HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 5THE TIMESADVQCATE, EXETER/ ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17/ 1954
Clandeboye Comments
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Andy Thompson was hos
tess for ' ,
Clandeboye Women’s
with Mrs. Ernest Lewis
ing. A donation of $10
Lucan Branch of the
Society was approved.
Roll call was "Mother’s
name and birthplace’,
16 members responded. The pro
gram committee, Mrs.. Wilfred
Dixon, Mrs. Hiram Thompson,
and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, con
ducted contests on "Flowers"
wand guessing contests. Winners
were Mrs. Karl O’Neil and Mrs.
Wilfred Dixon. Mrs. Karl O’Neil
reported proceeds of $32.00 on
the recent bake sale.
A plant and bulb auction, con
ducted by Mrs. James Hall,
■realized $7.65, Mrs. Wilmer iScott
•and 'Mrs. ,Andy Carter' were ap
pointed delegates to the District
Annual at Ailsa Craig May 29,
The motto, "Good example^
the 'best sermons”, prepared by
the May meeting of
to the
to which
gorHivuo. j Pj
Mrs. Art •Hodgins, was- read by
Mrs, Alan Hill. ;
Baptismal Service e
At Clandeboye United Church
Spra motor
Sloth** spraying co«t*-Doubl*« Profit*.'
Moil advanced sprayer development;
designed for low or high pressure depenjb
ing’ on Pump selection, Available for 3
Pt. Pickup or Standard Tractor* — P.T.O.
or Engine operated. "Choit^ 8 Model*.
Field'Row Crop Boom* with drop pipe*.
FREE .~iamanst'»ian .t
The Only Spraying Equipment
With Parts Available At
Short Notice
the (minister, Rev, E. M. Cook,
baptized Kathleen Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Coughlin, and Larry , Michael,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hea-
man, on Sunday, May 13. The,
flowers were placed in the
church in fond memory of Fran
cis Abbott by the family.
A successful sale oLhome bak
ing was held on Saturday after
noon at the Black Motor show
rooms in Lucan by Clandeboye
,United '
of .St.
dent at the University of West
ern' Ontario and Huron College,
and 'Mr. 'Roy Farrel of Ripley,
also a student at the same uni
versity, left last week by C.P.R,
to go to Kenora for two Weeks’
■classes inT tlie Cree language.
They-will be at Fort Severn in
the Diocese pf Keewatin at the
mouth of 'tlie Severn River on
Hudson's Bay. They will teach in
the Government Indian. (School,
also doing mission work in time
not spent teaching, until Sep
Mrs. Bill Downing and daugh
ter, JOan, of Chatham, spent,the
Weekend '.with the former's par
ents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Aimer
Hendrie. i
Mrs. Emily Neale has taken a
position at Harrietsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Latimer
of 'Sarnia visited the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Rann, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Cunning
ham and Joe spent (Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hariper of
St. Paul’s.
Mrs, Gordon Eaton, secretary
treasurer of Clandeboye*W.I., at
tended the Secretaries’ Confer
ence at Guelph last week.
'Mrs. Harvey Riehl, Veneta and
Bobby, of Stratford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna
Jane of Thorndale visited Sun
day with’ Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Mr. Rea bjeil attended the
service at the Woodham United
Church on Sunday morning when
his nephew, Donald Alton, son
of Mr .and Mrs. Alton Neil, re
ceived the rites of baptism at
the service.
Church jnepiibers of 'the
Cree Language
Stanley Tomes, a member
James' Chuiieh and a stu-
Lucan And District News
F complete spray kits
Now you can build your
• own Sprayer for spraying
woods, fence rows, orchard*
and livestock.
Your choice of
. or Gear Pump.
L We'd like to show them
to you •■•Come in X
Hensall and district residenits
mourned 'the loss of a very fine
citizen in the 'person of George
A. Glenn, who died suddenly aJt
his (home there on 'Saturday after
noon in this 6'8lt!h year. Although
he had been .in ipcor heaJlitlh for
■the ipast few ‘Weeks the was able
to |be up 'and sit on his varandah
on iSalturday.
St.Exeter Farm
R. D. Jermyn
Phone 508 , William St.
Repairs fo All Makes of Cars
"Give Us A Try"
Phone 98
Harvey Boyne
Dies In Hospital
Funeral services for Harvey
Boynes, 62, who died suddenly in
Victoria Hospital,
from the O.
funeral home,
May 11. Rev.
Lucan United
Interment was in Birr
Church cemetery. Pall - bearers
were (Harold •Cobleigh, Reg Gled-
'hill, Wilbert Stanley,
Lewis,, Merton McLean
■liam McQomfo.
Son of the late 'Mr.
Charles Boynes, 'he was born on
concession 16, London Township,
.and attended ,S,:S. No. 26 School
and Wesley Church. He Jived for
a short time in Lucan but for
the" past 30 years made
with Mr. Ernest Guest,
concession 16, London,
4 highway.
His only Survivors
The Lucan and Clandeboye
Explorers held their regular
expedition in the United Church
■parlors last Monday evening.
Counsellor Kae Haskett led in
■the worship service and Dana
Culbert, Judy Haskett and Mar
garet Cobleigh assisted.
"What I expect of my family
and what my family expects of
me” were covered from the new
study book, -"Living With My
A coat (hanger, drive was plan
ned for May 26. During the
■craft period, favors were started
for the mother and daughter
banquet to foe .held June 13.
A tea kettle game was enjoy
ed by all present.
Attend Conference
The following secretaries of
local Women’s Institutes attend
ed the Secretaries’ Conference
'held in Guelph last Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday: Mrs. Wil
liam Brownlee \of Lucan, Mrs. W.
W. Garrett of Birr, Mrs. Clarence
Lewis of Granton, Mrs. J. Shipley
of Ilderton.
Anniversary And Flower Sunday
■Members oif the Lucan United
Church School met last (Sunday
evening to discuss plans for the
Anniversary and 'Flower Sunday
which will be (held June 10.
It was decided that the church
school would be responsible for
sending one teacher to "Five
Oaks”—'the' 'Christian Training
Centre near Paris. Part of the
meeting had to foe conducted in
darkness owing to\ the hydro
blackout when lightning put a
generator out at Niagara.
'The third edition of the Red
Cross Advocate was on sale last
Friday. As this is one of the
last editions for this .year, the
staff left ..one page vacant for
autographs before ’ the children
separate for the summer. Though
the net proceeds for the paper
are not too large, the staff will
have' a nice donation for the
Red Cross at the end of June,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Reilly
and family pf London were Sun
day visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
A. E. Reilly.
■Mr. D. Ashworth attended the
Anglican ’Synod meeting at Kit
chener last Tuesday.
■Mrs. J. B. Armitage, who had
been a ‘ patient at Victoria Hos
pital, has been released and
now at Mason Villa.
were held.
Haskett iand Son
Lucan, on Friday,
E. M. Cook of
Church officiated.
and Wil-
his home
corner of
■and No.
are two
George and Ernie, of
I ✓
THE PRICE of a basic industrial product in an expand
ing country such as Canada should be low enough to
ehcourage maximum sales against world-wide com
The price should also be high enough to recover all
costs and provide an adequate profit.
Without profits further expansion could not be paid
for, and • expansion is necessary if there are to be
new jobs for our increasing population.
In fact, without profits there would be fewer and
fewer jobs than now, instead of more and more.
And without prpfits there would be no return for the ,
shareholder’s on their investment; and there are al- $
most as many shareholders in industrial companies as
there are employees. •
The right price for Canada, then, must include a. profit
for investment in our future growth.
Will Haskett
Lions Head
At a dinner meeting in
Anglican Church basement Monday evening, catered to
Mrs. H. T. Bond’s group of the
Ladies Guild, the Mate of Of
ficers for 1956-57 was presented
president, Will Haskett; vice-
president, Les Woodward; secre
tary, Jim Young, and treasurer,
Alex Young.
One new member was en
rolled, Mr. J. C. Gteacy, new
manager of the Bank of Mont
Social And
Mother’s Day Visitors
Messrs. Harold Brooks,
(Messrs. Harold Brooks, Ron
nie Coleman, Bill Allen and Miss
Carole Brooks of London, Mrs.
Ainsley 'Neil of Exeter and Mrs.
Harold McFalls of Lucan with
Mrs. T. Brooks.
•Mr. and Mrs. Carl Banting and
family of Brampton with Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Banting.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of
Exeter with Mr. and ‘Mrs, A, M,
Mr. Milton Robinson and Miss
Fortey of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Earle and family of Wood-
stock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins
and family of Owen Sound, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Copeman and
family of Belmont with Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W.’ Garrett
and Doreen with Mr, and'Mrs.
BOb Coleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and
Ralph with Mrs. Irene Coursey
and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Warren Flanni-
gan of Lucan with Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire
of Scotland with MY. and Mrs,
Murray Abbott,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and
family with Mr. and Mrs. P. O.
King of Oakville.
Misses Gertrude Kent, R.N.,
and (Marie Stanley, R.N., with
Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stanley.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Jones
and family of Kippen with Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack’ Murray and
family of Condon with Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrod
of Woodbridge with their aunt,
Miss K. Bowyer.
Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mrs. R.
Ferguson and Miss Marilyn
Ferguson -with (Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ward of Toronto.
Mt. and 'Mrs. Cecil Armitage
and Mr. and -Mrs. George Cham
bers and family with Goderich
On Sunday, May
Harold Emerick
Hydro Worker
Funeral services for Harold
Emerick, 31, of Kitchener, who
was electrocuted in Guelph May
7, when he accidently touched a
13,000 volt line at a hydrp sub
station, were held from the C.
Haskett and Son funeral home,
Lucan, on Thursday by the Rev.
E. m. Cook of Lucan United
Church. Interment was in St.
James’ Cemetery, Clandeboye.
Pall-bearers were all hydro men
and over 50 employees formed a
■guard of honor.
Son of Mrs. Maude Emerick
and the late Charles Emerick, he
was 'born at Bothwell. After his
■marriage to Eleanor 'MeRann, he
lived for 12 years in Lucan be
fore moving to Kitchener a year
ago. He was an employee of the
Ontario Hydro Electric Power
Commission. Though artificial
respiration was applied for foui’
■hours after his head touched the
wire, he failed to respond.
Besides his wife and- mother,
he is survived iby three small
children, :Sliirlye, Elaine and
Betty; four sisters, Mrs. William
Haggith and Mrs. Reta Mc
Master of Bothwell, Mrs. Millard
Lossing Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs.
George Bowles of Windsor; also
five brothers, William of Wind
sor, Frank, John, Walter and
Albert of Bothwell. -
Personal Items ,
■Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent
last Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
Mac Lamond, and family of
LAC and Mrs. William Brown
lee and family of Centralia with
Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee
and family.
■Mr. and Mrs, 'Stanley Lee and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lee
and family and Mrs, Leonard
Mitchell of London with Mr. and.
Mrs. T. -Lee.
Dr. and Mrs. Len Lobsinger
and family of .Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Art McLean and family of
London and Mr. and Mrs. -Jack
Lankin and family of Lucan, with
Mr. and Mrs. John Park.
Alarm Creates Excitement
Main St .and Alice Gt. corner
was the ■scene of great excite
ment between 9 p.m. and 10 ' '
Sunday night when care
pedestrians filled the street,
hydro blackout apparently
the" 'burglar alarm in the Bank
of Montreal out of order, it
slated in ringing incessantly
took over a half hour to
connect it and "ehut/it up"
Vacation School Meeting
Lucan, clergy and 'Sunday
School representatives held their
second vacation school meeting
last Friday night in the United
Church parlors when a commit
tee, composed of Rev. J. P. Prest
(Dean), Rev. J. A. Graham and
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, was ap
pointed to make all necessary
arrangements for a vacation
school to foe held in the Anglican
Parish Hall and basement July
23-27 with an Achievement Night
July 27 in the Community
Memorial Arena.
The course of study which had
been sent for was discussed and
approved and a tentative time
table set up. A drive will foe
made.to assure an ample supply
of teachers to make the project
a success,
Lightning may pot hit twice
in the same place, but Mr, Sidney-
Lowndes’ new Dodge car has
been hit twice within a few
weeks. Last time it was hit by
a careless driver in 'Stratford,
May 6, causing $75 damage.
Mrs. G. A. Moore (neu Alwe
Stanley) od wall dMC-hter,
Mary, of Kelliher, Sasfc, arrived
by plane and are making an ex
tended visit with the1 former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stan*
ley. Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. Hruee Abbott of
London were Friday yfsltors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott.
Tfrs. Isabel Underwood, now of
St. Marys, was .a recent visitor
•with Mr. and 'Mrs, .Guy Ryan.
■Mr. M. Durham has been a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
for the past four weeks.
cE Weekend Specials
E s1 I
Dance Review
NOTE: I wish to correct an error on someone's part in
last week's edition. I am not changing our store
to Red & White.
By Mrs. R. Broderick
and Pupils
Meat Specials
Fresh Lein or Butt Pork Chops
Cooked Ham
Pure Pork Sausage
Cottage Rolls ........
Round or Sirloin Steak
Smoked Side Bacon ....
Cubed Stewing Beef
Fresh Side Pork ......
Smoked Picnic Shoulder
850 Lb.
390 Lb.
470 Lb.
590 Lb.
390 Lb.
430 Lb.
390 Lb.
390 Lb.
6, Mr. and
and family
Alex M'cFar-
of Mr. and
J. W. Smith
Mr, and Mrs.
were guests _ __ __
David McFarlane of Rock
wood. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane
remained over for an extended
visit with Rockwood friends.
Mrs. George Strasser received
■word of the death of her bro
ther, Mr. Allan McMann; of Ed
monton, .formerly of Seaforth. He
was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John McMann. Mrs., Strasser is
now . the last member of her
Mr. Jack Bisson -Qf Winnipeg
spent two days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett.
. Mrs. Harold Emerick, whose
husband was so badly electro
cuted last week, has rented an
apartment above Wong’s restaur
ant.. and is returning to Lucan
with her three small children to
make her home ther&
Doreen Garrett was recently
elected president of Medway
Girls’ Athletic Association and
Clare Sceli was elected president
of the Medway Boys’ Athletic
Last Thursday Dr. E. R. Pat
terson of Lucan, with the assist
ance oif two nurses, administered
the Salk vaccine to Lucan Public
School pupils.
Mike , Culbert, small son of
Mr. and Mrs/ Merton Cul'bert,
last ’Sunday received his mem
bership - to "The League of
Mr. T. Weller' is erecting a
new house on water street.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs.
Cecil Robb, Mrs. Wes Hodgins,
■Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs.
.Sheridan Revington last Thurs
day -went to Guelph, hoping to
attend the W.I. meeting but un
fortunately were unable to get
Miss Margaret Ashworth,
R.N., of Sarnia, spent last week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Ashworth,*
Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph Ainslie,
■Mary and David, of St. Marys,
wore Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving
ton and family were Sunday
guests With Mr. and Mrs. H. Wel-
■foourne of London.
Mrs. Sheridan Revington and
Mrs. 'Murray Hodgins last Wed
nesday attended a Dominion
>0 o uno il oxocu ti vo iftoot i ft g in
First St. Andrew’s Church, Lon
Mrs. Percy Armitage is slowly
recuperating from het recent
operation and was able to walk
■Up ton,Vn one day last
P.rior to starting for
Mr. and Mrs, Donald
of London called On
Mrs, Calvin Haskett,
strange co-incidence, while in
Scotland they Will be staying
with friends who now live in the
house in which Mrs. Haskett was
born. !
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McRann of
Syracuse attended the funeral of
the late Mr, Harold Emerick and
spent, a few days with Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Banting,
Mr. and
. By
Thurs., May 24
8:15 p.m.
— Admission —
Adults 600, Children 350
Al's Groceteria
And Meat Market
Hensail " Ontario
... a world-wide trend
Mein St,’ PHONE M
' On every continent of the globe,
t^p amazing Volkswagen has been *
wholeheartedly accepted in a manner never
before known in the automotive industry.
Its outstanding sales success in Canada
and its exceptionally high re-sale value reflect
the supreme confidence which Canadians have in
this unique automobile and its policy of continuing
the same basic design. *«
Firmly believing in Canada’s future,
Volkswagen will expand greatly this year.
The nation-wide dealer organization
with its well-earned reputation for efficiency,
is expanding its facilities to provide
even better service. The splendid new
Toronto headquarters, housing 2 million
dollars worth of spare parts, will be
enlarged considerably . . .
a recognition of Volkswagen’s
responsibility to the Canadian public
... a recognition of its faith
and pride in it$ product.
395 Colborne St PHONE 7-8872