HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 10FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENTGarage York St $2,000 MORTGAGE, for a client, on real estate. W. C« Pearce, Realtor. 3tfc GOLDEN OAK BUFFET, in excell­ent condition. Priced to sell. Apply Alton Wallis, R.R. 1 Gr&nton (Whalen Corners), 3c HENSALL APARTMENT — Four rooms with bath. Bonthron’s Furni­ture, Hensail. »■ 3c RED SUSSEX PULLETS. 9 weeks old. Apply Edwin Miller. IR.R. 3 Ex­eter, phone 44-r-2 Kirkton, ■2 'FRAME BUILDINGS, 18x30 ft.; used brick; 1946 Studebaker truck with ’51 motor. Joe Wilson, Cen­ tralia (1 mile south of Elimville). 3* OFFICE SAFE — Guenther-Tuckey Transports Ltd.__________________3 THS TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1954 HENSALL OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS Repairs To AH Makes Of Cars "Give Us A Try" SImIim (graying tml»-Dowb!«» Frants.* M»st advanc'd sprayer development; designed ter lew or high pressure depend* ing on Pump selection. Available for 3 Fl, Pickup ee Standard Tractors — P.T.O. er Engine operated. Choice > Models. FioWkow Crop Booms wjlh drop pipet. CREE.^m0n^hon see us or phone today Exeter Farm Equipment R. D. Jermyn Phone 508 William. St. Senior Citizens Enjoy Program Entertainers from town nnd fli&trict combined their talents on Tuesday night to 'present a variety program for 'the more than 100 senior citizens who met in <the Legion Memorial Hall. Entertainers from town in­ cluded Karen Jermyn, wearing an attractive costume, who did tap dances; Mrs, Len 1) likes, who gave humorous readings 'and Miss Velma Ballagh of the public school staff, who contributed ac­ cordion seilections. Eleanor Hodgins, of Centralia, played a piano solo; Marlene and Darlene Frayne, Usborne, sang duets accompanied by their Bla­ ster, Helen; iCecil Maxwell, (Hen- ksall, contnlibuted old-time tunes on the violin with Mrs. Frank King at ithe piano; Grant and Kenneth Jones, Kippen, sang ac­ companied by 'their mother, Mrs. Harold Jones, at the piano and Jimmy Love on the guitar; Jim also sang to (his- own accom­ paniment; Danna Eagleson and Mona Kellerman, of Dashwood, played cornet and trombone duets accompanied by Mrs. Ken­ neth McCrae of Dashwood. Ernest Jackson was chairman of the program which began with a sing-song led by Walter Cut­ bush and iMrs. (Rhoda Shapton. Secretary - treasurer George Lawson read a lettei’ from the Legion thanking the club for their donation to the building fund. President Frank Taylor led in a moment of silence in memory of a club member, the late Pat Walker. Mrs. Lloyd Fraser was winner of the door prize. Members of the Mother’s 'Auxiliary, Guiding and Scouting Groups, assisted at the lunch hour. Music for dancing was provid­ ed iby Henry Green, Ross Taylor, Lome Johnson and Cecil (Max- SMALL RUN POTATOES—Suitable for seed. Phone 641-J, Ted Pooley. 3* 100 KINDERGARTEN CHAIRS, oak, in excellent condition, $1,50 each (your choice); 1 wood-burning box stove. $3.00; 3-.plate electric stove (ideal for summer cottage) '$3.00. Ap­ ply James St. United Church—Garnet Hicks or Carfrey Cann.___________3c 5 USED LAWN MQWERS, recondi­tioned, <2 Lawn Boy, 1 Johnson and 1 Maxwell rocket reel cut. Apply Hilton Alf Laing, Exeter, phone 72. Sc OUTBOARD MOTOR, 5 h.p., good running order. Apply Homer Russell. R.R. 01 Exeter,_________ ________3* MIKED GLADIOLIA BULBS, 30^ a dozen. Mrs. Jackson Woods, phone 25-r-4 Kirkton, 3» FOOD FREEZER—Save $100 on food freezer, 12 cu. ft., upright model, only 6 months old, like new. Phone 657-M, Exeter._________ 3;iqc HOLSTEIN HEIFER, purebred, reg­istered, accredited, due May 13; 1 cow, fresh 8 weeks, heavy producer; both Oxford Unit breeding. Harvey Parkinson, phone 18-5, Kirkton. 3* MODERN APARTMENT. (May d, furnished or unfurnished. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, phone 86. 3tfc 2 APARMENTS—1 furnished, avail­ able now; one furnished, available June 1. Apply John Ward, phone 348. 3* EMPLOYMENT WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY requires job as housekeeper or cook. Good refer­ences, Apply Mrs. Emma Neil, c/0 A. B. Henry, Clahdeboye, phone tefl- r-5 Lucan. 3:10* WANTED BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BROILE.R COCKERELS. Pul Jets dayold, started. Mixed, All tweeds, crosses, hybrids. Bray has what yoiur markets need. A.sk us for com­ plete list, with prices. (And order July broilers.) Agept: 'Eric Qarscad- den, Exeter, phone 246W. 8 • Lorue Johnson and Cecil well. Named <to arrange the __ gram for the June meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cutbush, Mr. and IMts. Andrew Dougall, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory, Mrs. Percy Passmore and Mrs. Laura Harvey. CO-OP. WHEN THEY’RE LOOKING FOR STEERING SERVICE So-o-o, come on in and try our VISUAL­ INER. Now you can SEE FOR YOUR­ SELF why you’re ruining your tires and why your car steers hard. The John Bean VISUALINER shows YOU whether your car needs steering service and helps US do a faster, more accurate job of correcting the trouble. It only lake* a few minute* to chock your wheel alignment on the VISUALINER .-. . in MATHERS BROS. Phone 321-W, Exeter North 'tllVBFSUI mw sunmti MILKER Easy Pouring with Modern Design Handle and Lid that Swings Aside! The new bucket is a beauty! Big smooth curves for easier cleaning...new, heavier, sturdier construction! Rubber Inflations For ALL Makes Of Milkers EXETER DISTRICT phen* 287 We Deliver Used Equipment 1—5 Ft. Tub with Legs 1—20x24x8 Sink and Rim 1— Toilet 2— Basins 1— Cook Stove with Oil Burner 2— Heavy Duty Hydro Stoves 2—Furnaces 1—8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator LINDENFIELD’S LTD. Phone 181 Exeter This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE 3c Gordon McKin- of 'Guelph were of Mr. and Mrs. Personal Items Mir. and Mrs. non and family weekend visitors Gratton Squire. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo Squire visited in .Exeter -on Tuesday wltih Mrs. Vinia (Hern. Mr. land Mrs. 'Wm. Fischer and Janice, St, Marys, visited on Sun- ‘ , .. “"1 Mr. and Mrs. Harryday with Klahre. • Laverne and 'Peter weekend at Miller’s Lake. Mr. an Mrs. Albert Porter and Susan,, Nancy and Debbie . also Mr, and Mrs. Fulton, London, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley iSr. Mrs. Gladys Porter, who had been visiting witlh the Morleys for two weeks, returned to 'London. 'Several ifr<im the comm unity have been smelt fishing at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson and family are planning to ‘leave shortly for Vancouver. iSharon Hodgins (and Carol Fos­ ter favoured with a vocal duet at the church 'service on Sunday. Plans for the 'S.'S, anniversary service early in June were also made. 'Rev. iSlade Of Woodham to .be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr. and Janice spent Sunday in Exe­ ter with Mr. A. ‘Pym. Mr. and Mils. Finkfoeiner were in Listowel to visit the flatter’s mother. Mrs. Campbell wbo is a patient at the hospital itfliere. Mr. Cliff (Rawlings and Mt. and Mrs. A. .Smith, London, visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil. Mrs. 'Ray Pankiu'Sion, wh-o (has been a patient at iSt. Marys Memorial Hospital, is improving and is expected home shortly. Whalen school was successful in obtaining second for ithe Uni­ son chorus (20 lor more) at the South Huron Music > Festival. Betty Duffield in .the (12-13) girls vocal solo) obtained 8(5 and Sherry 'Gardiner in the under nine (vocal isolo) 84. iSharon Hiodgins and Betty Duffield in the (girls duet) 82. Congratu­ lations to all. Morley, Jim Foster Goudsward spent 'the *The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll and Mr. Ciliiff Hings of London ^were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mrs. .Tack Dickins, Mrs. Mau­ rice McDonald, Mrs. Harry Gar- roll, Mrs. Hugh Davis iand Heath­ er, Mrs. Arthur Abbott and Muriel and Mns. Heber Davis at­ tended the iSpiring Tea sponsored by the members of Eastern Star, Exeter, Saturday. . Mrs. George McFalls, Mrs. Hugh Davis, .Heather and Michael were Monday guests with and Mns. Nelson Squire. ■Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Kooy, Mrs. Hugh Davis, Harry Carroll, (Miss Joyce Falls and Mrs. Heber Davis at­ tended 'the annual meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary in London on Tuesday commencing with com­ munion at St, Paul’s Cathedral. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nells, and Don of Springfield were Monday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davie. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgin® of Lucan spent Wednesday at ithe home o fMrs. W. J. Davis. W.A. And Guild The ladies of St. Patrick’s Church were guests of (Rev. and Mrs. 'R. Mills at ithe rectory, Klrk- iton, for the 'April W.A. and Guild. Mns. H. Davis of .the devotional period for the W.A. and Mrs. torn Kooy for the (Guild. Mrs. Jack Dickins, and Mr®. Earl Atkiuson and Mrs. Tom Kooy were in 'charge of enitertain- m-ent, Mrs, Charles Atkinson, Mrs. Herman Atkinson and Mrs. Heb6r Davis assisted the hostess. Canon and Mrs. James ly of this Parish were for a .short visit. Mr. Tom Mrs. Me- meeting ot the was In charge fonmer* ipresent War IISince the end of World. ___ the Canadian textile industry (has "bought abdiit $400 million worth of new machinery and equloment. 30 LITTLE PIGS, ready to wean in two weeks. Apply Alvin Gingerich. Zurich._______ ~ ’ b* 30 WEANER PIGS—Allan WestcottPhone 176-r-32, (Exeter. & DQG HOUSE—Harry DeVries, 369 Marlborough St., phone 551-R, Ex- eter, after 6 p.m, ___________"jnc LARGE PIANO, older onodel, in good condition. Phone H52-M, Exeter, eve- nings or weekends. 3<» IS-TON TRUCK, '52 Dodge, low mile­ age, like new condition, 011 good rubber racks. Apply Phil McKenzie, R.R. 3 Happen. _________26:3:10^ ’51 FORD TRACTOR—Phone 84-r-3 Zurich. 26:3* ENJOY LIVING up to and past 70. by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Ointment that relieves Head Colds Sinus, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Catarr­ hal Deafness, Arthritic and Rheu­ matic Pains, Piles in 10 days or money back. Convincing trial $1.00. Address Purity Co., Exeter, Ont. 26:3;10c WARWICK SEED CORN All Varieties Suitable For Growing In This Area RAY VAN DORSSELAER ’ Phone 35-r-6, Dashwood 2^j Miles West of Exeter, 3% Miles East of Dashwood, on Highway 83 SEED POTATOES, Foundation "A" —Cobbler, Katahdin, Sebago and Table Stock. Exeter District Co-op, phone 287,_______________ 26:3c, 500 BALES OF STRAW—Ron Swartz, phone Exeter 46-J2. 26:3c, GIRLS' COAT, size 12, natural beige in color, in good condition; also pair of men’s navy trousers, fine surge, size 36. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 26:3* RASPBERRY PLANTS, Columbia' (non-suckering): ready for immed­ iate planting; plant now; also straw­ berry plants and black raspberry plants (Black- Caps). Mrs. Emalie Carter, Exeter, phone 322-J12. 19:26:3 CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizing. Apply Carl Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood. 16:2-17:6 STARTED BULLETS, 9-week-old,: Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leg'^ horns. Hubert T. Miller, 57-r-7 Dash­ wood. 22tfc c SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im- meditate service. Butler Bros., Lu- can, phone 108 or 130-W. 3:10:17:24:31:7 General Contracting (Now is the time to build your home, garage or do your repairs. For Free Estimates phone 401-J or 487, -Exeter. 3* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553_______________> Exeter SPRING SHOP—Special on helpers for cars and half ton trucks, re­ arching springs and fixing broken leaves. Gerald Lewis, Lucan._____3c POWER MOWER SERVICE—Spring is just around the corner. Agent for Clinton mowers. Complete line of parts. Hilton Alf Laing, Exeter, phone 72._________ 3c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.(M. We have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. _______4:26tfc DRESSMAKING, preferably child­ ren’s. Mrs. Fred Bowers, phone 750- Wl, Exeter. ________________26:3c MANURE LOADING—Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W. 12tfcc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING—40 years’ experience. Quality workman­ ship. Wallpapers available. Bert Clark, 430 Albert St., Exeter. tt'2tfn FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp­ ening Service, 105 Sanders St., Ex­ eter, phone 454. 3tfc TENDERS WANTED •Tenders for concession privileges for the Exeter Race Meet to be held on 'Wednesday, May 30, 1956, are to be ,in the hands of the secretary not later than May 23. W. C. ALLISON, Secretary 8:10:17 SCHOOL BUILDING & GROUNDS Marked* tenders will be received by the undersigned until May 15. 19'56, for the sale of S.S. No. 13 school building and grounds, Mc­ Gillivray. Township. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. McGillivray Township School Area DAVID N. HENRY, Sec.-Treas Clandeboye, Ont,______26-.3 TOWNSHIP OF HAY DRAINAGE TENDER Sealed tenders will foe received by the undersigned municipal clerk uh- tiil 6 p.m., Monday, May 14, 1956, for the construction of the Stephen Municipal Drain, consisting of ab- proximately 15,200 lineal feet of open drain.Plans and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at the office of the undersigned or a complete set of plans and specifica­tions may be obtained by writing'to the engineer and enclosing a de­ posit of $5 (deposit not refundable). A marked cheque made payable to the treasurer of the township of Hay for 10 percent of the fold must ac­ company the tender,Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. 0. B. CORBETT, P. Eng.. BOX 75, Lucan, Ont. H, W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Township of Hay 300 BALES HAY, choice quality. Ap­ply Don Parsons, phone 673-r-33 Hensail._____________ 3c ’52 OLDS 88, standard drive, radio, seat covers, etc. Phone 455-R Exeter after 5.00 p.m.__________________3* 'ENSILAGE—Several tons of good quality ensilage; also litter carrier and track, complete. Bruce Tuckey, R.R. 1 Hensail, phone 6i85-43._____6* CAR, good condition. Apply Simon Sweitzer, Exeter. 8* HELP WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEKEEPING in mo­dern home at RCAF Centralia. Ap­ ply to Box “H” Times-Advocate. 3:10c MAN & WIFE to work on tobacco farm, Live in. 'Phone Langton 4508 or apply August De Ruysscher, R.R. 1 Delhi.______________________3:10* PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS Applications for position of super­ visor for Exeter Kinsmen Playground will be received up to and including Friday, May 18. The supervisoris chosen will take a five-day training course at Camp Kintail at no cost to themselves. Working hours are 8.30 to 5.00, Monday to Friday, from July 1 to August 17, a 7-week period. State experience you have had work­ ing with children. State qualifica­ tions in arts and crafts, music, sing­ ing, dancing, sports, track and field, ball handling games, specialties, swimming gymnastics, musical in­ struments, handicrafts, story telling and dramatics. Send all applications to Doug Smith, Recreation Director, Box 278, 'Exeter. Any applications that have been received by play­ ground chairman will be recognized.3c WAITRESS, also kitchen help. Ap­ ply in person to Rether’s Coffee shop,_______________________18:26:30 SALESMAN If you are held back foy low income, product restriction, strikes or limited opportunity here is what we have to offer. Life time opportunity. Greatest (benefits of any organiza­ tion of its kind. Newspaper and Radio advertising. Formal training at our sales school. An organization you will be proud to represent. Group Hospital plan available. You can get all details by writing stating age, experience and telephone number .to Box 817-B89, London, On­tario. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE FOR RENT 26c 4-R00M APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private foath. Pen- haie Apartments, 70 John St. East, phone 294-R,_______ 3c AfPARTMENT, centrally located, * 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, pant furnished, separate entrance; rent reasonable; immediate posses- sion. 343 Andrew St., Exeter. 3* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, furnished, heated, hot and cold water, ibuilt-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing; private ent- rance, Blatchford Apartments. 8* PASTURE FOR CATTLE, good per­ manent pasture. Will take in cattle at 14tf per lb. gain. You pay only for gain. Apply Sheldon Wein, 'phone 7, Exeter.____ ___________ 3:10c 3 'LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap­ ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52. I9tfc UPPER APARTMENT, unfurnished, on William St., near downtown, oil heated, 4 large rooms and bath, entirely private, range wiring and hoit water tank, recently redecorated. phone 299. 3:10* 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, EXeter, __________________12tfc APARTMENT—Phone your reserva­tion for this one — small, bright, steam heated apantauent, available April 15. Phone 476, Elliot Apart­ments. ___________ _ 12tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER 2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich._____ 9tfc c MAIN STREET APARTMENT—Over Gould and Jory store; living room, bedroom and kitchen; hydro and water provided; available April -I. Apply 'Exeter Times-Advocate. 22tfn* APARTMENT, furnished or (unfur­ nished, with new private 'bath, new built-in cupboard’s; newly decorated, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, hot and cold water on tap, separate entrance; available now. Phone 400- W (evenings). ______ (22tfc* LAND—Large acreage, suitable for cash crops on cash or share crop basis. For further information phone Dashwood 31-r-15 after, 5 p.m.3:15 - 5:3 SEWING MACHINES—Electric port­ ables, by the week. Hopfoer-Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 8tfn c HOUSE, Well located, hear schools; would accomodate one or two fami­ lies; 3-pieCe bath up and down; heavy wiring; immediate possession. C, V. (Pickardt realtor, 394 Main St, Exeter. , 8tfcc 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, frig, heated, utilities paid. Phone 8, Oredlton._______ mfc c 3-ROOM APARTMENT, with, bath, uniurnishod, centrally Ideated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, utilities paid, reasonable rent. Apply Lloyd Ford’s Men’s and Boys’ Wear, phono’ 299. .................. 10^6* UPSTAIR APARTMENT, 3-room, In Centralia, wlth^ hath, private ent­rance, Phono 732-J3, Exeter, 26:3c REAL ESTATE 105 ACRE TILED FARM Large barn, driving shed, and straw shed with cement silo, 8-rpom brick house. The biddings have hydro throughout with a drilled well, and pressure system in the barn; 45 acres plowed—the balance in hay and pas­ ture, well drained and fenced. All enquiries addressed to Mr. Charles F. Pusohelberg, Brodhagen, Ontario. This advertisement published free by ALLIED FARM SERVICES, London, Ontario._________________________3c VALUABLE (BUILDING LOT—This lot is situated in residential section close to business pant of EXeter. Act fast. B. W. F, Beavers, phone 86. 3tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—(Modem 1-2 bedroom house, available June 1, Phone 85-W, Exeter._____________Be 50 ACRES—Bluewater Highway, Bay­ field, nice square 50 acres; good soil, suit gardener or hobbyist: 'bank bam; good 'brick house, could be duplexed; good wells; hydro; quick possession. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- fions, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 2Gtfte HENSALL Brick home with good location. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, new furnace. Priced reasonably, with terms. Inquire at once. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Broker R, B. Paterson, Phone 51 Henisall, Ontario.19tfc CENTRALIA—Comfortable 3-bedroom home with acres of good land. T,his house is in good repair and nicely decorated; inside toilet; garage. Price $3,500.00, C. V. Pickard, Real- tori_____________________________19 EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con­dition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good garage; immediate posses­sion. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home is nicely decorated throughout; hard­ wood floors and fireplace: forced oil heat; extra lots, beautifully treed; garage. Price $7,500.00 with very easy terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME—Exeter North, with one acre. A clean home at the very low price of $1,900.00. Immediate possession, 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, very attractive living room, dining room, convenient roomy kitchen, 3-piece bath, permanent laundry tubs. This comfortable home is particularly well located on a beautifully treed lot. Owner leaving town. Quick posses­sion. 2-iSTOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in ■wonderful condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning furnace and water soft­ener. Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage. Possession arranged. If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exetqr, phone 165 and 628._____ 12tfc 100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron's good quality farms, well under­drained, good barns, silo, good house with conveniences: Exeter area. Wil­liam Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen.__________lGtfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; closC to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items THE VILLAGE OF ELIMVILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. Sharp The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell 'by Public Auction, “HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Stanley piano and bench, in good condition; dining loom extension table with chairs; China cabinet; radio; phono­ graph and records; violin; (book case; floor 1 amp; 6 small tables; easy chairs and rockers; sofa; many pic­ tures; books; 4 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses; 3 trunks; chest; coal and wood heater;-Findlay coal and wood range; sideboard; kitchen table and chairs; Singer sewing machine; step ladder; 2 toilet sets; a quantity of dishes; some an­ tique glass and china; articles of brass; kitchen utensils; coal oil lamps; electrical supplies; 18 new quilts; blankets; .sheets; pillow cases; towels; embroidery work; hooked mats; carpets; floor rugs; all articles in Al condition; 12 cushions; 75 jars of fruit; quantity of hard coal; bi- oycle; 13 screen doors; garden tools; 15 bunches red cedar shingles; oil tank and pump; lawn vases; law.n mower; some wood and lumber; and many other articles.TERMS: Cash. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of lot in Elimvillei containing one acre of land, more or less, on which is situ­ ated a comfortable white brick house, 18% feet x 28 feet with -frame kitchen attached, a 'barn, 16 feet x ■24 feet, hen house, ll.fget x 24 feet. This is a desirable property, nicely located, and will foe offered for sale at 3 p.m., subject to a reasonable re­serve (bid. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on the day of sale, the balance in 30 days. This is the Wilcox Estate. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Admin. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. CLARK FISHER, Clerk 26:3 IN AN 'ELDERLY LADY to board. Ap­ ply Mrs. Jim Trevethick, phone 619- r-11 Ailsa Craig, 26tfc LOST HEIFER—In McGillivray Township, a white yearling heifer, just dehomed. Phone 61'6-y-M Ailsa Craig. 3c STOCK WANTED . .! " , ih, DEAD, DISABLED STOCK— Seven-. day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves.—Glen Kennedy, phone collect lAS-W Lucan or Exeter 235. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. 12tfa NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate ofBeatrice Ann Wilcox, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Beatrice Ann Wilcox, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 4th day of Febraury 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On­tario, by the fifth day of May, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. . Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter - Ontario. 19 In the Estate of Robert Waldron Wilcox, Deceased. All persons having -claims against the estate of Robert Waldron Wil­ cox, late of the Township of Us­borne, in the County of Usborne, Gentleman, who died on br about the 28th day of March''1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On­ tario, by the fifth day of May, 1956, atifer which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, - ‘ Exeter - Ontario, . 19 Wanted Used Cars Deal yours in on a 56 METEOR TODAY In the Estate of Russell Baynham, deceased. persons having claims against '54 DODGE SEDAN 23,000 actual miles, 1 owner. '53 METEOR TUDOR Tu-tone, better than new. '49 CHEV SEDAN Special price $595. '49 FORD TUDOR Maroon, excellent condition. '50 MORRIS OXFORD Good condition. AJ] £ — --- -- ’ . the estate of RusseU Baynham? late of the Township of Bdsanquet, in the County of Lambton, Fireman, •who died on or about the 19th day of January 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & ■Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On­tario, by the 12th day of May next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix, * ’EXETER, Ontario. 26:3:10 '52 FORD i/g-TON Excellent condition. South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter STRAWS SHOW V/HICW WAY TME WIND BLOWS - straw HATS SHOW THAT IT DOES/ Grass Seeds I Timothy No. 1 90% Alfalfa 10% Red Clover $22.00 Bus. Red Clover No. 1 $20.00 Bus. Alfalfa, No. 1 ..... $23.00 Bus. $6.50 Bus. Fertilizer 2-12-10 $41.00 Ton (Cash) Seed Potatoes Irish Cobbler, Sebago Katadin No. Com. No. 1 (Limited Supply) RODNEY OATS—Reg 1, Reg. No. 2, Reg. No. 3, REG. GARRY OATS—Just a few bushels left. MONTCALM BARLEY—Reg. No. 1, Reg. No. 2, Com. ' No. 1 BEAVER AND CLINTON OATS-^Com. No. 1 Seed Corn For Sale WARWICK, DEKALB, PFISTER CORNS We Have A Contract For Growing Corn BARLEY CONTRACTS—still available. Garden Needs MERRY GARDEN ROTARY TILLER Reg. $157.00 — Yours For Only $141.30 18" ROTARY MOWER — 2 CYCLE MOTOR , Reg. $69.95 — Yours For Only $62.95 • Vigoro Fertilizer • Sheep Manure • Peatmoss • Dehydrated Cattle Manure • McKenzie Seeds • Seed Potatoes, Etc. 0 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items to foe held at the .Evangelical Church Parsonage iIN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The Undersigned auctioneer re* ceived instructions to sell by public auction onSATURDAY, MAY 13, 1956 Commencing at 1.30 p.m.Three-piece chesterfield suite; din­ ing room extension table; buffet; criblnet electric radio; five-drawer clotheis closet with mirror; Beatty electric washing .machine; General Electric refrigerator; kitchen table; heavy duty kitchen scales; antique kitfehen clock; Klectrohome air con­ ditioner, electric 12” record player; tubular brass bedstead and springs; fail size feather tick mattress; heavy plate glass table top, 34”x®2’’; 2 electric irons; electric toaster; kit­ chen utensils; power lawn mower, like new; fog light for car; garden tools; many articles too numerous to mention). No reserve — everything will be sold. Everything In now condition,TERMS: Cash, REV. II. E. ROPPEL, Prop. ALVIN walper, Auctioneer 3:io Special This Week FREE! ONE ACME BOOSTER TONIC With each purchase of Acme Super Mineral Stock Conditioner With Vitamins A & D and Cod Liver Oil) 5 0 Lbs.—$5.95 100 Lbs.—$11.50 Raising Calves, Pigs, Poultry requires plenty of hard work. Make it easier for yourself by giving your live­ stock our quality Purina and Shur-Gain mash or pellet­ ed feed. Both contain the essential foods to give a balanced diet. s s E s | *