HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3. W4 & s Beauty Shoppe ot Jack Smith Jewaller) KatareUe Permanent Waving _ Cold WnYe. Dorothy G. Pfaff; Prop. PMne 71-W Exeter Y GO BY' Beauty Bar , Myrlajid Smith, Prop. Individual Styling, Permanents • .Hair Treatments, Tinting, Manicure^ Facials Main St. Phone 522 CORSETRY Phone 125 Oke was named presi- * WALPER'S Phone 81 Exeter T and T Flooring Phone 718 Exeter Phone 240 Zurich •"’ft! AUTOMATIC WASHER YOUR GUARANTEE OF GREATEST VALUE! PHONE 36 wentlhy Quance, One Of 100 Attractive Ideas We Can Offer You In Floor Coverings Your dollars will go farther when you shop the WANT-AD way- Club Clothes Tip Top Range Fleet Street The Perfect Team To Bet On For Quick (Reisuits Is Tim’es-Aid- vocate Wanit Adis. Darol Tuckey, secre- Marilyn Hicks, press Mrs. Brupe Tuokey, Reg. $49.95 Reg. $59.95 Reg. $72.50 Mrs. V. Armstrong 89 Anne St., Exeter * meeting of the 'held on Monday with the Canada a Consultations And Fittings By Appointment In Your Own Home The SpireUa Way To Beauty Is The Healthful And Comfortable Way DOMINION LINOLEUM SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 louse • ENGINEERED FOR LOW HOT WATER CONSUMPTION It’s new! It’s fully automatic and only takes 25 inches square of floor space* Now, you can do a full family-size wash and save yourself dollars in water and soap consumption! Has the famous Westinghouse NEW WAY TO WASH ... that flushes, lifts, turns, and tumbles clothes 65 times a minute — at a price as low as some conven* tional wringer type washers. feXETER A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Personalized NAPKINS — COASTERS — INFORMAL? Over 50 beautiful and novel styles of personalized napkins and coasters are now available to you at The Exeter Times-Advpcate, Come in to see our new port­ folio of “Personally Yours”, Clever informals and thank- you notes—all reasonably priced and ^Personally Yours’*. THE TIMES.ADVOCATE LOBA Delegates Attend Session Mrs. L I o y id Hern, Worthy Mistress of the Agnes Watson Memorial Lodge, Woodham, and Mrs. Elmore Harness, deputy­ lecturer, were delegates to the thirty-seventh Grand Lodge ses­ sion held in the Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, last week. Reports showed a banner year in Ontario West. One of the high­ lights of the session was the presentation of cheques totalling $1,700 to -the 'cancer and polio funds of the Dominion of Cana­ da. During the year in Ontario West the L.O.B.A. Lodges contri­ buted $24,800 in welfare work. Over 600 delegates were in (at­ tendance. Kirkton Institute Reviews Progress The retiring president, Mrs. E. Paton, gave an outline of past year’s work aft. 'the April meeting otf Klrkton Women’s Institute held at 'the home of 'Mrs. Earl Watson. The standing committee conveners also gave their yearly report. The motto "If yon want to set ■the world right, isftiant with your­ self’, was given by Mrs. Archie Dewar. A demonstration of how to starch and shape a crocheted cup and saucer was given by Mrs. Albert ’Bickell. A piano solo was contributed by Mrs. Glen Allen. Each member donated ain article ifor use in ithe cupboard equip­ ment. An invitation was accepted to attend, a Friendship trailly on May 16 at Avonton Women’s Insti­ tute. iSalads was the choice in ex­ tension service ifcr 1956. Mrs. Glen Allen, Mrs. Ross Francis, Mrs. Archie Dewar and Mrs. E. Paton were' named delegates to .the district annual at Harmony, May 22. The next meeting will be held in Aberdeen Hall, May 24, at 8 o’clock. A social time will follow the meeting When pen pals will be ireveialed and an exchange of fifty cent gifts with name at­ tached will be a feature. Mrs. Ross Francis, newly elec­ ted (president, then presided and arrangemen'ts were made for the program at Avonton, Mrs. Hall and Miss Dior is Levy to be in ■charge. The meetings are to be held at 8.30 p.m. during the isumimer months. ' The convenors for standing committees .for 195 6 are 'Mrs. Archie Dewar, Mrs. Ray Francis ■and Mrs. E. Humphreys, Mrs. iGal- ■lop, Mrs. 'Glen Alien, Mrs. W. Batten and Mrs. T. Crew, Mrs. Fred Horton, Mrs. E. Paton, Mrs. Robert Ratelifife, Mrs. Clarence Switzer, Mrs. A, .Bickell and Mrs. John WiWjns, 1 Perfect attendance if.or the year for four members, Mr®. Alma Dobson, Mnsl Allen E'veleigh, Mrs, Archie Dewar and Mrs- 'Emerson Paton was marked when Mrs. Albert Bickell upade presenta­ tions of provincial pins, Mrs. Gerald Agar Staffa President Mrs. Gerald Agar was1 named ipresident of Staffa Women’s In­ stitute at the annual meeting in •the 'hall .with Mrs. Ross Smale and Mrs. Art Kemp as vice- presidents. Miss Vera Hamfoly is secretary; Mrs. Ross- Smale, treasurer; Mrs. 'Gerald Agar and Mrs. R. D. •Sadler, pianists ; Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Mrs. John Button, Mrs. Cecil Bowman, directors; Mrs. Thomas Laing, district-director; MrS. R. D. 'Sadler, press reporter; Mrs. ‘Houghton and Mrs. John Drake, flower committee. (Secretaries for Agrieulture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Canter Kerslake; citizenship and educa­ tion, Mrs. Eldon Allen, historical research and current events, Mrs. Walter Q’Brien; community activities and public relations, Mrs. W. Glanville; home econo­ mics and health, Mrs. John Miller; resolutions, Mrs. Thomas Lainig. 'Mrs. W. Glanville is honorary president and Mrs. Carter Kers­ lake installed .the officers. A humorous skit was present­ ed under the direction of Mrs. Harold Coleman and Mrs. (Roy McDonald, The cast included Mrs. Ross (Smale, Mrs. Walter O’Brien, Mrs. John Butson, Mrs. ■Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs. John Drake. During the business period, presided over by the president, Mrs. W. Glanville, Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. T. L. iScott, Mrs. Mervin Dow and Miss Vera Ham'bly were appointed to attend the District Annual on May 22. An exchange of plants, seeds and slips was an interesting feature of the meeting. April Shower Tea Exeter Chapter O.E.'S. held a successful April .Shower Tea in the Legion -Hall on Saturday afternoon. The hall was (taste­ fully d e co r.at e-d with spring flowers. The draw was made on a ■bridge set .and -was won by Mrs. Charles Acheson. The receipts for the afternoon were in the neighborhood of $200, Exchange Vows In James St. UC Decorated with ferns .and can­ delabra, James St. United Church was the setting ifor the marriage on .Saturday of Annie Berends, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony ■Berends, Exeter, and John Melzer of Exeter, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Melzer) Germany. •Rev. H. J. 'Snell was the of­ ficiating clergyman and Mrs. Snell, played traditional wedding music. Bride In White 'Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride was lovely in a floor length dress of white nylon lace and net with full skirt, long sleeves and bolero jacket. Her finger-tip veil was of nylon tulle. Her bioquet was of white carna­ tions. Miiss Sleney Kats, Exeter, was gowned in >a waltz length dress .of pink nylon net with satin- bolero. 'She carried pink (carna­ tions. Mr. Adolph Melzer, Exeter, was 'groomsman and the ushers were Hielke Berends and Cliff Moore, The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents Where Mrs. Berends received her guests from London, iSt. Catharines and Exeter tn a wine colored dress. The bridal couple will make their home in London. Kippen 4-H Group Plans Supper Club The Thrifty KippenOtites held ■the first "®u,piper club" meeting at the home of Mrs. w. J. F. Bell Friday evening. (Sixteen .members were present. Kathryn Anderson was elected president, Marton Turner, secre­ tary, Elaine Bell, press and radio. Mrs, iBell and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, leaders. It was decided ito retain the name Thrifty Kippenetftes, The group is to be divided into those who can attend' Tuesday even­ ing 'and those on Friday evening. iDiscussion followed on clean­ liness, and dishwashing also measurements and 'abbreviations. Mrs. Lovell discussed "Good Food Makes a Difference," Mrs Bell told of the record book and what, it should contain. Home ias- eignment was beginning each re­ cord book Hurondale Group Appoints Officers Mrs. 'H. H. G. .Strang was re­ elected president of Hurondale Women’s Institute at the annual supper meeting held in Thames (Road Church on Wednesday eve­ ning. Mrs. James Kirkland installed the newly-elected officers includ­ ing Mrs. William Sims as honor­ ary .president; Mrs, Roylan.qe Westcott .and Mrs. Mac Hodgert, vice-presidents; Mrs. W i 1 f r e d iHunkin, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, assistant; Mrs. Garnet Hicks, district director, with Mrs. Henry Bierling, alter­ nate, Directors are Mrs. 'Robert Mavers, Mrs. Harry Dougall, (Mrs. Hugh Love and M.rs. Orville Beavers; emergency committtee, Mrs. William Sillery, (Mrs. Bev Morgan, Mrs-. William Rowcliffe, Mrs. Mervyn Dunn, Mrs. William Elford and Mrs. Percy Passmore; representatives to district an­ nual, 'Mrs. II. 'Strang, Mrs. G. Hicks, Mrs. -H. Bierling, Mrs. A, Dougall, Mrs. Bruce' Tuckey; press reporter, iMir®. Mervyn ■Dunn; pianists, Mrs. Andrew Dougall and Mrs. Archie Mor­ gan; auditors, Mrs. Robert Jeff­ rey and Mrs, William EJford. Annual reports were given by ■the officers and conveners of standing committees. Mrs. Gar­ net 'Hicks reported on the dis­ trict executive meeting held in Hensall, April .3. The district an­ nual will ,be held in Zurich Town Hall, June 5. The report on the Ladies’ Auxiliary to (South Hu­ ron Hospital was given 'by Mrs. Percy Passmore. Mrs. Lee Webber, secretary, presented three bank books to the three newest mothers,' Mrs. Frayne Parsons, (Mrs. Bev Mor­ gan and Mrs. Harry Jeffrey, It was decided to have eve­ ning .meetings from May to No­ vember iwit'li Mrs. William Either- —Please turn to Page 11 >7;z ■a ill Fetes Patron Mr. David Kennedy, worthy Grand Patron of the Order of the Eastern iStar of 'Ontario, was the honored guest at 'the meeting of (the 'Chapter on .Wednesday even­ ing, Mir. Kennedy w«is presented with -a life membership in 'the Exeter chapter, the address and presentation were imade by 'the worthy patron, Maurice 'Qnamce. He was also presented with a gift hy PiaJtron, Garnet Patterson on behalf of -the chaP'ter. . Mr. Kennedy chose for his ad­ dress "Making the Most lot iWihat You Have." Mrs. Kennedy ac­ companied her husband to the meeting, Mrs. Jack Dickins matron, and Maurice worthy patron, presided, A cake-walk was enjoyed-win- ners oif icakes ‘ were Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, Mrs. M. Moon and isitan Love. Choice Of The House Hurondale Jills Elects Officers Nineteen members of the 'Hurondale Jolly Jills- met Mon­ day, April 23, at the home of the leader, Mrs. dArthur Rundle, to commence the .project "The Supper Club”. Carolyn Oke was named presi­ dent’ with Bernice Strang, vice- president; ’ “ ■tary, and reporter. assistant leader, demonstrated the measuring of different amounts of food. The roll call •for the next .meeting is to be “A Good Food Habit”. * $ The second Jolly Jills wa.s evening. Sheets Food 'Rules were distributed and discussed. Cream of potato soup ■and scalloped peas were made. The next meeting will be held May 21. Every Pattern in Tip Top Clothes 4 MAY 3 TO MAY SALE $39.95 SALE $47.95 SALE $58.00