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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-31, Page 4
Th* Ex»f*r May 31, A Page? Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times*Advocate T Town Topics and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor And Miss Edith Taylor accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle and Pamela to Galt op Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Robertson. Mr. John Dunsterd and sister, Mrs. Sam Millon, of Marlette, Mich.,, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Duns terd of Simcoe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Durisford and other relatives over the weekend. ?! ',B!g!*gg2 £ c Wedding Stationery MaKe^sure the wedding invitations" are correct in every detail. We have a large choice from which you may select. ■ • .• ■ • .• THE TIMES-ADVQCATE “ 1 isI KineHesMarkBiHhday^^^^^\Girl Guides Of District Hear Huron MP's Wife f“ r--,J At their fourth birthday party, i Ninette sat with her own special yyefJ^gp^satm^a^oTAr- Exeter Kinettes heard about the ( lene Evelyn, daughter of Wei-. hw wtfj. Prizes won duung dmnei vent .- { w Skinner. Eentralia. Compete In Field Day FEATURING "APEX" CANNED GOODS THIS WEEK "Apex" 1$ A Top-Grade Brand —■ Buy With Confidence, in Ottawa as seen by the wife of Huron’s M.P., Mrs, Elston Cardiff. The party was held al Grand Bend Monday night. Mrs. Cardiff described the par liament buildings, the official opening of parliament and the various activities and duties of wives of Canada’s leaders. She showed life in Ottawa as a busy one and she commented, "We wives ate indeed a very privi leged group." Mrs, Cardiff was seated at the head table with the club’s three past presidents, Airs. Warren ganders, Mrs. Sheldon Wein, Mrs. Clifford Ersman; president Mrs. Les Parker, and incoming pres ident Mrs. Ralph Genttner. Each Exchange Vows In Main Street At an impressive double ring ceremony at Main Street Church, Exeter, on Saturday at 3,30 p.m., Ann Joanne Bregman of London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bregman of R,R._ 1 Hensail, was united .in marriage to Lloyd Percival Keller of R.R. 3 Kor-, wich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph i Keller, R.R. 1 Dashwood. j Tall standards of red, white, and pink gladioli adorned the j church for the ceremony per formed by Rev. C. Schipper, Woodstock. Mrs. Amiel Willard was at the organ consol and accompanied the soloist, Miss I Marilyn Bissett. Bride In White Nylon ; The bride was lovely in a floor length gown, of white tulle over satin, fashioned -with lily poult sleeves of Chantilly lace over tulle and bodice of lace. A crown of pearls and sequins held her three quarter length veil in place. Her bouquet was of roses, ivy and lily of the vailey. Given in marriage by her fa ther, she was attended by Mrs. Robert Bregman, her sister-in- law, as matton of honor and Mrs, E Telfer, Brantford, and Miss Margaret Keller, Hash wood, sister of the groqm. AS bridesmaids. They chose floor length gowns of blue and pink nylon tulle over taffeta, the matron of honour in blue and the bridesmaids in pink. The trio carried bouquets of swept peas. The flower girl, Sandra Keller, was frocked in blue nylon tulle over tafetta with puff sleeves, scalloped neckline and carried a basket of rose petals and sweet peas. The ringbearer, Paul Kel ler, carried the ring on a white satin, cushion. They are neice and nephew of the groom. Harold Bregman, London, was groomsman and Robert Breg- man, London, and Hilton Keller, Exeter, were ushers. Honeymoon In Niagara A reception for fifty guests was held at the bride’s home where her mother received in v a blue dress with accessories in blue and white. The groom’s mother assisted wearing navy blue with with blue accessories. Both wore corsages of red roses. For travelling to Niagara. Falls and Northern Ontario the bride donned a beige suit with acces sories in white and orchid cor sage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Keller will reside at R.R, 3, Burgessville, Ontario, Hostess For Showar Mrs. Sim Roobol was hostess at her home Wednesday evening for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ann Bregman, bride-elect ©f last Saturday* May 26. Con veners were Mrs, M. Glahville and Mrs. E, Milter, and mistress of Ceremonies was Miss Marion Lamport. A. program was enjoy ed consisting of a sing-song, reading, Mrs. Roobol; piano solo, Verlyn Miller, skit by the Boun dary trio composed of Mrs. Roobol, Mrs. J. Glenn, and Mrs. T. Brintnell; reading, Ann Alex ander, solo, Miss Margaret Kel ler accompanied by Miss Maja Roobol. Maja read the presentation ad dress and Ann Alexander, and Jean Anderson brought in the gifts in. a waggon decorated in pink and white. Pink and white streamers and balloons were the house decorations. Prizes won during dinner wont, Skin„S Centra ia to m«m_Pott«. Mrs.X. PhaMpq i Norman Peter Williams Morgan, vnaims< gQU of and Mrs> uoytj MOrg, an R.R. 1 Centralia.; Rev. J. T. Clarke officiated. { ; Mrs, Robert Kinsman, Kippen, berio, Airs. Charles Cowen, Mrs. Ralph. Sweitzer, Mrs. Snell, Airs. Cardiff, Airs. Ers- man, Mrs. Stan ’Frayne, Mrs.' Harold Freszcator, Airs. Ray srtin‘<s "'were °contSb-! was Pianlst and accompanied uted by Shirley Kipfer, Mcponaia, Xuonaon, soio wood, and the group participated; in a sing-song during which a; Bride And Attendants prize was awarded Mrs. Sweit- j j-or ||ie ceremony the < bride zer. Following dinner, Mrs. Doug, chose a bouffant gown Of tulle Grayer, Centralia, ted several -........................ square dances. Kinette spoons for babies born during the past year were pre sented to Mrs. Clarence Fair bairn, Irvine Airs. Parker and Airs. ........ Armstrong. Past presidents’ pins went to Airs. Sanders, Mrs. Wein and Airs, Ersman, and Mrs. Parker received a president's pin. Mak ing these presentations were Airs. Sanders, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Genttner. Master of ceremonies during dinner was Airs. Parker; Mi's. Armstrong gave grace and intro ductions and thanks to the guest speaker were by Airs. Southcott and Airs. Genttner. Mrs. Wein and Airs. Doug Rivers were in charge of the evening. A bouquet of flowers to mark the occasion was given the group by Exeter Kinsmen. District business people con tributed gifts and prizes, They were F. A. May and Son, Mac Millan’s, Huntley's, Gould and Jory, Irwin's Ladies’ Wear, The Times-Advocate, Tuckey Bever ages, The Bell Telephone Co., Traquair’s Hardware, Ersman's Bakery. Greene’s Variety Store. Mrs; Clara Wellington, Gerald Godbolt, W. . Hodgson, T. Harry Hoffman, I. G. A. Stores, Beauty Counsellor. Fisher Hardware. Lindenfielc’.’s Hardware and Drysdale Hardware? j Gram Says i X i 1st. i The First Exeter Girl Guide • Company under Captain Roberta i Luxton, acted as hostesses to | the annual Perth-Huron Division Field-Day held at the Exeter ' Community Park on Saturday afternoon. Eighteen Companies represent ing 18 different centres were present. The 251 guides who at tended were from Mitchell, R. C. A- F, Centralia, Listowel, Tavistock,' -Goderich, Bayfield, embroidered in leaf motif over! satin featuring lily point sleeves, V shaped tulle yoke and pointed j collar. Her fingertip veil of i French illusion was hold by a; leaf-shaped headdress of irides cent sequins, She carried a white Bible crested with a white orchid and lily of the valley. She was attended by Miss Ev elyn Wright as maid of honor and Miss Alarina Bowden and Miss Blanche Morgan, sister of the groom, as bridesmaids. They wore identical gowns of aqua s chrome-spun taffeta and carried cascade bouquets of deep, pink earnations and lily of the valley. Dawne Wilson, in white nylon, was flower girl. Burton Morgan was grooms man for his brother and the ush ers were Hugh Rundle, Exeter, and George Morgan, Thames- ville. For the reception the bride's aunt, Mrs. E. J. Foster, St, Marys received in a navy crepe sheer dress with corsage of American Beauty roses.-The groom’s mother chose blue and white flowered nylon sheer with pink rose corsage. For travelling the bride don ned a light blue sheath, white and black accessories and orchid corsage, On their return Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will reside in Centraba. ......... ■" i Cromarty Girl Wed In Dublin' Rev. Dr. J. B. Fldulkes offici ated at the marriage in St. Pat rick’s church, Dublin, of Shirley Eleanor, daughter of Air. and Mrs, Earl Dick Cromarty and Louis Joseph Kramers, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Kramers, Dublin. The bride chose for her wed ding a light blue suit with white accessories and white corsage. Her bridesmaid. ' Miss Shirley Quinn of- Seaforth wore a light grey suit with accessories in pink and pink corsage. Paul Kramers was his broth er’s groomsman. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride’s par ents. .' On their return from a wed ding trip the young couple will rfeside. in Tuckersmith township, Clinton, St. Marys, Milverton, Brussels, Zurich, Hensail/ Strat ford, R.C.A.F, Clinton and Ex eter, • . . A competition consisting of company drill and inspection sig nalling, map reading and first aid had been arranged by the Listowel and St. Marys Guides. The trophy awarded for the highest marks in the competi tion was presented to the God erich Company by Area Com missioner Mrs. Bruce Connell of Galt. At the campfire each company presented a skit. Lunch was served and refresh ments provided by the Exeter Mothers’ Auxiliary were .served by Mrs. Warren Sanders, Airs. Gordon Appleton, Mrs. H. A. Page, Mrs. E. It Kerby. and Mrs. Bill Johnston: price# effective May 31, June 1 and 2 APEX FRVIT COCKTAIL, Choice .............. 15-Oz. Tin 22p j APEX SPECIAL PROCESS PEAS, Fancy 20-Oz. Tin 22p APEX SLICED PEACHES ;..........-................. 15-Oz. Tin 21 p APEX TID-BIT PINEAPPLE .............. 15-Oz, Tins 2 for 39£ APEX APPLESAUCE, Fancy............. 15-Oz. Tins 2 for 27ft . APEX SPINACH, Fancy..................... 15-Oz. Tins 2 for 250 APEX DICED BEETS, Choice ............. 15-Oz. Tins 2 for 190 APEX DICED CARROTS, Choice..... 15-Oz. Tins 2 for 210 APEX GOLDEN WAX BEANS, Fancy ........ 20-Oz. Tin 190 APJEX BING CHERRIES, Fancy ....a................15-Oz. Tin 250 APEX BARTLETT PEARS, Fancy.... . 15-Oz. Tin 250 APEX ASPARAGUS TIPS, Fancy ............. 12-Oz. Tin 410 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12-QZ. PKGS. R .For MAXWELL HOUSE i INSTANT COFFEE 15g OFF LARGE 6-OZ. JAR ' si;82 : * TOP’ ’dWOP HYBRID- POPPING CORN • te-az; celLo' bag- .......tec a You Create The Pictures By MARJORIE STEINER SUPERIOR \ Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and Industry Cail Strafford 4174 The Best Place To Shop After AH ■ J. H. Jones Groceries Free Delivery Phones;, 32 and,. 752 fj EthePs Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND Open Daily — 9 a.m. to 6 p< Friday Evening to 9 p.m. PERSONALISED HAIR STYLING By Margate! Stephan, Eleanor Wasnidge and Ethel Desjardine, Prop, m« i Last week’s colorful edition of the T-A set us to'dreaming of some day heading this column with a picture of a shortcake topped with luscious red straw berries or a chocolate cake with lots of plhk icing like the one we saw brought in for the bake sate at our W.A. Blossom Tea. Maybe that day, will come but meantime we’ll continue with some of the recipes and you can create them into pictures right in your kitchen, Let’s sta'rt with Mrs. Will French’s method of making a date pie. Airs. French is Miss Elva Morley’s sister and are glad to have some -of recipes. Date Pie (Mrs. Will French) Place a layer of dates on an unbaked pie shell. Sprinkle them with a mixture of J/i cup white sugar and 1 teaspoon flour. With a tablespoon add rich milk (or part cream) until the dates are well covered. Bake until golden brown. * * * >1: Last week we gave, you a re cipe for blonde cookies. Guess these would be classed as bru nettes for they are called choc olate chews. There is such a variety of cookie recipes should never get into a should we? -• <ih6ct>tete Chews (Mrs. Amiel Willard) $4 pkg. chocolate chips 1 cup chopped dates cup chopped unts 2 Oggs 1 cup white sugar cup sifted flour Alix well the chips, dates, nuts, sugar and unbeaten eggs. Add sifted flour and btend well. Spread in greased 8xA inch pan and bake in 35ft6 oven ter 25 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting into bars, i< # # One night at lodge we sampled some delicious tittle unbaked cookies Mrs, Andrew Hamilton, Federation?Qqiltsi For Korea Bale i i, In place of the. regular meet-' ing on Monday, May 21,- tho members of James St. Women’s Federation met on Wednesday afternoon and quilted three crib quilts ter the bate ’Which they are packing ter Korea. A pot luck supper was enjoyed we her we rut KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. M»hy people new seem fo jet » jgotedt night* mt. They turn <nd ft ’n<Jnc»~.wlttn It may he their Icidneyt. HuW kidney* Alter jpe>te*rj* jartdl atwh from fha HwmL If they fail Wd fanputitfe* *i»y in the $pdem-*diiitodHid te*t often follow. If you Jani feet tw.ll lot and wte boddt* Kidney Pilte Dad W|» Ike. kidney* *»■ that you an nMf 1 sassesi 1 if" brought. She assured us were very easy to make we think our young cooks had they and -. might like to try these. Toffee-Mallow Cookies (Mrs. A. Hamilton) * ,2 toffee bars 1 tsp. butter 2 Tbsp, cream Melt toffee and add butter and cream. Roll marshmallows in warm toffee mixture and then in rice krispies. gk & $ $ We want you to have a choc olate beverage recipe which was brought7from. Italy by Mrs. Ward Fritz. We think there is nothing bettor for a “night-cap” than a hot drink and this one should make a nice change from tea or coffee. Chocolate alia Romano (Mrs. W. Fritz) Heat 1 quart rich milk in top of double boiler. Scrape 3 squares bitter chocolate to bits, in a small pan. Add 4 tablespoons water and 3 tablespoons brown sugar. Heat ' briskly, stirring 'll n t i I smooth. Stir into hot milk. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and pinch of Salt. Beat with egg beater until frothy and serve instantly top ping with whipped cream dust ed with cinnamon. I Travel To Falls For Honeymoon ^A pretty spring wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Archie MacGregor,- Hensall, when Rev. Donald Alac- Donald united in marriage Edna Mae Jones, daughter of Airs. Edna Corbett, Exeter, the late Fred Corbett, and James Rosswell Sangster, son of the late Mr, and Airs. Jarnos Sang- ster. The bride chose a beige suit with matching accessories and corsage Of yellow mums, She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Archie MacGregor wearing a navy suit with white accessories and corsage at rod carnations. The jfoont was attended by Air. Archie MacGregor. The bride’s mother received i wearing a leal blue ensemble with corsage of pink carnations. The bridal couple motored to > Niagara Falls ter a wedding trip, i f ---------- ------------ -...... a pot mcK supper was enjoyed i a after which Mrs. Mervyn Cud- Area Chapter more, president, conducted the I Ti Guests Of OES i Farkhili and Clinton Chapters, were guests of Exeter w Wednesday evening, and Mr. Mauri cl* Quan I worthy Diamond Ring with tWe> should * too.«?» $160.00 / / OF GUARANTEED VALUE DIAMOND RINGS Diamond Ring with two shouldar stones $50,00 Engraved wedding ring $13.75, Diamond Ring with two shoulder stones $60,00 SOlilaire Diamond Ring $125.00 Engraved wadding ting Diamond Ring with bs- gueHe shoulder stons-s $150.60 $22.75 Salllaira Diamond Ring $75.00 Engraved wedding zing $21.75 diamond Ring with low i h o u I d e t i f er ri« I $175.00 ‘ " Wadding ring wllh i6van Jia mart J j $67.50 business meeting, Mrs, Gerald Codbolt and her group arranged the program. ..... when Mrs. Art Whilsmith. was o.H.s., guest speaker giving exempts chapter v. from her grandmother’s • scrap Mrs. J. Dickins, worthy matron book as well o her own. and Mr. Maurice Quanr worthy Th© study book on the work patron, presided and welcomed hmongst the Indians in Mani- the guests, toba. North West Territories and The members u the Pacific Coast was taken by Chapter pertermed the dpfcfii: Mrs. Aubrey Tennant, Mrs. Ray dthl. Followlwng the meeting The members of Tarkhill opehirtg ....... ,, .... __... ___r a Joty and Mrs, Komioth Hockey. penny safe was held.. Guests A vocal duet was contributed write present 'teem Rothwell; Diamond Ring Mrh fen &&*“' , WeJJihg rlfifl dldmondj $76.66 Solildira Dinmond Rina $225.06 Engraved weefrfrno ring $20.75 Di<Srr>onrf Ring wllh two ihoulder Hanoi $256.06 Wadding rirtg with , ih«“a» dlarhafidb' $105.66