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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-03, Page 5
News pf Ciandeboye By MRS. C. PATON Joint Presentation On Saturday evening at the Lucan Memorial Centre, friends jw,.neighbors -gathered to honor ^®h3families who are moving to We up residence elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison were presented with a TV swivel chair; Mac, Marlene and penny With a gift of money. The ad dress was read by Mr. Murray (Hodgson; the presentation made by Mr. Ernie Lewis and Ray Cunningham. z Mr. and Mrs! Doug 'Hindmarsh Were presented with a green TV swivel Chair. Their children, Patsy, Jimmie, Kevin and Clyde were given a gift of ■money. The address was read by Mr. Murray Lewis; presentation made foy Mr. Rae Hodgins and Mr. Alan HUI. Mr. Harrison and Mr. Hind marsh both made a suitable reply of thanks. Entertainment was enjoyed When Dr, Hall, V.S., of Lucan, played recorded music while ipro-, gregsive euchre was played. Mrs, Ed Flynn and Mr. Moore Cun ningham were high prize winners. Dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Mr. Gordon Alli son, . Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and Donny moved on Monday to •take up residence in their new home in Aylmer, where Mr. Har rison will have a radiator repair shop and drive a school (bus. Mac will stay with friends in. London, •while Marlene will stay with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, W, Leitch, of R.R, Denfield, to finish -the school’year at Medway, Mr. and Mrs, Hindmarsh will •move to Stopey Creek, near Ham ilton, Where Mr. Hind-marsh is With Industrial Equipment of Hanson Farm and Home 'Supply. Patsy and Jimmy wi'1'1 stay in Ailsa Craig with their grand; parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. W. Mc Donald, and attend public school •there till (the end of Jupe. . Mr. and -Mrs. John Verdoold took possession on Tuesday of the farm they purchased from Mr, (Doug Hindmarsh. Mr. V.er- doold formerly ■ was with (Moit’s Dairy, I-lderton. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hindmarsh and family spent 'Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie- Hindmarsh, of R.R. 2 Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Volks of Parkhill spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Cunningham, and attend ed the 'wedding of her grand daughter, Betty Ann, to Mr, George ■Frances iStiltz, of Dela ware. The wedding took 'place in St, James’ Church, Ciandeboye. Miss Jackie Williams returned •home Friday from' .St. Joseph’s ^Hospital, London. jM-r. and Mrs, Mac McNaughton, Mr. Aimer Hendrie and * Mrs. Emily Neale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Bill Downing in Chatham. Mrs. Hendrie returned home with ■them after spending a Week in Chatham. Mr. Maurice Simpson has pur chased the 100 acre farm of the late Mr, James McRann, (Mrs. Cora - Garter returned home on Monday from St. Jo seph’s Hospital, London. ti "Nineteen Nifty Needlers” The junior girls met -in 7 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 9, i»56 Lucan And District News Medway Principal Susan Bridger Addresses H&S The April Home and School meeting in the school auditorium Iiast Tuesday night /was in charge Mrs. Cecil Lewis, educational, convener. The guest 'speaker was Mr- Norman Lindsay, vice-principal of Medway High (School, who spoke on Vocational Guldammr Mr. 'Lindsay, with 'the aid of a blackboard, divided (his topic into two groups, business and school, elaborating oh what tlm business man and the school ex pect of pupils. A business map demands punctuality, regularity of attend- ' ance, an honest day’s work, an employee iwho has the ability not only to think but a keen desire ip get ahead. As schools are the habit forming years, Mr. Lindsay urged parents to assist teachers in seeing that their children form good habits. "Homework,” he said, "is a check on work done during the day and should ibe done -in a room away from radio and TV.” A question period ■followed. ' Two solos were sung by Larry Lewis of -Granton. Mrs. Clarence Hardy spoke on the overwhelming response to the Music Festival to foe held in the community auditorium, May 14 and 15, Ten members volunteered to assist at the festival, Mrs, Cal Haskett, Mrs, J. B. (Ready, Mrs. C. Young and Mrs, D. Park were -named a nominat ing committee to bring in a slate of ofificei’s.for the next -meeting, Mrs. Jack Lankin -and ’her committee were hostesses. The attendance cup went to Mr. S. Lowndes’ room. Recreation Show Highlights Crafts Last Saturday afternoon and evening at the Community Mem orial Arena, the Recreation Coun cil, through the p r o g r -a m m e branch,* sponsored a 95 .article travelling exhibition of -the Can adian Society of -Creative Leather craft which included purses, belts, billfolds, 'book covers and mark ers, crumb trays, boxes etc. • There was also a splendid dis play of aluminum etching trays, leather craft articles and copper tooling pioures, done by local ladies, During the afternoon, JM-rs, Erwin -Scott -and Mrs. Arthur Black displayed the former and Mrs. (Murray Hodgins qrd ^’rs- Wilfred Hodgins the latter. In the evening, Mrs. John Mc Lean and Mrs. Arnold Morley had charge of the former and Mrs. Sheridan Bevington, Mrs. 'Murray Hodgins and Mrs. G. E. Nicholson, -the latter. • . • Gets $9,500 Busan Bridger, daughter of iMr. aud Mrs. E. F. Bridger, who celebrates her ninth birthday on May 3, will receive $9,500 when she is >21, for injuries ©he re ceived when hit by a truck, July 30, 1953. •Busan was riding (her tricycle on the sidewalk when a truck, driven by Thomas F, McQutch- SOn, backed into the child. Susan spent over six months, in the hospital and lost a year from school. She no sooner had 'her cast off when she fell, breaking 'her leg again, necessitating a second cast. For months she had knee, making her walk decided limp. At present is short, which may need (hospital treatment, wears a special shoe. z Susan’s case was settled out of court, last week. Besides the $9,500, the defendant (has agreed to pay $2,429 medical expenses and $1,200 court costs. ‘Social And Personal -a stiff with a one leg (further She now jMrt. T. -S. Hill is spending a week (with her sister, Mrs. (Jruickshank, of Weston, Guests with (Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ayiestock included their daughter, Rev. A. Aylestock of North B-uxton, for a» few days last week 'and their niece, Miss Ella Jackson of Stratford, -over Sunday,—- Mr. and Mrs, Warren Flanni- gan of Lucan were .Sunday visit ors with (Mr, and Mrs. Arthur The junior girls met -in the Ciandeboye school and will be known as the "Nineteen Nifty Needlers” for the new project, "Cottons Will Be .Smart” The leaders -are Mrs. Jack Heamen and Mrs. Don Kestile. ' Phyllis Lee was elected presi dent, with vice-president, Donna Blake; secretary, Marie Carter; treasurer, Jeanette Blake; press reporter, Rosemary HU11; book reporters, Helen Kes-tle and Mari lyn Eaton; pianist, Marlene Hot- son.. " Receive Salk Vaccine At Ciandeboye Public School No. 4 and 12, Dr. Kipp,. Granton, M.O.H. for Biddulph township, gave Balk - vaccine for polio on Tuesday mbrning. for pupils in grades 1 (ahd 5 ito 8. The pupils from school sections Nos. 1, 2 and 9 -of •Biddniph township also received the vaccine. "j M-iss M, Thompson, teacher, and .pupils of Ciandeboye (School No. 4 and 12, held a ’euchre party in the - school on Friday evening to raise funds to help -in the -expenses of their trip on June-’22 -to Detroit and Green wich Village. Winners gent’s -high, Mr. Gordon Eaton; ladies’ 'high, Mrs. A. Blake; lone ■hands, Mrs. W. Scott -and Mac Harrison. Mrs. Billy 'Simpson won the -lucky prize. Ricky, son of Mr. and Mrs, Orville (Rollings, returned home Saturday from St. Joseph’s -Hose- pita'l, London, where fob under went a^tonsillectomy on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor and daughter, Catherine, Lon don,'spent the weekend’with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis. . Mr. Barry Elliot returned home from St. Joseph’s-Hospital on Saturday. He w:as a patient •therg for several weeks,, follow ing ,an operation. for euchre were The Perfect Team To Bet Oh For Quick Results- 1st Times-Ad- .vocate Want Adis. I Weekend Specials \ (i Meat Specials Beef Liver ............................ 290 Lb. Breakfast Bacon, Store Sliced ........... 39^ Lb. Spare Ribs ........................................ 450 Lb. Pure Pork Sausage ........ :...... 39^ Lb. x OntarioHensall Grocery Specials York Peas, 20-Ox, ....... Tip Top Peaches, 20-Oz All-Sweef Margarine Kam ..................... White Grapefruit Sunkist Oranges, 144 2 for 37^ . 210 . 290 . 350 4 for 25^ 41f’ Doz. Panel Discussion * Feature At WMS The April meeting of the United Church W-M.S- ■in the church parlors last Thurs? day afternoon with Mrs. Alex Young, vice-president, in the chair in ifhe absence of Me 'prasB dent, Mrs. Warner McRoberts. During »the business session it was decided to join with other district groups in collecting a bale of good used clothing. Plans were made to attend the sectional (meeting tp be held in the Parkhill United Church, May .15. It was decided to cater to (the mother and daughter banquet date to foe announced later. Mrs. John McLean's group-had charge of the program and refreshments. Mrs'. Murray Hodgins and T. D. Orme assisted Mrs. Lean in the worship period. C. Lewis sang -a solo. ■Mrs. McLean, assisted by •Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Mrs. Mc- Mrs. Mrs. _ , Wes Hodgins and (Mrs. Alex Young, conducted a panel discussion on "The Work in Welcoming NeW Canadians.” An open discussion which followed -proved interest ing to all. Evening Auxiliary • The .Evening Auxiliary of the Lucan United, Church, held their April meeting last Thursday- eve ning at the home of Mrs. Charles .Sovereign, with 19 members pre sent. Mrs. Kew, Mrs. A. E. (Reilly, Mrs. Eldon Young, Mrs, J. B, “ ' ' “ Robert Kehl program and • «.? or.s with iMr, and Abbott. Messrs, Arnold Lewis have opened up a "Spring Shop” in -a garage1 on the property -’of the former. Mr. Mel Qulbert is a patient in Westminster Hospital, Lo-n- •don. Mr. -and Mrs. Albert Copema-n and Mrs. Copeman, ®r., ’ were Saturday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Wes Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Irwin and Linda of Caledon spent weekend in Lucan. Mr. M. O. S-m-ith, who been working in the James district, is spending a few days at his Lucan residence. (Recent ly- an Exeter paper was sent to a friend of 'his. On reading the -home news, 'Mr. (Smith was thrilled to see an item about his wife in the "Personals”. Bridge And Euclire The Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity C'hurch held a- success ful four-table 'bridge 'and six- dable euchre -in the Parish Hall last ■ Thursday evening. Mr. Bob Coleman won the prize for 'high score, euchre; Don O'Neil the ladies’ prize., There was one bridge prize and it was by Mrs.- T.’ C, McFarlane. Hockey Banquet The Arena Ladies’. committee last Wednesday night catered for the annual hockey turkey dinner, for the Lucan Irish 'hockey (team. ■ Mr. J. B. Ready was .-chairman. Speakers included "Mickey‘Roth of Stratford Senior "A” 0.H.A,;- Mr. Ken Ellis of London; Mr. Hugh Hawkins of -Clinton, and ■Mr. H, B. Langford' of Lucan. An enjoyable1 dance followed the dinner and speeches. ; T’rincip^l B. *H. .Elliott, who re cently underwent a foot, opera tion in S< Joseph’s Hospital, was able to he brought .home last (Saturday. „ ; The -Guilds Of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, and St. James’ .Church,’ Ciandeboye, ’have ■pur- ch-abed -a Gostetner which now makes possible a church bulletin each week. , .(Mrs, Warner McRoberts spent , last 'Sunday with her brother, Mr. Theron Creeny and family, of Woodham. ’ Mrs. Wilson Hodgins, Mrs. Charles Little, Mrs. George O'Neil and Mr. Nelson Hodgins attend ed the funeral of their cousin, M-rs. Jack Mitchell, at Hensall last Friday. Mrs. A. O. Calder, formerly of Water St., Lucan,, was re-elected for an eighth term as president of the Huron Diocesan Woman’s Auxiliary. < Mr. and 'Mrs. John Campbell of Riverside spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. (Sheridan (ReVington. Mr. -and Mrs, Stanley Cooper and Harvey, Mr,, and Mrs. Jack Copper and -Eildon, Kingarf, were ■rectory visitors last Thursday, Mbs. J. B. Armitage is mak ing satisfactory recovery in Vic toria Hospital, Mrs.- Harry Atkinson of Lon don is spending a few days with Mr, -and Mrs. Harold Corbett. <Mr. and Mrs. George. Lachie and four (children Of Waterloo were (Sunday guests With Mrs. M. 0. Smith, ' Mrs, T, C, McFarlane, Mrs. M i t c ih 611 Haskett, Mrs, Erwin Scott, M-re. Jack t Murdy,, Mrs. Frank Hovey, Mrs. Harold Hod gins, (Mrs. J. Beatson of the Sr, W.A, and Mrs. Npnfnan I-Iardy, Mrs. Herb -Stretton, Mrs. Roy Stanley, Mrs. -Clarence Haskett and Mrs. Jack Elson, of ithe'E-ve-, ning Auxiliary, were among -those who attended the sixty-ninth an nual meeting .of .the Huron Dio cesan Board W.A.,. held in St, Paul’s Cathedral, Cronyn Hall, ■ahd Masonic Temple, London, April 24 to 26. Mrs. Irving Gibson spent a few days last week in Kippen, the guest of her daughter, (Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family. •and Gerald last has Bay wen just won Ready and Mrs. ■had charge of the refreshments.z G alpin-KoIsterg The marriage of Andrana Kols- -terg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. iM. Kolsterg of Ceylon and Edward Galpip, son of My, and Mrs. H. B. Galpin of Sarnia (nee Ida Tennant of Lucan), took place in Ceylon on ’Saturday, January 21, 195 6. Youth Participate In UC Graduation The 'Baby Band, Mission Band and Explorers held a joint graduation service at the Lucan United * Church last Thursday evening. Mrs. 'Stewart ;Par-k pro moted the following children from the Baby Band to the Mission Band, 'Sylvia Brown, Donald Kew,- Marilyn Hearn, Nancy Park,' Roberta Cochrane, Janyce Grose, Howard Brian Currie, William Sigsword and Davis James Stanley. Miss Reta OhoWn promoted to the Explorers, Barbara Ready, Barbara ‘Park, Margaret Cob'leigh and' Susan Bridger, * (Counsellor Iva Hodgins pro moted the following Explores -to C.G.I.T., Donna Blake., Mae’Cob- leigh, . Jean Cochrane," 'TDiane Hickson, Ilene Donaldson -and Marilyn Cul-bert. After the graduation exercises, two interesting films on India were shown - by Mr. Alex Young and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Sunday dinner guests with iMr. <and Mrs-, Henry Hodgins included Mrs. Ada , Walker of London, Waynfe Carroll of Saintsbury and Mr.- and Mrs.* Edgar McFalls, of Lu ban. 'Mrs. Will Dickins has return ed from a two-week visit in Springfield where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Harry .Noels, • Three' Explorers Initiated -At.- the regular Expedition of the Lucan-Claiidebo-ye Explorers, ■Counsellor’ Kae* Haskett conduct ed . the initiation ceremony) for Judy 'Scott, Nancy Kestle and Carole Davis. ■Counsellor Iva Hodgins took ■the worship, service, assisted by Ilene •' Donaldson , and Marilyn Culfoert. During the business it was de cided to. hold a mother and daughter banquet jointly with the reorganized C.G.I.T. group, asking the W.M.S. to cater, with the date to be • set by the C.G.I.T. As this was the final Expedi tion which -the graduating class •will attend, CqUnsellor Iva Hod gins made y a short farewell speech . Urging -them to be as faithful in C.G.I.T. as they have in Explorers. The graduates are Mae Cofoleigh, w'ho -has missed only two’ expeditions in three years, Marilyn’ ’ Culber/, Jean Cochrane, Donna Blake,, Diane Hickson and Ilene Donaldson, Ladies Guild The < (Ladles*^ Guild of Holy Trinity 'Church' held their April meeting -in the Barisli Hall last Monday overling with the presi dent, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins,v in the -dh-air. As the 'Guild sponsored -the decorating of the Barish Hall, it was suggested to ask"the Men’s (Clufo to- foe .responsible for re- •fi-nishinjg the floor. A committee ■was ’ named to look after new drapes for tile windows. Bridge and euchre will be held Thurs day evening, April 26, for ladies and geptlemeii. Bev. J. B, Brest was present at the meeting and -asked the ■Guild to help meet the expense of a vacation school. -Considerable time was spent in discussing the menu for Ladies Victoria Lodge 387 din ner to foe held In the church foasement on June 13.Mrs. T. A. Hodgins conducted the devotional and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins’ group were hostesses. Bcottt News The two outfits for the pat rols were used last week by the following scouts who -assisted in the ear checks; Barrie Black, Terry Culfoert, Frank and Pht Egan, Jack Armitage, David Whyte ahd John Conlifi. . ...................mi.............i...iiiiliiaiiabiaiiinaii'iM^iiliiii^iWiallBIS^^^y 'j Topics From small Mack Ceremony Features Shower A shower in honor of Mfes Jean Mousse-au, bx'fde-eledt, was i-held April 27 when neighbours and Jriends: gathered at her (home io present- her with a floor lamp and many Iwely gifts- in a deco- rated. basket. Entertainment for (the evening was a mock wedding staged by Mnp. J. Ingram as iminteter. Mrs. H. Horton as groom, Mrs. Fred Beer as bride. The bride’s hook, of memories, an autographed book with advice from sail ’to the bride,j filled the evening, The bride’s trousseau was shown by Mrs, Don Mou-sseau. Mrs, Lloyd Mousseau and Mrs, (Stewart Bell -conducted tihe •games. Guests were present from Clinton, iSeafonth, Exeter, Hensall London. By MISS JANE DYKEMAN •Shirley Jaques visited Friday and Saturday " with her grand mother, Mrs. P. March, Elimville. Mrs. Ross Jaques and Mrs. Herb Anderson, iScience Hill visit ed (Saturday with Miss 'Wilma Anderson, who is a patient iq Stratford Hospital. * Sunday visitors with ' Mr. and Mrs., Jud Dykeman and family were;-Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Cush man, and Michael, Misses Marilyn iBissett and Jane Dykeman, Exe ter, and Bob Woods, Elimville. Mrs. Philip Munch, Elimville, spent Sunday w-th Mr. and Mrs. •Norman Jaques and family. Helen Herdman, Marlene Towle and Ray Dykeman of Zion Y.P.U, attended ..the Y.P.U. (Spring rally and banquet at Ontario St, Uftited Church, Clinton, Tuesday evening. Missionary (Sunday was ob served at Zion West Sunday School. Doris and Doreen (Brock, •missionary convenors, conducted the services. Alma Hern gave .a reading, Margaret Brock an. 'in strumental and Ruth Ann and Lynda Dykeman gang a duet. •Mr. and Mrs. Rose Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson and Lloyd, Science Hill, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Daniel Hicks In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Melville Hern, 'Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and •Mrs. Gerald Hern and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parkinson and family and 'Mr. Harvey Par kinson of Woodham visited Fri day evening with Mr..and Mi’s, Gerald Hern. /T. EATON ACCEPTANCE C?«„„ 4J4% Sinking Fund Debenture* I mwmTEEO Wc^j»IITlKiY";>Y' ;W; Tr'MTWii' Fg. LWJTiffll ........... . ....... ..... |WW|S« Wo mature April 1,LU Timothy Eaton Founder of The T. Eaton Co. Limited * and Eaton’s Famous Merchandising Guarantee The T. Eaton Acceptance Co. Taunted wa» incorporated in January 1954 W purchase trine payment ccnikrotcte aria* ing out of store and mail order •*!«• by The T* Eaton Co. 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