HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 11/ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1»54 Receives Award By O. J. PORTER of the most significant evenings in tlhe brief (history of ithe drama guild occurred last Friday night in Goderich when (the Jimst three ipigys ‘of the nine-year-cld drama festival were presented along with the awards for (performances and stag­ ing. ■ , : Oq - (that occasion, Mr. Leon Major, a noted Toronto director end festival adjudicator, announ­ ced (before a full audience that Gwen Whilsmith bad received ithe award for honourable men­ tion for her portrayal of Mrs. Slater in "The Dear Departed.” The beautiful silver dish was pi’esented to ithe actor who, in the adjudicator’s opinion, showed the most promise, Gwen’s receiving the award is a credit not only to herself but 'also ito the local iPlayeais Guild BRIDES-ELECT! See The “Personalized Service” Album At T IM ES-ADVOCATE Church At Dashwood Pays Pastor Tribute ft**> Announcements Welcome The TB Canvasser which has hod -retfutiyely little experience Im comparison -with the (much older organisations of Chatham^ tSaimia and London. On the evening previous ito that special event, itfhe local cell travelled to Wingham to compete in ithe zone finals contest. Those who recall "The Dear Departed” will .remember lit was the play directed by William Cochrane in the local (festival. However, -the Exetex’ group lost out ito lam out­ standing performance of "The Purple Doorknob” by the Dur­ ham 'group. Next Monday, ithe Guild will hold its (final meeting tor this season. AU 'interested in drama work are eagerly tend, for helpers needed. • Plans if or next two three-act plays as well as the 'annual festival. In order ito assure (successful pier- fonmiances, much aid ds required in ithe Staging and ladtinig. Nor is it all work—ibhat we have lots of fun can be confirmed by phoning any of those members who-have enjoyed helping ito pro­ duce ithe plays qif ithe past season. inviited to iat- are certainly year include (More farmers switch to Surge Milkers for safer, faster milking. - (adv’t) SPECIALS Housedresses TO CLEAR AT $1.59 IRWIN'S Ladies' Wear (Successor to McKnight's) PHONE 474 EXETER WEEKEND New Oil Furnaces Shortie Coats ONE-THIRD OFF With oil burner, 3 controls and accessories, 200-gallon tank and electrical wiring — $495.00 and up. to have your furnace cleaned and necessary repairs or alterations made. Our men are trained by National Warm Air Heating Association. Free Estimates On Alterations Or New Work SEE US TODAY Lindenfields Ltd. Phone 181 Exeter A 'congreigational gathering was held in the ibas,mdnt of ©on Luther'an Church on Wednesday evening, April 25, to honor Itev. and ’ (Mrs. L. iHigenell prior to their departure to 'take up resi­ dence at St. 'Catharines (Monday, where they are retiring after i38 years in'the ministry. A variety (program of songs, reading and short plays was pre­ sented ;by the Sunday ‘School, Walther League, choir and Ladies Aid. Also present were Rev, C. Klages of Moncton, who pre­ sented Rev. Higenell with a gift on behalf of ithe Stratford Cir­ cuit. Rev. Woelsle of Mitchell spoke and, in the absence -of Rev. C. Killinger of London, Mr. Ed­ ward Gackstetter of the church board read a message from him. On behalf of the Sunday School, two of the first babies to be 'baptized on the arrival of Rev. Higenell in this community 10 years ago, Iris Becker and Ken iGenttner presented them with a flower plant with the superintendent, Reinhold Miller, reading the address. The Walther League, with Eleanor /Becker reading the ad­ dress and Marian Rader making the presentation, gave them an electric tea kettle and the the church 'presented a sum of money with Kenneth Kraft giving the address and Charles' Martene making the presentation. Rev. Higenell spoke of (his ministry here and cherished , memories to take with them. ' A buffet lunch and all singing “iGod Be With You Till We Meet Again” closed- the evening. Baptized On Sunday ■ Janice Dorothy Susanne, in­ fant daughter of Mr. and '(Mrs. Harry iHayter, was baptized on Sunday, April 29 in Zion Luthe­ ran Church by Rev. L. Higenell. Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Merner acted for the sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandahl of Halifax, who were unable 'to be present. Spring Rally Dash/wood Missionary League was hostess for the spring rally of ithe Mitchell Zone Missionary League 'in Zion Lutheran Church, Tuesday evening, May 1, with the theme “We will serve the Lord.” Leagues were present from Stratford, SeUbach’s Hill, Tavis­ tock, Wartburg, Mitchell, Monc­ ton, Logan and Dashwood "'with 140 ladies present. Rev. Woelsle, Mitchell, con­ ducted opening devotions and Mrs. Clifford Salmon gave the address of welcome. ■Mrs. Edna Yundt, Moncton, gave the report of the Inter­ national convention held at Den­ ver, .Colorado, -in April. Mrs. Willard Burge, wife of a New Guinea missionary, spoke of the customs, life and hex’ exper­ iences there and .also showed slides, 'Logan League will hold the Spring Rally in 1957. • A social half hour followedzin the basement. Personal Items (Miss Anna Messner and Miss Anne Taylor, iboth of London, spent the weekend at -their homes here. Miss Frieda Haberer of Zurich spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. -Garnet Weibeng and family of Waterloo were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg -and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. -Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willert of Zurich were Sunday visitors with .Mr. .and Mrs. Lloyd -Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yaussi "and family of London spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble 'and. iboys of London were Sun­ day afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. 'L. H. Rader. Mrs. Bruce Seebach of Illinois spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme are holding a reception in the Community Centre, Zurich, Sat­ urday, May 12, -at 8.30. p.im. in honor of their son, John, who is being married that day. Many from here attended the : closing sessions of the Evangeli- . cal United Church at Sebringville was the Wifi at which Bruce Seelbach ordained. Mrs. Seckach is former Betty Gaiser. They be stationed at Hanover. Miss Thelma Weber of London spent the weekend at her home and attended 'the Saturday eve­ ning session of the E.U.B. Con­ ference with Ralph Webers and Lloyd Eaglesons. On Sunday she was kept 'busy answering calls as changes were reported by the District Stationing Committee. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Kercher of Hensall, Mrs. Ida Caldwell of Exeter and Mr. and (Mrs, Walter and family were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Dan Mr. Weber visitors Weber, Weber Borden ors. Rev. C. B. and Mrs. Carr, Rev. and Mrs. 'Hines, who are to be stationed at Port Elgin, and Mr. Detweiler, conference delegate, and Mrs. Dan return to will Mr. and Mrs. Keith ■and family of Camp wore also weekend visit- called on Mr. Weber Monday on their Rosenthal where they main until July 1. . Mrs. Matilda Piefer turned (home after spending past months with her sister Mr. and Mrs. fa as re- re- the and family, Mr. and Mrs, David Bail'd, at London and sister, Mrs. E, A. Davison, Port Huron. 'Her son, Earl, of Chatham brought her home. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Snell and Beth and (Mrs. Windsor Mathews of London spent weekend in Detroit, itlie Surprise Couple On Anniversary 'Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn were surprised on Tuesday, April 24, wihen neighiboi's and relatives to the number of 30 gathered at their home to honor them on the occasion of their forty-minth wed­ ding annaverisany. They were presented with a corsage, a boutonniere and a white chenille bed spread. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn moved from ithe Crediton community to theii* home on Highway No. 4, south of Exeter, about 17 years ago. Legion Auxiliary Plans Banquet Plans for the men’s bowling banquet and ithe ladies’ bowling banquet this month were made’ at the meeting of the Ladies Auxliaxy of the Exeter 'branch of the Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hail Monday night. It was voted to give $10 dona­ tions to the T.B.?Veteran’s Camp •at Niagara-on-ithe-Lake and to the Cancer Fund. A Navy League tag day will be held in September. Mrs. Gerald Lawson presided for’ the business. Mirs. Cutting, 'Sr., won the mystery prize. BIRTHS HKRN—Harry and Clarice Hern, Granton R. 1, are happy to an­ nounce the arrival of their ..son* i, Ivan Hern, at South Huron Hos­ pital, April 27, 1956—both find. PFAFF—Allen and Doris Pfaff, of Lrediton, announce the amival of their daughter, Glenda Edizalbeth, at South Huron Hwpltal, May 2, Sister for Shirley. Mrs- Joseph Pinet, 256 Algonquin, Drive, Centralia, announce the arrival of their daughter, Maxie Olga Diane, at South Huron Hospital, April SO. 195'6 — a sister for Robert and Marcia. RAMSDRN—Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rams­ den (nee Elaine Gill), Toronto, an­ nounce the "birth of a daughter, Sharon Elizabeth, April 26, 1?56, in ~,l,oro’nto General Hospital. SWART55ENTRUBHR—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swartzentruliqr, Hay P.O., announce the arrival of their son at South Huron Hospital, May 1, SUTHERLAND—F/O and Mrs. James Sutherland, 130 Kensington Cresc., KOAIf Station Centralia, announce (the arrival of their son, Stephen .James, G lbs,, 15 ozs„ at South Huron Hospital, April 29, 1956. DEATHS RIVERS—At his late residence in Exeter, on Monday, April 30, 1950, Harper C. Rivers, beloved husband of Helen Rowcliffe Burnett and dear father of Mrs. Anne McCarter of Stephen Township, in his eighth year. ,ENGAGEMENTS Mr. Wellington Skinner of tralia announces the engagement of ms only daughter, ‘Arlene Evelyn, to Mr. Norman Peter Williams Morgan, elder son of Mr. and Mi's. Lloyd M. 'Morgan, R.R. 1 Centralia. The wed­ ding will take place on Saturday, May -26, 1956, at 2;30 p.m. in Cen­tralia United Church, . Centralia.. 3* Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith, Kirk­ ton, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie Elizabeth, to Victor Russell Hear.n, son of Mr. Robert Hearn and the late Mrs, Hearn; the weddingk to take place at St. Paul’s Anglican Church,’Kirk­ ton, on Saturday, May 19, 1956, at 2 p.m. 3* CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Richard Davey wishes to express its sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindnesses, cards of sympathy and flowers during its recent bereavement. 3e The family of the late Mrs. Mar- garetta Rader wish to express their appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sym­ pathy and condolence, extended by friends and neighbours which -proved so comforting during their recent bereavement. 2* I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. —George Earl, 3* Jim and (Elsie Hookey wilsh to ex­tend a sincere thank-you to. the neighbours and friends for flowers, cards and letters received while Jim was a patient in/ Westminster Hos­pital, London. Special thanks to Dr. M. Gans. 3* I ■would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats, • flowers and visits while a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to the nurses who were so kind and also Dr. Butson. Thank you so very much. —Mrs. Julia McNicol. 3c The family of the late Mrs. John T. Mitchell wish to express thanks and appreciation for kindness and sympathy shown them during their receUt' bereavement, ’with special thanks to Rev. C. D. Daniel, Dr. Goddard and Mrs. Pearl Passmore. 3* To all those who have helped through neighbourly kindness, gifts, financially pr otherwise at this our tiine of loss of home and business. We extend our sincere, grateful and •prayerful thanks.—Ollace and Lois DesJardine, Ronnie and Julie Ann. 3* fifty- Cen- CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Cora. Carter of Gland ©boye wishes to thank all those who re­ membered hex- with flowers, cards and- visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since return­ing- home, 3 The family p£ Uxe late. ’Chai-les Isaac -wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends' and neighbors fqr kindness and sympathy extended during -their recent bereave­ ment; also for beautiful floral tri­ butes. Special thanks to members of Masonic Lodge, Rev, J. T, Clark and Hopper-Hockey funeral home, 3c I wish ito thank all those who visited me and those who remember­ ed me with cards, fruits, candy, books and nuzzles while I was in hospital and during my shut-in at home. All was deeply appreciated. —Harvey Rollings. 3c We wish to thank all of our kind friends, neighbours, pallbearers and those who so kindly provided cars for their many acts of kindness, ex­ pressions of sympathy and condolence and .for their beautiful floral offer­ings at the Joss of a dearly beloved husband and father.—Mrs, Noble Scott, Murray and family. 3* Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Baker wish to thank the neighbours of Green Acres who so kindly remembered them with a lovely flower on ithelr golden wedding anniversary; also many thanks for the lovely cards and gifts received. ° 3* IN MEMORIAM HORNE—'In loving memory of a dear mother'and grandmother, Mrs. Weston Horne, who passed away ©ne year ago, May 7, 1955. Just beyond life’s gateway, Ite a garden bright and fair Where again we’ll meet our loved ones And there'll be no parting there, Pain and sorrow will be banished, Done, all heartaches apd all fears, Just beyond life’s gateway— Where they count not time by years. —'Ever remembered and sadly missed by Elva, Bill, Anna and Grace Routly. 3* MeN'ICOLr—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Mc- Niool, who passed away May 5, 1955. He is gone, 'but not forgotten, And as dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart cealed. —Always remembered by wife, iiy and grandchildren. con- fam- 3* Left-Handed Fountain Pens This is not a joke -- Mae- Millan’s are now stocking fountain pens especially made by the W.A. Sheaffer Pen Co. for left-handed writers. We invite you to come in to test the difference. WE FEATURE SHEAFFER'S NEW SNORKEL PEN Let us give you a demonstration, Church ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:0 0 a.m.—Worship “Conference Reflections’’ 11:00 a.m.—Bible School 7:30 p.m.—Evening (Service‘ Monday—'Mission Band THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. H. Fikse, Supply Minister Sunday, 2 p.m.—'Dutch Service All Welcome Approve Levy For Authority McGillivray township ' council approved (payment of the Ausable River Conservation levy of $1,- 657.65 at its meeting .this week. McGillivray’s share of the Authority levy is one oif 'the high­ est .in the watershed. ■Reeve Fred Heaman presided fox' the meeting. Councillors Earl Morley, Thomas Hall and Duncan Drummond attended. Road .Superintendent Dean. White was appointed trench in­ spector. The tender of Kenneth Ma­ thews, Kenwood; ‘ for drawing gravel from Morley’s pit was ac­ cepted at the price of cubic yard. ■Council decided to vault in the township safekeeping of records, of a vault door from J. and J. Taylor was authorized. Brucellosis payments included: Ellison Whiting $4.00; Harvey Owen $8.00; W. J. Aimos $4.00; Fred Heaman $4.00; Gordon Maws on $46.40 and Bruce Steep­ er $40.00. Waribie fly payments were: CL. V. Hogarth $70.10, IH. Hardy $91.92 and Bruce Steepei* $110.- 80. ■Lyell Lee received a $3.00 bounty for a fox. Jan .Carter was paid $48.00 for dog damage to lambs. Next meeting will be May 26 at 1 p.m. ■....- ii 59<f pei’ •build a hall ifor Purchase famous new “Snorkel”’ pen ends messy filling, dripping, wiping. Try it today! Mother's Day 13Is The thirteenth will also be Mother’s lucky day if you choose a special gift for her at Mac­ Millan’s. MacMillan's Phone 37 Exeter tf&eef UNCLE„ / nwyouLl meet a friend you wont WANT TO FORGET FOLKS • IT'S GOIN6 illKLE^/sEZ J “THE MORE A F MAN TO BE A REAL PLEASURE ENTERTAINING YOU, AND IM GOING TO BE SEEING YOU IN THE ADS RUN BY. I EXETER DAIRY PHONE 331J • • • e e for a three or four year term HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION TRUST IIUMHBIUHMMTMSI CANADA TRUST COMPANY e Head Office — London, Ontario # DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES Lloyd B. Hodgson, Centralia; F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; j. W. Haberer, Zurich • B. M. Francis, Exeter Boll & Laughton, Exeter e e ■ • e a e JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev.. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W-O.M., Musical Director Sunday School Anniversary 10:45 a.m.—The children will assemble .in the Sunday School and proceed, together to the church service. . 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Minister; Dr. U. Laite, M.C.,<D.D., of Central United Church, Stratford. The Junior Choir will sing the anthems. Mr. Gordon Koch at the piano with Mr. Lawrence Wein at the organ. 7:00 p.-m.—Evening .‘ \ The minister will preach. Duet: Selected. A warm welcome is all. T|he men of the congregation are urged to remain after the ■morning service for men’s choir practice, Worship extended to CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, May 6, 1956 Sunday School L: 15 a.m.'—Worship iRev. G. R. ’Strome 7:30 p.m.—“Ye are the Light the World” Friday, May 4—W.S.W.S. 10:00 a.m 11 of CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Samuel Kerr, B.A*, B.D. - Minister1 3. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—-Sunday Sehodl Rev, Mrs. 9:00 ___ _____ ... 10:00 a.tn.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: “I (believe In the forgiveness of sins”-—ninth in series on Apostle’s Creed. Mon., May 7, 4 p.tn.—'Mission Band MAIN STREET United Church Of Canada Rev. Alex’r Rapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Organist a.m.—Service of Worship Beginners (4 and 5 years) withdraw from the ser- during the second hymn, a.m.—The Nursery Class 10:00 The will vice 10:00 (3 years and under) in the Primary Department. 1,1:15 a.m.—The Church School Let All The Family of God Be Found’ Together In One Place, 'Singing and Praising God. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor; Rev. C. Klages, Moncton 7: 4>5 a.-nl.—'Service 9:00 a.m.—iSunday School PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ISunday, ’May 6, 1956 9:45 a.im.—'Sunday School 11:0b' a.m.—Morning Worship (Communion) 7:30 p.m.—Evan-gelisitc ’Service Wed., - 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Brayer Fri., 8 p.m.'—Christ’s Amaibassa- dors "Come and Worship with us.” Rev. L. W. KrauSe, pastor THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivift Memorial, Exeter 8:30 a.m.—-(Holy Communion ... 10:16 .a.m.*—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—-Holy Communion THAMES FtOAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 a.nx. Me Thy Truth, O Lord” Sttpt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich SUPERIOR STORE Superior's Big $1.00 Food Sale Prices Effective May 3, 4 and 5 Golden Dew Margarine Delmonte Fruit Cocktail Nature's Best, or Dewkist Peas, Choice Heinz Baby Foods Borden's Evaporated Milk Ellmarr Pure Peanut Butter Aylmer Tid Bit Pineapple Hillcrest Toilet Tissue Whole Kernel Corn Pard Dog Food or Cat Food Campbell's Soups vegetable qr tomato Shirriff Cake Mix iC HUGO LATE DR WHIT& 1 1-LB. A £4 PKGS, nr for 9 ■ 20-OZ. 4) £4 TINS W for | VNZS 10 TotSI 1 1 Tins $1 8 for $1 3 for $ 1 15-OZ. j-TINS O LARGE rf fl ROLLS I U 14- OZ. Kounty Kist tins 15- OZ. TINS LARGE TINS 16-Oz. JARS for $1 for $1 for $ 1 for $1 8 9 i 8 Tins $1 3 Pkgs. $1 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 11-Oz. ajea Bottle COG HEINZ BABY CEREALS S5. 19c HEINZ OVEN BAKED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE 15‘Oz. O QCn Tins C for ODG HEINZ Fresh cucumber PICKLES 31c The Best Place To Shop After All Free deliveryPhones: 32 ahd 752