HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-10, Page 19| TH* IXtfTM*. ONtAWO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY JO, 1»54 H* sI 11 I n Report On Grand Bend By MRS. E. KEOWNi. •35 I ***Es££XZJZ I "hk'V Am '55 '55 '55 '5! STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT Sport coupe—low mileage. STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE COACH Radio—overdrive. STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V8 SEDAN/ overdrive STUDEBAKER SEDANS (Choice of Three) Graham Arthur MOTORS § Phone 210 Exeter j Here’s chic smartness and dependable service. $39.95 MWEHO^D . sis* ■Very dainty styling in watch and matching bracelet $47.75 JACK SMITH JEWELLER Phone 510 ■ r / Bank or ^Montreal c. E. SHAW, Manager Open Mon., Wed. & Frl. Opert Tues. and Thur*. CLARE IRWIN, Manager hnd oh Friday 4.30 * 8 p.ni.) Open Mon., Wed. A FrL KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager JACK STEACY, Manager ** . Exeter Branch! Centralia (Sub-Agency)! Grand Bend ..(Sub-Agency): Crediton Branch: (Open Tuesday, Thursday Dashwood (Suh-Agency)! Hehsali Branch: Lucan Branch: WCftKIND WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE F|L *-the fixer... his full name is Farm Improve- •• ment Loan. Give ‘ him a chance to help fix up your farm <.. he's eco­ nomical, conveh- jent, Versatile. He can do almost anything, in mifc- • ing your farm a better farm. iMlii SilO llO tUvWltteWBANR ’ s Mr®, Harry Trick spent last week visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Hissen and family from Kitchener, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (Clarke pf Thed­ ford, visited with M»r. and Mrs. Glen 'Brenner^ and family last Sunday, Miss. Beulah Holt of Windsor spent ithe weekend with hex- ano­ ther and sister, Mrs, Mae Holt and Mrs. Lawfence Johnson, •Mr. Alex' Love of Toronto is spending this week with his (par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Love, Miss Beverley Rave’lle of Lon­ don spent (the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ravelle. Mrs. Wm. Patterson returned home On ’Saturday after spending the (past week visiting her fam­ ily in Sarnia. Mr, Warren Patter- son and son, Gary, returned with her for ’the weekend, Mr. Billie Baird (passed with honors on his 2nd ‘Class papers as an electrician, ait the Ryerson School in Toronto, last week. Mr. Geo. Noseworthy of Cen­ tralia was in town over the week­ end fitting up his camera shelf for the coming- season. A number of prospective sum­ mer tourists enquired for cot­ tages at the Information Booth over the weekend in spite of the cool weather. Mr. J. Ward, wlho purchased Carrie Court last fall has recently joined up with a .private com­ pany iat Timmins and will he em­ ployed as a private pilot. Mrs. D. M. Jackson, Jennifer and Scott, arrived home last week after (spending the winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt and son, ’:B'otb, oif London apedt1 (Satur­ day with Mr ;and Mrs. W. J. Heer. Mr. .and Mrs. IH. Lougfheed of Woodstock spent the weekend at their cottage in town, ■ . Little -Ginger Love, elder daughter Oif Mr, and Mrs, Jim •Love is a patient in St. Joseph’s {Hospital, London. Messrs .Herb .Payne and Jack Baker at present are .training six standard bred aace horses at Merrywood Farm for the season’s tracks. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ulens and (Mr. and Mrs. Bing Leach of London spent iSunday with Mr, and Mrs. W^J. ‘Holt. (Mr. and Mrs. John Ailisiter and son, Frank, of iHamilton spent the weekend in town arranging for the opening of the Restilia Giflt (Shop for the season; * - - Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill of Port Huron spent the weekend 'Visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear and Mr jand Mrs. C. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs-.Wm? Dove spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the graduation of their son, Alex, in electronics. . . Mr. and Mrs. •Wellington (Baker spent a few days ‘in Brussels last week. •> ......Sunday guests with -Mr. and Mrs, Wim. Sweitzer last week were iMrs. Marcelle (Riard and Mrs. Leona Cob-a of Timmins and Ida and (Brian (Sweitzer of Exeter. Mr. Beverley (Baxter and daughters, Lorraine and Nancy, visited with .Mr. Baxter’s mother, Mns. H. 'Oakes, oyer the iSunday visitors with Mrs. Thomas (Baird to Mrs. 'Bail'd and Mr. Mason’s (birthdays were Mrs. Carl Vanner, Mr. Baird, Mr. Delbert Mason and Miss Norma Fraser of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dauncey of Lucan. iMrs. Bulloch entertained a number of guests on Friday even­ ing as a surprise to Mrs. Irene Hlayter, the occasion (being Mrs. Haytdr’s Ibiritfliday. Mrs. Wm.'Rendle returned on Friday after spending the past week With her daughter and son in-law, Mr. ’and Mrs. D. (Coulson, in London. Mrs. E. Keown, while (attend­ ing the World-wide Missionary Crusade in Toronto also attended the’ 1956 graduation of the To­ ronto Bible College and the gra­ duation of the (Central Baptist- Seminary, and was appointed secretary of the Federated Unde­ nominational Missions for Can­ ada and Alliance with 'Great Britain. Mrs. D. Schell Dies In Detroit The death of Mrs, Dawson Schell occurred in Detroit, Mich., following an illness of months. The former Eva ....... she was born in Heneall, only daughter of Mr. William Boa and >the late Mrs. Boa of sail. Mrs. Schell, who was in her forty-second year, is survived fay her husband, three daughters and one son, her father, five brothers, Alex, Goderich; George Staffa; Jack, Paul and Mac at home. ■Attending funeral services held in Detroit on Thursday, May 3 were Mr. Boa and family, Alvjn Smale, Seaforth; Tom and How- aid, Smale, Hensail, and Mrs. William Hooper, Exeter, cousins of the deceased. Letter From Brinsley By MBS. CBCU, BLLWOOB tlhxw Boa, Hen- Comments About Crediton East By SIRS. W. MOTZ Mrs. M'arion Jaques of Wood- taaim (had >a Tuiy (per ware home party aif the home of Mrs. Mur­ ray Neil on Friday evening with an attendanjee of twenty. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetiter and daughters, Gail and Lynn, of Kip­ pen visited (Saturday with their aunt and -uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wun. Molta, • and also attended the Blanchard-Wade wedding. Measles are going itihe rounds lately with ’the school age ‘Child­ ren? ’ . . . Mr. Dam (Raynham was years old on Sunday, May 0. 88 WNA And W.A. Mrs* L. Craven -at ParfchiM en­ tertained the women of <Brlnsley United 'Church organizations the W.A and W.M.S. on Wednesday afternoon, The devotional'©art was given by Miss Mary Amos, and Mrs. Stuart Weatherspoon. A tending was and way Mrs. A Personal Items The Anglican Ladies of Brins­ ley held their monthly meeting in -the basement of ‘their church on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee 'of Lucan visited with Mr .’and Mrs. Geo. Lee for a few days (this past week. Mr. and. Mrs. iGeo. Prest and Billie visited with Mr. and Mais-. Lloyd 'Odd of Lucan on (Saturday evening. Mr. asd Mrs. >Geo, Prest and Mrs. Prest attended the funeral of her uncle on Monday, Mr. Harvey Dundas and wife .of Windsor visited his sisters in the community recently, Mrs. D. Aiken of (Owen (Sound spent the weekend with Mrs. B. Dixon. Mr. Wes Morgan of Hamilton Visited with his sisters and ibro-. tlrer while attending 'the funeral of his uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett, Mr. i given -by Kathleen Monley the Study (book topic '‘Nor­ House" was discussed by Menzies. social ihal£ hour was- spent. Kirkton Merchant Lev* Buddeji Dies TWwaft iseryices wftre ih<d for Levi J. B^udden, 58, (proprietor of ilfhe general sitore at Kirkton, on Saturday (from the Bail funeral koine, tgt. Wrys. Mr. Budden died suddenly from ia beartt <attaek iat SMts home on Thursday. He wag a member of the Anglican dhiw'icih. Surviving (besides Ibis wife, (the former Pearl (Stone, are 'three sons, Ronald, R.R, g Dorchester; Kenneth and -Boyd, Kirkton; (four daughters, Mrs. (Carson Middle- ditch, <Sebrihgville; Mrs. Donald Green, (Stratford; Mrs. Wilmer Presacator, Exeter and Margaret at home. Key. R. A. C. Mills conducted the funeral service with inter­ ment in Grand Bend cemetery. and Mrs. ‘Cecil Ell wood visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lyle (Simpson and Mrs. Millie Simpson of Lucan on Thursday. t Mr. H. Banting of (Sarnia is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton . Mrs. 'C'lasisin, Margaret and Tom, of Petrolia, spent Sunday With Mr .and Mrs, Geo. Mercer. •Mr. and Mrs. Uiapry Hess of Zurich ’called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Trevethiok on Tuesday. Many of the .community took in the fare well ipanty at Lucan Arena on Saturday evening (for Mr. and Mrs, Jack Simpson, .who are now living in <CdoksviIfl.e, and Mrs. Millie Simpson who is going and Mrs, Roy Haimilton, and iMr.} to reside in London. iShortly. I- f week-end. Mr. and celebraite Delbert Mr. 'and - JBilliie H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H,. 4. Cornjsh/ L* F* Gornifh, D< NMtichfll LONDON, ONT. ] J 264 DUNDAS ST. Spring Specials While They Last! CAR WASH BRUSH, super buy ................. $1.98 G-E ELECTRIC CORD SET ................ $L00 VACUUM BOTTLE, guaranteed one year.............. 89^ GREASE GUN/ Reg. $4.25 ...................................... $W HAMILTON SOIL SPREADER ............. $6,98 FOR MOTHER! Automatic Toaster ....................... $14.95 These are just a few of our 1956 Spring Catalogue Bargains. There's many more! I Lindenfields Ltd. \ f Phone 181 Exeter | I < I If you need a new tractor on y.our farm, but haven’t the ready cash to buy one ... JFIL may be the answer to your need. A B Of M Farm* Improvement Loahcanput you at the wheel Of the latest model • * very quickly. And there’s nothing that saves money, time and work on a Arm quite ..so much as a modern tractor,;- , . , , If your proposition is sound, you can get a BKof M Farm Improvement Loan for any type of equipment you need on your 'farm. Whynot talk to your nearest ilof M manager? He’ll gladly show you’how a Barm. Improvement Loan cab help you in your operations.. * and how little it costs. The difference in • elevation ■between Lakes Superior and Erie is only 30 feet, while the difference between Lakes Erie and Ontario is 327 feet. ■ »■ ■ -- — ■■...— ...... DAJAYTAltS r I GET MV STRONG’ ' TEETH BY DRINKING PLENTY OF MILK FROM HI6HLANPWUMIW EXPANSION PROGRAMME LARGEST IN THE INDUSTRY <St the fact is that the demands go up at a rate faster than new production can be pushed to completion at Isle Maligne in Quebec and Kiti- mat in British Columbia, „ K l!.Steady increase in productive capacity has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in employment and payroll. Today in Canada there are 20,500 Alcan employees. The payroll at the rate of $70,000,000 a year Contributes to all phases of Canada’s standard Of living. Its matchless combination of qualities — light1- ness, durability, strength, appearance — has . made aluminum second only to steel in world markets. New uses — for'both civilian and’de­ fence purposes — keep increasing the relentless demand >■ The world ..demand for aluminum is * presently in excess of supply and the immediate prospect is that, like other basic materials, alu­ minum will be a scarce metal during the months ahead. Despite continuing expansion of pro­ ducing facilities* as shown in the chart above, * * Smelters 6t Arvida, hh MaKgn«, ShawWgan Fall* «nd Boauhttrnol* in Quebec; Kilimat fa Brithh Columbia. TO 2 HtlWU OWMUIK. I SABER'TOOTH ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. MONICA!, DUE*