HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-24, Page 10Th# tauter Tlmts-Advacat#, May 24,
RECIPROCAL GIFTS—A. true leopard skin, will adorn James Street United Church
i Sunday School as a result of an exchange of gifts in. connection with the the visit of
Dr. Walter E. Strangway, an African missionary, to the church on Sunday. Dr. Strang
way received a check for nearly $700 from the congregation and Sunday School; in
return he presented the skin to the children. The missionary, left, shows the skin
to Roy Heywood, a member of the school, and Carfrey Cann, superintendent. —Doerr
Campaign Raises $700
Church Gives Four Cows
To Missionary In Angola
James Street .United Church
presented Dr. S. Strangway, a
missionary from Angola, Africa,
with nearly $700 Sunday in a
ceremony which climaxed a
unique missionary project.
The campaign, called Opera
tion Brown Cow,” was con
ducted to raise funds to help
the Canadian doctor establish a
dairy herd at his mission. Over
$500 of the total was raised by
classes' in the Sunday School,
each of which staged a special
money-raising project.
Delighted with the donation,
Dr.: Strangway estimated it
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would buy at least four cows
for his herd which will produce
milk for undernourished African
In return for the gift. Dr.
Strangway presented a leopard
skin to the Sunday School.
During his visit with the child
ren he showed them a lion’s
fang and a cane made of rhino-
cerous hide.
Master Surgeon
Dr. Strangway, a master sur
geon who performs many oper
ations in his Angola mission,
spoke at both morning and even
ing services in the church as
well as the Sunday School. He
described conditions which exist
in Africa today.
Dispelling a popular belief, he
said Africans are not a back
ward race but they have been
limited in their development be
cause of a lack of opportunity
in education.
Although Africa was discover
ed by European explorers 100
years before North America,
they were afraid io develop the
country because of its prevalent
“The riches of Africa lie not
in gold, or diamonds, or ivory
for which many westerners
have gone in search, but in the
native tribesmen.” he told large
congregations which heard him
Sunday'.;........ " — "
Mud and Grass Building
Twenty-nine years ago, Dr.
Strangway and his wife sailed
to Angola to take charge of a
small hospital built of mud and
roofed with grass. The lighting
was so poor that he performed
his first operation in his own
.dining room where there was
more light.
. A larger hospital was com
pleted in 1932,
Dr. Strangway said Africans
greatly appreciate what assist
ance they receive from the
western world. As he was leav
ing for furlough in Canada,
5,000 natiyes gathered on the campus of the mission school
asking him to express their ap
preciation for the contributions
Canadians had made to them.
At the evening service, the
doctor showed slides illustrating
his work on the Chissamba
mission field. At the close of the
meeting, D. H. H. Cowen, on
behalf of the Sunday School, the
A.O.T.S. and the congregation,
presented him with a cheque for
Children Present Donations
At the Sunday School service,
representatives from each class
presented their donations in a
ceremony conducted by Carfrey
Cann, superintendent of the
school, who instigated the pro
Members who made the dona
tions include Rev. C. W. Down.
Hugh Love, Don Welsh, Fred
Ward, Gerald McBride, Donald
Jermyn, Shirley Henderson,
Peter McFalls, Mary Anne
Lostell, • Billy’ Wright, Anne
Hockey, Ross Beaver, Kinda
Johnson, Gary Ford and Susan
Projects of the classes in
cluded selling popcorn, pens and
pencils cookies, candy, conduct
ing a church' service, collecting
coat hangers, and staging an
Easter tea. ‘
WESS—Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Cress, R.R. 1 Dashwood, announce
the birth of their son, Harry John, at South Huron Hospital, May 16. 1956.
.CUNNINGHAM—Mr. and Airs. Arnold Cunningham, R.R. 1 Lucan,
announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, May 16, 1956—a sister for Eddie and the girls.
VAN OSCH—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Osch,. H.R. 2 Crediton, announce the birth of a son, Gerald Hendrick, at South Huron Hospital, May 23, 1956—a ‘brother for Elizabeth.
SCHROEDER—Louis Schroeder, of
Shiplta, passed away at St Joseph’s Hospital, London, Friday,
May 18, 1956.
ROIJSOM—At Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, May
20, 1956, Gladys Rousom, beloved
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wesley J, Bissett. of Exeter.
HACKNEY—At the Avon Crest rest home, Stratford, Wednesday, May 16, 1956, Louise VictoriaHackney, formerly of Blanhard Township. Funeral service from
the Marriott funeral home, Sr, Marys, Saturday, May 19. Inter
ment in Roy’s cemetery.
HOOPER—Suddenly, at St. Mary's
Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, May 15, 1956, .Josie Elsley, wife
of M. E. Hooper of lot 9, con. 8,
Blanshard Township, in her sixtyfifth year.
Mrs, John Spacek wishes to thank her neighbors and friends
for their kindness during her re
cent. illness and for the many cards, flowers and treats. Special
thanks to the C.W.L. of St. Peter’s Church, 21*
Mr. M. E* Hooper,’. Gladwyn and
family wish to express their sin
cere' thanks and appreciation for
acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from their friends, neighbours and relatives during their recent sad bereavement, 21
Cecil Camm wishes to thank all those who so. kindly remembered
him with flowers, cards and visits while a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital and the neighbors for all their kindness and help, 24*
We wish to thank all who remembered, ‘us with cards, flowers, treats, gifts and those who visited its during ours stay at South Huron
Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Gulens, nurses and staff of South Huron
Hospital.—Mrs. Erwin Rader and baby, 24
I wish to take this opportunity
to thank all those who so Kindly remembered me with cards and
treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
and at home.—Mrs. William H. Smith, Crediton, ' 24c
I would like to express my sincere appreciation of the beautiful plants, flowers, treats-, visits and the numerous cards I received daily
while In London hospital and since returning home, A "thank you"
also to kind neighbours and to my good friend, Mrs. M. Faist, who carried on my correspondent duties,
—Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Crediton.24nc
I wish to thank all who visited
me and remembered me with gifts, cards, etc. during my stay in‘St. Joseph’s Hospital, London.—Edgar
McBride. ■ ■ ■ - 2J
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Essery and
family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness to them and for the cards, treats, visits and flowers to Mrs. Essery
while a, patient in Victoria- Hospital and since returning home. 24*
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Schedule Concert
For Junior Band
London Police Boys’ Band,
under the direction of Marfin
Bouhdy, will present a concert
in SHDHS auditorium Thursday,
May 25, in support of the pro
posed junior band for Exeter
and district.
During the concert, organiza
tion of the local band will be
discussed and Mr. Boundy will
answer questions about instruc
Parents who signified they
wanted, their children to play
in a junior band, are being ask
ed through a questionaire if they
would be willing to pay for in
The band committee estimates
between $2,500 and $3,000 will be
necessary to buy large horns
for the band. Although no organ
ization has agreed to underwrite
the expense, officials hope a
special money-raising campaign
can be staged by service clubs.
Exeter Recreation Council has
agreed to look after the collec
tion of instruction fees and the
paying of the instructor if the
band is started.
Mr. Cecil Wilson is chairman
of the town committee.
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Seek New Dump
—Continued from page 1.
Three residents who are be
hind the action are Shaw, R, J.
Keller, and Wiliam Elliott.
.An indication that one plain
tiff does not wish to continue
the suit came in a letter to the
town’s legal counsel. Mr. Bitz
wrote: "After the Statement of
claim wes filed the cleaning up
of the dump was renewed with
renewed vigor to such an ex
tent that one of the plaintiffs
now advises us that as far as
he is concerned he is inclined
•to think that he is satisfied with
the situation.”
The letter continued: “Would
there be ahy harm in your ad
vising us aS. to what your client
(the town) intends to do in the
future and if these plans were
satisfactory, our clients might
very Well reconsider their posi
Clerk C. V, Pickard, who rc-
blied Oil behalf of council to the
tetter, pointed out the town was
tryingr to carry out the recom
mendations for disposal advanc
ed by Huron County Health Unit
He said plans were made for
imnroverrtent of the dump long
before the plaintiffs court ac
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