Milverton,
Goderich, Mitchell, Lucan, Forest and Exeter in next
year. ■
Middleton's Drugs
Phone 20 Hensall
Al's Groceteria
And Meat Market
Meat Specials
Pure Pork Sausage ................... .
Fresh Pork Shoulders ................... ......
Fresh Pork Butts ..................................
Bologna ..................................... .........
Smoked Side Bacon ...... ......
Grocery Specials
Instant Maxwell House Coffee, 6-Oz.......... $1.69
Giant Cheer ................................................... 65?
Regular Cheer ............................................... 330
Canned Ham, IIA-Lb. Size ............. $1.59
Libby Pork & Beans, 20-Oz 2 for 370
450 Lb.
Weekend Specials
Hensall Ontario