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. ’Y GO BY'
Beauty Bar
Myrland Smith, Prop.
Individual Styling. Permanents
Hair Treatments, Tinting
Manicures, Facials.
409-Main St« . Phone 522
Ethel’s Beauty Salon
Open Daily 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m.
Friday Evening to> 9 p.m.
By Margaret Stephan,
Eleanor Wasnldge and
Ethel Desjardine, Prop.
With The
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
fonaer roof
Propane Limited
Your Distributor for
Propane Gas and Appliances
for Farm, Homo and Industry
Call Stratford 4174
Beta Sigma Phi
Makes Donation
“You and Your Audience” was
discussed by Mrs. Lou Bailey
and Miss Jean Taylor at the
meeting of Beta Sigma Phi So
rority Tuesday evening:
The president, Mrs. Ted Jones,
conducted the business when it
was voted that $10 be sent to- the
Canadian National Endowment
Committees were appointed to
organize a clean-up at Victoria
Park and to send in a tender for
booth at Exeter horse races.
A draw for. a gift donated by
Mrs. Warren May was won by
Mrs. Ross Tuckey.
Mrs. Frank Butson was hostess
at her home and was assisted by
Helen Westcott, Joan Parsons
and Jean Taylor,
Sewing Machines
Cant Be Beat
Try The New
In Our Store
• We invite you to enjoy a NEW sewing experience—-try
the Nordic Automatic yourself in our store. Here is a ma
chine which enables you to sew ♦five different zigzag em
broidery patterns without having to change cams!*
• Try and you’ll buy Nordic Automatic, the sewing ma
chine which is 3 machines in 1: a regular sewing machine
for perfect straight stitching; a zigzag machine for darning,
mending, embrpidery; an automatic machine, producing con
tinuous zigzag embroidery automatically.
Compare Price and Features—You'll Buy NORDIC—ONLY $285
Talk Horticulture
At Grand Bend
Horticulture was the theme of
the May meeting of Grand Bend
Women’s Institute on Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Love discussed the
care of the lawn, hedges and
roses, pruning and improving
the appearance of the farm ' n-
Each member wore a corsage
and answered to her name with
a medicinal plant. Current
Events were given by Mrs. E.
Desjardine, who also conducted
the flower and plant exchange.
A few minutes silence was ob
served in deference to Mrs.
Douglas Hart whose husband
was killed in an automobile ac
cident near Windsor recently.
Mrs. Max Turnbull was ap
pointed representative to the
Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron
Mrs. Roy Morenz, Mrs. Alex
Hamilton, Mrs. Emery Desjar
dine and Mrs. Raymond Kading
were appointed delegates to the
district annual in Zurich, in
At the April meeting Mrs.
Emery Desjardine was elected
president for 1956-57 with vice
presidents, Mrs. Wm. Love and
Mrs. Wally Becker, secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Raymond
Kading; ass’t, Mrs. Herb Phile;
auditors, Mrs. Mae Holt and.
Mrs. Elgin Webb; pianists, Mrs.
Mansell Mason and Mrs. W. C.
Smith; dist. directors, Mrs. Roy
Morenz, Mrs. Verne Ridley;
Celebrate Anniversaries
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love,
Thedford and Mr. and Mrs. Hed
ley May celebrated their thirti
eth wedding anniversaries on
Sunday at the home of the form
er’s son, Junior Love. It was
also the occasion of Mr. and Mrs.
Junior Love’s sixth wedding an
Relatives and friends gathered
to extend best wishes to the cel
ebrants and spend a social time.
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Naturelle Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71-W • Exeter
Lown Down Payments
Phone 156 Grand BendExeterPhone 99
branch directors, Mrs. C. Lovie,
Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, Mrs. Max
Conveners of< committees in
clude: Citizenship, Mrs, Well
wood GUI; education, Mrs, Willis
Gill; community activities and
public relations, Mrs. E. Keown,
Mrs. C. Taylor; home econo
mics, Mrs. Alex Hamilton;
health, Mrs. Wm. ‘Sweitzer; his
torical research, Mrs. II.
Walper; agriculture and Cana
dian industries, Mrs. Eddie GiU;
resolutions, Mrs. W. C, Smith.
Municipal Official
Speaks At Kippen
W. P. Robert-, assessor and
secretary of Tuckersmith;, school
area and a former instructor at
Clinton Radar School during
World War 11 was guest speaker
at the Community Activities and
Public Relations meeting of Kip
pen East Women’s Institute held
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. W. Broadfoot.
Mrs. John Sinclair commented
on the motto, “Everytime you
help someone up the ladder you
are near the top yourself.” Mem
bers answered to the roll by a
current event of 25 years ago—
newspaper clippings of a quarter
of a century ago revealed snow-
faUs in the month of May that
i year. Mrs. Verne Alderdice re
viewed current events and Mrs.
R. Brock contributed a reading,
Delegates to the district an
nual at Zurich in June will be
Mrs. N. McLeod, Mrs. R. Brock,
Mrs, Campbell Eyre and Mrs. S.
Pepper. The annual picnic will
be held at Seaforth Lions’ Park
June 16. $10 was voted to the
Cancer Fund.
Sixteen ladies were named to
assist with the T.B. X-ray clinic
on Tuesday afternoon May 21 at
Seaforth, Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs,
Alex McGregor, Mrs. Glenn
Slavin, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs.
S. Pepper, Mrs. R. Brock, Mrs.
C. Eyre and Mrs. W. Broadfoot,
and in the evening, Mrs. W.
Bell and Elaine, Mrs. Harry
Caldwell, Mrs. W. Workman,
Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. J.
Drummond, Mrs. Wm. Kyle and
Mrs. Jack Caldwell.
Members voted to enter no ex
hibit at Exeter Fair this year.
Mrs. Campbell Eyre, presi
dent, conducted the meeting and
Mrs. A. Varley was co-hpstess;
Hats, Antiques
Feature At Lucan
Wearing their oldest hat and
bringing an antique, members of
Lucan Women’s Institute met in
the Anglican .Parish Hall on
Thursday for grandmother’s
meeting. c
Mrs. Edgar McFalls won the
prize for a century old hat be
longing to her grandmother.
Mrs. H. T. Bond was awarded
the prize for the youngest grand
mother present.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Frank Hardy and Mrs. Gordon
Banting. Mrs. Tom Lee sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Erwin Scott.
The new president, Mrs. Mur
ray Hodgins, conducted the
business and hostesses were
Mrs. Guy Ryan, Mrs. R. Hamil
ton, Mrs. H. T. Bond, Miss Gora
Neil and Mrs. William Brownlee.
Mrs. Hodgins presented a gift
to the retiring president, Mrs.
Frank Hardy. Mr. J. B. Ready
donated a small gift to all who
were in the hat parade.
Mrs. Brownlee gave a report
on the secretaries’ conference
held at Guelph. $5 was voted to
the Cancer fund. Mrs. Tom Lee
Reported on the clothing for
Greece and agreed to take
charge of further donations.
Mrs. Erie Young, Mrs. George
Paul, Mrs. Art Black and Mrs.
A Philpott were named a com
mittee to arrange for a bridge
and euchre on June 7. Mrs. Jack
Lankin was appointed telephone
convener With Mrs. Harold
Whyte, Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mrs.
Edgar McFalls, Mrs. Joe Mur
ray and Miss Lina Abbott as as
The articles for the “Hope
chest” contest wore on display
.as well as the antiques. Dona
tions of flowers and .bulbs were
sold at the close of the meeting.
Creditor! Institute
Installs Officers
The Community Activities and
Public Relations Committee with
Mrs. Roland Motz as convener
arranged the program for the
May meeting of Crediton Wom
en’s Institute hold on Wednesday
evening, .Mrs. Motz gave a talk
on this theme.
The motto “Life is a garden:
what are you planting in it?”
was given by Mrs. RussOll Fink*
beiner. A piano solo was con
tributed by Mrs. F. Mdrlock and
a Mother’s Day reading by Mrs.
Leonard Wein.
Mis. Motz conducted the in
stallation of officers after which
the new president, Mrs. Wilfred
Mack, conducted the business!.
Mrs. Morlock presented Mrs, R.
Metz with a gift, also1 Mrs. (Bay
King who is leaving for Gore
Delegates to tho district an
nual wore appointed and plans
were made ibt articles to be
shown, it was decided to have
a picnic at Fanshawe Dam in
Hostesses wore Mrs, Ed, Lam
port, Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. H.
tSchc L and MtS. II. Finkbeiner.
McGillivray Host.
To Riverside Wl
Members of Riverview Wom
en’s Institute were guests of Mc
Gillivray Women’s Institute at
the May meeting held in the
West McGillivray Hall.
The guests were in charge ot
the program in which Mrs. Men
zies led in a sing song and gave
an inspirational talk on the
theme “To look backward with
gratitude, upward with faith and
ahead with hope.” Mrs. Priestly
gave an outline of the secre
taries’ conference held in Guelph
A humorous duet was sung
by Mrs. Drummond and Mrs.
Hindmarsh and Mrs. Stewart
entertained with a humorous
Mrs.4 Laverne Allison, presi
dent of the jiome organization,
presided for the opening and
business. The motto “No one
has ever had business relations
with Mother Nature and come
out a loser,” was discussed in
the form of poems by Mrs. Mal
colm Allison and Mrs. Albert
Armstrong. An exchange of bulbs,
plants and seeds was a feature
of the meeting.
The executive were invited to
meet at the home of the presi
dent, May 31, to draft the
gram for the coming year,
A draw for a lamp was
by Mrs. Fred Fenton.
Couple To Reside
Near St. Paul's
The marriage of Blanche Jean
ette Switzer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Switzer, St. Marys
R.R. 1 and Thomas LeSlie White,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
White, St. Piaui’s R.R. 2, was
solemnized at the parsonage of
Kirkton United Church on Sat
urday in the presence of im
mediate relatives including Mrs.
Mima Switzer, grandmother of
the bride who was celebrating
her eighty-first birthday that
day and the groom’s grand
mother, Mrs. Sarah Douglas.
Rev. H. D. Anderson officiated
and Mrs. Anderson played tra
ditional wedding music.
Bride Ip Safin.
For the ceremony the bride
wore a floor length strapless,
bridal satin gown trimmed with
heirloom lace and net, featuring
an overskirt of net and mother
of pearl sequins and a veil of
finger tip length. Her bouquet
was of red roses.
Her sister, Mrs. William Stock,
Tavistock R.R. 1 as matron of
honor wore a floor length queen’s
blue lace and taffeta strapless
gown with net overskirt with a
matching blue lace bolero bro
caded with gold. She carried
pink roses.
His brother,. Douglas White,
was best man for the groom.
Reception *
A reception followed in the
church parlors for which Mrs.
Switzer chose a nautilis grey
suit with light blue hat and
blouse and black and white ac
cessories and corsage of red
roses. The groom’s mother was
in a neptune rose imported wool
suit with accessories in a nat
ural shade.
The wedding dinner was cater
ed to by the Class that Counts
and serviteurs were Donna
Stone, Kirkton, Reta Richard
son, Stratford, Doris May, Lon
don, Ruby Schmidt, Gadshill.
The guests returned to the
bride’s home for the evening
when birthday cake was served
in honor of grandmother Swit
zer’s birthday.
For travelling the bride donned
a serene blue suit, pink shorty
coat, with navy and pink ac
cessories and white gardenia
corsage, She wore the groom’s
gift - a pastel and rhinestone
necklace, earrings and bracelet.
The couple Will reside at St.
Reeve s Daughter
Weds In Kirkton
At an impressive double-ring
ceremony in St. Paul’s Anglican
Church, Kirkton, Marie Eliza
beth Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton A. Smith, Kirkton,
was united in marriage to Victor
Russell Hearn, son of Mr, Rob
ert Hearn and the late. Mrs.
Hearn, Kirkton on Saturday,
May 19.
Baskets, bf white mums, glad
ioli and fern and candelabra
adorned the church. Rev. R. A.
C. Mills officiated. Mrs. Harold
Davis played traditional wedding
music and accompanied the solo
ist, Mrs. A. J, Gettlcr, Fullar-
ton who sang “I Take Youi’
Hand” and “0 Perfect Love.”
The bride chose a gown of ny
lon tulle over taffeta drifting in
to a train trimmed with hand
clipped Chantilly lace and match
ing mittens. Her finger tip veil
of imported illusion was held by
a headdress of pleated tulle,
trimmed with sequins and seed
pearls. She wore a rope of pearls
and, ear rings--the gift of the
groom and carried a bouquet of
gardenias and stephanotis.
Bridal Attendants
Given in marriage by her fath
er, reeve of the Township of Us-
-borne, the bride was attended by
her sister, Mrs. E. Gough, St.
Marys, matron of honor, and
her sisters, Myrland of Exeter
and Rosemary,
bridesmaids and
niece of bride,
Hearn, niece of
flower girls.
Their ballerina
of silk organza featured billowy
skirts, cap sleeves and fitted
shirred bodices in colors of Am
erican Beauty and pink respect
ively. All wore pearl chokers
and carrings-gifts of the bride,
and carried white carnations.
The flower girls were in blue
nylon over taffeta and carried
' Ivan K.
the ushers
St. Marys.
A reception followed at Fullers’
Grove, Sebringville. Mrs. Smith
was gowned for the occasion .in
a dress of toast shade with beige
lace redingote and beige acces
sories and sweetheart rose cor
sage. Mrs. Hearn chose a navy
blue suit with beige accessories
and sweetheart rose corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Hearn left for a
wedding trip through the South
ern States, the bride travelling
in a light blue tailored suit, pink
and navy accessories and cor
sage of gardenia and stephanotis.
On their return the bridal
couple will take up residence in
St. Marys.
Guests attended the wedding
from Peterboro, Yorkton, Sask.,
Lucan, Barrie, St. Paul’s and
We carry a complete line of Sun-Proof House Paint, Matching
Farm Machinery Colors, Gloss Wall Paint, Semi-Gloss Wall Pjinti,
Floor Paints, High Gloss Enamel, Shellac, Varnish, Painter*1
Supplies, Wallpaper, Fiberglass Screening, Rez Products, Floor
Sanders For Rent — A Product For Every Need,
McKenzie Paint Store
Phone 253 Exeter132 Main St.
Kirkton, a s
'Dianne Smith,
and Marilyn
the groom, as
length dresses
nosegays cf white carnations.
Hearn, Lucan, was
1 for his brother and
were Sam Bell,
and Barry Hearn,
In States
Paul’s R.R. 2. GUests were pres
ent from Cayuga, London, Wood-
stock, Tavistock, Stratford, Av-
onton, Embro, Exeter, and Gads-
By Catalina
$7.95 to $14.95
Be the Prettiest
Girl on the
Beach • . . in a
Summer Sleeveless Blouses $1.9
• Pretty New Skirts • Summer Handbags
• White Sister Nursing Uniforms
Irwin s Ladies Wear
Phone 474 Exeter
Peanut Stuffed
Butter Olives Dressing
LARGE 16-oz. JAR
25c 29c 44c
Three Receive
Lodge Degree
The Rebekah degree, was con
ferred on three candidates, Mrs.
George Vriese, Mrs. Harold Bell
and Miss Margaret Cook, at last
Wednesday's meeting of Pride
of Huron Rebekah Lodge with
Mrs. Delmer Skinner as captain
of the degree team.
Plans were made for the cel
ebration of the ninth birthday
of the lodge which will be Ob
served on June 6 with members
of Morning Star Lodge of Brus
sels as guests.
Invitations were received for
the district church Service at
Brucefield on May 27 and for a
social meeting of Edelweiss Re
bekah Lodge on May 28.
Named as. a committee to ar-
rahgo for the annual Rebekah-
Odd Fellow picnic wore Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald McFalls, Mr. and
Mrs. William Etherington and
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Fisher.
As a project for the coming
year the lodge will false funds
for a contribution to the $120,000.
addition to the Odd Fellow’s
Home at Batrie,
N. G., Mrs. Stuart Dick, who
presided for the meeting, paid
tribute to Mrs. Dek McDonald,
junior past noble grand, who
has taken an active part in the
lodge for the past eight years
and is leaving this week for hei*
new heme in Tilisdnburg.
2 1"" f"LBS. 55c
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15-02. TINS 15-OZ. TINS Juice
2 tins 19c 2 for 25c
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