HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-10, Page 6Contracts Z' PRICE $100,00 PER TON s & KITCHEN UTENSILS BRILLIUM WARE The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Canadian Canners LTD. Aylmer Products C. K. Love were in of devotions. Gerry Love solo and David Sheppard a piano solo. W. C. -Smith of Grand Topics From Thames Road By MBS. WILLIAM RHODE THE TIMES-ADVOCATI, tXBTWt, OHTAMO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY W, »H6 Tractor, Storage Shed Lost In Dashwood Fire Th« Story In Mother's Day is this Sun,, May 13 HERE'S A COMPLETE SELECTION OF GIFTS! CUPS & SAUCERS ft WALL PLAQUES FLOWER VASES # HAMMERED ALUMIUM WARE ft CHINA NOVELTIES SALAD SETS -ft LAZY SUSANS TOASTERS IRONERS -ft KITCHEN RADIOS ft ELECTRIC CLOCKS ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYERS AUTO. WASHERS WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS & RANGES Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER with OGOEN’S Honor Graduating Nurse Qn Friday evening, 75 etudent purges 'graduated from Victoria Hospital 'School of Nurses in a ceremony held- at the IH. B. Bea-1 Technical and Commercial (School auditorium, London, Miss Al- marie Davis was one of the graduates. The ceremony was attended Iby Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis and Alexia, Mr. J. Young, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth, (Mid­ land, -Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mrs. R. Dickins, Exeter, rand Mr. and Mrs. A. Young and Elva, Lucan. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Davis held a reception in the Parish Hall of (St. Pat­ rick’s Church when over 100 friends and relatives gathered to honor Almarie. Mto. Fred Davis and Mrs. R. Dickins poured tea from an at­ tractive lace-tcovered table ated with candles: and flowers in the class colors, and gold. Almarie received many and beautiful gifts for she 'thanked everyone. Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mrs. Clar- Mrs. Maurice Mc- decor­ spring purple useful which ______ __I*.*-*]ETKJi your own once Davis, Donald, Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs, Harvey Latta, Mrs. Donald Ma­ guire, Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Mrs. Jim Barker, Mrs. Raymond Greenlee and Mrs. Hugh Davis served lunch, Miss Joyce Donald was in charge of guest book. O.E.S. Service On Sunday evening at p.m„ the Order of the Eastern Star Lodge, Exeter, church Church. Mrs. Matron, group. Rev. R. A. C. Mills con­ ducted the service. Sirs. T. Kooy was organist. Mrs. Ron Squire, Whalen, and Mr, Lloyd Hodg­ son, Centralia, were soloists, ac­ companied by Mrs. Robert Pryde, Exeter. At 'the close of -the ser­ vice all retired 'to the Parish Hall for a social half hour. Mrs. Tom Kooy, Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Mrs. Lorne Weiberg, Mrs. Maur­ ice McDonald, Mrs. Harry Car­ roll, Mrs. Clarence Davis and Mrs. Heber Davis served lunch. Personal Items •Mrs. Clarence Davis, (Mrs. Jack Dick-ins, Mrs. Hany Carroll, Mrs. Maurice McDonald and Joyce, Mrs. E. B. (Smith of Midland, Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. R. Cole­ man, Mrs. A. Young, Lucan, and Mrs. R. Dickins, Exeter, attend­ ed the auxiliary tea in 'honor of ...... .. service Jack was Mc- the 7:30 held their in St. Patrick’s Dickins, Worthy hostess to the By MRS. E. H. RABER Fire of undetermined origin f broke out in a ismal‘1 storage shed ■at ithe home of Lome Becker, one mile north of Dashwood on the Bronson Hine early Wednesday morning. The alarm was turned in by Norman Breen and Ru'd Ryan of Mt. •Carmel who were passing around 2 a.m. Dashwood Fire Brigade responded but .the fire was too far advanced io save Ithe building and contents. Loss included a 1955 Diesel tractor, tires and other items. Mr, Becker was unable to esti­ mate ithe 'loss. W.S.W.S. Meets The (monthly meeting' of the W.'S.WJS. of the lEvtangelieai U.B. church was held 'Friday evening, May 4, 'in the form of a mother •and daughter meeting. Mrs. ‘Harold Kellerman 'was In charge of 'the devotional period. Miss Nancy Tiemian favoured with a piano isolo, A Short (playlet en­ titled “The Church in Your Home’’ was presented by a •’num­ ber of ladies and included several families of .'the congregation, Mi’s. Letta. Taylor, itihe president, pres­ ided for the (business. Lutheran Laymen’s Convention •Several men of (Zion Lutheran congregation attenede?d the Lu­ theran Laymen’is (League ‘ (Con­ vention at Trinity Lutheran Church, London, (Sunday, May 6, (Speakers 4urin,g itihe convention ■were Rev. C. J. Killinger, pastor ■of Trinity 'Church, and Louis Menking, Chicago, (league dmter- naitional (president spoke 0,11 Die convention (theme, “men oif faith." Personal Items Misses (Carol Webb and Lois Gaiser Qf London spent the week­ end alt their homes here. Miss Nancy Tieman has re­ turned home after completing her course at Ithe U.W.O. Mrs. 'Louis Kraft spent a couple of days-in (Zurich 'last week wiith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce (Klop®. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader visit-, ed friends in Zurich Monday. Mr. David iHaugh suffered a stroke and was taken ito (South Huron Hospital, Exciter, where he is recovering. Miss Erma Wein of Clinton ■spent 'the weekend wiith her mo­ ther, Mrs. Herb Wein. Misses Anna Messner and Eun­ ice Frederick -oif London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mint,. Fred Messner. Miss Thelma Weber of London ispent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ■Rader and family spent (Sunday •in Waterloo with Mr. and Ma'S. Ivan Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ten Eyk of Kitchener and 'Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Walter 'Qlley and Pla'tricia of Waterloo and Mrs, (Henry Becker (iSr) of Exeter galled on Mr. and Mrs. {Henry Becker and family on (Sunday afternoon. Mr .and Mrs. {Ervin Rader were Sunday callers on Mr. <and Mi's. L. H. Rader. W.A. And WMS. Meeting The May meeting of Ithe W.A. and W.M.’S. was held on Wednes­ day afternoon in the (basement .of the church-with Mrs. William Allen and Mais. Lloyd Knight as hostesses. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, president of the W.A., was in charge- of -the meeting which wias opened with a poem about mother. Mrs. Mpc Hodigerlt was in charge .of 'the ■topic assisted by Mrs. W. J. Moores and Mrs. Melvin Gar­ diner. Mrs. Thus, iBallantyne read a .poem “How Mother's Day came about” and Mrs. Robt. Cann read a ipoem, “Mother". A vocal quar- ‘tet, Mrs. Edwin. Miller, Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Donald Bray and Mrs. Gordon tlrer". Mrs. Mac carnations ito present, Mrs. W,A. Hear Guest Speaker The W.A. meeting was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Rap- son in Exeter. Mrs. Les Adams and -Mrs. charge sang a played Mrs. Bend gave a splendid talk, using as her subject, “Be Still and know that I am God," with •references from a recent book, “Gifts from the Sea," by Anne (Morrow) Lindbergh. Mrs. Jacob (Ratz conducted -tlie business pal'd; of the meeting. Personal Items •Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webb and Dennis of St. Catharines were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. (Cliff Russell and tfam- •ily. Mrs. Stuart 'Sweitzer and Scott visited last week with relatives in Fenwick. for the growing of GREEN REFUGEE & GOLDEN WAX Wanted | Exeter, Ontario Phone 28 j 'Stone sang “mo- Old? Get Pep, Vim Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger MEN WOMEN of 40,50, GO, Don't be lyl C.I1,ww UmCR ol<J,weak,wom-out,all in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Often needed after 40 —by body old, run­ down because lacking iron; increases vim, vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full of pep, years younger. Quit being old. Get Ostrex today. “Get-acquainted” size costs little, Qr start with big, popular “Economy” size and save 75(f. At all druggists. A Good Short Term Investment Ontario Loan Debentures Issued for $100 and Upwards For You! '54 DODGE ROYAL V-8, only 21,000 miles Red ram engine, radio, signals, backup lights $62 a month the graduating nurses held at the Gantshore nurse's residence, Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, May 4, in the afternoon. Miss Joan Barker spent seve­ ral days at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Barker. While there she attend­ ed a birthday party for her great grandmother, Mrs. Noyes, of London. Mr. 'and Mrs. Cliff Abbott and granddaughter, Muriel, spent 'Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brock, Thorndale. Mr. "'and Mrs. 'Clarence Davis and Mr. "and Mrs. James Turner visited in London hospitals with Mrs. (Henry Hamilton and Mr. '53 DODGE ROYAL V-8 Red ram engine, ready to go at $54 a month Your dollars will go farther- when you shop the WANT-AD way- Hodgert .presented the oldest mother Gertie Wiseman; the mother (present ‘with 'the most children, Mrs. Chas. Borland; the mother present with the youngest -child, Mrs. Donlald Bray; A lear- carnation was also presented to Mrs. Moores. Mrs. Robit. Jeffery was in charge of the programme Which consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Robt. Jeffery, Mrs. Floyd iStewarit and Mrs. Donald IBray gave inter­ esting reports of the Rreshyteriial which was .held in James' iSt., Church recently. Business was discussed. It was decided ito have a ibake sale on Ma.y 19, in Exeter. The cook books wi'1'1 soon he ready for sale. Social Evening ■On Friday -evening the 3 M Cluib and a few friends gathered at the nianse to meet Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Moores of London •who were recently married. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs. 'Donald Bray were in charge of the programme which opened with ,a sing song by Rev. Moores with Marilyn at ithe piano. A number of games 'and contests were enjoyed. Accordion num­ bers were gven .by Barry Jeffery, •a reading “How to Cook A Hus- iband” by Mrs. Robt. Jeffery; and •piano isolos iby Marilyn Moores., An address was read 'by Mrs. Reg. Hodgert and Trevor and Donna were presented with a table damp and other gifts. A musical number iby' Robt. Jeffery, William Rohde and Mrs. Reg Hodgert 'were much enjoyed. Mr. and Mns-. 'Gerrie daughter, Penny , also Mi-s. Trevor Moores daughter. Personal Items Mrs. Percy (Stone fell lar and broke her righit Mr. Grant Lloyd of berg called ithe home of Mrs. Edwin Miller on Mrs. (Harry Pettibone mar, Mr. and Mrs. Len Hueston of Cap red called lat the home of Mr .and Mrs. 'Glenn Jeffery on ‘Sunday evening. Mrs. -Chas. .Borland spent the weekend in Toronto with her daughters. Foot Troubles Be Sure To Drop In And See Dr. Scholl’s Representative In Our Store Friday, May 11 For The Latest In Style, Best In Quality, For The Whole Family, It’s TWO Clean '53 PONTIAC SEDANS and dependable .........$54 a month TWO Drive '53 DODGE SEDANS these .......................... » $54 a month '53 HENRY J. COACH Thirty miles to the gallon $35 a month '51 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN Radio’, buy this for only ..$46 a month '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '51 DODGE SEDAN ....$46 a month '50 METEOR SEDAN $38 a month '50 CHEVROLET SEDAN $38 a month '50 NASH COACH ’■*$38 a month '50 AUSTIN SEDAN Economical transportation $23 a month and 'attended, is itheir down cel- anm. iSdhrom- Mr. and (Sunday, of Ayil- $35 a month Trade Today TWO '49 DODGES .... YOUR DODGE * DESOTO DEALERPHONE : 4% 5 YEARSPER ANNUM ^3ZL PER ANNUM.. W /4 3 AND 4 YEARS ENQUIRIES WELCOMED THE ONTARIO LOAN & DEBENTORE CO. Dundas St At Market Lane And On Market Square LONDON Assets Nearly $40,000,000 ONTARIO g C I Visit Our Booth Blyth Trade Fair May 15, 16, 17 You Will. See Finest in Automatic Heating Newest in Bathroom Fixtures Latest in Wiring Devices Best in Stainless Steel Cupboards Large Summer Air Conditioning Display THERE ARE: Many displays that will show items of interest for home improvement. Visit us and become eligible for the daily draw on FREE PRIZES 1st day—Pearlescent Toilet Seat 2nd day-^-G. E. Featherweight Iron 3rd day—-First Prize—Automatic Toaster Second Prize—Automatic Humidifier Third Prize—1 gal. Pittsburg Paint DRAW AT 9 P.M. DAILY Gerald Gingerich s | ZURICH Plumbing, Heating, Lighting ONTARIO | Smyths Shoe Store Phone 370 Exeter