HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1954 I Wedding Invitations Serviettes Coasters Gift Ideas. The Times-Advocate Await Supreme Court Ruling On Farm Marketing Question MIXED SLABS $&50 A CORD, DELIVERED HARDWOOD SLABS .. $3.50 A CORD, DELIVERED MIXED WOOD ........... $5.00 A CORD, DELIVERED HARDWOOD ............... $6.00 A CORD, DELIVERED It may take three weeks or ■three months for -the Supreme Court of Canada to reach a de­ cision on the constitutio-uai valid­ ity of Ontario’s farm marketing laws. That’s the opinion of observers in Ottawa who watched proceed­ ings of the 'three-day hearing last The question put to the eight judges of the court is whether changes levied toy provincial mar­ keting 'boards are indirect taxes, a form of taxation exclusively reserved for federal jurisdiction, pr genuine licence Jeep.. The court’s -decision will he -of wide interest to farmers in- this area because it affects directly the operation of -the Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Co-op, of which all hog prod Heel’s are members. As the court reserved -decision, a second question mark was raised -by -the Ontario govern­ ment: Has Parliament the con­ stitutional -power to delegate such indirect taxing powers to the provinces. it Phone 623-r-3, Ailsa Craig >MHUUM4IUIIUimill||nillllllli:illlUIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIllllllull>llllllllllll»llllllllllll>llllllMllll»llllllll>lllllllllllll^’ How to give new life to an old lawn There is no more depressing sight in summer than a tired lawn with its dull grass and shabby patches, Yet it is not difficult to create new life and loveliness that will not only brighten your lawn but enrich the whole appearance of your home and its surroundings. Where your lawn has become worn by walking or children’s play, apply steel-pointed rake to loosen, then pulverize the soil. Then sow Suburban Lawn Grass Seed. In other spots - where lawn is thin or bare, it may indicate that your soil is low in plant food or organic matter (humus) or both. In this case it should be treated as for a new lawn. Just a reminder: Grass seed in its sprouting stage will die if allowed to dry out. So cover it with a quarter of an inch of fine top dressing made of soil and sand. A light rolling will be beneficial at this point. Then water as lightly as necessary (every two or three days if there is no rain) utltil you have a good stand of grass. What Seed to Use? For a highly attractive, durable and weed-resistant turf ... be sure to use SUBURBAN LAWN GRASS SEED on your lawn. All grass seed in this popular brand has been carefully selected and blended into a mixture of the highest possible purity, quality and growing properties. Ask your seed or hardware dealer ... he will tell you of the long and successful record of SUBURBAN LAWN GRASS SEED on hundreds of new and established lawns. 1 Huron Junior Farmers Activities new feature in this year’s com­ petition will toe rifle shooting. ■Contestants will -compete as teams of four people, either boys or girls, or mixed teams. The •competition will be at a -dis­ tance of 25 yards and standard rifles 'with adjustable peep sights will toe used. Since many of the contestants may not have fired target rifles it has been decided that five practice shots will be allowed to familiarize the firer -with the rifle and trigger pressure. Tentative plans were made for the annual junior farmer church service to toe 'held in Winigham or district on Sunday evening, July 22. The annual junior farmer live­ stock judging competition will foe held in -Seaforth on -Saturday, May 19. At -this competition junior farmer and 4-iH members have -the opportunity to -test -their ability as judges of the vai’-ious livestock breeds kept in the county. -The 'Classes will in­ clude beef cattle, -dairy cattle, swine, hog carcasses, sheep and ipossibly poultry -for ithe poultry club members. s Huron County Junior Farmers held their first 1956 executive meeting in the agricultural board rooms, 'Clinton, on Wednesday evening, April 25. A guest at the meeting w-as Robert Howie, of Newburgh in fhe County of Fife, Scotland. Robert is spending 10 days in Huron County, five days at the home of Boyd Taylor, R.R. 3 Walton, member of the North Huron Junior Farmers, and five days with 'Murray -Gaunt, R.R. 1 'Lucknow, member of the Colwa- inash Junior day, May 1, members of Farm ers showed, slides of his home and interesting points in bis home­ land. -During the past year, Huron County Junior Farmer meeting improvement competition was en­ forced and an additional rule was .added for the competition that a local junior farmer club may only win -the Harold Baker Trophy -two years in succession and after a lapse of one year will again be eligible to compete for the -trophy. This competition was open to all of the junior farmer clubs 'in the county -and design­ ed to ihel-p ■prove their After a concerning. Huron Junior Farmer Field Day it was decided that -the events should toe held in the Seaforth Lions Park and that the tenta­ tive date was set on June 9. A Farmers. On Tues- ■he^will go to visit the Lincoln Junior Association. Robert ■the local clubs im- regular, meetings, lengthy discussion the annual Perth- WUERTHS Data On . Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Has Inquired F. P. Varcoe, deputy federal justice minister, said in conclud­ ing arguments that 'the Ontario government has inquired about ithe point. 'It may form the basis of a further reference to the court later. Mr. Varcoe, representing the federal government, joined the provinces in supporting the legal­ ity of the Ontario Farm products Marketing Act. He said -the provinces have power over local m -a r >k e t i n g through the pool arrangements, and argued the hoards' fees are jio-t indirect taxes, -C. R. Magone, deputy Ontario attorney - general, claimed the Charges levied by the boards are licence fees -and the proceeds could Ibe used to equalize pay­ ments to farmers participating in the marketing pools. J. J. Robinette, Toronto lawyer appointed by the court to fight the legislation, argued he levies are indirect taxes which are eventually passed to -the con­ sumers in the cost of farm pro­ ducts. He said the Ontario legislation conflicted with the federal Live­ stock Products Act which allow­ ed -a farmer to market his hogs at public stockyards. The Ontario act stipulated he 'had to go through a marketing agency. In Conflict P, B. C. Pepper of Toronto argued the Ontario laws are in Conflict with the federal anti­ combines legislation. The Ontario hog marketing scheme, he said, created a marketing monoply and caused undue restraint of trade through price-fixing ar­ rangements. Nelson McFarlane, of Strata ford, said the provincial legisla­ tion attempted to control mar­ keting, t-h-us -conflicting with federal price supports. -The boards prices, federal Mr. farmer fond whose original challenge of the Ontario legislation led to the federal reference to the court. ■were creating artificial ith-u-s interfering ’ -with support policy. McFarlane represented Theodore 'Parker of Strat- FOLKS IN ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥** In Centralia In Crediton its Centralia Farmers Supply Phone 885-J Exeter its Hodge General Store & Hardware Phone 7 Crediton NEW HEADQUARTERS FOR I Pittsburgh paints je 5 We now have the famous family of Pitts­ burgh Paints! Here is where you will find all of those high-quality,>field-tested Pitts-' burgh finishes for every paintable surface inside or outside of your home. Get SUN­ PROOF House Paint—WALLHIDE Rub­ berized Satin Finish or the new WALL- HIDE Alkyd Type Flat for any interior wall surface — SATINHIDE Enamel in colors that match WALLHIDE Wall Paints —FLORHIDE for wood or cement floors and steps—WATERSPAR for furniture and woodwork inside and out. featuring Maestro Colors Hundreds of today’s most-wanted hues in three great Pittsburgh Paints including rub­ berized and alkyd-type finishes. Sale Of Discontinued Colors WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS AT REDUCED PRICES IMPORTANT Whatever your lawn problems we invite you to write us for assistance. We have also prepared a pamphlet on “How to Make and Keep a Good Lawn”. It’s FREE! A quality product of JONES, MACNAUGHTON SEEDS LTD. London, also Exeter, Crediton Ontario LAWN GRASS SEED FEATURED BY LEADING SEED AND HARDWARE STORES Sold in Exeter by Traquair Hardware Lindenfields Ltd. ATHLETIC SHOES Men’s Pio, Sizes 6 to 12 85.60 Values for $4.25 ROLLER SKATES Girls’ and Boys’, Not Attached $4.25 Values for $1.98 Men’s, Sizes 7-8 $21.00 Values for $10.98 While They Last NEW FARM SHOES Good For Hard Wear ' $4.29 and Up BOYS' FARM SHOES Sizes 2, 3, 4—Very Special $5.25 Values for $4.29 SOCKS For the Working Man—Grey Two Pair 790 BROWN TENNIS SHOES 1 to 5—980 Rubber & Leather Repairing Attended to Promptly WUERTHS Buy DACK Shoes . For Style and Long Wear Mr. -and Mrs. Howard Pym v-isited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb of -Holmesville. Mr-s. Philip Murch visited on ■Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs.- Nor­ man Jaques and family of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Bieber and fam­ ily have moved into -the house recently occupied by Vialentynes, who have moved <to Sarnia. Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg §f Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago -of Kirkton visited Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs. family. ■Mr. and and Grace mo-tored to Toronto on Tuesday for -a couple -of days. Miss Anna Routly will return home wi-th them. Mrs. Delmer Sk-inner, Mrs. Al­ vin Cooper, Mrs. Ross Skinner visited Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mar-gison of London. Mission Band Elimville Mission 'Band was held on 'Saturday, April 21, at the home of Miss Ruth Horne of WinChelsea. Misses Frances Skiner -and Jo-An-ne* Miners bad charge of the program. Mrs. Howard Pym gave the study .book. Janet Skinner sang a solo. Frances Johns played a piano instrumental and Margaret Johns read the 'temperance story. Frances Skinner led in prayer.Games were played after the i program. M, Routly and Mr. William. Routly and Mrs. William Routly welded — 'Simple even flow grass seed TANK SPRAYER — Heavy galvanized steel, seams. 2-WHEEL GARDEN CART — Tilt to fill or empty. Metal tray 28i/j" x 19’/2". Roller-bearing rubber-tired wheels.. LAWN SPREADER regulator controls and distribution of „-------------- or fertilizers. Baked enamel heavy-gauge steel. Convenient one-hand 42 £<|operation................... 0.0X7 10-98 METAL WHEELBARROW — Ample tray with big puncture - proof rubber tire. Lightweight. GET OUT IN THE GARDEN Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN BEST Used-Car Buys IN TOWNft Come look at the gleaming beauties on our used / car lot—all reconditioned and repaired where necessary, shined up like new and ready for you to drive away without a worry or care. Compare these fine cars with any others—see what you get, dollar for dollar—and you'll find you can't beat the buys at Snell Bros. Limited PHONE 100 CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE EXETER Personal Items Miss Evelyn 'Cunts was pleas­ antly surprised! Hast Wednesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curts and Ml-s-s Viola -Curts of London, Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth -Smithers of Parkhil.1, Mr. and Mrs. Eliton Curts- and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence -Curts held a birth- day party at Ithe home of Miss •Evelyn Curts and Mr. Manuel Curts in her ihon-or. Mrs. J, Gardner spent -couple of -days Hast week with Mr. and Mrs. Geior-ge Hall. Mr. Dawson Woodburn of To­ ronto spent itlhe 'weekend at his home .here. M-r-s-. John Brown will -celebrate her 95th ibinth-day -on (Sunday May 16. Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Gillies and sons- lot Berkley, Mich., and Miss Marion Hicks of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Mr. -and Mrs. Gordon Wilson of Thedford' visited -on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family -and Mr. an-d Mrs. Dean Brown. Misses Diane and Rosalie Hicks,^daughters of Mr. and Mr-s. Fred -Hicks, won first prize in -the cornet solo and 'the clarinet solo, respectively, in the .South Huron 'Musical Festival held in Exeter last week. SOLAS PACKED WILL NOT BURN STfRIING INDUSTRIES Beauty LAWNS • FLOWERS • SHRUBS r GARDEN SPADE—Tempered 7" x 12" blade; O 1 Q"D"-handlo ........ <■■■ JL ROUND POINT SHOVEL *) —"D"-grlp handle ... dfceJKw SPADING FORK — 4 tines; 1-pc. forging. O /IQ "O"-hondle ....................... FOR RAPID u ROW TH f LAWN ORGANIC LAWN ORGANIC The rich, natural growth elements of dehydrated LAWN ORGANIC will stimulate healthy and vigorous turf. Clean to h a n d I o ,, No A g danger of burning. .Eeo- nomical to use 50 ibs. w No. I LAWN SEED For Hew lawns or re-seeding bare patches, you will get excellent re­ sults from these special mixtures of fine perennial grasses, TOWN & COUNTRY, 1-lb. .. .74 GRO-KOTED—Fast growing, 1-lb......................................... SHADY NOOK—Gro-koted, ’-■k ■■..................................... 1.25 LAWN-MASTER—No. 1,4-lb. bag ..................* .2.09 Since the end of World War Uaiiada has advanced mote than four 'billion dollars in financial aid to foreign countries. Gifts to other countires have amounted to $1,856,845,600, or nearly half ■the foreign aid total In -the per­ iod. 3-gal. .. 2.79 DANDELION rake— Long handle; f QG 14’A" wide.............. PLASTIC BROOM RAKE — Flexible heavy - duty tinea won't damage tender .89 l’/2-gal. BOW RAKEBOW RAKE — Steel reinforced. 14 curved teeth. Long handle ........................................ 2.19 TURF EDGER — Steel blade, 8’/4" x 4%". 4-ft. handle ... 1.29 CULTIVATOR-WEEDER — 3, forged prongs losen soil; 4" wceder blade cuts off roots ...... ......... 1.98 DUTCH HOE — 7" sharp ateel blade. Long hondle ...... 1.69 3-PRONG CULTIVATOR — Extra narrow to get between plants, only 3’/i" wide. Long handle 1,69 PRUNING SHEARS — Cutlery steel blade cuts against soft metal anvil. Narrow nose for close-in cutting ................. 1,19 GARDEN HOE — Keen-edged 8-In. steel blade, long handle. Standard Supreme 1.29 2.44 LAWN ROLLER Heavy-gauge steel, Bevelled edges prevents tearing sod.. Drum size. 12" x 20"; Water filled, Q 112 lbs............................. 0.03 x 24"; 14.95 Drum size, 18" Water filled, 250 lbs. ...... Phone 451 / COMPLETE WITH COUPLINGS Get this super-strength, good-looking ’plastic hose now—af Canadian Tire'S greater savings. It'S flexible, lightweight and easy to hondle. 5-ycar guarantee of durability. Exceptional value. ’/a" CORRUGATED RUBBER HOSE— Priced for savings. Couplings at­ tached. 25-ft. 2.49 so-ft. 4.19 Here's Value PLASTIC HOSE ASSOCIATE S T 0 / Milton R. Robbins