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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 3
THE TIMES ADVOCATE, EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17. '«4 London Woman Injured In Accident At Kippen Beta Frander, 29, of London,, was (token "to (St. Joseph’s' Hospi tal, London, with leg injuries re- tbeived in an accident dp the vil lage on. Monday afternoon. Mr. William Shop-red, of Hen- eall was travelling on the east 01de of Noi 4 highway and made a U turn4n front of a south* hound ear driven, by Mr. Gordon Bennett, of (St. 'Catharines. Mr.. JBennett, in trying to nites the Bh-epred opr, crashed into a hydro pole, doing $550 damage to his oar apd injured his passenger, Beto Frander. Provincial police officer Cecil Gibbons, of Exeter, (who investigated toe accident, stated charges ere ©ending. Dr. J. C. Goddard, of Hensall, render ed first aid at, the scene of the accident. Personals iMrs. Leonard iLovel'l and in- Cant tson have returned to toeir home here from Cliniton hospital. I Spramotor Everything FREE o' «»« ^RAMOTO’’ Slathw spraying toilt-poubl** Profit*? Mo,l advanced iprayor d.v.lopnwnt;” dotgned for low or high pronvrO d«pond> ing on Pump election. Available for 3 Pt, Pickup or Standard Tractor* — P.T.O. or Engine operated. Choice 8 Model*. Field-Row Crop Boom* with drop pip**. 4 Mr. Edgar MOR ride is able to be home much improved in health after spending several iweeks Six fiif. Joseph'® Hospital London. Mrs. ,Fowler of Aurora te spending this week with (her sister and brottier-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burnham, daugihiter and friend, of iSalem, Miieh., (motored to Kipipen on ‘Sun day to sipend Motoer’s Day with Mrs. 'Burnham's njiotoer, Mrs. All- berlt Anderson and two aunts, Mrs. E. Dawson Winder, Mr, and Mrs, Larry of London day with Mrs. Stokes’ brother and slsterTin-ilaw, Mr nd Mrs. Bent Thomson. IMr, and Mrs. R, Coxmisih and family of Godericli visited on ISunday with Mr. Roht. Thomson. iMis® Merle Dickent spent toe weekend in Detooiit. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Kerr of 'Wintonop -spent Motoer’s Day .with toe latter's mother, Mr, and Mrs. Dawson, Mr. and (Mrs. Grant Love of Garo, Mich., were 'Weekend iguesits of Mr. R. Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. |Sam Cudimore are visiting Itheir .daughter 'and son-in-law, Mr. tand Mrs. jL, Pink- new fin Toronto, . iMr. and Mrs. IS. B&atitee and family, of Wingham spent imo- ither’s Day with Mrs. IBeattee’s mother, Mrs. iR. McBride. ’Mr, Bud (MoLeod an<J Michael Mosher of Ottawa are visiting toe former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. N. McLeod at the manse. and Mrs. Wm- R. .Stokes and 'visited on (Sun- The Only Spraying Equipment With Parts Short Available At Notice purpose SPRAY KIT Y Spramotor complete spray kits^ Now you can build your own Sprayar for spraying woods, fonco rows, orchard* and livestock. Your choice of Nylon Roller or Goar Pump. 1 We'd like to show them L to you ■••Comorin Chiselhurst W.M.S. Meets 'Chiselhurst Women’® Mission ary Society imet in toe church ftohoolroom Tuesday 'afternoon with Mrs. Earl Kinsman, ‘presi dent, in ‘the chair. Mrs. R. Taylor conducted toe devotional (period Eighteen members were in at tendance. The dtudy "Wanted Recruits” was taken by Mrs. 6. Roobol, 'and Mr®, John Glenn; The Evening Auxiliary of Hensall United Church, and the Women’® Asso ciation ow Thame® 'Road United Church will be entertained as special guests 'at Itheir June meet ing. The Women’s Association held a (brief meeting presided over iby Mrs. T. iBrlntnell, in toe absence of toe presidenit. Roy Garage Exeter Farm Equipment. j R. D. Jermyn Phone 508 William St, HENSALL Phone 98 York OPEN EVENINGS ^ND WEEKENDS Repairs to Ail Makes of Cars Car Washing . "Give Us A Try" , st. Cromarty Service Features Family The ‘church service was largely attended -on Sunday morning with many visitors present. The child ren of the 'Sunday (School, with toeix* teachers, occupied toe cen ter pews. • The Christian Family Day oxder of service was follow ed with the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, a® leader Alice 'Sorsdahl represented toe Y.P.S.i Muriel Rcott toe C.G.I.T.. Mildred Howe the Mission Band and Donald Coleman toe (Sunday School. The singing was led by toe junior choir under toe lead- eiship of Mrs. K. MeKellar, The infant daughter® of Mr. an,d Mrs. Frank Miller^ Mr. and Mrs, Allan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott were presented for baptism, Many of the Sunday School pupite received diplomas and seals for faithful atteiidance during the year. personal Items Mothers’ Day visitors with Mrs. M. Houghton were Mr. and Mrs, Len Houghton, Frank, Leonard and .Pete, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, and family, of (Stratford; Messrs Gordon Hough ton and Roy Kemp, London; Mr. Frank (Stagg, Mr. and Mrs, Reg (Stagg and. daughter, Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Ken Rolph and children, Mitchell. •Mrs, Allan McLean, Filmore, Sask., is visiting with (her daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and their family, Mrs. Thos. iScott, Sr., is con fined to Seaforth .Hospital suffer ing from an injury received in a fall. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, Sharon -and Donald, of London, vi.sited on (Sunday -with Mrs. Grace Scott and Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Wallace visited on Sunday with Mr, a,nd Mr®/ Donald Wallace, ford. Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allan, Sheila and Marylynn, of Mitchell, at tended Mothers’ Day service (here and visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coleman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott and family, Stafifa, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kemip and family, Munro, were Sunday visitors with (Mr. ' and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton .and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, Parkhill, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John- "Vyallace. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerelake, Joyce, Brenda and Craig, and Miss Lillian Ballantyne, Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Mr, Harold Carey had the mis fortune to have a bone broken in 'his foot. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott and family; Mr. and Mi's. Gordon Scott and family and Mr. D. Col- qu'houn and Jean, visited on jf-lun- day with Mrs. Tlxoma®1-Scott, Sr. ■ (Mr. -and Mrs.' K‘. McKel'lait visit ed Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Worden and family visited on (Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamil ton. A group of friends of his Staf- fa mail route -gathered at toe (home of Mr. John ‘Robertson and ■presented him with a purse of money prior to his departure from this community. The family of Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Norris spent Mothers’ Day with their parents with all mem- tors ipresent 'but Mrs Don McLeod, of Ailsa Craig. Carling- s /’ u Hensail And District News Active In Lodge, G. A, Glenn Dies Hensall and district residents mourned toe •loss of a “very fine citizen in toe person of George A. Glenn, who died suddenly at 1x1® borne (here on 'Saturday after noon in (his 681 to year. Although he (had been in ©opr heallto fox' toe past few weeks lhe w Able to jbe up 'and sit on -hte varan duh on iSalturday, ■Fox* many years lie farmed suceessfully on no, 4 'highway xxoxto of HePesl'l. before taking Uip residence (here, He was .promi nent in Hensail " I.O.O.F. was past Noble Grand, and treasurer tor , ’ He was a member of Amber (Re bekah Lodge, Hensall and ft mem ber of Hensail United Ghur eh, (Surviving ar (his .widow, -toe former Maude. Dickson, one son William, Grano'Bend, two -daugh ters, Mrs. Morley ganders (Helen), Exeter; Mrs. Wm, Finch (Mona), Grand Bend, one bnoitoer John Glenn, Hen-sail, and one sister, Mis® Maude Glenn, Lon don, and six gi’andchildien. Private funeral services were held from toe Bonthron funeral home, $ensall, Tuesday con ducted iby Rev. C. D. Daniel, with interment in McTaggart’s icexne* tory. Lodge 223. ■many years. Personal Items Miss iShixtey Bell has accepted a position on the staff of toe Bank of Montreal, Mto* Minnie gangster spent ; Mother’s weekend with members of her family at London, Forest, and Lucan, Dr. Dani Brown, and Mrs. W, Ferguson, of London, were guest® last Friday with Mrs. J, W. Boutoron, Mx*s. Archie MacGregor has ac cepted a position at toe I.G.A. store. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell spent the weekend in, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown, Bil lie and Caxiol spent toe -weekend In 'Tavistock, iwlto Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Nee.b. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keyes of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker and Mrs, Emalie Parker. Miss M-aiitha Haldeman of Clinton was a recent visitor with Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Greer of London visited recently wito the (Latter's mother. Mi's. B, (Bonlto- fon. •Miss Maude Glenn of London, attended toe funeral of (her bro- itiher, toe late Mr. Geo. Glenn, 'Mr. and Mrs. ‘Lee Oesich -and family of Paris, attended the El- ‘liott-Mousseau wedding in Hen sail on ‘Saturday, Baptism Rites Feature Mother s Day Services THE RIGHT <1 PRICE ,z THE PRICE of a basic industrial product in an expand ing country such as Canada should be low enough to encourage maximum sales against world-wide com petition. The prjce should also be high enough to recover all costs and provide an adequate profit. Without profits further expansion-could not be paid for, and expansion Js necessary if there new jobs for, out increasing population. In fact, without profits there' would be fewer jobs than now, instead of more and are to be fewer and more. And without profits there would be no return for the shareholders on their investment; and there are al most as many shareholders in industrial companies as there are employee^. The right price for Canada, then, must include a profit for investment in our future growth, .z THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOOUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO iU-Xi .....!-■ »■’ * Express Thanks To UC Auxiliary Mr®. E. Chi'POhase chaired toe meeting of ‘toe Evening Auxiliary at Itoeir May meeting held in toe church Monday evening. (Special guests for toe evening were Mis® Irene Douglas, and Mr. end Mrs, Hollingsworth and family of Louden, Thte organi sation send gifts of money to Ml'ke HoHingswoYto, six yean® age, every Christmas, and toe family came up to express toeir appreciation. Miss Douglas spoke briefly, and Teresa iHofllings- w-orith, 10, favored wito accor dion selections. Mr®. A. (Shinray conducted toe ■devotional iperlod, ©resented itoe study New Canadians”, Goodwin and Mrs, more rendered a vocal 'duet. Mrs. Alex MdBeato of Kippen contri buted humorous readings. A‘t Itoe /business session it was decided to order twelve (banquet ■tables, and to forward part pf toeir allocation quarters at Toronto, mentis were planned (for meeting. I THt Erect New Houses Work has commenced on toe New Way buildings by Kernohwi of London, being erected- for Mr. John Heal and George E. Walker. Mr. Heal te having hte home .built at toe corner of Queen end Al* bei-t alt & cost of $10,000 a brick building size 36 by 25 with # basement and one tflcw house. Mr., ®L Walker is having Ms home -erected on ‘Queen street, ft frame building with basement and one floor home. E Weekend Specials .Mte® ;Ellte "Welcoming Miss ' Mary pearl P-aas- $10(0',00, ito 'head* .Arrange- ■the June £ I E z i K I X Meat Specials Fresh Loin or Butt Pork Chops Cooked Ham Pure Pork Sausage Cottage Rolls .................. Round or Sirloin Steak .. Smoked Side Bacon ....•••• Cubed Stewing Beef ...... Fresh Side Pork Smoked Picnic Shoulder ..... f 450 ., 450 . 390 . 470 ■, 590 * 390 . 430 Lk . 390 Lk - 390 Lk Lb. Lb. Lk Lb. Lb. Dance Review NOTE: I wish to correct an error on someone's part in last week's edition. I am not changing our store to Red & White. -Rev. C. D. Daniel in toe United (CShurdh on ’Sunday morning (per formed toe Vito® of .'bap'tiism for Pamela Ann, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle; Nancy Edna, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Grant iSmilto; 'Robent Jbh-n son lot Mr. and Mrs. Robert iRowdliffe; De borah Chrtetine, daughter of Mr. and Mr.®, Jim dark; Katoerine Anne, daughter iof Mr.’’and Mrs. Douglas ‘Cook; (Leslie Harold,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cudimore; Katherine Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mirs. E. R. Davis; Wil liam Joseph Caviill, son of Mr. and Mrs. £gm Rowoliffe; Karen Lynn, daugher- iof Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick; Helen Jean daughter of IMr. and Mrs. David Blackwell. Rev. Daniel was assisted iby Steve Kyle, ‘Pat Rowe, Bob Mickle and Norma 'Passmore in the serv ice. Mary Ann and Dianne Ron nie rendered a duet, Flowers were in (memory of toe late Mrs. Cecil Van Horne, ■ It was toe largest attendance re corded for many years. Young People Assist At Ghisel'hurst United Church special Mother's Day service, 'bap tismal riiites were administered to John Leslie, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ronald (Pullman; Donald Rod ney son of Mr, and Mr,®. Ben SJtoneman, Mrs, iR. ’Boyce 'gave the story, "God’s Room,” and a stony "God in itoe (home of Moses,” was given by ’Mtes June Ross. The young peoples’ choir sang, and Miss Marilyn Eyre and Miss Faye Ross sang. "My Moitoer’is 'Bible.” Miss Maja JRoolbol was 'pianist. Rev. Daniel led toe service. Carmel Baptizes Two Rites of baptism ^as adminis tered to- the infant -daughters of Mr. and ’ Mrs. Clarence Knight, an-d. Mr. aiid Mrss (Roland Van stone, at special Mother's Day services 'held in Carmel Church last Sunday morning. 'Rev. Don ald MacDona-ld spoke '.briefly on. the iSulbjeot' "God in Moses’ Home,” The young people of the church assisted rwiith service, the choir rendered an approipriafce selection and Miss Jean Henderson sang a solo. During (toe service diplomas and seals were 'presented to the (Sunday School scholars by toe minister, assisted by Mr. Clarence Volland, Sunday School euperin- tondent. ■Mr. Howard Kerr of Exelter, a student minister will occupy (the 'pulpit next iSunday morning at 'Carmel Church' land iBayfield in toe 'afternoon. 'Rev. MacDonald will be in change of services alt Tara and Aitanford, with special baptismal services being’held at both churches. By Mrs. R. Broderick and Pupils TOWN HALL, HENSALL Thurs., May 24 8:15 p.m. —• Admission — Adults 600, Children 350 / And Meat Market Hensall ’ Ontario Personal Items (Sharon (Lavery, little dautghlter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lav-ery, and Joyce Eiyhn, daugher -of Mr. and Mrs. J. Flynn, 'had (their ton site .removed at Clinton Hospital Monday of toils week. Ml’. Edgar Broderick who (has been seriously ilf in .St. Joseph’s ’Hospital,- London, was re©orted as .being -a little better on Mon- days ■Ml*, and Mrs. Wilbur Dilling, spent tofe weekend with toeir -son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clareikce Dilling, and with their daughter, Miss Bernice 'Dil ling, all of (Sarnia. Mr. William Petty is confined to fiiis home wiitlx a hoax’-t condi tion. Mt. axx-d Mrs. Jim Campbell and faniiily of Parkilxill, have moved into the Joynt apartments. The Women’-s 'Misslonany (So ciety of Hensall’ United Church packed a bale in toe (Clxurclx schoolroom On Wednesday of this week for European' relief. Mr. and Mr-s. Van Dyk of Grand Bend visited with Mr, and Mrs. S. RooibOl on 'Moitihbr’s Day, Sun day,Mr, and Mrs. George Hess, ac companied by Mrs. W. G, Parke and Patricia, 'Spent itoe weekend In Toronto. Mrs, D. Edwards has been icon* fined to her home with illness. MW. Wayne (Smith and Danny who has been ihere for toe ©ast week, 'returned ihome Ito EiwbrO on (Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John PfaM are Visiting with members of their family fin London. Mr, and Mbs, Douglas Sang- ster and iS-andta, of London, Mi\ and Mrs. Herb (Stretton and Peg* gy Of Lucan, wlsllted last week* end ’With Mrs. Minnie Sangstor. ... a world-wide trend VOLKSWAGEN On every continent of the globe, the amazing Volkswagen has been wholeheartedly accepted in a manner never before known in the automotive industry. Its outstanding sales success in Canada and its exceptionally high re-sale value reflect the supreme confidence which Canadians have ift • this unique automobile and its policy of continuing the same basic design. Firmly believing in Canada’s future, Volkswagen will expand greatly this year. The nation-wide dealer organization with its well-earned reputation for efficiency, is expanding its facilities to provide even better service. The splendid new Toronto headquarters, housing 2 million dollars worth of spare parts, will be enlarged considerably . , a recognition of Volkswagen’s responsibility to the Canadian public ... a recognition of its faith • and pride in its product. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. Golden Mile, Toronto 14, Ont. DISTRIBUTOR: VOLKSWAGEN LONDON MOTORS LONDON, ONT. 395 Colborne St PHONE 7-8872 DEALER: HUNTER-DUVAR & SONS LTD* EXETER, ONT. Main St. k«' PHONE M