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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-10, Page 16
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1»M •1" R.R. NO. 1 CENTRALIA, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 548 YOUR FRIENDLY RELIANCE DEALER 6.70 x'5 Scouts And Cubs Win Fourth Prize (Exeter iScout and ‘Cub ©roups showed up yery well at the Huron District Rally on (Saturday show ing that the people of Exeter have a couple of boys groups to be proud of. The Scouts pulled down fourth place in Scout activities which included signalling, first-aid and tent erection. We were the first troop to erect a flag pole made by lashing and staves together and 'mounted iby the troop flag. The Cubs did very well In their relays and jungle dance. We are quite proud of our boys al though we secretly wish more parents had attended. They would have found it wery enjoyable and informative outing. The overnight hike which fol lowed the rally turned into a rather wet affair. I imagine most of our readers know how much rain fell during Saturday night, (and most of which seemed to find its way into our two (tents. We were forced to abandon camp at precisely 6 am. Sunday mloming resuliting from ‘‘ex cessive moisture in the bed rolls.” This evacuation resulted in your writer losing a pair of socks and a red blanket. Perhaps by now 'these items have reached Lake Huron via the sitream which in vaded our privacy. Five ib'oys attended and one must take this opportunity to ap- pologize to 'them and to tlieir parents for the condition in which they and I their equipment was returned. Had we listened more attentively Ito Tom Bird perhaps all would have been well. Attendance dropped off for Monday’s meeting. It seem® ’that high school examinations are on us once again. Of course we wish the boys success in these exami nations and so do not insist upon perfect attendance. We are considering the erect ion of a signalling tower for next weekend activities. .Scouter Terry Centralia WA Fetes Ladies The Woman’s Association held ’their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The president, Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, presided tor the (busi ness part of the meeting. It was decided to invite Whalen W.A. to be guests tor the June meet ing. Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel and Mrs. George Baynham were ap pointed delegates to tjie W.A. convention in 'Clinton. ‘‘Mother” was the subject of the program which followed. The Bible lesson was read by Mrs. Orland Squire followed by read ings by Mrs. Alton Isaac and Mrs. K. Greb. A duet iwas sung by Mrs. K. Greb and Mrs. O. Langford. An enjoyable birthday party followed >in honor of Mrs. Andrew Hicks on her eightieth birthday and two other members, Mrs. Willis and Mrs. N. Baker, who have recently attained their eightieth birthdays. Each re ceived a gift and corsage from the W.A. and Mrs. Osborne sang a solo in their honor. On behalf of the ladies, Mrs. Hicks, in 'her gracious way, replied with some interesting reminiscences. Other members commented briefly on ■past experiences. Thd meeting closedJby singing "Blest Be The ................................ Rev. Store Your Clothes Right Here In Exeter SANlTONe DRY CLEANINGWhy Send Them Out Of Get Complete Protection Town When You Can In Our Local Vaults? Your furs and winter garmentsYour furs and winter garments aren’t “farmed •out” when you store them at Brady’s. They stay in pur own vaults where they’re under constant supervision. They’re instantly .available when ever you want them. The cost? Only two percent of your fair evaluation. Call for our pickup today! Insured Against Moths — Fire Theft Heat rady Cleaners & Laundeteria PHONE 106 LTD. EXETER man, this is travelling! . Tie That Binds” with , Clarke leading in prayer. The 'basement and' tea , were beautifully decorated ___ spring flowers and candles. The hostesses were Mrs. Ralph Light foot, Mrs. Haddock and Mrs. L. Hirtzel and included in their menu a birthday cake. Sunday Service Mr. C. C. Hodgins of Stratford, a representative of the Ontario Temperance Federation, was the guest speaker in .the United Church on Sunday morning. His message was timely and chal lenging. His theme was "Measur ing up to ‘Responsibility”. A special offering was taken for the work of the Federation. Personal Items On Friday last, Miss Florence Clarke, who has completed her third yeai- of the Home Econo mics course at Macdonald In stitute in 'Guelph, returned to her home. Mrs. Williams, Carlyle, Sask., is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gates. .Rev; J. T. and Mrs. Clarke were in Toronto on Tuesday at tending the graduation of tlieir daughter, Frances, from the United Church Training School. Miss Clarke will 'be set apart as a deaconess at the meeting of London Conference in Stratford ■on June 7. At present She is visit ing with her brother, Ewart, at Bethel Manse, Rideau Ferry. Mrs. Jack Essery underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday of last week. Celebrates Birthday Last week was a scene 0$ social activity for Mrs. Andrew Hicks, a (highly esteemed lifelong resident of ’this community wiho on Wednesday celebrated her eightieth birthday. To mark the occasion, Mrs; Hicks was entertained by tihe Woman’s Association of the United Church and in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dins more fin London, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry in Listowel. Miss Isobel Oldford is visit ing with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb and Wayne attended the Sunday School anniversary service in. James . Street Church, Exeter, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dove. Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock .visited over the weekend with the former’s nephew, Mr. and Mrs. G. Haddock, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland, of Windsor, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Miss Odeyne Clarke spent the weekend with Miss Beth Young in (London. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden, Max ine, Marina and Margie were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. iR. Paynter in Kirkton. table with Telephone 4-2716 FAIRLANE TOWN SEDAN - deep-centre safety steering wheel and double-grip safety door \ latches; and, at modest 'extra cost, you can have the extra safety of optional Ford seat belts and plastic padding for instrument panel and sun visors! Junior Institute Discusses Food Making fancy sandwiches was demonstrated by Mrs. 'Reg Hod- gent and Mrs. Donald 'Bray tat the •meeting inf the Junior Institute last Wednesday evening. Th theme ef 'the meeting wias '‘Malt eYour 'Guest Welcome” and sacred moments were taken by Gerda Binnendyk. ,Tihe motto “Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well” was discussed by Marion Brock land current events were ’reviewed by Dorothy Jeffrey. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES The PREMIER TRUST Company 428 Richmond St,, London GREAT DEAL P^FORD Now—thrill to the "go-ingest GO” ... up to 225-Hp. V-8 or Canada’s newest Six! Ford outperforms them all—in eager getaway, in instant responsiveness, in smooth, quiet, long-lived performance— whether you choose a traditionally finer V-8 (173-Hp. to 225-Hp.) or the road-proved Mileage’Maker Six, now avail able in any Mainline or Customline model and in three popular station wagons! Enjoy all the heart-lifting smartness of Thunderbird styling! Ford’s Thunderbird inheritance shows through in every' crisp, clean-cut line, in every smartly fashioned detail. If ever a car had thait ^best in show” look, it’s Ford—and that goes for every model in Ford’s big line-up of styled-for- tomorrow beauties! ( Relax in the deep-down security of Ford-pioneered Lifeguard Design!.. The reassurance you and your family will get from Lifeguard Design .is beyond any price! You get the protection of a Here's? The challenge 0 Take it easy with all the finest effort-saving power assists!* Driving will be a completely new experience for you in a Ford equipped with all the finest power-assist features: famous Fordomatic Drive, Master-Guide power steering, Swift-Sure power brakes, 4-way power seat and power window lifts. * (*Optional at extra cost) Add up all the dollars-and-cents features that make -Ford worth more! When you drive Ford, compare Ford and add up all Ford’s fine-car features, then you’ll know why Ford is very definitely worth more when you buy it, worth more when you sell it! < DRIVE FORD (v-8 or six) ' then you’ll know it’s xor you! f (Certain features illustrated or mentioned are "Standard” on some models, optional at extra cost on others.) WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER'S . . . DRIVE FORD AND COMPARE! Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Exeter, Ont? ^iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuuitiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiKtiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... .................. iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiliiii^ MAY IS SAFETY MONTH LSMFT ontinenta/ way This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE There's No Better Time To Trade Come On In For An A-1 Used Car Bargain . From MONTREAL to OTTAWA to NORTH BAY TORONTO to SUDBURY Jet. * and thence to WINNIPEG SASKATOON EDMONTON JASPER VANCOUVER When you travel by the CNR Super Continental, be tween major Canadian cities or the entire run, you can work, rest or play —you take your choice. You can enjoy a snack or a delicious meal in the coffee shop or dine in the luxurious atmosphere of the dining car. There is no-additional cost to go by the Super Continental and a wide range of accommodations is offered to suit every budget. A rented car, if you wish, will await your arrival at major points. Contact your Canadian National representative for information and reservations. Canadian National Railways Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dobbs ■and son of the Peace River dis trict visited during the past week with the farmer’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. William Dickey and girls of Woodham •were Sunday visitors with Mrs? Harry Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford; MiSses Wilma Walters, Phyllis and Perla Hern and Kathleen Horne, all of London, spent the weekend at their respective homes, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan of IBxeter visited with Mr. and Mrs Colin GHltfillan on Sunday. Mrs. McKellar of Staffa, Who has spent the past six weeks With Mr. and Mrs. Wib Batten, -returned to her home on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Del- bridge, Exeter, spent Sunday With Mr. -and Mrs. Horace Del- bridge and family. Mr, and Mrs. Nyieus and fam ily of Lucan moved Monday to the farm home recently vacated by Mr, Joe Bailey. The Perfect Team To Bet On For1 Qtilck Results Is Times-Ad- vocate 'Want Ads, ’55 FORD ’55 FORD ’54 FORD ’53 ’53 ’52 ’52 ’50 LSMFT SEDAN—a good one ...........*$2,050 COACH—above average .... $1,950 SEDAN—low mileage ......... $1,550 SEDAN—radio, like new .... $1,495 .. $1,295 .. $1,295 .. $1,250 .. $ 695 .. $ 600 .. $ 595 $ 350 .. $ 50 .. $ 50 FORD METEOR COACH ................. DODGE SUBURBAN ........... FORD SEDAN ....................... CHEV COACH ..................... ’49 FORD COACH ..................... ’49 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN . ’IFaUSTIN SEDAN—a cheapie ’28 MODEL “A” COACH ...................... ’38 FORD SEDAN ............................ Excellent body, motor has a noise ’40 DODGE COACH—it runs *.i«e 50 TRUCKS ’52 FORD PICKUP—very good ............ ’48 FORD 3 TON—a stake 895 800 Spring Tune Time Let Us Check Your Motor With Our Up-To-Dafe Equipment And Factory-Trained Mechanics SPECIALS THE FOLLOWING 30-DAY UNITS TO BE REDUCED $10.00 EACH DAY UNTIL SOLD: Thursday’s Price ’55 ’53 ’53 FORD COACH—above average ’53 FORD COACH—a good one .......... DODGE CORONET SEDAN—radio PONTIAC COACH—she’s O.K......... ’52 AUSTIN SEDAN—she’s O.K........... ’52 FORD ’50 FORD PICKUP—a diUy . PICKUP ................. TRACTORS “650” .......................’55 FORD ’53 FERGUSON .................................... ’55 DAVIS FRONT END LOADER........ ’54 FORD INDUSTRIAL LOADER........ ’50 ALLIS-CHALMERS ..................... • All-Crop 60 Combine ’41 FORD TRACTOR—a good one....... A SET OF HALF TRACKS ............ STIFF TOOTH CULTIVATOR ........ 615 560 460 950 500 400 500 295 150 125