HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-24, Page 19■ .wnvi ixwvivi, railmy At Saintsbury Church . u¥on^aZ on? hundred of Centralia recently, members of this parish which Mrs. Harry Noels and Dona includes St, Paul’s church, Kirk­ ton, St. Thomas’ church, Gran­ ton, and St. Patrick’s, Saints­ bury, met in the parish hall of .St, Patrick’s church to honor Rev. R. and Mrs. Mills and girls. Rev. Mills and family leave for tlieir new charge in Watford, Ont, on June 1. Mr. L. -Haul of Kirkton was iry.the chair for a short program- rJbfcconsisting' of several numbers each congregation, Wtr., Clarence Lewis, warden of ,Grahton, presented the Mills”', family with a purse of money on behalf of the three congregations. Rev. MiUs in a short reply, thanked all present and stated that, as this was his first Parish as rector, he felt he had, made a few mistakes and asked all to remember that he was only a human being the same as all other ministers, Mrs, . Mills spoke briefly. The congregation voiced their appreciation and good wishes in a short address read by Mrs. Heber Davis. Personal Items' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mugsford, Toronto, and Mr. William Ab­ bott, Niagara FaHs» spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and visited With their grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mrs. Earl Atkinson held a birthday dinner on Saturday evening for her husband and had as guests Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Garol Ann and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, Leroy and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. , Atkinson were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mrs. Hugh Davis attended a shower for Miss Arlene Skinner Mrs. Harry Noels and Donald of Springfield are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald. Mr. George Carroll of' Detroit is spending a few days with Mr. Hugh Love. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilfoyle and Norman of Simcoe spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hay­ mond Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Dale and Linda of London were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker. Cancer Drive Tops County Exeter and district chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society raised more money in the recent campaigning for funds than any other chapter in Huron county, it was revealed at a meeting of the Perth-Huron unit in Clinton Thursday night. Local campaign chairman, Mayor R. E. Pooley, said more than $2,800 has been turned in so far and he expects more con- tributions.V'We’re hoping, we can bring it up close to $3,000 before we’re finished,” he said. Listowel was the only chapter in the unit raising more than Exeter, which participated in the nation-wide campaign for the first time. The Perth town raised over $3,000. Objective of the entire unit was surpassed by $5,000. Over $22,000 was raised .and the ori­ ginal objective was placed at $17,500. Mr, Pooley, his wife and Mrs, Fred Dobbs represented the Exeter chapter at the ClintQn meeting. DOG CAN ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY—Sparky, a Brit­ tany spaniel, is the Einstein of the canine world, according to her owner, Mrs. Martha Stuart of St. Catharines, Ont. Sparky gives demonstrations of addition, multiplication and subtraction by pawing out the answer on the floor. And she is seldom, wrong. Another trick she has is to accompany the Stuarts on a golf* course, dropping Mrs. Stuart’s ball in the cup and Mr, Stuart’s in the creek. • 4 bserve Anniversary At Centralia Church Mrs. .....f ".""".i1 'll"""............. GIN&ERlCH’Srf?rf< HEATING'ENGINEER Intef-HflJionaLArtcrafts • Acknowledgments, • Announcements ' ,• Reception Cards J 1 I SHDHS Employs Four Instructors Four new teachers have been employed for the 1956-57 term at SHDHS, Principal H. L. Sturgis announced this week. The appointments are subject to approval of the Ontario De­ partment of Education. Mrs. Andrew H. Dixon, wife of the head of the school’s agricul­ ture department, . will teach commercial. ' * Bruce D. Perry, Of Toronto, who graduated this month from O.A.C., Guelph, will instruct junior mathematics and agricul­ ture science. . - Miss Shirley R. Gates, of London, a 1956 graduate of Mac­ donald Institute, will be the new home economist. Miss Heather Goldstein, of Strathroy, who receives her B.A. degree from University of West­ ern Ontario this spring, will teach social studies and French. Therrrui-GriYure Printing \f’~ - ^*l»«d LtlUring) • Complete Selection •- • Popular Prices • Prompt Deliveries Tirnes- Advocate Family Honors Centralia Couple *Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson of Centralia celebrated their for­ tieth wedding anniversary at a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Hodgson, London, Thursday night. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hodgson, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and daughter, Kay, Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs; E, A. Hodgson, of Ridgetown. PLANS 2ND TRY AT BEATING LAKE ONTARIO—Accept­ ing a challenge that appeals to her “sporting blood,” pretty mermaid Shirley Campbell of■ Toronto,’will attempt this summer to conquer" the Lake Ontario swim that de­ feated her last August. After swimming 38 miles, Shirley was forced to admit‘'defeat just one and a half miles from the Toronto shoreline. She will begin training next week in Victoria under fajned coach Bert Crockett. Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER . wanriiii "The greatest thing about Ontario is its immense diversity? Its southern Extremity is on the salne parallel of latitude as northern California. , Yet at Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario touches the Arctic zone. \ In the south, an opulent Agricultural and industrial domain in full stride with the best on the continent. And in the north, forests, rivers, nameless lakes into which the pioneers have ppt yet penetrated. . Whore else- now'can'you go for such contrast? Name two!" V . ‘ ' GREGORY CLARK Front reaches- io polar bears ... in.R ft W short hours you can flOft both iiiOntario1 In an even shorter tinae you can leave the heart of a bustling metropolis and reach t|ie quiet and peace of the virgin wilderness. Excellent accommodation m ready for you. And Ontario’s ever expanding highway program means safer, more pleasant travel. Ontario’S highways, plus excellent bus, rail, water and air services make every part of the Province readily accessible. , Please use the coupon for Colourful literature which will help you to "KnpW ONTARIO Baiter/” .NOW Noma. Addresi. ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 399, 67 Cdllega Si., Toronto, Ontario, W»,«ttha DepirtmMt of Ttmi ft Publicity will wsUoni* your MtyilrlM about OnUtltf. ■BRYAN L. CATHCART, MinltWr Please tend ma freetteratvre and road map of Ontario ■ ■ faf CWie........Tffr;. t.... ■ ■ ii r 1.1 r ■ *11 ■ ii.. QfOirlft Depart^ nt ftf Trav'M find Publicity Hwk Sryflrt L C<irticdi% Miss Joan Guenther fell and fractured lier left. arm while playing at the. home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Gold win Quantz and Mrs. Dora Wurham, of Lon- dqn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and fam­ ily. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Reste- mayer entertained the following guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and family, Mt. Car­ mel; Mr. and Mrs. Milford Die­ trich and family; Mr. and Mrs. led Dietrich and Mr. “L_. Dale Dietrich, all of Windsor; Mrs. Emma Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ziler and John of Dashwood; Mr. aiid Mrs. Roy Dietrich and family, Miss’ Ther­ esa Dietrich of Shipka; Mr. and Mrs, James Ducharme, Dublin; Miss Helen Brumwell of London and Russell Brintnell, Clande- boye. The occasion was their son Glen’s sixth birthday; Mr. and Mrs. MilfoM Dietrich’s 25th wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dietrich recent newly-weds. All received lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf ar.d family, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with relatives herfc. Miss Barbara Becker, of Kit­ chener, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and Howard Woiberg, ‘ of Waterloo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiborg. Mr. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, spent, the weekend with Mrs. Herb. Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Filkins and Janice of Howell, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. W. Nadiger. ' • Mr, and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler and family. Miss Diane Kraft spent the weekend with Miss Brdnda Becl^ er atk Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, of Sarnia spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls of Ingersoll, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P, Fas sold. Mr., and Mrs. John Gilbert and Miss Eileen Gilbert of Strat­ ford wore weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Bur­ meister. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmon attended the fifieth anniversary of the founding of the Ontario Hydro at Kitchener and the un­ veiling of the monument for Mr. Snider at St. Jacobs last Mon­ day. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Greb of Preston Spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Becker and family. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber were Mrs, Ida Caldwell, Exeter, Mrs. Thelma Weber, London, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade, Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser and Mr. Jacob Ratz, Creditor, Miss Lucy Kaercher and Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Kennedy, Dale and Carol of Kitchener. Ladies Aid and L.W.M.L. Forty ladies attended the La­ dies Aid and missionary meeting at Zion Lutheran church last Wednesday evening. Rev. C. Klages dealt with the topic “The tremendous posibilities of youth and our responsibilities to youth,”" with many valuable points being brought out during discussion. During the business it was decided to order more cups and to have a committee inquire about the price of chairs and to take charge of plans for a straw­ berry supper. Recent Bride Honored Mrs. Carl Oestricher and Mrs. Don Gaiser were hostesses for a surprise party for Mrs. Joseph Hartman (Jean Haiigh) a recent bride, at the home of Mrs. Oes- treichcr Friday evening. The room was decorated with spring flowers,’ pink and white stream­ ers and the tea table centred with pink roses The evening was spent in con­ tests and Mrs. Hartman was presented with two tables and a place setting of her china. Louis Schroeder Dies In Hospital Louis Schroeder, 86. of Shipka who died in St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, had lived in this district most of his life. Ho was a member of the Un­ ited Church. His wife, the form­ er Lillian Mason, died several years ago. Surviving are three sons, Bor­ den. Shipka, William, Grand Prairie, Alberta, Fred, Windsor, three daughters, Mrs. Earl Mc­ Dougall, London, Mrs. Russell Pincombe, Parkhill, Mrs. De­ lams Butler, Windsor;, one broth­ er, Jacob, Long Beach, Californ­ ia; one sister, Mrs. Lydia Fah- ner, Flint, Mich. Services were hold Monday from the Hoffman funeral home. Rev. W. Parrott officiated and interment was in Grand Bend cemetery. Rev. C. H. Ferguson, B.A., of London, secretary of Christian Education for the London and Hamilton Conferences, was guest .speaker at the anniversary serv­ ices in the United Church on Sunday. In the morning, Rev. Ferguson tpek? ea “Growth, A Marvel and A Problem," and based his thoughts from the text “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also-reap.” In the even­ ing, the theme was “Making Our Christianity Understood.” Mr. Ken Blackler, of Kirkton, assisted the choir in the morning by singing two solos, and in the evening, Dick McCutcheon sang a solo. Neodult Club Meets Flight Cadet Roy Burrall, Eng­ land, a member of the NATO class, RCAF training station, Centralia, addressed the Neodult Club at their regular meeting on “English ways and customs of living as compared to Canadian customs.” Orland Squire took charge of the business. A donation was made to the Sunday School for paint. The June meeting will take the form of a picnic. Ralph and VOrda Lightfoot, Ken and Mildred Greb had charge of the recreation and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0, Thompson, of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodg­ son. Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Clarke, Misses Allison, Odeyne, Frances, Florence and Margaret attended the Clarke-Love wedding in Ottawa on Saturday. The groom, only son of Rev. and Mrs. Clarke, will be ordained at Con­ ference in Stratford on June 7. The bride is the daughter of the minister at Wesley Church, Ottawa, where the wedding took place. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kitchener, was a week-end guest at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Lorne Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. G. F, warden* of Sarnia, visited the week-end with Mr. and George Hicks and called on other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Morlo/, of London, spent the week-end witli their grandmother, Mrs. A- Harl- tpn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley, Jeanette and David, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lammie. Rev. C, II. Ferguson was en­ tertained on Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. L, Hodg­ son and Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb. Miss Mary Margaret Essery, a student at the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Essery, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn wrere Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley and family, of Toronto, Mr. a'nd Mrs. R. Lammie and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dunn, of Hurondale, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn, of Exeter. . Miss Arlene Skinner, bride­ elect, was guest of honour at a shower at the home of Miss Pauline Eden, London, and at a miscellaneous shower arranged by her office associates. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paynter, Kirkton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden and family. Pen- over Mrs. flNOTAS EXPENSIVE^ 1 YOU THINK/ THAT BATHROOM OR THAT KITCHEN ! SINK w IoBBWwlWwfw w' ANY MAKE Sult Your REsquiremo^te And Yom* Pocket FROM $50 UP Also Several Reconditioned Models From $80 F| To Of Big City Discount Houses Marconi Combination xHEATING-tlGHTIHG-PLUAMdiNG \OIL BURNIfi(rAlR COHDlTIONIMt equipment^suppues ANELECTRICAL repairing REWINDING ZURICH ■... ____ Report On Grand Bend By MRS. E. KEOWN Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ravelie and son of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ nold Ravelle. Mrs. Lennea Statton returned ■with her sister Mrs. Wyatt to Stratford, to spend the holiday. Mr. Dennis Finan is taking a course in embalming at. the Ryerson School in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Pollock and family of London spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Beer visit­ ed in London on Sunday. Mrs. Richard Philips and Miss Kaye Brown of Ailsa Craig Spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. M. Freele spent the weekend at their cot­ tage in town. The Parkhill Chapter- No, 265 OES will attend the church serv­ ice at the local United Church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams at Dashwood. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vanner, Billie Bailed, Delbert Mason and Miss Norina Fraser of London, and Miss Kay Morrison and Marge Bell of Atwood. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pickering of Windsor were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bossenberry over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs, “Pat” Harrison spent Friday in Toronto.', Mr. Warren Patterson and son, Gary, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Miss Beverley Ravelle spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Ravelle. Miss Mary Yeo spent Sunday in London. * Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Love at­ tended the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love in Thedford on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson ar­ rived home on Thursday after spending the past few months months in. Florida. Mrs. F. Melvin and Mr. P. Killes of London have recently purchased the restaurant for­ merly owned by Mr. Kenneth Hunt, and are operating it under the name of the Kalmel Lunch Bar. The death of Mrs. W. II. Rebd of Stratford occurred last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reed and sons have spent the past few sum­ mers at their cottage on Oake and Elmwood Streets here. Mrs. Neil Chamberlains’s sis­ ter, Mrs, Herbert McChesney of Arkona died last -Thursday even­ ing. Cpl. and Mrs. Chamberlain, John and Nancy attended the funeral which was held on Sun­ day afternoon from the Watford undertaking parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberts also at­ tended .the funeral, Mrs, Roberts being a niece of the deceased. Rev. Morley Pinkhey, rector of' St. John’s-By-The-Lake Anglican Church received word of the pas­ sing of his father in Montreal last week. A student from Huron College took the service in the church on Sunday in his absehce. Guests of Mr. and Mr?.' Roy Flear over the holiday weekend were Mr. Flear’s mother, Mrs. W> J. Flear and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, Hewitt and -family, all of Toron­ to. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Barbour of Mimico visited with her sisters, Mrs. C, Kennedy and Mr. Ken­ nedy, and Mrs. *Roy Flear and Mr. Flear. Mr, and of St. Mar dergrove from Mr. __ ___ _______ Green. Mr. Green, in turn, pur­ chased the property on Main Street, formerly owned by Mr. Gilbert Station. Mr. "and Mrs. Station and family intend mov­ ing in the near future to Sarnia. Miss Sheila Finan was among the 1956 graduating class of St, Joseph’s Hospital School of Nurs- Mrs. «Roy Fiear and Mrs. Murray Douglas ics purchased the Won* property last week and Mrs. Clarence Organ In Arena For SH Crusade An electric organ will be in­ stalled in Zurich Community Centre for the week-long South Huron Crusade for Christ, it was announced at the weekly meet­ ing of district ministers Monday morning. The organ, and an organist, will be supplied by a Kitchener company. The committee has oi- dered 1,500 song sheets for crowds at the evangelistic meet­ ings. Rev. Wes Aarum, the revival song leader from the United States and Stanley Gingerich, of Zurich will be in charge of the music. A choir of 200 voices from all over the district, is planned. Rev. C. D. Daniel, Hensail, presided for the meeting. Rev. Glen R. Strome addressed the group on “The Manifold Minist­ ry of the Holy Spirit.” Courses on “personal work,” in connection with the South Huron Crusade for Christ are being conducted by Rev. E, Wattam, Grand Bend, in churches in the district. About 75 are attending. At the first meeting, Rev. Wattam emphasized that a sin­ cere belief in Jesus Christ, a working knowledge of the Bible, prayer and perseverance were necessary for successful personal work during the crusade. The personal workers will assist crusade leaders in urging people to declare their faith in Jesus Christ. Radio-Phono For 1956 From the top of the highly polished cabinet nght down to the smallest condenser, the Marconi engineered circuit was designed and made to give the ultimate in value. Every inch is packed with value in true Marconi fashion. Three loudspeakers specially chosen to give you, the best in sound reproduction. Record changer has all the latest design features and will play all types of records automatically, Simplified operat­ ing control. Three-speed record-changer pf the latest improved de­ sign. 2 5 I s s I Bearers Hardware | Phono 86 .Exeter ^nitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiutiiiiHiiiiltiiii,^ her Mrs. M. Hpoper Active In WMS Mrs. Miltdn Hooper, of Lot 9, Concession 8, Blanshard,. passed away suddenly on Tuesday, May 15, in St. Marys Memorial Hos­ pital. She had been a patient in Stratford Hospital until the pre­ vious day, qwmg to a fall, when she fractured her hip. She was the former Josie Elsley, and had lived in- Blan­ shard Township since . her marriage'41 years ago. She was a member of Wood­ ham United Church, and an active worker in tlm W;.M.S. She is survived by her hus­ band, one son, Gladywn, on the homestead, and one brother. The funeral service was held on Friday in Woodham United Church, conducted by Rev. M. Slade, of Woodham, and Rev. II. J. Snell, of Exeter, with inter­ ment in Kirkton Union Cemetery. ing, London. The graduating of 72 nurses was held in Thames Hall, University of Western On­ tario, Wednesday evening. After the ceremony, Miss Finan held a reception for 22 guests at Knot­ ty Pine Inn, several of the guests being from Grand Bend. HONEY POO PEAS Stokely’S, 15-0z. Tins SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip, 16-Oz, Jar ... TREESWEET ORANGE Large 48-Oz. Tin...... ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX Ogilvie, Per Pkg. ........ . LYONS COFFEE 1-Lb. Bag......... PHONS 16 R.R. NOt 1; CENTRALiAfONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 . YOUR FRIEN0LY RELIANCE DEALER 2 for 350 AYLMER PEACHES f ‘ ! 20-Oz. Tins ......................... 2 for 490 * ...............470 SCHNEIDER'S LOAF CHEESE : 2-Lb. Carton .................................. . 890 i ! CE INTERLAKE TISSUE ............ 430 Price ................................... 2 Rolfe 230 j ..............490 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Large 12-Oz. Pkgs. 2 for 470r ................990 VEL , Xjargc iSizb Pkg......I.*...*.....*.290 ST