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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 7
Lets Talk SPORTS By Don "Boom Boom" Gravett THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, ’»» Dashwood, Exeter Baseball Teams Prep For League Opener Monday y wl , . , . , », This new column which will Appear in each weekly issue of The Exeter Times - Advocate is ■dedicated to fans* who are in terested in all the various types of sports. Any comments or. sug gestions ups will want to inindecl paper may reach. - _ . events or happenings sent to me will foe published sible. Mail them Department, Advocate, Exeter phone us at 770. Although it is good many Exeter and district golfers hav^ been ploughing up turf on the golf links for some weeks now, we would like to comment on the just completed hockey schedules. Sundridge Beavers, coached by the likeable "Bucko" McDonald, won the All-Ontario O.H.A. In termediate "A" championship with a convincing 5-2 victory over- the once-powerful Meaford Knights. The strange thing about this series was that neither the Knights .or the Beavers could win a game away from home. Bucko Predicts AVin When the Beavers ‘were play ing against our Mohawks, the ex- Torpnto Maple Leaf star McDon ald said, “The winner of this series will go on to capture the O.H.A, title.” When (he was asked about the Meaford Knights, he shrugged ihis shoulders an>d said. "We beat them badly in (two previous games. Neither (the ■Mohawks or my Beavers should have too much trouble with them.” ■Commenting on ouir series ■"■Bucko” replied, “The one thing on these weekly write foe appreciated as we hear from you sports- citizens wherever this Any special if at all pos- to The Sports Exeter Times- , Ontario, or spring and a 0AlAYT4tU *WHAT ANIMALS 6IVETHE „ BEST AND RICHEST MILK? WHY THOSE AT HIGHLAND WU DAIRY OF COURSE:? T 7 \ • i which will be a great asset to my club is that you haven’t got a third line." The0 member of parliament’s words seemed to be no truer spoken. Mohawks did lack a third line and the win ner of our series did take every thing. Milverton Dominion Royals, coached by Doug Thiel of Water loo, had little trouble turning the tables on Mitchell Red Devils, They wound up their series in Mitchell last Thursday night with a 5-2 victory to cop the best-of-seven series 4-1. Now that the hockey season has finally ended for this part of Ontario at least, we can’t help but notice the date of May 10 on (the calendar. Every year it seems that hoc key runs into the baseball schedule; baseball runs into the heart of the rugby season, and when rugby is still going strong you see kids with sticks and skates going to the local rinks for practices, All this has got to stop somewhere „as the paying customer .gets'tired of seeing all these long drawn-out schedules every year, Athletes would pos sibly last a good many more years if the schedules were shortened. We often wonder what the executives -of these dif ferent leagues think about when drawing up the schedules. New Hensall .Team The H-P baseball league has a six-team grouping this year with the new addition of a Hen sail team. It is good to have ohem in the fold and we wish them the best of luck. Auburn, the team with so many left handed batters, has folded the time being. Exeter should be proud __ their Minor baseball setup to boast of so many fine teams. Exeter Bantams' will have -Harry Holtzman as -their coach while the Midgets will be in the cap able hands of Alvin Willert and young Billy Wharnsfoy of the Intermediate hockey club. Most of -the Juveniles will be playing Intermediate’ ball so there won’t be any local juvenile team. In a house league there are 10 or more teams going strong playing baseball and softball under the direction of Dou-g ' -Smith and •Alvin Willert. BOUNCING SHORTS—One of the better pitchers for the Ex eter Mohawks over the lhst few seasons will -be missing from the lineup this year. He is Chuck Parsons who has been .trans ferred to the Bank of N-ova Scotia in Newmarket . . . Rain has . interfered with practices around the (circuit. Let’s hope things will get a little brighter have a mostly all the break have been hope they is flits Rain Delays Soccer Play The Exeltei' Soccer Club having a tough time getting 12-game schedule started. ^.1- readiy the team has had three ■postponed games because of wet grounds. First postponment came with (the Clinton -team and (then a home and home series with London .Lions was washed out. The Exeter club is in a six- team © grouping. These teams include (Clanton, Stratford, Lon don -Lions, 'Sarnia and ithe 'Ger man iCanadijans Who are a second London entry. The Exeter manager John B'ruls is still looking for (talent as there are some positions (to be filled. "We need all the help we can get,’’ said ©ruils. "Anyone inter ested in playing should come to the local fairgrounds any Tues day nighit as 7:00 p.m. This is the time -we practice.’’ The local soccer club travels to iStraitford this iSaturday for a game in the classic city, The Dashwood Tigers of the. Intermediate Huron-Perth Base ball League have two big sur prises to throw at the Exeter Mohawks in the opening game of the 1956 season in Dashwood on Monday afternoon. The first new ball ©layer to make an appearance is a right- handed pitcher by the name of Bob Tanner. Mr, Tanner hails' from British Columbia. Last year he played ball for Listowel, an Int. "B” team, while the year before he toed the rubber for- the iSudibury Shamrocks of the Nickle Belt Senior League. Bob has been down south' at the Philadelphia training camp this winter before his arrival in Dashwood 'Sunday night. He should prove to be a valuable asset to the team which is seek ing its fourth title in five years. The other -addition to the roster is well-known (Harry 'El liott, who has played for years With Mitchell. Elliott can play, either first base or the outfield. Tribe Schedules fOl’ of . . .(Mohawks should pretty fair club with local talent. This is most of fhe juveniles waiting for, so let's make 'the most of it . . . There is a rumour ■ that the Mitchell club has grabbed off the fine right-handed pitche'r of (the Clin ton Colts, Bill (McDonald. An at tractive salary is believed to have lured him there. DOUBLE PLAYS—Everyone is wondering who is going to twin the American and National League pennants. This question Area Horses Feature Race A purse of $1,500,00 will be awaiting the winners of the dif ferent races ialt '.the Exeter Race meet. Previously (this meet ’was held on July 5,-but ithiis year it has 'been brought ahead Ito May 30.. iSome 50 or more horses are expected |t-o (provide thrills for the racing -fans throughoult the after noon’s entertainment. McLellan’s Boy, a newly pur chased racer -by owner Tom Year- ley of Exeter, is expected to show well in the 2:2-4 with itihe six other horses iso far entered in this (Class. IHe has been iclocked ait 2:11 for a mile land has been working regularly at the Exeter Fair grounds. There are 12 horses entered in Ithe 2:26 while the 2:21 has such notable horses as. Silver Peter and Darlene Day owned iby Eric MicIHro-y, 'Grand Bend, and Tom Yearley. Local horses entered in the 2: (30 icilass include Merry wood Star, of McIlroy istables; Ray Lee, owned iby -Frank Taylqr; Legal Bars, oiwned |by Wellington Hern; and -Flashy Hal, ( owned by Charley 'Godboilit, all of Exeter. There are only five eligible starters for (competition in Ithe free-for-all, but this evenlt is ex pected to be filled by Ibhe time fhe tliorougbreds are ready Ito go the post. First Practices Manager Jim 'Fairbairn Derry (Boyle of the Exeter hawks have called definite l . tices for Thursday and Friday nights on the foall diamond (if the weather is permitting) or in the local arena. With the opening game on May 21, it is hoped there will be a large iturn-out. Players expected to be on 'hand for the initial workouts include Harry Holtzanan, Richard Mlc- Faills, 'Steve Metro, 'Gary Middle ton, “Red’’’ Loader, Jim Russell, and ■ Mo- prac- V Six Teams Join League, Draft 60-Game Sked At a meeting last Friday night in Dashwood, a 60-game schedule was drawn up for six teams entered in the Huron-Perth Intermediate Baseball League this year. The six teams entered in the league are Hensall, Dashwood, Exeter, Zurich, Clinton and Mit chell. The top four teams out of • the six team loop will enter a playoff after the standings have been decided. They will iplay off for the WOAA Grand Champion ship. After the Grand Champion ship has been decided the teams will drop back into their own classifications and will compete to see who will go on into the O.B.A. playdowns. The league opener is on (May 21 with only one game being played. The Exeter Mohawks will foe the guests of 'the Dash wood Tigers in Dashwood. An added attraction to itihe (60 game schedule will foe an All- Star game slated for July 11. Coach Frank Coleman will have his London .Majors of the Senior Inteicounby League here in Ex eter to take on the All-Star selection from the Huron-Perth League. The 60-game schedule is as follows: May 21—Exeter at Dashwood '24—Dashwood at Clinton Mitchell at Exeter 25—Zurich at Hensall 28— Dashwood at Zurich 29— Clinton at Mitchell Exeter at Hensall 31—Hensall at Clinton Zurich at Exeter Bob Russell, Bill IBatten, Jim Crocker, 'Bill Hayward, Jack Ful ler, Jim Haley, 'Bill Wlharnsby, Chuck Wheeler and Hal Hooke, Ail! Itihe iposltioms on the club are wide open so anyone who feels he has a chamce of making the team will Ibe welcomed iby Coach Bob Meharg for a Ibryout. June 1—Mitchell at Dashwood4—Dashwood at Mitchell Exeter at Clinton6—Clinton at Zurich ,■ 7—Mitchell at Hensall8—Zurich at Dashwood Dashwood at Exeter 11—Zurich at Clinton 02—Hensall at Mitchell14— Hensalt at Exeter 15— (Mitchell at Zurich Clinton at Dashwood 18—Hensall at Dashwood Mitchell at Clinton "Exeter at Zurich21—Clinton at Hensall Zurich at Mitchell 25—'Hensall at Zurich 1 Clipton at Exeter28— Exeter at Mitchell Zurich at Clinton 29— Dashwood at Hensall July for the growing of GREEN REFUGEE & GOLDEN WAX as near as your telephone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Call RATE B. PATERSON, Tri*»r Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Will* • Real Estate Services • Investment Management and Advisory Service • Guaranteed Investment* • %V2% on savings—deposits may be mailed Or Contact Any Office Of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • 'Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury * Sault See. Marie Calgary • Vancouver Contracts Enter Clubs In WOAA, Form House By DOUG SMITH The resullts of itwo meetings held in Exeter arena laslt week f or minor ball registraltion find, that four teams will operate in itihe minor ‘ - — league _ public school age. and igirls who are in girls softball (League. The will linclude la'll girls- of will be easily answered if you will read this column in Septem ber when the standings have been decided for one of our major (twin-killings of the year! OVER THE FENCE—Did you know that a grand total of 1,263 home runs were hit out of the National League 'parks in the 1955 season? They're OK Used Cars 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Coach Radio, Turn Signals, Low Mileage, Like*New Condition 1951 Chevrolet Sedan Looks and Drives like a New One 1949 Ford 4-Door Sedan Black with Whitewall Tires 1948 Chevrolet Sedan -Turn Signals and Heater, Good Tires 1948 Dodge Coach 44,000 Miles, Looks and Runs Good Get Our Prices Before You Buy CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILEPHONE 100 I EXETER tiheir first year of high school. Names of the four teams and (captains are: IBudgieS', Dot Heywood; (Orioles, 'Eleanor Hey wood; (Cardinals, Doris Scott; Red Wings, Carol iGifobons. (Something new an ball .'Circles this year is ia jbo-ys junior soft •ball league. This league will oom prise boys between the ages of seven and ten years. Three teams have been chosen. iGeorge Arm strong has been idhosen captain of Itihe 'Mohawks and Bill Perry is icaptain of the Black Hawks whale Don Cooper is in 'Charge olf (the Tomahawks. The tpee wee grouping will only ■ be a wee league this year as only two (teams " . — dians are Snell and Broderick. The 'Bantam bracket 'will Ihave possibly two' teams (but from the registration so far there will only be enough for a WOAA entry. Entry fees have been sent to Wingham for midget and bantam teams dn 'WOiAA competition. These WOAA entries Will have the new (look this year as (they will be smartly dressed tin (com plete baseball (uniforms. The lo cal (Kinsmen Club is supplying uniforms for Itihe 'midget entry while itihe Exeter (Legion is sup plying 'Complete attire for the bantams. The first WOAA bantam prac tice will ibe held Tuesday evening Miay 15 'at 6 p.m. sharp. The first imldgbt (practice (for WOAA (competition is scheduled for Wednesday evening, May 16, at 6 p.m. in the event of rain, practices' will commence indoors at the arena. All house league games will be played at 4 p.m. The schedule for bald games will 'fee: girls minor softball, Tuesdays • and Thursdays; boys junior softball, Mondays; boys pee wee baseball, Wednesdays; boys (bantam baseball, Fridays. have entered. The Im- capbained Iby Jolhn itihe Dodgers iby Bob The girls softball teams will compete for the McMillian Trophy. The boys pee wee teams will com- pe|te for th Cann’s Tnoiphy. A mimeographed schedule of all games will foe given to each player. The itwo top teams in each league will play off for the cham pionship. Crests .will foe (presented to the winning' teams (at Itihe (play ground 'presentations night August. JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (All games 4:00 p.m., Tuesday Thurday) May 15—Budgies vs. Orioles17— Cardinals vs- Redwings 22—Redwings vs. Orioles 24—Cardinals vs. Budgies 29—Budgies vs. Redwings 31—Orioles vs. Cardinals June 5— Budgies vs. Orioles7— Redwings vs. Cardinals t2—Oridles vs. Redwings 14—Cardinals vs. Budgies i (Playoff—Top two teams—June 21, 26 for MacMillan Trophycrests. JUNIOR BOYS SOFTBALL (All . games 4:00 p.m, Mondays) May 14—Tomahawks vs. Mohawks 21—Mohawks vs. Blackhawks 28—Blackhawks vs. Tomahawks June 4—Tomahawks vs. Mohawks 11—Mohawks vs. Blackhawks 18—Blaakhawks vs. Tomahawks Playoff—Top two teams—June 18, 20, 22 .for crests and trophy. PEE WEE BASEBALL (All games 4:00 p.m., Wednesday and Friday) May 16—Indians vs. Dodgers18— Dodgers vs. Giants 23—Giants vs. Indians 25—Dodgers vs. Indians80—Giants vs. 'Dodgers June ■* 1—Indians vs. Giants 6— Dodgers vs. Indians8— Giants vs. Dodgers 13—Indians vs. Giants 'Playoff—Top two teams—June 15, 20, 122. INOTE: Cancelled games due to rain will count as four point games next time the same two teams meet. 3—Hensall at Exeter Clinton at Mitchell 5— Hensall at Clinton6— Exeter at Zurich Mitchell at Dashwood.9—Zurich at Hensall Dashwood at Clinton Mitchell at Exeter11— All-Star Game at Exeter (London Majors) 12— Hensall at Mitchell Clinton at Zurich13— Exeter at Dashwood16—Zurich at Exeter Clinton at Hensall Dashwood at Mitchell20—Exeter at' Clinton ■Mitchell at Zurich Hensall at Dashwood23—Zurich, at Mitchell Dashwood at Hensall Clinton at Exeter 26— Clinton at Dashwood Exeter at Mitchell27— Hensall at Zurich 30—Zurich at Dashwood ■Exeter at Hensall Mitchell at Clinton Picking Beans PRICE $100.00 PER TON Canadian Canners LTD. Aylmer Products . in and August 1—Dashwood at Exeter Mitchell at Hensall Exeter, Ontario Phone 28 i i i u u i i m t i i i m i t i m i m i n i m i i m n i u i m i m i i i H H i i i i m m i i i i i i i m i i m h i i i i i i i i i t h i i i H u i t i i t n i m i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i m t i i i i i t r i ATTENTION BASEBALL FANS! DETROIT TIGERS Week End Games - At Home and Away PLAY-BY-PLAY BY KEN ELLIS ON <?rPI,'a<'io dial 9«O Saturday, May 19th, 3:00 p.m., D.S.T BALTIMORE at DETROIT Cyclone Loop Draws Sked Opening gaines of the Cyclone Baseball League will be played on May ,29. Teams in the league include ,Staffs, Thames Road, Kirkton, Munro, Carlingford and Russ Old ale. , Gordon KraCmer was elected president of the six-team loop. Schedule for May and June as follows: , May 29—Russeldale at Staffa Munro at Thames Road Carlingford at Kirkton June 1—Kirktoh at Russeldale Staffa at Thames Road Munro at Carlingford5—Carlingford at Russeldale Thames Road at Kirktdn Staffa at Munro 8—Russeldale at Thames Road Kirkton at Staffa Carlingford at Munro12—Munro at Russeldale Kirkton at Carlingford . Thames Road at Russeldale15—Staffa at Carlingford Kirkton at-Munro. Thames Road at Russeldale49—Russeldale at Klrlcton Muntd at Staffa Carlingford at Thames Road22—Staffa ,at Klrktoh Thames Road at Munro Russeldale at Carlingford25—Russeldale at Munro Kirkton at Thames Road Carlingford at Staffa28—Staffa at Russeldale Munro at Kirkton Thames Road at Carlingford Plan Minor Ball For Dashwood At -an annual meeting held -in Dashwood dt'his week, the Minor Athletic officials were chosen and agreed to sponsor three ball teams for -the community. Ken McRae was chosen presi dent while Jack Gaiser accepted the post -of vice-president. Mrs. Jim Hayter is secretary-treasurer. The Dashwood officials are sponsoring ia girls’ softball -team this summer, and would like other towns closely situated to do the same. Pee wee and midget (baseball teams- are -also on tap for this summer’s aebivties. is Lawn Bowlers Start May 23 Annual opening for -the lawn bowling will be on May 23 thid year. The greens, which are the best 'around these -parts, i been Well looked after and ready for workouts*. Tiie Exeter bowling club on its roster 25 members at present time. Secretary B. (have 1 are has the _ . ... ______, _. M. Francis said in 4tn interview that the club would .like to have more new members. On May 23 it will be more or less a get together of all the participators in the sport. A lunch will be served after three games of bowling have been completed. More farmers switch to iSurge Milkers, for safer, faster imilking. (adv’t) FOR THE FAMILY SAVE ON FOOD COSTS HERE $1.10 37ft 33ft 36£ AYLMER PEAS Large 20-0z. Tins RASPBERRY JAM St. Williams, 24-Oz. Jar ... MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1-Lb. Bag ................................. CRISCO SHORTENING 1-Lb. Carton ................ Sunday, May 20th, 2:30 p.m., D.S.T. WASHINGTON at DETROIT FROM $2.95 ELLMARR PjEANUT BUTTER Large 16-0z. Jar ...................... .... 2ty (v^Jh Free Tea towel) Giant Size Pkg....................... 77<f aKAM—A Tasty Luncheon Meat 12-0z. Tin ................. 37fJ ...... 2 for 37ft Summer DRESSES An Attractive New Line SHREDDED WHEAT" Price CHEEZ WHIZ 16-Oz. Jar ..... 53^ 8-Oz. Jar ...... 31 £ 2 Boxes 31 McCORMICK'S SODAS Salted or Plain, 1-Lb. Box FOOTWEAR BLINDCRAFT Aprons 75ft And Up Sandals & Casuals Good Quality Melbourne Flannel TWO-PANT as low as $29.95 New Jackets and Wind breakers For Summer GOULD & JORY PHONE 16 tXRTER