HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-24, Page 20Th* Ex«t»r TimM-Advocat^ May 24, 1956 Supplement • Travel and adv«ntur* • A haalthy activ* outdoor lif • with apart* • Good epportuni»i»« for advanc«m«nK ’ FOR YOUNG MEH OF SIXTEEN ’ Th* Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Rian offers you trade* training: while you. learn. Pn tho 1st of Ju.ru th* Canadian Army will enrol a limited number of physically fit young m*n of 16 year* pf age, with Grade 8 education, and train them. a* tradesmen in 1? different trades. Trades training, will consist of a two year course slarting in September. When finished the course the Soldier Apprentice serve* three year*, with a regular unit. This plan provides — • Half pay to the age of 17 then full poy • 30 day* paid holiday* a yocur • Mod I cal and dental car* Only a limited number can be accepted. Interested applicants must not delay. Mail the coupon below or contact your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 59 Albert Street, ott«wa, Ont. —Tel. 6-1887 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Qnt — Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station, so Richmond Street W., Tsrente, Ont. — Tel. EM. 6-8341 Loe. 276 Nth .7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., iMdee, Qnt. Telephone 4-1601 Local 135 Army Recruiting Station, North Bay, Qnt. —Tel. 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. E., Haijillton, Qnt. — Tel. 2-8708 onw.o I S6-S I I I I I Without cost or obligation, pleas* forward me further detail* of training under the Canadian Army SoldierApprentice Hon. Ham. Addrest.^^ City/Town. Prav. , . Telephone.. Hydro Interruptions 1 £ S Weather Permitting The Power Will Be Off Friday Morning, May 25 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. D.S.T. Effecting The Villages Of HENSALL AND ZURICH ONLY *** ***** Sunday Morning, May 27 4 a.m. to 7 a.iji. D.S.T. Present Awards To Top Musicians At Lucan Home And School Festival To Obtain The Highest Prices FOR YOUR POULTRY Lucan Personals Mrs. Robert Irwin, of Kincar­ dine, and Mrs. William Wong, Sarnia, were recent visitors with the former’s niece, Mrs. Cecil Robb.Mrs. Charles Sovereign, of the W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary of the United Church,’ and Mrs. Cecil Robb, secretary of the Afternoon Auxiliary, gave the year’s re­ ports for these societies at the recent sectional meeting held in Parkhill. News Of Clandeboye * By MRS. J. H. PATON , In spite of teeming rain, a capacity crowd filled the com­ munity centre auditorium Tues­ day night for the program which climaxed the first two-day musical festival, sponsored by the Home and School Assoca- tion. Mrs. . Sheridan Revington, vice-president was master of ceremonies. Special awards which were presented included: Nancy Pocklington, junior girl soloist, Lucan Lions Club award. Donna Lynne Johnston, junior “Tiunrb T-Trt «*■*♦»** f TN junior solo- 17 McGillivray 87; No. 3 McGilli­vray 86; No. 8 McGillivray 85. liaison Chorus, under 20—No. 0 Biddulph,Two-part Chorus—No. 3 McGilli­vray 88; No. 17 McGillivray 87: No. 7 Biddulph 85. •Girl’s solo, 11 and under Anno Clatworthy, 87, ......... L,. son 86, I-aurel Westman 85.Girl’s solo, nine and under, Donaldson SG, Nancy Nestle Ruth Rock 83. TSoy’s rsolo,r 14_ and under, Eriiou 82? ' ' Boy's solo, nine and under, Gary Dixon 86, Donald Jameson 81, Teter Brandes 83. Vocal duet, Patsy Tuttle, Joan Jamieson 87; Heather McGregor, Bonnie McGregor 86; David Head, .111 lift. Pin I tvftftliv LTv* Choral And Vocal Eensembfes " ........... United Church ■ — United Lucan, 86; Lucan, 7 Bid- ........ Julia Joa.n_ Donald- Ann81, _ ----- ---- --- - Tom Horner S7, Harvey Poole 81, Hugh Boy'snsolo, nine and under, Gary Lucan Personals Mr. Murray Hodgins who un­ derwent an operation in West­ minster Hospital last Thursday is making satisfactory recovery. Mrs. " .............................. idan Scott, tended James Sell To The Riverside Poultry Co., Ltd.sErwin Scott, Mrs. Sher- Revington, Mrs. Allan Mrs. Tom Gilmour, at- a spring blossom tea in St. United Church, Exe­ ter last Wednesday. Misses Margaret Bai gent, Margaret Henry, Mina Eedy and Mrs. Harold Cobleigh at­ tended the Middlesex Women’s Teachers’ Federation, Banquet last Wednesday night iu the Byron United Church. Joan Schlueter, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlueter, entertained 13 of her little friends on Saturday to celebrate her ninth birthday. Mrs. Dave Ashworth is spend­ ing a few days in Victoria Hos­ pital for a check-up. Mrs, Oscar Hodgins who been seriously ill. for weeks able to attend church Sunday. Mr. F. A. turned home check-up in pital. Mrs. Lloyd __ ___ Lewis Hodgins, of Yale, Mich., and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Elgin- field, were Monday visitors with Mrs. Erie Young and Mrs. C. II, Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whyte and two children of Bothwell were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte. Mrs. Warner McRoberts, Mrs. S.- C. Chown, Mrs. Reta Chown, Mrs. Charles Sovereign, Mrs. Cecil Robb, • Mrs. William Ayle- stock, Mrs. Myron Culbert, Mrs. J. McLean and Mrs. Bert Thompson attended the W.M.S. sectional meeting at Parkhill last Tuesday. Mrs. Chown, Mrs. McLean and Mrs, Thompson sang a trio and Mrs. Sovereign gave a report on a Conference LONDON Phene Collect Hensail 680R2Brandes 83.1 • • • ’ Jamieson 87; Juiia Clatwortliy' 85. c‘ ' Church Choirs choir, Lucan, 87. Junior Church Choir — Church junior choir, I.„, Holy Trinity junior choir, So.Vocal Double Trio—S.S. . __ dulph 88; No. 17 McGillivray 87; No. 3 McGillivray 86.Girl's soip. .15 years and under, Linda McLellan 87.Boy’s solo, 15 and under, John J. Ryan 85. Baritone solo, Donald McDonald S3*Unison Chorus, grades 4 and 2, Sacred Heart School, Parkhill, 87; Masonville School 85; Lucan School 84. Unison Chorus, grades 3 and 4, Lucan school 86, Sacred Heart School, Parkliill, 82; Ailsa Craig school 81,Chorus, grades 5 and 6, Mason­ville school 88; Lucan school 85; Ailsa Craig school 84. Unison Chorus, grades 7 and S, Sacred Heart School. Parkhill. 8S; Masonville school 86; Ailsa Craig school 85. Two-part chorus, grades 7 and 8, Sacred Heart school 87; Masonville school 86; Lucan school 85.> Vocal duet—Masonville school 86; Heather Acheson, Ilene Donaldson 84; Dana Culbert, Beth Black 83. Vocal double trio—Ailsa Craig school 84; Sacred Heart school 83; Lucan school 82. Vocal ensemble—Lucan school 81; Ailsa Craig S3. Girl’s solo, 14 and under—Nancy Pocklington 85, Adrianna Ilooy- donk 83, 'Wilhelmina Vander Kant SI-.Girl's solo, 12 and under—Heather Acheson 87, Bonnie Drennan 86,- Jeanne Ansens 84.Girl’s solo, 10 and under—Janet Kehl, 85, Mary Lynn Mathers 83, Margaret Armitage 81.Girl’s solo, eight and under—Ann Hendricks 86, Nancy Yelle 85, Mary Gooding 81. Boy’s solo, 11 and under—Clif­ ford Acheson 87, Frank Egan 86,Boy's solo, 12 and under—Came­ ron Wadsworth 86. Boy's solo, 1ft and under—Gary Revington >84, Donald Crouch S2, David Fenn 80. Boy’s solo, eight and under— Sydney Sutherland 87, George Daunccy 84, Bryan Smith 83. Piano Section Seven and under—Tom Hardy 81, Carol Anne Stalker S2. Eight and under— Bonnie Scott84. Wayne Hodgins 82. Nine and under—Joanne Pollock 86. Marsha Box $5, Iva Stanley 81. Ten and under—Donna Lynne Johnston 86, Maxine Mellin 85, Patsy Sholdice 81. qEleven and under—Barbara Wat­ son 87, Ilene Donaldson >85, Lynda Steeper 81. Twelve and under—Jean Vernon86, Gordon Whiting 85. Rosemary I-lall 84. Thirteen and under—Billy Thomp­ son 81. Jeanette Blake 81, Frank Egan 80. Fourteen and under—Larry 'Lewis87, Marilyn Eaton 84, Ruth Garrett 82. Fifteen and under—Helen I-Iardy85. Duel—Rose Hall, Pat Egan 85. London 7-123Q piano, Hearn's Dairy. Sydney Sutherland, boys soloist, Birr W.I. Anna Donaldson, rural 1st, Clandeboye W.I. S.S. No. 17 McGillivray, son choir, Riverside W.I. Masonville public school, uwu- part chorus, Masonville H. & S. Association. Sacred Heart Public School, unison chorus, Lucan W.I. Larry Lewis, senior piano, Bank of Montreal, Lucan. Patsy Tuttle and Joan Jame­ son, rural vocal duet, McGilli­ vray W.I. During the program, Mr. Percy Vahey on behalf of the Legion presented public sneak­ ing awards to Joan and Carrol Young and Merry Roberts. The festival was officially opened at a program held Mon­ day evening by Inspector R. J. McNaughton. Adjudicator Dr. G. Roy Fenwick congratulated the Home and School Asociation on the wonderful success of its first music festival. Six Lucan pupils captured “first” besides many group prizes. Rural School Section Unison Chorus, 20 or more—S.S. Sydney xml- two- FOR BOYS—Rings,. shavers, billfolds. Mrs. Moores Guest Speaker The W.M.S. of the United Church, had Mrs. W. J. Moores, of Thames Road, past president of the London Conference, W.M.S., as their guest speaker at the May meeting. Mrs. T. Collins introduced the speaker who discussed. “Attri­ butes Toward Evangelism," Lucan Junior Choir of Holy Trinity Church At St. James Church on Sun­ day, the rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest,. administered the rites of baptism for Susan Ruth, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill, and for Marion Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cunning­ ham. With Mrs. Hawkshaw at the organ, the junior choir of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, and leaders, Mrs. Clarence Hardy and Mrs. Egan assisted with the music. Harvey Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poole, who won second in the vocals at the musical festival in Lucan, assist­ ed. He is a member of St. James Sunday School. Nineteen Nifty Needlers The junior girls held the fifth meeting of theii* club on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room of the United Church. The girls responded to their name by telling “Why I chose the eclor of my dress.” The girls have their dresses ready for fitting. • On May 29, Mrs. Anderson, the home econo­ mist of Middlesex, will make her official visit. Hit By Auto Twenty-year-old William Gault, of 75 Beattie avenue, London, was taken to St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital on Monday evening with chest and other possible injuries following an accident near Mooresville, while hitch hiking a ride. He was struck by a car, and crawled on his hands and knees to the home of Mr. W. M'. Cor­ nish, where he summoned help A former resident of Clande­ boye and Biddulph, he visited and had supper with Mrs. Lillie McFalls, later calling on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Joyce in Biddulph Township. Personal Items Mrs. J. H .Paton, who has been ill, is improving. Mr. Rae Hodgins left by air on Saturday for Lethbridge, Al­ berta, to visit his brother, Grant Hodgins, who is ill. Mr. Wilmer Scott has been appointed the new trustee for Clandeboye Public School, No. 12 and 4, to take Mr. Jack Harri­ son’s place on the board. Miss Gwenneth Tomes spent the week-end with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, of Petrolia. They also visited Detroit over the holiday. Mr. II. Murless moved his cabin trailer to Grand Bend on Saturday. Misses Joan and Suzy Murless spent the week-end there. Mr. Lloyd Lynn is putting a steel roof on his barn on No. 4 Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ethering- ton, of Hensail, visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. Charles Carter, at the home of Mrs. Carter’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall. Other visitors were Mrs. Cartel’s son, Allen, of Lansing, Mich., and his Hodgins has after a two St. Joseph’s Hos- McCall and Mrs. 'I Give Your Scholar A Wrist Watch Select from our wide range of Elgin, Bulova, Elco, Certina and Favico watches. You can buy a shockproof, waterproof timepiece, either man’s or lady’s, from $19.95 up. We also suggest: FOR GIRLS—Costume jewellery, rings,’ silverware, china, crystal. UC Group Fetes Mrs. S. C. Chown The members of the Lucan United Church Women’s Asso­ ciation met in the church par­ lors last Sunday night to do honour to their oldest member, Mrs. S. C. Chown, on her eighty-sixth birthday. The president, Mrs. C. H, George spoke highly of Mrs. Chown’s interest and assistance in church activities and extended to her the best wishes of the W.A. for her continued good health and happiness, Mrs. John McLean presented her with roses and Mrs. Alex Young with a tea pot in remembrance of the many times she had made tea for the various organiza­ tions. Mrs. Chown, the former Fran­ ces McMillan, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMillan of Kingston. After her marriage, she lived in a num­ ber of localities before coming to Lucan in 1909. Of her 8 children 7 are still Jiving, Don. Reta, Harvey, and Florence of Lucan, -'‘Gertrude (Mrs. Ray Dawson,) of Toronto, Marion (Mrs. Sam Joseph,) of St. Thomas and Clarence of Sarnia. Mrs. Chown’s light step, sprightly manner, interest in life and Irish wit belie her four score and six years. She takes a keen interest in all church ac­ tivities at which she sings solos and duets. All her life she has been a choir member and last Monday night assisted her choir •win 87 marks at the Music Festi­ val, On being congratulated she wittingly remarked, “I think the Festival should have vided -an entry for the 90 over.” Shower Miss Marion Coursey guest of honor at a kitchen shower held at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Ada Walker of London last Friday. Among the 30 guests were three Lucanites, the bride-elect’s mother Mrs. Irene Coursey, her sister, Miss Delrene Coursey, and cousin, Mrs. Edgar McFalls. Prior to the opening of gifts a clothing contest was won by« Miss Holly Morten, formerly of Lucan' but now of London. Jack Smith Jeweller Phone 510 Exeter. Luggage Set Specially Priced LOW COST INSURANCE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS 4 * k V prices reduced M9 AUSTIN '51 PREFECT And Many Other Makes and Models PHONE 215 llllinillllllllllltllHIIIJIIIIIHHlllll Z S '51 STUDEBAKER Overdrive and radio '53 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Overdrive,, radio '52 CHRYSLER CLUB COUPE Automatic, radio Manager Exeter Area Ontario Hydro /'Jiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiihii iitiiiHiiiinnnii iiiitimiiiiiniiiiiiintii ntnnittiH miiiiiiHiiiiniiHiin Miiiinn t Hiiitiiitu EFFECTING ALL THE EXETER AREA including Exeter, Hensail, Zurich, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Crediton, Centralia and Centralia R.C.A.F. The times have been arranged to cause the least inconvenience to all customers affected. BAGGAGE £ No. 1 Treated Montcalm Seed Barley BEST PRICES PAID DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS Department of Trade and C o m m e r c e — 011 a w a OATS Registered arid Commercial Seed Oats Just Recelved a Carlot bf Commercial Rodney Oats SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone 63 » ’-ucan,. Ont. E.A-N? She will be proud to own this hand­ some luggage with its up-to-the-minute design and vinyl- coated plastic cover­ ing for durability. Manufactured by McBrine, a famous name in luggage. Choose from three pretty shades — .blue, green, ivory. ■1 rr BRINE • ONLY ((J©THREE-PIECE SET $37.00 21" Hanger Case 18" Overnight Case 14" Train Case LOW PREMIUMS CONTINUOUS POLICY SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUMS PERSONALIZED SERVICE '55 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Automatic, radio '51 DODGE SEDAN Radio plus many other extras '51 DESOTO DELUXE One owner and shows it im.. nsus Taker I Armstrong Motors Yauf Plymouth-Chrysler Dealer EXETER daughter, Mrs. Audrey Paulson, of California, for the week-end. The Rev. E. M. Cook, pastor of the United Church, will start the early morning services on June 3rd, at 9.45 a.m., D.S.T., for the summer months. The W.M.S. of the Clandeboye United Church, were well repre­ sented at the sectional meeting at Parkhill: Mrs. Darling, Mrs. A. Simpson, Miss A. Northquane, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. J. Col­ lins, Mrs. M. McNaughton, Mrs. A. Neil and Mrs. A. Macintosh, the latter three ladies taking part in the meeting. Rock-bottom rates—by aiming to insure only careful "less expensive” drivers.' Savings—by issuing just one "continuous policy” as long as you keep the same car. Two easy-to-budget—payments instead of one big yearly bill. Service— 8,000 agents and claims repre­ sentatives to give you fast friendly help anywhere you go. It pays ft know yoor STATE FARM Agent CECIL ROBB Phone Lucan 25-r-22 ................................................................................ You may have whichever price is the highest based on 3 C.W.6 row Winnipeg cash price or 3 C.W.6 row Winnipeg Wheat Board price. Free storage until De­ cember 15. Come in and have this special contract explained before contracting. Fertilizer Supplied at Competitive Prices Credit Arrangement if Necessary When I call at your home during the next few weeks I will have only a few simple questions—the name, age and marital status of those living at your address. If you live on a farm, there are some additional questions about acreage, crops, livestock and equipment. The information you give me will be kept in strict confidence. Every Census worker has taken an oath of secrecy. By Act of Parliament, the personal information gathered by the Census about individual Canadians can be used only for general overall statistics. » It cannot be disclosed to,any government agency or private organization. Canada is taking count to keep up with her rapid growth. Census facts are required to meet and plan overall national needs— schools, public utilities, ■ welfare services, farm and industrial production, employment. It’s a big job—your cooperation will help us do it quickly and ' accurately., Every census taker carries this official identification card to show that he or she has been appointed by the Government of Canada to help take the Census. Ask to see it. cewu,or^«‘>.MS‘ DOMINION