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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 14
Ko/ce Of The House”' TAILOREP-TQ-MEASURE MEN'S ANP LADIES* MIT SALE of Tip Top Tailors and W. R. Johnson ♦ included in this sale. Your choice of tropical■« _ ....._..... ........~ ..... Britain’s finest woollens, the newest shades, Wes and patterns. OR Free Extra Pants or Dress Shirts REE. $4.95 Walpers Men's Wear Phone 81 > Exeter s ......................................................................................... Modern, automatic Lennox warm air heating is just about the soundest investment you can make. It not only produces personal comfort, WARM AIR HEATING YOU ADD TO THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME WHEN YOU ADD LENNOX THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1»M This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQC1KE And W.A. May meetings of the and W.A. of the United were held Wednesday W.M.S. The W.M.S. Church, afternoon at Mrs. Breeze’s home. The theme of the W.A. meeting was "Wonder, Reverence and Adoration”. Mrs. Hamilton Hod gins presided and was assisted in the worship by Mrs. George Squire and Mrs. Melville Gun ning. ” Mrs. Duffield 'and Mrs. George Squire were appointed to look .after the baking sale after the meeting. Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mrs. George Squire gave readings. A travelling basket will lie on the way for next month. An invitation from Centralia W.A. was received and accepted for the June meeting. The three presidents will be in charge of the program. Mi's. Grafton Squire was in charge of the W.M.S. meeting. The theme was "His iSilent Presence.” A poem by "Kagawa" was given by the leader. The study book, "Tale of a Bale," was given by Mrs. Wil liam French. 'She also reading, "My Mother’s Mrs. William Morley reading. Baptismal Service During the Mother’s Day ser vice on Sunday there were two 'baptisms: Donald Alton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Nell, and Margaret Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson and family left for Vancouver on Wednesday morning. Before leaving, Mrs. Hodgson received gifts from the W.A. and the Sunday School. Robert received a billfold from his schoolmates. (Robert and Dean both received testaments from the, Sunday School class. Personal Items Mrs. Ray Parkinson returned to (her home from St. Marys Memorial Hospital, having spent several weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire were in London Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Laverne Morley and Elva Morley attended the men’s Institute meeting at sail on Wednesday night. Miss Marion Morley of Toron to spent the weekend at hei’ home. She is going to St. Thomas now for (training. Rev. and Mrs. Clarke and family will be attending the wedding of their son, Ewart Clarke, to Miss Elaine Love of Ottawa, on Saturday. Mr. -and Mrs. Cliff Rawlings and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raw lings, 'London, and Mrs. Neil of 'Granton were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Alton Neil. gave a Hands." gave a Miss Wo- Hen- Church Presents Gift To Crediton Minister Second Line In Biddulph By W18. H. ELSON but its cleanliness reduces decorating costs; its efficiency lowers fuel costs. LOiportant, its presence Increases e value of your home—makes it worth more in any real estate market. (Lennox cooling units use same blower and ducts as the Lennox he'ating system you buy) Com* In or phone for FREE heating survey Lindenfields Ltd GET SET FOR AIR CONDITIONING AT NO EXTRA COST T-A ..NEXT NEW Exeter Who Sells Not us. We just sell Quality Used Cars at Fair Prices. If you want a good car, not a gimmick, phone us today. Arm str on aIF J| KI KI K/KK K I w- Plymouth-Chrysler Dealer Mother’s Day was observed in Evangelical U.B. Church with Rev. W. Krotz in the pulpit and several selections by the ladies' choir and a program in the Sun day School. The men’s chorus sang at the. evening service and Mr. Calvin Fahrner was presented with a. purse of money (before going to his charge at Arnstein. He left ■ Wednesday. Rev. G. Strome read the address and Freeman Mor lock presented the purse. Calvin made a suitable reply. Mother’s Day Service The United Church, was beauti fully decorated with flowers for •the Mother’s Day service, and had one christening, Anthony Joseph, ' son of LAC and Mrs, Mailett. A Mother’s Day program was held in the Bunday School. W.A. And W.M.S. The Women’s Association and W.M.S. ■ of the United Church •held their regular meeting on Wednesday , afternoon. The wor ship service was led .by Mrs. W. Mack, assisted toy Mrs. Sam King, Mrs, J. Galloway spoke on the church’s work with the immi grants, The W.M.S. business meeting was presided over by 'Mrs. (Garfield Hili, Letters of ap preciation were read from Dr. and Mrs. Whiting for supplies sent to their hospital at Hazle ton, -B.C. Plans were made for the Baby Band .party in June. Mrs, IR, iMptz presided over the W.A. meeting. A cup and saucer were presented to Mrs. Ray King who is moving to Gore Bay. Tea was served by Miss Mary Cham bers, Mrs. R. Hill* and Mrs. King, Personal Items On Thursday, May 10, United Church choir held a prise party at the home of and Mrs. Lome Preszcator at which a .parting gift was presented to Mr. - -- King. Mr. a few week. Mr. of Galt spent the weekend with Mr .and Mrs. H. F. Young, and Mr. Albert Morlock. (Mr. and Mrs. Ray King were pleasantly surprised on Friday evening when the town trustees gave them a cocktail table as a gift .from .the town as they are leaving for Gore Bay. Mr. and Mrs. H. Renney and Morris of Detroit spent the week end with Mrs. J. Hirtzel and boys. . Mr. W. ‘ H. Smith returned home from the hospital last Fri day much improved. ■Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and boys bf St. Thomas spent Sunday with .Mrs. Mary Faist. Miss Agnes Lamport and friend of Detroit spent Sunday with Mrs. S. Lamport. Miss Jeanette Beaver spent th,e weekend in .Detroit with Gertrude Beaver. Miss Gentrude Beaver and Ray the sur- Mr. and Mrs. Ray William Oestricher spent days <at Windsor the past and Mrs. Martin Morlock Topics From By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Personal Items ■Mr. and Mrs, Allan Wanner of Sarnia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pyim, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery. Rev. W. J. Moores and Mr. Aimer Stewart are patients in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. <Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David, Dennis, and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore, 'Sharon, Paul, iand iBeth, Mr. and 'Mrs. Erayne Parsons and (Murray spent Sunday with Mrs. Percy Passmore, Exeter. iMr. and Mrs. Roiblt. Jeffery and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jef fery and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Jef fery, 'Exeter. (Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone, Diane and ’Bobby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wein off Crediton. iMr. and Mrs, William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin, Mr. arid Mrs. 'Glenn Jeffery spent Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Wil liam Thomson, Exeter. Mr. and Mns. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miirray Gibson of iBryanston and attended the spectate mother’s service .at Cen- tennary United Church. Mr. and IMrs. Edwin Miller, Brian and Barry attended Zion Anniversary Services on (Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Warren' Brock. Mr .and Mrs, William Rohde and family spent Sunday evening with Mns. Henry Rohde, Exeter. M>r. and Mrs. Ernest Pym spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Embro. Mission Band Meeting On Saturday afternoon Thames Road Mission Band entertained Elimville Mission. Band and their leader/ Mss. Howard Pym, and Thames Road Mission Band mem bers’ (mothers. Miss Ann Marie Rowe was An charge of the meeting whicn con sisted of ’the scripture reading by Randy Bullis, piano solo (by Margaret Webber, poem by Mari lyn Gardiner, vocal, duet by Bar bara and Marlene Webber. Mrs. Donald Kemlck intro duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Isaac of London, returned mis sionary from Japan, who gave an interesting talk. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Edwin Miller was in charge of the , bazaar which amounted to eleven ’ dollars. friend of Detroit were eallers ■town on Sunday. Mrs. M. Ewald and Mrs. in I. Fahrner of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mawhinney, Exeter, ■were visitors in town (Sunday. <Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace o£ Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Haist and family for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk spent Sunday at Aneaster with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schenk and family. Mr. Earl Lippert of Ingersoll, spent ia few days with Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Schenk and Jeanette. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Fahrner of London spent Sunday with Mr, and -Mrs. Everett Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson and Anne of London spent 'Satur day with iMrs. Ed ~ Mr.,’Harry Dale Brampton spent with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and (Mrs. < Mr. and Mrs. ( and 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Erwin Fink- beiner attended the graduation ■service of the London Teachers College Sunday evening in First St, Andrew's United Church,' London. The College Glee 'Club, of which Donald Finkbeiner- is a member, rendered several an thems during the service. Beaver. and (boys of the weekend F. Clark. . Clayton Sims, Gordon Morlock Message From Greenway By MRS. CABMEN WOODBURN ■ i■Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Brophey and (Glen of London. Mrs. Alfred Nicholson of. (Syl van visited Sunday with jMr. and Mrs. Earl .Steeper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smithers of Parkhill and Miss Viola Curts of London visited Sunday with Miss Evelyn Manuel Curts. Mr. Harold few days with Andrew Pollock, and sister, Miss Raby Pollock, in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tweddle and family of West. Conners and Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Thompson and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodburn, Billie and Pauline. Miss Anna Hodgins, nurse-in training at Woodstock hospital, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ■Hodgins. ■ • Weekend Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock of London with Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil „ Smithers ■with Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘Shank of Parkhiil. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eaglesoip and sons of Detroit with. Mr. and Mrs. William Eagleson. Glare and Glen Woodburn oVGalt and Mr. Bruce Woodburn of , London with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn. Mrs. Joe Kalop and family of Detroit with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred' McLinchey. (Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown were Mrs. Colin ,McKeon (nee Beatrice Green) and daughter, Mary, of Harrow, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar ■Mousseau, Marilyn and friend of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull and Donna lot Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steeper and daughters with JMr. and Mrs. M. iSteeper of ,Parkhiil. (Mr. Dawson Woodburn of To ronto at his home. The Berean Bible Class of the United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Albert Pollock. Curts and Mr. Pollock spent a liis mother, Mrs. . Personal Items. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer and Joyce spent Sunday in Lon- ■ don with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake and family. Mrs. M. H. Elston, organist ■and choir leader of Christ Church, Centralia, accompanied by the choir, had charge of the special music a t Brinsley Anglican Church on 'Sunday evening, May 13. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson, Mr. and IMrs. Ray Fischer and * (family and Mr. Ted Lyons spent (Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Fischer. Mr. Kenon Fischer and Miss Lorraine 'Black of London visit ed with the former's brother, ; Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Fischer, on Saturday at Dunnville and on Sunday with the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mi’s. William ■Steuer of Tonawanda, Michigan. Mrs. iGladys Harkness and granddaughter, .Susan Robins, of Huntsville, spent .the weekend with (the former’s mother, Mrs. Connor, and sister, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. (Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jessie 'Lewis were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins and family of Owen Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and family, Ailsa Craig, Barbara and Bud 'Lewis of Lon don and Mr. Roy Harrison, Cen tralia. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. (Hugh Davis, Michael and Heather visited on ■Sunday with their .parents, Mr. and (Mrs. George McFalls. Mrs. Leonard Smith and fam ily visited on Sunday with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell, Exeter. IMr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner •and Mr. Alvin Pym of Exeter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Skinner. Guests on (Sunday of Mr. and •Mrs, Allan Elston were Mr. Mrs. John Vealle, David, ville and Margaret. Little Brenda Blair celebrated a (birthday on Friday. Her mother entertained in her honor. IMr. and Mrs. Bob Blair and girls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe, of Thames Road. ■Mrs.' Bruce Isaac, who is teaching school >at Wallaceburg, ■spent (the weekend with her hus band and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac, at their home. Mrs. Isaac has been engaged as teacher of 'S.S. No. 9 Biddulph for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Dear. Gibson spent Sunday in Wroxeter with the former’s mother, Mrs. G. W. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang ford and John spent Sunday with ■Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison, of Woodham. IMr. arid Mrs. John Kuzmick and son Karl were guests on Sunday with the Weiberg fami lies. Mrs. Len Purdie of Hensall spent Tuesday with the' Weiberg families. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates were Sunday guests with the latter’s /parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, Hensall. © LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Inc. BUILD A GARAGE FOR SPRING IS HERE. WHAT WINTER DOES Stop In Or Call Zurich 69 With Your Plans —. For Full Details You Will Be Surprised How Much MONEY We Can SAVE YOU GODERICH| ZURICH LUMBER & BUILDERS SUPPLIES Buy ofthe Bear! GOOD-YEAR TIRES •Sam and Mel- Buy NOW and SAVE! $ pathfind«r E.L.CHAFFE AND SONS The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Baptismal Service Baptismal service was held in iSit. Patrick’s idhurclh on Sunday afternoon for Wendy Mae, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dobbs. Rev. Mills was in change of the service -with Mrs. Tom Kooy, organist, and .Mrs. Heber Davis, soloist. Miss Patricia McClean, London, and (Mr. ' Fred Dobbs were godparents. Mrs’. Frank (Squire of Prospect is 'Convalescing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee held .a birthday (dinner on Sun day evening for her grand mother, Mrs. Fred Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkinson and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles kinson. W.A. And Guild On ladies------- Giuld met at the parish their May meeting. Mi In ^proportion to population British Columbia has the highest ratio of adults convicted ,of in dictable offenses, Prince Edward Island the lowest. R.R. NO. 1 CENTRALIA, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER EXETER and HENSALL ** + ¥¥¥**** * In Exeter In Hensall ■*•* Thursday afternoon of St. Patrick’s W.A..__ and hall for _ __ __„ ______2rs. Tom Kooy, president of the Guild, and •Mrs, Heber Davis, president of the W.A., were in charge. Plans were made for the tea and bazaar to be held On June 6. Rev. and Mrs. R. Mills were ■presented with gifts from the members prior to their depart ing tor Watfbrd to take tip their uew charge on June 1. Rev. and Mrs. R. Mills and girls, Miss P. MttClean, London, and Mr. F. Dobbs wore Sunday evening guests with Mr. and ,Mts. Tom Dobbs. Personal items * Miss Joyce McDonald spent ths weekend at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Dickine Of Lucan. McKenzie's Paint Store Adam Black Wood Specialties — Phone 52Phone 253 Hundreds of toddy's most/wanted hues in three great Pittsburgh Paints including rub berized and alkyd-type finishes. We now have the famous family of Pitts- % burgh Paints! Here is where you will find all of those high-quality, field-tested Pitts burgh finishes for every paintable surface inside or outside of your home. Get SUN PROOF House Paint—WALLHIDE Rub berized Satin Finish or the new WALL HIDE Alkyd Type Flat for atty interior wall surface — SATINHIDE Enamel in colors that match WALLHIDE Wall Paints —FLORHIDE for wood or cement floors and steps—WATERSPAR for furniture arid woodwork inside and out. Featuring Maestro Colors SALE OF DISCONTINUED COLORS WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS — AT REDUCED PRICES