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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 7
THS Wit- QtlTARIQ, THURSDAY MQRNIN5, MAY ?, 1W •vrE ft E s H § E E To Obtain The Highest Prices FOR YOUR POULTRY 4 Rjyer$i<de Poultry Co, Ltd. LONDON s B | London 7-4230 Phone Collect Hensail 680R2 | g 1 s z ‘ .2 Phone Collect Six Teams Enter H-P Ball League; Exeter, Hensail Plan New Clubs they two Mother Make with an At a meeting iu Exeter Friday night, the Huron-Barth Baseball League elected its officers Cor the -coming season. Six -teams intimated that will enter the league and mere are a possibility. Teams from Exeter, Dashwood, Mitchell, Clinton, Hensall and Zurich are sure starters while I/Uean and St. Marys, are serious ly considering re-entry in the 26- year-old, league. Wally Wein of (Dashwood was elected' president of* the league while the first vice-president and -second vice-president posts were taken -by ’Robert Saddler of Staf- fa and -Laurie ton. As well as president, Mr. publicity director for the league and will 'compile all statistics for the .teams. The town -clerk of Clinton, John Livermore, has once again been appointed -secretary-treasurer for the league. Hensall plans to enter the league again after an absence of several years. Hensall Enters Team Bill Smith, general -manager of the General Coa°ch Works in Hen- sail, said that there are a lot of good baseball flayers in town. "I can see no reason why a team can’t >be formed,” said Mr. Smith. The Hensall entry assures the league of at least starting group. The Exeter team what as a surprise since the Legion, a six team Cblquhoun of Clin- being second vice- Colquhoun 'will be comes some- to local Cans which has /backed the clulTfor several years, (Withdrew its support this spring in view of its new building pro gram- (Sponsor of the town entry has not been announced although several local sportsmen 'have in dicated they would be willing to manage the el uh. Plan New Series A new series' will be inaugu rated this year. The first four teams in the final standing will play off for the grand champion ship. The first and third and ■second and fourth place teams will each play -a best-bwo-out-of- three series; the two winners to play a 'best three-out-of-flve series for the grand championship. League officials are now looking for a ti'Ophy for this series, Which will be played either, be fore or after the various teams go into OBA pl<a,y-doiwns. The entry fee this year has been increased from $5 to ?10. Hockey Tribe Rebuilds For ’A' Title Defence The 1555-56 edHiOtt of the Exeter iMohawks, which brought the W0AA ipt, ‘’A” champion' ship to this proud community, is getting stronger as the. days go by. v Already two players and pos sibly a third have found employ ment for the summer 'months so that they ean be classed as RCA 'Stratofrosf REFRIGERATOR Maids, Ups And Downs Meet In Bowling Finals i4 fUZMETH AM<H Blue Grass Flower Mist 2.00 Puff-Puff Dusting Powder 2 oz. 1,75 Blue Grass Perfume Mist 3.50 Mother's Day May I3fw “homebrews” for the coming season. This, enables the club to bring In three more waivers- When this is done, it will give the team a third line which it was in desperate need of in • the O.H.A. playoffs just completed. The first player to move in was Bill Oberle from Waterloo, The high scoring left-winger on •the Hejdeman, Loader line has been employed by Turkey Beve rages Ltd. Bill Wharnsby, starry left winger on the kid line, was the next player- to move in. Coming to Exeter from Kitchener, Bill is working for .Jones, M-acNaughton Seeds Ltd. Lanky Larry Haldeman is also looking for suitable employment, With these players in town, the booster club feels -Exeter should ibe a strong contender to repeat the WO A A title and ad vance further into O.H.A. com petition. , Over the weekend the tribe had a team picture taken by photographer Jack Doerr in the local arena, A banquet will be held at the Legion Hall on May 25 .to close out the season.,. Guest speaker will be (Mickey Roth, star centre man with the iSenior “A” (Strat ford Indians, Blue Grass Dusting Powder with 1 dram Blue Grass Perfume 3.75McEwan Blasts Lengthy Playoffs Long schedules with no team being 'eliminate^, the continual use of the best >of seven series and the extra .playoff for the championship are major reasons for failing gate receipts in hock ey, says Harry McEwen, former Exeter Mohawk captain and sports editor of Clinton News cord. “Our local iB,ig-8 group has been a prime example for all of these infractions’', says McEwen, “All eight teams played 2'8 sched ule games to decide absolutely nothing—they were all in the playoffs. To add to ithe playoff mixup an extra series for the Mc Millan Trophy In which jail teams participated, was arranged. “‘Op completion of this, each of the teams started into another ■series in their .own particular classification—-and they were still playing teams in the lBig-8.” “The McMillan Trophy is a good thing but the team finish ing on top of the league at the end of the reguta/r schedule should ‘be declared league cham pions iand awarded, tlhe trophy automatically—ithey have earned it. “It is our 'belief that 'the two out of three series is the best in elimination .rounds, with, three out of five plenty long enough for a group -finial, or an ail-Onlt- ario championship. It wais not too long ago. that every round was -decided on a. two-game total goal basis. “It may take a few yeans but we expect that tilings will -rectify themselves and once more it will be difficult to .get -a seat .at -an important hockey game.” Beautifully gift tvrapped in shining foil with pretty ribbons and flowerswith 36 points each. Dps and Downs scored a 7-0. victory over the -Mighty Mice to overtake Alley Cats .in‘ “B” group. The winners finished with 44 points while the Gats, who lost -their final gamo 5-2 to the Frisky (Six' came home with 40. ■Skunks, with, 38, completed the series in third place. Maiy Westlake topped the girls for high single With -a 308 game last -week. Dot Brady rolled 2'8 S and Kay Hay trundled 280. Best triple was Nor-ma 'Caldwell’s 652 while -Peg Hunter-Huvar Scored 651. “A”''GROUP Busy Bees (A. Cutting 634) — £914 4 Merry Maids (H, Beavers 562) 8090 3 Pili Poppettes (-P. Haugh 639) '3'208 5 Green Horns (D. Marks 568) _ 2954 2 Be Bops (L. Blommaert 567) ~ 6195- 7 Happy Gals (D. Munroe 613) _ 2657 0 Wish Bones (M. Wilson 529) _ 2563 7 Jojfly Six- (A, -Moore 432)___ 2644 0 Jolly Jills (A. Lawson 620) — 3215 5 Wee Hopes <N. Caldwell 652) 31-96 2 “B” GROUP L. Strikes (M. Edwards 578) _ 3121 5 Hi Lights (W Durand 558) — 26.11 2 Skunks (I. Coward 5>80)_____30(11 5 Blowettes (V. Gould 598)___ 2870 2 U. ■& Downs CM. Tetreau 599) 31'60 7 Mighty Mice ((El Morley ©48). _ 2786 0; F, Sisters (P. H-iDuvar 6'51) _ 3119 5’ Hot Dogs (D. Brady 638) ____ 2978 2 Frisky Six (J. NIel 631)____ 3348 5 Alley Cats <K. flay 631) 3190 2 STANDING “B” Group U. & Downs _ 44 Alley Cats — 40 -Skunks_____38 Frisky Six __ 37 •L. Strikes-__35 Mighty 'Mice _ 83 Hot Dogs__®2 Blowettes__23 F. Sisters 20 Hi Lights 13 Merry Maids and Ups and Downs, winners of “A” and “B” groups of the 'ladies bowling league playoffs, will tangle for the cliampionship in a three-night series this week and next. The Maids, who lost their final game to Busy Bees 4-3, edged the secon^place We® Hopes by one point in “A” section. They finished with 39 points while the Hopes, who were tied with (Maids for -the leadership a 5-2 decision to to finish with 38. Busy Bees and tied foi- third place in the group last week,' lost the Jolly Jills k GINSERICH'S/W HEATING" ENGINEER. Pin. Pap-pettes Model R9F Deluxe $399.99 Less Maximum Trade-In Allowance Of $150.00 (g LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. wyouR furnace} ITHES'----* LpWpaq COMFORT Sign Wark Addressing FRESH Mothers Day Candy NEILSON, ROWNTREE — $1.00 TO $3.25 . 1 TJse The Magic Marker Perfumes And Colognes CHANEL — CREPE DE CHINE — YARDLEY ELIZABETH ARDEN EXETERPHONE 50 Times-Advocate .<>•/ Beautiful in performance as well as convenience, this deluxe 9.2 cu. ft. refrigerator is ideal for a Mother’s Day Gift! Dramatic coppertone styling and attractive polar beige interior trim, plus automatic push-button defrost, will make her beam with delight when she sees it in her own kitchen. SNELGROVES PHONE 18 EXETER V See tnese wonderful PRESSES HOUSECOATS HANDBAGS f BLOUSES. SKIT HOSIERY LI] SCARVES SWEATERS GINGERICHS Slighting-Plumbing HING-air CONDITIONING 7UIPMENT&SUPPLIES LECTRKAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING -'I SLACKS GLOVES. BLINDCRAFT APRONS YOUR BEST GROCERY VALUES Red Seal Cohoe Salmon 7%-Oz. Tin..................... Ellmarr Peanut Butter 16-0z. Jar ................... Salada Tea Bags Price .................... 350 ..... 330 Jello Instant Puddings Buy 2 at Regular Price and get 1 for Sale price 3 Pkgs. 270 Tulip Margarine * Price 4 Lbs. $1.00 Aylmer Fruit Cocktail 20-0z. Tin .290 Kellogg's Corn Flakes Large 12-0z. Pkgs...... Campbell’s Soup Tomato or Veg<, 10-Oz. Tins .. 2 for 250 Tide Soap Powder Giant Size Pkg Interlake Tissue Price...............2 Rolls 230 EXETER “A” Group M. Maids__39 WCe Hopes_38 Busy Bees_36 Din Pop’s__36 Jolly Jills__35 Be Bops___33 G. Homs___32 Happy Gals „ 28 Wish Bones _ 19 Jolly Six__ _ 19 I • J y.ec #:■ ffiiS Li $ s?, - $ ® $ X A to in Soccer Club Plans Entry Exeter soccer club plans start practicing next week preparation for competition in a diBtrict league. The local club will play witli teams from 'Clinton, Branitford, .Sarnia and two from London. ’Stohiediule will start this month. John Bruls, the manager, says ■the club hopes to establish a field -at the community park with the (co-operation of the parks board. In the meantime, it's look ing for a location to play until the new grounds are a-eadiy. The -club also seeks new mem bers: “This team is not just for New Canadians,” says Bruls. “We’d like to see a lot of local boys play -tih-is year and we’re ■extending an invitation to every? one to come out to practices.” He ■asks prospective .players 'to get in touch (with him at 134 Gidley Street -Or telephone 80-M. The club started two years ■ago. News of Kirkton By MBS. FRED HAMILTON Personal Items Mrs, Sidney white of visited her father, If Fletcher and islster, Mrs. Foley last week, Mrs. Wesley Doupe is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Those attending itihe -annual W.A. meeting of Perth Presby tery held -in -Stratford from Klrk- ■ton alfttrcih' were Mrs. J. H. An derson, Mrs-, Earl Watson, Mrs, Robert Hazelwood, Mrs. Alex Crago, Mais. Alvin Drago. pupils of Plug-town school re ceived first, prize in chorus also first prize in 2 phrt chorus clas sification. in the South Huron Festival. Marlene Btone, whs first in solo class for 12-13 years, -Sharon Stoihe, second in 9 years and hin der, iGrace Allen, first in 9-11 years, Fraytte sisters, Darlene ahd Marlette, third in duct class. The school received $10.0'0' scholarship first prize. Mr. -Carl Mills is the teacher. Mr Guelph G. H. Edith 55 Follow the crowds and pocket the savings! Prices are low,.. values are high on the glamour-and-go car with the Forward Look! Just push a button . , . and get set for a new kind of driving thrill! Outstanding new Dodge push-button PowerFIite makes all other automatic transmissions old-fashioned. Ml I jsSMS %1 I 11 Jeal for a Step on the gas,•. and go! Try the lively getaway, the split-second response of the new Dodge V-8 (new with up to 200 h.p.l)... or the dependable performance of the Dodge Six. 8 •v* S ■St iscover Compare every car In the low-price field —and you’ll find these advantages , only in Dodge! • Flight-Sweep styling, the one really new de velopment in design! • Longest low-priced car —up to 10 inches longer than competitor's! Trading high, too! We need more usesd cars to meet the big seasonal rush, so we’ll pay top dollar for • your old car! Immediate delivery! Long, easy terms! Priced with the lowest! One look at the low price tag and you’ll say, "It’s a deal”! Because We’re mak ing the Very best 'Heals you can find anywhere! Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited IhxmcdtCfe delmerq G>s and. V-8's ...gaq new spring colours! value! • 15 great safety features as standard equipment on every model! • Biggest Wrap-around windshield of any low- priced car! REMEMBER, MAY IS SAFETY MONTH.;. DRIVE SAFELY! EXETER MOTOR SALES Exeter • Phone 200 WATCH CLIMAX-SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TIME.*-*