The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 13Can you name the
Sealy e
Dinney Furniture
Phonu 20 Exeter
Sleeveless Blouses
Pretty Jonathan Logan styles
for 1956 add that famous touch
of fashion to comfort and quality.
We’ll be proud to show, these
new dresses to you.
Cool, comfortable and stylish,
these blouses are designed
good-looking summer wear.
Jonathan Logan
Summer Dresses
Famous Catalina Swimsuits
can lounge on the beach or swim in < the lake andYou can lounge on the beach or swim in < the lake and
you'll look fetching either way in one of these surf
Delegates Attend
Annual Meeting
Mrs. Elmer Bell, Mrs. Whitney
CoateB, Mrs. Wes Witmer, Mrs.
Otto Brown, Mrs. R. E. Pooley
and Mrs. Allan Fraser of James
St, Women’s Association and
Mrs. Glen McKnight, president
of Main St. W.A., attended the
annual meeting of Huron Presby
tery Woman’s Association of the
United Church of Canada on
Wednesday of last week in Cn-
tario Street Church, Clinton.
*<Mrs. Nelson Reid, president,
presided - for the meeting and
opening devotions were taken toy
the Clinton ladies.
A question period was direct
ed by Mrs. H. T. Walsh, presi
dent of London Conference W.A.,
who stressed the need of dedi
cated women.
A discussion was- led by Mrs,
6. Argyle, who urged wise and
wide u^e of ail available books
and pamphlets.
The afternoon session was
■opened by devotions by
W.A'. with Mrs, iR. McVittie in
charge. The guest speaker, was
Rev, Alex Rapson of Main St.,
Footer, using as his1 theme,
"These Things You Do.”
’ The .new slate of officers was
presented iby Mrs. C. C. Washing
ton of Auburn and Mrs. Walsh
conducted the installation. Mrs.
Nelson Reid was re-appointed
president. Mrs, Ken Greb, Cen
tralia, is corresponding secretary.
Shower Bride
A miscellaneous shower was
held at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hairoild ITumter for Mia. John
Tanner (nee Joan Elleringtton)
ion Thursday evening,
Afiter the giflbs were opened
contests were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs; Tanner motored
from Guelph for the evening.
Are these rows of
Answer: *1.1032905V
h I?
Ladies Wear
|***,Bi ■ - Ji •Cobblestones ?
□ Corn Kernels ?
| [ Short9 nin Bread ?
brewery limited
Dashwood PS Pupils
Receive Polio Vaccine
•Pupils of Dashwood Public their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
School and the surrounding urea
received • their first ipolio phots
on Wednesday last. Dr. V. Gillens
of Dashwood was the doctor* as
sisted hy three purses.
Attend Graduation t
Mrs. Emma Haugh, Mrs. Cora
Gaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gaiser spent the past week at
Naperville, Illinois, where they
attended the graduation exercises
for Rev. Bruce Seebach, Mr. and
Mrs. Seebach returned to Cana
da Friday and were in
vicinity until Monday when
left for Hanover where
Seebach will preach.
Weekend Visitors
iMr. and Mrsr George Wolfe of
Toronto with Mrs. W. Wolfe.
Miss Theresa Zimmer of Lon
don with her mother,
Miss Anne Taylor
with hei’ mother,'
Mr, and Mrs. Melton
Mrs. Hany
. Letta
Redecorating Plans
and colors to suit
taste, to coinple-
every decor.
Kinette Club Aids
Local Playgrounds
■Two qflng-ptmg Garbles and ithoir
equipanent will augment Exeter's
summer playground equipment as
a resu'Ht of a decision made at
local Kinettoo’ meeting held Tues
day night.
The tables -will be (placed in tho
arena (for use when indoor acrtayl-
ties are scheduled or dictated by
Kinofetes also decided to or
ganize the food booth again this
year .at Kinsmen’s Dominion Day
The meeting was held alt the
home of Mrs. Ray Wuerth. Mrs.
Ray Frayne and Mrs. Ralph
Gentltner assisted with lunch.
The previous social meeting
was in the form of a bowling
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller
in Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Maine and family.
Mr. Harold Weiberg of Water
loo .with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wei-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz
Patsy of Stratford with Mr.
Mrs. Reuben Goetz,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor IL...
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wei
berg and family of Waterloo, Mr.
and Mrs. Wendle Gamble and
boys of London and Mrs. Leonard
Prang of Zurich with Mr. and
Mrs. L, H. Rader.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tieman,
Mrs. Susan Merner, Mr. jyid Mrs.
A, v. Tieman and Charles and
Mr, and Mrs. Milford Merner
and family attended the Raschke-
Craib wedding at Rose Dale Park
Lutheran Church? Detroit, and
afterwards the reception held at
the Grand River Post Memorial
Home, Detroit, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson and
Jenny, Mrs. Frank Watson of
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Windsor
Matthews of London, and Mr.
and Mrs. William Pitt of Wood-
stock spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Snell.
Mrs. Loreen Smith and Joan,
Mi's. Lashenko and Joanne of
Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd
Wein and Larry, Mr. and Mrs.
Arniel Fisher, Howard and Mar
tha Low, Mr. and Mrs. George
Tomlinson, Mr. add Mrs. Sid
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Klumpp and Mrs. L. Kellerman
spent Sunday with Mrs. Martha
Distinctive Wallpapers
Couple In Usborne
Mark Anniversary
Mr. and Mr. Carman Gann of
Usborne Tp. were the happy re-
cipientis of good wishes, congra
tulation and gifts from itlieir fam
ily, relatives and friends on the
occasion of itheir twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary on (Satur
day, May 12,
Mr. and Mrs. H, Q. (Strang
were host and hostess at a family
dinner parity in Ifeheir honor on
Friday evening, with Rev. G. M.
Lamont and family of Mitchell
as guests.
On iS a turd ay evening they wore
.pleasantly surprised when mem
bers of Ithe Cann family: Mr, and
Mbs. Earl Johnson, Mr, and Mrs.
Chester Merkley of London; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery of Exeter;
Mr .and Mfs. Robt. Cann and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cann of Usborne
spent the evening with them at
Here’s new beauty for
for your walls ... to
make every room “wake
up and sing’* with spring
fever. Come in to choose
from opr exciting array
of new wallpapers in de
and girls of Ingersoll with
and Mrs. Philip Fassold.
Miss 'Barbara Becker of
chener with her parents, Mr,
Mrs, V. L- Becker.
Miss Ellen Gilbert of Stratford
with Mr, and Mrs. Courtney
Burmeister.' Miss Lois Gaiser of London
with her mother, Mrs. Cora.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel
and Susan ( of Kitchener with
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Wiedo of
Toronto with Mr. and Mts. Verne
. IMr. Siegfried Miller of Water
loo with. Mr. and ,Mrs. Rudolph
Mr. Helmuth Messner and Miss
Anna Messner of London with
Phone 240 Zurich
Are You
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Apply to You?
of 36 imeni-
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Glean Money From Yiour At
tic . . . With A Times-Advocate
Want Ad.
Time and again the published
accounts of fires conclude with
"Only Partially Covered
By Insurance"
'Partially Insured
for. a three or
four year term
Mother's Day Party
■Guests at he home of
Nelson Clark;’ Farquhar, for Mo
ther's Day were Ma', and Mrs, C.
J, Patterson, Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs. K, L.’Wdmer and Edna May,
London, Mr. R, B, Quance, Luck-'
now, Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. J. Beer,
Grand ’Bend, Mrs. Wm. Waiters
and Danny, Winchelsea, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Clark and family,
Woodham, Mr.' and Mrs. R. E.
Russell, Mr, Maurice QuaneC and
Clifford, Exeter, and Mrs, Nelson
Squire, Kiirkton.
R. E. Russell showed films of
local scenes.
It was also “the occasion of
C. J. Patterson’s birthday.
4-H Program
—Continued from Page 6'
township federation iof agricul
ture, Lions (Clubs and Kinsmen
Clubs in the county. Many ispedial
cash prizes and trophies are also
presented and in il95<5 the total
prize money was over $'2,600.00.
Two new types of iclubs were
organized in the county Itihis year.
A sugar beet club with 31 mem
tool's and two 4-H grain' corn
clubs, one at Exelber land' one at
Goderich with a total of 3 6 mem
bers. The rules and _ "
for these clubs are similar to
those o,f other field (crops chubs.
Each . member in the (Sugar
Beet Club will, be required to
care for one 'acre on sugiSi^'iBBUuj
from jthe (time of planting until
harvesting. Records must be kept
of the cost oif .production and tests
of itihe ibeets 'in the plot will be
carried out biy the Canada and
Dominion Sugar Co. co-operating
'with Itihe. Ontario Department .of
Agriculture, Assistance is being
■received from /Bill Amos, R.R. 8
Parkihiill land John Cass of 'Wal
lacebung l-epinesentaitives of (the
Canada and' Dominion Sugar
■Members of the grain corn
Clubs will ibe required Ito icare
for a pilot oif conn ait least One
quarter acre in size of a species
approved by the supervising com
mittee. ‘The corn plot will he
scored in the field 'before (har
vesting and in order to (complete
project members must exhibit
their corn at the .local achieve
ment day.
Topics Fromr-'
Zion West 'held Family Day
service on Sunday with Mr. Nor
man Jaques .assisting Rev. Slade.
Karen Lynn, daughter of Mr;
and Mrs. Tom Brck and Dalton
Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ton Jaques, -Were baptized.
At 7:30 pan. anniversary ser
vices were held prior to the
closing Of 'the church for renova
tions. Rev. Crosby of St. Marys
was guest speaker. A large crowd
was in attendance at both ser
vices. *.
A number of ladies from the
community were gufests of Hen
sall Women’s Institute' last Wed
nesday evening' at the Legion
Hall, Hensall.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Glen (Range and
Wayne, Centralia, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Jaques and John were
Friday evening Visitors with Mr;
and Mrs, Arnold Anderson, of
Science Hill.
Paul Dykeman spent the week
end in Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson,
Science Hill, Mr. George Ander
son and Miss Jean Wilson, Lon
don, were Sunday visitors with
Mf. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and
Visited with Mr. Daniel Hicks in
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London.
Mi’s. Morton Lovegrove and
Harry, Elglnfield, were Tuesday
evening visitors with Mf, And
Mrs, Jud Dykeman.
Miss Velma Anderson, Strat
ford,'Visited' Saturday with her
sister, Mrs, Ross Jaques.
W. Herman Hodgson
“The Insurance Man**
Phone 718 Exeter
.Head Office — London, Ontario
Lloyd B. Hodgson, Centralia; F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; J. W. Haberer, Zurich
B. M. Francis, Exeter Bell & Laughton, Exeter
You get so much more
for so little more in a
Chrysler New Yorker 2-door hardtop
Chrysler Windsor 4-door sedan
When you first take the wheel of this flawless motorcar, you sense
that here is perfection.
Like so many discerning motorists, you will discover unequalled
motoring pleasure in the handling ease and surge-ahead power
that, a Chrysler provides. Merely touch a button, step on the gas,
and you’re off. And this superlative motorcar demonstrates the
engineering superiority for which Chrysler has long been famous.
Chrysler, for instance, has increased its stop-power with new
centre-plane brakes, to keep pace with its V-8 "go”.
Although there are many such features that distinguish a
Chrysler, its worth cannot be determined by performance alone.
The better measure, we think you’ll agree, is the rich satisfaction
you get when you own a Chrysler.
Visit your dealer soon. You’ll be pleased to discover how little
it costs to get so much more in a Chrysler.
Watch Climax—Shower of Stars weekly on TV.
Check your newspaper for date and time.
Exeter • Phone 216