HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-10, Page 10 . RMl SALR................FOR iSS 'S-tyJ®. high condition— msL.JWP'y Bwwwn, phone CEDAR SHRUBS; also Latham, rasp­berry plants—'$4,60 'per hiuncfred. Free delivery. Apply K« Vanden Heuvel, phone 652-W1, Goderich, 10:17* Shower Mom With FLOWERS African Violets Mixed Pots Gloxinias In Assorted Colors Hydrangias Potted Mums Doable Petunias In Single Pots Calceolaria Geraniums from 25 0 Up Order by Phone or Come And Pick Them Out Reder's Phone 761 FLOWERS In Exeter can wireWe are members of U.F.O. and flowers for Mother’s Day anywhere. S • * s Barley Contract No. 1 Treated Montcalm Seed Barley BEST PRICES PAID You may have whichever price is the highest based on 3 C.W.6 row Winnipeg cash price or 3 C.W.6 row Win­ nipeg Wheat Board price. Free storage until December 15. Come in and have this special contract explained before contracting. Fertilizer Supplied at Competitive Prices Credit Arrangement if Necessary 4 THE TIMESADVOCATE, eX6TBH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1956 Classifieds Shower You Too - With Results FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP wanted SERVICES STOCK WANTED WANTED GOOD 2-WHEELED TRAILER—Ap­ply Gerald Godbolt, phone 749. IQ 2 GOOD CQNGOLEUM RUGS, yel­ low, 7x10 ft. each; 6 cream window shades; $10.00 for the lot or best offer. Apply 33 Huron St., phone 16-10* SHORTHORN BULL, 15 months old. Apply Walter McBride, phone 39-r- 15, Kirkton. 10:17* CASE TRACTOR, new last year; Farmall ‘A’ tractor; Massey clipper combine; rubber tired wagon with rack; spotted -pony, 6 years old; 7 pigs, iS weeks, old. Apply to Taylor Bros., North End, Exeter. 10:17*1Q:17* 10 W'EANER PIGS—Frank Trietaer, R.R.l Exeter, phone 620-J4, Exeter.10:17 POWER MOWER, Lawn Boy. 18" deluxe model with offset wheels. Must -be seen to appreciate excellent condition, No phone calls. Call in person after supper. Van Laughton, Edward Street. 10 2 ELECTRIC IRONS; 'hot plate; radio; tennis racket. Phone 4'55-R. Exeter, after 5 p.m. 10* 10 DURHAM CATTLE — Jack R. Cooper, Kippen, phone 679-r-li2, Hen- saill. 10* FARM GATES, good condition, var­ ious lengths; priced right. Phone 188-.T2, Exeter, or apply Warren Sanders. 10* 1954 METEOR COACH, sharp two- , tone, original owner, low mileage. Will be sold to highest bidder. Call Exeter 881-J3,__________________10c GIRDS' BICYCLE, C.C.M., in good conditionr—$25. Phone 35-r-6 Dash­ wood. ______________10* OATS Registered and Commercial Seed Oats Just Received a Carlot of Commercial Rodney Oats SEWING 'MACHINE, used, White portable, 2 single treddles, in A-l condition. Phone Carl Peterson, 92 Ailsa Craig._____________________16* COUNTER-TOP CUPBOARDS, new: steel sink with taps; grey cracked ice larborite top; used white enamel ice box, in good condition, suitable for summer cottage; Classic range with warming closet and good reser- voir, Phone 880-W3 Exeter.______lQc RECORD PLAYER, records and al­ bums; good typewriter; white cup­board with full glass in front; wash­ ing machine, .perfect condition; cheap. Phone 983-M after 5 p.m,_______10c LARGE-SIZE CRIB, in blonde wood with nursery pictures on each end, like new—'$15; also a white enamel baby bath, like new—$2, Apply Mrs. Tom Campbell, north of Winehelsea store. _______________ _______10* ’55 ADMIRAL 17” TV; 6% skill saw. Phone aSO; Exeter.______________10* PIGS, 8 weeks old. A. Y. Willard, IHay P.O.____________ 10* FORD TRACTOR, overhauled, in good shape, with piow and cultivator. Apply Grant Ford, phone 44-r-I4, Kirkton. 10 SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. | Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. | REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, 8 cu. ft. sealed unit, in good condition, very reasonable. Phone 38 Crediton, after 5 p.m.____________ 10* .........................................................................................................................................................................................i........... For Mother Selected Only $11.45 Specially Male B'udgy AND ATTRACTIVE CAGE Reg. $14.98 SALE FOR MOTHER STNtnCAU. I*t IT'S EASY TO WIN AN ARGUMENT IF yOU CAN GET THE LAST WORD IN FIRST / JAVA BIRDS & CAGE Only $4.50 FENCING SUPPLIES • ELECTRIC FENCERS AND BATTERIES • ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS • NEW TYPE SNAP-ON INSULATORS (No nuts or bolts—quick, easy, practical) • STEEL POSTS—T RAIL & T BAR • CEDAR POSTS—70^ TO 85^ BRACE POSTS—$1.00 & ANCHOR POSTS—$2.00 BRACES: 12'—$1.25, 14'—$1.55, 16'—$1.85 NO. 9 BRACE WIRE • STAPLES BARB WIRE—HEAVY AND LIGHT STOCK, POULTRY & HOG FENCE FURNACiE—Used New Idea 2H8-1A steel furnace, five years old; also used oil burner. Alf Andrus, phone 719, Exeter.____________________10c I HAVE AMPLE SUPPLIES of Amine and Ester weed-kills, also brush-kill, and -Heptachlor and Ald­ rin for maggot control of turnips or cabbage at veiy reasonable prices. I have also Orchard Spray material and am open for contracts to sipray your • fruit trees, your grain for weeds, liquid fertilizer, the fence •bottoms for weeds or brush and pasture fields or for twitch grass or any other spraying you require. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. 10:17:24:31c SMALL RUN POTATOES—Suitable for seed. Phone 6‘iil-J, Ted Pooiey. 10c FOOD FREEZER—Save $100 on food freezer, 12 cu. ft., upright model, only 6 months old, like new. Phone 657-M, Exeter,___________■____3:10c ^-TON TRUCK, '52 Dodge, low mille- age, like new condition, .on good rubber, racks. Apply Phil McKenzie. R.R, 3 Kippen._____________26:3:10* ENJOY LIVING up to and past 70, by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Ointment that relieves Head Colds, Sinus. Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Catarr­ hal Deafness, Arthritic and Rheu­ matic Pains, Piles in 10 days or money back. Convincing trial $1.00, Address Purity Co., Exeter, Ont. _______________-______a 26:3:10c CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizlng. Apply Carl Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood. 16:2-17:6 TRACTORS — w.D. 9 International Diesel, 195(1 model; 44 Massey diesel, 1951 model; R. Minn. Moline stand­ ard, 1949 model; row crop, Jdhn Deere. These tractors are all in first class condition. E. L. Chaffe & Sons, your Coekshutt denier, on. No. 4 Highway and. Crediton Toad, phone 548, Exeter. 10:17c 3 ENGINE LATHES, used, 4* and 10' centres; 2 300-amp. motor generator welders. Phone 268, Seaforth, or write Seaforth Steel Supplies. 10 '43 CHEV SEDAN—Phone 21-r-22, Crediton. 10* BABY CARRIAGE, bathenette and bassinet, all in good condition. Ap­ ply Mrs. W. H. McLeod, Lake Road, Grand Bend. 10* 50 KINDERGARTEN CHAIRS, oak, in excellent condition; $1.50 each, James Street United Church-—■Garnet Hicks or Carfrey Cann. 10c WINDMILL HEAD, Gould-Shapely- (Muir, complete. Apply Oscar Tuckey, R.R. 3 Exeter.__________________10c ANTIQUE SPOOL BED. good springs and mattress. Phone 379-J.______10c E FLAT ALTO SAX, case and in- stuctlons—$35. 294 Algonquin Drive, R.C.A.F. Centralia, P.M.Q. 10c EMPLOYMENT WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY requires job as housekeeper or cook. Good refer­ ences. Apply Mrs. Emma Neil, c/o A. E. Henry, Clandeboye, phone 163- r-5 Lucan. 3;10* FOR RENT HIGHBOY SPRAYER for your weed­ kill problems, at a very reasonable price, Contact me for rates and dates. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266.__________ ____________10:<17:24:31 7- iROOM HOUSE, 3-piece bath, hotand cold water, all modern conveA? iences, garage and garden; near the business section; available immed­iately. Apply Richard Hunter, phone 889-W, Exeter.________________lOtfc APARTMENT, furnished, dn Cen­ tralia, running hot and cold water; separate entrance; lots of room for children to play. Also furnished, cot­ tage, one 'small bedroom. Come and bring your dishes and bedding. Call I880-J8, Exeter.___________________10 8- ROOM APARTMENT, upstair,, in Centralia, with bath, private ent- rance. Phone 782-J3, Exeter._____10c APARTMENT, unfurnished, heated, private entrance, private bath; no children. Apply 163 Huron St., iplio.ne 225-J, Exeter._____________10:.17:'24nc LAND AVAILABLE for share crop- Ing a Canadian Canners bean crop. Phone Ii88-J'2, Exeter, or apply War­ ren Sanders. _________10* 4-ROOM APARTMENT vacant now at Elliot Apartments. Phone 476, Ex- eter._________________________ 10c TRAQUAIR APARTMENTS — Upper 3-room, with bath and shower, heat­ed, furnished, arid hot water, avail­ able now. Also lower 3-room apart­ ment, bath and shower, furnished and heated, private entrance, avail­ able June 1. Apply .59 John Street, Easit.___________________________10c MODERN APARTMENTS, heated, with ' all conveniences; ‘ rent reason­able. Apply I-Iodge’s store, Crediton,' phone 7. ____________ 10:17c‘ APARTMENT,t 1-bedroom, heated?' modern, unfurnished, stove and Re­ frigerator supplied; centrally located; garage if desired; available immed­iately. Apply Mrs. H. C. Rivers, 55 Gidley St., phone 323-W, Exeter. 10c HOUSE, with all modern conven­ iences, also, garage and garden, 3 miles east of Hensall on county road, near school and church, possession June 1. Apply to Mervyn Eyre, Heni- sall, phone '670-r-13, Hensall. 10:17 3- O<R 4-ROOM APARTMENT, un­ furnished. Separate entrance. Pri­ vate 3-.piece bath. Convenient kit­ chen. (Reasonable rental. Immediate possession if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.________10 UPSTAIR APARTMENT, 3 large rooms, heated, private bath; rent reasonable. Apply 28 "Victoria St., Exeter. ________ 10* MAN to work in dairy and on route as well. Howard Monkhokise, Thed­ ford, Ont. 10c ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SELLING HEAL ESTATE? We require a salesman to .represent our firm in your area to sell farms, residential and commercial proper­ ties, All advertising will ibe paid, by our firm. Listings and leaete supplied to you. If interested write us for full information giving details as to your age, sales experience, automobile, etc. Write oi- phone Larry Weir, Bert Web* & Sons Ltd,, 237 Dundas Street, London. Serving London and district for 38 years,- 10:17c SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im- meditate service. Butler Bros.. Lu­can, phone 108 or 130-W. 3:10:17:24:31:7 WATERLOO CATTLE breeding association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­ mation oi’ service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available—-top quality at low cost.__________4:26tfc MANURE LOADING—Apply NormanWhiting, Exeter, phone 655-W. 12tfc c DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves.—-Glen. Kennedy, phone collect 1GS-W Lucan or Exeter ■235. IZtfC I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —-G. J. Dow^jihone S3, Exeter, 12tfc 5 ACRES OF LAND for turnips, near Exeter. Call Exeter Produce and Storage, 580. IQ* NOTICES TO CREDITORS $2,000 MORTGAGE, for a client, on. real estate, W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 3tfc ELDERLY LADY" PENSIONER, for company, by widow. Will supply room and board for $40 per month. Good home, modem conveniences and television. Phone 352-M, Exeter. 10* MAN to work in Officer’s Mess bar; 48 hour week; shift work; experience not necessary. Apply Mr, Insley, "Officer's Mess, RCAF Station, Cen­ tralia, Ontario, 10c TO HELP take care of our expan­ sion program. Ages 26 to 60, with car, neat appearance and character. If your present earnings are not enough for present day Jiving costs, and you are ambitious enough to be willing to do something about it, we can offer you the opportunity of earning at least $100 per week, as many of our men -have earnings above this figure. Why not take one day off from your present job to investigate. It could easily affect your whole fu­ ture. Apply Box "R", Times- Advocate. 10:17c PAPERHANGING ”& PAINTING—40 years' experience. Quality workman­ ship. W a 11 p a P e r s available. Bert Clark, 430 Albert St., Exeter. IBtfn FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew’s Sharp­ ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex- eter, phone 454.________ ____ 3tfc Repairs Cement HANDY-MAN, for Super test garage at Grand Bend. Apply Lawrence (Mason, phone 20, Grand Bend, 10c Mobile Disposal Contracting Septic Tank Cleaning on Drains, Watermains, New Installations on Septic Tanks, Drainage and DrainsMeet Y’our Requirement Grand Bend Phone 2Q5 10:17:24:5:12:19 To Phone 205 Etc. Tile GIRL FOR HOUSEKEEPING in mo­dern home, at RCAF Centralia. Ap­ ply to Box "H" Times-Advocate. 3:10c AUCTION SALES MAN & WIFE to work on tobacco farm, Live in. Phone Langtpn 4508 or apply August De Ruysscher, R.R. 1 Delhi. 3:10* WAITRESS, also kitchen help. Ap­ply in person to Rether’s Coffee4 shop. 119:26:3c TENDERS WANTED REWIRINGTenders will be received for some rewiring work to be done at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Ap­ plications to ‘be in the hands of the management ‘by June 1, 1056. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. For further particulars apply Clarence Volland, Hensall. 10:17c Tenders for concession privileges for the 'Exeter Race 'Meet to be held on Wednesday, May SO', 1956, are to be in the hands of the secretary not later than May 23. W. Q. ALLISON, Secretary 3:10:17 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects IN THE VILLAGE QE..HENSALIL 2 Blocks South of United Church WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1:00 P.M. Three-piece chesterfield suite; oval parlor table; oak table; rug, 9x10; Quebec heater; solid oak dining room suite: China cabinet; buffet table and 6 chairs; complete bedroom suite; 'bed springs'; mattress; dresser; Oos- ley frig( 6 months old); rangette; cook stove; kitchen cabinet; buffet; 4 chairs; electric iron; chest of drawers; combination dresser and wash stand; wardrobe; eongoleum rug; scatter mats; rocking chairs; occasional chairs;, hassock; mirrors; pictures; cooking utensils; curtains; drapes; silverware; set bridal rose china; ornaments; vases;- tea pot; antique china; sealers; clocks: other articles 'too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash.MRS. GEO. DALYRMPLE, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 10:17 In the Estate of Russell Baynham, _ deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Russell Baynham, late of the Townshjp of Bosanquet, in the County of Lambton, Fireman, who died on or about the 15 th day of January 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On­ tario, by the 12th day of May next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. <. Bell & Laughton Solicitors -for the Administratrix, EXETER, Ontario. 26:3:10 AN ELDERLY LADY to board. Ap­ply Mrs. Jim Trevethiclc, phone 619- r-11 Ailsa Craig, . 26tfc LOST HEIFER—In 'McGillivray Township, a white-faced Hereford heifer, just d e h o r n e d. Phone 616-r-21, Ailsa Craig. IO*1 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE YEAR ROUND MARKETS. Bray- Leghorns, Ames In-Cross, and others, •for eggs. Get .pricelist, order now for reasonably prompt shipment, Dayold to order. Dual purpose or- 'specials’, get your order in. Agent; Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246- W. 10e 9uy of the year! goodWear tires TOWNSHIP OF HAY DRAINAGE TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned municipal clerk un­ til 6 p.m., Monday, May 14, 1956, for the construction of the Stephen Municipal Drain, consisting of ap­ proximately ‘15,200 lineal feet of open, drain. Plans and specification's may be seen and tender forms obtained at the office of the undersigned or a complete set of plans and specifica­ tions may be obtained by writing to the. engineer and enclosing a de­ posit of $5 (deposit not refundable). A marked cheque made .payable to the treasurer of the township of Hay for 10 percent of the bid must ac­company the tender..^ifeffiWest or any tender not neceS- 1 sarijyt.accepted, ’ C. B. CORBETT, P. Eng., Box 75. Lucan, Ont. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Township of Hay REAL ESTATE WARTIME HOUSE, 3-lbedroom. Ap­ ply I. C. Cowan, 187 Ann Street, Exeter, io FRAME HOUS®, 5-room, 2-storey, shingle covered, in Centralia: nice garden lot. Apply Mrs. Alvin Essery, phone Exeter 378-W-l. 10<tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items to be held at theEvangelical Church Parsonage IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The Undersigned auctioneer r ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1956 Commencing at 1.30 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield suite; din­ ing room extension table; buffet; cabinet electric radio; .five-drawer clothes closet with mirror; Beatty electric washing machine; General Electric refrigerator; kitchen table; heavy duty kitchen scales; antique kitchen clock; Electrohome air con­ ditioner, electric 12" record player; tubular brass bedstead and springs; full size feather tick mattress; heavy plate glass table top, 34”x32”; 2 electric irons; electric toaster; kit­ chen utensils; power lawn mower, like new; fog light for car; garden tools; many articles too numerous to mention. No reserve — everything will be sold. Everything in new condition. • TERMS: Cash. REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Buy NOW and SAVE! $ JIMMY HAYTER PHONE: DAY 91 NIGHT 84 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE DASHWOOD, ONTARIO 1 TRY THIS CATTLE FEED ONLY $31.50 PER TON s 1000 Lbs. Oat Hulls 1000 Lbs. Ground Wheat Screenings 200 Lbs. Molasses 2 a GRAIN-FEED-SEED WHALEN CORNERS «<>«? KIRK TON 35RIS * Special Sale Of STEEL FARM GATES 12' -- ONLY $15.75 14' -- ONLY $17.75 16' -- ONLY $19.75* There's No Argument About Our Quality And Economy STARTED PULLETS, Hl-week-old. Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leg­horns. Hubert T. Miller, 57-r-7 Dash- wood. ________________22tfc c ’52 OLDS 88, standard drive, radio, seat covers, etc. Phone 455-R Exeter after 5.00 p.m.______ _______10* 4-R00M APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Pen- hale Apartments, 70 John St. East, phone 294-tR.____._____________3:10c APARTMENT, centrally located. 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished, separate entrance; rent reasonable; immediate posses- sion. 348 Andrew iSt„ Exeter. 10* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing; private ent- rance, Blatchford Apartments.___10* HENSALL—3-bedroom bouse. Well located and in very good condition. Floor coverings, electric range, coal range and oil burning space heater included if desired, g’ull basement. Extra lot. Reasonable'price to close estate. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St. Exeter. * 0.0 FRAME HOUSE, 1% storey, 21x26 ft., to ibe removed from premises, Lot 31, Con. 5, Usbor.ne Township. Also quantity of 1x4 elm, suitable for sheeting steel roofs. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1 Hensall, phone 177-r-4.____________ 10:17c VALUABLE BUILDING LOT—This lot is situated in residential section, close to business pant of Exeter. Act fast. B. W. F. Beavers, phone 86. 3tfc See Us For Pfister PASTURE FOR CATTLE, good per­ manent pasture. Will take in cattle at 14<J per lb. gain. You pay only for gain. Apply Sheldon Wein, phone 7, Exeter._______________________3:10c 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap­ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52. 19tfc 50 ACRES—Bluewater Highway, Bay- field, nice square 50 acres; good soil, suit gardener .nr.hobbyist: 'bank barn.; good brick (house, could be duplexed; good wells; hydro; quick possession. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 26tfc 2 for 39c Miracle Whip LARGE ir*- -OZ. JAR 4OC St. Williams Jams and Marmalades 2 X 35c Aylmer Catsup or Jacques HYBRID SEED CORN Early, Medium, Late EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once.- W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter.____________’ ______12tfc 10:17 Men’s Wear Sale 350 Pairs of Dress Pants $4.29 and Up 400 Sports Shirts $1.60 to $4,95—-Latest Pastel Shades Two-Pant Suits Only $27.95 • You Can't Go Wrong Friday and Saturday Only T-Shirts 3 for $1.29 ■If you want bargains you have __ come to the right place. Don’t forget —lots of free handkerchiefs this weekend. LLOYD FORD Men's And Boys* Wear Eirst Store North of Town Hall, .Exeter to Floor Sanders ’Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. . BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER 2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich._____9tfc c MAIN STREET APARTMENT—Over Gould and Jory store; living room, bedroom and kitchen: hydro ahd water provided: available April 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. 22tfn* APARTMENT, furnished or (unfur­ nished, with new private 'bath, new built-in cupboards; newly decorated, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, hot and Cold water on tap, separate entrance; available now. Phone 400- W (evenings). _____22tfc* LAND—Large acreage, Suitable for cash crops on cash or share crop basis, Eor further information phone Dashwood 31-r-15 after, 5 p.m. 3:15 - 5:3 .HENSALL Brick home with good location. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, new furnace. Priced reasonably, with term's. Inquire at once. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Broker ■R_. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Herusall, Ontario,19tfc Jewell Shortening Colgate Beauty Soap Schneiders Irish Stew for Sale . At Beach O' Pines, Grand Bend Saturday Afternoon, May 12, 1956 The following used materials; Door frame and door, 3’x7’xl%", 6 light; door frame and door, 2’ 8”X6' 8"xi%", 1 light: mull frame for 10x12 G-iight •sash, T. & B.; single frame and lOx 12 Might wish, T. & B.; triple case­ ment frame and 3 sash, 0 light, lOx 12; mull casement frame and 2.sash; 6 light, 12x1-1; single casement frame ami 1 sash, 6 light,, 10x18; single casement frame and 1 sash, 9 light, 10x12; 6 casement sash; 6 light, 10x 12; 2 casement sash, 4 light, .10x12; 3 screen doors, assorted sizes; win­ dow screens: approximately 200 BM, %x®, , fir celling; approximately 1000 BM, 2x4 and 1" lumber. $75 cash and carry takes the lot, will not sell separate. A Sfiab (cottage with white picket fence). 10c SEWING MACHINES—Electric port­ ables, by the week. Hopper-Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. Stfn c 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, frig, heated, utilities paid. Phone 8, Crediton. ____________12tfc c 3-ROOM APARTMENT, with bath, unfurnished, centrally located, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, utilities paid, reasonable rent. Apply Lloyd Ford's Men’s and Boys’ Wear, phone , 299, 3:10* HENSALL APARTMENT — Four ■rooms With bath. Bonthron’s Futni- ture, Hensall. 3c MODERN APARTMENT, May 1, furnished or unfurnished. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, phono 86, 3tfc 2 APARMENTS—I furnished, avail­ able now; one furnished, available Juno 1. Apply John Ward, phono 848. 3* CENTiRALIA—Comfortable 3-bedroom home with 1% acres of good land. This house is in good repair and nicely decorated; inside toilet; garage. Price $3,500.00. C. V. Pickard, Real­tor.......................... 19. EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con­ dition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good garage; immediate posses­ sion. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home Is nicely decollated throughout; hard­ wood floors and fireplace; forced oil lwat; extra lots, beautifully treed; garage. Price $7,500.00 with very easy terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME—Exeter North, with one acre. A clean home at the vefy low price of $1,900.00. Immediate possession. 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, Very attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3-piece bath; permanent laundry tubs. This comfortable home is particularly well located on a beautifully treed lot. Ownei’ leaving tO'tfn. Quick posses­ sion. X ■ , 2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice ■ location, This property is in WndenfUl condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water soft­ ener. Ektra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession arranged. If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V, Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main . St., Exeter, phone, 165 and 628. ■ , , 12tfc 100-ACRE EABM, one of Huron’s good quality, farms, well under­drained, good barns, silo, good house with conveniences; Exeter area. Wil­liam Pearce, Realtor; Earl parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. »........... 16tfc NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; cash side of Exeter; close to schools, R, E. Balkwllk 47 John St, 2 lbs. 45c 4 CAKfeS 29c 25c <3Kam Luncheon Meat Aylmer Pork & Beans Peas Stokley 15 Or tTn 35c 1 215-OZ. AT-.TINS COG 2 tins 35c Breakfast Bacon !4-Lb. PkGS. Weiners Blade Roast PER LB. ♦ DOUG RIVERS FOOD MARKET Free Parking Phone 79 X