HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-24, Page 17purchase Uravel Pit In Usborne Township Usborne council, meeting May; the contract to paint the town- ’ zl t rl zi rl n n a r'I'l I 11. .. .. j. .Q. . . n,. May 24, 14, decided to purchase .62 acres i ship hall inside and out for $180. of Sravel for road nurposes from Draft of an agreement con- Sherwood Brock for $1,000. I cermng the building of Morrison i 32- 18 on the east half of !Dam on concession 2-3 by Au- adjoining sideroad i sable River Conservation Au- and the present township j thority was approved, with the I reservation that proper lot num­ bers should be used in the of gravel for road nurposes from Sherwood Brock for $1,000. pit. Donald Stephen was awarded BACHELOR 15 A v WORNj* THAT A CHICKEN HA5NT PiCKEP UP £ A BRAIN IS ONLY AS STRONG A<5 ITT WEAKEST THINK - New T-A Classifieds Work Fast! HELP WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NOTICES bers should, be used agreement. Council accepted a from Elgin Rowcliffe for on lots 34 and 35, con. L. t _ ceeding to an outlet over the north boundary road into the Geiger Drain in Tuckersmith township for the road portion of the area. Council appointed C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., Lucan, as en­ gineer. Warble fly inspector Allen Fletcher reported that 10,110 cat­ tle had been inspected for brush treatment. Road Superintendent W. J. Routiy submitted expense vouchers for $2,204.69, which were passed. Tax collector William Johns reported there are $4,557.99 in taxes still unpaid for 1955 and that he had been promised a total of $780. Township hall rental fees were set at $1.50 for women’s insti­ tute meeting; $3.00 for other meetings and no charge for township school board meetings. Council gave RCAF txju-un .Centralia permission to drop leaflets advertising Air Force Day. Reeve Clayton Smith presided and councillors Harold Jeffrey, j Harold Il6rn, Hugh Love and Harold Hunter attended. iHiniiiiiHiHtuiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiHt n n ini tn nniiiin iiniiiii<Hiimttittni petition a drain 1, pro- YES, WE WILL STILL Contract Bariey But It Should Be Sown Before June 1 NO. 1 REG. OR NO. 1 COM. SEED AND FERTILIZER AVAILABLE Com. No. 1 Marine Flax Limited Supply — $7.25 Bushel Foundation P.E.I Seed Potatoes Selling Now At About Table Price KATADIN, SEBAGO, COBBLER—GET YOURS NOW Seed Corn (PFISTER (DEKALB (WARWICK (JACQUES > J? Early varieties are getting, tight. Don't be dis­ appointed. Pick your seed corn requirements up NOW. Corn Contracts Available Now, With Fertilizer Pick Up Your . Turnip Seed Eady We won’t have enough seed to supply the demand. Reg. Laurentian Sized $1.85 Lb. X Suggested Formula For Cheap Feed For Cattle 1000 Oaf Hulls 1000 No. 1 Ground Wheat Screenings 200 Molasses $31.50 TON TRY IT. WE SELL BY TRUCK LOAD AND DELIVER TO YOUR BARN Farm Gates All Steel Painted Aluminum 16 ft. — $19.75 14 ft, — $17.75 12 Ft. — $15.75 You save $8 to $10 on these gates. STEEL POSTS, ELECTRIC FENCERS BARBEE WIRE, WOVEN FENCE, ETC. AUTO MECHANIC, experienced: and two mechanics’ helpers. High- est wages. Pearson Motor Sales, Zurich._________ _____ _______21c ORGANIST, CHOIR IJiADER—Ap­ plications _will be accepted until i JU ie 15 for P>sltion of Organistanl/or Choir 4 e&der for OntarioStieet. United C lurch,Clii ton Ont.il?k•aso state lai uilifiat ions expel’-ion co and sa y exp ecto 1. ReplyIOElWin Mcr rill Box 406,Clinton,On t.21:31e ZIP! NEW FIGURE! Quick as that, Spencer’s Corselette, ' ” -------designed, cut —J will give you beautiful, lines, call us 7: IT........... analysis. Mrs. Pearl Baynham, rei Istered Spencer ...... 171-W, Herman. Corselette, individually ut anil made for you, . „ unbroken ua 4today! free figure Corse Uere,’"’’phone 24 KITCHEN CABINET, china cabi­ net, both in excellent, condition, chesty for cash, 168 Main St. North, Exeter,____________ _ 24:31* FRAME HOUSE, 5-room, 2-storey, shingle covered, In (’entra)la; nice garden lot. Apply Mrs. Alvin Es- sery, phone Exeter 378-W4. 1 Otfc. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT—This lot 1b situated In residential section close io business part of Exeter. Act fast. B. W. F. Beavers, phone 86. ____________atfc DOGS Dog owners are reminded that ac­cording to a by-law of the Village of Credlton, dogs are prohibited from running at large from now until October 1. 1956. ______ 24e .GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FULL OR PART TIME PART TIME VASELINE PRODUCTS This can be handled by a reliable man or woman. M'm’k consists of DELIVERY and REPLENISHING stocks of these INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN pro­ducts m EXISTING RETAIL STORES established by the Com­pany. ABSOLUTELY no selling or soliciting as all sales are handled by the HEAD OFFICE STAFF. AGE education or past experience is not important as full training-is pro- yidcd f°i’ a pleasant, dignified and HIGHLY' PROFITABLE FUTURE, CAN BE HANDLED . in 3 to 5 hours a week without in­ terfering with present employ­ment. UP TO 375.0(1 a week income to Si ART w'tli Immediate expan­sion if desired. APPLICANTS must he In a* position to POST SJ.'M' IN f01' bondedMERCHANDISE which is covered by a RE - PURCHASE AGREE­MENT. 2 COWS’-—! Hereford, milking ■well; Jersey, mixed with Holstein, too low fop milking machine. Apply Maurice. Spruytte, R.R. 1 Clande-* boye,' yhone 720-J2 Exeter._____24* KELV1NATOR, 17 cu. ft., double doors, lockable handles and deep freeze compartment; excellent con­dition, and pew appearance. Phone 41, Grand Bend. __________24c HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES ,2>i months old, G. J, Dow, phone S3, Exeter.________________ 24c ICE! ICE! ICE!—Any quantity. De­liveries Tuesdays and Saturdays. Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171- r-14, Exeter. _____ 24c 2-WHEEL TRAILER, with stock' raclcs. Apply Mrs. Noble Scott, 92 Main St., Exeter,____________ 24* ACE ICE BOX, 50-lb, capacity, in good condition, reasonable. Phone 764-W, Exeter. ______ 24* GIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES, sizes 8*10. cheap. Phone 541, Exeter, 24c. CLIPPER SEED BEANS, No. 1. Apply Frank Lohuis, R.R. 1 Cen- tralia, phone 378-W12, Exeter. 24c GARDEN TRACTOR, small, used, good conditio n. Apply Beavers Hardware._____________ 24 c. HENSALL wltli good location. Two modern kitchen and furnace. Priced reason­ terms. Inquire at once. Brick home bedrooms, bath, new ably, with qqaranty Trust Company of Canada BrokerII. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensail, Ontario I9tfc IF YOU have the necessary cash available Immediately and desire a business of your own that will provide a steady Income with life-time secur­ity then write at once, glvihg your name, address and telephone num­ber to: PERSONNEL MANAGER Namerco (Canada) Limited 392 -Bay Street TORONTO 1, Ontario LADIES’ YV1NTER COAT, grey; 2 sport coats, men’s, 1 In new con­dition, size 38, 1 in fair condition, size 44, both for $7.50; man’s brown overcoat; ladies’ 2-pioee green suit, size 16, $6.50. Apply Mid-TownCleaners, Exeter.______________24c 11 PIGS, 9 weeks old, Gordon Prance, phone 37-r-22, Kirkton. 24c HOT PLATE, 2,burner, used 1 week. Phone 69S-W. 17:24c lfl :17:21c clntkalia — Comfortable 3-bed- room home with Iba acres of good land. This house is In good repair and nicely decorated; inside toilet; garage. Price $3,500.00. C. V. Blc- lcard, Realtor._________________tie EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of condition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good garage; immediate possession. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home is nicely decorated throughout: hardwood floors and fireplace; forced oil heat; extra lots, beauti­ fully' treed; garage. Price $7,500.00, with very easy terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME—Exeter North, with one acre. A clean home at the very Jo>v price of $1,900.00. Immed­iate possession. , 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, very attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3- piece bath, per m a n e n t laundry tubs. This comfortable home is par­ticularly well located on a beauti­fully treed lot. Owner leaving town, quick possession. ’2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This properly is in wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water soft­ener, Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession ar­ranged. If you wisli to buy or sell, see C. Yr. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter, phone 165 and 628. _________,____________ 12tfC 24 BABY CHICK FOR SALE STARTED PULLETS—Bray Hatch­ery suggests you order in advance of shipment date. Right now they can give fairly prompt shipment on mixed chicks, pullets. In a wide choice of breed, cross, or some of the “specials”. Ask for full In­ formation, pricelist, from agent— Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 24G-W 24 c STOCK WANTED DEAD. DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect. 168-W Lucan or Ex- eter 235.____________’___ j 2tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for al] kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. 12tfc FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT — 2 rooms upstairs. 2 rooms downstaris, 3- nlece bath; June 1: heated. Apply Mrs. Whitney Coates, phone Kirlc- ton 39-r-3.- Also garage available. 24’ 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, heated, hot and cold water, btiilt-i|i_ cupboard, use nttihdry Tor WasTiing, private entrance, Blatchford Apartments. - ______ 24* 3-R00M APARTMENT, furnished, with bath; soperate entrance. Phone 592 or 287 Huron St. YVost. 24:31* APARTMENT, modern, lower, un­ furnished, heated, private entrance, private bath: no chiklfen. Apply 103 Huron St. E., phone 225-J, Exeter. 24nc UPSTAIR APARTMENT, with pri­vate entrance, large, bright and nicely decorated. Close to town park. Phone 441-W, Exeter, 24» APARTMENT, in the Elliot Apart­ ments. Phone 787-J. You'll like this one.____________________24tfc UPPER APARTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms, living room, kitchen, 2.bed­rooms, 3-piece hath, hot and cold water, heated, built-in cupboards, partly furnished. Apply 59 Huron St. IV. or phone 237-YV after 7 P.m. . 24* Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks recently returned from a motor trip to Gloucester, Massachu­ setts. Miss Marion Brock, of the Bank of Montreal staff, has been transferred to St. Marys, ^effec­ tive June 15. 7 W. H. Hodgson, C, V. Pickard and W. C. Pearce, Exeter, at­ tended a meeting of Huron County Insurance Agents As­ sociation at Clinton last week. Frederick Brisco, Chatham, vice- presiddnt of the Ontario associa­ tion, spoke on the new public relations program -of the group. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison, Mrs. Chester Rowe, Mrs. Ida Dinney, Mrs. James Smith and Mr. Wes Lamport attended the funeral in Port Huron on Friday, of Mr. Bert Mann, wly>se widow, the former Ina Hoskins, was a cousin of those attending. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Rowe also attend­ ed, and spent the week-end with their son, Mr. Alvin Rowe, Port Huron. See Us For Pfister or Jacques HYBRID SEED CORN Early, Medium, Late EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 10:17 21 WEANER PIGS, first, quality. Bert Bax, phone KlrktOn 14-r-17. _____________________________24c CRIB QUILTS—Take a drive out 83. and see junior and crib quilts at Andrew Christie’s, 1 mile yesl of Russeldale, cottons, flannelette, plain or fancy, $3 and up. Phone Kirkton 10-r-7._____________24:31c 2,000 SUSSEX RED PULLETS, 12 weeks old; 1200 Red Rock, 500 Red Sussex, 5 months on May 22. An­drews Poultry Farm, Seaforth, phone 617-r-3._______17:24:7* FOOD FREEZER, 12-ft., upright model, 5-year warranty, new $500, only 6 months in use. Sell for best offer. Phone 657-M._________17:24c I HAVE AMPLE SUPPLIES Of Amine and Ester weed-kills, also brush-kill, and Heptachlor and Ald­ rin for maggot control of turnips Or cabbage at very reasonable prices. 1 have also Orchard Spray material and am open for contracts to spray your fruit trees, your grain for weeds, liquid fertilizer, the fence bottoms for weeds or brush and pasture fields dr for twitch grass or any other spraying you require. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266._____________10:17:24:31c CAPONS—Started cApons on order, and custom caponizing. Apply Chri Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dash- wood. _____16:2-17:6-------------»........ —--- -------- STARTED PULLETS, 12-week-old, Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leg­horns. Hubert T< Miller, phone 57- r-7 Dashwood. _____________22tfc BABY PRAM, blue Gendron, in perfect condition; $20. Apply 156 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Centralia, phone 4-19-J4, Exeter._________ 24c FOR RENT HIGHBOY SPRAYER for your weed-kill ' problems, at a very reasonable price. Contact me for rates and dates. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. 10:17:24:31 7-ROOM HOUSE, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, all modern con­ veniences, garage and garden; near thq business section; available im­ mediately. Apply Richard Hunter, phone S89-W, Exeter. lOtfc APARTMENT, unfurnished, ■ heat­ ed, private entrance, private bath; iio children. Apply 103 Huron St., phone 225-J, Exeter._____10;17:24nc 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap­ ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52. _____________,_____________19 tfc 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W. C. Pdarce, Real­tor, Exeter._________________12tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold- water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Credlton, 16tfc APARTMENT, centrally located, 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished, separate entrance, rent reasonable; immediate posses- siOn. 343 Andrew St., Exeter. ,24* 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Pen- hale Apartments, 70 John St. blast phone 201-R. . 24tf 2 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, un furnished: 1. - bedroom apartment, furnished. Apply John Ward, phone 348. 24* 100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron's good quality farms, well under­drained, good barns, silo, good house with conveniences; Exeter area. "William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 16tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St._______________________ tfc 7-ROOM HOUSE, in Grand Bend, right on river front, completely winterized, all modern conveniences, 24'x28', full basement, gas furnace— $4,200. Gerald Grattan, phone 6. Grand Bend.______._______17:24:31 50-ACRE FARM, in Township of Hay. located 3 miles front Hensail. Good frame house, bank barn and drive shed, hydro a.vaiiable, good water supply. Apply to Edgar Mc­ Bride, R.R. 3 Kippen, Ont., phone Hensail 671-r-25. 17:24* 50 ACRES — Bluewater Highway, Bayfield, nice square 50 acres; good soil, suit gardener or hobbyist; bank barn; good brick house, could be duplexed; good wells; hydro; quick possession. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, 2Gtfc HOUSE, with all modern conven­ iences, garage and garden; 3 miles east of Hensail, on county road, near school and church. Possession .June 1. Mervyn Eyre, Hensail, phone 670-r-13, Hensail._____24;30c DUPLEX HOUSE. ■ separata’- Ent­ rances, 3-piece baths, kitchens, oil furnace heated, heavy wiring; easy terms. William Pearce. Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales- mon._______________ ______ 24tfc BUSTNESS—Coal and Builders’ Sup­ply business. Famous "Blue Coal” line, well established, all auto­ matic equipment. Excellent fran­chises in building supplies. Good in­ come. For'cl Fuels and Building Products, see Lloyd Ford, phone 299, Exeter. 17:24c GARBAGE COLLECTION VILLAGE OF CREDITON Garbage will be collected in the vUlagfe on Saturday, May 26. Please have garbage at the curb. THE VILLAGE TRUSTEES 24C BICYCLES It is illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks <K the Town, of Ex­eter. Police are being Instructed to enforce the covering by-law. Citi­ zens are asked to govern them­ selves accordingly, C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk 24:31 SERVICES SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING— Houses, barns, roofs, etc. Arrange with us early. Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 53.17:24:31:7* SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­mediate service. Butler Bros., Lu­ can, phope 108 or 130-W.3:10:17:24:31:7 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at; Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7;30 and 9:30 A.M. We hive all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc MANURE L OADING—Apply Nor­ man Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W. 12tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING— 40 years’ experience. Quality work­ manship. Wallpapers available. Bert Clark. 430 Albert St., Exeter. 12tfc FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp­ ening Service. 105 Sanders St., Ex­eter, phone 454. . 3tfc. Mobile Disposal Contracting Septic Tank Cleaning Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc.New Installations on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains To Meet Your Requirement Phone 205 Grand Bend Phone 205 10:17:24:5:12:19 WHY- TOLERATE dandelions on your lawn and garden. Get , in touch with your neighbor and have them spray also, then you can be sure of freedom of dandelions for a very nominal charge, This should be done at once'. Phone 266 Exeter, E. V. HOgarth. , 24c WANTED 2,000 MORTGAGE for a client on real estate. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. , .life USED REFRIGERATOR, small, in good condition. Apply Box , "P”. Times-Advocate. ’ 24tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPERIENCED TYPIST—Requires full-time position in Exeter or Hen­sail. Phone 450-1-6,. Exeter. 24c AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Rsal Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items premises. Lot 8 OF CENTRALIA signed auctioneer lions to sell by P TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR COAL South Huron District High School Board invites tenders for COai for the school building on Gidley St,, Exeter. Livingston Stokers require 150 tons ot l1,1 x % oil treated stoker coal. • . , Tenders should quote price per ton, delivered at the school as re­ quired, and include an analysis. Please address tenders to the Secretary of the Board. E. D. Howey, Exeter, Ontario, by May 31, 1956. ■ Lowest or any tender not neces­sarily accepted. . 17:24 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Corner of Carling and Victoria Sis. TOWN OF EXETER or 2 Blocks West of Blue Sunoco Garage WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1:30 P.M. Three-piece chesterfield; piano; 5 dining room chairs; arm chair: china cabinet; coffee table; 2 studio couches; settee: walnut ovai table; leather sofa; 2 upholstered chairs; floor lamp; 2 buffets; hall rack with mirror; odd tables; 2 walnut bureaus; iron bed, single; 2 wooden beds; 2 bedroom suites: complete wardrobes; 2 chests of drawers; 4 toilet sets; dressing table; dresser; 2 rocking chairs; 10 kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table; couch; white kitchen glass cupboard; hot plate; upright electric heater; coal heater; kitchen, range; hydro stove; .McClary re­ frigerator; linoleum rug; coal oil lamps; glass and chinaware; fruit dishes; antique dishes; 200 sealers; pictures; child’s play pen; veran­ dah gate: curtains; drapes; quilts and bedding; lawn mOwer; step­ ladder; quantity Of wood and coal; garden tools. The above articles are in a good state of repair with no reserve.TERMS; Cash.. MJSS DELLA PEART.MRS. RHODA SBAPT ON ProprietressesALVIN WALPER. Auctioneer CrARNET HIuKS. Clferk ro­ il W.c 1 on the VILLAGE The under reived Jnslrm Auction or; FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE at 7 p.m. Sharp Consists of Lot Village of Cen- •■■"ted a 5- sistIng of bedrooms nt, ample den re- REAL ESTATE8, Victoria Street, ...... tralia, on which. Is sin room frame dwelling cc kitchen, living room, I and bathroom, full baser water supply and hes land. Property in good pair.Terms of Real Esti day of sale. Balance ioi Of gmit state .to: 10 in 2(1............ da:Sold subject to a reasonable i serve bid.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: chesterfield, oak dining /ooh: 6 dining room chairs, tapestr •'--•--7 stove, McClary 2' 2 buffets, kitchen .», sewing mach Ol tab le, r rugs, burner table ------ - .—kbie, 3 beds complete mattress, dining Quebec rangette. » iiuur and chairs, settee, vacuum cleaner, with springs and room suite, like now; centre tables, rocking chairs, arm chair, pictures, Sparton electric radio, antique knit­ting machine, mirrors, utility table. 2-burner hot plate, cupboard, chest of drawers, toilet set, large se­ lection of dishes, some antique; Ironing hoard, alarm clock, kitchen clock, silverware,, sealers, crocks, extension ladder, step ladder, lawn mower, garden tools, selection of masonry tools. Many Articles too numerous to mention.No reserve—everything will be sold. 1’Jease note time of sale— 7 P.m.TERMS: Cash.MRS. ALVIN ESSERY. Executrix for the Estate of the.Charles Isaac GARNET HICKS. Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24:31 late AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, Main St., In the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer re­ ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction on * SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1:30 P.M. Complete solid oak dining room suite, like new; studio couch .and chair: Frlgidalre electric stove, like new; Westinghouse refrigerator, rocking chairs; linoleum rug; Ax- minster rugs, 6x9, 9x12, 9x9; hall tree; 3 complete bedroom suites with new mattresses; chest of drawers, wheel chair, antique dresser; Sparton electric radio, like new; coffee table; end tables; 3 Ax- minster mats, curtains, quilts, com­forters, pillows, electric iron and toaster, hanging lamp, kitchen fable and chairs, 2 rugs, 7x9, 9x12; toilet set, sealers, small cream separator, power lawn mower, Simplicity gar­den tractor, complete with all at­ tachments, like new; garden seeder, like now; sprayer, wheelbarrow, 2 new Goodyear Suburbanite white tubeless tires: garden tools; Ice cream freezer (2-gal.). Many articles too numerous to mention.No reserve—everything will be sold.TERMS: Cash.ARTHUR ALLF.MAND. Prop. CLEN WEBB, ClerkALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE .At the Trading Post in GRAND BEND SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 12:30 P.M. Chest of drawers, blanket chests, washing machines, beds, dressers, end tables, child’s play pen. child­ ren’s desks and chairs, music cabi­nets, wash stands, rocking chairs, dining room chairs, odd chairs, small tables, chrome chairs, gas range, mounted deer heads, tea wagons, ice boxes, mirrors, pictures and frames, step ladders, ferneries, lawn mowers, hall scat and mirror, magazine stand, deck chairs, lawn chairs, clothes racks, sewing stand, record players, large, assortment of odd china and glass dishes, pots and pane, cutlery, electric table lanins, oil lamps, clocks, hand tools, antique rocking chairs, 2 with cane seat and back: dry sink; antique chest of drawers; some antique china, glass and iron ware, and hundreds of other items too nume­rous tn men I Inn.W. W1LLTVMS. Prop.BILL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 24:31 Machinery Holland The Best In Grassland Machines at The Best Prices Used Equipment Look at the tractor that’s SoaudscB with new things® SPEED aoo" Mew Torc| Gas and Diesel AUCTION SALE Of Furniture IN CREDITON (Third House West of Tomi Hall) SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1:00 P.M. Consisting of; Refrigerator, stove, desk, dresser, 54” box spring, spring mattress, single bed, small radio, iron, ironing board, tub stand, van-, ity table, some dishes, sealers, 3 mops and wringer, tools, wheel- barrow, rake, shovel, 2-burner hot plate, dishes of all kinds, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash,CLARENCE McDonough. Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer The CASE Income Payment Plan makes it easy to buy this modern 3-plow tractor TARP—On May 17, a green tarp, size about 14’xl3', between Cen­ tralia and Credlton. Finder plekse notify Lome Devine, phone 165-r- 10, Dashwood. • Reward, LOST CALL US TODAY Equipment FRSE blMONSKMCH ON YOW MMI A Spramotor Weed Sprayer Wilt rescue your crop — free It from weeds — protect it — increase your yield - pay you big profits; all for a small investment Spramotor offers you a choke of 10 models, at prices, possible only by mass production. Write today for FREE folder. Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER AWtYT4l' IT 600D? 35RIS Belgium And Danish Twine Don’t forget the saving of the Belgium baler twine off car 1st of June. You can save up to 55^ per bale or $27.50 per ton for cash. Place your order now. Don’t miss this saying. Take advantage of Stilbestrol. Feed it to your cattle on range with SHUR-UAIN BEEFMAKER Cot.c. and PURINA STEER FATENA Cone. NEVER MIND WHAT KIND' OF CEREAL YOU 6ETMOM- 8UT BE SURE THE MILK AND CREAMS FROM HIGHLAND WLLDAIRy THATS WHAT MAKES 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tastp-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfc MAIN STREET APARTMENT— Over Gould & .Tory store; living room, bedroom and kitchen; hydro and Water provided: available April 1. Apply Exeter Times*Advocate.22tfc ft* C Special This Week ONE CALF PAIL FREE (Value $1.50) with each purchase of 200 lbs. PURINA CALF STARTENA Whatever you need, make us your headquarters you want the best and want it promptly. GRAIN-FEED SEED ••WHALEN CORNERS KIRK TON furnished or urn new private bath ' * newly de APARTMENT, furnished, with ..... ..naw built-in cupboards; .............. rotated, oil heated, heavy duty wii Ing, hot and cold water oi separate entrance: available Phone 409-W (evenings). SEWING MACHINES — Electfli portables, by the 'week. Hopper■ Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex- etcr. 8tf< MODERN APARTMENT, May 1 furnished or unfurnished, Eeave Hardware, Exetdr, phono 86. 3t FARM HOUSE, near Centralia, L. Tasko,, R.R. i ciatideboye, phone Exeter S81-J3. APARTMENT—Available Jun Godbolt’s Apartments, Exeter, jfimished ........... with largWith running ho also furnished cot?............... ...__bedroom.Bring ybiR**. bedding atid dishes. 4-llOOM APARTMENT, 1 I furnished apartment bedroom; both v"" and cold water; a.— tftge with one _ small BuilIK j»u, PJidne S80-J3> Exeter* Quality Built HAYING MACHINES R. th Jormyn Phbrie 503 Wiliam St*..