HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-10, Page 20THE TIMESADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1956 SHIP COLLECT TO <OlWr I^wUtered Wareliouse No. Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING DIRECT SETTLEMENT '. Obtain sacks and twine ( without charge from Exeter District CO-OP Box 71 or by writing -to . WOOL GROWERS IJMITED 2517 Ray Street, Toronto, Canada CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE UNCLE JWSEZ " ‘bwe SKUNK SAID TO ANOTHER i haven't made a SCENT ALL DAY." -.....................J Mrs. J. Ferguson Past OES Matron Funeral services for Mrs. John Ferguson who passed away in (St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lohdon, on Friday were conducted, from, the Hopper Hockey- funeral home on Monday by Rev. Alex Rapson. Mrs. Ferguson was the former Catherine Mabel Campbell of Wingham, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell. She was a nurse in Kincardine Hospital when she married John Ferguson, a police officer at Blyth. He later joined ithe Ont­ ario (Provinca,1 Police and was sta­ tioned at Goderich and later Exe­ ter, Mr. Ferguson died in 1948. Mrs. Ferguson was a member of Main Street United Church; a past president of Woman's As­ sociation, a. past worthy matron of Exeter chapter* O.EjS. and an honorary member; of Seaforth chapter O.E.S. and. a member of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338. Surviving are one son, Mur­ ray, of Galt; two sisters, Mrs. L. H. .Hislop, London, Mrs. W. J. Mills, Goderich; two brothers, John, Windsor and Victor, De­ troit. An 'impressive memorial serv­ ice was held on iSunday at 2. p.m. in the funeral parlors hy forty members .of the Exeter chapter O.E.iS. led by worthy (matron Mrs. Jack Dickins and worthy patron Mr, Maurice Quance. Interment was in Exeter ceme­ tery. Ball bearers were Charles Salter 'Helmar Snell, J. A. Tna- q.uair, Roy Webber, John Cowan and ‘Maurice Quance. Mrs. Jos. Grant Dies In Glencoe Mr. Bert CWh, Mrs. Hazel Welsh and Dwayne, Mr. and Mys. B. W. F, (Beavers attended the funeral olf Mrs. Joseph Grant at Glencoe on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant conducted ithe hake shop now •man’s Tor about ■leaving Exeter tor years ago. Mrs. Grant died Saturday, Muy 5. husband she is isuxwtaed by two sons, George of St. Thomas; Joseph Jr. of London and two daughters, (Betlty) Mrs. Harry Garey, Glencoe, and (Mary,) Mi'S. .P. W. David of London. Funeral service was conducted in Glencoe United 'Church by Rev. H. J. Mahoney and a former minister at Exeter, Rev. D. Mc- Tavish, . run Iby (Ers- eight years, Glencoe 24 suddenly .on ■Besides her Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse: and Engagement Notices are 75c. A EXETER DfllRV PHONE 3 31J rs '54 DODGE SEDAN 23,000 miles, “Better than new” *53 BEL-AIR CHEV SEDAN Radio, special slip covers, 'Dominion, centipede tires '53 FORD COACH Like new, covered with accessories *53 METEOR {TWO DOOR) Two-tone '52 CHEV SEDAN Excellent condition *49 CHEV SEDAN Two tone, radio *50 MORRIS-OXFORD perfect condition *52 MERCURY i/2-TON WANTED: To buy good cars or trades on Meteors!! used 1956 South End Service Kippen 4-H Club Elects Officers The ThrMty Kipip-enettes at (the home K>f Mrs. W. J. F, Saturday, May 5, holding joint meetings. The finsit meet­ ing opened with election of oL fleers. Was Marie 'Sinclair was appointed president; Miss Evelyn Hyde, secretary; and Miss Bat Lovell .press secretary. Mrs. Bell, oluib (leader, .gave 4-H rules, and inisltructions afco-wt their record book and correct measurements in cooking. Alt itihe second meeting, Mrs. BeB demonstrated itihe making of potato 'soap and la salmon casser- 016. ' Data On tmet Bell two Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER New* of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Early Clippings Subject Of Talk Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith was guest speaker at the meeting of Main 'St, Evening Auxiliary on Monday evening. She began by reminiscing with 'dippings from her grandmother’s scrap book. She concluded with an appropri­ ate Mother’s Day message. (Mrs. Clarence -McDonald led in the devotional period assisted ■by Mrs. Amiel Willard and Mrs. Robert Turnbull. Mrs. Ross Tuc- key and Mrs. Thomas Walker contributed readings. Miss Pat­ ricia Cann rendered a piano solo. Mrs. Willard gave a report- of the Huron Breslbyterial held in James .St. Church. Mrs. William McKenzie, presi­ dent, conducted the business. BIRTHS BIRD—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bird, 506 Andrew StM Exeter, announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Joan (Becky), at South Huron Hos­ pital, May 4, 1.956—a sister for Bonny. DOW—‘Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow, ■Staffa, announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, May 6, 1956. DUNCAN — F/O and Mrs. Raymo Duncan, 126 Main St., Exeter, an­ nounce the birth of a son, David 'Raymo, at South Huron Hospital, May 8, 1956.FEATHER—Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Feather, 141 Empress Ave., RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Ann; weight 7 -lbs., at South Huron Hos­pital, May 4, 1956—a sister fo>Hugh.FRASER—Mr. and Mrs. Keith (Fraser of Science Hill announce “the ar­rival of their daughter, Nancy Grace, at Stratford General Hos­pital, April 27—a sister for Mar­lene. HAMILTON—Sgt. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton, 174 Columbia Drive, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of their daughter, Sharon Gail; weight 7 lbs., 10 ozs., at South Huron Hospital, May 4, 1956—a sister for Gary.LOVE—Margaret and Jim Love, of Grand Bend, are pleased to an­ nounce the arrival of Deborah Dianne (Debby) on Saturday, May 5, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon­don—a sister for Ginger.LYON—Kirk and Joanne Lyon (nee Joanne McCurdy) wish -to announce the safe arrival of a baby daugh­ter, Kathryn Anne, at Victoria Hospital, London, May 7, 1956.STIRiE—Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Stire, Dashwood, announce the their daughter, Beverley South Huron Hospital 1956. * COMING EVENTS BROILER BARBECUE and Open House. 'South Huron District High (School, June 5. 10 BAKE SALE—.Saturday, May 19, Snell Bros, showroom, 2:30 p.on. .Sponsored iby Ladies of Thames Road United Church,________10iC OPENING DANCE of ithe season. Bayfield Pavilion, Jj'jiday, May 18, • Ken 4 WiUbee’s' Orchestra. Dancing every Friday to .'Septem­ ber 2.8, 11:18c DEATHS S' Garages Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Exeter Motor SalesRUSS & CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter SUN-PROOF House Paint is fume-re* sistatit! Years of extensive exposure tests have Droved' houses* in industrial sections STAY WHITE iiii spite of discoloring coat smoke and industrial gas fumes. Economical, too! We carry A complete line of Sun-Proof Mouse Paint, Matching Faam Machinery Colors, Gloss Wall Paint, Semi-Gloss Wall Floor Paints, High Gloss Enamel, Shellac, Varnish* jpatater’a Supplies, Wallpaper, Fiberglass Screening, Rcz Pro­ ducts, Floor Sanders For Rent—-A Products For Every Need* McKenzie's Paint Store MM St. Phen* 253 Ex.t.r ijuST PAINTED look longer birth Joan, May of at 5, FERGUSON—In -St. Joseph’s Hospit­al, London', on Friday, May 4, 1956, Catherine Mabel Campbell, beloved wife of the late John Ferguson and deax’ motliex- of Murray Fergu­son of Galt.NORTHCOTT—In London, at . the home . of her nephew, William Geddes, 88 Rectory Street, on Sun­day, May 6, 1956/ Mary Elizabeth Northcott, late of Exeter, beloved daughter of the date Mr. and Mrs. William Northcott, in ber eighty- first year. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Elleringtop, R.R. 3 Exeter, wish to announce the marriage of • their only daughter, Mary Joan, to John William, young­est son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tanner, Tiilsonburg, Ont., on June 25, 1955, 10* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Hubert1 Heywood, R.'R. 3 Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Florence Zeta, to Mr. Henry Ross Armstrong, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Raul Armstrong. The wedding to take place on June 2 at Elim- vi'lle United Church. 10* CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with flowers, treats, cards, phone calls and visits while a patient in Vic­toria Hospital, London. To all those who in any way helped, in the Cancer Fund Campaign, I wish to give my sincere thanks.—'Fred Dobbs. 10c The family of the late Mrs. John Ferguson wish to thank the neigh­bours and friends for their kindness during their recent bereavement; also for floral tributes and those who assisted in any way. Special thanks to the pallbearers, members of the Eastern Star and the Hopper-Hockey funeral home. 10* I would like to thank all those Who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits, while a patient in. St. Joseph’s Hos­pital. —Lome Rreszcator. 10*Mrs. W. J. /Veal wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered ■her with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since ‘returning home. 10* The Huronla Male Chorus wishes to thank those all who helped In any way to make the (Music Festival a 'success. 10c Sincere thanks to our many friends for cards and flowers. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard and Dr. Oakes, staff and special nurses of Clinton Hos­pital; also to Rev. Daniels for his comfort during our recent bereave­ment. Cecil W, Van Horne and daughter, Maryn Anne, Hensall. 10c We wish to thank all of our kind friends, neighbours, pallbearers and those who kindly provided ears, for their many acts of kindness, ex­pressions of sympathy and con­dolences, for the bautlful floral offerings, at the loss of a dearly be­loved husband and father. Special thanks to Rev, Mills, Rev, Barker and Dr. Klim, —The Budden Family, Ktrkton. 10* The brothers and sisters of the late Miss Mary Northcott wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and expres­sions Of sympathy in time of sick­ ness and sorrow, with special thanks to Rev. Alex Rapson and the Hopper-Hockey fuheral home, IN MEMORIAM MOlTS-SEAU—In loving memory of our father, John MousseaU, Who ■pasised away One year ago, May 1955#. The pearly gates ware open, A. gentle M veice said nOome,r, And with farewells unspoken He gently entered home.MKvef remembered iby the family, . SPU?’ „Ale* ftlld Robert, . 10c KERSLAKE—In memory of our dear father, Arthur E, Kerslake, who passed away On May 13, 1®55.Deep in our heart there’s a picture, Of a loved Obe gone to rest.lor memory's sake We will keep it, Because ho was “One of the Best”, —Sadly missed And ever remembered by the family, io* 'Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Pym were Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mor­ ley, Jr, and Janice of Whalen, Mrs. Philip Munch, Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Bell and Carol Amn, Mr. and Mrs. Al-len Johns land family visited on Satui'day even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fraser and f amily .of (Science. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowers and family Of Yukon, Alaska, Mrs. Minnie 'Bowers of London visited on Thursday with Mrs. Philip March. < Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns,, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cann of Thames Road visited on Thursday evening with Mr. 'and Mrs. Garnet Johns .of 'Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family of Zion visited on Sat­ urday evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Miners an<P'fam-ily. The Eilimville Women’s Jnsiti- .talte were guests of -the Hensiaill Women’s Institute on Wednesday evening in tire .Hensall ‘Town Hall. MJiss Brenda .and Master Dale (Skinner spent the weekend with Miss Shirley Jaques ,of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. iBill 'Smith and family of Centrlaiia visited on Fri­ day evening with Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. 'Elgin Skinner of New To­ ronto spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. A. Miller and fiamily of Cilandeboye visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard -Cun- nington. Mr. Lewis- Woods o,f Stokes (Bay visited a few days wiftlr-Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. Mrs. Ward Fritz, of 'Oklahoma City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns and also with Mrs. Jane Ann (Smith, of (Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. John (Batten visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. John (Bailey oif Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. i Maria Heatherly, Mr. Thus. Morley of London and Mrs. Ward Swartz of Oklahoma. City sipenlt Tuesday with (their,, sister; Mrs. Lewis Johns. „ .Mrs. Thus. Bell, Donald land Betty Stephens ispent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jno Robinson of K-irklton. Mita Etae.1 Copetand ’Of London spent ithe weekend with her mo­ ther, Mrs. 'H, C, Copoland. Beautiful ibasketa of 'spring flowers were placed in (the Kirk­ ton United Churdh in mem'ory of the late Levi Budden by Mrs,, Sudden and family. A (oouple -of village boys, Robert Anderson and Harold Burgin, competed in itihe Ontario Inlters'chol-asitic relay races (at Hamilton Saturday. Mission Baijd The regulai* meeting pf 'the Mission Band mdt in the 'Sunday School room iSatui’day afternoon. The theme was “Mother”. A solo was given by Douglas Allen and a bible ,story by Mr. Ander­ son, The 'Study Book was taken by the leaders, Mrs, G. Allen and Mrs. Anderson. The Glass That Counts The (Glass that Counts met at the home of ‘Ruitlh (Shier. A mo­ ment of silence honored Itihe mem­ ory olf the late Levi Budden. Ethel Unquhamt conducted the devotional .period assisted iby Marion Urquhart and Beatrice Roger, Ethel Urquhart and Joyce. Paton gave readings. Each mem­ ber laniswered her name by nam­ ing a Mother of ithe Bible. iMrs. Anderson was Ithe speaker giving a synopsis of ithe book “Anna and tae Indians,’’ (the story of a miss'anary in. Northeim Al'bertba. iCilara Watson invited members to join the Woman’s Missionary Society. Miss M. Northcott Dies In London Funeral services for Miss Mary Elizabeth Northooitt, 80, who died Sunday at the home -of her nephew, William Geddes, London, were (held on, Tuesday from ithe Hopper - Hockey funeral home conducted by Rev. Alex Rapson, Miss Northcott was 'born in Hay 'township, the daughter of. the late' Mr. and Mrs. William Northcott. Fpr several years (she •made her home with her sister, Mrs. (George member of Chur di. (Surviving William and John Nontheott, lExe- ter, and three sisters, Mrs. George Geddes and Mrs. William Pearce, Exeter and Mrs, Charles Aids- worth, Stratford. ilnterment was made in Exeter cemetery, Minstrel Show 1. ALDON THEATRE 10* 10c Dashwood Baseball Club asks you not to forget the Baseball Opener 21 IN DASHWOOD Reception And Dance FOR MR. & MRS. BEV MAGUIRE Lucan Arena Geddes land wias -a Main iSt. United are two ibrto tliers, Ontario Championship Fiddler's Contest Friday, June 8 HENSALL 8 P.M. Exeter Junior Farmers DANCE EXETER LEGION HALL Monday, May 21 Modern & Old Time Dancing 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Everybody Welcome Music by Clarence Petrie OLD TIME Fiddlers Contest St. Marys Arena Monday, May 21 8:30 p.m. Open To All Fiddlers* In The District * Prizes for First, Second & Third Presented by Perth County Juiiior Farmers Friday, May 18 S.H.Di$T. HIGH SCHOOL 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by South Huron Junior Farmers Admission 50 <4 Advance Sale Tickets Available From Junior JFarmer Members Grand Bend FRIDAY & SATURDAY Maj’ 11 and 12 That Lady (Cinemascope, Color by Deluxe) ★ Olivia De Haviland ★ Gilbert Roland SHORTS & COMICS Two Shows Each Night 7:30 and 9:30 Exeter Conservation Club MEETING | TOWN HALL | 1 Thursday, May 10 Time: 8 p.m. | 5 S ^llliilliilllillllliiiiiiililliiililiiiiilill|liiiiiiiiiiiliiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!|iiii!i ......luiliililiiiiiiiiiHiitllinillilliiiiiiir^ Exeter Roller Rink Opening Friday, May 11 Skating Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday | From 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Skates Supplied Admission* 350 & 250 | . REFRESHMENT BOOTH—Ice cream, soft drinks, I hot dogs, french fries, bars, cigarettes, etc. | '^illl!llllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilill>tiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii|llllillll!llllllllllll)lllll k'i>. c LYRIC THEATRE May 10, 11, 12 Northwest Passage" (Color) Spencer Tracy, Robert Young May 14, 15, 16 "My Sister Eileen" (Color) Janet Leigh, Jack Lemmon Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GAOKSTETTER Friday, May 18 Ducharme's Orchestra Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch W.M.S. Meet . The W.M.S. of ISt. Andrew’s United Cnurich, Kippen, met Wed-United nesday evening last at Ithe home of Mrs. John Cooper, Jr. The president, Mrs. Emerson Ander­ son, was in charge; Mrs. P. 'Char- tens was co-hostess. Mns. Ross Love was in charge of the de­ votional period. A letter was .read (from Ithe prayer partner, Miss Ada iSandell, who is coming ihome shortly on furlough. The Auxiliary accepted am invitation from .the Varna group to .alttend heir imeeiting May 29. Mrs. J. McLellan and Mins. 'Bent Faber gave reports ion bhe ipresbyterial which they at­ tended in Exeteit It was decided to pack a bale May 13, donations to be left at either of the stores or ithe manse. Mrs. John iSinclair favored with Mather’s Day poems. Mrs. Lloyd Lovell was in char­ ge of ithe study 'assisted by Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. .McLeod, Mirs. J. An­ derson and Mrs. McMuirltrae. Personal Items Miss Etta jarrofbt of Toronto spent a few days at her home here, Mr. Jiohu L. Henderson has rented his home on the highway to Mr .and Mrs. Jaco.b Vander- berg and family of IBC. Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Mr. Lloyd Venner and Miss Eleanor Ven- ner of .Hensall attended the funeral of an aunt, Mirs. Mary Charlton in Parkihill on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Giacksteltter, Gail and Lynn attended the Wade-Blan­ chard wedding in Crediton United Brethren Evangelical Chufdh oh Saturday, They .later visited their atinlt and uncle, MT. and Mrs. Wm. Motz in Crediton East, Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. .Dawson were Mr. Wm. Cook, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. John Keyes and family of near Bay- field and Mr. land Mrs. Wm, Winder and Miss Margaret Win* dor of London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris Halst of Zurich .wdre Monday visitors Of Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Cudmore. Miss Margaret McKay, Mr, Oliver McKay and Mr. Norman Long visited oil Tuesday with Air, and Mrs, Rota McKay at Hells- bung. Air. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle and; Mr. Emerson Kyle spent Monday in Kitchener. Messrs 1'oni Kyle and Donald McLellan, ithe latter of 'Chisel­ hurst, are on a motor trip to ftasktachewnh, o Reception And Dance Send Entries To: Box 246, St. Marys, Ont. Name Address May 17, 18, 19 = The Man From Laramie" James Stewart, Cathy O’Donnell = • Saturday night shows Starting at 7:30 beginning tills = Saturday; May 12. | EXETER MOHAWK HOCKEY CLUB Booster Banquet LEGION HALL 1 FOR MR. & MRS. GORDON FORD Friday, May 11 EXETER LEGION HALL Desjardine's ^Orchestra Everybody Welcome Zion West UNITED CHURCH Special Services Sunday, May 13 11:00 a.m. D.S.T. MOTHERS' DAY Sacrament of Baptism Rev. J. H. Slade Will Conduct The Service 7:30 pan. D.S.T.—-Last service in the church before complete renovation begins. Rev. R. D. Crosby, St. Marys, guest minister. Grand Bend 6 OPENING Saturday, Watch For Next Week’s Announcement Friday, May 25 7:30 p.m. Mickey Roth of the Stratford Indians will be the speaker.guest Start ite Drive-In Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road Admission $2.25 A Plate 0From Booster Club Officials| Tickets May Be Secured ................................ I ANNUAL W.A. I Brownie's FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 11 and 12 "FULLER BRUSH MAN ★ Red Skelton ★ Janet Blair Blossom Tea James St. United Church C LINTON, ONTARIO Wednesday, May 16 3:00 p.m. Lecture by C. Blaine Moffatt, London "LAMPS AND INTERIOR DECORATING" Afternoon Tea, Sale of Baking Fancy Work and Farm Produce Admission 350 Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. First Show At Dusk THURSDAY & FRIDAY May 10 alul 11 "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" ★/ Virginia Mayo ★ Frederick March ★ Dana Andrews ★ Myrna Loy CARTOON SATURDAY & MONDAY May 12 and 14 "DARLING HOW COULD YOU" ★ Joan Fontaine ★ Morth Freeman TWO CARTOONS / / S' s Announcement s s DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD* Chatham, Ontario, have appointed Marcel & Frank Vanhenel R.R. 1 Clandeboye, as their Anhydrous Am'monia Custom Operators TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 15 and 16 "FRENCH LINE" (Color, Adult) ★ Jane Russell TWO CARTOONS Fl Showing the use of Anhydrous Ammonia Ml**Exeter town hall